{ "vm": { "shortDescription": "Runs code in a safe sandbox for testing", "extendedDescription": "Runs code in a secure and safe sandbox for prototyping & testing code while preventing access to the system", "languageArg": "The language to use (JavaScript/TypeScript)", "codeArg": "The code to run in the VM", "computing": "Computing { $language } code... Please wait!", "error": "An error has occurred while executing { $language } code!\n```\n{ $error }\n```", "unknown": "Unknown language given!" }, "help": { "shortDescription": "Shows help menu", "extendedDescription": "Shows an advanced help menu for commands to show usage", "commandArg": "The command to see", "unknownCommand": "Unknown command given!", "embedName": "Help Menu!", "helpScreenBtnHelp": "Press the \"Forward\" or \"Back\" Button to move categories! Or alternatively, you can select the category you want on the dropdown menu.", "nextCategoryBtn": "Next Category", "previousCategoryBtn": "Previous Category", "helpTimedOut": "Timed Out", "commandDescription": "Name: `{ $name }`\nCategory: `{ $category }`\nDescription: `{ $description }`\nUsage: `{ $usage }`", "categoryPlaceholder": "Choose a category!" }, "settings": { "shortDescription": "Changes the current server settings", "extendedDescription": "Changes the current server settings for better server customization", "actionArg": "What action you want to take", "settingArg": "What setting you want to view/set\nOr optionally, you can put 'help' if you are unsure what to do with that action", "valueArg": "The value you want to set (This is ignored if you are only getting/resetting a setting).", "localeAlreadySet": "The language of the bot in this server is already set to { $locale }!", "localeSuccessfullySet": "The language of the bot has been successfully set to { $locale }!" }, "errors": { "ownerOnly": "Only the bot owner can run this command!", "dmsOnly": "You can only run this command in DMs!", "serverOnly": "You can only run this command in a server!", "runError": "I'm sorry but an error has occurred while running this command! Please file an issue to https://code.relms.dev/Relms/ArgonBot!\n```{ $error }```", "cooldownError": "Please wait { $time } more second(s) before reusing the `{ $command }` command." }, "generic": { "noShortDescription": "No short description given!", "noExtendedDescription": "No extended description given!", "noArgsDescription": "No description for { $arg } has been given!", "noUsage": "No usage given!" } }