commit d4f031cc279fd98e820cb1e2ea68056beee8ed11 Author: Daryl Ronningen Date: Mon Dec 27 21:04:49 2021 -0800 initial commit diff --git a/.Xresources b/.Xresources new file mode 100644 index 0000000..887c2c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.Xresources @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +URxvt*scrollBar: false +URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false +URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: true +URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true + +URxvt*cursorUnderline: true +URxvt*cursorBlink: true + +URxvt*font: xft:MesloLGS NF:size=10 +URxvt*boldFolt: xft:MesloLGS NF:size=10 +URxvt*italicFont: xft:MesloLGS NF:size=10 +URxvt*boldItalicFont: xft:MesloLGS NF:size=10 +URxvt.letterSpace: 0 + +URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,clipboard,matcher,tabbed,fullscreen,resize-font + +URxvt.clipboard.autocopy: false +URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-C: perl:clipboard:copy +URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: perl:clipboard:paste + +URxvt.iso14755: false +URxvt.iso14755_52: false + +URxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/xdg-open +URxvt.matcher.button: 1 +URxvt.matcher.rend.0: Uline Bold fg5 + +URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-fg: 2 +URxvt.tabbed.tabbar-bg: 0 3 0 + +URxvt.keysym.F11: perl.fullscreen.switch + +#define nord0 #2E3440 +#define nord1 #3B4252 +#define nord2 #434C5E +#define nord3 #4C566A +#define nord4 #D8DEE9 +#define nord5 #E5E9F0 +#define nord6 #ECEFF4 +#define nord7 #8FBCBB +#define nord8 #88C0D0 +#define nord9 #81A1C1 +#define nord10 #5E81AC +#define nord11 #BF616A +#define nord12 #D08770 +#define nord13 #EBCB8B +#define nord14 #A3BE8C +#define nord15 #B48EAD + +*.foreground: nord4 +*.background: nord0 +*.cursorColor: nord4 +*fading: 35 +*fadeColor: nord3 + +*.color0: nord1 +*.color1: nord11 +*.color2: nord14 +*.color3: nord13 +*.color4: nord9 +*.color5: nord15 +*.color6: nord8 +*.color7: nord5 +*.color8: nord3 +*.color9: nord11 +*.color10: nord14 +*.color11: nord13 +*.color12: nord9 +*.color13: nord15 +*.color14: nord7 +*.color15: nord6 diff --git a/.config/bpytop/bpytop.conf b/.config/bpytop/bpytop.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba38bb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/bpytop/bpytop.conf @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +#? Config file for bpytop v. 1.0.67 + +#* Color theme, looks for a .theme file in "/usr/[local/]share/bpytop/themes" and "~/.config/bpytop/themes", "Default" for builtin default theme. +#* Prefix name by a plus sign (+) for a theme located in user themes folder, i.e. color_theme="+monokai" +color_theme="Default" + +#* If the theme set background should be shown, set to False if you want terminal background transparency +theme_background=True + +#* Sets if 24-bit truecolor should be used, will convert 24-bit colors to 256 color (6x6x6 color cube) if false. +truecolor=True + +#* Manually set which boxes to show. Available values are "cpu mem net proc", separate values with whitespace. +shown_boxes="cpu mem net proc" + +#* Update time in milliseconds, increases automatically if set below internal loops processing time, recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample times for graphs. +update_ms=1000 + +#* Processes update multiplier, sets how often the process list is updated as a multiplier of "update_ms". +#* Set to 2 or higher to greatly decrease bpytop cpu usage. (Only integers) +proc_update_mult=2 + +#* Processes sorting, "pid" "program" "arguments" "threads" "user" "memory" "cpu lazy" "cpu responsive", +#* "cpu lazy" updates top process over time, "cpu responsive" updates top process directly. +proc_sorting="memory" + +#* Reverse sorting order, True or False. +proc_reversed=False + +#* Show processes as a tree +proc_tree=False + +#* Which depth the tree view should auto collapse processes at +tree_depth=3 + +#* Use the cpu graph colors in the process list. +proc_colors=True + +#* Use a darkening gradient in the process list. +proc_gradient=True + +#* If process cpu usage should be of the core it's running on or usage of the total available cpu power. +proc_per_core=False + +#* Show process memory as bytes instead of percent +proc_mem_bytes=True + +#* Sets the CPU stat shown in upper half of the CPU graph, "total" is always available, see: +#* for attributes available on specific platforms. +#* Select from a list of detected attributes from the options menu +cpu_graph_upper="total" + +#* Sets the CPU stat shown in lower half of the CPU graph, "total" is always available, see: +#* for attributes available on specific platforms. +#* Select from a list of detected attributes from the options menu +cpu_graph_lower="total" + +#* Toggles if the lower CPU graph should be inverted. +cpu_invert_lower=True + +#* Set to True to completely disable the lower CPU graph. +cpu_single_graph=False + +#* Shows the system uptime in the CPU box. +show_uptime=True + +#* Check cpu temperature, needs "osx-cpu-temp" on MacOS X. +check_temp=True + +#* Which sensor to use for cpu temperature, use options menu to select from list of available sensors. +cpu_sensor=Auto + +#* Show temperatures for cpu cores also if check_temp is True and sensors has been found +show_coretemp=True + +#* Which temperature scale to use, available values: "celsius", "fahrenheit", "kelvin" and "rankine" +temp_scale="celsius" + +#* Show CPU frequency, can cause slowdowns on certain systems with some versions of psutil +show_cpu_freq=True + +#* Draw a clock at top of screen, formatting according to strftime, empty string to disable. +draw_clock="%X" + +#* Update main ui in background when menus are showing, set this to false if the menus is flickering too much for comfort. +background_update=True + +#* Custom cpu model name, empty string to disable. +custom_cpu_name="" + +#* Optional filter for shown disks, should be full path of a mountpoint, separate multiple values with a comma ",". +#* Begin line with "exclude=" to change to exclude filter, otherwise defaults to "most include" filter. Example: disks_filter="exclude=/boot, /home/user" +disks_filter="" + +#* Show graphs instead of meters for memory values. +mem_graphs=True + +#* If swap memory should be shown in memory box. +show_swap=True + +#* Show swap as a disk, ignores show_swap value above, inserts itself after first disk. +swap_disk=True + +#* If mem box should be split to also show disks info. +show_disks=True + +#* Filter out non physical disks. Set this to False to include network disks, RAM disks and similar. +only_physical=True + +#* Read disks list from /etc/fstab. This also disables only_physical. +use_fstab=False + +#* Toggles if io stats should be shown in regular disk usage view +show_io_stat=True + +#* Toggles io mode for disks, showing only big graphs for disk read/write speeds. +io_mode=False + +#* Set to True to show combined read/write io graphs in io mode. +io_graph_combined=False + +#* Set the top speed for the io graphs in MiB/s (10 by default), use format "device:speed" separate disks with a comma ",". +#* Example: "/dev/sda:100, /dev/sdb:20" +io_graph_speeds="" + +#* Set fixed values for network graphs, default "10M" = 10 Mibibytes, possible units "K", "M", "G", append with "bit" for bits instead of bytes, i.e "100mbit" +net_download="10M" +net_upload="10M" + +#* Start in network graphs auto rescaling mode, ignores any values set above and rescales down to 10 Kibibytes at the lowest. +net_auto=True + +#* Sync the scaling for download and upload to whichever currently has the highest scale +net_sync=False + +#* If the network graphs color gradient should scale to bandwidth usage or auto scale, bandwidth usage is based on "net_download" and "net_upload" values +net_color_fixed=False + +#* Starts with the Network Interface specified here. +net_iface="" + +#* Show battery stats in top right if battery is present +show_battery=True + +#* Show init screen at startup, the init screen is purely cosmetical +show_init=False + +#* Enable check for new version from at start. +update_check=True + +#* Set loglevel for "~/.config/bpytop/error.log" levels are: "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG". +#* The level set includes all lower levels, i.e. "DEBUG" will show all logging info. +log_level=WARNING diff --git a/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc b/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9dd6363 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#! /bin/sh + +# Autostart +xrandr --display 0 144 & +xrandr --display 1 60 & +pgrep -x dunst > /dev/null || dunst -conf $HOME/.config/dunst/dunstrc & +sxhkd & +xrdb $HOME/.Xresources +$HOME/.config/polybar/ & +pgrep -x polkit-gnome-au > /dev/null || /usr/lib/polkit-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 & +#pgrep -x glava > /dev/null || glava --desktop & +feh --bg-fill --randomize $HOME/backgrounds/* /usr/share/backgrounds/* & +pgrep -x nm-applet > /dev/null || nm-applet & +pgrep -x pasystray > /dev/null || pasystray & +pgrep -x xscreensaver > /dev/null || xscreensaver -no-splash & +pgrep -x picom > /dev/null || picom --config $HOME/.config/picom/picom.conf & +pgrep -x wmname > /dev/null || wmname LG3D & + +# Set workspaces +bspc monitor DP-2 1 2 3 4 5 +bspc monitor HDMI-0 6 7 8 9 0 + +# BSPWM config +bspc config border_width 1 +bspc config window_gap 12 +bspc config split_ratio 0.50 +bspc config borderless_monocle true +bspc config gapless_monocle true + diff --git a/.config/btop/btop.conf b/.config/btop/btop.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..341e802 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/btop/btop.conf @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +#? Config file for btop v. 1.1.2 + +#* Name of a btop++/bpytop/bashtop formatted ".theme" file, "Default" and "TTY" for builtin themes. +#* Themes should be placed in "../share/btop/themes" relative to binary or "$HOME/.config/btop/themes" +color_theme = "Default" + +#* If the theme set background should be shown, set to False if you want terminal background transparency. +theme_background = True + +#* Sets if 24-bit truecolor should be used, will convert 24-bit colors to 256 color (6x6x6 color cube) if false. +truecolor = True + +#* Set to true to force tty mode regardless if a real tty has been detected or not. +#* Will force 16-color mode and TTY theme, set all graph symbols to "tty" and swap out other non tty friendly symbols. +force_tty = False + +#* Define presets for the layout of the boxes. Preset 0 is always all boxes shown with default settings. Max 9 presets. +#* Format: "box_name:P:G,box_name:P:G" P=(0 or 1) for alternate positons, G=graph symbol to use for box. +#* Use withespace " " as seprator between different presets. +#* Example: "cpu:0:default,mem:0:tty,proc:1:default cpu:0:braille,proc:0:tty" +presets = "cpu:1:default,proc:0:default cpu:0:default,mem:0:default,net:0:default cpu:0:block,net:0:tty" + +#* Set to True to enable "h,j,k,l" keys for directional control in lists. +#* Conflicting keys for h:"help" and k:"kill" is accessible while holding shift. +vim_keys = True + +#* Rounded corners on boxes, is ignored if TTY mode is ON. +rounded_corners = True + +#* Default symbols to use for graph creation, "braille", "block" or "tty". +#* "braille" offers the highest resolution but might not be included in all fonts. +#* "block" has half the resolution of braille but uses more common characters. +#* "tty" uses only 3 different symbols but will work with most fonts and should work in a real TTY. +#* Note that "tty" only has half the horizontal resolution of the other two, so will show a shorter historical view. +graph_symbol = "braille" + +# Graph symbol to use for graphs in cpu box, "default", "braille", "block" or "tty". +graph_symbol_cpu = "default" + +# Graph symbol to use for graphs in cpu box, "default", "braille", "block" or "tty". +graph_symbol_mem = "default" + +# Graph symbol to use for graphs in cpu box, "default", "braille", "block" or "tty". +graph_symbol_net = "default" + +# Graph symbol to use for graphs in cpu box, "default", "braille", "block" or "tty". +graph_symbol_proc = "default" + +#* Manually set which boxes to show. Available values are "cpu mem net proc", separate values with whitespace. +shown_boxes = "cpu mem net proc" + +#* Update time in milliseconds, recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample times for graphs. +update_ms = 1000 + +#* Processes sorting, "pid" "program" "arguments" "threads" "user" "memory" "cpu lazy" "cpu responsive", +#* "cpu lazy" sorts top process over time (easier to follow), "cpu responsive" updates top process directly. +proc_sorting = "cpu lazy" + +#* Reverse sorting order, True or False. +proc_reversed = False + +#* Show processes as a tree. +proc_tree = True + +#* Use the cpu graph colors in the process list. +proc_colors = True + +#* Use a darkening gradient in the process list. +proc_gradient = True + +#* If process cpu usage should be of the core it's running on or usage of the total available cpu power. +proc_per_core = True + +#* Show process memory as bytes instead of percent. +proc_mem_bytes = True + +#* Use /proc/[pid]/smaps for memory information in the process info box (very slow but more accurate) +proc_info_smaps = False + +#* Show proc box on left side of screen instead of right. +proc_left = False + +#* Sets the CPU stat shown in upper half of the CPU graph, "total" is always available. +#* Select from a list of detected attributes from the options menu. +cpu_graph_upper = "total" + +#* Sets the CPU stat shown in lower half of the CPU graph, "total" is always available. +#* Select from a list of detected attributes from the options menu. +cpu_graph_lower = "idle" + +#* Toggles if the lower CPU graph should be inverted. +cpu_invert_lower = True + +#* Set to True to completely disable the lower CPU graph. +cpu_single_graph = False + +#* Show cpu box at bottom of screen instead of top. +cpu_bottom = False + +#* Shows the system uptime in the CPU box. +show_uptime = True + +#* Show cpu temperature. +check_temp = True + +#* Which sensor to use for cpu temperature, use options menu to select from list of available sensors. +cpu_sensor = "Auto" + +#* Show temperatures for cpu cores also if check_temp is True and sensors has been found. +show_coretemp = True + +#* Set a custom mapping between core and coretemp, can be needed on certain cpus to get correct temperature for correct core. +#* Use lm-sensors or similar to see which cores are reporting temperatures on your machine. +#* Format "x:y" x=core with wrong temp, y=core with correct temp, use space as separator between multiple entries. +#* Example: "4:0 5:1 6:3" +cpu_core_map = "" + +#* Which temperature scale to use, available values: "celsius", "fahrenheit", "kelvin" and "rankine". +temp_scale = "celsius" + +#* Show CPU frequency. +show_cpu_freq = True + +#* Draw a clock at top of screen, formatting according to strftime, empty string to disable. +#* Special formatting: /host = hostname | /user = username | /uptime = system uptime +clock_format = "%X" + +#* Update main ui in background when menus are showing, set this to false if the menus is flickering too much for comfort. +background_update = True + +#* Custom cpu model name, empty string to disable. +custom_cpu_name = "" + +#* Optional filter for shown disks, should be full path of a mountpoint, separate multiple values with whitespace " ". +#* Begin line with "exclude=" to change to exclude filter, otherwise defaults to "most include" filter. Example: disks_filter="exclude=/boot /home/user". +disks_filter = "" + +#* Show graphs instead of meters for memory values. +mem_graphs = True + +#* Show mem box below net box instead of above. +mem_below_net = False + +#* If swap memory should be shown in memory box. +show_swap = True + +#* Show swap as a disk, ignores show_swap value above, inserts itself after first disk. +swap_disk = True + +#* If mem box should be split to also show disks info. +show_disks = True + +#* Filter out non physical disks. Set this to False to include network disks, RAM disks and similar. +only_physical = True + +#* Read disks list from /etc/fstab. This also disables only_physical. +use_fstab = True + +#* Toggles if io activity % (disk busy time) should be shown in regular disk usage view. +show_io_stat = True + +#* Toggles io mode for disks, showing big graphs for disk read/write speeds. +io_mode = False + +#* Set to True to show combined read/write io graphs in io mode. +io_graph_combined = False + +#* Set the top speed for the io graphs in MiB/s (100 by default), use format "mountpoint:speed" separate disks with whitespace " ". +#* Example: "/mnt/media:100 /:20 /boot:1". +io_graph_speeds = "" + +#* Set fixed values for network graphs in Mebibits. Is only used if net_auto is also set to False. +net_download = 100 + +net_upload = 100 + +#* Use network graphs auto rescaling mode, ignores any values set above and rescales down to 10 Kibibytes at the lowest. +net_auto = True + +#* Sync the auto scaling for download and upload to whichever currently has the highest scale. +net_sync = False + +#* Starts with the Network Interface specified here. +net_iface = "" + +#* Show battery stats in top right if battery is present. +show_battery = True + +#* Which battery to use if multiple are present. "Auto" for auto detection. +selected_battery = "Auto" + +#* Set loglevel for "~/.config/btop/btop.log" levels are: "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG". +#* The level set includes all lower levels, i.e. "DEBUG" will show all logging info. +log_level = "DEBUG" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.config/cava/config b/.config/cava/config new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c97bdea --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/cava/config @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +## Configuration file for CAVA. Default values are commented out. Use either ';' or '#' for commenting. + + +[general] + +# Smoothing mode. Can be 'normal', 'scientific' or 'waves'. DEPRECATED as of 0.6.0 +; mode = normal + +# Accepts only non-negative values. +; framerate = 60 + +# 'autosens' will attempt to decrease sensitivity if the bars peak. 1 = on, 0 = off +# new as of 0.6.0 autosens of low values (dynamic range) +# 'overshoot' allows bars to overshoot (in % of terminal height) without initiating autosens. DEPRECATED as of 0.6.0 +; autosens = 1 +; overshoot = 20 + +# Manual sensitivity in %. Autosens must be turned off for this to take effect. +# 200 means double height. Accepts only non-negative values. +; sensitivity = 100 + +# The number of bars (0-200). 0 sets it to auto (fill up console). +# Bars' width and space between bars in number of characters. +bars = 0 +bar_width = 0 +bar_spacing = 0 + + +# Lower and higher cutoff frequencies for lowest and highest bars +# the bandwidth of the visualizer. +# Note: there is a minimum total bandwidth of 43Mhz x number of bars. +# Cava will automatically increase the higher cutoff if a too low band is specified. +; lower_cutoff_freq = 50 +; higher_cutoff_freq = 10000 + + +# Seconds with no input before cava goes to sleep mode. Cava will not perform FFT or drawing and +# only check for input once per second. Cava will wake up once input is detected. 0 = disable. +; sleep_timer = 0 + + +[input] + +# Audio capturing method. Possible methods are: 'pulse', 'alsa', 'fifo', 'sndio' or 'shmem' +# Defaults to 'pulse', 'alsa' or 'fifo', in that order, dependent on what support cava was built with. +# +# All input methods uses the same config variable 'source' +# to define where it should get the audio. +# +# For pulseaudio 'source' will be the source. Default: 'auto', which uses the monitor source of the default sink +# (all pulseaudio sinks(outputs) have 'monitor' sources(inputs) associated with them). +# +# For alsa 'source' will be the capture device. +# For fifo 'source' will be the path to fifo-file. +# For shmem 'source' will be /squeezelite-AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF' will be squeezelite's MAC address +; method = pulse +; source = auto + +; method = alsa +; source = hw:Loopback,1 + +; method = fifo +; source = /tmp/mpd.fifo +; sample_rate = 44100 +; sample_bits = 16 + +; method = shmem +; source = /squeezelite-AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF + +; method = portaudio +; source = auto + + +[output] + +# Output method. Can be 'ncurses', 'noncurses' or 'raw'. +# 'noncurses' uses a custom framebuffer technique and draws only changes +# from frame to frame. 'ncurses' is default if supported +# +# 'raw' is an 8 or 16 bit (configurable via the 'bit_format' option) data +# stream of the bar heights that can be used to send to other applications. +# 'raw' defaults to 200 bars, which can be adjusted in the 'bars' option above. +; method = ncurses + +# Visual channels. Can be 'stereo' or 'mono'. +# 'stereo' mirrors both channels with low frequencies in center. +# 'mono' outputs left to right lowest to highest frequencies. +# 'mono_option' set mono to either take input from 'left', 'right' or 'average'. +; channels = stereo +; mono_option = average + +# Raw output target. A fifo will be created if target does not exist. +; raw_target = /dev/stdout + +# Raw data format. Can be 'binary' or 'ascii'. +; data_format = binary + +# Binary bit format, can be '8bit' (0-255) or '16bit' (0-65530). +; bit_format = 16bit + +# Ascii max value. In 'ascii' mode range will run from 0 to value specified here +; ascii_max_range = 1000 + +# Ascii delimiters. In ascii format each bar and frame is separated by a delimiters. +# Use decimal value in ascii table (i.e. 59 = ';' and 10 = '\n' (line feed)). +; bar_delimiter = 59 +; frame_delimiter = 10 + + + +[color] + +# Colors can be one of seven predefined: black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white, yellow. +# Or defined by hex code '#xxxxxx' (hex code must be within ''). User defined colors requires +# ncurses output method and a terminal that can change color definitions such as Gnome-terminal or rxvt. +# if supported, ncurses mode will be forced on if user defined colors are used. +# default is to keep current terminal color +; background = default +; foreground = default + +# Gradient mode, only hex defined colors (and thereby ncurses mode) are supported, +# background must also be defined in hex or remain commented out. 1 = on, 0 = off. +# You can define as many as 8 different colors. They range from bottom to top of screen +gradient = 1 +gradient_count = 7 +gradient_color_1 = '#8B00FF' +gradient_color_2 = '#2E2B5F' +gradient_color_3 = '#0000FF' +gradient_color_4 = '#00FF00' +gradient_color_5 = '#FFFF00' +gradient_color_6 = '#FF7F00' +gradient_color_7 = '#FF0000' + + + +[smoothing] + +# Percentage value for integral smoothing. Takes values from 0 - 100. +# Higher values means smoother, but less precise. 0 to disable. +; integral = 77 + +# Disables or enables the so-called "Monstercat smoothing" with or without "waves". Set to 0 to disable. +; monstercat = 1 +; waves = 1 + +# Set gravity percentage for "drop off". Higher values means bars will drop faster. +# Accepts only non-negative values. 50 means half gravity, 200 means double. Set to 0 to disable "drop off". +; gravity = 100 + + +# In bar height, bars that would have been lower that this will not be drawn. +; ignore = 0 + + +[eq] + +# This one is tricky. You can have as much keys as you want. +# Remember to uncomment more then one key! More keys = more precision. +# Look at on github for further explanations and examples. +; 1 = 1 # bass +; 2 = 1 +; 3 = 1 # midtone +; 4 = 1 +; 5 = 1 # treble diff --git a/.config/dunst/dunstrc b/.config/dunst/dunstrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2087e5f --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/dunst/dunstrc @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +# See dunst(5) for all configuration options + +[global] + ### Display ### + + # Which monitor should the notifications be displayed on. + monitor = 0 + + # Display notification on focused monitor. Possible modes are: + # mouse: follow mouse pointer + # keyboard: follow window with keyboard focus + # none: don't follow anything + # + # "keyboard" needs a window manager that exports the + # _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property. + # This should be the case for almost all modern window managers. + # + # If this option is set to mouse or keyboard, the monitor option + # will be ignored. + follow = mouse + + ### Geometry ### + + # dynamic width from 0 to 300 + # width = (0, 300) + # constant width of 300 + width = 300 + + # The maximum height of a single notification, excluding the frame. + height = 300 + + # Position the notification in the top right corner + origin = top-right + + # Offset from the origin + offset = 10x50 + + # Scale factor. It is auto-detected if value is 0. + scale = 0 + + # Maximum number of notification (0 means no limit) + notification_limit = 0 + + ### Progress bar ### + + # Turn on the progess bar. It appears when a progress hint is passed with + # for example dunstify -h int:value:12 + progress_bar = true + + # Set the progress bar height. This includes the frame, so make sure + # it's at least twice as big as the frame width. + progress_bar_height = 10 + + # Set the frame width of the progress bar + progress_bar_frame_width = 1 + + # Set the minimum width for the progress bar + progress_bar_min_width = 150 + + # Set the maximum width for the progress bar + progress_bar_max_width = 300 + + + # Show how many messages are currently hidden (because of + # notification_limit). + indicate_hidden = yes + + # The transparency of the window. Range: [0; 100]. + # This option will only work if a compositing window manager is + # present (e.g. xcompmgr, compiz, etc.). (X11 only) + transparency = 0 + + # Draw a line of "separator_height" pixel height between two + # notifications. + # Set to 0 to disable. + separator_height = 2 + + # Padding between text and separator. + padding = 8 + + # Horizontal padding. + horizontal_padding = 8 + + # Padding between text and icon. + text_icon_padding = 0 + + # Defines width in pixels of frame around the notification window. + # Set to 0 to disable. + frame_width = 3 + + # Defines color of the frame around the notification window. + frame_color = "#3b4252" + + # Define a color for the separator. + # possible values are: + # * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background; + # * foreground: use the same color as the foreground; + # * frame: use the same color as the frame; + # * anything else will be interpreted as a X color. + separator_color = "#4c566a" + + # Sort messages by urgency. + sort = yes + + # Don't remove messages, if the user is idle (no mouse or keyboard input) + # for longer than idle_threshold seconds. + # Set to 0 to disable. + # A client can set the 'transient' hint to bypass this. See the rules + # section for how to disable this if necessary + # idle_threshold = 120 + + ### Text ### + + font = FiraCode Nerd Font Mono 12 + + # The spacing between lines. If the height is smaller than the + # font height, it will get raised to the font height. + line_height = 0 + + # Possible values are: + # full: Allow a small subset of html markup in notifications: + # bold + # italic + # strikethrough + # underline + # + # For a complete reference see + # . + # + # strip: This setting is provided for compatibility with some broken + # clients that send markup even though it's not enabled on the + # server. Dunst will try to strip the markup but the parsing is + # simplistic so using this option outside of matching rules for + # specific applications *IS GREATLY DISCOURAGED*. + # + # no: Disable markup parsing, incoming notifications will be treated as + # plain text. Dunst will not advertise that it has the body-markup + # capability if this is set as a global setting. + # + # It's important to note that markup inside the format option will be parsed + # regardless of what this is set to. + markup = full + + # The format of the message. Possible variables are: + # %a appname + # %s summary + # %b body + # %i iconname (including its path) + # %I iconname (without its path) + # %p progress value if set ([ 0%] to [100%]) or nothing + # %n progress value if set without any extra characters + # %% Literal % + # Markup is allowed + format = "%s\n%b" + + # Alignment of message text. + # Possible values are "left", "center" and "right". + alignment = left + + # Vertical alignment of message text and icon. + # Possible values are "top", "center" and "bottom". + vertical_alignment = center + + # Show age of message if message is older than show_age_threshold + # seconds. + # Set to -1 to disable. + show_age_threshold = 60 + + # Specify where to make an ellipsis in long lines. + # Possible values are "start", "middle" and "end". + ellipsize = middle + + # Ignore newlines '\n' in notifications. + ignore_newline = no + + # Stack together notifications with the same content + stack_duplicates = true + + # Hide the count of stacked notifications with the same content + hide_duplicate_count = false + + # Display indicators for URLs (U) and actions (A). + show_indicators = yes + + ### Icons ### + + # Align icons left/right/off + icon_position = left + + # Scale small icons up to this size, set to 0 to disable. Helpful + # for e.g. small files or high-dpi screens. In case of conflict, + # max_icon_size takes precedence over this. + min_icon_size = 0 + + # Scale larger icons down to this size, set to 0 to disable + max_icon_size = 32 + + # Paths to default icons. + icon_path = /usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/status/:/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/devices/ + + ### History ### + + # Should a notification popped up from history be sticky or timeout + # as if it would normally do. + sticky_history = yes + + # Maximum amount of notifications kept in history + history_length = 20 + + ### Misc/Advanced ### + + # dmenu path. + dmenu = /usr/bin/dmenu -p dunst: + + # Browser for opening urls in context menu. + browser = /usr/bin/xdg-open + + # Always run rule-defined scripts, even if the notification is suppressed + always_run_script = true + + # Define the title of the windows spawned by dunst + title = Dunst + + # Define the class of the windows spawned by dunst + class = Dunst + + # Define the corner radius of the notification window + # in pixel size. If the radius is 0, you have no rounded + # corners. + # The radius will be automatically lowered if it exceeds half of the + # notification height to avoid clipping text and/or icons. + corner_radius = 0 + + # Ignore the dbus closeNotification message. + # Useful to enforce the timeout set by dunst configuration. Without this + # parameter, an application may close the notification sent before the + # user defined timeout. + ignore_dbusclose = false + + ### Wayland ### + # These settings are Wayland-specific. They have no effect when using X11 + + # Uncomment this if you want to let notications appear under fullscreen + # applications (default: overlay) + # layer = top + + # Set this to true to use X11 output on Wayland. + force_xwayland = false + + ### Legacy + + # Use the Xinerama extension instead of RandR for multi-monitor support. + # This setting is provided for compatibility with older nVidia drivers that + # do not support RandR and using it on systems that support RandR is highly + # discouraged. + # + # By enabling this setting dunst will not be able to detect when a monitor + # is connected or disconnected which might break follow mode if the screen + # layout changes. + force_xinerama = false + + ### mouse + + # Defines list of actions for each mouse event + # Possible values are: + # * none: Don't do anything. + # * do_action: Invoke the action determined by the action_name rule. If there is no + # such action, open the context menu. + # * open_url: If the notification has exactly one url, open it. If there are multiple + # ones, open the context menu. + # * close_current: Close current notification. + # * close_all: Close all notifications. + # * context: Open context menu for the notification. + # * context_all: Open context menu for all notifications. + # These values can be strung together for each mouse event, and + # will be executed in sequence. + mouse_left_click = close_current + mouse_middle_click = do_action, close_current + mouse_right_click = close_all + +# Experimental features that may or may not work correctly. Do not expect them +# to have a consistent behaviour across releases. +[experimental] + # Calculate the dpi to use on a per-monitor basis. + # If this setting is enabled the Xft.dpi value will be ignored and instead + # dunst will attempt to calculate an appropriate dpi value for each monitor + # using the resolution and physical size. This might be useful in setups + # where there are multiple screens with very different dpi values. + per_monitor_dpi = false + + +[urgency_low] + # IMPORTANT: colors have to be defined in quotation marks. + # Otherwise the "#" and following would be interpreted as a comment. + background = "#222222" + foreground = "#888888" + timeout = 10 + # Icon for notifications with low urgency, uncomment to enable + #new_icon = /path/to/icon + +[urgency_normal] + background = "#285577" + foreground = "#ffffff" + timeout = 10 + # Icon for notifications with normal urgency, uncomment to enable + #new_icon = /path/to/icon + +[urgency_critical] + background = "#900000" + foreground = "#ffffff" + frame_color = "#ff0000" + timeout = 0 + # Icon for notifications with critical urgency, uncomment to enable + #new_icon = /path/to/icon + +# Every section that isn't one of the above is interpreted as a rules to +# override settings for certain messages. +# +# Messages can be matched by +# appname (discouraged, see desktop_entry) +# body +# category +# desktop_entry +# icon +# match_transient +# msg_urgency +# stack_tag +# summary +# +# and you can override the +# background +# foreground +# format +# frame_color +# fullscreen +# new_icon +# set_stack_tag +# set_transient +# set_category +# timeout +# urgency +# skip_display +# history_ignore +# action_name +# word_wrap +# ellipsize +# alignment +# +# Shell-like globbing will get expanded. +# +# Instead of the appname filter, it's recommended to use the desktop_entry filter. +# GLib based applications export their desktop-entry name. In comparison to the appname, +# the desktop-entry won't get localized. +# +# SCRIPTING +# You can specify a script that gets run when the rule matches by +# setting the "script" option. +# The script will be called as follows: +# script appname summary body icon urgency +# where urgency can be "LOW", "NORMAL" or "CRITICAL". +# +# NOTE: It might be helpful to run dunst -print in a terminal in order +# to find fitting options for rules. + +# Disable the transient hint so that idle_threshold cannot be bypassed from the +# client +#[transient_disable] +# match_transient = yes +# set_transient = no +# +# Make the handling of transient notifications more strict by making them not +# be placed in history. +#[transient_history_ignore] +# match_transient = yes +# history_ignore = yes + +# fullscreen values +# show: show the notifications, regardless if there is a fullscreen window opened +# delay: displays the new notification, if there is no fullscreen window active +# If the notification is already drawn, it won't get undrawn. +# pushback: same as delay, but when switching into fullscreen, the notification will get +# withdrawn from screen again and will get delayed like a new notification +#[fullscreen_delay_everything] +# fullscreen = delay +#[fullscreen_show_critical] +# msg_urgency = critical +# fullscreen = show + +#[espeak] +# summary = "*" +# script = + +#[script-test] +# summary = "*script*" +# script = + +#[ignore] +# # This notification will not be displayed +# summary = "foobar" +# skip_display = true + +#[history-ignore] +# # This notification will not be saved in history +# summary = "foobar" +# history_ignore = yes + +#[skip-display] +# # This notification will not be displayed, but will be included in the history +# summary = "foobar" +# skip_display = yes + +#[signed_on] +# appname = Pidgin +# summary = "*signed on*" +# urgency = low +# +#[signed_off] +# appname = Pidgin +# summary = *signed off* +# urgency = low +# +#[says] +# appname = Pidgin +# summary = *says* +# urgency = critical +# +#[twitter] +# appname = Pidgin +# summary = ** +# urgency = normal +# +#[stack-volumes] +# appname = "some_volume_notifiers" +# set_stack_tag = "volume" +# +# vim: ft=cfg diff --git a/.config/glava/bars b/.config/glava/bars new file mode 120000 index 0000000..09377e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/bars @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/etc/xdg/glava//bars \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.config/glava/bars.glsl b/.config/glava/bars.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5f6bf94 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/bars.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + +/* Center line thickness (pixels) */ +#define C_LINE 1 +/* Width (in pixels) of each bar */ +#define BAR_WIDTH 4 +/* Width (in pixels) of each bar gap */ +#define BAR_GAP 2 +/* Outline color */ +#define BAR_OUTLINE #262626 +/* Outline width (in pixels, set to 0 to disable outline drawing) */ +#define BAR_OUTLINE_WIDTH 0 +/* Amplify magnitude of the results each bar displays */ +#define AMPLIFY 300 +/* Whether the current settings use the alpha channel; + enabling this is required for alpha to function + correctly on X11 with `"native"` transparency. */ +#define USE_ALPHA 0 +/* How strong the gradient changes */ +#define GRADIENT_POWER 60 +/* Bar color changes with height */ +/* define GRADIENT (d / GRADIENT_POWER + 1) */ +/* Bar color */ +#define COLOR mix(#882222, #2233FF, clamp(d / 100, 0, 1)) +/* Direction that the bars are facing, 0 for inward, 1 for outward */ +#define DIRECTION 0 +/* Whether to switch left/right audio buffers */ +#define INVERT 0 +/* Whether to flip the output vertically */ +#define FLIP 0 +/* Whether to mirror output along `Y = X`, causing output to render on the left side of the window */ +/* Use with `FLIP 1` to render on the right side */ +#define MIRROR_YX 0 + diff --git a/.config/glava/circle b/.config/glava/circle new file mode 120000 index 0000000..f53c651 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/circle @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/etc/xdg/glava//circle \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.config/glava/circle.glsl b/.config/glava/circle.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..83b8ad3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/circle.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/* center radius (pixels) */ +#define C_RADIUS 128 +/* center line thickness (pixels) */ +#define C_LINE 1.5 +/* outline color */ +#define OUTLINE #333333 +/* Amplify magnitude of the results each bar displays */ +#define AMPLIFY 150 +/* Angle (in radians) for how much to rotate the visualizer */ +#define ROTATE (PI / 2) +/* Whether to switch left/right audio buffers */ +#define INVERT 0 +/* Whether to fill in the space between the line and inner circle */ +#define C_FILL 0 +/* Whether to apply a post-processing image smoothing effect + 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Only works with `xroot` transparency, + and improves performance if disabled. */ +#define C_SMOOTH 1 + +/* Gravity step, overrude frin `smooth_parameters.glsl` */ +#request setgravitystep 6.0 + +/* Smoothing factor, override from `smooth_parameters.glsl` */ +#request setsmoothfactor 0.01 diff --git a/.config/glava/env_KWin.glsl b/.config/glava/env_KWin.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..aa168ba --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/env_KWin.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +#request setdecorated false +#request setxwintype "normal" +#request addxwinstate "below" +#request addxwinstate "skip_taskbar" +#request addxwinstate "skip_pager" +#request addxwinstate "pinned" +#request setclickthrough true + diff --git a/.config/glava/env_Openbox.glsl b/.config/glava/env_Openbox.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..c95c616 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/env_Openbox.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#request setxwintype "desktop" +#request addxwinstate "pinned" diff --git a/.config/glava/env_Xfwm4.glsl b/.config/glava/env_Xfwm4.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..1c20359 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/env_Xfwm4.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +#request setxwintype "desktop" +#request addxwinstate "pinned" +#request addxwinstate "below" diff --git a/.config/glava/env_awesome.glsl b/.config/glava/env_awesome.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7f2bba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/env_awesome.glsl @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#request setxwintype "!-" diff --git a/.config/glava/env_default.glsl b/.config/glava/env_default.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..90336cc --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/env_default.glsl @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#request setxwintype "desktop" diff --git a/.config/glava/env_i3.glsl b/.config/glava/env_i3.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7f2bba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/env_i3.glsl @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +#request setxwintype "!-" diff --git a/.config/glava/graph b/.config/glava/graph new file mode 120000 index 0000000..2ad2983 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/graph @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/etc/xdg/glava//graph \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.config/glava/graph.glsl b/.config/glava/graph.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..546d8d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/graph.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + +/* Vertical scale, larger values will amplify output */ +#define VSCALE 300 +/* Rendering direction, either -1 (outwards) or 1 (inwards). */ +#define DIRECTION 1 + +/* Color gradient scale, (optionally) used in `COLOR` macro */ +#define GRADIENT_SCALE 75 +/* Color definition. By default this is a gradient formed by mixing two colors. + `pos` represents the pixel position relative to the visualizer baseline. */ +#define COLOR mix(#802A2A, #4F4F92, clamp(pos / GRADIENT_SCALE, 0, 1)) +/* 1 to draw outline, 0 to disable */ +#define DRAW_OUTLINE 0 +/* 1 to draw edge highlight, 0 to disable */ +#define DRAW_HIGHLIGHT 1 +/* Whether to anti-alias the border of the graph, creating a smoother curve. + This may have a small impact on performance. + Note: requires `xroot` or `none` opacity to be set */ +#define ANTI_ALIAS 0 +/* outline color */ +#define OUTLINE #262626 +/* 1 to join the two channels together in the middle, 0 to clamp both down to zero */ +#define JOIN_CHANNELS 0 +/* 1 to invert (vertically), 0 otherwise */ +#define INVERT 0 + +/* Gravity step, overrude from `smooth_parameters.glsl` */ +#request setgravitystep 2.4 + +/* Smoothing factor, override from `smooth_parameters.glsl` */ +#request setsmoothfactor 0.015 diff --git a/.config/glava/radial b/.config/glava/radial new file mode 120000 index 0000000..04fe5e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/radial @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/etc/xdg/glava//radial \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.config/glava/radial.glsl b/.config/glava/radial.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4689be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/radial.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + +/* center radius (pixels) */ +#define C_RADIUS 128 +/* center line thickness (pixels) */ +#define C_LINE 2 +/* outline color */ +#define OUTLINE #333333 +/* number of bars (use even values for best results) */ +#define NBARS 180 +/* width (in pixels) of each bar*/ +#define BAR_WIDTH 3.5 +/* outline color */ +#define BAR_OUTLINE OUTLINE +/* outline width (in pixels, set to 0 to disable outline drawing) */ +#define BAR_OUTLINE_WIDTH 0 +/* Amplify magnitude of the results each bar displays */ +#define AMPLIFY 300 +/* Bar color */ +#define COLOR (#cc3333 * ((d / 40) + 1)) +/* Angle (in radians) for how much to rotate the visualizer */ +#define ROTATE (PI / 2) +/* Whether to switch left/right audio buffers */ +#define INVERT 0 +/* Aliasing factors. Higher values mean more defined and jagged lines. + Note: aliasing does not have a notable impact on performance, but requires + `xroot` transparency to be enabled since it relies on alpha blending with + the background. */ +#define BAR_ALIAS_FACTOR 1.2 +#define C_ALIAS_FACTOR 1.8 +/* Offset (Y) of the visualization */ +#define CENTER_OFFSET_Y 0 +/* Offset (X) of the visualization */ +#define CENTER_OFFSET_X 0 + +/* Gravity step, override from `smooth_parameters.glsl` */ +#request setgravitystep 5.0 + +/* Smoothing factor, override from `smooth_parameters.glsl` */ +#request setsmoothfactor 0.02 diff --git a/.config/glava/rc.glsl b/.config/glava/rc.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fc2b9fe --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/rc.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,227 @@ + +/* The module to use. A module is a set of shaders used to produce + the visualizer. The structure for a module is the following: + + module_name [directory] + 1.frag [file: fragment shader], + 2.frag [file: fragment shader], + ... + + Shaders are loaded in numerical order, starting at '1.frag', + continuing indefinitely. The results of each shader (except + for the final pass) is given to the next shader in the list + as a 2D sampler. + + See documentation for more details. */ +#request mod bars + +/* Window hints */ +#request setfloating false +#request setdecorated true +#request setfocused false +#request setmaximized false + +/* Set window background opacity mode. Possible values are: + + "native" - True transparency provided by the compositor. Can + reduce performance on some systems, depending on + the compositor used. + + "xroot" - Maintain a copy of the root window's pixmap + (usually the desktop background) to provide a + pseudo-transparent effect. Useful when no compositor + is available or native transparency isn't nessecary. + Has very little performance impact. + + "none" - Disable window opacity completely. */ +#request setopacity "native" + +/* Whether to mirror left and right audio input channels from PulseAudio.*/ +#request setmirror false + +/* OpenGL context and GLSL shader versions, do not change unless + you *absolutely* know what you are doing. */ +#request setversion 3 3 +#request setshaderversion 330 + +/* Window title */ +#request settitle "GLava" + +/* Window geometry (x, y, width, height) */ +#request setgeometry 0 0 3840 1080 + +/* Window background color (RGB format). + Does not work with `setopacity "xroot"` */ +#request setbg 00000000 + +/* (X11 only) EWMH Window type. Possible values are: + + "desktop", "dock", "toolbar", "menu", + "utility", "splash", "dialog", "normal" + + This will set _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE to _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_(TYPE), + where (TYPE) is the one of the window types listed (after being + converted to uppercase). + + Alternatively, you can set this value to "!", which will cause + the window to be unmanaged. If this is set, then `addxwinstate` + will do nothing, but you can use "!+" and "!-" to stack on top + or below other windows. +*/ +#request setxwintype "normal" + +/* (X11 only) EWMH Window state atoms (multiple can be specified). + Possible values are: + + "modal", "sticky", "maximized_vert", "maximized_horz", + "shaded", "skip_taskbar", "skip_pager", "hidden", "fullscreen", + "above", "below", "demands_attention", "focused", "pinned" + + This will add _NET_WM_STATE_(TYPE) atoms to _NET_WM_STATE, + where (TYPE) is one of the window states listed (after being + converted to uppercase). + + The lines below (commented out by default) are of relevance + if you are trying to get GLava to behave as a desktop widget + and your WM is not correctly responding to the "desktop" value + for `setxwintype`. +*/ +// #request addxwinstate "sticky" +// #request addxwinstate "skip_taskbar" +// #request addxwinstate "skip_pager" +// #request addxwinstate "above" +// #request addxwinstate "pinned" + +/* (X11 only) Use the XShape extension to support clicking through + the GLava window. Useful when you want to interact with other + desktop windows (icons, menus, desktop shells). Enabled by + default when GLava itself is a desktop window. */ +#request setclickthrough false + +/* Audio source + + When the "pulseaudio" backend is set, this can be a number or + a name of an audio sink or device to record from. Set to "auto" + to use the default output device. + + When the "fifo" backend is set, "auto" is interpreted as + "/tmp/mpd.fifo". Otherwise, a valid path should be provided. */ +#request setsource "auto" + +/* Buffer swap interval (vsync), set to '0' to prevent + waiting for refresh, '1' (or more) to wait for the specified + amount of frames. */ +#request setswap 1 + +/* Linear interpolation for audio data frames. Drastically + improves smoothness with configurations that yield low UPS + (`setsamplerate` and `setsamplesize`), or monitors that have + high refresh rates. + + This feature itself, however, will effect performance as it + will have to interpolate data every frame on the CPU. It will + automatically (and temporarily) disable itself if the update + rate is close to, or higher than the framerate: + + if (update_rate / frame_rate > 0.9) disable_interpolation; + + This will delay data output by one update frame, so it can + desync audio with visual effects on low UPS configs. */ +#request setinterpolate true + +/* Frame limiter, set to the frames per second (FPS) desired or + simply set to zero (or lower) to disable the frame limiter. */ +#request setframerate 60 + +/* Suspends rendering if a fullscreen window is focused while + GLava is still visible (ie. on another monitor). This prevents + rendering from interfering with other graphically intensive + tasks. + + If GLava is minimized or completely obscured, it will not + render regardless of this option. */ +#request setfullscreencheck false + +/* Enable/disable printing framerate every second. 'FPS' stands + for 'Frames Per Second', and 'UPS' stands for 'Updates Per + Second'. Updates are performed when new data is submitted + by pulseaudio, and require transformations to be re-applied + (thus being a good measure of how much work your CPU has to + perform over time) */ +#request setprintframes true + +/* PulseAudio sample buffer size. Lower values result in more + frequent audio updates (also depends on sampling rate), but + will also require all transformations to be applied much + more frequently (CPU intensive). + + High (>2048, with 22050 Hz) values will decrease accuracy + (as some signals can be missed by transformations like FFT) + + The following settings (@22050 Hz) produce the listed rates: + + Sample UPS Description + - 2048 -> 43.0 (low accuracy, cheap), use with < 60 FPS + - 1024 -> 86.1 (high accuracy, expensive), use with >= 60 FPS + - 512 -> 172.3 (extreme accuracy, very expensive), use only + for graphing accurate spectrum data with + custom modules. + + If the framerate drops below the update rate, the update rate + will be locked to the framerate (to prevent wasting CPU time). + This behaviour means you can use a 1024 sample size on a 60Hz + monitor with vsync enabled to get 60FPS and 60UPS. + + For high refresh rate monitors (120+ Hz), it's recommended to + also stick with the 1024 sample size and use interpolation to + smooth the data, as accuracy beyond this setting is mostly + meaningless for visual purposes. +*/ +#request setsamplesize 1024 + +/* Audio buffer size to be used for processing and shaders. + Increasing this value can have the effect of adding 'gravity' + to FFT output, as the audio signal will remain in the buffer + longer. + + This value has a _massive_ effect on FFT performance and + quality for some modules. */ +#request setbufsize 4096 + +/* PulseAudio sample rate. Lower values can add 'gravity' to + FFT output, but can also reduce accuracy. Most hardware + samples at 44100Hz. + + Lower sample rates also can make output more choppy, when + not using interpolation. It's generally OK to leave this + value unless you have a strange PulseAudio configuration. + + This option does nothing when using the "fifo" audio + backend. Instead, an ideal rate should be be configured + in the application generating the output. */ +#request setsamplerate 22050 + +/* ** DEPRECATED ** + Force window geometry (locking the window in place), useful + for some pesky WMs that try to reposition the window when + embedding in the desktop. + + This routinely sends X11 events and should be avoided. */ +#request setforcegeometry false + +/* ** DEPRECATED ** + Force window to be raised (focused in some WMs), useful for + WMs that have their own stacking order for desktop windows. + + This routinely sends X11 events and should be avoided. */ +#request setforceraised false + +/* ** DEPRECATED ** + Scale down the audio buffer before any operations are + performed on the data. Higher values are faster. + + This value can affect the output of various transformations, + since it applies (crude) averaging to the data when shrinking + the buffer. It is reccommended to use `setsamplerate` and + `setsamplesize` to improve performance or accuracy instead. */ +#request setbufscale 1 diff --git a/.config/glava/smooth_parameters.glsl b/.config/glava/smooth_parameters.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..bfea307 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/smooth_parameters.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ + +/* Settings for smoothing functions and transformations commonly + used to display FFT output. + + IMPORTANT: THESE VALUES CAN BE OVERRIDDEN IN MODULE CONFIG + FILES, IF CHANGING VALUES HERE DOES NOT WORK, CHECK + TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE NOT BEING SET ELSEWHERE. +*/ + +/* The type of formula to use for weighting values when smoothing. + Possible values: + + - circular heavily rounded points + - sinusoidal rounded at both low and high weighted values + like a sine wave + - linear not rounded at all; linear distance + */ +#define ROUND_FORMULA sinusoidal + +/* The sampling mode for processing raw FFT input: + + - average averages all the inputs in the sample range for + a given point. Produces smooth output, but peaks + are not well represented + - maximum obtains the best value from the closest peak in + the sample range. Very accurate peaks, but + output is jagged and sporadic. + - hybrid uses the results from both `average` and `maximum` + with the weight provided in `SAMPLE_HYBRID_WEIGHT` */ +#define SAMPLE_MODE average +/* Weight should be provided in the range (0, 1). Higher values favour + averaged results. `hybrid` mode only. */ +#define SAMPLE_HYBRID_WEIGHT 0.65 + +/* Factor used to scale frequencies. Lower values allows lower + frequencies to occupy more space. */ +#define SAMPLE_SCALE 8 + +/* The frequency range to sample. 1.0 would be the entire FFT output, + and lower values reduce the displayed frequencies in a log-like + scale. */ +#define SAMPLE_RANGE 0.9 + +/* Factor for how to scale higher frequencies. Used in a linear equation + which is multiplied by the result of the fft transformation. */ +#request setfftscale 10.2 + +/* Cutoff for the bass end of the audio data when scaling frequencies. + Higher values cause more of the bass frequencies to be skipped when + scaling. */ +#request setfftcutoff 0.3 + +/* How many frames to queue and run through the average function. + Increasing this value will create latency between the audio and the + animation, but will make for much smoother results. */ +#request setavgframes 6 + +/* Whether to window frames ran through the average function (new & old + frames are weighted less). This massively helps smoothing out + spontaneous values in the animation. */ +#request setavgwindow true + +/* Gravity step, higher values means faster drops. The step is applied + in a rate independant method like so: + + val -= (gravitystep) * (seconds per update) */ +#request setgravitystep 4.2 + +/* Smoothing factor. Larger values mean more smoothing in the output, + however high values can be expensive to compute. Values are in + normalized width: [0.0, 1.0) */ +#request setsmoothfactor 0.025 + +/* Whether to use a separate pass for audio data while smoothing. On + most hardware, this will improve performance, but involves doing a + separate render step for each audio texture and will add some driver + (CPU) overhead. */ +#request setsmoothpass true diff --git a/.config/glava/util b/.config/glava/util new file mode 120000 index 0000000..3cbab73 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/util @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/etc/xdg/glava//util \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.config/glava/wave b/.config/glava/wave new file mode 120000 index 0000000..3cba0de --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/wave @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/etc/xdg/glava//wave \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.config/glava/wave.glsl b/.config/glava/wave.glsl new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6a59fbe --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/glava/wave.glsl @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +/* min (vertical) line thickness */ +#define MIN_THICKNESS 1 + +/* max (vertical) line thickness */ +#define MAX_THICKNESS 6 + +/* base color to use, distance from center will multiply the RGB components */ +#define BASE_COLOR vec4(0.7, 0.2, 0.45, 1) + +/* amplitude */ +#define AMPLIFY 500 + +/* outline color */ +#define OUTLINE vec4(0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 1) diff --git a/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini b/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini new file mode 100644 index 0000000..433cb0e --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[Settings] +gtk-theme-name=Nordic +gtk-icon-theme-name=Nordic-Darker +gtk-font-name=FiraCode Nerd Font Mono 11 +gtk-cursor-theme-name=Adwaita +gtk-cursor-theme-size=0 +gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ +gtk-toolbar-icon-size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR +gtk-button-images=1 +gtk-menu-images=1 +gtk-enable-event-sounds=1 +gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds=1 +gtk-xft-antialias=1 +gtk-xft-hinting=1 +gtk-xft-hintstyle=hintmedium diff --git a/.config/neofetch/config.conf b/.config/neofetch/config.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27aa607 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/neofetch/config.conf @@ -0,0 +1,859 @@ +# See this wiki page for more info: +# +print_info() { + info title + info underline + + info "OS" distro + info "Host" model + info "Kernel" kernel + info "Uptime" uptime + info "Packages" packages + info "Shell" shell + info "Resolution" resolution + info "DE" de + info "WM" wm + info "WM Theme" wm_theme + info "Theme" theme + info "Icons" icons + info "Terminal" term + info "Terminal Font" term_font + info "CPU" cpu + info "GPU" gpu + info "Memory" memory + info "GPU Driver" gpu_driver # Linux/macOS only + info "CPU Usage" cpu_usage + info "Disk" disk + info "Font" font + info "Song" song + [[ "$player" ]] && prin "Music Player" "$player" + info "Locale" locale # This only works on glibc systems. + + info cols +} + +# Title + + +# Hide/Show Fully qualified domain name. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --title_fqdn +title_fqdn="off" + + +# Kernel + + +# Shorten the output of the kernel function. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --kernel_shorthand +# Supports: Everything except *BSDs (except PacBSD and PC-BSD) +# +# Example: +# on: '4.8.9-1-ARCH' +# off: 'Linux 4.8.9-1-ARCH' +kernel_shorthand="off" + + +# Distro + + +# Shorten the output of the distro function +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'tiny', 'off' +# Flag: --distro_shorthand +# Supports: Everything except Windows and Haiku +distro_shorthand="off" + +# Show/Hide OS Architecture. +# Show 'x86_64', 'x86' and etc in 'Distro:' output. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --os_arch +# +# Example: +# on: 'Arch Linux x86_64' +# off: 'Arch Linux' +os_arch="on" + + +# Uptime + + +# Shorten the output of the uptime function +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'tiny', 'off' +# Flag: --uptime_shorthand +# +# Example: +# on: '2 days, 10 hours, 3 mins' +# tiny: '2d 10h 3m' +# off: '2 days, 10 hours, 3 minutes' +uptime_shorthand="off" + + +# Memory + + +# Show memory pecentage in output. