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Alex Barney b2b736abc2 Misc cleanup (#708)
* Fix typos

* Remove unneeded using statements

* Enforce var style more

* Remove redundant qualifiers

* Fix some indentation

* Disable naming warnings on files with external enum names

* Fix build

* Mass find & replace for comments with no spacing

* Standardize todo capitalization and for/if spacing
2019-07-02 04:39:22 +02:00

773 lines
27 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Graphics;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using OpenTK.Input;
using Ryujinx.Common;
using Ryujinx.Profiler.UI.SharpFontHelpers;
namespace Ryujinx.Profiler.UI
public partial class ProfileWindow : GameWindow
// List all buttons for index in button array
private enum ButtonIndex
TagTitle = 0,
InstantTitle = 1,
AverageTitle = 2,
TotalTitle = 3,
FilterBar = 4,
ShowHideInactive = 5,
Pause = 6,
ChangeDisplay = 7,
// Don't automatically draw after here
ToggleFlags = 8,
Step = 9,
// Update this when new buttons are added.
// These are indexes to the enum list
Autodraw = 8,
Count = 10,
// Font service
private FontService _fontService;
// UI variables
private ProfileButton[] _buttons;
private bool _initComplete = false;
private bool _visible = true;
private bool _visibleChanged = true;
private bool _viewportUpdated = true;
private bool _redrawPending = true;
private bool _displayGraph = true;
private bool _displayFlags = true;
private bool _showInactive = true;
private bool _paused = false;
private bool _doStep = false;
// Layout
private const int LineHeight = 16;
private const int TitleHeight = 24;
private const int TitleFontHeight = 16;
private const int LinePadding = 2;
private const int ColumnSpacing = 15;
private const int FilterHeight = 24;
private const int BottomBarHeight = FilterHeight + LineHeight;
// Sorting
private List<KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo>> _unsortedProfileData;
private IComparer<KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo>> _sortAction = new ProfileSorters.TagAscending();
// Flag data
private long[] _timingFlagsAverages;
private long[] _timingFlagsLast;
// Filtering
private string _filterText = "";
private bool _regexEnabled = false;
// Scrolling
private float _scrollPos = 0;
private float _minScroll = 0;
private float _maxScroll = 0;
// Profile data storage
private List<KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo>> _sortedProfileData;
private long _captureTime;
// Input
private bool _backspaceDown = false;
private bool _prevBackspaceDown = false;
private double _backspaceDownTime = 0;
// F35 used as no key
private Key _graphControlKey = Key.F35;
// Event management
private double _updateTimer;
private double _processEventTimer;
private bool _profileUpdated = false;
private readonly object _profileDataLock = new object();
public ProfileWindow()
// Graphics mode enables 2xAA
: base(1280, 720, new GraphicsMode(new ColorFormat(8, 8, 8, 8), 1, 1, 2))
Title = "Profiler";
Location = new Point(DisplayDevice.Default.Width - 1280,
(DisplayDevice.Default.Height - 720) - 50);
if (Profile.UpdateRate <= 0)
// Perform step regardless of flag type
Profile.RegisterFlagReceiver((t) =>
if (!_paused)
_doStep = true;
// Large number to force an update on first update
_updateTimer = 0xFFFF;
// Release context for render thread
public void ToggleVisible()
_visible = !_visible;
_visibleChanged = true;
private void SetSort(IComparer<KeyValuePair<ProfileConfig, TimingInfo>> filter)
_sortAction = filter;
_profileUpdated = true;
#region OnLoad
/// <summary>
/// Setup OpenGL and load resources
/// </summary>
public void Init()
_fontService = new FontService();
_buttons = new ProfileButton[(int)ButtonIndex.Count];
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.TagTitle] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () => SetSort(new ProfileSorters.TagAscending()));
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.InstantTitle] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () => SetSort(new ProfileSorters.InstantAscending()));
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.AverageTitle] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () => SetSort(new ProfileSorters.AverageAscending()));
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.TotalTitle] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () => SetSort(new ProfileSorters.TotalAscending()));
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.Step] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () => _doStep = true);
