using ChocolArm64.Decoders; using ChocolArm64.Instructions; using ChocolArm64.Memory; using ChocolArm64.State; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace ChocolArm64.Translation { class ILEmitterCtx { public MemoryManager Memory { get; } private TranslatorCache _cache; private TranslatorQueue _queue; private Dictionary _labels; private long _subPosition; private int _opcIndex; private Block _currBlock; public Block CurrBlock => _currBlock; public OpCode64 CurrOp => _currBlock?.OpCodes[_opcIndex]; public TranslationTier Tier { get; } public Aarch32Mode Mode { get; } = Aarch32Mode.User; //TODO public bool HasIndirectJump { get; set; } public bool HasSlowCall { get; set; } private Dictionary _visitedBlocks; private Queue _branchTargets; private List _ilBlocks; private ILBlock _ilBlock; private OpCode64 _optOpLastCompare; private OpCode64 _optOpLastFlagSet; //This is the index of the temporary register, used to store temporary //values needed by some functions, since IL doesn't have a swap instruction. //You can use any value here as long it doesn't conflict with the indices //for the other registers. Any value >= 64 or < 0 will do. private const int ReservedLocalsCount = 64; private const int RorTmpIndex = ReservedLocalsCount + 0; private const int CmpOptTmp1Index = ReservedLocalsCount + 1; private const int CmpOptTmp2Index = ReservedLocalsCount + 2; private const int IntGpTmp1Index = ReservedLocalsCount + 3; private const int IntGpTmp2Index = ReservedLocalsCount + 4; private const int UserIntTempStart = ReservedLocalsCount + 5; //Vectors are part of another "set" of locals. private const int VecGpTmp1Index = ReservedLocalsCount + 0; private const int UserVecTempStart = ReservedLocalsCount + 1; private static int _userIntTempCount; private static int _userVecTempCount; public ILEmitterCtx( MemoryManager memory, TranslatorCache cache, TranslatorQueue queue, TranslationTier tier, Block graph) { Memory = memory ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memory)); _cache = cache ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(cache)); _queue = queue ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(queue)); _currBlock = graph ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(graph)); Tier = tier; _labels = new Dictionary(); _visitedBlocks = new Dictionary(); _visitedBlocks.Add(graph, new ILBlock()); _branchTargets = new Queue(); _ilBlocks = new List(); _subPosition = graph.Position; ResetBlockState(); if (AdvanceOpCode()) { EmitSynchronization(); _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeLoadState(_ilBlock, isSubEntry: true)); } } public static int GetIntTempIndex() { return UserIntTempStart + _userIntTempCount++; } public static int GetVecTempIndex() { return UserVecTempStart + _userVecTempCount++; } public ILBlock[] GetILBlocks() { EmitAllOpCodes(); return _ilBlocks.ToArray(); } private void EmitAllOpCodes() { do { EmitOpCode(); } while (AdvanceOpCode()); } private void EmitOpCode() { if (_currBlock == null) { return; } int opcIndex = _opcIndex; if (opcIndex == 0) { MarkLabel(GetLabel(_currBlock.Position)); } bool isLastOp = opcIndex == CurrBlock.OpCodes.Count - 1; if (isLastOp && CurrBlock.Branch != null && (ulong)CurrBlock.Branch.Position <= (ulong)CurrBlock.Position) { EmitSynchronization(); } //On AARCH32 mode, (almost) all instruction can be conditionally //executed, and the required condition is encoded on the opcode. //We handle that here, skipping the instruction if the condition //is not met. We can just ignore it when the condition is "Always", //because in this case the instruction is always going to be executed. //Condition "Never" is also ignored because this is a special encoding //used by some unconditional instructions. ILLabel lblSkip = null; if (CurrOp is OpCode32 op && op.Cond < Condition.Al) { lblSkip = new ILLabel(); EmitCondBranch(lblSkip, GetInverseCond(op.Cond)); } CurrOp.Emitter(this); if (lblSkip != null) { MarkLabel(lblSkip); //If this is the last op on the block, and there's no "next" block //after this one, then we have to return right now, with the address //of