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gdkchan d9ed827696
Don't decode blocks starting outside mapped memory & undefined instead of throw on invalid sysreg coprocessor (#964)
* Don't decode blocks in invalid memory locations.

* Emit undefined instruction on invalid coprocessor

...rather than throwing.

* Call undefined instruction directly.
2020-03-04 16:25:27 -03:00

366 lines
12 KiB

using ARMeilleure.Instructions;
using ARMeilleure.Memory;
using ARMeilleure.State;
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
namespace ARMeilleure.Decoders
static class Decoder
// We define a limit on the number of instructions that a function may have,
// this prevents functions being potentially too large, which would
// take too long to compile and use too much memory.
private const int MaxInstsPerFunction = 5000;
private delegate object MakeOp(InstDescriptor inst, ulong address, int opCode);
private static ConcurrentDictionary<Type, MakeOp> _opActivators;
static Decoder()
_opActivators = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, MakeOp>();
public static Block[] DecodeBasicBlock(MemoryManager memory, ulong address, ExecutionMode mode)
Block block = new Block(address);
FillBlock(memory, mode, block, ulong.MaxValue);
return new Block[] { block };
public static Block[] DecodeFunction(MemoryManager memory, ulong address, ExecutionMode mode)
List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
Queue<Block> workQueue = new Queue<Block>();
Dictionary<ulong, Block> visited = new Dictionary<ulong, Block>();
int opsCount = 0;
Block GetBlock(ulong blkAddress)
if (!visited.TryGetValue(blkAddress, out Block block))
if (opsCount > MaxInstsPerFunction || !memory.IsMapped((long)blkAddress))
return null;
block = new Block(blkAddress);
visited.Add(blkAddress, block);
return block;
while (workQueue.TryDequeue(out Block currBlock))
// Check if the current block is inside another block.
if (BinarySearch(blocks, currBlock.Address, out int nBlkIndex))
Block nBlock = blocks[nBlkIndex];
if (nBlock.Address == currBlock.Address)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Found duplicate block address on the list.");
blocks.Insert(nBlkIndex + 1, currBlock);
// If we have a block after the current one, set the limit address.
ulong limitAddress = ulong.MaxValue;
if (nBlkIndex != blocks.Count)
Block nBlock = blocks[nBlkIndex];
int nextIndex = nBlkIndex + 1;
if (nBlock.Address < currBlock.Address && nextIndex < blocks.Count)
limitAddress = blocks[nextIndex].Address;
else if (nBlock.Address > currBlock.Address)
limitAddress = blocks[nBlkIndex].Address;
FillBlock(memory, mode, currBlock, limitAddress);
opsCount += currBlock.OpCodes.Count;
if (currBlock.OpCodes.Count != 0)
// Set child blocks. "Branch" is the block the branch instruction
// points to (when taken), "Next" is the block at the next address,
// executed when the branch is not taken. For Unconditional Branches
// (except BL/BLR that are sub calls) or end of executable, Next is null.
OpCode lastOp = currBlock.GetLastOp();
bool isCall = IsCall(lastOp);
if (lastOp is IOpCodeBImm op && !isCall)
currBlock.Branch = GetBlock((ulong)op.Immediate);
if (!IsUnconditionalBranch(lastOp) /*|| isCall*/)
currBlock.Next = GetBlock(currBlock.EndAddress);
// Insert the new block on the list (sorted by address).
if (blocks.Count != 0)
Block nBlock = blocks[nBlkIndex];
blocks.Insert(nBlkIndex + (nBlock.Address < currBlock.Address ? 1 : 0), currBlock);
return blocks.ToArray();
private static bool BinarySearch(List<Block> blocks, ulong address, out int index)
index = 0;
int left = 0;
int right = blocks.Count - 1;
while (left <= right)
int size = right - left;
int middle = left + (size >> 1);
Block block = blocks[middle];
index = middle;
if (address >= block.Address && address < block.EndAddress)
return true;
if (address < block.Address)
right = middle - 1;
left = middle + 1;
return false;
private static void FillBlock(
MemoryManager memory,
ExecutionMode mode,
Block block,
ulong limitAddress)
ulong address = block.Address;
OpCode opCode;
if (address >= limitAddress)