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.FilterBar] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () =>
_profileUpdated = true;
_regexEnabled = !_regexEnabled;
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.ShowHideInactive] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () =>
_profileUpdated = true;
_showInactive = !_showInactive;
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.Pause] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () =>
_profileUpdated = true;
_paused = !_paused;
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.ToggleFlags] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () =>
_displayFlags = !_displayFlags;
_redrawPending = true;
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.ChangeDisplay] = new ProfileButton(_fontService, () =>
_displayGraph = !_displayGraph;
_redrawPending = true;
Visible = _visible;
#region OnResize
/// <summary>
/// Respond to resize events
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">Contains information on the new GameWindow size.</param>
/// <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e)
_viewportUpdated = true;
#region OnClose
/// <summary>
/// Intercept close event and hide instead
/// </summary>
protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
// Hide window
_visible = false;
_visibleChanged = true;
// Cancel close
e.Cancel = true;
#region OnUpdateFrame
/// <summary>
/// Profile Update Loop
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">Contains timing information.</param>
/// <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
public void Update(FrameEventArgs e)
if (_visibleChanged)
Visible = _visible;
_visibleChanged = false;
// Backspace handling
if (_backspaceDown)
if (!_prevBackspaceDown)
_backspaceDownTime = 0;
_backspaceDownTime += e.Time;
if (_backspaceDownTime > 0.3)
_backspaceDownTime -= 0.05;
_prevBackspaceDown = _backspaceDown;
// Get timing data if enough time has passed
_updateTimer += e.Time;
if (_doStep || ((Profile.UpdateRate > 0) && (!_paused && (_updateTimer > Profile.UpdateRate))))
_updateTimer = 0;
_captureTime = PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks;
_timingFlags = Profile.GetTimingFlags();
_doStep = false;
_profileUpdated = true;
_unsortedProfileData = Profile.GetProfilingData();
(_timingFlagsAverages, _timingFlagsLast) = Profile.GetTimingAveragesAndLast();
// Filtering
if (_profileUpdated)
lock (_profileDataLock)
_sortedProfileData = _showInactive ? _unsortedProfileData : _unsortedProfileData.FindAll(kvp => kvp.Value.IsActive);
if (_sortAction != null)
if (_regexEnabled)
Regex filterRegex = new Regex(_filterText, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if (_filterText != "")
_sortedProfileData = _sortedProfileData.Where((pair => filterRegex.IsMatch(pair.Key.Search))).ToList();
catch (ArgumentException argException)
// Skip filtering for invalid regex
// Regular filtering
_sortedProfileData = _sortedProfileData.Where((pair => pair.Key.Search.ToLower().Contains(_filterText.ToLower()))).ToList();
_profileUpdated = false;
_redrawPending = true;
_initComplete = true;
// Check for events 20 times a second
_processEventTimer += e.Time;
if (_processEventTimer > 0.05)
if (_graphControlKey != Key.F35)
switch (_graphControlKey)
case Key.Left:
_graphPosition += (long) (GraphMoveSpeed * e.Time);
case Key.Right:
_graphPosition = Math.Max(_graphPosition - (long) (GraphMoveSpeed * e.Time), 0);
case Key.Up:
_graphZoom = MathF.Min(_graphZoom + (float) (GraphZoomSpeed * e.Time), 100.0f);
case Key.Down:
_graphZoom = MathF.Max(_graphZoom - (float) (GraphZoomSpeed * e.Time), 1f);
_redrawPending = true;
_processEventTimer = 0;
#region OnRenderFrame
/// <summary>
/// Profile Render Loop
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
public void Draw()
if (!_visible || !_initComplete)
// Update viewport
if (_viewportUpdated)
GL.Viewport(0, 0, Width, Height);
GL.Ortho(0, Width, 0, Height, 0.0, 4.0);
_viewportUpdated = false;
_redrawPending = true;
if (!_redrawPending)
// Frame setup
GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit | ClearBufferMask.DepthBufferBit);
_fontService.fontColor = Color.White;
int verticalIndex = 0;
float width;
float maxWidth = 0;
float yOffset = _scrollPos - TitleHeight;
float xOffset = 10;
float timingDataLeft;
float timingWidth;
// Background lines to make reading easier
#region Background Lines
GL.Scissor(0, BottomBarHeight, Width, Height - TitleHeight - BottomBarHeight);
