using LibHac; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Font; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel; using Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.SystemState; using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Executables; using Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Npdm; using Ryujinx.HLE.Logging; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.IO; using System.Linq; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS { public class Horizon : IDisposable { internal const int HidSize = 0x40000; internal const int FontSize = 0x1100000; private Switch Device; private KProcessScheduler Scheduler; private ConcurrentDictionary<int, Process> Processes; public SystemStateMgr State { get; private set; } internal KSharedMemory HidSharedMem { get; private set; } internal KSharedMemory FontSharedMem { get; private set; } internal SharedFontManager Font { get; private set; } internal KEvent VsyncEvent { get; private set; } internal Keyset KeySet { get; private set; } public Horizon(Switch Device) { this.Device = Device; Scheduler = new KProcessScheduler(Device.Log); Processes = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, Process>(); State = new SystemStateMgr(); if (!Device.Memory.Allocator.TryAllocate(HidSize, out long HidPA) || !Device.Memory.Allocator.TryAllocate(FontSize, out long FontPA)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } HidSharedMem = new KSharedMemory(HidPA, HidSize); FontSharedMem = new KSharedMemory(FontPA, FontSize); Font = new SharedFontManager(Device, FontSharedMem.PA); VsyncEvent = new KEvent(); LoadKeySet(); } public void LoadCart(string ExeFsDir, string RomFsFile = null) { if (RomFsFile != null) { Device.FileSystem.LoadRomFs(RomFsFile); } string NpdmFileName = Path.Combine(ExeFsDir, "main.npdm"); Npdm MetaData = null; if (File.Exists(NpdmFileName)) { Device.Log.PrintInfo(LogClass.Loader, $"Loading main.npdm..."); using (FileStream Input = new FileStream(NpdmFileName, FileMode.Open)) { MetaData = new Npdm(Input); } } else { Device.Log.PrintWarning(LogClass.Loader, $"NPDM file not found, using default values!"); } Process MainProcess = MakeProcess(MetaData); void LoadNso(string FileName) { foreach (string File in Directory.GetFiles(ExeFsDir, FileName)) { if (Path.GetExtension(File) != string.Empty) { continue; } Device.Log.PrintInfo(LogClass.Loader, $"Loading {Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File)}..."); using (FileStream Input = new FileStream(File, FileMode.Open)) { string Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File); Nso Program = new Nso(Input, Name); MainProcess.LoadProgram(Program); } } } if (!(MainProcess.MetaData?.Is64Bits ?? true)) { throw new NotImplementedException("32-bit titles are unsupported!"); } LoadNso("rtld"); MainProcess.SetEmptyArgs(); LoadNso("main"); LoadNso("subsdk*"); LoadNso("sdk"); MainProcess.Run(); } public void LoadXci(string XciFile) { FileStream File = new FileStream(XciFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Xci Xci = new Xci(KeySet, File); Nca Nca = GetXciMainNca(Xci); if (Nca == null) { Device.Log.PrintError(LogClass.Loader, "Unable to load XCI"); return; } LoadNca(Nca); } private Nca GetXciMainNca(Xci Xci) { if (Xci.SecurePartition == null) { throw new InvalidDataException("Could not find XCI secure partition"); } Nca MainNca = null; Nca PatchNca = null; foreach (PfsFileEntry FileEntry in Xci.SecurePartition.Files.Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith(".nca"))) { Stream NcaStream = Xci.SecurePartition.OpenFile(FileEntry); Nca Nca = new Nca(KeySet, NcaStream, true); if (Nca.Header.ContentType == ContentType.Program) { if (Nca.Sections.Any(x => x?.Type == SectionType.Romfs)) { MainNca = Nca; } else if (Nca.Sections.Any(x => x?.Type == SectionType.Bktr)) { PatchNca = Nca; } } } if (MainNca == null) { Device.Log.PrintError(LogClass.Loader, "Could not find an Application NCA in the provided XCI file"); } MainNca.SetBaseNca(PatchNca); return MainNca; } public void LoadNca(string NcaFile) { FileStream File = new FileStream(NcaFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Nca Nca = new Nca(KeySet, File, true); LoadNca(Nca); } public void LoadNsp(string NspFile) { FileStream File = new FileStream(NspFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Pfs Nsp = new Pfs(File); PfsFileEntry TicketFile = Nsp.Files.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.EndsWith(".tik")); // Load title key from the NSP's ticket in case the user doesn't have a title key file if (TicketFile != null) { // todo Change when Ticket(Stream) overload is added Ticket Ticket = new Ticket(new BinaryReader(Nsp.OpenFile(TicketFile))); KeySet.TitleKeys[Ticket.RightsId] = Ticket.GetTitleKey(KeySet); } foreach (PfsFileEntry NcaFile in Nsp.Files.Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith(".nca"))) { Nca Nca = new Nca(KeySet, Nsp.OpenFile(NcaFile), true); if (Nca.Header.ContentType == ContentType.Program) { LoadNca(Nca); return; } } Device.Log.PrintError(LogClass.Loader, "Could not find an Application NCA in the provided NSP file"); } public void LoadNca(Nca Nca) { NcaSection RomfsSection = Nca.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x?.Type == SectionType.Romfs); NcaSection ExefsSection = Nca.Sections.FirstOrDefault(x => x?.IsExefs == true); if (ExefsSection == null) { Device.Log.PrintError(LogClass.Loader, "No ExeFS found in NCA"); return; } if (RomfsSection == null) { Device.Log.PrintError(LogClass.Loader, "No RomFS found in NCA"); return; } Stream RomfsStream = Nca.OpenSection(RomfsSection.SectionNum, false); Device.FileSystem.SetRomFs(RomfsStream); Stream ExefsStream = Nca.OpenSection(ExefsSection.SectionNum, false); Pfs Exefs = new Pfs(ExefsStream); Npdm MetaData = null; if (Exefs.FileExists("main.npdm")) { Device.Log.PrintInfo(LogClass.Loader, "Loading main.npdm..."); MetaData = new Npdm(Exefs.OpenFile("main.npdm")); } else { Device.Log.PrintWarning(LogClass.Loader, $"NPDM file not found, using default values!"); } Process MainProcess = MakeProcess(MetaData); void LoadNso(string Filename) { foreach (PfsFileEntry File in Exefs.Files.Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith(Filename))) { if (Path.GetExtension(File.Name) != string.Empty) { continue; } Device.Log.PrintInfo(LogClass.Loader, $"Loading {Filename}..."); string Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File.Name); Nso Program = new Nso(Exefs.OpenFile(File), Name); MainProcess.LoadProgram(Program); } } if (!MainProcess.MetaData.Is64Bits) { throw new NotImplementedException("32-bit titles are unsupported!"); } LoadNso("rtld"); MainProcess.SetEmptyArgs(); LoadNso("main"); LoadNso("subsdk"); LoadNso("sdk"); MainProcess.Run(); } public void LoadProgram(string FilePath) { bool IsNro = Path.GetExtension(FilePath).ToLower() == ".nro"; string Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FilePath); string SwitchFilePath = Device.FileSystem.SystemPathToSwitchPath(FilePath); if (IsNro && (SwitchFilePath == null || !SwitchFilePath.StartsWith("sdmc:/"))) { string SwitchPath = $"sdmc:/switch/{Name}{Homebrew.TemporaryNroSuffix}"; string TempPath = Device.FileSystem.SwitchPathToSystemPath(SwitchPath); string SwitchDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(TempPath); if (!Directory.Exists(SwitchDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(SwitchDir); } File.Copy(FilePath, TempPath, true); FilePath = TempPath; } Process MainProcess = MakeProcess(); using (FileStream Input = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Open)) { MainProcess.LoadProgram(IsNro ? (IExecutable)new Nro(Input, FilePath) : (IExecutable)new Nso(Input, FilePath)); } MainProcess.SetEmptyArgs(); MainProcess.Run(IsNro); } public void LoadKeySet() { string KeyFile = null; string TitleKeyFile = null; string ConsoleKeyFile = null; string Home = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile); LoadSetAtPath(Path.Combine(Home, ".switch")); LoadSetAtPath(Device.FileSystem.GetSystemPath()); KeySet = ExternalKeys.ReadKeyFile(KeyFile, TitleKeyFile, ConsoleKeyFile); void LoadSetAtPath(string BasePath) { string LocalKeyFile = Path.Combine(BasePath, "prod.keys"); string LocalTitleKeyFile = Path.Combine(BasePath, "title.keys"); string LocalConsoleKeyFile = Path.Combine(BasePath, "console.keys"); if (File.Exists(LocalKeyFile)) { KeyFile = LocalKeyFile; } if (File.Exists(LocalTitleKeyFile)) { TitleKeyFile = LocalTitleKeyFile; } if (File.Exists(LocalConsoleKeyFile)) { ConsoleKeyFile = LocalConsoleKeyFile; } } } public void SignalVsync() => VsyncEvent.WaitEvent.Set(); private Process MakeProcess(Npdm MetaData = null) { Process Process; lock (Processes) { int ProcessId = 0; while (Processes.ContainsKey(ProcessId)) { ProcessId++; } Process = new Process(Device, Scheduler, ProcessId, MetaData); Processes.TryAdd(ProcessId, Process); } InitializeProcess(Process); return Process; } private void InitializeProcess(Process Process) { Process.AppletState.SetFocus(true); } internal void ExitProcess(int ProcessId) { if (Processes.TryRemove(ProcessId, out Process Process)) { Process.Dispose(); if (Processes.Count == 0) { Unload(); Device.Unload(); } } } private void Unload() { VsyncEvent.Dispose(); Scheduler.Dispose(); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing) { if (Disposing) { foreach (Process Process in Processes.Values) { Process.Dispose(); } } } } }