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --memory_percent +# +# Example: +# on: '1801MiB / 7881MiB (22%)' +# off: '1801MiB / 7881MiB' +memory_percent="on" + +# Change memory output unit. +# +# Default: 'mib' +# Values: 'kib', 'mib', 'gib' +# Flag: --memory_unit +# +# Example: +# kib '1020928KiB / 7117824KiB' +# mib '1042MiB / 6951MiB' +# gib: ' 0.98GiB / 6.79GiB' +memory_unit="gib" + + +# Packages + + +# Show/Hide Package Manager names. +# +# Default: 'tiny' +# Values: 'on', 'tiny' 'off' +# Flag: --package_managers +# +# Example: +# on: '998 (pacman), 8 (flatpak), 4 (snap)' +# tiny: '908 (pacman, flatpak, snap)' +# off: '908' +package_managers="on" + + +# Shell + + +# Show the path to $SHELL +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --shell_path +# +# Example: +# on: '/bin/bash' +# off: 'bash' +shell_path="on" + +# Show $SHELL version +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --shell_version +# +# Example: +# on: 'bash 4.4.5' +# off: 'bash' +shell_version="on" + + +# CPU + + +# CPU speed type +# +# Default: 'bios_limit' +# Values: 'scaling_cur_freq', 'scaling_min_freq', 'scaling_max_freq', 'bios_limit'. +# Flag: --speed_type +# Supports: Linux with 'cpufreq' +# NOTE: Any file in '/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq' can be used as a value. +speed_type="bios_limit" + +# CPU speed shorthand +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off'. +# Flag: --speed_shorthand +# NOTE: This flag is not supported in systems with CPU speed less than 1 GHz +# +# Example: +# on: 'i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz' +# off: 'i7-6500U (4) @ 3.100GHz' +speed_shorthand="off" + +# Enable/Disable CPU brand in output. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --cpu_brand +# +# Example: +# on: 'Intel i7-6500U' +# off: 'i7-6500U (4)' +cpu_brand="on" + +# CPU Speed +# Hide/Show CPU speed. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --cpu_speed +# +# Example: +# on: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz' +# off: 'Intel i7-6500U (4)' +cpu_speed="on" + +# CPU Cores +# Display CPU cores in output +# +# Default: 'logical' +# Values: 'logical', 'physical', 'off' +# Flag: --cpu_cores +# Support: 'physical' doesn't work on BSD. +# +# Example: +# logical: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz' (All virtual cores) +# physical: 'Intel i7-6500U (2) @ 3.1GHz' (All physical cores) +# off: 'Intel i7-6500U @ 3.1GHz' +cpu_cores="logical" + +# CPU Temperature +# Hide/Show CPU temperature. +# Note the temperature is added to the regular CPU function. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'C', 'F', 'off' +# Flag: --cpu_temp +# Supports: Linux, BSD +# NOTE: For FreeBSD and NetBSD-based systems, you'll need to enable +# coretemp kernel module. This only supports newer Intel processors. +# +# Example: +# C: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz [27.2°C]' +# F: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz [82.0°F]' +# off: 'Intel i7-6500U (4) @ 3.1GHz' +cpu_temp="on" + + +# GPU + + +# Enable/Disable GPU Brand +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --gpu_brand +# +# Example: +# on: 'AMD HD 7950' +# off: 'HD 7950' +gpu_brand="on" + +# Which GPU to display +# +# Default: 'all' +# Values: 'all', 'dedicated', 'integrated' +# Flag: --gpu_type +# Supports: Linux +# +# Example: +# all: +# GPU1: AMD HD 7950 +# GPU2: Intel Integrated Graphics +# +# dedicated: +# GPU1: AMD HD 7950 +# +# integrated: +# GPU1: Intel Integrated Graphics +gpu_type="all" + + +# Resolution + + +# Display refresh rate next to each monitor +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --refresh_rate +# Supports: Doesn't work on Windows. +# +# Example: +# on: '1920x1080 @ 60Hz' +# off: '1920x1080' +refresh_rate="on" + + +# Gtk Theme / Icons / Font + + +# Shorten output of GTK Theme / Icons / Font +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --gtk_shorthand +# +# Example: +# on: 'Numix, Adwaita' +# off: 'Numix [GTK2], Adwaita [GTK3]' +gtk_shorthand="off" + + +# Enable/Disable gtk2 Theme / Icons / Font +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --gtk2 +# +# Example: +# on: 'Numix [GTK2], Adwaita [GTK3]' +# off: 'Adwaita [GTK3]' +gtk2="on" + +# Enable/Disable gtk3 Theme / Icons / Font +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --gtk3 +# +# Example: +# on: 'Numix [GTK2], Adwaita [GTK3]' +# off: 'Numix [GTK2]' +gtk3="on" + + +# IP Address + + +# Website to ping for the public IP +# +# Default: '' +# Values: 'url' +# Flag: --ip_host +public_ip_host="" + +# Public IP timeout. +# +# Default: '2' +# Values: 'int' +# Flag: --ip_timeout +public_ip_timeout=2 + + +# Desktop Environment + + +# Show Desktop Environment version +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --de_version +de_version="on" + + +# Disk + + +# Which disks to display. +# The values can be any /dev/sdXX, mount point or directory. +# NOTE: By default we only show the disk info for '/'. +# +# Default: '/' +# Values: '/', '/dev/sdXX', '/path/to/drive'. +# Flag: --disk_show +# +# Example: +# disk_show=('/' '/dev/sdb1'): +# 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (/mnt/Videos): 823G / 893G (93%)' +# +# disk_show=('/'): +# 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# +disk_show=('/') + +# Disk subtitle. +# What to append to the Disk subtitle. +# +# Default: 'mount' +# Values: 'mount', 'name', 'dir', 'none' +# Flag: --disk_subtitle +# +# Example: +# name: 'Disk (/dev/sda1): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (/dev/sdb2): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# +# mount: 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (/mnt/Local Disk): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (/mnt/Videos): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# +# dir: 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (Local Disk): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk (Videos): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# +# none: 'Disk: 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk: 74G / 118G (66%)' +# 'Disk: 74G / 118G (66%)' +disk_subtitle="mount" + +# Disk percent. +# Show/Hide disk percent. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --disk_percent +# +# Example: +# on: 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G (66%)' +# off: 'Disk (/): 74G / 118G' +disk_percent="on" + + +# Song + + +# Manually specify a music player. +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', 'player-name' +# Flag: --music_player +# +# Available values for 'player-name': +# +# amarok +# audacious +# banshee +# bluemindo +# clementine +# cmus +# deadbeef +# deepin-music +# dragon +# elisa +# exaile +# gnome-music +# gmusicbrowser +# gogglesmm +# guayadeque +# +# iTunes +# juk +# lollypop +# mocp +# mopidy +# mpd +# muine +# netease-cloud-music +# olivia +# playerctl +# pogo +# pragha +# qmmp +# quodlibet +# rhythmbox +# sayonara +# smplayer +# spotify +# strawberry +# tauonmb +# tomahawk +# vlc +# xmms2d +# xnoise +# yarock +music_player="auto" + +# Format to display song information. +# +# Default: '%artist% - %album% - %title%' +# Values: '%artist%', '%album%', '%title%' +# Flag: --song_format +# +# Example: +# default: 'Song: Jet - Get Born - Sgt Major' +song_format="%artist% - %album% - %title%" + +# Print the Artist, Album and Title on separate lines +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --song_shorthand +# +# Example: +# on: 'Artist: The Fratellis' +# 'Album: Costello Music' +# 'Song: Chelsea Dagger' +# +# off: 'Song: The Fratellis - Costello Music - Chelsea Dagger' +song_shorthand="off" + +# 'mpc' arguments (specify a host, password etc). +# +# Default: '' +# Example: mpc_args=(-h HOST -P PASSWORD) +mpc_args=() + + +# Text Colors + + +# Text Colors +# +# Default: 'distro' +# Values: 'distro', 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' +# Flag: --colors +# +# Each number represents a different part of the text in +# this order: 'title', '@', 'underline', 'subtitle', 'colon', 'info' +# +# Example: +# colors=(distro) - Text is colored based on Distro colors. +# colors=(4 6 1 8 8 6) - Text is colored in the order above. +colors=(distro) + + +# Text Options + + +# Toggle bold text +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --bold +bold="on" + +# Enable/Disable Underline +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --underline +underline_enabled="on" + +# Underline character +# +# Default: '-' +# Values: 'string' +# Flag: --underline_char +underline_char="-" + + +# Info Separator +# Replace the default separator with the specified string. +# +# Default: ':' +# Flag: --separator +# +# Example: +# separator="->": 'Shell-> bash' +# separator=" =": 'WM = dwm' +separator=":" + + +# Color Blocks + + +# Color block range +# The range of colors to print. +# +# Default: '0', '15' +# Values: 'num' +# Flag: --block_range +# +# Example: +# +# Display colors 0-7 in the blocks. (8 colors) +# neofetch --block_range 0 7 +# +# Display colors 0-15 in the blocks. (16 colors) +# neofetch --block_range 0 15 +block_range=(0 15) + +# Toggle color blocks +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --color_blocks +color_blocks="on" + +# Color block width in spaces +# +# Default: '3' +# Values: 'num' +# Flag: --block_width +block_width=3 + +# Color block height in lines +# +# Default: '1' +# Values: 'num' +# Flag: --block_height +block_height=1 + +# Color Alignment +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', 'num' +# Flag: --col_offset +# +# Number specifies how far from the left side of the terminal (in spaces) to +# begin printing the columns, in case you want to e.g. center them under your +# text. +# Example: +# col_offset="auto" - Default behavior of neofetch +# col_offset=7 - Leave 7 spaces then print the colors +col_offset="auto" + +# Progress Bars + + +# Bar characters +# +# Default: '-', '=' +# Values: 'string', 'string' +# Flag: --bar_char +# +# Example: +# neofetch --bar_char 'elapsed' 'total' +# neofetch --bar_char '-' '=' +bar_char_elapsed="-" +bar_char_total="=" + +# Toggle Bar border +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --bar_border +bar_border="on" + +# Progress bar length in spaces +# Number of chars long to make the progress bars. +# +# Default: '15' +# Values: 'num' +# Flag: --bar_length +bar_length=15 + +# Progress bar colors +# When set to distro, uses your distro's logo colors. +# +# Default: 'distro', 'distro' +# Values: 'distro', 'num' +# Flag: --bar_colors +# +# Example: +# neofetch --bar_colors 3 4 +# neofetch --bar_colors distro 5 +bar_color_elapsed="distro" +bar_color_total="distro" + + +# Info display +# Display a bar with the info. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'bar', 'infobar', 'barinfo', 'off' +# Flags: --cpu_display +# --memory_display +# --battery_display +# --disk_display +# +# Example: +# bar: '[---=======]' +# infobar: 'info [---=======]' +# barinfo: '[---=======] info' +# off: 'info' +cpu_display="off" +memory_display="off" +battery_display="off" +disk_display="off" + + +# Backend Settings + + +# Image backend. +# +# Default: 'ascii' +# Values: 'ascii', 'caca', 'chafa', 'jp2a', 'iterm2', 'off', +# 'pot', 'termpix', 'pixterm', 'tycat', 'w3m', 'kitty' +# Flag: --backend +image_backend="ascii" + +# Image Source +# +# Which image or ascii file to display. +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', 'ascii', 'wallpaper', '/path/to/img', '/path/to/ascii', '/path/to/dir/' +# 'command output (neofetch --ascii "$(fortune | cowsay -W 30)")' +# Flag: --source +# +# NOTE: 'auto' will pick the best image source for whatever image backend is used. +# In ascii mode, distro ascii art will be used and in an image mode, your +# wallpaper will be used. +image_source="auto" + + +# Ascii Options + + +# Ascii distro +# Which distro's ascii art to display. +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', 'distro_name' +# Flag: --ascii_distro +# NOTE: AIX, Alpine, Anarchy, Android, Antergos, antiX, "AOSC OS", +# "AOSC OS/Retro", Apricity, ArcoLinux, ArchBox, ARCHlabs, +# ArchStrike, XFerience, ArchMerge, Arch, Artix, Arya, Bedrock, +# Bitrig, BlackArch, BLAG, BlankOn, BlueLight, bonsai, BSD, +# BunsenLabs, Calculate, Carbs, CentOS, Chakra, ChaletOS, +# Chapeau, Chrom*, Cleanjaro, ClearOS, Clear_Linux, Clover, +# Condres, Container_Linux, CRUX, Cucumber, Debian, Deepin, +# DesaOS, Devuan, DracOS, DarkOs, DragonFly, Drauger, Elementary, +# EndeavourOS, Endless, EuroLinux, Exherbo, Fedora, Feren, FreeBSD, +# FreeMiNT, Frugalware, Funtoo, GalliumOS, Garuda, Gentoo, Pentoo, +# gNewSense, GNOME, GNU, GoboLinux, Grombyang, Guix, Haiku, Huayra, +# Hyperbola, janus, Kali, KaOS, KDE_neon, Kibojoe, Kogaion, +# Korora, KSLinux, Kubuntu, LEDE, LFS, Linux_Lite, +# LMDE, Lubuntu, Lunar, macos, Mageia, MagpieOS, Mandriva, +# Manjaro, Maui, Mer, Minix, LinuxMint, MX_Linux, Namib, +# Neptune, NetBSD, Netrunner, Nitrux, NixOS, Nurunner, +# NuTyX, OBRevenge, OpenBSD, openEuler, OpenIndiana, openmamba, +# OpenMandriva, OpenStage, OpenWrt, osmc, Oracle, OS Elbrus, PacBSD, +# Parabola, Pardus, Parrot, Parsix, TrueOS, PCLinuxOS, Peppermint, +# popos, Porteus, PostMarketOS, Proxmox, Puppy, PureOS, Qubes, Radix, +# Raspbian, Reborn_OS, Redstar, Redcore, Redhat, Refracted_Devuan, +# Regata, Rosa, sabotage, Sabayon, Sailfish, SalentOS, Scientific, +# Septor, SereneLinux, SharkLinux, Siduction, Slackware, SliTaz, +# SmartOS, Solus, Source_Mage, Sparky, Star, SteamOS, SunOS, +# openSUSE_Leap, openSUSE_Tumbleweed, openSUSE, SwagArch, Tails, +# Trisquel, Ubuntu-Budgie, Ubuntu-GNOME, Ubuntu-MATE, Ubuntu-Studio, +# Ubuntu, Venom, Void, Obarun, windows10, Windows7, Xubuntu, Zorin, +# and IRIX have ascii logos +# NOTE: Arch, Ubuntu, Redhat, and Dragonfly have 'old' logo variants. +# Use '{distro name}_old' to use the old logos. +# NOTE: Ubuntu has flavor variants. +# Change this to Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu-GNOME, +# Ubuntu-Studio, Ubuntu-Mate or Ubuntu-Budgie to use the flavors. +# NOTE: Arcolinux, Dragonfly, Fedora, Alpine, Arch, Ubuntu, +# CRUX, Debian, Gentoo, FreeBSD, Mac, NixOS, OpenBSD, android, +# Antrix, CentOS, Cleanjaro, ElementaryOS, GUIX, Hyperbola, +# Manjaro, MXLinux, NetBSD, Parabola, POP_OS, PureOS, +# Slackware, SunOS, LinuxLite, OpenSUSE, Raspbian, +# postmarketOS, and Void have a smaller logo variant. +# Use '{distro name}_small' to use the small variants. +ascii_distro="auto" + +# Ascii Colors +# +# Default: 'distro' +# Values: 'distro', 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' 'num' +# Flag: --ascii_colors +# +# Example: +# ascii_colors=(distro) - Ascii is colored based on Distro colors. +# ascii_colors=(4 6 1 8 8 6) - Ascii is colored using these colors. +ascii_colors=(distro) + +# Bold ascii logo +# Whether or not to bold the ascii logo. +# +# Default: 'on' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --ascii_bold +ascii_bold="on" + + +# Image Options + + +# Image loop +# Setting this to on will make neofetch redraw the image constantly until +# Ctrl+C is pressed. This fixes display issues in some terminal emulators. +# +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +# Flag: --loop +image_loop="off" + +# Thumbnail directory +# +# Default: '~/.cache/thumbnails/neofetch' +# Values: 'dir' +thumbnail_dir="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-${HOME}/.cache}/thumbnails/neofetch" + +# Crop mode +# +# Default: 'normal' +# Values: 'normal', 'fit', 'fill' +# Flag: --crop_mode +# +# See this wiki page to learn about the fit and fill options. +# +crop_mode="normal" + +# Crop offset +# Note: Only affects 'normal' crop mode. +# +# Default: 'center' +# Values: 'northwest', 'north', 'northeast', 'west', 'center' +# 'east', 'southwest', 'south', 'southeast' +# Flag: --crop_offset +crop_offset="center" + +# Image size +# The image is half the terminal width by default. +# +# Default: 'auto' +# Values: 'auto', '00px', '00%', 'none' +# Flags: --image_size +# --size +image_size="auto" + +# Gap between image and text +# +# Default: '3' +# Values: 'num', '-num' +# Flag: --gap +gap=3 + +# Image offsets +# Only works with the w3m backend. +# +# Default: '0' +# Values: 'px' +# Flags: --xoffset +# --yoffset +yoffset=0 +xoffset=0 + +# Image background color +# Only works with the w3m backend. +# +# Default: '' +# Values: 'color', 'blue' +# Flag: --bg_color +background_color= + + +# Misc Options + +# Stdout mode +# Turn off all colors and disables image backend (ASCII/Image). +# Useful for piping into another command. +# Default: 'off' +# Values: 'on', 'off' +stdout="off" diff --git a/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json b/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7cf24c --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +{ + "codeLens.enable": true, + "languageserver": { + "vimls": { + "command": "vim-language-server", + "args": ["--stdio"], + "initializationOptions": { + "isNeovim": true, + "iskeyword": "@,48-57,_,192-255,-#", + "vimruntime": "", + "runtimepath": "", + "diagnostic": { + "enable": true + }, + "indexes": { + "runtimepath": true, + "gap": 100, + "count": 3, + "projectRootPatterns" : ["strange-root-pattern", ".git", "autoload", "plugin"] + }, + "suggest": { + "fromVimruntime": true, + "fromRuntimepath": false + } + }, + "filetypes": [ "vim" ] + }, + "sql": { + "command": "sql-language-server", + "args" : ["up", "--method", "stdio"], + "filetypes": ["sql", "mysql"] + }, + "graphql": { + "command": "graphql-lsp", + "args": ["server", "-m", "stream"], + "filetypes": ["typescript", "typescriptreact", "graphql"] + } + } +} diff --git a/.config/nvim/init.vim b/.config/nvim/init.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ae9461e --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/init.vim @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +set exrc +set relativenumber +set nu +set hidden +set tabstop=2 softtabstop=2 +set shiftwidth=2 +set noexpandtab +set smartindent +set noerrorbells +set nowrap +set noswapfile +set nobackup +set undodir=~/.vim/undodir +set undofile +set incsearch +set termguicolors +set scrolloff=8 +set noshowmode +set colorcolumn=120 +set signcolumn=yes +set cmdheight=2 +set updatetime=50 +set shortmess+=c +set encoding=UTF-8 +set mouse+=a +set list lcs=tab:>- +set guicursor= +set showtabline=2 +set nohlsearch +set nobomb +set fileformat=unix + +call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') + +" NeoVim TreeSitter +Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} + +" NERDTree +Plug 'preservim/nerdtree' +Plug 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin' +Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' +Plug 'tiagofumo/vim-nerdtree-syntax-highlight' + +Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' + +" NeoVim Line +Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline' +Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes' + +" GitOps +Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive' +Plug 'APZelos/blamer.nvim' + +Plug 'jiangmiao/auto-pairs' +Plug 'mbbill/undotree' +Plug 'preservim/tagbar' +Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release' } +Plug 'tpope/vim-surround' +Plug 'tpope/vim-commentary' +Plug 'ntpeters/vim-better-whitespace' + +" Telescope +Plug 'nvim-lua/popup.nvim' +Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' +Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim' + +Plug 'mattn/emmet-vim' +Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim' +Plug 'tpope/vim-eunuch' + +" ColorScheme +Plug 'shaunsingh/nord.nvim' + +call plug#end() + +let mapleader = " " +let NERDTreeShowHidden = 1 +let g:better_whitespace_enabled = 1 +let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1 +let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1 +let g:blamer_enabled = 1 +let g:coc_sources_disable_map = { 'cs': ['cs-2', 'cs-3'] } + +source ~/.config/nvim/lua/treesitter.lua + +colorscheme nord + +nnoremap n :NERDTreeFocus +nnoremap :NERDTree +nnoremap :NERDTreeToggle +nnoremap :NERDTreeFind + +nnoremap :BufferPin + +nnoremap :UndotreeToggle + +nnoremap ;f :Telescope find_files +nnoremap ;r :Telescope live_grep +nnoremap \\ :Telescope buffers +nnoremap ;; :Telescope help_tags + +inoremap coc#refresh() +nmap gd (coc-definition) +nmap gy (coc-type-definition) +nmap gi (coc-implementation) +nmap gr (coc-references) +nnoremap gh :call show_documentation() +nnoremap cr :CocRestart + +function! s:show_documentation() + if &filetype == 'vim' + execute 'h '.expand('') + else + call CocAction('doHover') + endif +endfunction + +function TrimSpaces() range + let oldhlsearch=ShowSpaces(1) + execute a:firstline.",".a:lastline."substitute ///gec" + let &hlsearch=oldhlsearch +endfunction + +augroup RELMS + autocmd! + autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e + autocmd BufWinEnter * if getcmdwintype() == '' | silent NERDTreeMirror | endif + autocmd BufEnter * if winnr('$') == 1 && exists('b:NERDTree') && b:NERDTree.isTabTree() | quit | endif +augroup END diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/treesitter.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/treesitter.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..218f51b --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/nvim/lua/treesitter.lua @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +require'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup { + highlight = { + enable = true, + }, +} diff --git a/.config/picom/picom.conf b/.config/picom/picom.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c39f9a --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/picom/picom.conf @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +################################# +# Corners # +################################# +# requires: +corner-radius = 15.0; +rounded-corners-exclude = [ + "class_g = 'Polybar'" +]; +round-borders = 1; +round-borders-exclude = [ + "class_g = 'Polybar'" +]; + +# Specify a list of border width rules, in the format `PIXELS:PATTERN`, +# Note we don't make any guarantee about possible conflicts with the +# border_width set by the window manager. +# +# example: +# round-borders-rule = [ "2:class_g = 'URxvt'" ]; +# +round-borders-rule = []; + +################################# +# Shadows # +################################# + + +# Enabled client-side shadows on windows. Note desktop windows +# (windows with '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP') never get shadow, +# unless explicitly requested using the wintypes option. +shadow = true; + +# The blur radius for shadows, in pixels. (defaults to 12) +shadow-radius = 12; + +# The opacity of shadows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0.75) +shadow-opacity = 0.75; + +# The left offset for shadows, in pixels. (defaults to -15) +shadow-offset-x = -15; + +# The top offset for shadows, in pixels. (defaults to -15) +shadow-offset-y = -15; + +# Red color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0). +shadow-red = 0; + +# Green color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0). +shadow-green = 0; + +# Blue color value of shadow (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0). +shadow-blue = 0; + +# Hex string color value of shadow (#000000 - #FFFFFF, defaults to #000000). This option will override options set shadow-(red/green/blue) +shadow-color = "#000000"; + +# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should have no shadow. +# +# examples: +# shadow-exclude = "n:e:Notification"; +shadow-exclude = []; + +# Specify a X geometry that describes the region in which shadow should not +# be painted in, such as a dock window region. Use +# shadow-exclude-reg = "x10+0+0" +# for example, if the 10 pixels on the bottom of the screen should not have shadows painted on. +shadow-exclude-reg = ""; + +# Crop shadow of a window fully on a particular Xinerama screen to the screen. +xinerama-shadow-crop = false; + + +################################# +# Fading # +################################# + + +# Fade windows in/out when opening/closing and when opacity changes, +# unless no-fading-openclose is used. +fading = true; + +# Opacity change between steps while fading in. (0.01 - 1.0, defaults to 0.028) +fade-in-step = 0.028; + +# Opacity change between steps while fading out. (0.01 - 1.0, defaults to 0.03) +fade-out-step = 0.028; + +# The time between steps in fade step, in milliseconds. (> 0, defaults to 10) +fade-delta = 5; + +# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should not be faded. +# don't need this, we disable fading for all normal windows with wintypes: {} +fade-exclude = []; + +# Do not fade on window open/close. +no-fading-openclose = false; + +# Do not fade destroyed ARGB windows with WM frame. Workaround of bugs in Openbox, Fluxbox, etc. +no-fading-destroyed-argb = false; + + +################################# +# Transparency / Opacity # +################################# + + +# Opacity of inactive windows. (0.1 - 1.0, defaults to 1.0) +inactive-opacity = 0.8; + +# Opacity of window titlebars and borders. (0.1 - 1.0, disabled by default) +frame-opacity = 0.7; + +# Let inactive opacity set by -i override the '_NET_WM_OPACITY' values of windows. +# inactive-opacity-override = true +inactive-opacity-override = false; + +# Default opacity for active windows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 1.0) +active-opacity = 1.0; + +# Dim inactive windows. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0.0) +inactive-dim = 0.5; + +# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should always be considered focused. +focus-exclude = []; + +# Use fixed inactive dim value, instead of adjusting according to window opacity. +#inactive-dim-fixed = 1.0 + +# Specify a list of opacity rules, in the format `PERCENT:PATTERN`, +# like `50:name *= "Firefox"`. picom-trans is recommended over this. +# Note we don't make any guarantee about possible conflicts with other +# programs that set '_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY' on frame or client windows. +# example: +# opacity-rule = [ "80:class_g = 'URxvt'" ]; +opacity-rule = []; + + +################################# +# Background-Blurring # +################################# + + +# Parameters for background blurring, see the *BLUR* section for more information. +# blur-method = +# blur-size = 12 +# +# blur-deviation = false +# +# blur-strength = 5 + +# Blur background of semi-transparent / ARGB windows. +# Bad in performance, with driver-dependent behavior. +# The name of the switch may change without prior notifications. +blur-background = true; + +# Blur background of windows when the window frame is not opaque. +# Implies: +# blur-background +# Bad in performance, with driver-dependent behavior. The name may change. +blur-background-frame = false; + + +# Use fixed blur strength rather than adjusting according to window opacity. +# blur-background-fixed = false; + + +# Specify the blur convolution kernel, with the following format: +# example: +# blur-kern = "5,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1"; +blur-kern = "3x3box"; + + +blur: { + # requires: + method = "kawase"; + strength = 7; + deviation = 1.0; + kernel = "11x11gaussian"; + background = true; + background-frame = true; + background-fixed = true; + kern = "3x3box"; +} + +# Exclude conditions for background blur. +blur-background-exclude = []; + +################################# +# General Settings # +################################# + +# Daemonize process. Fork to background after initialization. Causes issues with certain (badly-written) drivers. +daemon = false; + +# Specify the backend to use: `xrender`, `glx`, or `xr_glx_hybrid`. +# `xrender` is the default one. +experimental-backends = true; +backend = "glx"; + +# Enable/disable VSync. +vsync = true; + +# Enable remote control via D-Bus. See the *D-BUS API* section below for more details. +dbus = false; + +# Try to detect WM windows (a non-override-redirect window with no +# child that has 'WM_STATE') and mark them as active. +mark-wmwin-focused = true; + +# Mark override-redirect windows that doesn't have a child window with 'WM_STATE' focused. +mark-ovredir-focused = true; + +# Try to detect windows with rounded corners and don't consider them +# shaped windows. The accuracy is not very high, unfortunately. +detect-rounded-corners = true; + +# Detect '_NET_WM_OPACITY' on client windows, useful for window managers +# not passing '_NET_WM_OPACITY' of client windows to frame windows. +detect-client-opacity = true; + +# Specify refresh rate of the screen. If not specified or 0, picom will +# try detecting this with X RandR extension. +refresh-rate = 0; + +# Use EWMH '_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW' to determine currently focused window, +# rather than listening to 'FocusIn'/'FocusOut' event. Might have more accuracy, +# provided that the WM supports it. +use-ewmh-active-win = true; + +# Unredirect all windows if a full-screen opaque window is detected, +# to maximize performance for full-screen windows. Known to cause flickering +# when redirecting/unredirecting windows. +unredir-if-possible = false; + +# Delay before unredirecting the window, in milliseconds. Defaults to 0. +unredir-if-possible-delay = 0; + +# Conditions of windows that shouldn't be considered full-screen for unredirecting screen. +unredir-if-possible-exclude = []; + +# Use 'WM_TRANSIENT_FOR' to group windows, and consider windows +# in the same group focused at the same time. +detect-transient = true; + +# Use 'WM_CLIENT_LEADER' to group windows, and consider windows in the same +# group focused at the same time. 'WM_TRANSIENT_FOR' has higher priority if +# detect-transient is enabled, too. +detect-client-leader = true; + +# Resize damaged region by a specific number of pixels. +# A positive value enlarges it while a negative one shrinks it. +# If the value is positive, those additional pixels will not be actually painted +# to screen, only used in blur calculation, and such. (Due to technical limitations, +# with use-damage, those pixels will still be incorrectly painted to screen.) +# Primarily used to fix the line corruption issues of blur, +# in which case you should use the blur radius value here +# (e.g. with a 3x3 kernel, you should use `--resize-damage 1`, +# with a 5x5 one you use `--resize-damage 2`, and so on). +# May or may not work with *--glx-no-stencil*. Shrinking doesn't function correctly. +# +# resize-damage = 1 + +# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should be painted with inverted color. +# Resource-hogging, and is not well tested. +# +# invert-color-include = [] + +# GLX backend: Avoid using stencil buffer, useful if you don't have a stencil buffer. +# Might cause incorrect opacity when rendering transparent content (but never +# practically happened) and may not work with blur-background. +# My tests show a 15% performance boost. Recommended. +glx-no-stencil = true; + +# GLX backend: Avoid rebinding pixmap on window damage. +# Probably could improve performance on rapid window content changes, +# but is known to break things on some drivers (LLVMpipe, xf86-video-intel, etc.). +# Recommended if it works. +glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true; + +# Disable the use of damage information. +# This cause the whole screen to be redrawn everytime, instead of the part of the screen +# has actually changed. Potentially degrades the performance, but might fix some artifacts. +# The opposing option is use-damage +use-damage = true; + +# Use X Sync fence to sync clients' draw calls, to make sure all draw +# calls are finished before picom starts drawing. Needed on nvidia-drivers +# with GLX backend for some users. +xrender-sync-fence = true; + +# GLX backend: Use specified GLSL fragment shader for rendering window contents. +# See `compton-default-fshader-win.glsl` and `compton-fake-transparency-fshader-win.glsl` +# in the source tree for examples. +# glx-fshader-win = "" + +# Force all windows to be painted with blending. Useful if you +# have a glx-fshader-win that could turn opaque pixels transparent. +force-win-blend = false + +# Do not use EWMH to detect fullscreen windows. +# Reverts to checking if a window is fullscreen based only on its size and coordinates. +no-ewmh-fullscreen = false + +# Dimming bright windows so their brightness doesn't exceed this set value. +# Brightness of a window is estimated by averaging all pixels in the window, +# so this could comes with a performance hit. +# Setting this to 1.0 disables this behaviour. Requires --use-damage to be disabled. (default: 1.0) +max-brightness = 1.0 + +# Make transparent windows clip other windows like non-transparent windows do, +# instead of blending on top of them. +transparent-clipping = false + +# Set the log level. Possible values are: +# "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error" +# in increasing level of importance. Case doesn't matter. +# If using the "TRACE" log level, it's better to log into a file +# using *--log-file*, since it can generate a huge stream of logs. +log-level = "info"; + +# Set the log file. +# If *--log-file* is never specified, logs will be written to stderr. +# Otherwise, logs will to written to the given file, though some of the early +# logs might still be written to the stderr. +# When setting this option from the config file, it is recommended to use an absolute path. +# log-file = "/path/to/your/log/file" + +# Show all X errors (for debugging) +show-all-xerrors = false + +# Write process ID to a file. +# write-pid-path = "/path/to/your/log/file" + +# Window type settings +# +# 'WINDOW_TYPE' is one of the 15 window types defined in EWMH standard: +# "unknown", "desktop", "dock", "toolbar", "menu", "utility", +# "splash", "dialog", "normal", "dropdown_menu", "popup_menu", +# "tooltip", "notification", "combo", and "dnd". +# +# Following per window-type options are available: :: +# +# fade, shadow::: +# Controls window-type-specific shadow and fade settings. +# +# opacity::: +# Controls default opacity of the window type. +# +# focus::: +# Controls whether the window of this type is to be always considered focused. +# (By default, all window types except "normal" and "dialog" has this on.) +# +# full-shadow::: +# Controls whether shadow is drawn under the parts of the window that you +# normally won't be able to see. Useful when the window has parts of it +# transparent, and you want shadows in those areas. +# +# redir-ignore::: +# Controls whether this type of windows should cause screen to become +# redirected again after been unredirected. If you have unredir-if-possible +# set, and doesn't want certain window to cause unnecessary screen redirection, +# you can set this to `true`. +# +wintypes: {}; diff --git a/.config/polybar/config b/.config/polybar/config new file mode 100644 index 0000000..637af8b --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/polybar/config @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +[bar/display1] +monitor = ${env:MONITOR:DP-2} + +fixed-center = false + +width = 100% +height = 20 + +background = ${colors.background} +foreground = ${colors.foreground} + +font-0 = PowerlineSymbols:size=14;4 +font-1 = Font Awesome 5 Free Solid:pixelsize=12;2 +font-2 = FiraCode Nerd Font Mono:pixelsize=10;2 + +modules-left = bspwm RightArrow RightStripe RightArrow +modules-center = xwindow +modules-right = LeftArrow3 LeftStripe LeftArrow3 pulseaudio LeftArrow1 filesystem LeftArrow2 cpu LeftArrow1 memory LeftArrow2 date + +tray-position = right +tray-padding = 1 +tray-background = ${colors.cyan} + +cursor-click = pointer +cursor-scroll = ns-resize + + +[bar/display2] +monitor = ${env:MONITOR:HDMI-0} + +fixed-center = false + +width = 100% +height = 20 + +background = ${colors.background} +foreground = ${colors.foreground} + +font-0 = PowerlineSymbols:size=14;4 +font-1 = Font Awesome 5 Free Solid:pixelsize=12;2 +font-2 = FiraCode Nerd Font Mono:pixelsize=10;2 + +modules-left = bspwm RightArrow RightStripe RightArrow +modules-center = xwindow +modules-right = LeftArrow3 LeftStripe LeftArrow3 pulseaudio LeftArrow1 filesystem LeftArrow2 cpu LeftArrow1 memory LeftArrow2 date + +tray-position = right +tray-padding = 1 +tray-background = ${colors.cyan} + +cursor-click = pointer +cursor-scroll = ns-resize + + +[colors] +background = ${xrdb:background} +foreground = ${xrdb:foreground} +foreground-alt = #555 +text = #161821 +green = ${xrdb:color2} +blue = ${xrdb:color4} +red = ${xrdb:color1} +yellow = ${xrdb:color3} +cyan = ${xrdb:color6} + + +[global/wm] +margin-top = 5 +margin-bottom = 5 + + +[module/bspwm] +type = internal/bspwm + +format = + +label-focused = %index% +label-focused-foreground = ${colors.text} +label-focused-background = ${colors.yellow} +label-focused-padding = 1 + +label-occupied = %index% +label-occupied-foreground = ${colors.text} +label-occupied-background = ${} +label-occupied-padding = 1 + +label-urgent = %index%! +label-urgent-foreground = ${colors.text} +label-urgent-background = ${} +label-urgent-padding = 1 + +label-empty = %index% +label-empty-foreground = ${colors.text} +label-empty-background = ${} +label-empty-padding = 1 + + +[module/cpu] +type = internal/cpu + +interval = 2 + +format-background = ${colors.cyan} + +label =  CPU: %percentage%% +label-foreground = ${colors.text} + + +[module/date] +type = internal/date + +interval = 1 + +date = +date-alt = " %d %B %Y" + +time = %a %r +time-alt = " %A %r" + +format-background = ${colors.cyan} + +label =  %date% %time% +label-foreground = ${colors.text} + + +[module/filesystem] +type = internal/fs + +internal = 30 + +mount-0 = / + +format-mounted-background = ${} + +label-mounted =  %mountpoint%: %used%/%total% (%fsname%) +label-mounted-foreground = ${colors.text} + + +[module/memory] +type = internal/memory + +interval = 2 + +format-background = ${} + +label =  RAM: %percentage_used%% +label-foreground = ${colors.text} + + +[module/pulseaudio] +type = internal/pulseaudio + +bar-volume-width = 10 +bar-volume-foreground-0 = #55aa55 +bar-volume-foreground-1 = #55aa55 +bar-volume-foreground-2 = #55aa55 +bar-volume-foreground-3 = #55aa55 +bar-volume-foreground-4 = #55aa55 +bar-volume-foreground-5 = #f5a70a +bar-volume-foreground-6 = #ff5555 +bar-volume-gradient = true +bar-volume-indicator = | +bar-volume-indicator-font = 2 +bar-volume-fill = ─ +bar-volume-fill-font = 2 +bar-volume-empty = ─ +bar-volume-empty-font = 2 +bar-volume-empty-foreground = ${colors.foreground-alt} + +format-volume = " " +format-volume-background = ${colors.cyan} + +format-muted-background = ${colors.cyan} + +label-volume =  VOL: %percentage%% +label-volume-foreground = ${colors.text} + +label-muted =  Muted +label-muted-foreground = ${colors.text} + + +[module/xwindow] +type = internal/xwindow +label = %title:0:80:...% + + +[module/LeftArrow1] +type = custom/text +content = "" +content-foreground = ${} +content-background = ${colors.cyan} + + +[module/LeftArrow2] +type = custom/text +content = "" +content-foreground = ${colors.cyan} +content-background = ${} + +[module/LeftArrow3] +type = custom/text +content = "" +content-foreground = ${colors.cyan} +content-background = ${colors.background} + + +[module/LeftStripe] +type = custom/text +content = "" +content-foreground = ${colors.background} +content-background = ${colors.cyan} + + +[module/RightArrow] +type = custom/text +content = "" +content-foreground = ${} +content-background = ${colors.background} + + +[module/RightStripe] +type = custom/text +content = "" +content-foreground = ${colors.background} +content-background = ${} + + +[settings] +screenchange-reload = true diff --git a/.config/polybar/ b/.config/polybar/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..21a7aad --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/polybar/ @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +killall -q polybar +killall -q "" +polybar display1 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/polybar.log & disown +polybar display2 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/polybar.log & disown +echo "Polybar launched..." diff --git a/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf b/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f3f23a --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/qt5ct/qt5ct.conf @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +[Appearance] +color_scheme_path=/usr/share/qt5ct/colors/airy.conf +custom_palette=false +icon_theme=Nordic-Darker +standard_dialogs=default +style=gtk2 + +[Fonts] +fixed=@Variant(\0\0\0@\0\0\0.\0\x46\0i\0r\0\x61\0\x43\0o\0\x64\0\x65\0 \0N\0\x65\0r\0\x64\0 \0\x46\0o\0n\0t\0 \0M\0o\0n\0o@\"\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\x5\x1\0\x32\x10) +general=@Variant(\0\0\0@\0\0\0.\0\x46\0i\0r\0\x61\0\x43\0o\0\x64\0\x65\0 \0N\0\x65\0r\0\x64\0 \0\x46\0o\0n\0t\0 \0M\0o\0n\0o@\"\0\0\0\0\0\0\xff\xff\xff\xff\x5\x1\0\x32\x10) + +[Interface] +activate_item_on_single_click=0 +buttonbox_layout=0 +cursor_flash_time=1000 +dialog_buttons_have_icons=2 +double_click_interval=400 +gui_effects=@Invalid() +keyboard_scheme=2 +menus_have_icons=true +show_shortcuts_in_context_menus=true +stylesheets=@Invalid() +toolbutton_style=4 +underline_shortcut=2 +wheel_scroll_lines=3 + +[SettingsWindow] +geometry=@ByteArray(\x1\xd9\xd0\xcb\0\x3\0\0\0\0\x3\xc5\0\0\x2-\0\0\ar\0\0\x4*\0\0\x3\xc6\0\0\x2.\0\0\aq\0\0\x4)\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\a\x80\0\0\x3\xc6\0\0\x2.\0\0\aq\0\0\x4)) + +[Troubleshooting] +force_raster_widgets=1 +ignored_applications=@Invalid() diff --git a/.config/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf b/.config/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..770cc1e --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/qt6ct/qt6ct.conf @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +[Appearance] +color_scheme_path=/usr/share/qt6ct/colors/airy.conf +custom_palette=false +icon_theme=Nordic-Darker +standard_dialogs=default +style=qt6gtk2 + 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a/.config/rofi/config.rasi b/.config/rofi/config.rasi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c725110 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/rofi/config.rasi @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +configuration { + font: "FiraCode Nerd Font Mono 12"; + modi: "window,drun,emoji,calc"; + width: 50; + lines: 15; + columns: 1; + show-icons: true; +} + +@theme "~/.config/rofi/nord.rasi" diff --git a/.config/rofi/nord.rasi b/.config/rofi/nord.rasi new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e46d999 --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/rofi/nord.rasi @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +* { + nord0: #2e3440; + nord1: #3b4252; + nord2: #434c5e; + nord3: #4c566a; + + nord4: #d8dee9; + nord5: #e5e9f0; + nord6: #eceff4; + + nord7: #8fbcbb; + nord8: #88c0d0; + nord9: #81a1c1; + nord10: #5e81ac; + nord11: #bf616a; + + nord12: #d08770; + nord13: #ebcb8b; + nord14: #a3be8c; + nord15: #b48ead; + + foreground: @nord9; + backlight: #ccffeedd; + background-color: transparent; + highlight: underline bold #eceff4; + transparent: rgba(46,52,64,0); +} + +window { + location: center; + anchor: center; + transparency: "screenshot"; + padding: 10px; + border: 0px; + border-radius: 6px; + + background-color: @transparent; + spacing: 0; + children: [mainbox]; + orientation: horizontal; +} + +mainbox { + spacing: 0; + children: [ inputbar, message, listview ]; +} + +message { + color: @nord0; + padding: 5; + border-color: @foreground; + border: 0px 2px 2px 2px; + background-color: @nord7; +} + +inputbar { + color: @nord6; + padding: 11px; + background-color: #3b4252; + + border: 1px; + border-radius: 6px 6px 0px 0px; + border-color: @nord10; +} + +entry, prompt, case-indicator { + text-font: inherit; + text-color:inherit; +} + +prompt { + margin: 0px 0.3em 0em 0em ; +} + +listview { + padding: 8px; + border-radius: 0px 0px 6px 6px; + border-color: @nord10; + border: 0px 1px 1px 1px; + background-color: rgba(46,52,64,0.9); + dynamic: false; +} + +element { + padding: 3px; + vertical-align: 0.5; + border-radius: 4px; + background-color: transparent; + color: 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+super + shift + q + slock + +# Brave +super + b + brave-nightly + +# Discord +super + d + discord-canary + +# Ranger +super + p + st -e ranger + +# Quit/restart bspwm +super + alt + {q,r} + bspc {quit,wm -r} + +# Close and kill +super + {_,shift + }v + bspc node -{c,k} + +# Set the window state +super + {t,s,f} + bspc node -t {tiled,floating,fullscreen} + +# Focus the node in the given direction +super + {_,shift + }{h,j,k,l} + bspc node -{f,s} {west,south,north,east} + +# Focus or send to the given desktop +super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0} + bspc {desktop -f,node -d} '^{1-9,10}' + +# Preselect the direction +super + ctrl + {h,j,k,l} + bspc node -p {west,south,north,east} + +# Preselect the ratio +super + ctrl + {1-9} + bspc node -o 0.{1-9} + +# Cancel the preselection for the focused desktop +super + Escape + bspc query -N -d | xargs -I id -n 1 bspc node id -p cancel + +# Expand a window by moving one of its side outward +super + alt + {h,j,k,l} + bspc node -z {left -20 0,bottom 0 20,top 0 -20,right 20 0} + +# Contract a window by moving one of its side inward +super + alt + shift + {h,j,k,l} + bspc node -z {right -20 0,top 0 20,bottom 0 -20,left 20 0} + +# Move a floating window +super + {Left,Down,Up,Right} + bspc node -v {-20 0,0 20,0 -20,20 0} diff --git a/.config/xfce4/terminal/accels.scm b/.config/xfce4/terminal/accels.scm new file mode 100644 index 0000000..673bbea --- /dev/null +++ b/.config/xfce4/terminal/accels.scm @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +; xfce4-terminal GtkAccelMap rc-file -*- scheme -*- +; this file is an automated accelerator map dump +; +(gtk_accel_path "/terminal-window/goto-tab-2" "2") +(gtk_accel_path "/terminal-window/goto-tab-6" "6") +; (gtk_accel_path "/terminal-window/copy-input" "") +; (gtk_accel_path "/terminal-window/close-other-tabs" "") +; (gtk_accel_path "/terminal-window/move-tab-right" "Page_Down") +(gtk_accel_path "/terminal-window/goto-tab-7" "7") +; (gtk_accel_path "/terminal-window/set-title-color" "") +; (gtk_accel_path 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This file will be overwritten by LXAppearance. +# Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead. + +include "/home/relms/.gtkrc-2.0.mine" +gtk-theme-name="Nordic" +gtk-icon-theme-name="Nordic-Darker" +gtk-font-name="FiraCode Nerd Font Mono 11" +gtk-cursor-theme-name="Adwaita" +gtk-cursor-theme-size=0 +gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH_HORIZ +gtk-toolbar-icon-size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR +gtk-button-images=1 +gtk-menu-images=1 +gtk-enable-event-sounds=1 +gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds=1 +gtk-xft-antialias=1 +gtk-xft-hinting=1 +gtk-xft-hintstyle="hintmedium" diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/16/document-multiple.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/16/document-multiple.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..6e0421d --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/16/document-multiple.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../actions/16/edit-copy.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/16/edit-copy.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/16/edit-copy.svg new 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/caprine.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/caprine.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..b8719ad --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/caprine.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +fbmessenger.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/catalyst-control-center.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/catalyst-control-center.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..b519b7f --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/catalyst-control-center.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +amd.svg \ No newline at end of file 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/deluge-torrent.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/deluge-torrent.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..b3743c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/deluge-torrent.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +deluge.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/deluge.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/deluge.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..33cd3dd --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/deluge.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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+++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/f-spot.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +screenie.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/ new file mode 120000 index 0000000..578089b --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +facebook.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/facebook.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/facebook.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c62f25 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/facebook.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/facebookresource.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/facebookresource.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..578089b --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/facebookresource.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +facebook.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/falcon.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/falcon.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69d036a --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/falcon.svg @@ -0,0 +1,6010 @@ + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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@@ -0,0 +1 @@ +evolution.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fbmessenger.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fbmessenger.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..994d68c --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fbmessenger.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fceu.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fceu.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..2f6dc60 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fceu.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +fceux.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fceux.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fceux.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d945d2e --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/fceux.svg @@ -0,0 +1,919 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/github.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/github.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43a2448 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/github.svg @@ -0,0 +1,936 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/gnome-map.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/gnome-map.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..0b4b048 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/gnome-map.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +gnome-maps.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/gnome-maps.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/gnome-maps.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..55081b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/gnome-maps.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Gnome-Maps.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/rawtherapee.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/rawtherapee.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c59e43 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/rawtherapee.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/rclock.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/rclock.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..09c3073 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/rclock.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +clock.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git 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--- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/silicon-48.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +brasero.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/silicon-64.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/silicon-64.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..d2d6e29 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/silicon-64.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +brasero.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simple-ccsm.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simple-ccsm.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..ab4dcad --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simple-ccsm.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +ccsm.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simple-scan.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simple-scan.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..490a5aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simple-scan.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +scanner.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplenote.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplenote.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd2bfe4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplenote.svg @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplescan.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplescan.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..490a5aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplescan.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +scanner.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplescreenrecorder-recording.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplescreenrecorder-recording.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..9100e9c --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/simplescreenrecorder-recording.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +simplescreenrecorder.svg 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index 0000000..124ab27 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-7.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +java.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-jdk10.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-jdk10.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..124ab27 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-jdk10.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +java.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-jdk5.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-jdk5.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..124ab27 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-jdk5.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +java.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-jdk6.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/sun-java-jdk6.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..124ab27 --- /dev/null +++ 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/wechat.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/wechat.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4450009 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/wechat.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +wechat \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/wesnoth.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/wesnoth.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bca2dad --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/wesnoth.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/whaawmp.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/whaawmp.svg new file 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/x-terminal-emulator.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/x-terminal-emulator.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..b6181fc --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/x-terminal-emulator.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +terminal.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/x.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/x.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..e597c17 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/x.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +xchat.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/apps/scalable/x11.svg 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/panel/22-light/microphone-sensitivity-medium.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/panel/22-light/microphone-sensitivity-medium.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2bf1a73 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/panel/22-light/microphone-sensitivity-medium.svg @@ -0,0 +1,551 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + Paper Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + Paper Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/panel/22-light/microphone-sensitivity-muted.svg 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b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/nm-vpn-standalone-lock.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a6117f --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/nm-vpn-standalone-lock.svg @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/object-locked.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/object-locked.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..c77d955 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/object-locked.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +nm-vpn-standalone-lock.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/object-unlocked.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/object-unlocked.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..56778d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/object-unlocked.svg @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/pamac-tray-update.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/pamac-tray-update.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77aae3e --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/pamac-tray-update.svg @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock-dialog-error.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock-dialog-error.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..3b41d91 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock-dialog-error.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dialog-error.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-error.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-error.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..3b41d91 --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-error.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dialog-error.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-info.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-info.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..015e95b --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-info.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dialog-information.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-question.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-question.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..9c339cf --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-question.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dialog-question.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-warning.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-warning.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..a626e0c --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_dialog-warning.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dialog-warning.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_unknown.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_unknown.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..9c339cf --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/stock_unknown.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dialog-question.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/xfce-unknown.svg b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/xfce-unknown.svg new file mode 120000 index 0000000..9c339cf --- /dev/null +++ b/.local/share/icons/Nordic/status/22/xfce-unknown.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +dialog-question.svg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.nvidia-settings-rc b/.nvidia-settings-rc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42f02a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.nvidia-settings-rc @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +# +# /home/relms/.nvidia-settings-rc +# +# Configuration file for nvidia-settings - the NVIDIA X Server Settings utility +# Generated on Sat Oct 23 18:54:02 2021 +# + +# ConfigProperties: + +RcFileLocale = C +DisplayStatusBar = Yes +SliderTextEntries = Yes +IncludeDisplayNameInConfigFile = No +ShowQuitDialog = Yes +UpdateRulesOnProfileNameChange = Yes +Timer = PowerMizer_Monitor_(GPU_0),Yes,1000 +Timer = Thermal_Monitor_(GPU_0),Yes,1000 +Timer = Memory_Used_(GPU_0),Yes,3000 + +# Attributes: + +0/SyncToVBlank=1 +0/LogAniso=4 +0/FSAA=11 +0/TextureClamping=1 +0/FXAA=0 +0/AllowFlipping=1 +0/FSAAAppControlled=0 +0/LogAnisoAppControlled=0 +0/OpenGLImageSettings=0 +0/FSAAAppEnhanced=1 +0/ShowGraphicsVisualIndicator=0 +[DPY:DP-0]/Dithering=0 +[DPY:DP-0]/DitheringMode=0 +[DPY:DP-0]/DitheringDepth=0 +[DPY:DP-0]/ColorSpace=0 +[DPY:DP-0]/ColorRange=0 +[DPY:DP-0]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 +[DPY:DP-1]/Dithering=0 +[DPY:DP-1]/DitheringMode=0 +[DPY:DP-1]/DitheringDepth=0 +[DPY:DP-1]/ColorSpace=0 +[DPY:DP-1]/ColorRange=0 +[DPY:DP-1]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 +[DPY:DP-2]/RedBrightness=0.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/GreenBrightness=0.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/BlueBrightness=0.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/RedContrast=0.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/GreenContrast=0.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/BlueContrast=0.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/RedGamma=1.