GL.Color3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f);
for (int i = 0; i < _sortedProfileData.Count; i += 2)
float top = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, false, i - 1);
float bottom = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, false, i);
// Skip rendering out of bounds bars
if (top < 0 || bottom > Height)
GL.Vertex2(0, bottom);
GL.Vertex2(0, top);
GL.Vertex2(Width, top);
GL.Vertex2(Width, top);
GL.Vertex2(Width, bottom);
GL.Vertex2(0, bottom);
_maxScroll = (LineHeight + LinePadding) * (_sortedProfileData.Count - 1);
lock (_profileDataLock)
// Display category
#region Category
verticalIndex = 0;
foreach (var entry in _sortedProfileData)
if (entry.Key.Category == null)
float y = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex++);
width = _fontService.DrawText(entry.Key.Category, xOffset, y, LineHeight);
if (width > maxWidth)
maxWidth = width;
width = _fontService.DrawText("Category", xOffset, Height - TitleFontHeight, TitleFontHeight);
if (width > maxWidth)
maxWidth = width;
xOffset += maxWidth + ColumnSpacing;
// Display session group
#region Session Group
maxWidth = 0;
verticalIndex = 0;
foreach (var entry in _sortedProfileData)
if (entry.Key.SessionGroup == null)
float y = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex++);
width = _fontService.DrawText(entry.Key.SessionGroup, xOffset, y, LineHeight);
if (width > maxWidth)
maxWidth = width;
width = _fontService.DrawText("Group", xOffset, Height - TitleFontHeight, TitleFontHeight);
if (width > maxWidth)
maxWidth = width;
xOffset += maxWidth + ColumnSpacing;
// Display session item
#region Session Item
maxWidth = 0;
verticalIndex = 0;
foreach (var entry in _sortedProfileData)
if (entry.Key.SessionItem == null)
float y = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex++);
width = _fontService.DrawText(entry.Key.SessionItem, xOffset, y, LineHeight);
if (width > maxWidth)
maxWidth = width;
width = _fontService.DrawText("Item", xOffset, Height - TitleFontHeight, TitleFontHeight);
if (width > maxWidth)
maxWidth = width;
xOffset += maxWidth + ColumnSpacing;
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.TagTitle].UpdateSize(0, Height - TitleFontHeight, 0, (int)xOffset, TitleFontHeight);
// Timing data
timingWidth = Width - xOffset - 370;
timingDataLeft = xOffset;
GL.Scissor((int)xOffset, BottomBarHeight, (int)timingWidth, Height - TitleHeight - BottomBarHeight);
if (_displayGraph)
DrawGraph(xOffset, yOffset, timingWidth);
DrawBars(xOffset, yOffset, timingWidth);
GL.Scissor(0, BottomBarHeight, Width, Height - TitleHeight - BottomBarHeight);
if (!_displayGraph)
_fontService.DrawText("Blue: Instant, Green: Avg, Red: Total", xOffset, Height - TitleFontHeight, TitleFontHeight);
xOffset = Width - 360;
// Display timestamps
#region Timestamps
verticalIndex = 0;
long totalInstant = 0;
long totalAverage = 0;
long totalTime = 0;
long totalCount = 0;
foreach (var entry in _sortedProfileData)
float y = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex++);
_fontService.DrawText($"{GetTimeString(entry.Value.Instant)} ({entry.Value.InstantCount})", xOffset, y, LineHeight);
_fontService.DrawText(GetTimeString(entry.Value.AverageTime), 150 + xOffset, y, LineHeight);
_fontService.DrawText(GetTimeString(entry.Value.TotalTime), 260 + xOffset, y, LineHeight);
totalInstant += entry.Value.Instant;
totalAverage += entry.Value.AverageTime;
totalTime += entry.Value.TotalTime;
totalCount += entry.Value.InstantCount;
float yHeight = Height - TitleFontHeight;
_fontService.DrawText("Instant (Count)", xOffset, yHeight, TitleFontHeight);
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.InstantTitle].UpdateSize((int)xOffset, (int)yHeight, 0, 130, TitleFontHeight);
_fontService.DrawText("Average", 150 + xOffset, yHeight, TitleFontHeight);
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.AverageTitle].UpdateSize((int)(150 + xOffset), (int)yHeight, 0, 130, TitleFontHeight);
_fontService.DrawText("Total (ms)", 260 + xOffset, yHeight, TitleFontHeight);
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.TotalTitle].UpdateSize((int)(260 + xOffset), (int)yHeight, 0, Width, TitleFontHeight);
// Totals
yHeight = FilterHeight + 3;
int textHeight = LineHeight - 2;
_fontService.fontColor = new Color(100, 100, 255, 255);
float tempWidth = _fontService.DrawText($"Host {GetTimeString(_timingFlagsLast[(int)TimingFlagType.SystemFrame])} " +
$"({GetTimeString(_timingFlagsAverages[(int)TimingFlagType.SystemFrame])})", 5, yHeight, textHeight);
