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Mary a389dd59bd
Amadeus: Final Act (#1481)
* Amadeus: Final Act

This is my requiem, I present to you Amadeus, a complete reimplementation of the Audio Renderer!

This reimplementation is based on my reversing of every version of the audio system module that I carried for the past 10 months.
This supports every revision (at the time of writing REV1 to REV8 included) and all features proposed by the Audio Renderer on real hardware.

Because this component could be used outside an emulation context, and to avoid possible "inspirations" not crediting the project, I decided to license the Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer project under LGPLv3.

- FE3H voices in videos and chapter intro are not present.
- Games that use two audio renderer **at the same time** are probably going to have issues right now **until we rewrite the audio output interface** (Crash Team Racing is the only known game to use two renderer at the same time).

- Persona 5 Scrambler now goes ingame but audio is garbage. This is caused by the fact that the game engine is syncing audio and video in a really aggressive way. This will disappears the day this game run at full speed.

* Make timing more precise when sleeping on Windows

Improve precision to a 1ms resolution on Windows NT based OS.
This is used to avoid having totally erratic timings and unify all
Windows users to the same resolution.

NOTE: This is only active when emulation is running.
2020-08-17 22:49:37 -03:00

311 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Ryujinx
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Common;
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Parameter;
using Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Utils;
using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Ryujinx.Audio.Renderer.Server.Performance
/// <summary>
/// A Generic implementation of <see cref="PerformanceManager"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="THeader">The header implementation of the performance frame.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TEntry">The entry implementation of the performance frame.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TEntryDetail">A detailed implementation of the performance frame.</typeparam>
public class PerformanceManagerGeneric<THeader, TEntry, TEntryDetail> : PerformanceManager where THeader: unmanaged, IPerformanceHeader where TEntry : unmanaged, IPerformanceEntry where TEntryDetail: unmanaged, IPerformanceDetailEntry
/// <summary>
/// The magic used for the <see cref="THeader"/>.
/// </summary>
private const uint MagicPerformanceBuffer = 0x46524550;
/// <summary>
/// The fixed amount of <see cref="TEntryDetail"/> that can be stored in a frame.
/// </summary>
private const int MaxFrameDetailCount = 100;
private Memory<byte> _buffer;
private Memory<byte> _historyBuffer;
private Memory<byte> CurrentBuffer => _buffer.Slice(0, _frameSize);
private Memory<byte> CurrentBufferData => CurrentBuffer.Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<THeader>());
private ref THeader CurrentHeader => ref MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, THeader>(CurrentBuffer.Span)[0];
private Span<TEntry> Entries => MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TEntry>(CurrentBufferData.Span.Slice(0, GetEntriesSize()));
private Span<TEntryDetail> EntriesDetail => MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TEntryDetail>(CurrentBufferData.Span.Slice(GetEntriesSize(), GetEntriesDetailSize()));
private int _frameSize;
private int _availableFrameCount;
private int _entryCountPerFrame;
private int _detailTarget;
private int _entryIndex;
private int _entryDetailIndex;
private int _indexHistoryWrite;
private int _indexHistoryRead;
private uint _historyFrameIndex;
public PerformanceManagerGeneric(Memory<byte> buffer, ref AudioRendererConfiguration parameter)
_buffer = buffer;
_frameSize = GetRequiredBufferSizeForPerformanceMetricsPerFrame(ref parameter);
_entryCountPerFrame = (int)GetEntryCount(ref parameter);
_availableFrameCount = buffer.Length / _frameSize - 1;
_historyFrameIndex = 0;
_historyBuffer = _buffer.Slice(_frameSize);
private Span<byte> GetBufferFromIndex(Span<byte> data, int index)
return data.Slice(index * _frameSize, _frameSize);
private ref THeader GetHeaderFromBuffer(Span<byte> data, int index)
return ref MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, THeader>(GetBufferFromIndex(data, index))[0];
private Span<TEntry> GetEntriesFromBuffer(Span<byte> data, int index)
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TEntry>(GetBufferFromIndex(data, index).Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<THeader>(), GetEntriesSize()));
private Span<TEntryDetail> GetEntriesDetailFromBuffer(Span<byte> data, int index)
return MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TEntryDetail>(GetBufferFromIndex(data, index).Slice(Unsafe.SizeOf<THeader>() + GetEntriesSize(), GetEntriesDetailSize()));
private void SetupNewHeader()
_entryIndex = 0;
_entryDetailIndex = 0;