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/GreenGamma=1.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/BlueGamma=1.000000 +[DPY:DP-2]/Dithering=0 +[DPY:DP-2]/DitheringMode=0 +[DPY:DP-2]/DitheringDepth=0 +[DPY:DP-2]/DigitalVibrance=0 +[DPY:DP-2]/ColorSpace=0 +[DPY:DP-2]/ColorRange=0 +[DPY:DP-2]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 +[DPY:DP-3]/Dithering=0 +[DPY:DP-3]/DitheringMode=0 +[DPY:DP-3]/DitheringDepth=0 +[DPY:DP-3]/ColorSpace=0 +[DPY:DP-3]/ColorRange=0 +[DPY:DP-3]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/RedBrightness=0.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/GreenBrightness=0.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/BlueBrightness=0.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/RedContrast=0.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/GreenContrast=0.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/BlueContrast=0.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/RedGamma=1.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/GreenGamma=1.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/BlueGamma=1.000000 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/Dithering=0 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/DitheringMode=0 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/DitheringDepth=0 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/DigitalVibrance=0 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/ColorSpace=0 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/ColorRange=0 +[DPY:HDMI-0]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 +[DPY:DP-4]/Dithering=0 +[DPY:DP-4]/DitheringMode=0 +[DPY:DP-4]/DitheringDepth=0 +[DPY:DP-4]/ColorSpace=0 +[DPY:DP-4]/ColorRange=0 +[DPY:DP-4]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 +[DPY:DP-5]/Dithering=0 +[DPY:DP-5]/DitheringMode=0 +[DPY:DP-5]/DitheringDepth=0 +[DPY:DP-5]/ColorSpace=0 +[DPY:DP-5]/ColorRange=0 +[DPY:DP-5]/SynchronousPaletteUpdates=0 diff --git a/.p10k.zsh b/.p10k.zsh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a9dea6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.p10k.zsh @@ -0,0 +1,1641 @@ +# Generated by Powerlevel10k configuration wizard on 2021-11-15 at 16:19 PST. +# Based on romkatv/powerlevel10k/config/p10k-classic.zsh, checksum 28342. +# Wizard options: nerdfont-complete + powerline, small icons, classic, unicode, darkest, +# 12h time, angled separators, sharp heads, flat tails, 2 lines, solid, full frame, +# sparse, many icons, fluent, transient_prompt, instant_prompt=quiet. +# Type `p10k configure` to generate another config. +# +# Config for Powerlevel10k with classic powerline prompt style. Type `p10k configure` to generate +# your own config based on it. +# +# Tip: Looking for a nice color? Here's a one-liner to print colormap. +# +# for i in {0..255}; do print -Pn "%K{$i} %k%F{$i}${(l:3::0:)i}%f " ${${(M)$((i%6)):#3}:+$'\n'}; done + +# Temporarily change options. +'builtin' 'local' '-a' 'p10k_config_opts' +[[ ! -o 'aliases' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('aliases') +[[ ! -o 'sh_glob' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('sh_glob') +[[ ! -o 'no_brace_expand' ]] || p10k_config_opts+=('no_brace_expand') +'builtin' 'setopt' 'no_aliases' 'no_sh_glob' 'brace_expand' + +() { + emulate -L zsh -o extended_glob + + # Unset all configuration options. This allows you to apply configuration changes without + # restarting zsh. Edit ~/.p10k.zsh and type `source ~/.p10k.zsh`. + unset -m '(POWERLEVEL9K_*|DEFAULT_USER)~POWERLEVEL9K_GITSTATUS_DIR' + + # Zsh >= 5.1 is required. + autoload -Uz is-at-least && is-at-least 5.1 || return + + # The list of segments shown on the left. Fill it with the most important segments. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=( + # =========================[ Line #1 ]========================= + os_icon # os identifier + dir # current directory + vcs # git status + # =========================[ Line #2 ]========================= + newline # \n + # prompt_char # prompt symbol + ) + + # The list of segments shown on the right. Fill it with less important segments. + # Right prompt on the last prompt line (where you are typing your commands) gets + # automatically hidden when the input line reaches it. Right prompt above the + # last prompt line gets hidden if it would overlap with left prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=( + # =========================[ Line #1 ]========================= + status # exit code of the last command + command_execution_time # duration of the last command + background_jobs # presence of background jobs + direnv # direnv status ( + asdf # asdf version manager ( + virtualenv # python virtual environment ( + anaconda # conda environment ( + pyenv # python environment ( + goenv # go environment ( + nodenv # node.js version from nodenv ( + nvm # node.js version from nvm ( + nodeenv # node.js environment ( + # node_version # node.js version + # go_version # go version ( + # rust_version # rustc version ( + # dotnet_version # .NET version ( + # php_version # php version ( + # laravel_version # laravel php framework version ( + # java_version # java version ( + # package # name@version from package.json ( + rbenv # ruby version from rbenv ( + rvm # ruby version from rvm ( + fvm # flutter version management ( + luaenv # lua version from luaenv ( + jenv # java version from jenv ( + plenv # perl version from plenv ( + phpenv # php version from phpenv ( + scalaenv # scala version from scalaenv ( + haskell_stack # haskell version from stack ( + kubecontext # current kubernetes context ( + terraform # terraform workspace ( + # terraform_version # terraform version ( + aws # aws profile ( + aws_eb_env # aws elastic beanstalk environment ( + azure # azure account name ( + gcloud # google cloud cli account and project ( + google_app_cred # google application credentials ( + toolbox # toolbox name ( + context # user@hostname + nordvpn # nordvpn connection status, linux only ( + ranger # ranger shell ( + nnn # nnn shell ( + xplr # xplr shell ( + vim_shell # vim shell indicator (:sh) + midnight_commander # midnight commander shell ( + nix_shell # nix shell ( + vi_mode # vi mode (you don't need this if you've enabled prompt_char) + # vpn_ip # virtual private network indicator + # load # CPU load + # disk_usage # disk usage + # ram # free RAM + # swap # used swap + todo # todo items ( + timewarrior # timewarrior tracking status ( + taskwarrior # taskwarrior task count ( + time # current time + # =========================[ Line #2 ]========================= + newline # \n + # ip # ip address and bandwidth usage for a specified network interface + # public_ip # public IP address + # proxy # system-wide http/https/ftp proxy + # battery # internal battery + # wifi # wifi speed + # example # example user-defined segment (see prompt_example function below) + ) + + # Defines character set used by powerlevel10k. It's best to let `p10k configure` set it for you. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MODE=nerdfont-complete + # When set to `moderate`, some icons will have an extra space after them. This is meant to avoid + # icon overlap when using non-monospace fonts. When set to `none`, spaces are not added. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_PADDING=none + + # When set to true, icons appear before content on both sides of the prompt. When set + # to false, icons go after content. If empty or not set, icons go before content in the left + # prompt and after content in the right prompt. + # + # You can also override it for a specific segment: + # + # POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ICON_BEFORE_CONTENT=false + # + # Or for a specific segment in specific state: + # + # POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_NOT_WRITABLE_ICON_BEFORE_CONTENT=false + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ICON_BEFORE_CONTENT= + + # Add an empty line before each prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=true + + # Connect left prompt lines with these symbols. You'll probably want to use the same color + # as POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_FOREGROUND below. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_PREFIX='%238F╭─' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_PREFIX='%238F├─' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_PREFIX='%238F╰─' + # Connect right prompt lines with these symbols. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_SUFFIX='%238F─╮' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_SUFFIX='%238F─┤' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_LAST_PROMPT_SUFFIX='%238F─╯' + + # Filler between left and right prompt on the first prompt line. You can set it to ' ', '·' or + # '─'. The last two make it easier to see the alignment between left and right prompt and to + # separate prompt from command output. You might want to set POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE=false + # for more compact prompt if using using this option. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_CHAR='─' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_BACKGROUND= + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_NEWLINE_PROMPT_GAP_BACKGROUND= + if [[ $POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_CHAR != ' ' ]]; then + # The color of the filler. You'll probably want to match the color of POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE + # ornaments defined above. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MULTILINE_FIRST_PROMPT_GAP_FOREGROUND=238 + # Start filler from the edge of the screen if there are no left segments on the first line. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EMPTY_LINE_LEFT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL='%{%}' + # End filler on the edge of the screen if there are no right segments on the first line. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EMPTY_LINE_RIGHT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL='%{%}' + fi + + # Default background color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND=234 + + # Separator between same-color segments on the left. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR='%242F\uE0B1' + # Separator between same-color segments on the right. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_SUBSEGMENT_SEPARATOR='%242F\uE0B3' + # Separator between different-color segments on the left. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR='\uE0B0' + # Separator between different-color segments on the right. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_SEGMENT_SEPARATOR='\uE0B2' + # The right end of left prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL='\uE0B0' + # The left end of right prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL='\uE0B2' + # The left end of left prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL='' + # The right end of right prompt. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL='' + # Left prompt terminator for lines without any segments. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EMPTY_LINE_LEFT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL= + + #################################[ os_icon: os identifier ]################################## + # OS identifier color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_OS_ICON_FOREGROUND=255 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_OS_ICON_CONTENT_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################################[ prompt_char: prompt symbol ]################################ + # Transparent background. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_BACKGROUND= + # Green prompt symbol if the last command succeeded. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_OK_{VIINS,VICMD,VIVIS,VIOWR}_FOREGROUND=76 + # Red prompt symbol if the last command failed. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_ERROR_{VIINS,VICMD,VIVIS,VIOWR}_FOREGROUND=196 + # Default prompt symbol. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIINS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='❯' + # Prompt symbol in command vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VICMD_CONTENT_EXPANSION='❮' + # Prompt symbol in visual vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIVIS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='V' + # Prompt symbol in overwrite vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_{OK,ERROR}_VIOWR_CONTENT_EXPANSION='▶' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_OVERWRITE_STATE=true + # No line terminator if prompt_char is the last segment. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_LEFT_PROMPT_LAST_SEGMENT_END_SYMBOL= + # No line introducer if prompt_char is the first segment. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_LEFT_PROMPT_FIRST_SEGMENT_START_SYMBOL= + # No surrounding whitespace. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROMPT_CHAR_LEFT_{LEFT,RIGHT}_WHITESPACE= + + ##################################[ dir: current directory ]################################## + # Default current directory color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_FOREGROUND=31 + # If directory is too long, shorten some of its segments to the shortest possible unique + # prefix. The shortened directory can be tab-completed to the original. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_STRATEGY=truncate_to_unique + # Replace removed segment suffixes with this symbol. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DELIMITER= + # Color of the shortened directory segments. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHORTENED_FOREGROUND=103 + # Color of the anchor directory segments. Anchor segments are never shortened. The first + # segment is always an anchor. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_ANCHOR_FOREGROUND=39 + # Display anchor directory segments in bold. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_ANCHOR_BOLD=true + # Don't shorten directories that contain any of these files. They are anchors. + local anchor_files=( + .bzr + .citc + .git + .hg + .node-version + .python-version + .go-version + .ruby-version + .lua-version + .java-version + .perl-version + .php-version + .tool-version + .shorten_folder_marker + .svn + .terraform + CVS + Cargo.toml + composer.json + go.mod + package.json + stack.yaml + ) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_FOLDER_MARKER="(${(j:|:)anchor_files})" + # If set to "first" ("last"), remove everything before the first (last) subdirectory that contains + # files matching $POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_FOLDER_MARKER. For example, when the current directory is + # /foo/bar/git_repo/nested_git_repo/baz, prompt will display git_repo/nested_git_repo/baz (first) + # or nested_git_repo/baz (last). This assumes that git_repo and nested_git_repo contain markers + # and other directories don't. + # + # Optionally, "first" and "last" can be followed by ":" where is an integer. + # This moves the truncation point to the right (positive offset) or to the left (negative offset) + # relative to the marker. Plain "first" and "last" are equivalent to "first:0" and "last:0" + # respectively. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_TRUNCATE_BEFORE_MARKER=false + # Don't shorten this many last directory segments. They are anchors. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SHORTEN_DIR_LENGTH=1 + # Shorten directory if it's longer than this even if there is space for it. The value can + # be either absolute (e.g., '80') or a percentage of terminal width (e.g, '50%'). If empty, + # directory will be shortened only when prompt doesn't fit or when other parameters demand it + # (see POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS and POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS_PCT below). + # If set to `0`, directory will always be shortened to its minimum length. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MAX_LENGTH=80 + # When `dir` segment is on the last prompt line, try to shorten it enough to leave at least this + # many columns for typing commands. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS=40 + # When `dir` segment is on the last prompt line, try to shorten it enough to leave at least + # COLUMNS * POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS_PCT * 0.01 columns for typing commands. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_MIN_COMMAND_COLUMNS_PCT=50 + # If set to true, embed a hyperlink into the directory. Useful for quickly + # opening a directory in the file manager simply by clicking the link. + # Can also be handy when the directory is shortened, as it allows you to see + # the full directory that was used in previous commands. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_HYPERLINK=false + + # Enable special styling for non-writable and non-existent directories. See POWERLEVEL9K_LOCK_ICON + # and POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES below. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE=v3 + + # The default icon shown next to non-writable and non-existent directories when + # POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE is set to v3. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOCK_ICON='⭐' + + # POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES allows you to specify custom icons and colors for different + # directories. It must be an array with 3 * N elements. Each triplet consists of: + # + # 1. A pattern against which the current directory ($PWD) is matched. Matching is done with + # extended_glob option enabled. + # 2. Directory class for the purpose of styling. + # 3. An empty string. + # + # Triplets are tried in order. The first triplet whose pattern matches $PWD wins. + # + # If POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_SHOW_WRITABLE is set to v3, non-writable and non-existent directories + # acquire class suffix _NOT_WRITABLE and NON_EXISTENT respectively. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES=( + # '~/work(|/*)' WORK '' + # '~(|/*)' HOME '' + # '*' DEFAULT '') + # + # Whenever the current directory is ~/work or a subdirectory of ~/work, it gets styled with one + # of the following classes depending on its writability and existence: WORK, WORK_NOT_WRITABLE or + # WORK_NON_EXISTENT. + # + # Simply assigning classes to directories doesn't have any visible effects. It merely gives you an + # option to define custom colors and icons for different directory classes. + # + # # Styling for WORK. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_FOREGROUND=31 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_SHORTENED_FOREGROUND=103 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_ANCHOR_FOREGROUND=39 + # + # # Styling for WORK_NOT_WRITABLE. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_FOREGROUND=31 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_SHORTENED_FOREGROUND=103 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_ANCHOR_FOREGROUND=39 + # + # # Styling for WORK_NON_EXISTENT. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NON_EXISTENT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NON_EXISTENT_FOREGROUND=31 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NON_EXISTENT_SHORTENED_FOREGROUND=103 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NON_EXISTENT_ANCHOR_FOREGROUND=39 + # + # If a styling parameter isn't explicitly defined for some class, it falls back to the classless + # parameter. For example, if POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_WORK_NOT_WRITABLE_FOREGROUND is not set, it falls + # back to POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_FOREGROUND. + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_CLASSES=() + + # Custom prefix. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIR_PREFIX='%244Fin ' + + #####################################[ vcs: git status ]###################################### + # Branch icon. Set this parameter to '\uF126 ' for the popular Powerline branch icon. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BRANCH_ICON='\uF126 ' + + # Untracked files icon. It's really a question mark, your font isn't broken. + # Change the value of this parameter to show a different icon. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON='?' + + # Formatter for Git status. + # + # Example output: master wip ⇣42⇡42 *42 merge ~42 +42 !42 ?42. + # + # You can edit the function to customize how Git status looks. + # + # VCS_STATUS_* parameters are set by gitstatus plugin. See reference: + # + function my_git_formatter() { + emulate -L zsh + + if [[ -n $P9K_CONTENT ]]; then + # If P9K_CONTENT is not empty, use it. It's either "loading" or from vcs_info (not from + # gitstatus plugin). VCS_STATUS_* parameters are not available in this case. + typeset -g my_git_format=$P9K_CONTENT + return + fi + + if (( $1 )); then + # Styling for up-to-date Git status. + local meta='%244F' # grey foreground + local clean='%76F' # green foreground + local modified='%178F' # yellow foreground + local untracked='%39F' # blue foreground + local conflicted='%196F' # red foreground + else + # Styling for incomplete and stale Git status. + local meta='%244F' # grey foreground + local clean='%244F' # grey foreground + local modified='%244F' # grey foreground + local untracked='%244F' # grey foreground + local conflicted='%244F' # grey foreground + fi + + local res + + if [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH ]]; then + local branch=${(V)VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH} + # If local branch name is at most 32 characters long, show it in full. + # Otherwise show the first 12 … the last 12. + # Tip: To always show local branch name in full without truncation, delete the next line. + (( $#branch > 32 )) && branch[13,-13]="…" # <-- this line + res+="${clean}${(g::)POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BRANCH_ICON}${branch//\%/%%}" + fi + + if [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_TAG + # Show tag only if not on a branch. + # Tip: To always show tag, delete the next line. + && -z $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH # <-- this line + ]]; then + local tag=${(V)VCS_STATUS_TAG} + # If tag name is at most 32 characters long, show it in full. + # Otherwise show the first 12 … the last 12. + # Tip: To always show tag name in full without truncation, delete the next line. + (( $#tag > 32 )) && tag[13,-13]="…" # <-- this line + res+="${meta}#${clean}${tag//\%/%%}" + fi + + # Display the current Git commit if there is no branch and no tag. + # Tip: To always display the current Git commit, delete the next line. + [[ -z $VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH && -z $VCS_STATUS_TAG ]] && # <-- this line + res+="${meta}@${clean}${VCS_STATUS_COMMIT[1,8]}" + + # Show tracking branch name if it differs from local branch. + if [[ -n ${VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH:#$VCS_STATUS_LOCAL_BRANCH} ]]; then + res+="${meta}:${clean}${(V)VCS_STATUS_REMOTE_BRANCH//\%/%%}" + fi + + # Display "wip" if the latest commit's summary contains "wip" or "WIP". + if [[ $VCS_STATUS_COMMIT_SUMMARY == (|*[^[:alnum:]])(wip|WIP)(|[^[:alnum:]]*) ]]; then + res+=" ${modified}wip" + fi + + # ⇣42 if behind the remote. + (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" ${clean}⇣${VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND}" + # ⇡42 if ahead of the remote; no leading space if also behind the remote: ⇣42⇡42. + (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD && !VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" " + (( VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD )) && res+="${clean}⇡${VCS_STATUS_COMMITS_AHEAD}" + # ⇠42 if behind the push remote. + (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" ${clean}⇠${VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND}" + (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD && !VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_BEHIND )) && res+=" " + # ⇢42 if ahead of the push remote; no leading space if also behind: ⇠42⇢42. + (( VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD )) && res+="${clean}⇢${VCS_STATUS_PUSH_COMMITS_AHEAD}" + # *42 if have stashes. + (( VCS_STATUS_STASHES )) && res+=" ${clean}*${VCS_STATUS_STASHES}" + # 'merge' if the repo is in an unusual state. + [[ -n $VCS_STATUS_ACTION ]] && res+=" ${conflicted}${VCS_STATUS_ACTION}" + # ~42 if have merge conflicts. + (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_CONFLICTED )) && res+=" ${conflicted}~${VCS_STATUS_NUM_CONFLICTED}" + # +42 if have staged changes. + (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_STAGED )) && res+=" ${modified}+${VCS_STATUS_NUM_STAGED}" + # !42 if have unstaged changes. + (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNSTAGED )) && res+=" ${modified}!${VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNSTAGED}" + # ?42 if have untracked files. It's really a question mark, your font isn't broken. + # See POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON above if you want to use a different icon. + # Remove the next line if you don't want to see untracked files at all. + (( VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNTRACKED )) && res+=" ${untracked}${(g::)POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_ICON}${VCS_STATUS_NUM_UNTRACKED}" + # "─" if the number of unstaged files is unknown. This can happen due to + # POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY (see below) being set to a non-negative number lower + # than the number of files in the Git index, or due to bash.showDirtyState being set to false + # in the repository config. The number of staged and untracked files may also be unknown + # in this case. + (( VCS_STATUS_HAS_UNSTAGED == -1 )) && res+=" ${modified}─" + + typeset -g my_git_format=$res + } + functions -M my_git_formatter 2>/dev/null + + # Don't count the number of unstaged, untracked and conflicted files in Git repositories with + # more than this many files in the index. Negative value means infinity. + # + # If you are working in Git repositories with tens of millions of files and seeing performance + # sagging, try setting POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY to a number lower than the output + # of `git ls-files | wc -l`. Alternatively, add `bash.showDirtyState = false` to the repository's + # config: `git config bash.showDirtyState false`. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MAX_INDEX_SIZE_DIRTY=-1 + + # Don't show Git status in prompt for repositories whose workdir matches this pattern. + # For example, if set to '~', the Git repository at $HOME/.git will be ignored. + # Multiple patterns can be combined with '|': '~(|/foo)|/bar/baz/*'. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DISABLED_WORKDIR_PATTERN='~' + + # Disable the default Git status formatting. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_DISABLE_GITSTATUS_FORMATTING=true + # Install our own Git status formatter. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${$((my_git_formatter(1)))+${my_git_format}}' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_LOADING_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${$((my_git_formatter(0)))+${my_git_format}}' + # Enable counters for staged, unstaged, etc. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_{STAGED,UNSTAGED,UNTRACKED,CONFLICTED,COMMITS_AHEAD,COMMITS_BEHIND}_MAX_NUM=-1 + + # Icon color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_COLOR=76 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_LOADING_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_COLOR=244 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # Custom prefix. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_PREFIX='%244Fon ' + + # Show status of repositories of these types. You can add svn and/or hg if you are + # using them. If you do, your prompt may become slow even when your current directory + # isn't in an svn or hg reposotiry. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_BACKENDS=(git) + + # These settings are used for repositories other than Git or when gitstatusd fails and + # Powerlevel10k has to fall back to using vcs_info. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_CLEAN_FOREGROUND=76 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_UNTRACKED_FOREGROUND=76 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VCS_MODIFIED_FOREGROUND=178 + + ##########################[ status: exit code of the last command ]########################### + # Enable OK_PIPE, ERROR_PIPE and ERROR_SIGNAL status states to allow us to enable, disable and + # style them independently from the regular OK and ERROR state. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_EXTENDED_STATES=true + + # Status on success. No content, just an icon. No need to show it if prompt_char is enabled as + # it will signify success by turning green. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK=true + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_FOREGROUND=70 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✔' + + # Status when some part of a pipe command fails but the overall exit status is zero. It may look + # like this: 1|0. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_PIPE=true + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_PIPE_FOREGROUND=70 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_OK_PIPE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✔' + + # Status when it's just an error code (e.g., '1'). No need to show it if prompt_char is enabled as + # it will signify error by turning red. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR=true + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_FOREGROUND=160 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✘' + + # Status when the last command was terminated by a signal. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_SIGNAL=true + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_SIGNAL_FOREGROUND=160 + # Use terse signal names: "INT" instead of "SIGINT(2)". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_VERBOSE_SIGNAME=false + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_SIGNAL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✘' + + # Status when some part of a pipe command fails and the overall exit status is also non-zero. + # It may look like this: 1|0. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_PIPE=true + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_PIPE_FOREGROUND=160 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_STATUS_ERROR_PIPE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='✘' + + ###################[ command_execution_time: duration of the last command ]################### + # Show duration of the last command if takes at least this many seconds. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_THRESHOLD=3 + # Show this many fractional digits. Zero means round to seconds. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_PRECISION=0 + # Execution time color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_FOREGROUND=248 + # Duration format: 1d 2h 3m 4s. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_FORMAT='d h m s' + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # Custom prefix. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_COMMAND_EXECUTION_TIME_PREFIX='%244Ftook ' + + #######################[ background_jobs: presence of background jobs ]####################### + # Don't show the number of background jobs. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND_JOBS_VERBOSE=false + # Background jobs color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND_JOBS_FOREGROUND=37 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND_JOBS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #######################[ direnv: direnv status ( ]######################## + # Direnv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIRENV_FOREGROUND=178 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DIRENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###############[ asdf: asdf version manager ( ]############### + # Default asdf color. Only used to display tools for which there is no color override (see below). + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_FOREGROUND. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_FOREGROUND=66 + + # There are four parameters that can be used to hide asdf tools. Each parameter describes + # conditions under which a tool gets hidden. Parameters can hide tools but not unhide them. If at + # least one parameter decides to hide a tool, that tool gets hidden. If no parameter decides to + # hide a tool, it gets shown. + # + # Special note on the difference between POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SOURCES and + # POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW. Consider the effect of the following commands: + # + # asdf local python 3.8.1 + # asdf global python 3.8.1 + # + # After running both commands the current python version is 3.8.1 and its source is "local" as + # it takes precedence over "global". If POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW is set to false, + # it'll hide python version in this case because 3.8.1 is the same as the global version. + # POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SOURCES will hide python version only if the value of this parameter doesn't + # contain "local". + + # Hide tool versions that don't come from one of these sources. + # + # Available sources: + # + # - shell `asdf current` says "set by ASDF_${TOOL}_VERSION environment variable" + # - local `asdf current` says "set by /some/not/home/directory/file" + # - global `asdf current` says "set by /home/username/file" + # + # Note: If this parameter is set to (shell local global), it won't hide tools. + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_SOURCES. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SOURCES=(shell local global) + + # If set to false, hide tool versions that are the same as global. + # + # Note: The name of this parameter doesn't reflect its meaning at all. + # Note: If this parameter is set to true, it won't hide tools. + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + + # If set to false, hide tool versions that are equal to "system". + # + # Note: If this parameter is set to true, it won't hide tools. + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_SHOW_SYSTEM. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + + # If set to non-empty value, hide tools unless there is a file matching the specified file pattern + # in the current directory, or its parent directory, or its grandparent directory, and so on. + # + # Note: If this parameter is set to empty value, it won't hide tools. + # Note: SHOW_ON_UPGLOB isn't specific to asdf. It works with all prompt segments. + # Tip: Override this parameter for ${TOOL} with POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_${TOOL}_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB. + # + # Example: Hide nodejs version when there is no package.json and no *.js files in the current + # directory, in `..`, in `../..` and so on. + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_NODEJS_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.js|package.json' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB= + + # Ruby version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUBY_FOREGROUND=168 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUBY_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUBY_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Python version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PYTHON_FOREGROUND=37 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PYTHON_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PYTHON_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Go version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_GOLANG_FOREGROUND=37 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_GOLANG_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_GOLANG_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Node.js version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_NODEJS_FOREGROUND=70 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_NODEJS_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_NODEJS_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Rust version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUST_FOREGROUND=37 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_RUST_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # .NET Core version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_DOTNET_CORE_FOREGROUND=134 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_DOTNET_CORE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_DOTNET_CORE_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Flutter version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_FLUTTER_FOREGROUND=38 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_FLUTTER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_FLUTTER_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Lua version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_LUA_FOREGROUND=32 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_LUA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_LUA_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Java version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JAVA_FOREGROUND=32 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JAVA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JAVA_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Perl version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PERL_FOREGROUND=67 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PERL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PERL_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Erlang version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ERLANG_FOREGROUND=125 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ERLANG_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ERLANG_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Elixir version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ELIXIR_FOREGROUND=129 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ELIXIR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_ELIXIR_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Postgres version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_POSTGRES_FOREGROUND=31 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_POSTGRES_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_POSTGRES_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # PHP version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PHP_FOREGROUND=99 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PHP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_PHP_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Haskell version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_HASKELL_FOREGROUND=172 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_HASKELL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_HASKELL_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + # Julia version from asdf. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JULIA_FOREGROUND=70 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JULIA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ASDF_JULIA_SHOW_ON_UPGLOB='*.foo|*.bar' + + ##########[ nordvpn: nordvpn connection status, linux only ( ]########### + # NordVPN connection indicator color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_FOREGROUND=39 + # Hide NordVPN connection indicator when not connected. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_{DISCONNECTED,CONNECTING,DISCONNECTING}_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_{DISCONNECTED,CONNECTING,DISCONNECTING}_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION= + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NORDVPN_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #################[ ranger: ranger shell ( ]################## + # Ranger shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RANGER_FOREGROUND=178 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RANGER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######################[ nnn: nnn shell ( ]####################### + # Nnn shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NNN_FOREGROUND=72 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NNN_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##################[ xplr: xplr shell ( ]################## + # xplr shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_XPLR_FOREGROUND=72 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_XPLR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########################[ vim_shell: vim shell indicator (:sh) ]########################### + # Vim shell indicator color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIM_SHELL_FOREGROUND=34 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIM_SHELL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######[ midnight_commander: midnight commander shell ( ]###### + # Midnight Commander shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MIDNIGHT_COMMANDER_FOREGROUND=178 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_MIDNIGHT_COMMANDER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #[ nix_shell: nix shell ( ]## + # Nix shell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NIX_SHELL_FOREGROUND=74 + + # Tip: If you want to see just the icon without "pure" and "impure", uncomment the next line. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NIX_SHELL_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NIX_SHELL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##################################[ disk_usage: disk usage ]################################## + # Colors for different levels of disk usage. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_NORMAL_FOREGROUND=35 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_FOREGROUND=220 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_CRITICAL_FOREGROUND=160 + # Thresholds for different levels of disk usage (percentage points). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_LEVEL=90 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_CRITICAL_LEVEL=95 + # If set to true, hide disk usage when below $POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_WARNING_LEVEL percent. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_ONLY_WARNING=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISK_USAGE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ vi_mode: vi mode (you don't need this if you've enabled prompt_char) ]########### + # Text and color for normal (a.k.a. command) vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VI_COMMAND_MODE_STRING=NORMAL + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VI_MODE_NORMAL_FOREGROUND=106 + # Text and color for visual vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VI_VISUAL_MODE_STRING=VISUAL + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VI_MODE_VISUAL_FOREGROUND=68 + # Text and color for overtype (a.k.a. overwrite and replace) vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VI_OVERWRITE_MODE_STRING=OVERTYPE + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VI_MODE_OVERWRITE_FOREGROUND=172 + # Text and color for insert vi mode. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VI_INSERT_MODE_STRING= + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VI_MODE_INSERT_FOREGROUND=66 + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RANGER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######################################[ ram: free RAM ]####################################### + # RAM color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RAM_FOREGROUND=66 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RAM_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #####################################[ swap: used swap ]###################################### + # Swap color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SWAP_FOREGROUND=96 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SWAP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ######################################[ load: CPU load ]###################################### + # Show average CPU load over this many last minutes. Valid values are 1, 5 and 15. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_WHICH=5 + # Load color when load is under 50%. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_NORMAL_FOREGROUND=66 + # Load color when load is between 50% and 70%. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_WARNING_FOREGROUND=178 + # Load color when load is over 70%. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_CRITICAL_FOREGROUND=166 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LOAD_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################[ todo: todo items ( ]################ + # Todo color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_FOREGROUND=110 + # Hide todo when the total number of tasks is zero. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_HIDE_ZERO_TOTAL=true + # Hide todo when the number of tasks after filtering is zero. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_HIDE_ZERO_FILTERED=false + + # Todo format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_TODO_TOTAL_TASK_COUNT The total number of tasks. + # - P9K_TODO_FILTERED_TASK_COUNT The number of tasks after filtering. + # + # These variables correspond to the last line of the output of ` -p ls`: + # + # TODO: 24 of 42 tasks shown + # + # Here 24 is P9K_TODO_FILTERED_TASK_COUNT and 42 is P9K_TODO_TOTAL_TASK_COUNT. + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_CONTENT_EXPANSION='$P9K_TODO_FILTERED_TASK_COUNT' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TODO_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ timewarrior: timewarrior tracking status ( ]############ + # Timewarrior color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIMEWARRIOR_FOREGROUND=110 + # If the tracked task is longer than 24 characters, truncate and append "…". + # Tip: To always display tasks without truncation, delete the following parameter. + # Tip: To hide task names and display just the icon when time tracking is enabled, set the + # value of the following parameter to "". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIMEWARRIOR_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_CONTENT:0:24}${${P9K_CONTENT:24}:+…}' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIMEWARRIOR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##############[ taskwarrior: taskwarrior task count ( ]############## + # Taskwarrior color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TASKWARRIOR_FOREGROUND=74 + + # Taskwarrior segment format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_TASKWARRIOR_PENDING_COUNT The number of pending tasks: `task +PENDING count`. + # - P9K_TASKWARRIOR_OVERDUE_COUNT The number of overdue tasks: `task +OVERDUE count`. + # + # Zero values are represented as empty parameters. + # + # The default format: + # + # '${P9K_TASKWARRIOR_OVERDUE_COUNT:+"!$P9K_TASKWARRIOR_OVERDUE_COUNT/"}$P9K_TASKWARRIOR_PENDING_COUNT' + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TASKWARRIOR_CONTENT_EXPANSION='$P9K_TASKWARRIOR_PENDING_COUNT' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TASKWARRIOR_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##################################[ context: user@hostname ]################################## + # Context color when running with privileges. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_ROOT_FOREGROUND=178 + # Context color in SSH without privileges. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_{REMOTE,REMOTE_SUDO}_FOREGROUND=180 + # Default context color (no privileges, no SSH). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_FOREGROUND=180 + + # Context format when running with privileges: bold user@hostname. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_ROOT_TEMPLATE='%B%n@%m' + # Context format when in SSH without privileges: user@hostname. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_{REMOTE,REMOTE_SUDO}_TEMPLATE='%n@%m' + # Default context format (no privileges, no SSH): user@hostname. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_TEMPLATE='%n@%m' + + # Don't show context unless running with privileges or in SSH. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show context. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_{DEFAULT,SUDO}_{CONTENT,VISUAL_IDENTIFIER}_EXPANSION= + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # Custom prefix. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONTEXT_PREFIX='%244Fwith ' + + ###[ virtualenv: python virtual environment ( ]### + # Python virtual environment color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_FOREGROUND=37 + # Don't show Python version next to the virtual environment name. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_SHOW_PYTHON_VERSION=false + # If set to "false", won't show virtualenv if pyenv is already shown. + # If set to "if-different", won't show virtualenv if it's the same as pyenv. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_SHOW_WITH_PYENV=false + # Separate environment name from Python version only with a space. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_{LEFT,RIGHT}_DELIMITER= + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VIRTUALENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #####################[ anaconda: conda environment ( ]###################### + # Anaconda environment color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_FOREGROUND=37 + + # Anaconda segment format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - CONDA_PREFIX Absolute path to the active Anaconda/Miniconda environment. + # - CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV Name of the active Anaconda/Miniconda environment. + # - CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER Configurable prompt modifier (see below). + # - P9K_ANACONDA_PYTHON_VERSION Current python version (python --version). + # + # CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER can be configured with the following command: + # + # conda config --set env_prompt '({default_env}) ' + # + # The last argument is a Python format string that can use the following variables: + # + # - prefix The same as CONDA_PREFIX. + # - default_env The same as CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV. + # - name The last segment of CONDA_PREFIX. + # - stacked_env Comma-separated list of names in the environment stack. The first element is + # always the same as default_env. + # + # Note: '({default_env}) ' is the default value of env_prompt. + # + # The default value of POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_CONTENT_EXPANSION expands to $CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER + # without the surrounding parentheses, or to the last path component of CONDA_PREFIX if the former + # is empty. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${${${${CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER#\(}% }%\)}:-${CONDA_PREFIX:t}}' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_ANACONDA_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################[ pyenv: python environment ( ]################ + # Pyenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_FOREGROUND=37 + # Hide python version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide python version if it's the same as global: + # $(pyenv version-name) == $(pyenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide python version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + + # Pyenv segment format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_CONTENT Current pyenv environment (pyenv version-name). + # - P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION Current python version (python --version). + # + # The default format has the following logic: + # + # 1. Display just "$P9K_CONTENT" if it's equal to "$P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION" or + # starts with "$P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION/". + # 2. Otherwise display "$P9K_CONTENT $P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_CONTENT}${${P9K_CONTENT:#$P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION(|/*)}:+ $P9K_PYENV_PYTHON_VERSION}' + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PYENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################[ goenv: go environment ( ]################ + # Goenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_FOREGROUND=37 + # Hide go version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide go version if it's the same as global: + # $(goenv version-name) == $(goenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide go version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ nodenv: node.js version from nodenv ( ]########## + # Nodenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_FOREGROUND=70 + # Hide node version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide node version if it's the same as global: + # $(nodenv version-name) == $(nodenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide node version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##############[ nvm: node.js version from nvm ( ]############### + # Nvm color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NVM_FOREGROUND=70 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NVM_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ############[ nodeenv: node.js environment ( ]############ + # Nodeenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODEENV_FOREGROUND=70 + # Don't show Node version next to the environment name. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODEENV_SHOW_NODE_VERSION=false + # Separate environment name from Node version only with a space. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODEENV_{LEFT,RIGHT}_DELIMITER= + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODEENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##############################[ node_version: node.js version ]############################### + # Node version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODE_VERSION_FOREGROUND=70 + # Show node version only when in a directory tree containing package.json. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODE_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_NODE_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #######################[ go_version: go version ( ]######################## + # Go version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GO_VERSION_FOREGROUND=37 + # Show go version only when in a go project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GO_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GO_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #################[ rust_version: rustc version ( ]################## + # Rust version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RUST_VERSION_FOREGROUND=37 + # Show rust version only when in a rust project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RUST_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RUST_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###############[ dotnet_version: .NET version ( ]################ + # .NET version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DOTNET_VERSION_FOREGROUND=134 + # Show .NET version only when in a .NET project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DOTNET_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DOTNET_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #####################[ php_version: php version ( ]###################### + # PHP version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHP_VERSION_FOREGROUND=99 + # Show PHP version only when in a PHP project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHP_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHP_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ laravel_version: laravel php framework version ( ]########### + # Laravel version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LARAVEL_VERSION_FOREGROUND=161 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LARAVEL_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ####################[ java_version: java version ( ]#################### + # Java version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_FOREGROUND=32 + # Show java version only when in a java project subdirectory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_PROJECT_ONLY=true + # Show brief version. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_FULL=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JAVA_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###[ package: name@version from package.json ( ]#### + # Package color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PACKAGE_FOREGROUND=117 + # Package format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_PACKAGE_NAME The value of `name` field in package.json. + # - P9K_PACKAGE_VERSION The value of `version` field in package.json. + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PACKAGE_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_PACKAGE_NAME//\%/%%}@${P9K_PACKAGE_VERSION//\%/%%}' + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PACKAGE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #############[ rbenv: ruby version from rbenv ( ]############## + # Rbenv color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_FOREGROUND=168 + # Hide ruby version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide ruby version if it's the same as global: + # $(rbenv version-name) == $(rbenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide ruby version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RBENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #######################[ rvm: ruby version from rvm ( ]######################## + # Rvm color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RVM_FOREGROUND=168 + # Don't show @gemset at the end. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RVM_SHOW_GEMSET=false + # Don't show ruby- at the front. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RVM_SHOW_PREFIX=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_RVM_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ fvm: flutter version management ( ]############ + # Fvm color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_FVM_FOREGROUND=38 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_FVM_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ luaenv: lua version from luaenv ( ]########### + # Lua color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_FOREGROUND=32 + # Hide lua version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide lua version if it's the same as global: + # $(luaenv version-name) == $(luaenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide lua version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_LUAENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###############[ jenv: java version from jenv ( ]################ + # Java color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_FOREGROUND=32 + # Hide java version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide java version if it's the same as global: + # $(jenv version-name) == $(jenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide java version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_JENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ plenv: perl version from plenv ( ]############ + # Perl color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_FOREGROUND=67 + # Hide perl version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide perl version if it's the same as global: + # $(plenv version-name) == $(plenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide perl version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PLENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ############[ phpenv: php version from phpenv ( ]############ + # PHP color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_FOREGROUND=99 + # Hide php version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide php version if it's the same as global: + # $(phpenv version-name) == $(phpenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide php version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PHPENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #######[ scalaenv: scala version from scalaenv ( ]####### + # Scala color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_FOREGROUND=160 + # Hide scala version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_SOURCES=(shell local global) + # If set to false, hide scala version if it's the same as global: + # $(scalaenv version-name) == $(scalaenv global). + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_PROMPT_ALWAYS_SHOW=false + # If set to false, hide scala version if it's equal to "system". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_SHOW_SYSTEM=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_SCALAENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ haskell_stack: haskell version from stack ( ]########### + # Haskell color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_HASKELL_STACK_FOREGROUND=172 + # Hide haskell version if it doesn't come from one of these sources. + # + # shell: version is set by STACK_YAML + # local: version is set by stack.yaml up the directory tree + # global: version is set by the implicit global project (~/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_HASKELL_STACK_SOURCES=(shell local) + # If set to false, hide haskell version if it's the same as in the implicit global project. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_HASKELL_STACK_ALWAYS_SHOW=true + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_HASKELL_STACK_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################[ terraform: terraform workspace ( ]################# + # Don't show terraform workspace if it's literally "default". + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_SHOW_DEFAULT=false + # POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first element + # in each pair defines a pattern against which the current terraform workspace gets matched. + # More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion (see below) + # that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_*CONTENT_EXPANSION parameters, + # you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_CLASSES defines the workspace class. Patterns are tried in order. The + # first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD + # '*test*' TEST + # '*' OTHER) + # + # If your current terraform workspace is "project_test", its class is TEST because "project_test" + # doesn't match the pattern '*prod*' but does match '*test*'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='> ${P9K_CONTENT} <' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*test*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' OTHER) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_OTHER_FOREGROUND=38 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_OTHER_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #############[ terraform_version: terraform version ( ]############## + # Terraform version color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_VERSION_FOREGROUND=38 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TERRAFORM_VERSION_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #############[ kubecontext: current kubernetes context ( ]############# + # Show kubecontext only when the the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show kubecontext. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='kubectl|helm|kubens|kubectx|oc|istioctl|kogito|k9s|helmfile|flux|fluxctl|stern' + + # Kubernetes context classes for the purpose of using different colors, icons and expansions with + # different contexts. + # + # POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first element + # in each pair defines a pattern against which the current kubernetes context gets matched. + # More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion (see below) + # that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_*CONTENT_EXPANSION parameters, + # you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLASSES defines the context class. Patterns are tried in order. The + # first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD + # '*test*' TEST + # '*' DEFAULT) + # + # If your current kubernetes context is "deathray-testing/default", its class is TEST + # because "deathray-testing/default" doesn't match the pattern '*prod*' but does match '*test*'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='> ${P9K_CONTENT} <' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*test*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' DEFAULT) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND=134 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # Use POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_CONTENT_EXPANSION to specify the content displayed by kubecontext + # segment. Parameter expansions are very flexible and fast, too. See reference: + # + # + # Within the expansion the following parameters are always available: + # + # - P9K_CONTENT The content that would've been displayed if there was no content + # expansion defined. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAME The current context's name. Corresponds to column NAME in the + # output of `kubectl config get-contexts`. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLUSTER The current context's cluster. Corresponds to column CLUSTER in the + # output of `kubectl config get-contexts`. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAMESPACE The current context's namespace. Corresponds to column NAMESPACE + # in the output of `kubectl config get-contexts`. If there is no + # namespace, the parameter is set to "default". + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_USER The current context's user. Corresponds to column AUTHINFO in the + # output of `kubectl config get-contexts`. + # + # If the context points to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) or Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), + # the following extra parameters are available: + # + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_NAME Either "gke" or "eks". + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT Account/project ID. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ZONE Availability zone. + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER Cluster. + # + # P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_* parameters are derived from P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLUSTER. For example, + # if P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLUSTER is "gke_my-account_us-east1-a_my-cluster-01": + # + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_NAME=gke + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT=my-account + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ZONE=us-east1-a + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER=my-cluster-01 + # + # If P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLUSTER is "arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:123456789012:cluster/my-cluster-01": + # + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_NAME=eks + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ACCOUNT=123456789012 + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_ZONE=us-east-1 + # - P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER=my-cluster-01 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + # Show P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER if it's not empty and fall back to P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAME. + POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_CONTENT_EXPANSION+='${P9K_KUBECONTEXT_CLOUD_CLUSTER:-${P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAME}}' + # Append the current context's namespace if it's not "default". + POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_DEFAULT_CONTENT_EXPANSION+='${${:-/$P9K_KUBECONTEXT_NAMESPACE}:#/default}' + + # Custom prefix. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX='%244Fat ' + + #[ aws: aws profile ( ]# + # Show aws only when the the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show aws. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='aws|awless|terraform|pulumi|terragrunt' + + # POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first element + # in each pair defines a pattern against which the current AWS profile gets matched. + # More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion (see below) + # that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_*CONTENT_EXPANSION parameters, + # you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CLASSES defines the profile class. Patterns are tried in order. The + # first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD + # '*test*' TEST + # '*' DEFAULT) + # + # If your current AWS profile is "company_test", its class is TEST + # because "company_test" doesn't match the pattern '*prod*' but does match '*test*'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='> ${P9K_CONTENT} <' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CLASSES=( + # '*prod*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*test*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' DEFAULT) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND=208 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_DEFAULT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # AWS segment format. The following parameters are available within the expansion. + # + # - P9K_AWS_PROFILE The name of the current AWS profile. + # - P9K_AWS_REGION The region associated with the current AWS profile. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_AWS_PROFILE//\%/%%}${P9K_AWS_REGION:+ ${P9K_AWS_REGION//\%/%%}}' + + #[ aws_eb_env: aws elastic beanstalk environment ( ]# + # AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_EB_ENV_FOREGROUND=70 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AWS_EB_ENV_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ azure: azure account name ( ]########## + # Show azure only when the the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show azure. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='az|terraform|pulumi|terragrunt' + # Azure account name color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_FOREGROUND=32 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_AZURE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ##########[ gcloud: google cloud account and project ( ]########### + # Show gcloud only when the the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show gcloud. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='gcloud|gcs' + # Google cloud color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_FOREGROUND=32 + + # Google cloud format. Change the value of POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_PARTIAL_CONTENT_EXPANSION and/or + # POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_COMPLETE_CONTENT_EXPANSION if the default is too verbose or not informative + # enough. You can use the following parameters in the expansions. Each of them corresponds to the + # output of `gcloud` tool. + # + # Parameter | Source + # -------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------- + # P9K_GCLOUD_CONFIGURATION | gcloud config configurations list --format='value(name)' + # P9K_GCLOUD_ACCOUNT | gcloud config get-value account + # P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID | gcloud config get-value project + # P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME | gcloud projects describe $P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID --format='value(name)' + # + # Note: ${VARIABLE//\%/%%} expands to ${VARIABLE} with all occurrences of '%' replaced with '%%'. + # + # Obtaining project name requires sending a request to Google servers. This can take a long time + # and even fail. When project name is unknown, P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME is not set and gcloud + # prompt segment is in state PARTIAL. When project name gets known, P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME gets + # set and gcloud prompt segment transitions to state COMPLETE. + # + # You can customize the format, icon and colors of gcloud segment separately for states PARTIAL + # and COMPLETE. You can also hide gcloud in state PARTIAL by setting + # POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_PARTIAL_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION and + # POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_PARTIAL_CONTENT_EXPANSION to empty. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_PARTIAL_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_ID//\%/%%}' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_COMPLETE_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_GCLOUD_PROJECT_NAME//\%/%%}' + + # Send a request to Google (by means of `gcloud projects describe ...`) to obtain project name + # this often. Negative value disables periodic polling. In this mode project name is retrieved + # only when the current configuration, account or project id changes. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_REFRESH_PROJECT_NAME_SECONDS=60 + + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GCLOUD_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #[ google_app_cred: google application credentials ( ]# + # Show google_app_cred only when the the command you are typing invokes one of these tools. + # Tip: Remove the next line to always show google_app_cred. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_SHOW_ON_COMMAND='terraform|pulumi|terragrunt' + + # Google application credentials classes for the purpose of using different colors, icons and + # expansions with different credentials. + # + # POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLASSES is an array with even number of elements. The first + # element in each pair defines a pattern against which the current kubernetes context gets + # matched. More specifically, it's P9K_CONTENT prior to the application of context expansion + # (see below) that gets matched. If you unset all POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_*CONTENT_EXPANSION + # parameters, you'll see this value in your prompt. The second element of each pair in + # POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLASSES defines the context class. Patterns are tried in order. + # The first match wins. + # + # For example, given these settings: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLASSES=( + # '*:*prod*:*' PROD + # '*:*test*:*' TEST + # '*' DEFAULT) + # + # If your current Google application credentials is "service_account deathray-testing", + # its class is TEST because it doesn't match the pattern '* *prod* *' but does match '* *test* *'. + # + # You can define different colors, icons and content expansions for different classes: + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_TEST_FOREGROUND=28 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_TEST_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_TEST_CONTENT_EXPANSION='$P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_PROJECT_ID' + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLASSES=( + # '*:*prod*:*' PROD # These values are examples that are unlikely + # '*:*test*:*' TEST # to match your needs. Customize them as needed. + '*' DEFAULT) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_DEFAULT_FOREGROUND=32 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_DEFAULT_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # Use POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CONTENT_EXPANSION to specify the content displayed by + # google_app_cred segment. Parameter expansions are very flexible and fast, too. See reference: + # + # + # You can use the following parameters in the expansion. Each of them corresponds to one of the + # fields in the JSON file pointed to by GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS. + # + # Parameter | JSON key file field + # ---------------------------------+--------------- + # P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_TYPE | type + # P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_PROJECT_ID | project_id + # P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_CLIENT_EMAIL | client_email + # + # Note: ${VARIABLE//\%/%%} expands to ${VARIABLE} with all occurrences of '%' replaced by '%%'. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_DEFAULT_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_GOOGLE_APP_CRED_PROJECT_ID//\%/%%}' + + ##############[ toolbox: toolbox name ( ]############### + # Toolbox color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_FOREGROUND=178 + # Don't display the name of the toolbox if it matches fedora-toolbox-*. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_TOOLBOX_NAME:#fedora-toolbox-*}' + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # Custom prefix. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TOOLBOX_PREFIX='%244Fin ' + + ###############################[ public_ip: public IP address ]############################### + # Public IP color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_FOREGROUND=94 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PUBLIC_IP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ########################[ vpn_ip: virtual private network indicator ]######################### + # VPN IP color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_FOREGROUND=81 + # When on VPN, show just an icon without the IP address. + # Tip: To display the private IP address when on VPN, remove the next line. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_CONTENT_EXPANSION= + # Regular expression for the VPN network interface. Run `ifconfig` or `ip -4 a show` while on VPN + # to see the name of the interface. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_INTERFACE='(gpd|wg|(.*tun)|tailscale)[0-9]*' + # If set to true, show one segment per matching network interface. If set to false, show only + # one segment corresponding to the first matching network interface. + # Tip: If you set it to true, you'll probably want to unset POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_CONTENT_EXPANSION. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_SHOW_ALL=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_VPN_IP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ###########[ ip: ip address and bandwidth usage for a specified network interface ]########### + # IP color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_IP_FOREGROUND=38 + # The following parameters are accessible within the expansion: + # + # Parameter | Meaning + # ----------------------+------------------------------------------- + # P9K_IP_IP | IP address + # P9K_IP_INTERFACE | network interface + # P9K_IP_RX_BYTES | total number of bytes received + # P9K_IP_TX_BYTES | total number of bytes sent + # P9K_IP_RX_BYTES_DELTA | number of bytes received since last prompt + # P9K_IP_TX_BYTES_DELTA | number of bytes sent since last prompt + # P9K_IP_RX_RATE | receive rate (since last prompt) + # P9K_IP_TX_RATE | send rate (since last prompt) + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_IP_CONTENT_EXPANSION='${P9K_IP_RX_RATE:+%70F⇣$P9K_IP_RX_RATE }${P9K_IP_TX_RATE:+%215F⇡$P9K_IP_TX_RATE }%38F$P9K_IP_IP' + # Show information for the first network interface whose name matches this regular expression. + # Run `ifconfig` or `ip -4 a show` to see the names of all network interfaces. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_IP_INTERFACE='[ew].*' + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_IP_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + #########################[ proxy: system-wide http/https/ftp proxy ]########################## + # Proxy color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROXY_FOREGROUND=68 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_PROXY_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + ################################[ battery: internal battery ]################################# + # Show battery in red when it's below this level and not connected to power supply. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_LOW_THRESHOLD=20 + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_LOW_FOREGROUND=160 + # Show battery in green when it's charging or fully charged. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_{CHARGING,CHARGED}_FOREGROUND=70 + # Show battery in yellow when it's discharging. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_DISCONNECTED_FOREGROUND=178 + # Battery pictograms going from low to high level of charge. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_STAGES='\uf58d\uf579\uf57a\uf57b\uf57c\uf57d\uf57e\uf57f\uf580\uf581\uf578' + # Don't show the remaining time to charge/discharge. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_BATTERY_VERBOSE=false + + #####################################[ wifi: wifi speed ]##################################### + # WiFi color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_WIFI_FOREGROUND=68 + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_WIFI_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # Use different colors and icons depending on signal strength ($P9K_WIFI_BARS). + # + # # Wifi colors and icons for different signal strength levels (low to high). + # typeset -g my_wifi_fg=(68 68 68 68 68) # <-- change these values + # typeset -g my_wifi_icon=('WiFi' 'WiFi' 'WiFi' 'WiFi' 'WiFi') # <-- change these values + # + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_WIFI_CONTENT_EXPANSION='%F{${my_wifi_fg[P9K_WIFI_BARS+1]}}$P9K_WIFI_LAST_TX_RATE Mbps' + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_WIFI_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='%F{${my_wifi_fg[P9K_WIFI_BARS+1]}}${my_wifi_icon[P9K_WIFI_BARS+1]}' + # + # The following parameters are accessible within the expansions: + # + # Parameter | Meaning + # ----------------------+--------------- + # P9K_WIFI_SSID | service set identifier, a.k.a. network name + # P9K_WIFI_LINK_AUTH | authentication protocol such as "wpa2-psk" or "none"; empty if unknown + # P9K_WIFI_LAST_TX_RATE | wireless transmit rate in megabits per second + # P9K_WIFI_RSSI | signal strength in dBm, from -120 to 0 + # P9K_WIFI_NOISE | noise in dBm, from -120 to 0 + # P9K_WIFI_BARS | signal strength in bars, from 0 to 4 (derived from P9K_WIFI_RSSI and P9K_WIFI_NOISE) + + ####################################[ time: current time ]#################################### + # Current time color. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FOREGROUND=66 + # Format for the current time: 09:51:02. See `man 3 strftime`. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_FORMAT='%D{%I:%M:%S %p}' + # If set to true, time will update when you hit enter. This way prompts for the past + # commands will contain the start times of their commands as opposed to the default + # behavior where they contain the end times of their preceding commands. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_UPDATE_ON_COMMAND=false + # Custom icon. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + # Custom prefix. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TIME_PREFIX='%244Fat ' + + # Example of a user-defined prompt segment. Function prompt_example will be called on every + # prompt if `example` prompt segment is added to POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS or + # POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS. It displays an icon and orange text greeting the user. + # + # Type `p10k help segment` for documentation and a more sophisticated example. + function prompt_example() { + p10k segment -f 208 -i '⭐' -t 'hello, %n' + } + + # User-defined prompt segments may optionally provide an instant_prompt_* function. Its job + # is to generate the prompt segment for display in instant prompt. See + # + # + # Powerlevel10k will call instant_prompt_* at the same time as the regular prompt_* function + # and will record all `p10k segment` calls it makes. When displaying instant prompt, Powerlevel10k + # will replay these calls without actually calling instant_prompt_*. It is imperative that + # instant_prompt_* always makes the same `p10k segment` calls regardless of environment. If this + # rule is not observed, the content of instant prompt will be incorrect. + # + # Usually, you should either not define instant_prompt_* or simply call prompt_* from it. If + # instant_prompt_* is not defined for a segment, the segment won't be shown in instant prompt. + function instant_prompt_example() { + # Since prompt_example always makes the same `p10k segment` calls, we can call it from + # instant_prompt_example. This will give us the same `example` prompt segment in the instant + # and regular prompts. + prompt_example + } + + # User-defined prompt segments can be customized the same way as built-in segments. + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EXAMPLE_FOREGROUND=208 + # typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_EXAMPLE_VISUAL_IDENTIFIER_EXPANSION='⭐' + + # Transient prompt works similarly to the builtin transient_rprompt option. It trims down prompt + # when accepting a command line. Supported values: + # + # - off: Don't change prompt when accepting a command line. + # - always: Trim down prompt when accepting a command line. + # - same-dir: Trim down prompt when accepting a command line unless this is the first command + # typed after changing current working directory. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_TRANSIENT_PROMPT=always + + # Instant prompt mode. + # + # - off: Disable instant prompt. Choose this if you've tried instant prompt and found + # it incompatible with your zsh configuration files. + # - quiet: Enable instant prompt and don't print warnings when detecting console output + # during zsh initialization. Choose this if you've read and understood + # + # - verbose: Enable instant prompt and print a warning when detecting console output during + # zsh initialization. Choose this if you've never tried instant prompt, haven't + # seen the warning, or if you are unsure what this all means. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_INSTANT_PROMPT=quiet + + # Hot reload allows you to change POWERLEVEL9K options after Powerlevel10k has been initialized. + # For example, you can type POWERLEVEL9K_BACKGROUND=red and see your prompt turn red. Hot reload + # can slow down prompt by 1-2 milliseconds, so it's better to keep it turned off unless you + # really need it. + typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_HOT_RELOAD=true + + # If p10k is already loaded, reload configuration. + # This works even with POWERLEVEL9K_DISABLE_HOT_RELOAD=true. + (( ! $+functions[p10k] )) || p10k reload +} + +# Tell `p10k configure` which file it should overwrite. +typeset -g POWERLEVEL9K_CONFIG_FILE=${${(%):-%x}:a} + +(( ${#p10k_config_opts} )) && setopt ${p10k_config_opts[@]} +'builtin' 'unset' 'p10k_config_opts' diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/LICENSE b/.themes/Nordic/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9cecc1d --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,674 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 3, 29 June 2007 + + Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for +software and other kinds of works. + + The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed +to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, +the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to +share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free +software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the +GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to +any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you +want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new +free programs, and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you +these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have +certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if +you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same +freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive +or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they +know their rights. + + Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: +(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License +giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it. + + For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains +that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and +authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as +changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to +authors of previous versions. + + Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run +modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer +can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of +protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic +pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to +use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we +have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those +products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we +stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions +of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users. + + Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents. +States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of +software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to +avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could +make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that +patents cannot be used to render the program non-free. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + 0. Definitions. + + "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License. + + "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of +works, such as semiconductor masks. + + "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this +License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and +"recipients" may be individuals or organizations. + + To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work +in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an +exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the +earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work. + + A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based +on the Program. + + To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without +permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for +infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a +computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying, +distribution (with or without modification), making available to the +public, and in some countries other activities as well. + + To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other +parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through +a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying. + + An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices" +to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible +feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2) +tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the +extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the +work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If +the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a +menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion. + + 1. Source Code. + + The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work +for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source +form of a work. + + A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official +standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of +interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that +is widely used among developers working in that language. + + The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other +than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of +packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major +Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that +Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an +implementation is available to the public in source code form. A +"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component +(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system +(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to +produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it. + + The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all +the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable +work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to +control those activities. However, it does not include the work's +System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free +programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but +which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source +includes interface definition files associated with source files for +the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically +linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require, +such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those +subprograms and other parts of the work. + + The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users +can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding +Source. + + The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that +same work. + + 2. Basic Permissions. + + All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of +copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated +conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited +permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a +covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its +content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your +rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law. + + You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not +convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains +in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose +of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you +with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with +the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do +not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works +for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction +and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of +your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you. + + Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under +the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10 +makes it unnecessary. + + 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law. + + No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological +measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article +11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or +similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such +measures. + + When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid +circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention +is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to +the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or +modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's +users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of +technological measures. + + 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies. + + You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you +receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and +appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice; +keep intact all notices stating that this License and any +non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code; +keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all +recipients a copy of this License along with the Program. + + You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey, +and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee. + + 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions. + + You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to +produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the +terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified + it, and giving a relevant date. + + b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is + released under this License and any conditions added under section + 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to + "keep intact all notices". + + c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this + License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This + License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7 + additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts, + regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no + permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not + invalidate such permission if you have separately received it. + + d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display + Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive + interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your + work need not make them do so. + + A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent +works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, +and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program, +in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an +"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not +used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users +beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work +in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other +parts of the aggregate. + + 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms. + + You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms +of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the +machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License, +in one of these ways: + + a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the + Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium + customarily used for software interchange. + + b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product + (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a + written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as + long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product + model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a + copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the + product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical + medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no + more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this + conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the + Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge. + + c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the + written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This + alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and + only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord + with subsection 6b. + + d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated + place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the + Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no + further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the + Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to + copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source + may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) + that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain + clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the + Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the + Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is + available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements. + + e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided + you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding + Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no + charge under subsection 6d. + + A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded +from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be +included in conveying the object code work. + + A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any +tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, +or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation +into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product, +doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular +product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a +typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status +of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user +actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product +is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial +commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent +the only significant mode of use of the product. + + "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods, +procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install +and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from +a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must +suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object +code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because +modification has been made. + + If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or +specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as +part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the +User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a +fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the +Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied +by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply +if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install +modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has +been installed in ROM). + + The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a +requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates +for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for +the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a +network may be denied when the modification itself materially and +adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and +protocols for communication across the network. + + Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided, +in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly +documented (and with an implementation available to the public in +source code form), and must require no special password or key for +unpacking, reading or copying. + + 7. Additional Terms. + + "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this +License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions. +Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall +be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent +that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions +apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately +under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by +this License without regard to the additional permissions. + + When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option +remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of +it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own +removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place +additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work, +for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you +add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of +that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms: + + a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the + terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or + + b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or + author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal + Notices displayed by works containing it; or + + c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or + requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in + reasonable ways as different from the original version; or + + d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or + authors of the material; or + + e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some + trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or + + f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that + material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of + it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for + any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on + those licensors and authors. + + All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further +restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you +received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is +governed by this License along with a term that is a further +restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains +a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this +License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms +of that license document, provided that the further restriction does +not survive such relicensing or conveying. + + If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you +must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the +additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating +where to find the applicable terms. + + Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the +form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions; +the above requirements apply either way. + + 8. Termination. + + You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly +provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or +modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under +this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third +paragraph of section 11). + + However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your +license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a) +provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and +finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright +holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means +prior to 60 days after the cessation. + + Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is +reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the +violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have +received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that +copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after +your receipt of the notice. + + Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the +licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under +this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently +reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same +material under section 10. + + 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies. + + You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or +run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work +occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission +to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However, +nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or +modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do +not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a +covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so. + + 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients. + + Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically +receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and +propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible +for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. + + An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an +organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an +organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered +work results from an entity transaction, each party to that +transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever +licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could +give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the +Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if +the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts. + + You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the +rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may +not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of +rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation +(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that +any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for +sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it. + + 11. Patents. + + A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this +License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The +work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version". + + A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims +owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or +hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted +by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version, +but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a +consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For +purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant +patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of +this License. + + Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free +patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to +make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and +propagate the contents of its contributor version. + + In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express +agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent +(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to +sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a +party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a +patent against the party. + + If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license, +and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone +to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a +publicly available network server or other readily accessible means, +then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so +available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the +patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner +consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent +license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have +actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the +covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work +in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that +country that you have reason to believe are valid. + + If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or +arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a +covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties +receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify +or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license +you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered +work and works based on it. + + A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within +the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is +conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are +specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered +work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is +in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment +to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying +the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the +parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory +patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work +conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily +for and in connection with specific products or compilations that +contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement, +or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007. + + Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting +any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may +otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law. + + 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom. + + If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a +covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may +not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you +to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey +the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this +License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program. + + 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License. + + Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have +permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed +under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single +combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this +License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work, +but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License, +section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the +combination as such. + + 14. Revised Versions of this License. + + The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of +the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + + Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the +Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General +Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the +option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered +version or of any later version published by the Free Software +Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the +GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published +by the Free Software Foundation. + + If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future +versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's +public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you +to choose that version for the Program. + + Later license versions may give you additional or different +permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any +author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a +later version. + + 15. Disclaimer of Warranty. + + THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY +APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT +HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY +OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, +THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM +IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF +ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. Limitation of Liability. + + IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MODIFIES AND/OR CONVEYS +THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY +GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE +USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF +DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD +PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), +EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF +SUCH DAMAGES. + + 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16. + + If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided +above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms, +reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates +an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the +Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a +copy of the Program in return for a fee. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + {one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.} + Copyright (C) {year} {name of author} + + This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program. If not, see . + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + + If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short +notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: + + {project} Copyright (C) {year} {fullname} + This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands +might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box". + + You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school, +if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. +For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see +. + + The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program +into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you +may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with +the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. But first, please read +. diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/ b/.themes/Nordic/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e12539b --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/ @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ + +![](Art/nordic.png) + +> Nordic is a Gtk3.20+ theme created using the awesome [Nord]( color pallete. + +#### Installation + +Extract the zip file to the themes directory i.e. `/usr/share/themes/` or `~/.themes/` (create it if necessary). + +To set the theme on Gnome, run the following commands in Terminal: + +``` +gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Nordic" +gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Nordic" +``` +or Change via distribution specific tool. + diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/assets/calendar-selected.png b/.themes/Nordic/assets/calendar-selected.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9231290 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/assets/calendar-selected.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/assets/calendar-selected@2.png b/.themes/Nordic/assets/calendar-selected@2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..91912a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/assets/calendar-selected@2.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark.png b/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0dc8ff2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark@2.png b/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark@2.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ceac843 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark@2.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5d1bfa Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/assets/checkbox-checked-active@2.png 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#notification .notification-button, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button, .sound-button, .menu #notification .notification-button:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:focus, .sound-button:focus, .menu #notification .notification-button:hover, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:hover, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover, .menu-favorites-button:hover, .menu-application-button-selected, .sound-button:hover, .menu #notification .notification-button:hover:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:hover:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover:focus, .menu-favorites-button:focus:hover, .menu-application-button-selected:focus, .sound-button:hover:focus, .menu #notification .notification-button:active, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:active, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active, .sound-button:active, .menu #notification .notification-button:active:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:active:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active:focus, .sound-button:active:focus, .menu #notification .notification-button:insensitive, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .sound-button:insensitive { + border-radius: 2px; } + .menu #notification .notification-button:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:focus, .sound-button:focus { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3f4758; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.05); } + .menu #notification .notification-button:hover, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:hover, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover, .menu-favorites-button:hover, .menu-application-button-selected, .sound-button:hover { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #4a5367; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(74, 83, 103, 0.05); } + .menu #notification .notification-button:hover:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:hover:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover:focus, .menu-favorites-button:focus:hover, .menu-application-button-selected:focus, .sound-button:hover:focus { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3f4758; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.05); } + .menu #notification .notification-button:active, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:active, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active, .sound-button:active, .menu #notification .notification-button:active:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:active:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active:focus, .sound-button:active:focus { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px #8fbcbb; } + .menu #notification .notification-button:insensitive, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .sound-button:insensitive { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); + border: 1px solid rgba(31, 35, 43, 0.55); + background-color: rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.55); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.05); } + +.notification-button, .notification-icon-button, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button { + min-height: 20px; + padding: 5px 32px; + transition-duration: 0; + border-radius: 2px; + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); } + .notification-button:hover, .notification-icon-button:hover, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button:hover { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(108, 122, 150, 0.5); } + .notification-button:focus, .notification-icon-button:focus, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button:focus { + color: #8fbcbb; } + .notification-button:active, .notification-icon-button:active, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button:active { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .notification-button:insensitive, .