_fontService.fontColor = Color.Red;
_fontService.DrawText($"Game {GetTimeString(_timingFlagsLast[(int)TimingFlagType.FrameSwap])} " +
$"({GetTimeString(_timingFlagsAverages[(int)TimingFlagType.FrameSwap])})", 15 + tempWidth, yHeight, textHeight);
_fontService.fontColor = Color.White;
_fontService.DrawText($"{GetTimeString(totalInstant)} ({totalCount})", xOffset, yHeight, textHeight);
_fontService.DrawText(GetTimeString(totalAverage), 150 + xOffset, yHeight, textHeight);
_fontService.DrawText(GetTimeString(totalTime), 260 + xOffset, yHeight, textHeight);
#region Bottom bar
// Show/Hide Inactive
float widthShowHideButton = _buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.ShowHideInactive].UpdateSize($"{(_showInactive ? "Hide" : "Show")} Inactive", 5, 5, 4, 16);
// Play/Pause
float widthPlayPauseButton = _buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.Pause].UpdateSize(_paused ? "Play" : "Pause", 15 + (int)widthShowHideButton, 5, 4, 16) + widthShowHideButton;
// Step
float widthStepButton = widthPlayPauseButton;
if (_paused)
widthStepButton += _buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.Step].UpdateSize("Step", (int)(25 + widthPlayPauseButton), 5, 4, 16) + 10;
// Change display
float widthChangeDisplay = _buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.ChangeDisplay].UpdateSize($"View: {(_displayGraph ? "Graph" : "Bars")}", 25 + (int)widthStepButton, 5, 4, 16) + widthStepButton;
width = widthChangeDisplay;
if (_displayGraph)
width += _buttons[(int) ButtonIndex.ToggleFlags].UpdateSize($"{(_displayFlags ? "Hide" : "Show")} Flags", 35 + (int)widthChangeDisplay, 5, 4, 16) + 10;
// Filter bar
_fontService.DrawText($"{(_regexEnabled ? "Regex " : "Filter")}: {_filterText}", 35 + width, 7, 16);
_buttons[(int)ButtonIndex.FilterBar].UpdateSize((int)(45 + width), 0, 0, Width, FilterHeight);
// Draw buttons
for (int i = 0; i < (int)ButtonIndex.Autodraw; i++)
// Dividing lines
#region Dividing lines
// Top divider
GL.Vertex2(0, Height -TitleHeight);
GL.Vertex2(Width, Height - TitleHeight);
// Bottom divider
GL.Vertex2(0, FilterHeight);
GL.Vertex2(Width, FilterHeight);
GL.Vertex2(0, BottomBarHeight);
GL.Vertex2(Width, BottomBarHeight);
// Bottom vertical dividers
GL.Vertex2(widthShowHideButton + 10, 0);
GL.Vertex2(widthShowHideButton + 10, FilterHeight);
GL.Vertex2(widthPlayPauseButton + 20, 0);
GL.Vertex2(widthPlayPauseButton + 20, FilterHeight);
if (_paused)
GL.Vertex2(widthStepButton + 20, 0);
GL.Vertex2(widthStepButton + 20, FilterHeight);
if (_displayGraph)
GL.Vertex2(widthChangeDisplay + 30, 0);
GL.Vertex2(widthChangeDisplay + 30, FilterHeight);
GL.Vertex2(width + 30, 0);
GL.Vertex2(width + 30, FilterHeight);
// Column dividers
float timingDataTop = Height - TitleHeight;
GL.Vertex2(timingDataLeft, FilterHeight);
GL.Vertex2(timingDataLeft, timingDataTop);
GL.Vertex2(timingWidth + timingDataLeft, FilterHeight);
GL.Vertex2(timingWidth + timingDataLeft, timingDataTop);
_redrawPending = false;
private string GetTimeString(long timestamp)
float time = (float)timestamp / PerformanceCounter.TicksPerMillisecond;
return (time < 1) ? $"{time * 1000:F3}us" : $"{time:F3}ms";
private void FilterBackspace()
if (_filterText.Length <= 1)
_filterText = "";
_filterText = _filterText.Remove(_filterText.Length - 1, 1);
private float GetLineY(float offset, float lineHeight, float padding, bool centre, int line)
return Height + offset - lineHeight - padding - ((lineHeight + padding) * line) + ((centre) ? padding : 0);
protected override void OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs e)
_filterText += e.KeyChar;
_profileUpdated = true;
protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
switch (e.Key)
case Key.BackSpace:
_profileUpdated = _backspaceDown = true;
case Key.Left:
case Key.Right:
case Key.Up:
case Key.Down:
_graphControlKey = e.Key;
protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e)
// Can't go into switch as value isn't constant
if (e.Key == Profile.Controls.Buttons.ToggleProfiler)
switch (e.Key)
case Key.BackSpace:
_backspaceDown = false;
case Key.Left:
case Key.Right:
case Key.Up:
case Key.Down:
_graphControlKey = Key.F35;
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
foreach (ProfileButton button in _buttons)
if (button.ProcessClick(e.X, Height - e.Y))
protected override void OnMouseWheel(MouseWheelEventArgs e)
_scrollPos += e.Delta * -30;
if (_scrollPos < _minScroll)
_scrollPos = _minScroll;
if (_scrollPos > _maxScroll)
_scrollPos = _maxScroll;
_redrawPending = true;