opCode = DecodeOpCode(memory, address, mode);
address += (ulong)opCode.OpCodeSizeInBytes;
while (!(IsBranch(opCode) || IsException(opCode)));
block.EndAddress = address;
private static bool IsBranch(OpCode opCode)
return opCode is OpCodeBImm ||
opCode is OpCodeBReg || IsAarch32Branch(opCode);
private static bool IsUnconditionalBranch(OpCode opCode)
return opCode is OpCodeBImmAl ||
opCode is OpCodeBReg || IsAarch32UnconditionalBranch(opCode);
private static bool IsAarch32UnconditionalBranch(OpCode opCode)
if (!(opCode is OpCode32 op))
return false;
// Note: On ARM32, most instructions have conditional execution,
// so there's no "Always" (unconditional) branch like on ARM64.
// We need to check if the condition is "Always" instead.
return IsAarch32Branch(op) && op.Cond >= Condition.Al;
private static bool IsAarch32Branch(OpCode opCode)
// Note: On ARM32, most ALU operations can write to R15 (PC),
// so we must consider such operations as a branch in potential aswell.
if (opCode is IOpCode32Alu opAlu && opAlu.Rd == RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc)
return true;
// Same thing for memory operations. We have the cases where PC is a target
// register (Rt == 15 or (mask & (1 << 15)) != 0), and cases where there is
// a write back to PC (wback == true && Rn == 15), however the later may
// be "undefined" depending on the CPU, so compilers should not produce that.
if (opCode is IOpCode32Mem || opCode is IOpCode32MemMult)
int rt, rn;
bool wBack, isLoad;
if (opCode is IOpCode32Mem opMem)
rt = opMem.Rt;
rn = opMem.Rn;
wBack = opMem.WBack;
isLoad = opMem.IsLoad;
// For the dual load, we also need to take into account the
// case were Rt2 == 15 (PC).
if (rt == 14 && opMem.Instruction.Name == InstName.Ldrd)
rt = RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc;
else if (opCode is IOpCode32MemMult opMemMult)
const int pcMask = 1 << RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc;
rt = (opMemMult.RegisterMask & pcMask) != 0 ? RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc : 0;
rn = opMemMult.Rn;
wBack = opMemMult.PostOffset != 0;
isLoad = opMemMult.IsLoad;
throw new NotImplementedException($"The type \"{opCode.GetType().Name}\" is not implemented on the decoder.");
if ((rt == RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc && isLoad) ||
(rn == RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc && wBack))
return true;
// Explicit branch instructions.
return opCode is IOpCode32BImm ||
opCode is IOpCode32BReg;
private static bool IsCall(OpCode opCode)
return opCode.Instruction.Name == InstName.Bl ||
opCode.Instruction.Name == InstName.Blr ||
opCode.Instruction.Name == InstName.Blx;
private static bool IsException(OpCode opCode)
return opCode.Instruction.Name == InstName.Brk ||
opCode.Instruction.Name == InstName.Svc ||
opCode.Instruction.Name == InstName.Trap ||
opCode.Instruction.Name == InstName.Und;
public static OpCode DecodeOpCode(MemoryManager memory, ulong address, ExecutionMode mode)
int opCode = memory.ReadInt32((long)address);
InstDescriptor inst;
Type type;
if (mode == ExecutionMode.Aarch64)
(inst, type) = OpCodeTable.GetInstA64(opCode);
if (mode == ExecutionMode.Aarch32Arm)
(inst, type) = OpCodeTable.GetInstA32(opCode);
else /* if (mode == ExecutionMode.Aarch32Thumb) */
(inst, type) = OpCodeTable.GetInstT32(opCode);
if (type != null)
return MakeOpCode(inst, type, address, opCode);
return new OpCode(inst, address, opCode);
private static OpCode MakeOpCode(InstDescriptor inst, Type type, ulong address, int opCode)
MakeOp createInstance = _opActivators.GetOrAdd(type, CacheOpActivator);
return (OpCode)createInstance(inst, address, opCode);
private static MakeOp CacheOpActivator(Type type)
Type[] argTypes = new Type[] { typeof(InstDescriptor), typeof(ulong), typeof(int) };
DynamicMethod mthd = new DynamicMethod($"Make{type.Name}", type, argTypes);
ILGenerator generator = mthd.GetILGenerator();
generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, type.GetConstructor(argTypes));
return (MakeOp)mthd.CreateDelegate(typeof(MakeOp));