using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics; using OpenTK.Input; using Ryujinx.Configuration; using Ryujinx.Graphics.OpenGL; using Ryujinx.HLE; using Ryujinx.HLE.Input; using Ryujinx.Profiler.UI; using Ryujinx.Ui; using System; using System.Threading; using Stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch; namespace Ryujinx.Ui { public class GlScreen : GameWindow { private const int TouchScreenWidth = 1280; private const int TouchScreenHeight = 720; private const int TargetFps = 60; private Switch _device; private Renderer _renderer; private HotkeyButtons _prevHotkeyButtons = 0; private KeyboardState? _keyboard = null; private MouseState? _mouse = null; private Input.NpadController _primaryController; private Thread _renderThread; private bool _resizeEvent; private bool _titleEvent; private string _newTitle; #if USE_PROFILING private ProfileWindowManager _profileWindow; #endif public GlScreen(Switch device, Renderer renderer) : base(1280, 720, new GraphicsMode(), "Ryujinx", 0, DisplayDevice.Default, 3, 3, GraphicsContextFlags.ForwardCompatible) { _device = device; _renderer = renderer; _primaryController = new Input.NpadController(ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.JoystickControls); Location = new Point( (DisplayDevice.Default.Width / 2) - (Width / 2), (DisplayDevice.Default.Height / 2) - (Height / 2)); #if USE_PROFILING // Start profile window, it will handle itself from there _profileWindow = new ProfileWindowManager(); #endif } private void RenderLoop() { MakeCurrent(); _renderer.Initialize(); Stopwatch chrono = new Stopwatch(); chrono.Start(); long ticksPerFrame = Stopwatch.Frequency / TargetFps; long ticks = 0; while (Exists && !IsExiting) { if (_device.WaitFifo()) { _device.ProcessFrame(); } if (_resizeEvent) { _resizeEvent = false; _renderer.Window.SetSize(Width, Height); } ticks += chrono.ElapsedTicks; chrono.Restart(); if (ticks >= ticksPerFrame) { RenderFrame(); // Queue max. 1 vsync ticks = Math.Min(ticks - ticksPerFrame, ticksPerFrame); } } _device.DisposeGpu(); _renderer.Dispose(); } public void MainLoop() { VSync = VSyncMode.Off; Visible = true; Context.MakeCurrent(null); // OpenTK doesn't like sleeps in its thread, to avoid this a renderer thread is created _renderThread = new Thread(RenderLoop) { Name = "GUI.RenderThread" }; _renderThread.Start(); while (Exists && !IsExiting) { ProcessEvents(); if (!IsExiting) { UpdateFrame(); if (_titleEvent) { _titleEvent = false; Title = _newTitle; } } // Polling becomes expensive if it's not slept Thread.Sleep(1); } } private new void UpdateFrame() { HotkeyButtons currentHotkeyButtons = 0; ControllerButtons currentButton = 0; JoystickPosition leftJoystick; JoystickPosition rightJoystick; HLE.Input.Keyboard? hidKeyboard = null; int leftJoystickDx = 0; int leftJoystickDy = 0; int rightJoystickDx = 0; int rightJoystickDy = 0; // Keyboard Input if (_keyboard.HasValue) { KeyboardState keyboard = _keyboard.Value; #if USE_PROFILING // Profiler input, lets the profiler get access to the main windows keyboard state _profileWindow.UpdateKeyInput(keyboard); #endif // Normal Input currentHotkeyButtons = KeyboardControls.GetHotkeyButtons(ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.KeyboardControls, keyboard); currentButton = KeyboardControls.GetButtons(ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.KeyboardControls, keyboard); if (ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableKeyboard) { hidKeyboard = KeyboardControls.GetKeysDown(ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.KeyboardControls, keyboard); } (leftJoystickDx, leftJoystickDy) = KeyboardControls.GetLeftStick(ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.KeyboardControls, keyboard); (rightJoystickDx, rightJoystickDy) = KeyboardControls.GetRightStick(ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.KeyboardControls, keyboard); } if (!hidKeyboard.HasValue) { hidKeyboard = new HLE.Input.Keyboard { Modifier = 0, Keys = new int[0x8] }; } currentButton |= _primaryController.GetButtons(); // Keyboard has priority stick-wise if (leftJoystickDx == 0 && leftJoystickDy == 0) { (leftJoystickDx, leftJoystickDy) = _primaryController.GetLeftStick(); } if (rightJoystickDx == 0 && rightJoystickDy == 0) { (rightJoystickDx, rightJoystickDy) = _primaryController.GetRightStick(); } leftJoystick = new JoystickPosition { Dx = leftJoystickDx, Dy = leftJoystickDy }; rightJoystick = new JoystickPosition { Dx = rightJoystickDx, Dy = rightJoystickDy }; currentButton |= _device.Hid.UpdateStickButtons(leftJoystick, rightJoystick); bool hasTouch = false; // Get screen touch position from left mouse click // OpenTK always captures mouse events, even if out of focus, so check if window is focused. if (Focused && _mouse?.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { MouseState mouse = _mouse.Value; int scrnWidth = Width; int scrnHeight = Height; if (Width > (Height * TouchScreenWidth) / TouchScreenHeight) { scrnWidth = (Height * TouchScreenWidth) / TouchScreenHeight; } else { scrnHeight = (Width * TouchScreenHeight) / TouchScreenWidth; } int startX = (Width - scrnWidth) >> 1; int startY = (Height - scrnHeight) >> 1; int endX = startX + scrnWidth; int endY = startY + scrnHeight; if (mouse.X >= startX && mouse.Y >= startY && mouse.X < endX && mouse.Y < endY) { int scrnMouseX = mouse.X - startX; int scrnMouseY = mouse.Y - startY; int mX = (scrnMouseX * TouchScreenWidth) / scrnWidth; int mY = (scrnMouseY * TouchScreenHeight) / scrnHeight; TouchPoint currentPoint = new TouchPoint { X = mX, Y = mY, // Placeholder values till more data is acquired DiameterX = 10, DiameterY = 10, Angle = 90 }; hasTouch = true; _device.Hid.SetTouchPoints(currentPoint); } } if (!hasTouch) { _device.Hid.SetTouchPoints(); } if (ConfigurationState.Instance.Hid.EnableKeyboard && hidKeyboard.HasValue) { _device.Hid.WriteKeyboard(hidKeyboard.Value); } BaseController controller = _device.Hid.PrimaryController; controller.SendInput(currentButton, leftJoystick, rightJoystick); // Toggle vsync if (currentHotkeyButtons.HasFlag(HotkeyButtons.ToggleVSync) && !_prevHotkeyButtons.HasFlag(HotkeyButtons.ToggleVSync)) { _device.EnableDeviceVsync = !_device.EnableDeviceVsync; } _prevHotkeyButtons = currentHotkeyButtons; } private new void RenderFrame() { _device.PresentFrame(SwapBuffers); _device.Statistics.RecordSystemFrameTime(); double hostFps = _device.Statistics.GetSystemFrameRate(); double gameFps = _device.Statistics.GetGameFrameRate(); string titleNameSection = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_device.System.TitleName) ? string.Empty : " | " + _device.System.TitleName; string titleIdSection = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_device.System.TitleIdText) ? string.Empty : " | " + _device.System.TitleIdText.ToUpper(); _newTitle = $"Ryujinx{titleNameSection}{titleIdSection} | Host FPS: {hostFps:0.0} | Game FPS: {gameFps:0.0} | " + $"Game Vsync: {(_device.EnableDeviceVsync ? "On" : "Off")}"; _titleEvent = true; _device.System.SignalVsync(); _device.VsyncEvent.Set(); } protected override void OnUnload(EventArgs e) { #if USE_PROFILING _profileWindow.Close(); #endif _renderThread.Join(); base.OnUnload(e); } protected override void OnResize(EventArgs e) { _resizeEvent = true; } protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { bool toggleFullscreen = e.Key == Key.F11 || (e.Modifiers.HasFlag(KeyModifiers.Alt) && e.Key == Key.Enter); if (WindowState == WindowState.Fullscreen) { if (e.Key == Key.Escape || toggleFullscreen) { WindowState = WindowState.Normal; } } else { if (e.Key == Key.Escape) { Exit(); } if (toggleFullscreen) { WindowState = WindowState.Fullscreen; } } _keyboard = e.Keyboard; } protected override void OnKeyUp(KeyboardKeyEventArgs e) { _keyboard = e.Keyboard; } protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { _mouse = e.Mouse; } protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { _mouse = e.Mouse; } protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseMoveEventArgs e) { _mouse = e.Mouse; } } }