using ARMeilleure.CodeGen.RegisterAllocators; using ARMeilleure.Common; using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation; using ARMeilleure.Translation.PTC; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; namespace ARMeilleure.CodeGen.X86 { class CodeGenContext { private const int ReservedBytesForJump = 1; private Stream _stream; private PtcInfo _ptcInfo; private bool _ptcDisabled; public int StreamOffset => (int)_stream.Length; public AllocationResult AllocResult { get; } public Assembler Assembler { get; } public BasicBlock CurrBlock { get; private set; } public int CallArgsRegionSize { get; } public int XmmSaveRegionSize { get; } private long[] _blockOffsets; private struct Jump { public bool IsConditional { get; } public X86Condition Condition { get; } public BasicBlock Target { get; } public long JumpPosition { get; } public long RelativeOffset { get; set; } public int InstSize { get; set; } public Jump(BasicBlock target, long jumpPosition, int instSize = 0) { IsConditional = false; Condition = 0; Target = target; JumpPosition = jumpPosition; RelativeOffset = 0; InstSize = instSize; } public Jump(X86Condition condition, BasicBlock target, long jumpPosition, int instSize = 0) { IsConditional = true; Condition = condition; Target = target; JumpPosition = jumpPosition; RelativeOffset = 0; InstSize = instSize; } } private List<Jump> _jumps; private X86Condition _jNearCondition; private long _jNearPosition; private int _jNearLength; public CodeGenContext(Stream stream, AllocationResult allocResult, int maxCallArgs, int blocksCount, PtcInfo ptcInfo = null) { _stream = stream; AllocResult = allocResult; Assembler = new Assembler(stream, ptcInfo); CallArgsRegionSize = GetCallArgsRegionSize(allocResult, maxCallArgs, out int xmmSaveRegionSize); XmmSaveRegionSize = xmmSaveRegionSize; _blockOffsets = new long[blocksCount]; _jumps = new List<Jump>(); _ptcInfo = ptcInfo; _ptcDisabled = ptcInfo == null; } private int GetCallArgsRegionSize(AllocationResult allocResult, int maxCallArgs, out int xmmSaveRegionSize) { // We need to add 8 bytes to the total size, as the call to this // function already pushed 8 bytes (the return address). int intMask = CallingConvention.GetIntCalleeSavedRegisters() & allocResult.IntUsedRegisters; int vecMask = CallingConvention.GetVecCalleeSavedRegisters() & allocResult.VecUsedRegisters; xmmSaveRegionSize = BitUtils.CountBits(vecMask) * 16; int calleeSaveRegionSize = BitUtils.CountBits(intMask) * 8 + xmmSaveRegionSize + 8; int argsCount = maxCallArgs; if (argsCount < 0) { // When the function has no calls, argsCount is -1. // In this case, we don't need to allocate the shadow space. argsCount = 0; } else if (argsCount < 4) { // The ABI mandates that the space for at least 4 arguments // is reserved on the stack (this is called shadow space). argsCount = 4; } int frameSize = calleeSaveRegionSize + allocResult.SpillRegionSize; // TODO: Instead of always multiplying by 16 (the largest possible size of a variable, // since a V128 has 16 bytes), we should calculate the exact size consumed by the // arguments passed to the called functions on the stack. int callArgsAndFrameSize = frameSize + argsCount * 16; // Ensure that the Stack Pointer will be aligned to 16 bytes. callArgsAndFrameSize = (callArgsAndFrameSize + 0xf) & ~0xf; return callArgsAndFrameSize - frameSize; } public void EnterBlock(BasicBlock block) { _blockOffsets[block.Index] = _stream.Position; CurrBlock = block; } public void JumpTo(BasicBlock target) { if (_ptcDisabled) { _jumps.Add(new Jump(target, _stream.Position)); WritePadding(ReservedBytesForJump); } else { _jumps.Add(new Jump(target, _stream.Position, 5)); WritePadding(5); } } public void JumpTo(X86Condition condition, BasicBlock target) { if (_ptcDisabled) { _jumps.Add(new Jump(condition, target, _stream.Position)); WritePadding(ReservedBytesForJump); } else { _jumps.Add(new Jump(condition, target, _stream.Position, 6)); WritePadding(6); } } public void JumpToNear(X86Condition condition) { _jNearCondition = condition; _jNearPosition = _stream.Position; _jNearLength = Assembler.GetJccLength(0, _ptcDisabled); _stream.Seek(_jNearLength, SeekOrigin.Current); } public void JumpHere() { long currentPosition = _stream.Position; _stream.Seek(_jNearPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); long offset = currentPosition - (_jNearPosition + _jNearLength); Debug.Assert(_jNearLength == Assembler.GetJccLength(offset, _ptcDisabled), "Relative offset doesn't fit on near jump."); Assembler.Jcc(_jNearCondition, offset); _stream.Seek(currentPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin); } private void WritePadding(int size) { while (size-- > 0) { _stream.WriteByte(0); } } public byte[] GetCode() { // Write jump relative offsets. bool modified; do { modified = false; for (int index = 0; index < _jumps.Count; index++) { Jump jump = _jumps[index]; long jumpTarget = _blockOffsets[jump.Target.Index]; long offset = jumpTarget - jump.JumpPosition; if (_ptcDisabled) { if (offset < 0) { for (int index2 = index - 1; index2 >= 0; index2--) { Jump jump2 = _jumps[index2]; if (jump2.JumpPosition < jumpTarget) { break; } offset -= jump2.InstSize - ReservedBytesForJump; } } else { for (int index2 = index + 1; index2 < _jumps.Count; index2++) { Jump jump2 = _jumps[index2]; if (jump2.JumpPosition >= jumpTarget) { break; } offset += jump2.InstSize - ReservedBytesForJump; } offset -= ReservedBytesForJump; } if (jump.IsConditional) { jump.InstSize = Assembler.GetJccLength(offset); } else { jump.InstSize = Assembler.GetJmpLength(offset); } // The jump is relative to the next instruction, not the current one. // Since we didn't know the next instruction address when calculating // the offset (as the size of the current jump instruction was not known), // we now need to compensate the offset with the jump instruction size. // It's also worth noting that: // - This is only needed for backward jumps. // - The GetJmpLength and GetJccLength also compensates the offset // internally when computing the jump instruction size. if (offset < 0) { offset -= jump.InstSize; } } else { offset -= jump.InstSize; } if (jump.RelativeOffset != offset) { modified = true; } jump.RelativeOffset = offset; _jumps[index] = jump; } } while (modified); // Write the code, ignoring the dummy bytes after jumps, into a new stream. _stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); using (MemoryStream codeStream = new MemoryStream()) { Assembler assembler = new Assembler(codeStream, _ptcInfo); byte[] buffer; for (int index = 0; index < _jumps.Count; index++) { Jump jump = _jumps[index]; buffer = new byte[jump.JumpPosition - _stream.Position]; _stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); _stream.Seek(_ptcDisabled ? ReservedBytesForJump : jump.InstSize, SeekOrigin.Current); codeStream.Write(buffer); if (jump.IsConditional) { assembler.Jcc(jump.Condition, jump.RelativeOffset); } else { assembler.Jmp(jump.RelativeOffset); } } buffer = new byte[_stream.Length - _stream.Position]; _stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); codeStream.Write(buffer); _ptcInfo?.WriteCode(codeStream); return codeStream.ToArray(); } } } }