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button:insensitive { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #585f6b; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.25); } + #notification StEntry, .popup-menu #notification StEntry, #menu-search-entry { + padding: 7px; + caret-size: 1px; + selection-background-color: #8fbcbb; + selected-color: #2e3440; + transition-duration: 300ms; + border-radius: 3px; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3b4252; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.05); } + .menu #notification StEntry:focus, .popup-menu #notification StEntry:focus, #menu-search-entry:focus, .menu #notification StEntry:hover, .popup-menu #notification StEntry:hover, #menu-search-entry:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3b4252; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.05); } + .menu #notification StEntry:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification StEntry:insensitive, #menu-search-entry:insensitive { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); + background-color: #3f4757; + border-color: 1px solid #2f3542; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 87, 0.05); } + .menu #notification StEntry StIcon.capslock-warning, .popup-menu #notification StEntry StIcon.capslock-warning, #menu-search-entry StIcon.capslock-warning { + icon-size: 16px; + warning-color: #F27835; + padding: 0 4px; } + +.notification StEntry { + padding: 7px; + caret-size: 1px; + caret-color: #BAC3CF; + selection-background-color: #8fbcbb; + selected-color: #2e3440; + transition-duration: 300ms; + border-radius: 3px; + color: #BAC3CF; + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .notification StEntry:focus { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .notification StEntry:insensitive { + color: rgba(186, 195, 207, 0.55); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.25); + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + +StScrollView.vfade { + -st-vfade-offset: 0px; } +StScrollView.hfade { + -st-hfade-offset: 0px; } + +StScrollBar { + padding: 8px; } + StScrollView StScrollBar { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; } + StScrollBar StBin#trough { + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.1); + border-radius: 8px; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle { + border-radius: 2px; + background-color: #7f8696; + border: 0px solid; + margin: 0px; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle:hover, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle:hover { + background-color: #707888; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle:active, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle:active { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +.separator { + -gradient-height: 1px; + -gradient-start: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -gradient-end: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -margin-horizontal: 1.5em; + height: 1em; } + +.popup-slider-menu-item, .slider { + -slider-height: 4px; + -slider-background-color: #1f232b; + -slider-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -slider-active-background-color: #8fbcbb; + -slider-active-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -slider-border-width: 0; + -slider-handle-radius: 4px; + height: 18px; + min-width: 15em; + border: 0 solid transparent; + border-right-width: 1px; + border-left-width: 5px; + color: transparent; } + .popup-menu-item:active .popup-slider-menu-item, + .popup-menu-item:active .slider { + -slider-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + -slider-active-background-color: #2e3440; } + +.check-box CinnamonGenericContainer { + spacing: .2em; + min-height: 30px; + padding-top: 2px; } +.check-box StLabel { + font-weight: normal; } +.check-box StBin { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-unchecked.svg"); } +.check-box:focus StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-unchecked-focused.svg"); } +.check-box:checked StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-checked.svg"); } +.check-box:focus:checked StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-checked-focused.svg"); } + +.radiobutton CinnamonGenericContainer { + spacing: .2em; + height: 26px; + padding-top: 2px; } +.radiobutton StLabel { + padding-top: 4px; + font-size: 0.9em; + box-shadow: none; } +.radiobutton StBin { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-unchecked.svg"); } +.radiobutton:focus StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-unchecked-focused.svg"); } +.radiobutton:checked StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-checked.svg"); } +.radiobutton:focus:checked StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-checked-focused.svg"); } + +.toggle-switch { + width: 50px; + height: 20px; + background-size: contain; + background-image: url("dark-assets/switch/switch-off.svg"); } + .toggle-switch:checked { + background-image: url("dark-assets/switch/switch-on.svg"); } + .popup-menu-item:active .toggle-switch { + background-image: url("common-assets/switch/switch-off-selected.svg"); } + .popup-menu-item:active .toggle-switch:checked { + background-image: url("common-assets/switch/switch-on-selected.svg"); } + +.cinnamon-link { + color: #5e81ac; + text-decoration: underline; } + .cinnamon-link:hover { + color: #809bbd; } + +#Tooltip { + border-radius: 3px; + padding: 5px 12px; + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #BAC3CF; + font-size: 1em; + font-weight: normal; + text-align: center; } +, +.popup-menu, +.popup-combo-menu { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #2e3440; + margin-bottom: 7px; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + border-radius: 5px; } + .menu-arrow, + .popup-menu-arrow { + icon-size: 16px; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu { + background-gradient-direction: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #232831; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:ltr, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:ltr, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:ltr { + padding-right: 0em; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:rtl, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:rtl, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:rtl { + padding-left: 0em; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar { + padding: 4px; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#trough, .menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#vhandle, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#trough, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#vhandle, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#trough, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#vhandle { + border-width: 0; } + .menu .popup-menu-content, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-content, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-content { + padding: 1em 0em 1em 0em; } + .menu .popup-menu-item, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-item { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + spacing: 1em; } + .menu .popup-menu-item:active, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:active, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-item:active { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + background: none; } + .menu .popup-inactive-menu-item, + .popup-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item { + color: #d8dee9; } + .menu .popup-inactive-menu-item:insensitive, + .popup-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item:insensitive, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item:insensitive { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); } + .menu .popup-menu-item:active .popup-inactive-menu-item, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:active .popup-inactive-menu-item, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-item:active .popup-inactive-menu-item { + color: #2e3440; } + .menu-icon, + .popup-menu-icon { + icon-size: 16px; } + +.popup-menu-boxpointer { + -arrow-border-radius: 3px; + -arrow-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -arrow-border-width: 1px; + -arrow-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -arrow-base: 0; + -arrow-rise: 0; } + +.popup-combo-menu { + padding: 10px 1px; } + +.popup-combobox-item { + spacing: 1em; } + +.popup-separator-menu-item { + -gradient-height: 2px; + -gradient-start: transparent; + -gradient-end: transparent; + -margin-horizontal: 1.5em; + height: 1em; } + +.popup-alternating-menu-item:alternate { + font-weight: normal; } + +.popup-device-menu-item { + spacing: .5em; } + +.popup-subtitle-menu-item { + font-weight: normal; } + +.nm-menu-item-icons { + spacing: .5em; } + +#panel { + font-size: 10pt; + height: 28px; + width: 32px; + font-weight: 700; + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #d8dee9; } + #panel:highlight { + border-image: none; + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + #panelLeft { + spacing: 4px; } + #panelLeft:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2); } + #panelLeft:ltr { + padding-right: 4px; } + #panelLeft:rtl { + padding-left: 4px; } + #panelLeft.vertical { + padding: 0; } + #panelLeft.vertical:ltr { + padding-right: 0px; } + #panelLeft.vertical:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; } + #panelRight:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2); } + #panelRight:ltr { + padding-left: 4px; + spacing: 0px; } + #panelRight:rtl { + padding-right: 4px; + spacing: 0px; } + #panelRight.vertical { + padding: 0; } + #panelRight.vertical:ltr { + padding-right: 0px; } + #panelRight.vertical:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; } + #panelCenter { + spacing: 4px; } + #panelCenter:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2); } + +.panel-top, .panel-bottom, .panel-left, .panel-right { + color: #d8dee9; + font-size: 1em; + padding: 0px; } +.panel-dummy { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + .panel-dummy:entered { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.6); } +.panel-status-button { + border-width: 0; + -natural-hpadding: 3px; + -minimum-hpadding: 3px; + font-weight: bold; + color: white; + height: 22px; } +.panel-button { + -natural-hpadding: 6px; + -minimum-hpadding: 2px; + font-weight: bold; + color: green; + transition-duration: 100; } + +.system-status-icon { + icon-size: 16px; + padding: 0 1px; } + +#overview { + spacing: 12px; } + +.window-caption { + background-color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #2e3440; + color: #BAC3CF; + spacing: 25px; + border-radius: 2px; + font-size: 9pt; + padding: 5px 8px; + -cinnamon-caption-spacing: 4px; } + .window-caption#selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + spacing: 25px; } + +.expo-workspaces-name-entry, +.expo-workspaces-name-entry#selected { + height: 15px; + border-radius: 2px; + font-size: 9pt; + padding: 5px 8px; + -cinnamon-caption-spacing: 4px; + color: #BAC3CF; + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .expo-workspaces-name-entry:focus, + .expo-workspaces-name-entry#selected:focus { + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; + font-style: italic; + transition-duration: 300; + selection-background-color: #2e3440; + selected-color: #8fbcbb; } + +.expo-workspace-thumbnail-frame { + border: 4px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + border-radius: 2px; } + .expo-workspace-thumbnail-frame#active { + border: 4px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: black; + border-radius: 2px; } + +.expo-background { + background-color: #2e3440; } + +.workspace-thumbnails { + spacing: 26px; } + .workspace-thumbnails-background, .workspace-thumbnails-background:rtl { + padding: 8px; } +.workspace-add-button { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/add-workspace.svg"); + height: 200px; + width: 35px; + transition-duration: 100; } + .workspace-add-button:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/add-workspace-hover.svg"); + transition-duration: 100; } + .workspace-add-button:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/add-workspace-active.svg"); + transition-duration: 100; } +.workspace-overview-background-shade { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } + +.workspace-close-button, +.window-close { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/close.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; + -cinnamon-close-overlap: 10px; } + .workspace-close-button:hover, + .window-close:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/close-hover.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; } + .workspace-close-button:active, + .window-close:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/close-active.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; } + +.window-close-area { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/trash-icon.svg"); + height: 120px; + width: 400px; } + +.about-content { + width: 550px; + height: 250px; + spacing: 8px; + padding-bottom: 10px; } +.about-title { + font-size: 2em; + font-weight: bold; } +.about-uuid { + font-size: 10px; + color: #888; } +.about-icon { + padding-right: 20px; + padding-bottom: 14px; } +.about-scrollBox { + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + border-radius: 2px; + background-color: #3b4252; + padding: 4px; + padding-right: 0; + border-radius: 0; } + .about-scrollBox-innerBox { + padding: 1.2em; + spacing: 1.2em; } +.about-description { + padding-top: 4px; + padding-bottom: 16px; } +.about-version { + padding-left: 7px; + font-size: 10px; + color: #888; } + +.calendar { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + spacing-rows: 0px; + spacing-columns: 0px; } + +.calendar-month-label { + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: bold; + padding: 8px 0; } + +.calendar-change-month-back, +.calendar-change-month-forward { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; } + +.calendar-change-month-back { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:focus, .calendar-change-month-back:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left-hover.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:rtl { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:rtl:focus, .calendar-change-month-back:rtl:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right-hover.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:rtl:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + +.calendar-change-month-forward { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:focus, .calendar-change-month-forward:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right-hover.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl:focus, .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left-hover.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + +.datemenu-date-label { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 2px; } + +.calendar-day-base { + font-size: 80%; + text-align: center; + width: 25px; + height: 25px; + padding: 0.1em; + margin: 2px; + border-radius: 12.5px; } + +.calendar-day-heading { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.85); + margin-top: 1em; + font-size: 70%; } + +.calendar-day { + border-width: 0; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); } + +.calendar-day-top { + border-top-width: 0; } + +.calendar-day-left { + border-left-width: 0; } + +.calendar-nonwork-day { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; + font-weight: bold; } + +.calendar-today, +.calendar-today:active, +.calendar-today:focus, +.calendar-today:hover { + font-weight: bold; + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border-width: 0; } + +.calendar-other-month-day { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + opacity: 1; } + +.calendar-week-number { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); + font-size: 80%; } + +#notification { + border-radius: 3px; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; + padding: 13px; + spacing-rows: 10px; + spacing-columns: 10px; + margin-from-right-edge-of-screen: 20px; + width: 34em; + color: #BAC3CF; } + .menu #notification, .popup-menu #notification { + border-image: url("dark-assets/misc/message.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + .menu #notification, .menu #notification.multi-line-notification, .popup-menu #notification, .popup-menu #notification.multi-line-notification { + color: #d8dee9; } + .menu #notification .notification-button, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button { + padding: 5px; } + #notification.multi-line-notification { + padding-bottom: 13px; + color: #BAC3CF; } + #notification-scrollview { + max-height: 10em; } + #notification-scrollview > .top-shadow, #notification-scrollview > .bottom-shadow { + height: 1em; } + #notification-scrollview:ltr > StScrollBar { + padding-left: 6px; } + #notification-scrollview:rtl > StScrollBar { + padding-right: 6px; } + #notification-body { + spacing: 5px; } + #notification-actions { + spacing: 10px; } + +.notification-with-image { + min-height: 159px; + color: #BAC3CF; } +.notification-button, .notification-icon-button { + padding: 5px; } +.notification-icon-button > StIcon { + icon-size: 36px; } + +#altTabPopup { + padding: 8px; + spacing: 16px; } + +.switcher-list { + color: #BAC3CF; + background: none; + border: none; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; + border-radius: 3px; + padding: 20px; } + .switcher-list > StBoxLayout { + padding: 4px; } + .switcher-list-item-container { + spacing: 8px; } + .switcher-list .item-box { + padding: 8px; + border-radius: 2px; } + .switcher-list .item-box:outlined { + padding: 8px; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; } + .switcher-list .item-box:selected { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 0px solid #8fbcbb; } + .switcher-list .thumbnail { + width: 256px; } + .switcher-list .thumbnail-box { + padding: 2px; + spacing: 4px; } + .switcher-list .separator { + width: 1px; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } + +.switcher-arrow { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; } + .switcher-arrow:highlighted { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + color: #d8dee9; } + +.thumbnail-scroll-gradient-left { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + border-radius: 24px; + border-radius-topright: 0px; + border-radius-bottomright: 0px; + width: 60px; } + +.thumbnail-scroll-gradient-right { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + border-radius: 24px; + border-radius-topleft: 0px; + border-radius-bottomleft: 0px; + width: 60px; } + +.ripple-box { + width: 104px; + height: 104px; + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/corner-ripple.svg"); + background-size: contain; } + +.lightbox { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +.flashspot { + background-color: white; } + +.modal-dialog { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0); + border: none; + border-image: url("dark-assets/misc/modal.svg") 9 9 9 67; + padding: 0 5px 6px 5px; } + .modal-dialog > StBoxLayout:first-child { + padding: 20px 10px 10px 10px; } + .modal-dialog-button-box { + spacing: 0; + margin: 0px; + padding: 14px 10px; + background: none; + border: none; + border-image: url("dark-assets/misc/button-box.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + height: 30px; } + { + padding: 0px 15px 10px 15px; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + .run-dialog > * { + padding: 0; } + .run-dialog-label { + font-size: 0; + font-weight: bold; + color: #BAC3CF; + padding-bottom: 0; } + .run-dialog-error-label { + color: #FC4138; } + .run-dialog-error-box { + padding-top: 15px; + spacing: 5px; } + .run-dialog-completion-box { + padding-left: 15px; + font-size: 10px; } + .run-dialog-entry { + width: 21em; + padding: 7px; + border-radius: 3px; + caret-color: #BAC3CF; + selected-color: #2e3440; + selection-background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #BAC3CF; + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .run-dialog-entry:focus { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .run-dialog .modal-dialog-button-box { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background: none; + background-gradient-direction: none; } + +/* CinnamonMountOperation Dialogs */ +.cinnamon-mount-operation-icon { + icon-size: 48px; } + +.mount-password-reask { + color: #F27835; } +, +.mount-question-dialog { + spacing: 24px; } + .show-processes-dialog-subject, + .mount-question-dialog-subject { + padding-top: 10px; + padding-left: 17px; + padding-bottom: 6px; } + .show-processes-dialog-subject:rtl, + .mount-question-dialog-subject:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 17px; } + .show-processes-dialog-description, + .mount-question-dialog-description { + padding-left: 17px; + width: 28em; } + .show-processes-dialog-description:rtl, + .mount-question-dialog-description:rtl { + padding-right: 17px; } + { + max-height: 200px; + padding-top: 24px; + padding-left: 49px; + padding-right: 32px; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list:rtl { + padding-right: 49px; + padding-left: 32px; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item { + color: #ccc; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item:hover { + color: white; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item:ltr { + padding-right: 1em; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item:rtl { + padding-left: 1em; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item-icon:ltr { + padding-right: 17px; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item-icon:rtl { + padding-left: 17px; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item-name { + font-size: 1.1em; } + +.magnifier-zoom-region { + border: 2px solid maroon; } + .magnifier-zoom-region .full-screen { + border-width: 0px; } + +#keyboard { + background-color: #2e3440; + border-width: 0; + border-top-width: 1px; + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +.keyboard-layout { + spacing: 10px; + padding: 10px; } + +.keyboard-row { + spacing: 15px; } + +.keyboard-key { + min-height: 2em; + min-width: 2em; + font-size: 14pt; + font-weight: bold; + border-radius: 3px; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); } + .keyboard-key:hover { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(108, 122, 150, 0.5); } + .keyboard-key:active, .keyboard-key:checked { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .keyboard-key:grayed { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #585f6b; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.25); } + +.keyboard-subkeys { + color: #BAC3CF; + padding: 5px; + -arrow-border-radius: 2px; + -arrow-background-color: #2e3440; + -arrow-border-width: 1px; + -arrow-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + -arrow-base: 20px; + -arrow-rise: 10px; + -boxpointer-gap: 5px; } + { + margin: auto; + padding: 10px; + transition-duration: 300; + background-color: #434c5e; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; } { + padding: 10px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } { + margin: auto; + padding: 10px; + border: 0px solid red; } { + padding: 10px; } { + padding: 10px 30px 10px 30px; }, .menu-applications-outer-box { + padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; } { + padding: 7px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + .menu-application-button:highlighted { + font-weight: bold; } + .menu-application-button-selected { + padding: 7px; } + .menu-application-button-selected:highlighted { + font-weight: bold; } + .menu-application-button-label:ltr { + padding-left: 5px; } + .menu-application-button-label:rtl { + padding-right: 5px; } { + padding: 7px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + .menu-category-button-selected { + padding: 7px; } + .menu-category-button-selected, .menu-category-button-hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + border-radius: 2px; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; } + .menu-category-button-greyed { + padding: 7px; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + .menu-category-button-label:ltr { + padding-left: 5px; } + .menu-category-button-label:rtl { + padding-right: 5px; } { + padding-right: 30px; + padding-left: 28px; + text-align: right; + height: 30px; } + .menu-selected-app-box:rtl { + padding-top: 10px; + height: 30px; } { + font-weight: bold; } { + max-width: 150px; } { + padding-left: 30px; } { + padding-right: 30px; } + +#menu-search-entry { + width: 250px; + height: 15px; + font-weight: normal; + caret-color: #d8dee9; } + { + icon-size: 1em; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/* Context menu (at the moment only for favorites) */ { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + spacing: 1em; + padding: 16px; + color: #d8dee9; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/osd.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + +.osd-window { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + spacing: 1em; + padding: 20px; + margin: 32px; + min-width: 64px; + min-height: 64px; + color: #d8dee9; + background: none; + border: none; + border-radius: 5px; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/osd.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + .osd-window .osd-monitor-label { + font-size: 3em; } + .osd-window .level { + padding: 0; + height: 4px; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + border-radius: 2px; + color: #8fbcbb; } + +.window-list-box { + spacing: 0; } + .window-list-box .panel-top:ltr, .panel-bottom .window-list-box:ltr { + padding: 0 0 0 8px; } + .window-list-box .panel-top:rtl, .panel-bottom .window-list-box:rtl { + padding: 0 8px 0 0; } + .window-list-box.vertical { + padding: 6px 0 0 0; } + .window-list-box:highlight { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } +.window-list-item-box { + border: 0 none transparent; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #BAC3CF; + box-shadow: none; + font-weight: 400; } + .window-list-item-box:hover { + color: #2e3440; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-left .window-list-item-box:hover { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .panel-right .window-list-item-box:hover { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .window-list-item-box:active, .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .window-list-item-box:checked, .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .window-list-item-box:focus, .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + color: #2e3440; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box:active, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:checked, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #bf616a; } + .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:active, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:checked, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #bf616a; } + .panel-left .window-list-item-box:active, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:checked, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #bf616a; } + .panel-right .window-list-item-box:active, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:checked, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #bf616a; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box StIcon, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box StIcon, + .panel-top .window-list-item-box StBin, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box StBin { + padding: 0 4px; } + .window-list-item-box.vertical StIcon, .window-list-item-box.vertical StBin { + padding: 0; } + .window-list-item-box StLabel { + font-weight: 400; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box StLabel:ltr, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box StLabel:ltr { + padding: 0 4px 0 0; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box StLabel:rtl, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box StLabel:rtl { + padding: 0 0 0 4px; } + .window-list-item-box:progress, + .window-list-item-box .progress { + background-gradient-start: #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-end: #8fbcbb; } +.window-list-item-demands-attention { + background-gradient-start: #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-end: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-left .window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .panel-right .window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #8fbcbb; } +.window-list-preview { + padding: 12px; + spacing: 8px; + border: none; + border-image: url("assets/misc/osd.svg") 9 9 9 9; + border-radius: 2px; + color: #BAC3CF; + background: none; } + +.grouped-window-list-item-box { + border: 0 none transparent; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #BAC3CF; + box-shadow: none; + font-weight: 400; } + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box StIcon, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box StIcon, + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box StBin, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box StBin { + padding: 0 4px; } + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:active, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:checked { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #59647b; } + .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:active, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:checked { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #59647b; } + .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:active, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:checked { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #59647b; } + .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:active, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:checked { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #59647b; } + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:hover, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus:hover, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:hover, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus:hover, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:hover, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus:hover, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:hover, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus:hover, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .grouped-window-list-item-box:progress, + .grouped-window-list-item-box .progress { + background-gradient-start: #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-end: #8fbcbb; } +.grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + background-gradient-start: #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-end: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + +.sound-button { + width: 22px; + height: 13px; + padding: 8px; } + .sound-button-container { + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 3px; } + .sound-button StIcon { + icon-size: 1.4em; } + +.sound-track-infos { + padding: 5px; } +.sound-track-info { + padding-top: 2px; + padding-bottom: 2px; } + .sound-track-info StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; } + .sound-track-info StLabel { + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; } +.sound-track-box { + padding-left: 15px; + padding-right: 15px; + max-width: 220px; } + +.sound-seek-box { + padding-left: 15px; } + .sound-seek-box StLabel { + padding-top: 2px; } + .sound-seek-box StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; } + +.sound-seek-slider { + width: 140px; } + +.sound-volume-menu-item { + padding: .4em 1.75em; } + .sound-volume-menu-item StIcon { + icon-size: 1.14em; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; } + +.sound-playback-control { + padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px; } + +.sound-player { + padding: 0 4px; } + .sound-player > StBoxLayout:first-child { + padding: 5px 10px 12px 10px; + spacing: 0.5em; } + .sound-player > StBoxLayout:first-child StButton:small { + width: 16px; + height: 8px; + padding: 1px; } + .sound-player > StBoxLayout:first-child StButton:small StIcon { + icon-size: 12px; } + .sound-player-generic-coverart { + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .sound-player-overlay { + width: 290px; + height: 70px; + padding: 15px; + spacing: 0.5em; + background: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.9); + border: 0px solid #191c22; + border-bottom: 1px; + color: #BAC3CF; } + .sound-player-overlay StButton { + width: 22px; + height: 13px; + padding: 5px; + color: #BAC3CF; + border-radius: 2px; + border: 1px solid rgba(46, 52, 64, 0); } + .sound-player-overlay StButton StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; } + .sound-player-overlay StButton:hover { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(108, 122, 150, 0.5); } + .sound-player-overlay StButton:active { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px #8fbcbb; } + .sound-player-overlay StBoxLayout { + padding-top: 2px; } + .sound-player .slider { + height: 0.5em; + padding: 0; + border: none; + -slider-height: 0.5em; + -slider-background-color: #38404f; + -slider-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -slider-active-background-color: #8fbcbb; + -slider-active-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -slider-border-width: 0px; + -slider-handle-radius: 0px; } + +#workspaceSwitcher { + spacing: 0px; + padding: 3px; } + +/* Controls the styling when using the "Simple buttons" option */ +.workspace-switcher { + padding-left: 3px; + padding-right: 3px; } + +.workspace-button { + width: 20px; + height: 10px; + color: #2e3440; + padding: 3px; + padding-top: 4px; + transition-duration: 300; } + .workspace-button:outlined, .workspace-button:outlined:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; } + .workspace-button:hover { + color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.5); } + +/* Controls the style when using the "Visual representation" option */ +.workspace-graph { + padding: 3px; + spacing: 3px; } + +.workspace-graph .workspace { + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + +.workspace-graph .workspace:active { + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-direction: none; } + +.workspace-graph .workspace .windows { + -active-window-background: #4e586d; + -active-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + -inactive-window-background: #4e586d; + -inactive-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } + +.workspace-graph .workspace:active .windows { + -active-window-background: #59647b; + -active-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + -inactive-window-background: #39404f; + -inactive-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } + +#panel-launchers-box { + padding-left: 7px; } + #panel-launchers-box.vertical { + padding: 2px 0; } + +.panel-launcher, +.launcher { + margin: 1px; + padding: 1px; + transition-duration: 200; } + .panel-launcher:hover, .launcher:hover { + background-gradient-direction: none; + border: 0px solid #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .panel-launcher:hover, + .panel-bottom .launcher:hover { + border-bottom-width: 1px; } + .panel-top .panel-launcher:hover, .panel-top .launcher:hover { + border-top-width: 1px; } + .panel-left .panel-launcher:hover, .panel-left .launcher:hover { + border-left-width: 1px; + padding-left: 0; } + .panel-right .panel-launcher:hover, .panel-right .launcher:hover { + border-right-width: 1px; + padding-right: 0; } + +#overview-corner { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/overview.png"); } + #overview-corner:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/overview-hover.png"); } + +.applet-separator { + padding: 1px 4px; } +.applet-separator-line { + width: 1px; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12); } +.applet-box { + padding-left: 3px; + padding-right: 3px; + color: #d8dee9; + text-shadow: none; + transition-duration: 100; } + .applet-box.vertical { + padding: 3px 0; } + .applet-box:hover { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .applet-box:highlight { + background-image: none; + border-image: none; + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } +.applet-label { + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; } + .applet-label:hover, .applet-box:hover .applet-label { + color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; } +.applet-icon { + color: #d8dee9; + icon-size: 22px; } + .applet-icon:hover, .applet-box:hover > .applet-icon { + color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; } + +.user-icon { + width: 32px; + height: 32px; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; } + +.user-label { + color: #d8dee9; + font-size: 1em; + font-weight: bold; + margin: 0px; } + +.desklet { + color: #BAC3CF; } + .desklet:highlight { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + .desklet-with-borders { + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; + color: #BAC3CF; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 16px; } + .desklet-with-borders:highlight { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + .desklet-with-borders-and-header { + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/desklet.svg") 9 9 9 9; + color: #BAC3CF; + border-radius: 0; + border-radius-topleft: 0; + border-radius-topright: 0; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 17px; } + .desklet-with-borders-and-header:highlight { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + .desklet-header { + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/desklet-header.svg") 9 9 9 9; + color: #BAC3CF; + font-size: 1em; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 6px; } + .desklet-drag-placeholder { + border: 2px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); } + +.photoframe-box { + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; + color: #BAC3CF; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 16px; } + +/*FIXME*/ +.workspace-osd { + /*color: red;*/ + text-shadow: black 5px 5px 5px; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 48pt; } + +.notification-applet-padding { + padding: .5em 1em; } + +.notification-applet-container { + max-height: 100px; } + +.tile-preview, .tile-preview.snap, +.tile-hud, .tile-hud.snap { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; } + +.xkcd-box { + padding: 6px; + border: 0px; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + border-radius: 0px; } + +/*# */ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/cinnamon.css b/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/cinnamon.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b5cae6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/cinnamon.css @@ -0,0 +1,1421 @@ +stage { + font-family: Futura Bk bt, sans, Sans-Serif; + font-size: 9pt; + color: #d8dee9; } + +.label-shadow { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + #notification .notification-button, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button, .sound-button { + min-height: 20px; + padding: 5px 32px; + transition-duration: 0; + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3f4758; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.05); } + .menu #notification .notification-button, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button, .sound-button, .menu #notification .notification-button:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:focus, .sound-button:focus, .menu #notification .notification-button:hover, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:hover, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover, .menu-favorites-button:hover, .menu-application-button-selected, .sound-button:hover, .menu #notification .notification-button:hover:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:hover:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover:focus, .menu-favorites-button:focus:hover, .menu-application-button-selected:focus, .sound-button:hover:focus, .menu #notification .notification-button:active, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:active, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active, .sound-button:active, .menu #notification .notification-button:active:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:active:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active:focus, .sound-button:active:focus, .menu #notification .notification-button:insensitive, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .sound-button:insensitive { + border-radius: 2px; } + .menu #notification .notification-button:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:focus, .sound-button:focus { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3f4758; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.05); } + .menu #notification .notification-button:hover, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:hover, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover, .menu-favorites-button:hover, .menu-application-button-selected, .sound-button:hover { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #4a5367; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(74, 83, 103, 0.05); } + .menu #notification .notification-button:hover:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:hover:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:hover:focus, .menu-favorites-button:focus:hover, .menu-application-button-selected:focus, .sound-button:hover:focus { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3f4758; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.05); } + .menu #notification .notification-button:active, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:active, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active, .sound-button:active, .menu #notification .notification-button:active:focus, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:active:focus, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:active:focus, .sound-button:active:focus { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px #8fbcbb; } + .menu #notification .notification-button:insensitive, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .sound-button:insensitive { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); + border: 1px solid rgba(31, 35, 43, 0.55); + background-color: rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.55); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 88, 0.05); } + +.notification-button, .notification-icon-button, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button { + min-height: 20px; + padding: 5px 32px; + transition-duration: 0; + border-radius: 2px; + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); } + .notification-button:hover, .notification-icon-button:hover, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button:hover { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(108, 122, 150, 0.5); } + .notification-button:focus, .notification-icon-button:focus, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button:focus { + color: #8fbcbb; } + .notification-button:active, .notification-icon-button:active, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button:active { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .notification-button:insensitive, .notification-icon-button:insensitive, .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button:insensitive { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #585f6b; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.25); } + #notification StEntry, .popup-menu #notification StEntry, #menu-search-entry { + padding: 7px; + caret-size: 1px; + selection-background-color: #8fbcbb; + selected-color: #2e3440; + transition-duration: 300ms; + border-radius: 3px; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3b4252; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.05); } + .menu #notification StEntry:focus, .popup-menu #notification StEntry:focus, #menu-search-entry:focus, .menu #notification StEntry:hover, .popup-menu #notification StEntry:hover, #menu-search-entry:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3b4252; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.05); } + .menu #notification StEntry:insensitive, .popup-menu #notification StEntry:insensitive, #menu-search-entry:insensitive { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); + background-color: #3f4757; + border-color: 1px solid #2f3542; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(63, 71, 87, 0.05); } + .menu #notification StEntry StIcon.capslock-warning, .popup-menu #notification StEntry StIcon.capslock-warning, #menu-search-entry StIcon.capslock-warning { + icon-size: 16px; + warning-color: #F27835; + padding: 0 4px; } + +.notification StEntry { + padding: 7px; + caret-size: 1px; + caret-color: #BAC3CF; + selection-background-color: #8fbcbb; + selected-color: #2e3440; + transition-duration: 300ms; + border-radius: 3px; + color: #BAC3CF; + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .notification StEntry:focus { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .notification StEntry:insensitive { + color: rgba(186, 195, 207, 0.55); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.25); + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + +StScrollView.vfade { + -st-vfade-offset: 0px; } +StScrollView.hfade { + -st-hfade-offset: 0px; } + +StScrollBar { + padding: 8px; } + StScrollView StScrollBar { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; } + StScrollBar StBin#trough { + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.1); + border-radius: 8px; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle { + border-radius: 2px; + background-color: #7f8696; + border: 0px solid; + margin: 0px; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle:hover, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle:hover { + background-color: #707888; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle:active, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle:active { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +.separator { + -gradient-height: 1px; + -gradient-start: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -gradient-end: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -margin-horizontal: 1.5em; + height: 1em; } + +.popup-slider-menu-item, .slider { + -slider-height: 4px; + -slider-background-color: #1f232b; + -slider-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -slider-active-background-color: #8fbcbb; + -slider-active-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -slider-border-width: 0; + -slider-handle-radius: 4px; + height: 18px; + min-width: 15em; + border: 0 solid transparent; + border-right-width: 1px; + border-left-width: 5px; + color: transparent; } + .popup-menu-item:active .popup-slider-menu-item, + .popup-menu-item:active .slider { + -slider-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + -slider-active-background-color: #2e3440; } + +.check-box CinnamonGenericContainer { + spacing: .2em; + min-height: 30px; + padding-top: 2px; } +.check-box StLabel { + font-weight: normal; } +.check-box StBin { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-unchecked.svg"); } +.check-box:focus StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-unchecked-focused.svg"); } +.check-box:checked StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-checked.svg"); } +.check-box:focus:checked StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-checked-focused.svg"); } + +.radiobutton CinnamonGenericContainer { + spacing: .2em; + height: 26px; + padding-top: 2px; } +.radiobutton StLabel { + padding-top: 4px; + font-size: 0.9em; + box-shadow: none; } +.radiobutton StBin { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-unchecked.svg"); } +.radiobutton:focus StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-unchecked-focused.svg"); } +.radiobutton:checked StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-checked.svg"); } +.radiobutton:focus:checked StBin { + background-image: url("dark-assets/checkbox/checkbox-checked-focused.svg"); } + +.toggle-switch { + width: 50px; + height: 20px; + background-size: contain; + background-image: url("dark-assets/switch/switch-off.svg"); } + .toggle-switch:checked { + background-image: url("dark-assets/switch/switch-on.svg"); } + .popup-menu-item:active .toggle-switch { + background-image: url("common-assets/switch/switch-off-selected.svg"); } + .popup-menu-item:active .toggle-switch:checked { + background-image: url("common-assets/switch/switch-on-selected.svg"); } + +.cinnamon-link { + color: #5e81ac; + text-decoration: underline; } + .cinnamon-link:hover { + color: #809bbd; } + +#Tooltip { + border-radius: 3px; + padding: 5px 12px; + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #BAC3CF; + font-size: 1em; + font-weight: normal; + text-align: center; } +, +.popup-menu, +.popup-combo-menu { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #2e3440; + margin-bottom: 7px; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + border-radius: 5px; } + .menu-arrow, + .popup-menu-arrow { + icon-size: 16px; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu { + background-gradient-direction: none; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #232831; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:ltr, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:ltr, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:ltr { + padding-right: 0em; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:rtl, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:rtl, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu .popup-menu-item:rtl { + padding-left: 0em; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar { + padding: 4px; } + .menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#trough, .menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#vhandle, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#trough, + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#vhandle, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#trough, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-sub-menu StScrollBar StBin#vhandle { + border-width: 0; } + .menu .popup-menu-content, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-content, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-content { + padding: 1em 0em 1em 0em; } + .menu .popup-menu-item, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-item { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + spacing: 1em; } + .menu .popup-menu-item:active, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:active, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-item:active { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + background: none; } + .menu .popup-inactive-menu-item, + .popup-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item { + color: #d8dee9; } + .menu .popup-inactive-menu-item:insensitive, + .popup-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item:insensitive, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item:insensitive { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); } + .menu .popup-menu-item:active .popup-inactive-menu-item, + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:active .popup-inactive-menu-item, + .popup-combo-menu .popup-menu-item:active .popup-inactive-menu-item { + color: #2e3440; } + .menu-icon, + .popup-menu-icon { + icon-size: 16px; } + +.popup-menu-boxpointer { + -arrow-border-radius: 3px; + -arrow-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -arrow-border-width: 1px; + -arrow-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -arrow-base: 0; + -arrow-rise: 0; } + +.popup-combo-menu { + padding: 10px 1px; } + +.popup-combobox-item { + spacing: 1em; } + +.popup-separator-menu-item { + -gradient-height: 2px; + -gradient-start: transparent; + -gradient-end: transparent; + -margin-horizontal: 1.5em; + height: 1em; } + +.popup-alternating-menu-item:alternate { + font-weight: normal; } + +.popup-device-menu-item { + spacing: .5em; } + +.popup-subtitle-menu-item { + font-weight: normal; } + +.nm-menu-item-icons { + spacing: .5em; } + +#panel { + font-size: 10pt; + height: 28px; + width: 32px; + font-weight: 700; + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #d8dee9; } + #panel:highlight { + border-image: none; + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + #panelLeft { + spacing: 4px; } + #panelLeft:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2); } + #panelLeft:ltr { + padding-right: 4px; } + #panelLeft:rtl { + padding-left: 4px; } + #panelLeft.vertical { + padding: 0; } + #panelLeft.vertical:ltr { + padding-right: 0px; } + #panelLeft.vertical:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; } + #panelRight:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.2); } + #panelRight:ltr { + padding-left: 4px; + spacing: 0px; } + #panelRight:rtl { + padding-right: 4px; + spacing: 0px; } + #panelRight.vertical { + padding: 0; } + #panelRight.vertical:ltr { + padding-right: 0px; } + #panelRight.vertical:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; } + #panelCenter { + spacing: 4px; } + #panelCenter:dnd { + background-gradient-direction: vertical; + background-gradient-start: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.05); + background-gradient-end: rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2); } + +.panel-top, .panel-bottom, .panel-left, .panel-right { + color: #d8dee9; + font-size: 1em; + padding: 0px; } +.panel-dummy { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + .panel-dummy:entered { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.6); } +.panel-status-button { + border-width: 0; + -natural-hpadding: 3px; + -minimum-hpadding: 3px; + font-weight: bold; + color: white; + height: 22px; } +.panel-button { + -natural-hpadding: 6px; + -minimum-hpadding: 2px; + font-weight: bold; + color: green; + transition-duration: 100; } + +.system-status-icon { + icon-size: 16px; + padding: 0 1px; } + +#overview { + spacing: 12px; } + +.window-caption { + background-color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #2e3440; + color: #BAC3CF; + spacing: 25px; + border-radius: 2px; + font-size: 9pt; + padding: 5px 8px; + -cinnamon-caption-spacing: 4px; } + .window-caption#selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + spacing: 25px; } + +.expo-workspaces-name-entry, +.expo-workspaces-name-entry#selected { + height: 15px; + border-radius: 2px; + font-size: 9pt; + padding: 5px 8px; + -cinnamon-caption-spacing: 4px; + color: #BAC3CF; + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .expo-workspaces-name-entry:focus, + .expo-workspaces-name-entry#selected:focus { + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; + font-style: italic; + transition-duration: 300; + selection-background-color: #2e3440; + selected-color: #8fbcbb; } + +.expo-workspace-thumbnail-frame { + border: 4px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + border-radius: 2px; } + .expo-workspace-thumbnail-frame#active { + border: 4px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: black; + border-radius: 2px; } + +.expo-background { + background-color: #2e3440; } + +.workspace-thumbnails { + spacing: 26px; } + .workspace-thumbnails-background, .workspace-thumbnails-background:rtl { + padding: 8px; } +.workspace-add-button { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/add-workspace.svg"); + height: 200px; + width: 35px; + transition-duration: 100; } + .workspace-add-button:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/add-workspace-hover.svg"); + transition-duration: 100; } + .workspace-add-button:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/add-workspace-active.svg"); + transition-duration: 100; } +.workspace-overview-background-shade { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } + +.workspace-close-button, +.window-close { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/close.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; + -cinnamon-close-overlap: 10px; } + .workspace-close-button:hover, + .window-close:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/close-hover.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; } + .workspace-close-button:active, + .window-close:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/close-active.svg"); + background-size: 26px; + height: 26px; + width: 26px; } + +.window-close-area { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/trash-icon.svg"); + height: 120px; + width: 400px; } + +.about-content { + width: 550px; + height: 250px; + spacing: 8px; + padding-bottom: 10px; } +.about-title { + font-size: 2em; + font-weight: bold; } +.about-uuid { + font-size: 10px; + color: #888; } +.about-icon { + padding-right: 20px; + padding-bottom: 14px; } +.about-scrollBox { + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + border-radius: 2px; + background-color: #3b4252; + padding: 4px; + padding-right: 0; + border-radius: 0; } + .about-scrollBox-innerBox { + padding: 1.2em; + spacing: 1.2em; } +.about-description { + padding-top: 4px; + padding-bottom: 16px; } +.about-version { + padding-left: 7px; + font-size: 10px; + color: #888; } + +.calendar { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + spacing-rows: 0px; + spacing-columns: 0px; } + +.calendar-month-label { + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: bold; + padding: 8px 0; } + +.calendar-change-month-back, +.calendar-change-month-forward { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; } + +.calendar-change-month-back { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:focus, .calendar-change-month-back:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left-hover.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:rtl { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:rtl:focus, .calendar-change-month-back:rtl:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right-hover.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:rtl:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + +.calendar-change-month-forward { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:focus, .calendar-change-month-forward:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right-hover.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl:focus, .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left-hover.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl:active { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + +.datemenu-date-label { + padding: .4em 1.75em; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 2px; } + +.calendar-day-base { + font-size: 80%; + text-align: center; + width: 25px; + height: 25px; + padding: 0.1em; + margin: 2px; + border-radius: 12.5px; } + +.calendar-day-heading { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.85); + margin-top: 1em; + font-size: 70%; } + +.calendar-day { + border-width: 0; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); } + +.calendar-day-top { + border-top-width: 0; } + +.calendar-day-left { + border-left-width: 0; } + +.calendar-nonwork-day { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; + font-weight: bold; } + +.calendar-today, +.calendar-today:active, +.calendar-today:focus, +.calendar-today:hover { + font-weight: bold; + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border-width: 0; } + +.calendar-other-month-day { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + opacity: 1; } + +.calendar-week-number { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); + font-size: 80%; } + +#notification { + border-radius: 3px; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; + padding: 13px; + spacing-rows: 10px; + spacing-columns: 10px; + margin-from-right-edge-of-screen: 20px; + width: 34em; + color: #BAC3CF; } + .menu #notification, .popup-menu #notification { + border-image: url("dark-assets/misc/message.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + .menu #notification, .menu #notification.multi-line-notification, .popup-menu #notification, .popup-menu #notification.multi-line-notification { + color: #d8dee9; } + .menu #notification .notification-button, .menu #notification .notification-icon-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-button, .popup-menu #notification .notification-icon-button { + padding: 5px; } + #notification.multi-line-notification { + padding-bottom: 13px; + color: #BAC3CF; } + #notification-scrollview { + max-height: 10em; } + #notification-scrollview > .top-shadow, #notification-scrollview > .bottom-shadow { + height: 1em; } + #notification-scrollview:ltr > StScrollBar { + padding-left: 6px; } + #notification-scrollview:rtl > StScrollBar { + padding-right: 6px; } + #notification-body { + spacing: 5px; } + #notification-actions { + spacing: 10px; } + +.notification-with-image { + min-height: 159px; + color: #BAC3CF; } +.notification-button, .notification-icon-button { + padding: 5px; } +.notification-icon-button > StIcon { + icon-size: 36px; } + +#altTabPopup { + padding: 8px; + spacing: 16px; } + +.switcher-list { + color: #BAC3CF; + background: none; + border: none; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; + border-radius: 3px; + padding: 20px; } + .switcher-list > StBoxLayout { + padding: 4px; } + .switcher-list-item-container { + spacing: 8px; } + .switcher-list .item-box { + padding: 8px; + border-radius: 2px; } + .switcher-list .item-box:outlined { + padding: 8px; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; } + .switcher-list .item-box:selected { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 0px solid #8fbcbb; } + .switcher-list .thumbnail { + width: 256px; } + .switcher-list .thumbnail-box { + padding: 2px; + spacing: 4px; } + .switcher-list .separator { + width: 1px; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } + +.switcher-arrow { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; } + .switcher-arrow:highlighted { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + color: #d8dee9; } + +.thumbnail-scroll-gradient-left { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + border-radius: 24px; + border-radius-topright: 0px; + border-radius-bottomright: 0px; + width: 60px; } + +.thumbnail-scroll-gradient-right { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + border-radius: 24px; + border-radius-topleft: 0px; + border-radius-bottomleft: 0px; + width: 60px; } + +.ripple-box { + width: 104px; + height: 104px; + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/corner-ripple.svg"); + background-size: contain; } + +.lightbox { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +.flashspot { + background-color: white; } + +.modal-dialog { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0); + border: none; + border-image: url("dark-assets/misc/modal.svg") 9 9 9 67; + padding: 0 5px 6px 5px; } + .modal-dialog > StBoxLayout:first-child { + padding: 20px 10px 10px 10px; } + .modal-dialog-button-box { + spacing: 0; + margin: 0px; + padding: 14px 10px; + background: none; + border: none; + border-image: url("dark-assets/misc/button-box.