using ChocolArm64.Exceptions; using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace ChocolArm64.Memory { public class AMemoryMgr { public const long AddrSize = 1L << 36; public const long RamSize = 2L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; private const int PTLvl0Bits = 11; private const int PTLvl1Bits = 13; private const int PTPageBits = 12; private const int PTLvl0Size = 1 << PTLvl0Bits; private const int PTLvl1Size = 1 << PTLvl1Bits; public const int PageSize = 1 << PTPageBits; private const int PTLvl0Mask = PTLvl0Size - 1; private const int PTLvl1Mask = PTLvl1Size - 1; public const int PageMask = PageSize - 1; private const int PTLvl0Bit = PTPageBits + PTLvl0Bits; private const int PTLvl1Bit = PTPageBits; private AMemoryAlloc Allocator; private enum PTMap { Unmapped, Physical, Mirror } private struct PTEntry { public long Position; public int Type; public PTMap Map; public AMemoryPerm Perm; public PTEntry(long Position, int Type, PTMap Map, AMemoryPerm Perm) { this.Position = Position; this.Type = Type; this.Map = Map; this.Perm = Perm; } } private PTEntry[][] PageTable; private bool IsHeapInitialized; public long HeapAddr { get; private set; } public int HeapSize { get; private set; } public AMemoryMgr(AMemoryAlloc Allocator) { this.Allocator = Allocator; PageTable = new PTEntry[PTLvl0Size][]; } public long GetTotalMemorySize() { return Allocator.GetFreeMem() + GetUsedMemorySize(); } public long GetUsedMemorySize() { long Size = 0; for (int L0 = 0; L0 < PageTable.Length; L0++) { if (PageTable[L0] == null) { continue; } for (int L1 = 0; L1 < PageTable[L0].Length; L1++) { Size += PageTable[L0][L1].Map != PTMap.Unmapped ? PageSize : 0; } } return Size; } public bool SetHeapAddr(long Position) { if (!IsHeapInitialized) { HeapAddr = Position; IsHeapInitialized = true; return true; } return false; } public void SetHeapSize(int Size, int Type) { //TODO: Return error when theres no enough space to allocate heap. Size = (int)AMemoryHelper.PageRoundUp(Size); long Position = HeapAddr; if ((ulong)Size < (ulong)HeapSize) { //Try to free now free area if size is smaller than old size. Position += Size; while ((ulong)Size < (ulong)HeapSize) { Allocator.Free(GetPhys(Position, AMemoryPerm.None)); Position += PageSize; } } else { //Allocate extra needed size. Position += HeapSize; Size -= HeapSize; MapPhys(Position, Size, Type, AMemoryPerm.RW); } HeapSize = Size; } public bool MapPhys(long Src, long Dst, long Size, int Type, AMemoryPerm Perm) { Src = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundDown(Src); Dst = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundDown(Dst); Size = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundUp(Size); if (Dst < 0 || Dst + Size >= RamSize) { return false; } long PagesCount = Size / PageSize; while (PagesCount-- > 0) { SetPTEntry(Src, new PTEntry(Dst, Type, PTMap.Physical, Perm)); Src += PageSize; Dst += PageSize; } return true; } public void MapPhys(long Position, long Size, int Type, AMemoryPerm Perm) { while (Size > 0) { if (!HasPTEntry(Position)) { long PhysPos = Allocator.Alloc(PageSize); SetPTEntry(Position, new PTEntry(PhysPos, Type, PTMap.Physical, Perm)); } long CPgSize = PageSize - (Position & PageMask); Position += CPgSize; Size -= CPgSize; } } public void MapMirror(long Src, long Dst, long Size, int Type) { Src = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundDown(Src); Dst = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundDown(Dst); Size = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundUp(Size); long PagesCount = Size / PageSize; while (PagesCount-- > 0) { PTEntry Entry = GetPTEntry(Src); Entry.Type = Type; Entry.Map = PTMap.Mirror; Entry.Position = Dst; SetPTEntry(Src, Entry); Src += PageSize; Dst += PageSize; } } public void Reprotect(long Position, long Size, AMemoryPerm Perm) { Position = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundDown(Position); Size = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundUp(Size); long PagesCount = Size / PageSize; while (PagesCount-- > 0) { PTEntry Entry = GetPTEntry(Position); Entry.Perm = Perm; SetPTEntry(Position, Entry); Position += PageSize; } } public AMemoryMapInfo GetMapInfo(long Position) { Position = AMemoryHelper.PageRoundDown(Position); PTEntry BaseEntry = GetPTEntry(Position); bool IsSameSegment(long Pos) { PTEntry Entry = GetPTEntry(Pos); return Entry.Type == BaseEntry.Type && Entry.Map == BaseEntry.Map && Entry.Perm == BaseEntry.Perm; } long Start = Position; long End = Position + PageSize; while (Start > 0 && IsSameSegment(Start - PageSize)) { Start -= PageSize; } while (End < AddrSize && IsSameSegment(End)) { End += PageSize; } long Size = End - Start; return new AMemoryMapInfo(Start, Size, BaseEntry.Type, BaseEntry.Perm); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public long GetPhys(long Position, AMemoryPerm Perm) { if (!HasPTEntry(Position)) { if (Position < 0x08000000) { Console.WriteLine($"HACK: Ignoring bad access at {Position:x16}"); return 0; } throw new VmmPageFaultException(Position); } PTEntry Entry = GetPTEntry(Position); long AbsPos = Entry.Position + (Position & PageMask); if (Entry.Map == PTMap.Mirror) { return GetPhys(AbsPos, Perm); } if (Entry.Map == PTMap.Unmapped) { throw new VmmPageFaultException(Position); } return AbsPos; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private bool HasPTEntry(long Position) { if (Position >> PTLvl0Bits + PTLvl1Bits + PTPageBits != 0) { return false; } long L0 = (Position >> PTLvl0Bit) & PTLvl0Mask; long L1 = (Position >> PTLvl1Bit) & PTLvl1Mask; if (PageTable[L0] == null) { return false; } return PageTable[L0][L1].Map != PTMap.Unmapped; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private PTEntry GetPTEntry(long Position) { long L0 = (Position >> PTLvl0Bit) & PTLvl0Mask; long L1 = (Position >> PTLvl1Bit) & PTLvl1Mask; if (PageTable[L0] == null) { return default(PTEntry); } return PageTable[L0][L1]; } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] private void SetPTEntry(long Position, PTEntry Entry) { long L0 = (Position >> PTLvl0Bit) & PTLvl0Mask; long L1 = (Position >> PTLvl1Bit) & PTLvl1Mask; if (PageTable[L0] == null) { PageTable[L0] = new PTEntry[PTLvl1Size]; } PageTable[L0][L1] = Entry; } } }