public static uint GetEntryCount(ref AudioRendererConfiguration parameter)
return parameter.VoiceCount + parameter.EffectCount + parameter.SubMixBufferCount + parameter.SinkCount + 1;
public int GetEntriesSize()
return Unsafe.SizeOf<TEntry>() * _entryCountPerFrame;
public static int GetEntriesDetailSize()
return Unsafe.SizeOf<TEntryDetail>() * MaxFrameDetailCount;
public static int GetRequiredBufferSizeForPerformanceMetricsPerFrame(ref AudioRendererConfiguration parameter)
return Unsafe.SizeOf<TEntry>() * (int)GetEntryCount(ref parameter) + GetEntriesDetailSize() + Unsafe.SizeOf<THeader>();
public override uint CopyHistories(Span<byte> performanceOutput)
if (performanceOutput.IsEmpty)
return 0;
int nextOffset = 0;
while (_indexHistoryRead != _indexHistoryWrite)
if (nextOffset >= performanceOutput.Length)
ref THeader inputHeader = ref GetHeaderFromBuffer(_historyBuffer.Span, _indexHistoryRead);
Span<TEntry> inputEntries = GetEntriesFromBuffer(_historyBuffer.Span, _indexHistoryRead);
Span<TEntryDetail> inputEntriesDetail = GetEntriesDetailFromBuffer(_historyBuffer.Span, _indexHistoryRead);
Span<byte> targetSpan = performanceOutput.Slice(nextOffset);
ref THeader outputHeader = ref MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, THeader>(targetSpan)[0];
nextOffset += Unsafe.SizeOf<THeader>();
Span<TEntry> outputEntries = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TEntry>(targetSpan.Slice(nextOffset));
int totalProcessingTime = 0;
int effectiveEntryCount = 0;
for (int entryIndex = 0; entryIndex < inputHeader.GetEntryCount(); entryIndex++)
ref TEntry input = ref inputEntries[entryIndex];
if (input.GetProcessingTime() != 0 || input.GetStartTime() != 0)
ref TEntry output = ref outputEntries[effectiveEntryCount++];
output = input;
nextOffset += Unsafe.SizeOf<TEntry>();
totalProcessingTime += input.GetProcessingTime();
Span<TEntryDetail> outputEntriesDetail = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, TEntryDetail>(targetSpan.Slice(nextOffset));
int effectiveEntryDetailCount = 0;
for (int entryDetailIndex = 0; entryDetailIndex < inputHeader.GetEntryDetailCount(); entryDetailIndex++)
ref TEntryDetail input = ref inputEntriesDetail[entryDetailIndex];
if (input.GetProcessingTime() != 0 || input.GetStartTime() != 0)
ref TEntryDetail output = ref outputEntriesDetail[effectiveEntryDetailCount++];
output = input;
nextOffset += Unsafe.SizeOf<TEntryDetail>();
outputHeader = inputHeader;
_indexHistoryRead = (_indexHistoryRead + 1) % _availableFrameCount;
if (nextOffset < performanceOutput.Length && (performanceOutput.Length - nextOffset) >= Unsafe.SizeOf<THeader>())
ref THeader outputHeader = ref MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, THeader>(performanceOutput.Slice(nextOffset))[0];
outputHeader = default;
return (uint)nextOffset;
public override bool GetNextEntry(out PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry, PerformanceEntryType entryType, int nodeId)
performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
performanceEntry.BaseMemory = SpanMemoryManager<int>.Cast(CurrentBuffer);
performanceEntry.EntryCountOffset = (uint)CurrentHeader.GetEntryCountOffset();
uint baseEntryOffset = (uint)(Unsafe.SizeOf<THeader>() + Unsafe.SizeOf<TEntry>() * _entryIndex);
ref TEntry entry = ref Entries[_entryIndex];
performanceEntry.StartTimeOffset = baseEntryOffset + (uint)entry.GetStartTimeOffset();
performanceEntry.ProcessingTimeOffset = baseEntryOffset + (uint)entry.GetProcessingTimeOffset();
entry = default;
return true;
public override bool GetNextEntry(out PerformanceEntryAddresses performanceEntry, PerformanceDetailType detailType, PerformanceEntryType entryType, int nodeId)
performanceEntry = null;
if (_entryDetailIndex > MaxFrameDetailCount)
return false;
performanceEntry = new PerformanceEntryAddresses();
performanceEntry.BaseMemory = SpanMemoryManager<int>.Cast(CurrentBuffer);
performanceEntry.EntryCountOffset = (uint)CurrentHeader.GetEntryCountOffset();
uint baseEntryOffset = (uint)(Unsafe.SizeOf<THeader>() + GetEntriesSize() + Unsafe.SizeOf<IPerformanceDetailEntry>() * _entryDetailIndex);
ref TEntryDetail entryDetail = ref EntriesDetail[_entryDetailIndex];
performanceEntry.StartTimeOffset = baseEntryOffset + (uint)entryDetail.GetStartTimeOffset();
performanceEntry.ProcessingTimeOffset = baseEntryOffset + (uint)entryDetail.GetProcessingTimeOffset();
entryDetail = default;
return true;
public override bool IsTargetNodeId(int target)
return _detailTarget == target;
public override void SetTargetNodeId(int target)
_detailTarget = target;
public override void TapFrame(bool dspRunningBehind, uint voiceDropCount, ulong startRenderingTicks)
if (_availableFrameCount > 1)
int targetIndexForHistory = _indexHistoryWrite;
_indexHistoryWrite = (_indexHistoryWrite + 1) % _availableFrameCount;
ref THeader targetHeader = ref GetHeaderFromBuffer(_historyBuffer.Span, targetIndexForHistory);
CurrentBuffer.Span.CopyTo(GetBufferFromIndex(_historyBuffer.Span, targetIndexForHistory));
uint targetHistoryFrameIndex = _historyFrameIndex;
if (_historyFrameIndex == uint.MaxValue)
_historyFrameIndex = 0;
// Finally setup the new header