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + .modal-dialog-button-box .modal-dialog-button { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + height: 30px; } + { + padding: 0px 15px 10px 15px; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + .run-dialog > * { + padding: 0; } + .run-dialog-label { + font-size: 0; + font-weight: bold; + color: #BAC3CF; + padding-bottom: 0; } + .run-dialog-error-label { + color: #FC4138; } + .run-dialog-error-box { + padding-top: 15px; + spacing: 5px; } + .run-dialog-completion-box { + padding-left: 15px; + font-size: 10px; } + .run-dialog-entry { + width: 21em; + padding: 7px; + border-radius: 3px; + caret-color: #BAC3CF; + selected-color: #2e3440; + selection-background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #BAC3CF; + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .run-dialog-entry:focus { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + .run-dialog .modal-dialog-button-box { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + background: none; + background-gradient-direction: none; } + +/* CinnamonMountOperation Dialogs */ +.cinnamon-mount-operation-icon { + icon-size: 48px; } + +.mount-password-reask { + color: #F27835; } +, +.mount-question-dialog { + spacing: 24px; } + .show-processes-dialog-subject, + .mount-question-dialog-subject { + padding-top: 10px; + padding-left: 17px; + padding-bottom: 6px; } + .show-processes-dialog-subject:rtl, + .mount-question-dialog-subject:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 17px; } + .show-processes-dialog-description, + .mount-question-dialog-description { + padding-left: 17px; + width: 28em; } + .show-processes-dialog-description:rtl, + .mount-question-dialog-description:rtl { + padding-right: 17px; } + { + max-height: 200px; + padding-top: 24px; + padding-left: 49px; + padding-right: 32px; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list:rtl { + padding-right: 49px; + padding-left: 32px; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item { + color: #ccc; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item:hover { + color: white; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item:ltr { + padding-right: 1em; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item:rtl { + padding-left: 1em; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item-icon:ltr { + padding-right: 17px; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item-icon:rtl { + padding-left: 17px; } + .show-processes-dialog-app-list-item-name { + font-size: 1.1em; } + +.magnifier-zoom-region { + border: 2px solid maroon; } + .magnifier-zoom-region .full-screen { + border-width: 0px; } + +#keyboard { + background-color: #2e3440; + border-width: 0; + border-top-width: 1px; + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +.keyboard-layout { + spacing: 10px; + padding: 10px; } + +.keyboard-row { + spacing: 15px; } + +.keyboard-key { + min-height: 2em; + min-width: 2em; + font-size: 14pt; + font-weight: bold; + border-radius: 3px; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.4); } + .keyboard-key:hover { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(108, 122, 150, 0.5); } + .keyboard-key:active, .keyboard-key:checked { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .keyboard-key:grayed { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #585f6b; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(93, 105, 129, 0.25); } + +.keyboard-subkeys { + color: #BAC3CF; + padding: 5px; + -arrow-border-radius: 2px; + -arrow-background-color: #2e3440; + -arrow-border-width: 1px; + -arrow-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + -arrow-base: 20px; + -arrow-rise: 10px; + -boxpointer-gap: 5px; } + { + margin: auto; + padding: 10px; + transition-duration: 300; + background-color: #434c5e; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; } { + padding: 10px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } { + margin: auto; + padding: 10px; + border: 0px solid red; } { + padding: 10px; } { + padding: 10px 30px 10px 30px; }, .menu-applications-outer-box { + padding: 10px 10px 0 10px; } { + padding: 7px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + .menu-application-button:highlighted { + font-weight: bold; } + .menu-application-button-selected { + padding: 7px; } + .menu-application-button-selected:highlighted { + font-weight: bold; } + .menu-application-button-label:ltr { + padding-left: 5px; } + .menu-application-button-label:rtl { + padding-right: 5px; } { + padding: 7px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + .menu-category-button-selected { + padding: 7px; } + .menu-category-button-selected, .menu-category-button-hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + border-radius: 2px; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; } + .menu-category-button-greyed { + padding: 7px; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + .menu-category-button-label:ltr { + padding-left: 5px; } + .menu-category-button-label:rtl { + padding-right: 5px; } { + padding-right: 30px; + padding-left: 28px; + text-align: right; + height: 30px; } + .menu-selected-app-box:rtl { + padding-top: 10px; + height: 30px; } { + font-weight: bold; } { + max-width: 150px; } { + padding-left: 30px; } { + padding-right: 30px; } + +#menu-search-entry { + width: 250px; + height: 15px; + font-weight: normal; + caret-color: #d8dee9; } + { + icon-size: 1em; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/* Context menu (at the moment only for favorites) */ { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + spacing: 1em; + padding: 16px; + color: #d8dee9; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/osd.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + +.osd-window { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + spacing: 1em; + padding: 20px; + margin: 32px; + min-width: 64px; + min-height: 64px; + color: #d8dee9; + background: none; + border: none; + border-radius: 5px; + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/osd.svg") 9 9 9 9; } + .osd-window .osd-monitor-label { + font-size: 3em; } + .osd-window .level { + padding: 0; + height: 4px; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + border-radius: 2px; + color: #8fbcbb; } + +.window-list-box { + spacing: 0; } + .window-list-box .panel-top:ltr, .panel-bottom .window-list-box:ltr { + padding: 0 0 0 8px; } + .window-list-box .panel-top:rtl, .panel-bottom .window-list-box:rtl { + padding: 0 8px 0 0; } + .window-list-box.vertical { + padding: 6px 0 0 0; } + .window-list-box:highlight { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } +.window-list-item-box { + border: 0 none transparent; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #BAC3CF; + box-shadow: none; + font-weight: 400; } + .window-list-item-box:hover { + color: #2e3440; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-left .window-list-item-box:hover { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .panel-right .window-list-item-box:hover { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .window-list-item-box:active, .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .window-list-item-box:checked, .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .window-list-item-box:focus, .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + color: #2e3440; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box:active, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:checked, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-top .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #bf616a; } + .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:active, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:checked, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #bf616a; } + .panel-left .window-list-item-box:active, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:checked, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-left .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #bf616a; } + .panel-right .window-list-item-box:active, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:checked, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:checked:hover, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-right .window-list-item-box:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #bf616a; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box StIcon, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box StIcon, + .panel-top .window-list-item-box StBin, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box StBin { + padding: 0 4px; } + .window-list-item-box.vertical StIcon, .window-list-item-box.vertical StBin { + padding: 0; } + .window-list-item-box StLabel { + font-weight: 400; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box StLabel:ltr, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box StLabel:ltr { + padding: 0 4px 0 0; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-box StLabel:rtl, .panel-bottom .window-list-item-box StLabel:rtl { + padding: 0 0 0 4px; } + .window-list-item-box:progress, + .window-list-item-box .progress { + background-gradient-start: #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-end: #8fbcbb; } +.window-list-item-demands-attention { + background-gradient-start: #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-end: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + .panel-top .window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-left .window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .panel-right .window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #8fbcbb; } +.window-list-preview { + padding: 12px; + spacing: 8px; + border: none; + border-image: url("assets/misc/osd.svg") 9 9 9 9; + border-radius: 2px; + color: #BAC3CF; + background: none; } + +.grouped-window-list-item-box { + border: 0 none transparent; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #BAC3CF; + box-shadow: none; + font-weight: 400; } + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box StIcon, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box StIcon, + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box StBin, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box StBin { + padding: 0 4px; } + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:active, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:checked { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #59647b; } + .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:active, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:checked { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #59647b; } + .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:active, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:checked { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #59647b; } + .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:active, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:checked { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #59647b; } + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:hover, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus:hover, .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:hover, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus:hover, .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:hover, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus:hover, .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:hover, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:hover, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:focus:hover, .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-box:active:focus:hover { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .grouped-window-list-item-box:progress, + .grouped-window-list-item-box .progress { + background-gradient-start: #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-end: #8fbcbb; } +.grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + background-gradient-start: #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-end: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + .panel-top .grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + .panel-left .grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset 2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + .panel-right .grouped-window-list-item-demands-attention { + box-shadow: inset -2px 0 #8fbcbb; } + +.sound-button { + width: 22px; + height: 13px; + padding: 8px; } + .sound-button-container { + padding-right: 3px; + padding-left: 3px; } + .sound-button StIcon { + icon-size: 1.4em; } + +.sound-track-infos { + padding: 5px; } +.sound-track-info { + padding-top: 2px; + padding-bottom: 2px; } + .sound-track-info StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; } + .sound-track-info StLabel { + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; } +.sound-track-box { + padding-left: 15px; + padding-right: 15px; + max-width: 220px; } + +.sound-seek-box { + padding-left: 15px; } + .sound-seek-box StLabel { + padding-top: 2px; } + .sound-seek-box StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; } + +.sound-seek-slider { + width: 140px; } + +.sound-volume-menu-item { + padding: .4em 1.75em; } + .sound-volume-menu-item StIcon { + icon-size: 1.14em; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; } + +.sound-playback-control { + padding: 5px 10px 10px 10px; } + +.sound-player { + padding: 0 4px; } + .sound-player > StBoxLayout:first-child { + padding: 5px 10px 12px 10px; + spacing: 0.5em; } + .sound-player > StBoxLayout:first-child StButton:small { + width: 16px; + height: 8px; + padding: 1px; } + .sound-player > StBoxLayout:first-child StButton:small StIcon { + icon-size: 12px; } + .sound-player-generic-coverart { + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .sound-player-overlay { + width: 290px; + height: 70px; + padding: 15px; + spacing: 0.5em; + background: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.9); + border: 0px solid #191c22; + border-bottom: 1px; + color: #BAC3CF; } + .sound-player-overlay StButton { + width: 22px; + height: 13px; + padding: 5px; + color: #BAC3CF; + border-radius: 2px; + border: 1px solid rgba(46, 52, 64, 0); } + .sound-player-overlay StButton StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; } + .sound-player-overlay StButton:hover { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #BAC3CF; + border: 1px solid rgba(20, 23, 28, 0.4); + background-color: rgba(108, 122, 150, 0.5); } + .sound-player-overlay StButton:active { + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(59, 66, 82, 0); + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 4px #8fbcbb; } + .sound-player-overlay StBoxLayout { + padding-top: 2px; } + .sound-player .slider { + height: 0.5em; + padding: 0; + border: none; + -slider-height: 0.5em; + -slider-background-color: #38404f; + -slider-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -slider-active-background-color: #8fbcbb; + -slider-active-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + -slider-border-width: 0px; + -slider-handle-radius: 0px; } + +#workspaceSwitcher { + spacing: 0px; + padding: 3px; } + +/* Controls the styling when using the "Simple buttons" option */ +.workspace-switcher { + padding-left: 3px; + padding-right: 3px; } + +.workspace-button { + width: 20px; + height: 10px; + color: #2e3440; + padding: 3px; + padding-top: 4px; + transition-duration: 300; } + .workspace-button:outlined, .workspace-button:outlined:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; } + .workspace-button:hover { + color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.5); } + +/* Controls the style when using the "Visual representation" option */ +.workspace-graph { + padding: 3px; + spacing: 3px; } + +.workspace-graph .workspace { + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + +.workspace-graph .workspace:active { + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + background-gradient-direction: none; } + +.workspace-graph .workspace .windows { + -active-window-background: #4e586d; + -active-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + -inactive-window-background: #4e586d; + -inactive-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } + +.workspace-graph .workspace:active .windows { + -active-window-background: #59647b; + -active-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + -inactive-window-background: #39404f; + -inactive-window-border: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } + +#panel-launchers-box { + padding-left: 7px; } + #panel-launchers-box.vertical { + padding: 2px 0; } + +.panel-launcher, +.launcher { + margin: 1px; + padding: 1px; + transition-duration: 200; } + .panel-launcher:hover, .launcher:hover { + background-gradient-direction: none; + border: 0px solid #8fbcbb; } + .panel-bottom .panel-launcher:hover, + .panel-bottom .launcher:hover { + border-bottom-width: 1px; } + .panel-top .panel-launcher:hover, .panel-top .launcher:hover { + border-top-width: 1px; } + .panel-left .panel-launcher:hover, .panel-left .launcher:hover { + border-left-width: 1px; + padding-left: 0; } + .panel-right .panel-launcher:hover, .panel-right .launcher:hover { + border-right-width: 1px; + padding-right: 0; } + +#overview-corner { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/overview.png"); } + #overview-corner:hover { + background-image: url("common-assets/misc/overview-hover.png"); } + +.applet-separator { + padding: 1px 4px; } +.applet-separator-line { + width: 1px; + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12); } +.applet-box { + padding-left: 3px; + padding-right: 3px; + color: #d8dee9; + text-shadow: none; + transition-duration: 100; } + .applet-box.vertical { + padding: 3px 0; } + .applet-box:hover { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .applet-box:highlight { + background-image: none; + border-image: none; + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } +.applet-label { + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; } + .applet-label:hover, .applet-box:hover .applet-label { + color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; } +.applet-icon { + color: #d8dee9; + icon-size: 22px; } + .applet-icon:hover, .applet-box:hover > .applet-icon { + color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; } + +.user-icon { + width: 32px; + height: 32px; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; } + +.user-label { + color: #d8dee9; + font-size: 1em; + font-weight: bold; + margin: 0px; } + +.desklet { + color: #BAC3CF; } + .desklet:highlight { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + .desklet-with-borders { + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; + color: #BAC3CF; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 16px; } + .desklet-with-borders:highlight { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + .desklet-with-borders-and-header { + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/desklet.svg") 9 9 9 9; + color: #BAC3CF; + border-radius: 0; + border-radius-topleft: 0; + border-radius-topright: 0; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 17px; } + .desklet-with-borders-and-header:highlight { + background-color: rgba(252, 65, 56, 0.5); } + .desklet-header { + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/desklet-header.svg") 9 9 9 9; + color: #BAC3CF; + font-size: 1em; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 6px; } + .desklet-drag-placeholder { + border: 2px solid #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); } + +.photoframe-box { + border-image: url("common-assets/misc/bg.svg") 9 9 9 9; + color: #BAC3CF; + padding: 12px; + padding-bottom: 16px; } + +/*FIXME*/ +.workspace-osd { + /*color: red;*/ + text-shadow: black 5px 5px 5px; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 48pt; } + +.notification-applet-padding { + padding: .5em 1em; } + +.notification-applet-container { + max-height: 100px; } + +.tile-preview, .tile-preview.snap, +.tile-hud, .tile-hud.snap { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; } + +.xkcd-box { + padding: 6px; + border: 0px; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + border-radius: 0px; } + +/*# */ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/common-assets/menu/menu-hover.svg 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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left-hover.svg b/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left-hover.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f00ba6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left-hover.svg @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg b/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2774254 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-left.svg @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + + Gnome Symbolic Icon Theme + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/cinnamon/common-assets/misc/calendar-arrow-right-hover.svg 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GLOBALS */ +stage { + font-size: 10pt; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/* WIDGETS */ +/* Buttons */ +.button { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #232831; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + border-radius: 4px; + border-width: 0; + padding: 4px 32px; } + .button:focus { + color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; } + .button:insensitive { + color: #838995; + background-color: rgba(64, 70, 82, 0.66); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border: none; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; } + .button:active { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.95); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; } + .button:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(50, 57, 70, 0.95); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + +.modal-dialog-linked-button { + padding: 10px; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + color: #d8dee9; + background: #232831; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .modal-dialog-linked-button:insensitive { + color: #838995; + background-color: rgba(64, 70, 82, 0.66); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border: none; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; } + .modal-dialog-linked-button:active { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.95); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; } + .modal-dialog-linked-button:focus { + color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; } + .modal-dialog-linked-button:focus:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; } + .modal-dialog-linked-button:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(50, 57, 70, 0.95); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .modal-dialog-linked-button:first-child { + border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 2px; } + .modal-dialog-linked-button:last-child { + border-radius: 0px 0px 2px 0px; } + .modal-dialog-linked-button:first-child:last-child { + border-radius: 0px 0px 2px 2px; } + +/* Entries */ +StEntry { + background-color: #2e3440; + border-color: #1f232b; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-radius: 2px; + padding: 4px; + border-width: 0; + color: #d8dee9; + selection-background-color: #8fbcbb; + selected-color: #fefefe; } + StEntry:focus { + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + StEntry:insensitive { + color: #838995; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + StEntry StIcon.capslock-warning { + icon-size: 16px; + warning-color: #c3674a; + padding: 0 4px; } + StEntry StLabel.hint-text { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); } + +/* Scrollbars */ +StScrollView.vfade { + -st-vfade-offset: 68px; } +StScrollView.hfade { + -st-hfade-offset: 68px; } + +StScrollBar { + padding: 0; } + StScrollView StScrollBar { + min-width: 14px; + min-height: 14px; } + StScrollBar StBin#trough { + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle { + border-radius: 8px; + background-color: #505662; + margin: 3px; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle:hover, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle:hover { + background-color: #b6bcc7; } + StScrollBar StButton#vhandle:active, StScrollBar StButton#hhandle:active { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/* Slider */ +.slider { + height: 1em; + color: #fefefe; + border-color: black; + -slider-height: 0.3em; + -slider-background-color: #4e586d; + -slider-border-color: black; + -slider-active-background-color: #8fbcbb; + -slider-active-border-color: #a3be8c; + -slider-border-width: 0; + -slider-handle-radius: 6px; + -barlevel-height: 0.3em; + -barlevel-background-color: #4e586d; + -barlevel-border-color: black; + -barlevel-active-background-color: #8fbcbb; + -barlevel-active-border-color: #a3be8c; + -barlevel-border-width: 0; + -barlevel-handle-radius: 6px; + -barlevel-overdrive-color: #8fbcbb; + -barlevel-overdrive-border-color: transparent; + -barlevel-overdrive-separator-width: 0px; } + +/* Check Boxes */ +.check-box StBoxLayout { + spacing: .8em; } +.check-box StBin { + width: 24px; + height: 22px; + background-image: url("assets/checkbox-off.svg"); } +.check-box:focus, .check-box:hover StBin { + background-image: url("assets/checkbox-off-focused.svg"); } +.check-box:checked StBin { + background-image: url("assets/checkbox.svg"); } +.check-box:focus:checked StBin { + background-image: url("assets/checkbox-focused.svg"); } + +/* Switches */ +.toggle-switch { + width: 65px; + height: 22px; + background-size: contain; + background-image: url("assets/toggle-off.svg"); } + .toggle-switch:checked { + background-image: url("assets/toggle-on.svg"); } + +.toggle-switch-us { + background-image: url("assets/toggle-off.svg"); } + .toggle-switch-us:checked { + background-image: url("assets/toggle-on.svg"); } + +.toggle-switch-intl { + background-image: url("assets/toggle-off.svg"); } + .toggle-switch-intl:checked { + background-image: url("assets/toggle-on.svg"); } + +/* links */ { + color: #88c0d0; } + .shell-link:hover { + color: #add3de; } + +/* Modal Dialogs */ +.headline { + font-size: 110%; } + +.lightbox { + background-color: black; } + +.flashspot { + background-color: white; } + +.modal-dialog { + border: none; + border-radius: 2px; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.95); + box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .modal-dialog .modal-dialog-content-box { + padding: 24px; } + .modal-dialog .run-dialog-entry { + width: 20em; + margin-bottom: 6px; } + .modal-dialog .run-dialog-error-box { + color: #b84f59; + padding-top: 16px; + spacing: 6px; } + .modal-dialog .run-dialog-button-box { + padding-top: 1em; } + .modal-dialog .run-dialog-label { + font-size: 11pt; + font-weight: bold; + color: #b7c2d7; + padding-bottom: .4em; } + .modal-dialog .run-dialog-description { + color: #d8dee9; } + +.mount-dialog-subject, +.end-session-dialog-subject { + font-size: 13pt; } + +/* Message Dialog */ +.message-dialog-main-layout { + padding: 12px 20px 0; + spacing: 12px; } + +.message-dialog-content { + max-width: 28em; + spacing: 20px; } + +.message-dialog-icon { + min-width: 48px; + icon-size: 48px; } + +.message-dialog-title { + font-weight: bold; } + +.message-dialog-subtitle { + color: #58709d; + font-weight: bold; } + +/* End Session Dialog */ +.end-session-dialog { + spacing: 42px; + border: none; } + .end-session-dialog .modal-dialog-linked-button:last-child { + background: #b84f59; } + .end-session-dialog .modal-dialog-linked-button:last-child:hover, .end-session-dialog .modal-dialog-linked-button:last-child:focus { + background: #bc5a63; + color: #fff; } + +.end-session-dialog-list { + padding-top: 20px; } + +.end-session-dialog-layout { + padding-left: 17px; } + .end-session-dialog-layout:rtl { + padding-right: 17px; } + +.end-session-dialog-description { + width: 28em; + padding-bottom: 10px; } + .end-session-dialog-description:rtl { + text-align: right; } + +.end-session-dialog-warning { + width: 28em; + color: #c3674a; + padding-top: 6px; } + .end-session-dialog-warning:rtl { + text-align: right; } + +.end-session-dialog-logout-icon { + border-radius: 3px; + width: 48px; + height: 48px; + background-size: contain; } + +.end-session-dialog-shutdown-icon { + color: #b84f59; + width: 48px; + height: 48px; } + +.end-session-dialog-inhibitor-layout { + spacing: 16px; + max-height: 200px; + padding-right: 65px; + padding-left: 65px; } + +.end-session-dialog-session-list, +.end-session-dialog-app-list { + spacing: 1em; } + +.end-session-dialog-list-header { + font-weight: bold; } + .end-session-dialog-list-header:rtl { + text-align: right; } + +.end-session-dialog-app-list-item, +.end-session-dialog-session-list-item { + spacing: 1em; } + +.end-session-dialog-app-list-item-name, +.end-session-dialog-session-list-item-name { + font-weight: bold; } + +.end-session-dialog-app-list-item-description { + color: #c8d0e0; + font-size: 10pt; } + +/* ShellMountOperation Dialogs */ { + icon-size: 48px; } + +.mount-dialog { + spacing: 24px; } + .mount-dialog .message-dialog-title { + padding-top: 10px; + padding-left: 17px; + padding-bottom: 6px; + max-width: 34em; } + .mount-dialog .message-dialog-title:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 17px; } + .mount-dialog .message-dialog-body { + padding-left: 17px; + width: 28em; } + .mount-dialog .message-dialog-body:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 17px; } + +.mount-dialog-app-list { + max-height: 200px; + padding-top: 24px; + padding-left: 49px; + padding-right: 32px; } + +.mount-dialog-app-list:rtl { + padding-right: 49px; + padding-left: 32px; } + +.mount-dialog-app-list-item { + color: #b7c2d7; } + .mount-dialog-app-list-item:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + .mount-dialog-app-list-item:ltr { + padding-right: 1em; } + .mount-dialog-app-list-item:rtl { + padding-left: 1em; } + +.mount-dialog-app-list-item-icon:ltr { + padding-right: 17px; } +.mount-dialog-app-list-item-icon:rtl { + padding-left: 17px; } + +.mount-dialog-app-list-item-name { + font-size: 10pt; } + +/* Password or Authentication Dialog */ +.prompt-dialog { + width: 34em; + border: none; + border-radius: 2px; } + .prompt-dialog .message-dialog-main-layout { + spacing: 24px; + padding: 10px; } + .prompt-dialog .message-dialog-content { + spacing: 16px; } + .prompt-dialog .message-dialog-title { + color: #8699bb; } + +.prompt-dialog-description:rtl { + text-align: right; } + +.prompt-dialog-password-box { + spacing: 1em; + padding-bottom: 1em; } + +.prompt-dialog-error-label { + font-size: 10pt; + color: #b84f59; + padding-bottom: 8px; } + +.prompt-dialog-info-label { + font-size: 10pt; + padding-bottom: 8px; } + +.hidden { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + +.prompt-dialog-null-label { + font-size: 10pt; + padding-bottom: 8px; } + +/* Polkit Dialog */ +.polkit-dialog-user-layout { + padding-left: 10px; + spacing: 10px; } + .polkit-dialog-user-layout:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 10px; } + +.polkit-dialog-user-root-label { + color: #c3674a; } + +.polkit-dialog-user-icon { + border-radius: 3px; + background-size: contain; + width: 48px; + height: 48px; } + +/* Audio selection dialog */ { + spacing: 30px; } + { + spacing: 20px; + padding: 24px; } + { + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; } + { + spacing: 20px; } + { + border: 1px solid #d8dee9; + border-radius: 12px; } + .audio-selection-device:active, .audio-selection-device:hover, .audio-selection-device:focus { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + { + padding: 20px; + spacing: 20px; } + { + icon-size: 64px; } + +/* Access Dialog */ +.access-dialog { + spacing: 30px; } + +/* Geolocation Dialog */ +.geolocation-dialog { + spacing: 30px; } + +/* Extension Dialog */ +.extension-dialog .message-dialog-main-layout { + spacing: 24px; + padding: 10px; } +.extension-dialog .message-dialog-title { + color: #8699bb; } + +/* Inhibit-Shortcuts Dialog */ +.inhibit-shortcuts-dialog { + spacing: 30px; } + +/* Network Agent Dialog */ { + spacing-rows: 15px; + spacing-columns: 1em; } + +.keyring-dialog-control-table { + spacing-rows: 15px; + spacing-columns: 1em; } + +/* Popovers/Menus */ +.popup-menu { + min-width: 15em; + background-color: transparent; + color: #d8dee9; } + .popup-menu .popup-sub-menu { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + box-shadow: 0 2px 4px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-content { + padding: 16px 0; + background-color: #2e3440; + border-radius: 5px; } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item { + spacing: 6px; + padding: 6px; } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:ltr { + padding-right: 1.75em; + padding-left: 0; } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:rtl { + padding-right: 0; + padding-left: 1.75em; } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:checked { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); + color: #fefefe; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0px #2a2f3a; + font-weight: bold; } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:checked:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); + color: #fefefe; } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item.selected { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + color: #d8dee9; } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:active { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #fefefe; } + .popup-menu .popup-menu-item:insensitive { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); } + .popup-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item { + color: #d8dee9; } + .popup-menu .popup-inactive-menu-item:insensitive { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); } + .popup-menu.panel-menu { + -boxpointer-gap: 4px; + margin-bottom: 1.75em; } + +.popup-menu-ornament { + text-align: right; + width: 1.2em; } + +.popup-menu-boxpointer, +.candidate-popup-boxpointer { + -arrow-border-radius: 5px; + -arrow-background-color: #2e3440; + -arrow-border-width: 1px; + -arrow-border-color: #1f232b; + -arrow-base: 24px; + -arrow-rise: 11px; + -arrow-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px black; } + +.popup-separator-menu-item-separator { + height: 1px; + margin: 6px 64px; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: transparent; + border-bottom-width: 1px; + border-bottom-style: solid; } +.popup-sub-menu .popup-separator-menu-item .popup-separator-menu-item-separator { + margin: 0 64px 0 32px; + background: transparent; } + +.background-menu { + -boxpointer-gap: 4px; + -arrow-rise: 0px; } + +/* fallback menu +- odd thing for styling App menu when apparently not running under shell. Light Adwaita styled + app menu inside the main app window itself rather than the top bar +*/ +/* OSD */ +.osd-window { + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + spacing: 1em; + margin: 32px; + min-width: 64px; + min-height: 64px; } + .osd-window .osd-monitor-label { + font-size: 3em; } + .osd-window .level { + height: 0.4em; + border-radius: 0.3em; + color: #d8dee9; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + -barlevel-height: 0.4em; + -barlevel-background-color: rgba(3, 4, 5, 0.5); + -barlevel-active-background-color: #8fbcbb; + -barlevel-overdrive-color: #bf616a; + -barlevel-overdrive-separator-width: 0.2em; } + .osd-window .level-bar { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border-radius: 0.3em; } + +/* Pad OSD */ +.pad-osd-window { + padding: 32px; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } + .pad-osd-window .pad-osd-title-box { + spacing: 12px; } + .pad-osd-window .pad-osd-title-menu-box { + spacing: 6px; } + +.combo-box-label { + width: 15em; } + +/* App Switcher */ +.switcher-popup { + padding: 8px; + spacing: 16px; } + +.switcher-list-item-container { + spacing: 8px; } + +.switcher-list .item-box { + padding: 8px; + border-radius: 4px; } + +.switcher-list .item-box:outlined { + padding: 6px; + border: 2px solid #0a0b0e; } + +.switcher-list .item-box:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #fefefe; } + +.switcher-list .thumbnail-box { + padding: 2px; + spacing: 4px; } + +.switcher-list .thumbnail { + width: 256px; } + +.switcher-list .separator { + width: 1px; + background: #1f232b; } + +.switcher-arrow { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); } + .switcher-arrow:highlighted { + color: #d8dee9; } + +.input-source-switcher-symbol { + font-size: 34pt; + width: 96px; + height: 96px; } + +/* Window Cycler */ +.cycler-highlight { + border: 5px solid #8fbcbb; } + +/* Workspace Switcher */ +.workspace-switcher-group { + padding: 12px; } + +.workspace-switcher { + background: transparent; + border: 0px; + border-radius: 0px; + padding: 0px; + spacing: 8px; } +,,, { + height: 50px; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #fefefe; + background-size: 32px; + border-radius: 8px; + border-color: #8fbcbb; } + { + background-image: url("assets/ws-switch-arrow-up.png"); } + { + background-image: url("assets/ws-switch-arrow-down.png"); } + { + height: 50px; + border: 1px solid rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + background: rgba(25, 28, 34, 0.95); + border-radius: 8px; } + +.osd-window, +.resize-popup, +.switcher-list, .workspace-switcher-container { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.95); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #1f232b; + border-radius: 5px; + padding: 12px; } + +/* Tiled window previews */ +.tile-preview { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.5); + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; } + +.tile-preview-left.on-primary { + border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0; } + +.tile-preview-right.on-primary { + border-radius: 0 2px 0 0; } + +.tile-preview-left.tile-preview-right.on-primary { + border-radius: 2px 2px 0 0; } + +/* TOP BAR */ +#panel { + background-gradient-direction: none; + background-color: #1d2128; + /* transition from solid to transparent */ + transition-duration: 500ms; + font-weight: bold; + height: 1.86em; + padding: 0px 0px; } + #panel.unlock-screen, #panel.login-screen, #panel.lock-screen { + background-color: transparent; } + #panel #panelLeft, #panel #panelCenter { + spacing: 4px; } + #panel .panel-corner { + -panel-corner-radius: 0px; + -panel-corner-background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + -panel-corner-border-width: 2px; + -panel-corner-border-color: transparent; } + #panel .panel-corner:active, #panel .panel-corner:overview, #panel .panel-corner:focus { + -panel-corner-border-color: #9fc6c5; } + #panel .panel-corner.lock-screen, #panel .panel-corner.login-screen, #panel .panel-corner.unlock-screen { + -panel-corner-radius: 0; + -panel-corner-background-color: transparent; + -panel-corner-border-color: transparent; } + #panel .panel-button { + -natural-hpadding: 12px; + -minimum-hpadding: 6px; + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; + transition-duration: 100ms; } + #panel .panel-button .app-menu-icon { + -st-icon-style: symbolic; + margin-left: 4px; + margin-right: 4px; } + #panel .panel-button:hover { + background: #323946; + color: #f9fafb; } + #panel .panel-button:active, #panel .panel-button:overview, #panel .panel-button:focus, #panel .panel-button:checked { + background: #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px 0px #9fc6c5; + color: #fff; } + #panel .panel-button .system-status-icon { + icon-size: 1.09em; + padding: 0 5px; } + .unlock-screen #panel .panel-button, .login-screen #panel .panel-button, .lock-screen #panel .panel-button { + color: #f9fafb; } + .unlock-screen #panel .panel-button:focus, .unlock-screen #panel .panel-button:hover, .unlock-screen #panel .panel-button:active, .login-screen #panel .panel-button:focus, .login-screen #panel .panel-button:hover, .login-screen #panel .panel-button:active, .lock-screen #panel .panel-button:focus, .lock-screen #panel .panel-button:hover, .lock-screen #panel .panel-button:active { + color: #f9fafb; } + #panel .panel-button.clock-display:active, #panel .panel-button.clock-display:overview, #panel .panel-button.clock-display:focus, #panel .panel-button.clock-display:checked { + box-shadow: none; } + #panel .panel-button.clock-display:active .clock, #panel .panel-button.clock-display:overview .clock, #panel .panel-button.clock-display:focus .clock, #panel .panel-button.clock-display:checked .clock { + box-shadow: none; } + #panel .panel-status-indicators-box, + #panel .panel-status-menu-box { + spacing: 2px; } + #panel .power-status.panel-status-indicators-box { + spacing: 0; } + #panel .screencast-indicator { + color: #c3674a; } + #panel.solid { + background-color: #1d2128; + /* transition from transparent to solid */ + transition-duration: 300ms; } + #panel.solid .panel-corner { + -panel-corner-background-color: black; } + #panel.solid .system-status-icon, + #panel.solid .app-menu-icon > StIcon, + #panel.solid .popup-menu-arrow { + icon-shadow: none; } + +#calendarArea { + padding: 0.75em 1.0em; } + +.calendar { + margin-bottom: 1em; } + +.calendar, .world-clocks-button, .weather-button, .events-button { + background: transparent; + border: none; } + +.calendar, +.datemenu-today-button, +.datemenu-displays-box, +.message-list-sections { + margin: 0 1.5em; } + +.datemenu-calendar-column { + spacing: 0.5em; } + +.datemenu-displays-section { + padding-bottom: 3em; } + +.datemenu-displays-box { + spacing: 1em; } + +.datemenu-calendar-column { + border: 0 solid transparent; } + .datemenu-calendar-column:ltr { + border-left-width: 1px; } + .datemenu-calendar-column:rtl { + border-right-width: 1px; } + +.datemenu-today-button,,,, +.message-list-section-title, { + border-radius: 4px; + color: #d8dee9; + padding: .4em; } + +.message-list-section-list:ltr { + padding-left: .4em; } + +.message-list-section-list:rtl { + padding-right: .4em; } + +.datemenu-today-button:hover, .datemenu-today-button:focus,,,,,,, +.message-list-section-title:hover, +.message-list-section-title:focus,, { + background-color: #39404f; } +.datemenu-today-button:active,,,, +.message-list-section-title:active, { + color: white; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +.datemenu-today-button .date-label { + font-size: 1.5em; } +,,, +.message-list-section-title, { + color: #58709d; + font-weight: bold; } + .event-time { + color: #cbd3e2; } + { + spacing-rows: 0.4em; } + { + spacing: 0.4em; } + +.calendar-month-label { + color: #c8d0e0; + font-weight: bold; + padding: 8px 0; } + +.pager-button { + color: white; + background-color: transparent; + width: 32px; + border-radius: 4px; } + .pager-button:hover, .pager-button:focus { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.05); } + .pager-button:active { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.05); } + +.calendar-change-month-back { + background-image: url("assets/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-back:rtl { + background-image: url("assets/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + +.calendar-change-month-forward { + background-image: url("assets/calendar-arrow-right.svg"); } + .calendar-change-month-forward:rtl { + background-image: url("assets/calendar-arrow-left.svg"); } + +.calendar-change-month-back StIcon, +.calendar-change-month-forward StIcon { + color: #c1cbdc; } + +.calendar-day-base { + font-size: 80%; + text-align: center; + width: 2.4em; + height: 2.4em; + padding: 0.1em; + margin: 2px; + border-radius: 1.4em; + color: #d8dee9; } + .calendar-day-base:hover, .calendar-day-base:focus { + background-color: #39404f; } + .calendar-day-base:active, .calendar-day-base:selected { + color: white; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border-color: transparent; } + .calendar-day-base.calendar-day-heading { + color: #58709d; + margin-top: 1em; + font-size: 70%; } + +.calendar-day { + border-width: 0; } + +.calendar-day-top { + border-top-width: 1px; } + +.calendar-day-left { + border-left-width: 1px; } + +.calendar-nonwork-day { + color: #838995; } + +.calendar-today { + font-weight: bold; + border: 1px solid rgba(31, 35, 43, 0.5); } + +.calendar-day-with-events { + color: #f9fafb; + font-weight: bold; + background-image: url("assets/calendar-today.svg"); } + +.calendar-other-month-day { + color: #838995; + opacity: 0.5; } + +.calendar-week-number { + font-size: 70%; + font-weight: bold; + width: 2.3em; + height: 1.8em; + border-radius: 2px; + padding: 0.5em 0 0; + margin: 6px; + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + color: #2e3440; } + +/* Message list */ +.message-list { + width: 31.5em; } + .message-list .message-title, .message-list .message-content, .message-list .message-body { + color: #c8d0e0; } + +.message-list-clear-button.button { + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + box-shadow: none; + margin: 1.5em 1.5em 0; } + .message-list-clear-button.button:hover, .message-list-clear-button.button:focus { + background-color: #39404f; } + +.message-list-sections { + spacing: 1em; } + +.message-list-section, +.message-list-section-list { + spacing: 0.4em; } + +.message-list-section-close > StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; + border-radius: 16px; + padding: 8px; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } +.message-list-section-close:hover > StIcon, .message-list-section-close:focus > StIcon +.message-list-section-close:active > StIcon { + color: #bf616a; + background: transparent; } + +.message { + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + border-radius: 3px; + background: #2d323e; + box-shadow: none; } + .message:hover, .message:focus { + background-color: #323946; + box-shadow: 3px 0px 0px 0px #8fbcbb inset; } + +.message-icon-bin { + padding: 10px 3px 10px 10px; } + .message-icon-bin:rtl { + padding: 10px 10px 10px 3px; } + +.message-icon-bin > StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; + -st-icon-style: symbolic; } + +.message-secondary-bin { + padding: 0 12px; } + +.message-secondary-bin > .event-time { + color: #a7b5cd; + font-size: 0.7em; + /* HACK: the label should be baseline-aligned with a 1em label, + fake this with some bottom padding */ + padding-bottom: 0.13em; } + +.message-secondary-bin > StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; } + +.message-content { + padding: 10px; } + .message-content *:hover > StIcon, + .message-content *:focus > StIcon { + color: #bf616a; } + +.message-media-control { + padding: 12px; + color: #97a7c4; } + .message-media-control:last-child:ltr { + padding-right: 18px; } + .message-media-control:last-child:rtl { + padding-left: 18px; } + .message-media-control:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + .message-media-control:insensitive { + color: #58709d; } + { + icon-size: 48px !important; } + .media-message-cover-icon.fallback { + color: #434c5e; + background-color: #2e3440; + border: 2px solid #2e3440; + border-radius: 2px; + icon-size: 16px; + padding: 8px; } + +/* World clocks */ .world-clocks-city { + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: normal; } .world-clocks-time { + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; + font-feature-settings: "lnum"; + text-align: right; } .world-clocks-timezone { + color: #97a7c4; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; } + +/* Weather */ .weather-header { + color: #b7c2d7; + font-weight: bold; } + .weather-button .weather-header.location { + font-weight: normal; } .weather-forecast-time { + color: #b7c2d7; + font-feature-settings: "tnum"; + font-weight: normal; + padding-top: 0.2em; + padding-bottom: 0.4em; } .weather-forecast-temp { + font-weight: bold; } + +.system-switch-user-submenu-icon.user-icon { + icon-size: 20px; + padding: 0 2px; } + +.system-switch-user-submenu-icon.default-icon { + icon-size: 16px; + padding: 0 4px; } + +#appMenu { + spinner-image: url("assets/process-working.svg"); + spacing: 4px; } + #appMenu .label-shadow { + color: transparent; } + +.aggregate-menu { + min-width: 21em; } + .aggregate-menu .popup-menu-icon { + padding: 0 4px; } + +.system-menu-action { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 32px; + /* wish we could do 50% */ + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + background: #282d37; + padding: 13px; } + .system-menu-action:hover, .system-menu-action:focus { + border: 1px solid #8fbcbb; + color: #8fbcbb; + background: transparent; } + .system-menu-action:active { + background-color: #6fa9a8; + color: #fefefe; } + .system-menu-action > StIcon { + icon-size: 16px; } + +.ripple-box { + width: 52px; + height: 52px; + background-image: url("assets/corner-ripple-ltr.png"); + background-size: contain; } + +.ripple-box:rtl { + background-image: url("assets/corner-ripple-rtl.png"); } + +.popup-menu-arrow { + width: 16px; + height: 16px; } + +.popup-menu-icon { + icon-size: 1.09em; } + +.window-close { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: url("assets/close-window.svg"); + background-size: 32px; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: transparent; + height: 32px; + width: 32px; } + +.window-close { + -shell-close-overlap: 16px; } + .window-close:rtl { + -st-background-image-shadow: 2px 2px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } + +/* NETWORK DIALOGS */ +.nm-dialog { + max-height: 34em; + min-height: 31em; + min-width: 32em; } + +.nm-dialog-content { + spacing: 20px; + padding: 24px; } + +.nm-dialog-header-hbox { + spacing: 10px; } + +.nm-dialog-airplane-box { + spacing: 12px; } + +.nm-dialog-airplane-headline { + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; } + +.nm-dialog-airplane-text { + color: #d8dee9; } + +.nm-dialog-header-icon { + icon-size: 32px; } + +.nm-dialog-scroll-view { + border: 2px solid #1f232b; + background: transparent; } + +.nm-dialog-header { + font-weight: bold; } + +.nm-dialog-item { + font-size: 110%; + border-bottom: 1px solid #1f232b; + padding: 12px; + spacing: 20px; } + +.nm-dialog-item:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #fefefe; } + +.nm-dialog-icons { + spacing: .5em; } + +.nm-dialog-icon { + icon-size: 16px; } + { + color: #999999; } + { + spacing: 12px; } + +/* OVERVIEW */ +#overview { + spacing: 24px; } + +#overview.cosmic-solid-bg { + background-color: #1d2128 !important; } + +.overview-controls { + padding-bottom: 32px; } + +.window-picker { + -horizontal-spacing: 16px; + -vertical-spacing: 16px; + padding: 0 16px 16px; } + .window-picker.external-monitor { + padding: 16px; } + +.window-clone-border { + border: 4px solid rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + border-radius: 0px; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); } + +.window-caption { + spacing: 20px; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.65); + border-radius: 2px; + padding: 4px 8px; } + { + width: 320px; + padding: 9px; + border-radius: 2px; + border: none; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.6); + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .search-entry:focus { + border-width: 0; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.8); + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); } + .search-entry .search-entry-icon { + icon-size: 1em; + padding: 0 4px; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); } + .search-entry:hover, .search-entry:focus { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.8); } + .search-entry:hover .search-entry-icon, .search-entry:focus .search-entry-icon { + color: #d8dee9; } +, +.list-search-result:focus, .search-provider-icon:hover, +.list-search-result:hover, .search-provider-icon:selected, +.list-search-result:selected { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + transition-duration: 200ms; }, +.list-search-result:active, .search-provider-icon:checked, +.list-search-result:checked { + background-color: rgba(25, 28, 34, 0.85); } + +#searchResultsBin { + max-width: 1000px; } + +#searchResultsContent { + padding-left: 20px; + padding-right: 20px; + spacing: 16px; } + { + spacing: 16px; } + { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 0; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + spacing: 32px; } + +.list-search-results { + spacing: 3px; } + { + height: 2px; + background-color: #4e586d; } + +.list-search-result-content { + spacing: 30px; } + +.list-search-result-title { + color: #e8ecf2; + spacing: 12px; } + +.list-search-result-description { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + +.list-search-provider-details { + width: 150px; + color: #e8ecf2; + margin-top: 0.24em; } + +.list-search-provider-content { + spacing: 20px; } + { + padding: 15px; } + +/* DASHBOARD */ +#dash { + font-size: 9pt; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #1d2128; + padding: 6px 0; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + border-left: 0px; + border-radius: 0px 5px 5px 0px; } + #dash:rtl { + border-radius: 9px 0 0 9px; } + #dash .placeholder { + background-image: url("assets/dash-placeholder.svg"); + background-size: contain; + height: 24px; } + #dash .empty-dash-drop-target { + width: 24px; + height: 24px; } + +.dash-item-container > StWidget { + padding: 4px 8px; } + +.dash-label { + border-radius: 7px; + padding: 4px 12px; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #1d2128; + text-align: center; + -x-offset: 8px; } + +/* App Vault/Grid */ +.icon-grid { + spacing: 30px; + -shell-grid-horizontal-item-size: 136px; + -shell-grid-vertical-item-size: 136px; } + .icon-grid .overview-icon { + icon-size: 96px; } + +.system-action-icon { + background-color: black; + color: white; + border-radius: 99px; + icon-size: 48px; } + { + padding-bottom: 32px; } + { + padding: 4px 32px; } + .app-view-control:checked { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.95); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; } + .app-view-control:first-child { + border-right-width: 0; + border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; } + .app-view-control:last-child { + border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; } +,,, +.grid-search-result { + border: none; } + .app-well-app:active .overview-icon, .app-well-app:checked .overview-icon, + .overview-icon, + .overview-icon, + .show-apps:active .overview-icon, + .show-apps:checked .overview-icon, + .grid-search-result:active .overview-icon, + .grid-search-result:checked .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(31, 35, 43, 0.85); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + color: #d8dee9; } + .app-well-app:hover .overview-icon, .app-well-app:focus .overview-icon, .app-well-app:selected .overview-icon, + .overview-icon, + .overview-icon, + .overview-icon, + .show-apps:hover .overview-icon, + .show-apps:focus .overview-icon, + .show-apps:selected .overview-icon, + .grid-search-result:hover .overview-icon, + .grid-search-result:focus .overview-icon, + .grid-search-result:selected .