the next instruction to be executed (in the case that the condition //is false, and the branch was not taken, as all basic blocks should end with //some kind of branch). if (isLastOp && CurrBlock.Next == null) { EmitStoreState(); EmitLdc_I8(CurrOp.Position + CurrOp.OpCodeSizeInBytes); Emit(OpCodes.Ret); } } _ilBlock.Add(new ILBarrier()); } private static Condition GetInverseCond(Condition cond) { //Bit 0 of all conditions is basically a negation bit, so //inverting this bit has the effect of inverting the condition. return (Condition)((int)cond ^ 1); } private void EmitSynchronization() { EmitLdarg(TranslatedSub.StateArgIdx); EmitLdc_I4(_currBlock.OpCodes.Count); EmitPrivateCall(typeof(CpuThreadState), nameof(CpuThreadState.Synchronize)); EmitLdc_I4(0); ILLabel lblContinue = new ILLabel(); Emit(OpCodes.Bne_Un_S, lblContinue); EmitLdc_I8(0); Emit(OpCodes.Ret); MarkLabel(lblContinue); } private bool AdvanceOpCode() { if (_currBlock == null) { return false; } while (++_opcIndex >= _currBlock.OpCodes.Count) { if (!AdvanceBlock()) { return false; } ResetBlockState(); } return true; } private bool AdvanceBlock() { if (_currBlock.Branch != null) { if (_visitedBlocks.TryAdd(_currBlock.Branch, _ilBlock.Branch)) { _branchTargets.Enqueue(_currBlock.Branch); } } if (_currBlock.Next != null) { if (_visitedBlocks.TryAdd(_currBlock.Next, _ilBlock.Next)) { _currBlock = _currBlock.Next; return true; } else { Emit(OpCodes.Br, GetLabel(_currBlock.Next.Position)); } } return _branchTargets.TryDequeue(out _currBlock); } private void ResetBlockState() { _ilBlock = _visitedBlocks[_currBlock]; _ilBlocks.Add(_ilBlock); _ilBlock.Next = GetOrCreateILBlock(_currBlock.Next); _ilBlock.Branch = GetOrCreateILBlock(_currBlock.Branch); _opcIndex = -1; _optOpLastFlagSet = null; _optOpLastCompare = null; } private ILBlock GetOrCreateILBlock(Block block) { if (block == null) { return null; } if (_visitedBlocks.TryGetValue(block, out ILBlock ilBlock)) { return ilBlock; } return new ILBlock(); } public void TranslateAhead(long position, ExecutionMode mode = ExecutionMode.Aarch64) { if (_cache.TryGetSubroutine(position, out TranslatedSub sub) && sub.Tier != TranslationTier.Tier0) { return; } _queue.Enqueue(position, mode, TranslationTier.Tier1, isComplete: true); } public bool TryOptEmitSubroutineCall() { //Calls should always have a next block, unless //we're translating a single basic block. if (_currBlock.Next == null) { return false; } if (!(CurrOp is IOpCodeBImm op)) { return false; } if (!_cache.TryGetSubroutine(op.Imm, out TranslatedSub sub)) { return false; } //It's not worth to call a Tier0 method, because //it contains slow code, rather than the entire function. if (sub.Tier == TranslationTier.Tier0) { return false; } EmitStoreState(sub); for (int index = 0; index < TranslatedSub.FixedArgTypes.Length; index++) { EmitLdarg(index); } EmitCall(sub.Method); return true; } public void TryOptMarkCondWithoutCmp() { _optOpLastCompare = CurrOp; InstEmitAluHelper.EmitAluLoadOpers(this); Stloc(CmpOptTmp2Index, VarType.Int); Stloc(CmpOptTmp1Index, VarType.Int); } private Dictionary _branchOps = new Dictionary() { { Condition.Eq, OpCodes.Beq }, { Condition.Ne, OpCodes.Bne_Un }, { Condition.GeUn, OpCodes.Bge_Un }, { Condition.LtUn, OpCodes.Blt_Un }, { Condition.GtUn, OpCodes.Bgt_Un }, { Condition.LeUn, OpCodes.Ble_Un }, { Condition.Ge, OpCodes.Bge }, { Condition.Lt, OpCodes.Blt }, { Condition.Gt, OpCodes.Bgt }, { Condition.Le, OpCodes.Ble } }; public void EmitCondBranch(ILLabel target, Condition cond) { if (_optOpLastCompare != null && _optOpLastCompare == _optOpLastFlagSet && _branchOps.ContainsKey(cond)) { if (_optOpLastCompare.Emitter == InstEmit.Subs) { Ldloc(CmpOptTmp1Index, VarType.Int, _optOpLastCompare.RegisterSize); Ldloc(CmpOptTmp2Index, VarType.Int, _optOpLastCompare.RegisterSize); Emit(_branchOps[cond], target); return; } else if (_optOpLastCompare.Emitter == InstEmit.Adds && cond != Condition.GeUn && cond != Condition.LtUn && cond != Condition.GtUn && cond != Condition.LeUn) { //There are several limitations that needs to be taken into account for CMN comparisons: //* The unsigned comparisons are not valid, as they depend on the //carry flag value, and they will have different values for addition and //subtraction. For addition, it's carry, and for subtraction, it's borrow. //So, we need to make sure we're not doing a unsigned compare for the CMN case. //* We can only do the optimization for the immediate variants, //because when the second operand value is exactly INT_MIN, we can't //negate the value as theres no positive counterpart. //Such invalid values can't be encoded on the immediate encodings. if (_optOpLastCompare is IOpCodeAluImm64 op) { Ldloc(CmpOptTmp1Index, VarType.Int, _optOpLastCompare.RegisterSize); if (_optOpLastCompare.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Int32) { EmitLdc_I4((int)-op.Imm); } else { EmitLdc_I8(-op.Imm); } Emit(_branchOps[cond], target); return; } } } OpCode ilOp; int intCond = (int)cond; if (intCond < 14) { int condTrue = intCond >> 1; switch (condTrue) { case 0: EmitLdflg((int)PState.ZBit); break; case 1: EmitLdflg((int)PState.CBit); break; case 2: EmitLdflg((int)PState.NBit); break; case 3: EmitLdflg((int)PState.VBit); break; case 4: EmitLdflg((int)PState.CBit); EmitLdflg((int)PState.ZBit); Emit(OpCodes.Not); Emit(OpCodes.And); break; case 5: case 6: EmitLdflg((int)PState.NBit); EmitLdflg((int)PState.VBit); Emit(OpCodes.Ceq); if (condTrue == 6) { EmitLdflg((int)PState.ZBit); Emit(OpCodes.Not); Emit(OpCodes.And); } break; } ilOp = (intCond & 1) != 0 ? OpCodes.Brfalse : OpCodes.Brtrue; } else { ilOp = OpCodes.Br; } Emit(ilOp, target); } public void EmitCast(IntType intType) { switch (intType) { case IntType.UInt8: Emit(OpCodes.Conv_U1); break; case IntType.UInt16: Emit(OpCodes.Conv_U2); break; case IntType.UInt32: Emit(OpCodes.Conv_U4); break; case IntType.UInt64: Emit(OpCodes.Conv_U8); break; case IntType.Int8: Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I1); break; case IntType.Int16: Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I2); break; case IntType.Int32: Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I4); break; case IntType.Int64: Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I8); break; } bool sz64 = CurrOp.RegisterSize != RegisterSize.Int32; if (sz64 == (intType == IntType.UInt64 || intType == IntType.Int64)) { return; } if (sz64) { Emit(intType >= IntType.Int8 ? OpCodes.Conv_I8 : OpCodes.Conv_U8); } else { Emit(OpCodes.Conv_U4); } } public void EmitLsl(int amount) => EmitILShift(amount, OpCodes.Shl); public void EmitLsr(int amount) => EmitILShift(amount, OpCodes.Shr_Un); public void EmitAsr(int amount) => EmitILShift(amount, OpCodes.Shr); private void EmitILShift(int amount, OpCode ilOp) { if (amount > 0) { EmitLdc_I4(amount); Emit(ilOp); } } public void EmitRor(int amount) { if (amount > 0) { Stloc(RorTmpIndex, VarType.Int); Ldloc(RorTmpIndex, VarType.Int); EmitLdc_I4(amount); Emit(OpCodes.Shr_Un); Ldloc(RorTmpIndex, VarType.Int); EmitLdc_I4(CurrOp.GetBitsCount() - amount); Emit(OpCodes.Shl); Emit(OpCodes.Or); } } public ILLabel GetLabel(long position) { if (!_labels.TryGetValue(position, out ILLabel output)) { output = new ILLabel(); _labels.Add(position, output); } return output; } public void MarkLabel(ILLabel label) { _ilBlock.Add(label); } public void Emit(OpCode ilOp) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCode(ilOp)); } public void Emit(OpCode ilOp, ILLabel label) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeBranch(ilOp, label)); } public void EmitFieldLoad(FieldInfo info) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeLoadField(info)); } public void EmitPrint(string text) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeLog(text)); } public void EmitLdarg(int index) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeLoad(index, VarType.Arg)); } public void EmitLdintzr(int index) { if (index != RegisterAlias.Zr) { EmitLdint(index); } else { EmitLdc_I(0); } } public void EmitStintzr(int index) { if (index != RegisterAlias.Zr) { EmitStint(index); } else { Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } } public void EmitLoadState() { if (_ilBlock.Next == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't load state for next block, because there's no next block."); } _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeLoadState(_ilBlock.Next)); } public void EmitStoreState() { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeStoreState(_ilBlock)); } private void EmitStoreState(TranslatedSub callSub) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeStoreState(_ilBlock, callSub)); } public void EmitLdtmp() => EmitLdint(IntGpTmp1Index); public void EmitSttmp() => EmitStint(IntGpTmp1Index); public void EmitLdtmp2() => EmitLdint(IntGpTmp2Index); public void EmitSttmp2() => EmitStint(IntGpTmp2Index); public void EmitLdvectmp() => EmitLdvec(VecGpTmp1Index); public void EmitStvectmp() => EmitStvec(VecGpTmp1Index); public void EmitLdint(int index) => Ldloc(index, VarType.Int); public void EmitStint(int index) => Stloc(index, VarType.Int); public void EmitLdvec(int index) => Ldloc(index, VarType.Vector); public void EmitStvec(int index) => Stloc(index, VarType.Vector); public void EmitLdflg(int index) => Ldloc(index, VarType.Flag); public void EmitStflg(int index) { //Set this only if any of the NZCV flag bits were modified. //This is used to ensure that, when emiting a direct IL branch //instruction for compare + branch sequences, we're not expecting //to use comparison values from an old instruction, when in fact //the flags were already overwritten by another instruction further along. if (index >= (int)PState.VBit) { _optOpLastFlagSet = CurrOp; } Stloc(index, VarType.Flag); } private void Ldloc(int index, VarType varType) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeLoad(index, varType, CurrOp.RegisterSize)); } private void Ldloc(int index, VarType varType, RegisterSize registerSize) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeLoad(index, varType, registerSize)); } private void Stloc(int index, VarType varType) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeStore(index, varType, CurrOp.RegisterSize)); } public void EmitCallPropGet(Type objType, string propName) { EmitCall(objType, $"get_{propName}"); } public void EmitCallPropSet(Type objType, string propName) { EmitCall(objType, $"set_{propName}"); } public void EmitCall(Type objType, string mthdName) { if (objType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objType)); } if (mthdName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mthdName)); } EmitCall(objType.GetMethod(mthdName)); } public void EmitCallPrivatePropGet(Type objType, string propName) { EmitPrivateCall(objType, $"get_{propName}"); } public void EmitCallPrivatePropSet(Type objType, string propName) { EmitPrivateCall(objType, $"set_{propName}"); } public void EmitPrivateCall(Type objType, string mthdName) { if (objType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objType)); } if (mthdName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mthdName)); } EmitCall(objType.GetMethod(mthdName, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)); } public void EmitCall(MethodInfo mthdInfo, bool isVirtual = false) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeCall(mthdInfo ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mthdInfo)), isVirtual)); } public void EmitLdc_I(long value) { if (CurrOp.RegisterSize == RegisterSize.Int32) { EmitLdc_I4((int)value); } else { EmitLdc_I8(value); } } public void EmitLdc_I4(int value) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeConst(value)); } public void EmitLdc_I8(long value) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeConst(value)); } public void EmitLdc_R4(float value) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeConst(value)); } public void EmitLdc_R8(double value) { _ilBlock.Add(new ILOpCodeConst(value)); } public void EmitZnFlagCheck() { EmitZnCheck(OpCodes.Ceq, (int)PState.ZBit); EmitZnCheck(OpCodes.Clt, (int)PState.NBit); } private void EmitZnCheck(OpCode ilCmpOp, int flag) { Emit(OpCodes.Dup); Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0); if (CurrOp.RegisterSize != RegisterSize.Int32) { Emit(OpCodes.Conv_I8); } Emit(ilCmpOp); EmitStflg(flag); } } }