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); + transition-duration: 0ms; + border-image: none; + background-image: none; } + { + width: 4px; + height: 4px; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border-radius: 10px !important; + box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 4px rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.8); + margin-bottom: 0px; } + .overview-icon, .overview-icon, .overview-icon, +.grid-search-result .overview-icon { + color: #fefefe; + border-radius: 2px; + padding: 7px 6px; + border: none; + transition-duration: 100ms; + text-align: center; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + > .overview-icon { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.35); } + .show-apps-icon { + color: #d8dee9; } + .show-apps-icon, .show-apps-icon { + color: #d8dee9; + transition-duration: 100ms; } + { + -arrow-border-radius: 8px; + -arrow-background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); + -arrow-base: 24px; + -arrow-rise: 11px; } + { + padding: 5px; + background: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + { + padding: 5px; + spacing-rows: 5px; + spacing-columns: 5px; } + { + padding: 15px 20px; } + .page-indicator .page-indicator-icon { + width: 12px; + height: 12px; + border-radius: 12px; + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); } + .page-indicator:hover .page-indicator-icon { + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .page-indicator:active .page-indicator-icon { + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7); } + .page-indicator:checked .page-indicator-icon { + background-image: none; + background-color: #FFFFFF; + transition-duration: 0s; } + > .overview-icon.overview-icon-with-label, +.grid-search-result .overview-icon.overview-icon-with-label { + padding: 10px 8px 5px 8px; + spacing: 4px; } + +.workspace-thumbnails { + visible-width: 32px; + spacing: 11px; + padding: 8px; + border-radius: 0; } + .workspace-thumbnails:rtl { + border-radius: 0; } + +.workspace-thumbnail-indicator { + border: 4px solid rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.8); + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + padding: 0; } + > StBoxLayout, +.all-apps, +.frequent-apps > StBoxLayout { + padding: 0px 88px 10px 88px; } + +.workspace-thumbnails { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; } +, .no-frequent-applications-label { + font-size: 2em; + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/* NOTIFICATIONS & MESSAGE TRAY */ +.url-highlighter { + link-color: #afcfce; } + +.notification-banner { + font-size: 11pt; + width: 34em; + margin: 5px; + border-radius: 3px; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + box-shadow: 0 1px 4px black; } + .notification-banner:hover { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.96); } + .notification-banner:focus { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.96); } + .notification-banner * { + color: #d8dee9; } + .notification-banner .notification-icon { + padding: 5px; } + .notification-banner .notification-content { + padding: 5px; + spacing: 5px; } + .notification-banner .secondary-icon { + icon-size: 1.09em; } + .notification-banner .notification-actions { + background-color: #2a2f3a; + padding-top: 2px; + spacing: 1px; } + .notification-banner .notification-button { + padding: 5px; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.9); + box-shadow: none; } + .notification-banner .notification-button:first-child { + border-radius: 0 0 0 3px; } + .notification-banner .notification-button:last-child { + border-radius: 0 0 3px 0; } + .notification-banner .notification-button:hover, .notification-banner .notification-buttonfocus { + background-color: #2a2f3a; + color: #8fbcbb; } + +.summary-source-counter { + font-size: 10pt; + font-weight: bold; + height: 1.6em; + width: 1.6em; + -shell-counter-overlap-x: 3px; + -shell-counter-overlap-y: 3px; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #fefefe; + border: 2px solid #d8dee9; + box-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + border-radius: 0.9em; } + +.secondary-icon { + icon-size: 1.09em; } + { + spacing: 5px; } + { + margin: 5px; } + { + color: #b7c2d7; } + { + padding-top: 1em; } + { + padding-left: 4px; } + .chat-received:rtl { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 4px; } + { + padding-left: 18pt; + color: #a7b5cd; } + .chat-sent:rtl { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 18pt; } + { + padding-left: 4px; + font-size: 9pt; + font-weight: bold; + color: #97a7c4; } + .chat-meta-message:rtl { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 4px; } + +.hotplug-transient-box { + spacing: 6px; + padding: 2px 72px 2px 12px; } + +.hotplug-notification-item { + padding: 2px 10px; } + .hotplug-notification-item:focus { + padding: 1px 71px 1px 11px; } + +.hotplug-notification-item-icon { + icon-size: 24px; + padding: 2px 5px; } + +.hotplug-resident-box { + spacing: 8px; } + +.hotplug-resident-mount { + spacing: 8px; + border-radius: 4px; } + .hotplug-resident-mount:hover { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); } + +.hotplug-resident-mount-label { + color: inherit; + padding-left: 6px; } + +.hotplug-resident-mount-icon { + icon-size: 24px; + padding-left: 6px; } + +.hotplug-resident-eject-icon { + icon-size: 16px; } + +.hotplug-resident-eject-button { + padding: 7px; + border-radius: 5px; + color: pink; } + +/* Eeeky things */ +.magnifier-zoom-region { + border: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } + .magnifier-zoom-region.full-screen { + border-width: 0; } + +/* On-screen Keyboard */ +#keyboard { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.65); } + +.keyboard-layout { + spacing: 10px; + padding: 10px; } + +.keyboard-row { + spacing: 15px; } + +.keyboard-key { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #232831; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + background-color: #2e3440; + min-height: 2em; + min-width: 2em; + font-size: 14pt; + font-weight: bold; + border-radius: 5px; } + .keyboard-key:focus { + color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; } + .keyboard-key:hover, .keyboard-key:checked { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(50, 57, 70, 0.95); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .keyboard-key:active { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.95); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; } + .keyboard-key:grayed { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.95); + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); } + +.keyboard-subkeys { + color: white; + padding: 5px; + -arrow-border-radius: 10px; + -arrow-background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.65); + -arrow-border-width: 2px; + -arrow-border-color: #d8dee9; + -arrow-base: 20px; + -arrow-rise: 10px; + -boxpointer-gap: 5px; } + +.candidate-popup-content { + padding: 0.5em; + spacing: 0.3em; } + +.candidate-index { + padding: 0 0.5em 0 0; + color: #b7c2d7; } + +.candidate-box { + padding: 0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em; + border-radius: 4px; } + .candidate-box:selected, .candidate-box:hover { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #fefefe; } + +.candidate-page-button-box { + height: 2em; } + .vertical .candidate-page-button-box { + padding-top: 0.5em; } + .horizontal .candidate-page-button-box { + padding-left: 0.5em; } + +.candidate-page-button { + padding: 4px; } + +.candidate-page-button-previous { + border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; + border-right-width: 0; } + +.candidate-page-button-next { + border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; } + +.candidate-page-button-icon { + icon-size: 1em; } + +/* Auth Dialogs & Screen Shield */ +.framed-user-icon { + background-size: contain; + border: 2px solid #d8dee9; + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 3px; } + .framed-user-icon:hover { + border-color: white; + color: white; } + +.login-dialog-banner-view { + padding-top: 24px; + max-width: 23em; } + +.login-dialog { + border: none; + background-color: transparent; } + .login-dialog .modal-dialog-button-box { + spacing: 3px; } + .login-dialog .modal-dialog-button { + padding: 3px 18px; } + .login-dialog .modal-dialog-button:default { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #232831; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .login-dialog .modal-dialog-button:default:hover, .login-dialog .modal-dialog-button:default:focus { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .login-dialog .modal-dialog-button:default:active { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: 1px solid #1f232b; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; } + .login-dialog .modal-dialog-button:default:insensitive { + color: #838995; + background-color: rgba(64, 70, 82, 0.66); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border: none; + text-shadow: none; + icon-shadow: none; } + +.login-dialog-logo-bin { + padding: 24px 0px; } + +.login-dialog-banner { + color: #b7c2d7; } + +.login-dialog-button-box { + spacing: 5px; } + +.login-dialog-message-warning { + color: #c3674a; } + +.login-dialog-message-hint { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 20px; } + +.login-dialog-user-selection-box { + padding: 100px 0px; } + +.login-dialog-not-listed-label { + padding-left: 2px; } + .login-dialog-not-listed-button:focus .login-dialog-not-listed-label, .login-dialog-not-listed-button:hover .login-dialog-not-listed-label { + color: #d8dee9; } + +.login-dialog-not-listed-label { + font-size: 90%; + font-weight: bold; + color: #768bb2; + padding-top: 1em; } + +.login-dialog-user-list-view { + -st-vfade-offset: 1em; } + +.login-dialog-user-list { + spacing: 12px; + padding: .2em; + width: 23em; } + .login-dialog-user-list:expanded .login-dialog-user-list-item:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #fefefe; } + .login-dialog-user-list:expanded .login-dialog-user-list-item:logged-in { + border-right: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } + +.login-dialog-user-list-item { + border-radius: 5px; + padding: .2em; + color: #768bb2; } + .login-dialog-user-list-item:ltr { + padding-right: 1em; } + .login-dialog-user-list-item:rtl { + padding-left: 1em; } + .login-dialog-user-list-item .login-dialog-timed-login-indicator { + height: 2px; + margin: 2px 0 0 0; + background-color: #d8dee9; } + .login-dialog-user-list-item:focus .login-dialog-timed-login-indicator { + background-color: #fefefe; } + +.login-dialog-username, +.user-widget-label { + color: #d8dee9; + font-size: 120%; + font-weight: bold; + text-align: left; + padding-left: 15px; } + +.user-widget-label:ltr { + padding-left: 18px; } +.user-widget-label:rtl { + padding-right: 18px; } + +.login-dialog-prompt-layout { + padding-top: 24px; + padding-bottom: 12px; + spacing: 8px; + width: 23em; } + +.login-dialog-prompt-label { + color: #97a7c4; + font-size: 110%; + padding-top: 1em; } + +.login-dialog-session-list-button StIcon { + icon-size: 1.25em; } + +.login-dialog-session-list-button { + color: #768bb2; } + .login-dialog-session-list-button:hover, .login-dialog-session-list-button:focus { + color: #d8dee9; } + .login-dialog-session-list-button:active { + color: #46597c; } + +.screen-shield-arrows { + padding-bottom: 3em; } + +.screen-shield-arrows Gjs_Arrow { + color: white; + width: 80px; + height: 48px; + -arrow-thickness: 12px; + -arrow-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +.screen-shield-clock { + color: white; + text-shadow: 0px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + font-weight: bold; + text-align: center; + padding-bottom: 1.5em; } + +.screen-shield-clock-time { + font-size: 72pt; + text-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +.screen-shield-clock-date { + font-size: 28pt; } + +.screen-shield-notifications-container { + spacing: 6px; + width: 30em; + background-color: transparent; + max-height: 500px; } + .screen-shield-notifications-container .summary-notification-stack-scrollview { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; } + .screen-shield-notifications-container .notification, + .screen-shield-notifications-container .screen-shield-notification-source { + padding: 12px 6px; + border: 1px solid #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.45); + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; } + .screen-shield-notifications-container .notification { + margin-right: 15px; } + +.screen-shield-notification-label { + font-weight: bold; + padding: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } + +.screen-shield-notification-count-text { + padding: 0px 0px 0px 12px; } + +#panel.lock-screen { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.45); } + +.screen-shield-background { + background: black; + box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +#lockDialogGroup { + background: #2e3436 url(resource:///org/gnome/shell/theme/noise-texture.png); + background-repeat: repeat; } + +#screenShieldNotifications StButton#vhandle, #screenShieldNotifications StButton#hhandle { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); } + #screenShieldNotifications StButton#vhandle:hover, #screenShieldNotifications StButton#vhandle:focus, #screenShieldNotifications StButton#hhandle:hover, #screenShieldNotifications StButton#hhandle:focus { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + #screenShieldNotifications StButton#vhandle:active, #screenShieldNotifications StButton#hhandle:active { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.5); } + +#LookingGlassDialog { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + spacing: 4px; + padding: 4px; + border: 2px solid grey; + border-radius: 4px; } + #LookingGlassDialog > #Toolbar { + border: 1px solid grey; + border-radius: 4px; } + #LookingGlassDialog .labels { + spacing: 4px; } + #LookingGlassDialog .notebook-tab { + -natural-hpadding: 12px; + -minimum-hpadding: 6px; + font-weight: bold; + color: #ccc; + transition-duration: 100ms; + padding-left: .3em; + padding-right: .3em; } + #LookingGlassDialog .notebook-tab:hover { + color: white; + text-shadow: black 0px 2px 2px; } + #LookingGlassDialog .notebook-tab:selected { + border-bottom-width: 2px; + border-color: #9fc6c5; + color: white; + text-shadow: black 0px 2px 2px; } + #LookingGlassDialog StBoxLayout#EvalBox { + padding: 4px; + spacing: 4px; } + #LookingGlassDialog StBoxLayout#ResultsArea { + spacing: 4px; } + +.lg-dialog StEntry { + selection-background-color: #bbbbbb; + selected-color: #333333; } +.lg-dialog .shell-link { + color: #999999; } + .lg-dialog .shell-link:hover { + color: #dddddd; } + +.lg-completions-text { + font-size: .9em; + font-style: italic; } + +.lg-obj-inspector-title { + spacing: 4px; } + +.lg-obj-inspector-button { + border: 1px solid gray; + padding: 4px; + border-radius: 4px; } + .lg-obj-inspector-button:hover { + border: 1px solid #ffffff; } + +#lookingGlassExtensions { + padding: 4px; } + +.lg-extensions-list { + padding: 4px; + spacing: 6px; } + +.lg-extension { + border: 1px solid #6f6f6f; + border-radius: 4px; + padding: 4px; } + +.lg-extension-name { + font-weight: bold; } + +.lg-extension-meta { + spacing: 6px; } + +#LookingGlassPropertyInspector { + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); + border: 2px solid grey; + border-radius: 4px; + padding: 6px; } + +.openweather-current-summarybox, +.openweather-forecast-icon, +.openweather-current-databox-captions, +.openweather-current-databox-values, +.openweather-current-icon, +.openweather-forecast-summary, +.openweather-forecast-temperature { + background: transparent; } + +.openweather-current-databox-captions, .openweather-forecast-day { + color: #8fbcbb; } + +/* Pop_OS COSMIC Widget styling. */ +/* Pop_OS COSMIC Dock styling, append !important to any changed rules */ +.cosmic-dock #dock { + border-radius: 12px 12px 12px 12px !important; + border: 0 !important; + background-color: #2e3440; + margin: 4px !important; } + +.cosmic-dock.extended #dock { + border-radius: 0px !important; + margin: 0 !important; } + +.cosmic-dock.extended.side #dock { + border-top-width: 0 !important; + border-bottom-width: 0 !important; } + +.cosmic-dock.extended.side.left #dock { + border-left-width: 0 !important; } + +.cosmic-dock.extended.side.right #dock { + border-right-width: 0 !important; } + +.cosmic-dock.extended.bottom #dock { + border-bottom-width: 0 !important; + border-left-width: 0 !important; + border-right-width: 0 !important; } + +.cosmic-dock .app-well-app:hover .overview-icon, .cosmic-dock .app-well-app:focus .overview-icon, .cosmic-dock .app-well-app:selected .overview-icon { + border-radius: 11px; } + +/*# */ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/chrome.rc b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/chrome.rc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..0c37ab3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/chrome.rc @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +# ============================================================================== +# CHROME/-UIM SPECIFIC SETTINGS +# ============================================================================== + +# Chromium lets us define some colours and settings for better integration + +style "chrome-gtk-frame" +{ + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-color = @wm_color + ChromeGtkFrame::inactive-frame-color = @unfocused_wm_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-size = 16 + ChromeGtkFrame::frame-gradient-color = shade(1.07, @wm_color) + + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-color = shade(0.85, @wm_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-inactive-frame-color = @wm_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::incognito-frame-gradient-color = @wm_color + + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-trough-color = shade(0.912, @wm_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-prelight-color = shade(1.04, @wm_color) + ChromeGtkFrame::scrollbar-slider-normal-color = @wm_color +} + +class "ChromeGtkFrame" style "chrome-gtk-frame" + +# Chromium uses base as the fill colour of its own entries +# This would be fine but Gtk+ uses it to fill the surrounding space, so its set to bg +# That results in Chromium using it for the fill, so we need to handle that + +style "chrome_entry" { + base[NORMAL] = @base_color + base[INSENSITIVE] = @base_color +} + +widget_class "*Chrom*" style "chrome_entry" + +# Chrome Menu item background + +style "chrome_menu_item" +{ + bg[SELECTED] = @wm_color +} + +widget_class "***" style "chrome_menu_item" + + +# Chrome buttons + +widget_class "*Chrom*Button*" style "button" diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/gimp.rc b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/gimp.rc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4908803 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/gimp.rc @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +# ============================================================================== +# GIMP SPECIFIC SETTINGS +# ============================================================================== + +# TODO: This could really look nicer +style "gimp_spin_scale" { + + # Spin background + bg[NORMAL] = @base_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_up" + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_up" + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_down" + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_down" + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + } + +} + + +# Disable spin button assets for GimpSpinScale +class "GimpSpinScale" style "gimp_spin_scale" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/libreoffice.rc b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/libreoffice.rc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6e976a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/libreoffice.rc @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# ============================================================================== +# OPEN/LIBREOFFICE SPECIFIC SETTINGS +# ============================================================================== + +style "ooo_stepper_hack" +{ + GtkScrollbar::stepper-size = 13 + GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 1 + GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 1 +} + +widget "*openoffice-toplevel*" style "ooo_stepper_hack" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/terminal.rc b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/terminal.rc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..07f4346 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/terminal.rc @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +# ============================================================================== +# GNOME TERMINAL SPECIFIC SETTINGS +# ============================================================================== + +style "terminal_window" = "dark" { +} + +style "terminal_menubar" +{ + + engine "murrine" { + } +} + +style "terminal_notebook" = "dark" +{ + fg[ACTIVE] = mix (0.8, "#DADBDB", "#DADBDB") + + engine "murrine" { + } +} + +style "terminal_scrollbar" = "scrollbar" +{ + bg[NORMAL] = "#263238" + bg[PRELIGHT] = shade(1.08, "#263238") + bg[ACTIVE] = shade(0.94, "#263238") + bg[SELECTED] = shade(1.0, @selected_bg_color) + bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#263238" + + engine "murrine" { + } +} + +style "terminal_screen" +{ + text[NORMAL] = "#DADBDB" + base[NORMAL] = "#384952" + + TerminalScreen::background-darkness = 0.95 +} + +widget "*TerminalWindow*" style "terminal_window" +#widget "*TerminalWindow.*.*enu?ar" style "terminal_menubar" +widget "*TerminalWindow.*.GtkNotebook*" style "terminal_notebook" +widget "*TerminalWindow.*.GtkNotebook.*.GtkVScrollbar*" style "terminal_scrollbar" +#widget "*TerminalWindow.*.GtkNotebook*utton*" style "terminal_button" +widget "*TerminalWindow.*.TerminalScreen*" style "terminal_screen" diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/thunar.rc b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/thunar.rc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..328ceb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/thunar.rc @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +# ============================================================================== +# THUNAR SPECIFIC SETTINGS +# ============================================================================== + +style "sidepane" { + + GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = @sidebar_bg + GtkTreeView::even_row_color = @sidebar_bg + base[NORMAL] = @bg_color + base[INSENSITIVE] = mix(0.4, shade(1.35, @selected_bg_color), shade(0.9, @base_color)) + bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color + text[NORMAL] = mix(0.9, @fg_color, @bg_color) +} + +style "thunar-frame" { + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 +} +style "thunar-handle" { GtkPaned::handle-size = 2 } +widget_class "*ThunarWindow*." style "thunar-frame" +widget_class "*ThunarWindow*." style "thunar-handle" + +widget_class "*ThunarShortcutsView*" style "sidepane" +widget_class "*ThunarTreeView*" style "sidepane" diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/xfce.rc b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/xfce.rc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f8c2acd --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/apps/xfce.rc @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +style "theme-panel" = "dark" { + xthickness = 1 + ythickness = 1 + bg[NORMAL] = @panel_bg_color +} + +style "xfdesktop-icon-view" { + XfdesktopIconView::label-alpha = 0 + XfdesktopIconView::selected-label-alpha = 80 + XfdesktopIconView::shadow-x-offset = 0 + XfdesktopIconView::shadow-y-offset = 0 + XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-x-offset = 0 + XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-y-offset = 0 + XfdesktopIconView::shadow-color = @tooltip_bg_color + XfdesktopIconView::selected-shadow-color = @tooltip_bg_color + XfdesktopIconView::cell-spacing = 2 + XfdesktopIconView::cell-padding = 6 + XfdesktopIconView::cell-text-width-proportion = 1.9 + + fg[NORMAL] = shade (0.9, @selected_fg_color) + fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color + +} + +style "theme-panel-text" = "dark" { +} + +style "panel-entry" = "dark" { +} + +style "theme-main-menu-text" = "theme-panel-text" +{ + fg[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff" + text[PRELIGHT] = "#ffffff" +} + +style "workspace-switcher" = "dark" +{ + bg[SELECTED] = shade (0.8, @selected_bg_color) +} + +style "window-buttons" = "dark" { + +} + +style "indicator" = "theme-panel" +{ + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 +} + +widget "*PanelWidget*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*PanelApplet*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*fast-user-switch*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*CPUFreq*Applet*" style "theme-panel" +class "PanelApp*" style "theme-panel" +class "PanelToplevel*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*PanelToplevel*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*notif*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Notif*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Tray*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*tray*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*computertemp*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Applet*Tomboy*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Applet*Netstatus*" style "theme-panel" + +# Fixes for tooltip text in some apps. +widget_class "*Notif*Beagle*" style "theme-panel" +widget_class "*Notif*Brasero*" style "theme-panel" + +# XFCE panel theming. +widget "*Xfce*Panel*" style "theme-panel" +class "*Xfce*Panel*" style "theme-panel" +widget "*WnckPager*" style "workspace-switcher" +widget "*XfdesktopIconView*" style "xfdesktop-icon-view" + +# Fix gtk-entries in the panel +class "*SexyIconEntry*" style:highest "entry" # fixes dict-plugin +widget "*xfce4-verve-plugin*GtkEntry" style:highest "entry" # fixes verve-plugin + +# Make sure panel text color doesn't change +widget_class "*Panel*MenuBar*" style "theme-main-menu-text" +widget_class "*Panel**" style "theme-main-menu-text" +widget "*.clock-applet-button.*" style "theme-panel-text" +widget "*PanelApplet*" style "theme-panel-text" + +# Override general panel-style with specific plugin-styles +widget "*indicator-applet*" style "indicator" +widget "*indicator-button*" style "indicator" +#widget "*XfceTasklist*" style "dark_button" diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/border.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/border.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8214ab6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/border.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5365b7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-active.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-hover.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-hover.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59a73f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-hover.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-insensitive.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-insensitive.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e97f1ee Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button-insensitive.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c8c2682 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/button.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-active.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..358a499 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-active.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-hover.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-hover.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..e70f927 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-hover.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-checked-hover-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..09a0a7c --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..b4e66c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-checked.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-active.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..bdd98de --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-active.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-mixed-active-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-hover.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-hover.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..9645910 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-hover.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-mixed-hover-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..becdb27 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..329ae42 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-mixed.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-mixed-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-active.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..ea9bd36 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-active.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-unchecked-active-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..9cc8f13 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..afe2826 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked.png new file mode 120000 index 0000000..68f2c4b --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/checkbox-unchecked.png @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +../../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4184b82 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-active.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-hover.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-hover.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c394d6 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-hover.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-insensitive.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-insensitive.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2865f09 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-insensitive.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96d5459 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-button.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c57c3bf Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry-active.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry-insensitive.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry-insensitive.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15734ad Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry-insensitive.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b655e3 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4f55e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-active.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-hover.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-hover.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c80ce4e Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-hover.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-insensitive.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-insensitive.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bf0456 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-insensitive.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/assets/combo-entry-rtl-button.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b300ef0 Binary files /dev/null and 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+gtk-color-scheme = "sidebar_bg:#2e3440" +gtk-color-scheme = "sidebar_fg:#d8dee9" + +gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1 +gtk-primary-button-warps-slider = 1 + +include "main.rc" + +# App stylings +include "apps/chrome.rc" +include "apps/gimp.rc" +include "apps/libreoffice.rc" +include "apps/terminal.rc" +include "apps/thunar.rc" +include "apps/xfce.rc" diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/main.rc b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/main.rc new file mode 100755 index 0000000..507eb4e --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-2.0/main.rc @@ -0,0 +1,2627 @@ +style "default" { + + xthickness = 1 + ythickness = 1 + + #################### + # Style Properties # + #################### + + GtkWidget::focus-line-width = 1 + GtkWidget::focus-line-pattern = "\2\1" + + GtkToolbar::internal-padding = 4 + GtkToolButton::icon-spacing = 4 + + GtkWidget::tooltip-radius = 3 + GtkWidget::tooltip-alpha = 235 + GtkWidget::new-tooltip-style = 1 #for compatibility + + GtkWidget::link-color = shade(0.9, @selected_bg_color) + GtkWidget::visited-link-color = shade(0.8, @selected_bg_color) + GnomeHRef::link_color = shade(0.9, @selected_bg_color) + GtkHTML::link-color = shade(0.9, @selected_bg_color) + GtkHTML::vlink-color = shade(0.8, @selected_bg_color) + GtkIMHtml::hyperlink-color = shade(0.9, @selected_bg_color) + GtkIMHtml::hyperlink-visited-color = shade(0.8, @selected_bg_color) + + GtkSeparatorMenuItem::horizontal-padding = 0 + GtkSeparatorMenuItem::wide-separators = 1 + GtkSeparatorMenuItem::separator-height = 1 + + GtkButton::child-displacement-y = 0 + + GtkButton::default-border = {0, 0, 0, 0} + GtkButton::default-outside-border = {0, 0, 0, 0} + GtkButton::inner-border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + + GtkEntry::state-hint = 1 + GtkEntry::inner-border = {7, 7, 4, 5} + + GtkPaned::handle-size = 2 + GtkHPaned::handle-size = 2 + GtkVPaned::handle-size = 2 + + GtkScrollbar::trough-border = 0 + GtkRange::trough-border = 0 + GtkRange::slider-width = 13 + GtkRange::stepper-size = 0 + GtkRange::activate-slider = 1 + + GtkScrollbar::activate-slider = 1 + GtkScrollbar::stepper-size = 0 + GtkScrollbar::has-backward-stepper = 0 + GtkScrollbar::has-forward-stepper = 0 + GtkScrollbar::min-slider-length = 48 # 42 + 2*3 (margins) + GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbar-spacing = 0 + GtkScrolledWindow::scrollbars-within-bevel = 1 + + GtkScale::slider_length = 26 + GtkScale::slider_width = 26 + GtkScale::trough-side-details = 1 + + GtkProgressBar::min-horizontal-bar-height = 6 + GtkProgressBar::min-vertical-bar-width = 6 + # Making this bigger than the min[height,width]-2*[y,x]spacing makes the + # whole progressbar thicker, so by setting it to the exact above value + # we get the maximum spacing between the text and the edges without + # doing so. + GtkProgressBar::xspacing = 4 + GtkProgressBar::yspacing = 4 + + GtkStatusbar::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE + GtkSpinButton::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE + GtkMenuBar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE + GtkToolbar::shadow-type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE + # TODO: find out what this comment means: + # ( every window is misaligned for the sake of menus ): + GtkMenuBar::internal-padding = 0 + GtkMenu::horizontal-padding = 0 + GtkMenu::vertical-padding = 2 + GtkMenu::double-arrows = 0 + GtkMenuItem::arrow-scaling = 1 + GtkMenuItem::toggle-spacing = 10 + + GtkCheckButton::indicator_spacing = 3 + GtkOptionMenu::indicator_spacing = {13, 13, 5, 8} + + GtkTreeView::expander-size = 16 + GtkTreeView::vertical-separator = 0 + GtkTreeView::horizontal-separator = 4 + GtkTreeView::allow-rules = 1 + # Set this because some apps read it + GtkTreeView::odd-row-color = @base_color + GtkTreeView::even-row-color = @base_color + GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = shade(0.90, @base_color) + + GtkExpander::expander-size = 16 + + GtkNotebook::tab-overlap = 4 + + ########## + # Colors # + ########## + + bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color + bg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + bg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.6, @bg_color, @base_color) + bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color + + fg[NORMAL] = @fg_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color + fg[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + fg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @fg_color, @bg_color) + fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color + + text[NORMAL] = @text_color + text[PRELIGHT] = @text_color + text[SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color + text[INSENSITIVE] = darker (@bg_color) + text[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color + + base[NORMAL] = @base_color + base[PRELIGHT] = shade (0.95, @bg_color) + base[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + base[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.5, @fg_color, @bg_color) + base[ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color + + # For succinctness, all reasonable pixmap options remain here + + # Draw frame around menu in a non-compositied environment + # This needs to go before pixmap because we need to override some stuff + engine "adwaita" {} + + engine "pixmap" { + + ################# + # Check Buttons # + ################# + + image { + function = CHECK + state = NORMAL + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = ACTIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked-active.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = SELECTED + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = ACTIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked-active.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = SELECTED + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = NORMAL + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-mixed.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-mixed-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = ACTIVE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-mixed-active.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = SELECTED + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-mixed.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + ################# + # Radio Buttons # + ################# + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked-active.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = SELECTED + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked-active.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = SELECTED + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-checked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-mixed.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-mixed-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-mixed-active.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = SELECTED + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-mixed.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/radio-mixed-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + ########## + # Arrows # + ########## + + # Overrides + + # Disable arrows in spinbuttons + image { + function = ARROW + detail = "spinbutton" + } + + # Disable arrows for qt in scrollbars + image { + function = ARROW + detail = "vscrollbar" + } + image { + function = ARROW + detail = "hscrollbar" + } + + # Menu arrows + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + detail = "menuitem" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-left.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "menuitem" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-left-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "menuitem" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-left-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + detail = "menuitem" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-right.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "menuitem" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-right-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "menuitem" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-right-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_up" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-up-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = ARROW + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_up" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_down" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-down-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = ARROW + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_down" + overlay_file = "assets/menu-pan-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + # Regular arrows + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/pan-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/pan-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-up-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/pan-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/pan-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-down-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/pan-left.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/pan-left.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-left.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-left-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = LEFT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/pan-right.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/pan-right.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-right.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-right-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = RIGHT + } + + ###################### + # Option Menu Arrows # + ###################### + + image { + function = TAB + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/pan-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = TAB + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/pan-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = TAB + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = TAB + state = INSENSITIVE + overlay_file = "assets/pan-down-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + ######### + # Lines # + ######### + + image { + function = VLINE + file = "assets/line.png" + border = {1, 0, 0, 0} + } + + image { + function = HLINE + file = "assets/line.png" + border = {0, 0, 1, 0} + } + + ######### + # Focus # + ######### + + image { + function = FOCUS + file = "assets/focus.png" + border = {1, 1, 1, 1} + stretch = TRUE + } + + ########### + # Handles # + ########### + + image { + function = HANDLE + detail = "handlebox" + overlay_file = "assets/handle.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = HANDLE + overlay_file = "assets/handle-horz.png" + #border = {0, 0, 4, 4} + orientation = HORIZONTAL + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = HANDLE + overlay_file = "assets/handle-vert.png" + #border = {4, 4, 0, 0} + orientation = VERTICAL + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = RESIZE_GRIP + } + + ############# + # Expanders # + ############# + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = EXPANDED + file = "assets/pan-down.png" + } + + # LTR + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = COLLAPSED + file = "assets/pan-right.png" + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = SEMI_COLLAPSED + file = "assets/pan-right-semi.png" + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = SEMI_EXPANDED + file = "assets/pan-right-semi.png" + direction = LTR + } + + # RTL + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = COLLAPSED + file = "assets/pan-left.png" + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = SEMI_COLLAPSED + file = "assets/pan-left-semi.png" + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = EXPANDER + expander_style = SEMI_EXPANDED + file = "assets/pan-left-semi.png" + direction = RTL + } + + ############# + # Notebooks # + ############# + + # Left + + image { + function = EXTENSION + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/tab-left-active.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + file = "assets/tab-left.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = RIGHT + } + + # Right + + image { + function = EXTENSION + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/tab-right-active.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = LEFT + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + file = "assets/tab-right.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = LEFT + } + + # Up + + image { + function = EXTENSION + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/tab-up-active.png" + border = { 3,3,5,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = BOTTOM + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + file = "assets/tab-up.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = BOTTOM + } + + # Down + + image { + function = EXTENSION + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/tab-down-active.png" + border = { 3,3,3,5 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = TOP + } + + image { + function = EXTENSION + file = "assets/tab-down.png" + border = { 3,3,3,3 } + stretch = TRUE + gap_side = TOP + } + + # Inner frame + + image { + function = BOX_GAP + detail = "notebook" + file = "assets/frame-notebook.png" + border = {1, 1, 1, 1} + stretch = TRUE + gap_file = "assets/tab-vert-gap.png" + gap_border = {1, 0, 1, 1} + gap_side = LEFT + } + + image { + function = BOX_GAP + detail = "notebook" + file = "assets/frame-notebook.png" + border = {1, 1, 1, 1} + stretch = TRUE + gap_file = "assets/tab-vert-gap.png" + gap_border = {0, 1, 1, 1} + gap_side = RIGHT + } + + image { + function = BOX_GAP + detail = "notebook" + file = "assets/frame-notebook.png" + border = {1, 1, 1, 1} + stretch = TRUE + gap_file = "assets/tab-horz-gap.png" + gap_border = {1, 1, 1, 0} + gap_side = TOP + } + + image { + function = BOX_GAP + detail = "notebook" + file = "assets/frame-notebook.png" + border = {1, 1, 1, 1} + stretch = TRUE + gap_file = "assets/tab-horz-gap.png" + gap_border = {1, 1, 0, 1} + gap_side = BOTTOM + } + + # Standalone frame + image { + function = BOX + detail = "notebook" + file = "assets/frame-notebook.png" + border = {1, 1, 1, 1} + stretch = TRUE + } + + ############## + # Scrollbars # + ############## + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/scrollbar-horz-trough.png" + border = {0, 0, 1, 0} + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/scrollbar-vert-trough.png" + border = {1, 0, 0, 0} + orientation = VERTICAL + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/scrollbar-vert-trough-rtl.png" + border = {0, 1, 0, 0} + orientation = VERTICAL + direction = RTL + } + + + # Disable insensitive sliders + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "slider" + } + + # Horizontal sliders + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-horz-slider.png" + border = {6, 6, 7, 6 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-horz-slider-hover.png" + border = {6, 6, 7, 6 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = ACTIVE + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-horz-slider-active.png" + border = {6, 6, 7, 6 } + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + # Vertical sliders + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-vert-slider.png" + border = {7, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-vert-slider-hover.png" + border = {7, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = ACTIVE + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-vert-slider-active.png" + border = {7, 6, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + direction = LTR + } + + # RTL + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-vert-slider-rtl.png" + border = {6, 7, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-vert-slider-hover-rtl.png" + border = {6, 7, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = ACTIVE + detail = "slider" + file = "assets/scrollbar-vert-slider-active-rtl.png" + border = {6, 7, 6, 6} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + direction = RTL + } + + ########## + # Scales # + ########## + + # Troughs + # They are overrided later on + # We set them here too because some widgets don't specify their orientation + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-upper" + file = "assets/scale-horz-trough.png" + border = {10, 10, 0, 0} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-lower" + file = "assets/scale-horz-trough-active.png" + border = {10, 10, 0, 0} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-upper" + file = "assets/scale-vert-trough.png" + border = {0, 0, 10, 10} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-lower" + file = "assets/scale-vert-trough-active.png" + border = {0, 0, 10, 10} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + # Sliders + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + detail = "hscale" + file = "assets/scale-slider.png" + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "hscale" + file = "assets/scale-slider-hover.png" + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = ACTIVE + detail = "hscale" + file = "assets/scale-slider-active.png" + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "hscale" + file = "assets/scale-slider-insensitive.png" + } + image { + function = SLIDER + state = NORMAL + detail = "vscale" + file = "assets/scale-slider.png" + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "vscale" + file = "assets/scale-slider-hover.png" + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = ACTIVE + detail = "vscale" + file = "assets/scale-slider-active.png" + } + + image { + function = SLIDER + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "vscale" + file = "assets/scale-slider-insensitive.png" + } + + ########### + # Menubar # + ########### + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "menubar" + file = "assets/line.png" + border = {0, 0, 0, 1} + } + + ######### + # Menus # + ######### + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_up" + file = "assets/line.png" + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_up" + file = "assets/line.png" + border = {0, 0, 0, 1} + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_down" + file = "assets/line.png" + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "menu_scroll_arrow_down" + file = "assets/line.png" + border = {0, 0, 1, 0} + } + + ########### + # Entries # + ########### + + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/entry-background.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/entry-background-insensitive.png" + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "entry_bg" + file = "assets/entry-background.png" + } + ######### + # Spins # + ######### + + # Spin-Up LTR + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/spin-ltr-up.png" + border = {1, 4, 4, 0} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/spin-ltr-up-hover.png" + border = {1, 4, 4, 0} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/spin-ltr-up-active.png" + border = {1, 4, 4, 0} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/spin-ltr-up-insensitive.png" + border = {1, 4, 4, 0} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + # Spin-Up RTL + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/spin-rtl-up.png" + border = {4, 1, 4, 0} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/spin-rtl-up-hover.png" + border = {4, 1, 4, 0} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/spin-rtl-up-hover.png" + border = {4, 1, 4, 0} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_up" + file = "assets/spin-rtl-up-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 1, 4, 0} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-up-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + # Spin-Down LTR + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/spin-ltr-down.png" + border = {1, 4, 1, 4} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/spin-ltr-down-hover.png" + border = {1, 4, 1, 4} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/spin-ltr-down-active.png" + border = {1, 4, 1, 4} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/spin-ltr-down-insensitive.png" + border = {1, 4, 1, 4} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = LTR + } + + # Spin-Down RTL + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/spin-rtl-down.png" + border = {4, 1, 1, 4} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/spin-rtl-down-hover.png" + border = {4, 1, 1, 4} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/spin-rtl-down-active.png" + border = {4, 1, 1, 4} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "spinbutton_down" + file = "assets/spin-rtl-down-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 1, 1, 4} + stretch = TRUE + overlay_file = "assets/spin-down-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + direction = RTL + } + + ############## + # Scrollbars # + ############## + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "bar" + file = "assets/progressbar-horz.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = {2, 2, 1, 1} + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "bar" + file = "assets/progressbar-vert.png" + stretch = TRUE + border = {1, 1, 2, 2} + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + ############# + # Treeviews # + ############# + + # Disable active the column highlight + # We need to match specific cells or we break stuff + # Looking at you deadbeef + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "cell_even_sorted" + state = NORMAL + } + + image { + function = FLAT_BOX + detail = "cell_odd_sorted" + state = NORMAL + } + + # Disable all the other shadows + # This prevents the Raleigh effect + image { + function = SHADOW + } + + } + +} + +style "menubar" { + + # Needed to fix Firefox's menubar text + bg[NORMAL] = @dark_bg_color + text[NORMAL] = @dark_fg_color + fg[NORMAL] = @dark_fg_color + bg[SELECTED] = @dark_bg_color + fg[SELECTED] = shade(0.9, @dark_fg_color) + +} + +style "menubar_item" { + + xthickness = 3 + ythickness = 4 + + fg[NORMAL] = @dark_fg_color + fg[PRELIGHT] = @dark_fg_color + text[NORMAL] = @dark_fg_color + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + file = "assets/menubar-item-active.png" + border = {0, 0, 0, 3} + } + } + +} + +style "menu" { + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + bg[NORMAL] = @base_color + bg[INSENSITIVE] = @base_color + bg[PRELIGHT] = @base_color + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + +} + +style "menu_item" { + + xthickness = 3 + ythickness = 4 + + bg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color + # Chromium uses this setting + bg[SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color + + fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + # Some widgets use text, we need to handle that + text[NORMAL] = @fg_color + text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + + # Unfortunately we can't tell regular and menu checks/radios apart + # Without the heirarchy + engine "pixmap" { + + ################# + # Check Buttons # + ################# + + image { + function = CHECK + state = NORMAL + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = ACTIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-checked-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = ACTIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-checked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = NORMAL + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-mixed.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-mixed-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = ACTIVE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-mixed.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = CHECK + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + ################# + # Radio Buttons # + ################# + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = OUT + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-checked-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-checked.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-checked-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = NORMAL + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-mixed.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-mixed-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = ACTIVE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-mixed.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + image { + function = OPTION + state = INSENSITIVE + shadow = ETCHED_IN + overlay_file = "assets/menu-radio-mixed-insensitive.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + } + + + + } + +} + +style "separator_menu_item" { + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/line.png" + } + } + +} + +style "button_label" { + fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color +} + +style "misc_button_label" { + fg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color +} + +style "button" { + + xthickness = 2 + ythickness = 2 + + fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + fg[ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color + font_name = "Bold" + + # For the sake of sanity style buttons this way + engine "pixmap" { + + ########### + # Buttons # + ########### + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + file = "assets/button.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + file = "assets/button-hover.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + # Don't add hover effect on pressed buttons + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + file = "assets/button-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/button-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + file = "assets/button-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "link_button" { + + # Disable the button effect, leave just the link + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + } + } + +} + +style "entry" { + + # We set this same as the border of the border of the entry + # This way theres no overlap + xthickness = 4 + ythickness = 4 + +} + +style "combobox" { + + xthickness = 6 + ythickness = 4 + + # This affects only the button beside an entry + GtkButton::inner-border = {0, 0, 0, 0} + +} + +style "combobox_cellview" { + text[NORMAL] = @fg_color + text[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color +} + +style "combobox_entry" { + + # Since one side of the button is missing, we need to shift the arrow a little to the right + GtkButton::inner-border = {0, 1, 0, 0} + + engine "pixmap" { + + ############# + # LTR entry # + ############# + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/combo-entry-ltr-entry-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + ############# + # RTL entry # + ############# + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/combo-entry-rtl-entry.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/combo-entry-rtl-entry-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/combo-entry-rtl-entry-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + ############## + # LTR button # + ############## + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "button" + file = "assets/combo-entry-ltr-button.png" + border = {0, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "button" + file = "assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-hover.png" + border = {0, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "button" + file = "assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-active.png" + border = {0, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "button" + file = "assets/combo-entry-ltr-button-insensitive.png" + border = {0, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + ############## + # RTL button # + ############## + + image { + function = BOX + state = NORMAL + detail = "button" + file = "assets/combo-entry-rtl-button.png" + border = {4, 0, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + detail = "button" + file = "assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-hover.png" + border = {4, 0, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + detail = "button" + file = "assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-active.png" + border = {4, 0, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "button" + file = "assets/combo-entry-rtl-button-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 0, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + } + +} + +style "combo_button_padding" { + + # Since one side of the button is missing, we need to shift the arrow a little to the right + # This is the same thing we've done above but the combo, unlike the combobox, + # uses padding the same way as a button + GtkButton::inner-border = {6, 8, 4, 4} + +} + +style "notebook" { + + xthickness = 5 + ythickness = 2 + +} + +style "notebook_viewport" { + bg[NORMAL] = @base_color +} + +style "notebook_bg" { + bg[NORMAL] = @base_color + bg[PRELIGHT] = @base_color + bg[INSENSITIVE] = @base_color +} + +style "notebook_entry" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-entry-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-entry-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-entry.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "normal_bg" { + bg[NORMAL] = @bg_color + bg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color + bg[INSENSITIVE] = mix (0.6, @bg_color, @base_color) +} + +style "normal_entry" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/entry.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "notebook_combo" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + ############# + # LTR entry # + ############# + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-combo-entry-ltr-entry.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-combo-entry-ltr-entry-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-combo-entry-ltr-entry-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + ############# + # RTL entry # + ############# + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = NORMAL + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-combo-entry-rtl-entry.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = ACTIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-combo-entry-rtl-entry-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = SHADOW + state = INSENSITIVE + detail = "entry" + file = "assets/notebook-combo-entry-rtl-entry-insensitive.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + } + +} + +style "textview" { + bg[NORMAL] = @base_color +} + +style "scale_horz" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-upper" + file = "assets/scale-horz-trough.png" + border = {10, 10, 0, 0} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-lower" + file = "assets/scale-horz-trough-active.png" + border = {10, 10, 0, 0} + stretch = TRUE + } + + } + +} + +style "scale_vert" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-upper" + file = "assets/scale-vert-trough.png" + border = {0, 0, 10, 10} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough-lower" + file = "assets/scale-vert-trough-active.png" + border = {0, 0, 10, 10} + stretch = TRUE + } + + } + +} + +style "progressbar" { + + xthickness = 1 + ythickness = 1 + + fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/progressbar-horz-trough.png" + border = {3, 3, 2, 2} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = HORIZONTAL + } + + image { + function = BOX + detail = "trough" + file = "assets/progressbar-vert-trough.png" + border = {2, 2, 3, 3} + stretch = TRUE + orientation = VERTICAL + } + + } + +} + +style "treeview_header" { + + xthickness = 1 + ythickness = 0 + + fg[NORMAL] = mix(0.5, @fg_color, @base_color) + fg[PRELIGHT] = mix(0.5, mix(0.5, @fg_color, @base_color), @fg_color) + + font_name = "Bold" + + GtkButton::inner-border = {5, 5, 0, 1} + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/treeview-separator-ltr.png" + border = {0, 1, 0, 1} + stretch = TRUE + direction = LTR + } + + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/treeview-separator-rtl.png" + border = {1, 0, 0, 1} + stretch = TRUE + direction = RTL + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/treeview-pan-up.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/treeview-pan-up-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/treeview-pan-up-active.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = UP + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = NORMAL + overlay_file = "assets/treeview-pan-down.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = PRELIGHT + overlay_file = "assets/treeview-pan-down-hover.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + image { + function = ARROW + state = ACTIVE + overlay_file = "assets/treeview-pan-down-active.png" + overlay_stretch = FALSE + arrow_direction = DOWN + } + + } + +} + +style "scrolled_window" { + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = {1, 1, 1, 1} + stretch = TRUE + } + } + +} + +style "frame" { + + engine "pixmap" { + + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = {0, 0, 0, 0} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = SHADOW_GAP + file = "assets/frame.png" + border = {0, 0, 0, 0} + stretch = TRUE + gap_start_file = "assets/border.png" + gap_end_file = "assets/border.png" + } + + } + +} + +style "toolbar_button" { + + xthickness = 2 + ythickness = 2 + + GtkButton::inner-border = {2, 2, 2, 2} + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = OUT + file = "assets/toolbar-button-hover.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + # Don't add hover effect on pressed buttons + image { + function = BOX + state = PRELIGHT + shadow = IN + file = "assets/toolbar-button-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + + image { + function = BOX + state = ACTIVE + file = "assets/toolbar-button-active.png" + border = {4, 4, 4, 4} + stretch = TRUE + } + } +} + +style "toolbar_separator" { + + GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1 + GtkWidget::separator-width = 1 + GtkWidget::separator-height = 1 + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = BOX + file = "assets/line.png" + } + } + +} + +style "inline_toolbar" { + + GtkToolbar::button-relief = GTK_RELIEF_NORMAL + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = SHADOW + file = "assets/frame-inline.png" + border = {1, 1, 0, 1} + stretch = TRUE + } + } + +} + +style "tooltip" { + + xthickness = 13 + ythickness = 13 + + bg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_bg_color + fg[NORMAL] = @tooltip_fg_color + bg[SELECTED] = @tooltip_bg_color + +} + + +style "disable_shadow" { + + engine "pixmap" { + image { + function = SHADOW + } + } + +} + +style "disable_separator" { + + xthickness = 0 + ythickness = 0 + + GtkWidget::wide-separators = 1 + +} + +# Text Style +style "text" = "default" { + engine "murrine" { textstyle = 0 } +} + +style "menu_text" = "menu_item" { + engine "murrine" { textstyle = 0 } +} + +# Default style, containing most of the stuff +class "GtkWidget" style "default" + +# Override padding, style and colour +class "GtkButton" style "button" +class "GtkLinkButton" style "link_button" +class "GtkEntry" style "entry" +class "GtkOldEditable" style "entry" +class "GtkNotebook" style "notebook" +class "GtkHScale" style "scale_horz" +class "GtkVScale" style "scale_vert" +class "GtkProgressBar" style "progressbar" +class "GtkScrolledWindow" style "scrolled_window" +class "GtkFrame" style "frame" +class "GtkSeparatorToolItem" style "toolbar_separator" +class "GtkMenuBar" style "menubar" +class "GtkMenu" style "menu" +class "GtkTextView" style "textview" + +widget_class "**" style "button_label" +widget_class "**" style "misc_button_label" + +# Menu and menubar items +widget_class "**" style "menu_item" +widget_class "*.*" style "menubar_item" +widget_class "**" style "separator_menu_item" + +# Frames in statusbars look ugly, let's disable them +widget_class "**" style "disable_shadow" +# Disable the frame around poor Wilbert too +widget_class "**" style "disable_shadow" + +# Treeview buttons +widget_class "***" style "treeview_header" + +# Give the file chooser toolbar a border +widget_class "**" style "inline_toolbar" + +# Fix padding on regular comboboxes +widget_class "*." style "combobox" +# And disable separators on them +widget_class "*.*" style "disable_separator" + +# Join together the ComboBoxEntry entry and button +widget_class "**" style "combobox_entry" + +# Join the Combo entry and button +widget_class "**" style "combobox_entry" +# Tweak the padding on the button a little bit because it uses it a bit differently +widget_class "*." style "combo_button_padding" + +# Alas we cannot do the same for ComboBoxText because there isn't a way to apply the style to only +# the comboboxes that have an entry inside + +# Toolbar buttons have different paddings +widget_class "**" style "toolbar_button" + +# Notebooks are white, act accordingly +widget_class "**" style "notebook_entry" +widget_class "**" style "notebook_bg" +widget_class "**" style "notebook_bg" +widget_class "***" style "notebook_bg" +widget_class "**" style "notebook_bg" +widget_class "*.*" style "notebook_bg" +widget_class "***" style "notebook_combo" +widget_class "***" style "notebook_combo" + +# However, stuff inside eventboxes inside notebooks is grey again, react +widget_class "***" style "normal_entry" +widget_class "***" style "normal_bg" +widget_class "***" style "normal_bg" +widget_class "****" style "combobox_entry" +widget_class "****" style "combobox_entry" +widget_class "***." style "combo_button_padding" + +# ComboBoxes tend to draw the button label with text[] instead of fg[], we need to fix that +widget_class "**" style "combobox_cellview" + +# GTK tooltips +widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "tooltip" +widget_class "***" style "normal_bg" +widget_class "***" style "normal_bg" +widget_class "****" style "combobox_entry" +widget_class "****" style "combobox_entry" +widget_class "***." style "combo_button_padding" + +# ComboBoxes tend to draw the button label with text[] instead of fg[], we need to fix that +widget_class "**" style "combobox_cellview" + +# GTK tooltips +widget "gtk-tooltip*" style "tooltip" + +# Fixes ugly text shadows for insensitive text +widget_class "*" style "text" +widget_class "**" style "menu_text" +widget_class "**" style "text" +widget_class "**" style "text" +widget_class "**" style "text" diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/gtk-dark.css b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/gtk-dark.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f2587aa --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/gtk-dark.css @@ -0,0 +1,6280 @@ +/*$selected_bg_color: #00e8c6;06d6a0*/ +/* GTK NAMED COLORS + ---------------- + use responsibly! */ +/* widget text/foreground color */ +@define-color theme_fg_color #d8dee9; +/* text color for entries, views and content in general */ +@define-color theme_text_color #d8dee9; +/* widget base background color */ +@define-color theme_bg_color #434c5e; +/* text widgets and the like base background color */ +@define-color theme_base_color #3b4252; +/* base background color of selections */ +@define-color theme_selected_bg_color #8fbcbb; +/* text/foreground color of selections */ +@define-color theme_selected_fg_color #fff; +/* base background color of disabled widgets */ +@define-color insensitive_bg_color #404859; +/* text foreground color of disabled widgets */ +@define-color insensitive_fg_color #8e95a4; +/* disabled text widgets and the like base background color */ +@define-color insensitive_base_color #3b4252; +/* widget text/foreground color on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_fg_color #8e95a4; +/* text color for entries, views and content in general on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_text_color #d8dee9; +/* widget base background color on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_bg_color #434c5e; +/* text widgets and the like base background color on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_base_color #3d4455; +/* base background color of selections on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_selected_bg_color #8fbcbb; +/* text/foreground color of selections on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_selected_fg_color #2e3440; +/* widgets main borders color */ +@define-color borders #232831; +/* widgets main borders color on backdrop windows */ +@define-color unfocused_borders #262c36; +/* these are pretty self explicative */ +@define-color warning_color #c3674a; +@define-color error_color #b84f59; +@define-color success_color #63adc2; +@define-color fg_color #d8dee9; +@define-color text_color #d8dee9; +@define-color bg_color #434c5e; +@define-color base_color #3b4252; +@define-color selected_bg_color #8fbcbb; +@define-color selected_fg_color #fff; +@define-color unfocused_fg_color #8e95a4; +@define-color unfocused_text_color #d8dee9; +@define-color unfocused_bg_color #434c5e; +@define-color unfocused_base_color #3d4455; +@define-color unfocused_selected_bg_color #8fbcbb; +@define-color unfocused_selected_fg_color #2e3440; +/* these colors are exported for the window manager and shouldn't be used in applications, +read if you used those and something break with a version upgrade you're on your own... */ +@define-color wm_title shade(#d8dee9, 1.8); +@define-color wm_unfocused_title #8e95a4; +@define-color wm_highlight rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); +@define-color wm_borders_edge rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); +@define-color wm_bg_a shade(#434c5e, 1.2); +@define-color wm_bg_b #434c5e; +@define-color wm_shadow alpha(black, 0.35); +@define-color wm_border alpha(black, 0.18); +@define-color wm_button_hover_color_a shade(#434c5e, 1.3); +@define-color wm_button_hover_color_b #434c5e; +@define-color wm_button_active_color_a shade(#434c5e, 0.85); +@define-color wm_button_active_color_b shade(#434c5e, 0.89); +@define-color wm_button_active_color_c shade(#434c5e, 0.9); +@define-color content_view_bg #3b4252; +@define-color text_view_bg #3b4252; +@define-color budgie_tasklist_indicator_color #8fbcbb; +@define-color budgie_tasklist_indicator_color_active #8fbcbb; +@define-color placeholder_text_color #b9bfcb; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_100 #ff8c82; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_300 #ed5353; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_500 #c6262e; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_700 #a10705; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_900 #7a0000; +@define-color ORANGE_100 #ffc27d; +@define-color ORANGE_300 #ffa154; +@define-color ORANGE_500 #f37329; +@define-color ORANGE_700 #cc3b02; +@define-color ORANGE_900 #a62100; +@define-color BANANA_100 #fff394; +@define-color BANANA_300 #ffe16b; +@define-color BANANA_500 #f9c440; +@define-color BANANA_700 #d48e15; +@define-color BANANA_900 #ad5f00; +@define-color LIME_100 #d1ff82; +@define-color LIME_300 #9bdb4d; +@define-color LIME_500 #68b723; +@define-color LIME_700 #3a9104; +@define-color LIME_900 #206b00; +@define-color MINT_100 #89ffdd; +@define-color MINT_300 #43d6b5; +@define-color MINT_500 #28bca3; +@define-color MINT_700 #0e9a83; +@define-color MINT_900 #007367; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_100 #8cd5ff; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_300 #64baff; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_500 #3689e6; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_700 #0d52bf; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_900 #002e99; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_100 #fe9ab8; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_300 #f4679d; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_500 #de3e80; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_700 #bc245d; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_900 #910e38; +@define-color GRAPE_100 #e4c6fa; +@define-color GRAPE_300 #cd9ef7; +@define-color GRAPE_500 #a56de2; +@define-color GRAPE_700 #7239b3; +@define-color GRAPE_900 #452981; +@define-color COCOA_100 #a3907c; +@define-color COCOA_300 #8a715e; +@define-color COCOA_500 #715344; +@define-color COCOA_700 #57392d; +@define-color COCOA_900 #3d211b; +@define-color SILVER_100 #fafafa; +@define-color SILVER_300 #d4d4d4; +@define-color SILVER_500 #abacae; +@define-color SILVER_700 #7e8087; +@define-color SILVER_900 #555761; +@define-color SLATE_100 #95a3ab; +@define-color SLATE_300 #667885; +@define-color SLATE_500 #485a6c; +@define-color SLATE_700 #273445; +@define-color SLATE_900 #0e141f; +@define-color BLACK_100 #666; +@define-color BLACK_300 #4d4d4d; +@define-color BLACK_500 #333; +@define-color BLACK_700 #1a1a1a; +@define-color BLACK_900 #000; +/***************** +* Drawing mixins * +*****************/ +/********* +* Common * +*********/ +* { + padding: 0; + -GtkToolButton-icon-spacing: 4; + -GtkTextView-error-underline-color: #b84f59; + -GtkScrolledWindow-scrollbar-spacing: 0; + -GtkToolItemGroup-expander-size: 11; + -GtkWidget-text-handle-width: 20; + -GtkWidget-text-handle-height: 24; + -GtkDialog-button-spacing: 4; + -GtkDialog-action-area-border: 0; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + outline-style: dashed; + outline-offset: -3px; + outline-width: 1px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 2px; + -gtk-secondary-caret-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/*********** + * Widgets * + ***********/ +/*************** +* Action bars * +***************/ +.action-bar { + background-color: #2e3440; + border: solid #232831; + border-width: 1px 0 0 0; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: none; } + .action-bar:backdrop { + background-color: #2e3440; + box-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-effect: dim; } + .action-bar:first-child { + border-radius: 6px 6px 0px 0px; + border-width: 1px 1px 0px 1px; } + .action-bar:last-child { + border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px; + border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px; } + +/********************* + * App Notifications * + *********************/, { + padding: 10px; + border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), transparent 2px); + background-clip: padding-box; } + .app-notification:backdrop, + .app-notification.frame:backdrop { + background-image: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + .app-notification border, + .app-notification.frame border { + border: none; } + +/*************** + * Base States * + ***************/ +.background { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #434c5e; } + .background:backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; + background-color: #434c5e; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +/* + These wildcard seems unavoidable, need to investigate. + Wildcards are bad and troublesome, use them with care, + or better, just don't. + Everytime a wildcard is used a kitten dies, painfully. +*/ +*:disabled { + -gtk-icon-effect: dim; } + +.gtkstyle-fallback { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #434c5e; } + .gtkstyle-fallback:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #58647c; } + .gtkstyle-fallback:active { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #2e3440; } + .gtkstyle-fallback:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; + background-color: #404859; } + .gtkstyle-fallback:selected { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +.view, iconview, +.view text, +iconview text, +textview text { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3b4252; } + .view:backdrop, iconview:backdrop, + .view text:backdrop, + iconview text:backdrop, + textview text:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + background-color: #3d4455; } + .view:selected:focus, iconview:selected:focus, .view:selected, iconview:selected, + .view text:selected:focus, + iconview text:selected:focus, + textview text:selected:focus, + .view text:selected, + iconview text:selected, + textview text:selected { + border-radius: 3px; } + +textview border { + background-color: #3f4758; } + +.rubberband, +rubberband, +flowbox rubberband, +.content-view rubberband, +treeview.view rubberband { + border: 1px solid #6fa9a8; + background-color: rgba(111, 169, 168, 0.2); } + +flowbox flowboxchild { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + flowbox flowboxchild:selected { + outline-offset: -2px; } + +label { + caret-color: currentColor; } + label.separator { + color: #d8dee9; } + label.separator:backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; } + label selection { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + label:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } + label:disabled:backdrop { + color: #63708b; } + label:backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; } + +.dim-label, label.separator, .titlebar .subtitle, +headerbar .subtitle { + opacity: 0.55; + text-shadow: none; } + +assistant .sidebar { + background-color: #3b4252; + border-top: 1px solid #232831; } + assistant .sidebar:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; + border-color: #262c36; } +assistant.csd .sidebar { + border-top-style: none; } +assistant .sidebar label { + padding: 6px 12px; } +assistant .sidebar label.highlight { + background-color: #61697a; } +,, .osd .scale-popup, .csd popover.background.touch-selection, .csd popover.background.magnifier, popover.background.touch-selection, popover.background.magnifier, .csd popover.background.osd, popover.background.osd, .osd { + color: #d8dee9; + border: none; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .app-notification:backdrop, .osd .scale-popup:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier:backdrop, popover.background.osd:backdrop, .osd:backdrop { + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +*:selected { + background: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + +/*********** + * Buttons * + ***********/ +@keyframes needs_attention { + from { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 0.01, to(#bfd9d8), to(transparent)); } + to { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 0.5, to(#8fbcbb), to(transparent)); } } +notebook > header > tabs > arrow, +button { + min-height: 20px; + min-width: 16px; + padding: 2px 6px; + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 4px; + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow, + button.flat { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + transition: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:hover, + button.flat:hover { + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + transition-duration: 500ms; + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:hover:active, + button.flat:hover:active { + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:hover, + button:hover { + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:checked, + button:active, + button:checked { + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #7fb2b1; + text-shadow: none; + transition-duration: 50ms; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop, + button:backdrop.flat, + button:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #3d4455; + text-shadow: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; + -gtk-icon-effect: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:checked, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:checked, + button:backdrop.flat:active, + button:backdrop.flat:checked, + button:backdrop:active, + button:backdrop:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:active label, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:checked label, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:active label, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:checked label, + button:backdrop.flat:active label, + button:backdrop.flat:checked label, + button:backdrop:active label, + button:backdrop:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled, + button:backdrop.flat:disabled, + button:backdrop:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled:checked, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled:checked, + button:backdrop.flat:disabled:active, + button:backdrop.flat:disabled:checked, + button:backdrop:disabled:active, + button:backdrop:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled, + button.flat:backdrop, + button.flat:disabled, + button.flat:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled, + button:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled:checked, + button:disabled:active, + button:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled:active label, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled:checked label, + button:disabled:active label, + button:disabled:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.image-button, + button.image-button { + min-width: 24px; + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.image-button.circular, notebook > header > tabs > arrow.image-button.sidebar-button, + button.image-button.circular, + button.image-button.sidebar-button { + padding: 6px 4px; + border-radius: 50px; + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.text-button, + button.text-button { + padding-left: 16px; + padding-right: 16px; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.text-button.image-button, + button.text-button.image-button { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; + border-radius: 2px; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.text-button.image-button label, + button.text-button.image-button label { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; } + combobox:drop(active) button.combo, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:drop(active), + button:drop(active) { + color: #a3be8c; + border-color: #a3be8c; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #a3be8c; } +row:selected button.flat:not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover):not(disabled) { + color: #2e3440; + border-color: transparent; } + row:selected button.flat:not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover):not(disabled):backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; } +button.osd { + min-width: 24px; + min-height: 20px; + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 5px; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.osd.image-button { + min-width: 32px; } + button.osd:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.osd:active, + button.osd:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.osd:disabled:backdrop, + button.osd:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + border: none; } + button.osd:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93), rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + border: none; } button, button, .csd popover.background.touch-selection button, .csd popover.background.magnifier button, popover.background.touch-selection button, popover.background.magnifier button, +.osd button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .app-notification button:hover, popover.background.touch-selection button:hover, popover.background.magnifier button:hover, + .osd button:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .app-notification button:active:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button:active:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button:active:backdrop, .app-notification button:active, popover.background.touch-selection button:active, popover.background.magnifier button:active, .app-notification button:checked:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button:checked:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button:checked:backdrop, .app-notification button:checked, popover.background.touch-selection button:checked, popover.background.magnifier button:checked, + .osd button:active:backdrop, + .osd button:active, + .osd button:checked:backdrop, + .osd button:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .app-notification button:disabled:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button:disabled:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button:disabled:backdrop, .app-notification button:disabled, popover.background.touch-selection button:disabled, popover.background.magnifier button:disabled, + .osd button:disabled:backdrop, + .osd button:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .app-notification button:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button:backdrop, + .osd button:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93), rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .app-notification button.flat, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat, popover.background.magnifier button.flat, + .osd button.flat { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .app-notification button.flat:hover, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:hover, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:hover, + .osd button.flat:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .app-notification button.flat:disabled, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:disabled, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:disabled, + .osd button.flat:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } + .app-notification button.flat:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:backdrop, + .osd button.flat:backdrop { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .app-notification button.flat:active, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:active, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:active, .app-notification button.flat:checked, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:checked, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:checked, + .osd button.flat:active, + .osd button.flat:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } +button.suggested-action { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton, button.suggested-action.flat { + box-shadow: none; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + button.suggested-action:hover { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + button.suggested-action:active, button.suggested-action:checked { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop, button.suggested-action:backdrop, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop label, button.suggested-action:backdrop label, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:active, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:checked, button.suggested-action:backdrop:active, button.suggested-action:backdrop:checked, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:active, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:active label, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:checked label, button.suggested-action:backdrop:active label, button.suggested-action:backdrop:checked label, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:active label, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled, button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled label, button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled label, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled:active, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled:checked, button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled:active, button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled:checked, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled:active, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:disabled, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop, button.suggested-action.flat:disabled, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.8); } + button.suggested-action:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + button.suggested-action:disabled:active, button.suggested-action:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + button.suggested-action:disabled:active label, button.suggested-action:disabled:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + .osd button.suggested-action { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.suggested-action:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.7), rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.7)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.suggested-action:active:backdrop, .osd button.suggested-action:active, .osd button.suggested-action:checked:backdrop, .osd button.suggested-action:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #88c0d0, #88c0d0); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop, .osd button.suggested-action:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .osd button.suggested-action:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.5), rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } +button.destructive-action { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #bf616a, #bf616a); } + button.destructive-action.flat { + box-shadow: none; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + button.destructive-action:hover { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:active, button.destructive-action:checked { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:backdrop, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:backdrop label, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:active, button.destructive-action:backdrop:checked, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:active, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:active label, button.destructive-action:backdrop:checked label, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:active label, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled label, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled:active, button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled:checked, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled:active, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop, button.destructive-action.flat:disabled, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.8); } + button.destructive-action:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:disabled:active, button.destructive-action:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:disabled:active label, button.destructive-action:disabled:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + .osd button.destructive-action { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.destructive-action:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.7), rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.7)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.destructive-action:active:backdrop, .osd button.destructive-action:active, .osd button.destructive-action:checked:backdrop, .osd button.destructive-action:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #a9444e, #a9444e); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.destructive-action:disabled:backdrop, .osd button.destructive-action:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .osd button.destructive-action:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.5), rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } +.stack-switcher > button { + outline-offset: -3px; } + .stack-switcher > button > label { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 6px; } + .stack-switcher > button > image { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 6px; + padding-top: 3px; + padding-bottom: 3px; } + .stack-switcher > button.text-button { + padding-left: 10px; + padding-right: 10px; } + .stack-switcher > button.image-button { + padding-left: 2px; + padding-right: 2px; } + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention:active > label, + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention:active > image, .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention:checked > label, + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention:checked > image { + animation: none; + background-image: none; } +.inline-toolbar button, .inline-toolbar button:backdrop { + border-radius: 2px; + border-width: 1px; } +.primary-toolbar button, .primary-toolbar .raised button { + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .primary-toolbar button:hover, .primary-toolbar button:focus, .primary-toolbar .raised button:hover, .primary-toolbar .raised button:focus { + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + +.stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > label, +.stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > image, stacksidebar row.needs-attention > label { + animation: needs_attention 150ms ease-in; + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 0.5, to(#bfd9d8), to(transparent)), -gtk-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 0.45, to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7474509804)), to(transparent)); + background-size: 6px 6px, 6px 6px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: right 3px, right 2px; } + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > label:backdrop, + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > image:backdrop, stacksidebar row.needs-attention > label:backdrop { + background-size: 6px 6px, 0 0; } + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > label:dir(rtl), + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > image:dir(rtl), stacksidebar row.needs-attention > label:dir(rtl) { + background-position: left 3px, left 2px; } + +toolbar button:hover { + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } +toolbar button:active { + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } + +.inline-toolbar toolbutton > button { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:hover { + color: #2e3440; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:active, .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:checked { + color: #232831; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:disabled:active, .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:active, .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:checked { + color: #232831; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:disabled:active, .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); } + +toolbar.inline-toolbar toolbutton > button.flat:backdrop, +toolbar.inline-toolbar toolbutton:backdrop > button.flat:backdrop { + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } + +.inline-toolbar button, .inline-toolbar button:backdrop, .linked > button, .linked > button:hover, .linked > button:active, .linked > button:checked, .linked > button:backdrop, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry, .linked > combobox > box > button.combo:dir(ltr), .linked > combobox > box > button.combo:dir(rtl) { + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 0; + border-right-style: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .inline-toolbar button:disabled, .linked > button:disabled, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > + entry:disabled, .linked > combobox > box > button.combo:disabled:dir(ltr), .linked > combobox > box > button.combo:disabled:dir(rtl) { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + text-shadow: none; + color: #8e95a4; } + +.inline-toolbar button:first-child, .linked > button:first-child, combobox.linked button:nth-child(2):dir(rtl), .linked:not(.vertical) > combobox:first-child > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:first-child:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; } +.inline-toolbar button:last-child, .linked > button:last-child, combobox.linked button:nth-child(2):dir(ltr), .linked:not(.vertical) > combobox:last-child > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:last-child:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-right-style: solid; } +.inline-toolbar button:only-child, .linked > button:only-child, .linked:not(.vertical) > combobox:only-child > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:only-child:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:only-child { + border-radius: 3px; + border-style: solid; } + +.linked.vertical > button, .linked.vertical > button:hover, .linked.vertical > button:active, .linked.vertical > button:checked, .linked.vertical > button:backdrop, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry, .linked.vertical > combobox > box > button.combo { + border-style: solid solid none solid; + border-radius: 0; } + +.linked.vertical > button:first-child, .linked.vertical > combobox:first-child > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:first-child:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; } +.linked.vertical > button:last-child, .linked.vertical > combobox:last-child > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:last-child:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:last-child { + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-style: solid; } +.linked.vertical > button:only-child, .linked.vertical > combobox:only-child > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:only-child:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:only-child { + border-radius: 3px; + border-style: solid; } + +modelbutton.flat, popover.background checkbutton, +popover.background radiobutton, +.menuitem.button.flat, modelbutton.flat:backdrop, popover.background checkbutton:backdrop, +popover.background radiobutton:backdrop, modelbutton.flat:backdrop:hover, popover.background checkbutton:backdrop:hover, +popover.background radiobutton:backdrop:hover, +.menuitem.button.flat:backdrop, +.menuitem.button.flat:backdrop:hover, calendar.button, calendar.button:hover, calendar.button:backdrop, calendar.button:disabled, button:link, +button:visited, button:link:hover, button:link:active, button:link:checked, +button:visited:hover, +button:visited:active, +button:visited:checked, .scale-popup button:hover, .scale-popup button:backdrop:hover, .scale-popup button:backdrop:disabled, .scale-popup button:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +/* menu buttons */ +modelbutton.flat, popover.background checkbutton, +popover.background radiobutton, +.menuitem.button.flat { + min-height: 26px; + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; + border-radius: 3px; + outline-offset: -2px; } + modelbutton.flat:hover, popover.background checkbutton:hover, + popover.background radiobutton:hover, + .menuitem.button.flat:hover { + background-color: #3f4758; } + modelbutton.flat check:last-child, popover.background checkbutton check:last-child, + popover.background radiobutton check:last-child, + modelbutton.flat radio:last-child, + popover.background checkbutton radio:last-child, + popover.background radiobutton radio:last-child, + .menuitem.button.flat check:last-child, + .menuitem.button.flat radio:last-child { + margin-left: 8px; } + modelbutton.flat check:first-child, popover.background checkbutton check:first-child, + popover.background radiobutton check:first-child, + modelbutton.flat radio:first-child, + popover.background checkbutton radio:first-child, + popover.background radiobutton radio:first-child, + .menuitem.button.flat check:first-child, + .menuitem.button.flat radio:first-child { + margin-right: 8px; } + +modelbutton.flat arrow, popover.background checkbutton arrow, +popover.background radiobutton arrow { + background: none; } + modelbutton.flat arrow:hover, popover.background checkbutton arrow:hover, + popover.background radiobutton arrow:hover { + background: none; } + modelbutton.flat arrow.left, popover.background checkbutton arrow.left, + popover.background radiobutton arrow.left { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-start-symbolic"); } + modelbutton.flat arrow.right, popover.background checkbutton arrow.right, + popover.background radiobutton arrow.right { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); } + +button.color { + padding: 4px; } + button.color colorswatch:only-child, button.color colorswatch:only-child overlay { + border-radius: 0; } + +notebook button, list button, .view button, iconview button, popover button { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook button:backdrop, list button:backdrop, .view button:backdrop, iconview button:backdrop, popover button:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } +notebook .linked > button, list .linked > button, .view .linked > button, iconview .linked > button, popover .linked > button { + box-shadow: none; } + +/************ + * Calendar * + ***********/ +calendar { + color: #d8dee9; + border: 1px solid #232831; } + calendar:selected { + border-radius: 3px; } + calendar.header { + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-radius: 0; } + calendar.header:backdrop { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + calendar.button { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); } + calendar.button:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + calendar.button:backdrop { + color: rgba(142, 149, 164, 0.45); } + calendar.button:disabled { + color: rgba(142, 149, 164, 0.45); } + calendar:indeterminate, calendar:indeterminate:backdrop { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.55); } + calendar.highlight, calendar.highlight:backdrop { + font-size: smaller; + color: #d8dee9; } + calendar:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: #262c36; } + +/************************* + * Check and Radio Items * + *************************/ +check { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-hover-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-active-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-active-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-backdrop-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-backdrop-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-hover-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-hover-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-active-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-backdrop-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-backdrop-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-hover.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-hover.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-active.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-active.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-backdrop.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-backdrop.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check, iconview.content-view check, +.view.content-view.check, +iconview.content-view.check { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio, iconview.content-view radio,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:hover, iconview.content-view check:hover, +.view.content-view.check:hover, +iconview.content-view.check:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-hover.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:hover, iconview.content-view radio:hover,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-hover.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:active, iconview.content-view check:active, +.view.content-view.check:active, +iconview.content-view.check:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-active.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:active, iconview.content-view radio:active,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-active.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:backdrop, iconview.content-view check:backdrop, +.view.content-view.check:backdrop, +iconview.content-view.check:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-backdrop.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:backdrop, iconview.content-view radio:backdrop,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-backdrop.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:disabled, iconview.content-view check:disabled, +.view.content-view.check:disabled, +iconview.content-view.check:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:disabled, iconview.content-view radio:disabled,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:disabled:backdrop, iconview.content-view check:disabled:backdrop, +.view.content-view.check:disabled:backdrop, +iconview.content-view.check:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-backdrop-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-backdrop-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:disabled:backdrop, iconview.content-view radio:disabled:backdrop,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-backdrop-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-backdrop-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +checkbutton.text-button, radiobutton.text-button { + padding: 2px 0; + outline-offset: 0; } + checkbutton.text-button label:not(:only-child):first-child, radiobutton.text-button label:not(:only-child):first-child { + margin-left: 4px; } + checkbutton.text-button label:not(:only-child):last-child, radiobutton.text-button label:not(:only-child):last-child { + margin-right: 4px; } + +check, +radio { + margin: 0 4px; + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + border: none; } + menu menuitem check, menu menuitem + radio { + margin: 0; } + menu menuitem check, menu menuitem check:hover, menu menuitem check:disabled, menu menuitem + radio, menu menuitem + radio:hover, menu menuitem + radio:disabled { + min-height: 14px; + min-width: 14px; + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: inherit; + border-color: currentColor; + animation: none; } + +/***************** + * Color Chooser * + *****************/ +colorswatch, colorswatch:drop(active) { + border-style: none; } { + border-top-left-radius: 5.5px; + border-top-right-radius: 5.5px; } + overlay { + border-top-left-radius: 5px; + border-top-right-radius: 5px; } +colorswatch.bottom { + border-bottom-left-radius: 5.5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5.5px; } + colorswatch.bottom overlay { + border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } +colorswatch.left, colorswatch:first-child:not(.top) { + border-top-left-radius: 5.5px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 5.5px; } + colorswatch.left overlay, colorswatch:first-child:not(.top) overlay { + border-top-left-radius: 5px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; } +colorswatch.right, colorswatch:last-child:not(.bottom) { + border-top-right-radius: 5.5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5.5px; } + colorswatch.right overlay, colorswatch:last-child:not(.bottom) overlay { + border-top-right-radius: 5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } +colorswatch.dark overlay { + color: #2e3440; } + colorswatch.dark overlay:hover { + border-color: #232831; } + colorswatch.dark overlay:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } +colorswatch.light overlay { + color: #d8dee9; } + colorswatch.light overlay:hover { + border-color: #232831; } + colorswatch.light overlay:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; } +colorswatch:drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; } + colorswatch:drop(active).light overlay { + border-color: #a3be8c; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #232831, inset 0 0 0 1px #a3be8c; } + colorswatch:drop(active).dark overlay { + border-color: #a3be8c; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #232831, inset 0 0 0 1px #a3be8c; } +colorswatch overlay { + box-shadow: inset 0 3px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + border: 1px solid #232831; } + colorswatch overlay:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); } + colorswatch overlay:backdrop, colorswatch overlay:backdrop:hover { + border-color: #232831; + box-shadow: none; } +colorswatch#add-color-button { + border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; } + colorswatch#add-color-button:only-child { + border-radius: 5px; } + colorswatch#add-color-button overlay { + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } + colorswatch#add-color-button overlay:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #3b4252; + text-shadow: none; } + colorswatch#add-color-button overlay:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #3d4455; + text-shadow: none; } +colorswatch:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; } + colorswatch:disabled overlay { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + box-shadow: none; } +row:selected colorswatch { + box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #2e3440; } +colorswatch#editor-color-sample { + border-radius: 4px; } + colorswatch#editor-color-sample overlay { + border-radius: 4.5px; } + +colorchooser .popover.osd { + border-radius: 5px; } + +/************** + * ComboBoxes * + **************/ +combobox arrow { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; } +combobox:drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; } + +/*********** + * Dialogs * + ***********/ +messagedialog .titlebar:not(headerbar) { + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.95); } +messagedialog .titlebar { + min-height: 20px; + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.95); + border-style: none; + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-top-right-radius: 4px; } +messagedialog.csd.background { + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.95); + color: #d8dee9; + border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } +messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button { + padding: 10px 14px; + border-radius: 0; + border-left-style: solid; + border-right-style: none; + border-bottom-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: none; } + messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); + color: white; } + messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button:first-child { + border-left-style: none; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } + messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button:last-child { + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; } + messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button.destructive-action, messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button.suggested-action { + color: white; } + +filechooser .dialog-action-box { + border-top: 1px solid #232831; } + filechooser .dialog-action-box:backdrop { + border-top-color: #262c36; } +filechooser #pathbarbox { + border-bottom: 1px solid #434c5e; } + +filechooserbutton:drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; + border-color: transparent; } + +/**************** + * Text Entries * + ****************/ +spinbutton:not(.vertical), entry { + min-height: 28px; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; + border: 1px solid; + border-radius: 3px; + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: #3b4252; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image.left, + entry image.left { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 6px; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image.right, + entry image.right { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 0; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) undershoot.left, + entry undershoot.left { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-left: 1px; + background-size: 1px 10px; + background-repeat: repeat-y; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: left center; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) undershoot.right, + entry undershoot.right { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-right: 1px; + background-size: 1px 10px; + background-repeat: repeat-y; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: right center; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton.flat:focus:not(.vertical), spinbutton.flat:not(.vertical), + entry.flat:focus, + entry.flat { + min-height: 0; + padding: 2px; + background-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 0; } + spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical), + entry:focus { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), + entry:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton:backdrop:not(.vertical), + entry:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: #262c36; + background-color: #3d4455; + box-shadow: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + spinbutton:backdrop:disabled:not(.vertical), + entry:backdrop:disabled { + color: #63708b; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton.error:not(.vertical), + entry.error { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: #3b4252; + color: #b84f59; + border-color: #3c181c; } + spinbutton.error:focus:not(.vertical), + entry.error:focus { + border-color: #3c181c; } + spinbutton.error:selected:focus:not(.vertical), spinbutton.error:selected:not(.vertical), + entry.error:selected:focus, + entry.error:selected { + background-color: #b84f59; } + spinbutton.warning:not(.vertical), + entry.warning { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: #3b4252; + color: #c3674a; + border-color: #442116; } + spinbutton.warning:focus:not(.vertical), + entry.warning:focus { + border-color: #442116; } + spinbutton.warning:selected:focus:not(.vertical), spinbutton.warning:selected:not(.vertical), + entry.warning:selected:focus, + entry.warning:selected { + background-color: #c3674a; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image, + entry image { + color: #b9bfcb; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image:hover, + entry image:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image:active, + entry image:active { + color: #8fbcbb; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image:backdrop, + entry image:backdrop { + color: #7e8594; } + spinbutton:drop(active):focus:not(.vertical), spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical), + entry:drop(active):focus, + entry:drop(active) { + border-color: #a3be8c; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #a3be8c; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical), + .osd entry { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .osd spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical), + .osd entry:focus { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .osd spinbutton:backdrop:not(.vertical), + .osd entry:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), + .osd entry:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } +spinbutton:not(.vertical) progress, +entry progress { + margin: 2px -6px; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 0 0 2px; + border-color: #8fbcbb; + border-style: solid; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) progress:backdrop, + entry progress:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } +.linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical) + button, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus + spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus + button, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical) + +entry, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus + +entry { + border-left-color: #6fa9a8; } +.linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } +.linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical) + button, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:drop(active) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:drop(active) + button, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:drop(active) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical) + +entry, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:drop(active) + +entry { + border-left-color: #a3be8c; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) + entry:not(:disabled), .linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:not(:disabled) + entry:not(:disabled), .linked.vertical > +entry:not(:disabled) + spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) { + border-top-color: #343a48; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3b4252, #3b4252); } + .linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) + entry:not(:disabled):backdrop, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(:disabled):backdrop:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > + entry:not(:disabled) + entry:not(:disabled):backdrop, .linked.vertical > + entry:not(:disabled) + spinbutton:not(:disabled):backdrop:not(.vertical) { + border-top-color: #363d4c; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3d4455, #3d4455); } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical) + spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical) + entry:disabled, .linked.vertical > +entry:disabled + spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:disabled + entry:disabled { + border-top-color: #343a48; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical) + spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical) + entry:focus:not(:only-child), .linked.vertical > +entry + spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > +entry + entry:focus:not(:only-child) { + border-top-color: #6fa9a8; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical) + spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical) + entry:drop(active):not(:only-child), .linked.vertical > +entry + spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > +entry + entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) { + border-top-color: #a3be8c; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + entry, +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + button, +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > +entry:focus:not(:only-child) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > +entry:focus:not(:only-child) + entry, +.linked.vertical > +entry:focus:not(:only-child) + button, +.linked.vertical > +entry:focus:not(:only-child) + combobox > box > button.combo { + border-top-color: #6fa9a8; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + entry, +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + button, +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > +entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > +entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) + entry, +.linked.vertical > +entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) + button, +.linked.vertical > +entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) + combobox > box > button.combo { + border-top-color: #a3be8c; } + +treeview entry:focus:dir(rtl), treeview entry:focus:dir(ltr) { + background-color: #3b4252; + transition-property: color, background; } +treeview entry.flat, treeview entry { + border-radius: 0; + background-image: none; + background-color: #3b4252; } + treeview entry.flat:focus, treeview entry:focus { + border-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/************* + * Expanders * + *************/ +expander arrow { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); } + expander arrow:dir(rtl) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic-rtl"); } + expander arrow:hover { + color: white; } + expander arrow:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + +/**************** + * Floating Bar * + ****************/ +.floating-bar { + background-color: #434c5e; + border-width: 1px; + border-style: solid solid none; + border-color: #232831; + border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0; + box-shadow: none; } + .floating-bar.bottom.left { + border-left-style: none; + border-top-left-radius: 0; } + .floating-bar.bottom.right { + border-right-style: none; + border-top-right-radius: 0; } + .floating-bar > button { + padding: 4px; } + .floating-bar:backdrop { + background-color: #434c5e; + border-color: #262c36; } + +/********** + * Frames * + **********/ +frame > border, +.frame { + box-shadow: none; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; + border: 1px solid #232831; } + frame > border.flat, + .frame.flat { + border-style: none; } + frame > border:backdrop, + .frame:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; } + +actionbar > revealer > box { + padding: 6px; + border-top: 1px solid #232831; } + actionbar > revealer > box:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; } + +scrolledwindow viewport.frame { + border-style: none; } +scrolledwindow { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center top, 0, center top, 0.5, to(#0e1013), to(rgba(14, 16, 19, 0))), -gtk-gradient(radial, center top, 0, center top, 0.6, from(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.13)), to(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0))); + background-size: 100% 5%, 100% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center top; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + scrolledwindow { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center top, 0, center top, 0.5, to(#262c36), to(rgba(38, 44, 54, 0))); + background-size: 100% 5%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center top; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow overshoot.bottom { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center bottom, 0, center bottom, 0.5, to(#0e1013), to(rgba(14, 16, 19, 0))), -gtk-gradient(radial, center bottom, 0, center bottom, 0.6, from(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.13)), to(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0))); + background-size: 100% 5%, 100% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center bottom; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + scrolledwindow overshoot.bottom:backdrop { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center bottom, 0, center bottom, 0.5, to(#262c36), to(rgba(38, 44, 54, 0))); + background-size: 100% 5%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center bottom; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow overshoot.left { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, left center, 0, left center, 0.5, to(#0e1013), to(rgba(14, 16, 19, 0))), -gtk-gradient(radial, left center, 0, left center, 0.6, from(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.13)), to(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0))); + background-size: 5% 100%, 100% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: left center; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + scrolledwindow overshoot.left:backdrop { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, left center, 0, left center, 0.5, to(#262c36), to(rgba(38, 44, 54, 0))); + background-size: 5% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: left center; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow overshoot.right { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, right center, 0, right center, 0.5, to(#0e1013), to(rgba(14, 16, 19, 0))), -gtk-gradient(radial, right center, 0, right center, 0.6, from(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.13)), to(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0))); + background-size: 5% 100%, 100% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: right center; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + scrolledwindow overshoot.right:backdrop { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, right center, 0, right center, 0.5, to(#262c36), to(rgba(38, 44, 54, 0))); + background-size: 5% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: right center; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-top: 1px; + background-size: 10px 1px; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: center top; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow undershoot.bottom { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-bottom: 1px; + background-size: 10px 1px; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: center bottom; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow undershoot.left { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-left: 1px; + background-size: 1px 10px; + background-repeat: repeat-y; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: left center; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow undershoot.right { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-right: 1px; + background-size: 1px 10px; + background-repeat: repeat-y; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: right center; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow junction { + border-color: transparent; + border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #232831 1px, transparent 1px) 0 0 0 1/0 1px stretch; + background-color: #3f4758; } + scrolledwindow junction:dir(rtl) { + border-image-slice: 0 1 0 0; } + scrolledwindow junction:backdrop { + border-image-source: linear-gradient(to bottom, #262c36 1px, transparent 1px); + background-color: #3d4555; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + +separator { + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + +/************ + * Popovers * + ************/ +GraniteWidgetsPopOver { + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-arrow-width: 21; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-arrow-height: 10; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-border-radius: 8px; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-border-width: 0; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-shadow-size: 12; + border: 1px solid #3b4252; + background: #3b4252; + color: #d8dee9; } + GraniteWidgetsPopOver .button { + background-image: none; + background: none; + border: none; } + GraniteWidgetsPopOver .button:active, GraniteWidgetsPopOver .button:active:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; } + GraniteWidgetsPopOver > .frame { + border: none; } + GraniteWidgetsPopOver .sidebar.view, GraniteWidgetsPopOver iconview.sidebar { + border: none; + background: none; } + +GraniteWidgetsStaticNotebook .frame { + border: none; } + +.popover_bg { + background-color: #3b4252; + background-image: none; + border: 1px solid #3b4252; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/*********** + * Welcome * + **********/ +GraniteWidgetsWelcome { + background-color: #3b4252; } + GraniteWidgetsWelcome GtkLabel { + color: #d8dee9; } + GraniteWidgetsWelcome .h1, GraniteWidgetsWelcome .h3 { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); } + +/************** +* Source List * +***************/ +.source-list { + -GtkTreeView-horizontal-separator: 1px; + -GtkTreeView-vertical-separator: 6px; + background-color: #434c5e; + border: solid #232831; + color: #d8dee9; + border-right-width: 1px; } + .source-list .category-expander { + color: transparent; } + .source-list .badge { + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + color: #434c5e; + border-radius: 10px; + padding: 0 6px; + margin: 0 3px; + border-width: 0; } + .source-list .badge:selected:backdrop, .source-list .badge:selected:hover:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + color: #38404f; } + .source-list row, + .source-list .list-row { + border: none; + padding: 0; } + .source-list row > GtkLabel, + .source-list row > label, + .source-list .list-row > GtkLabel, + .source-list .list-row > label { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 6px; } + +/************** +* Text Styles * +**************/ +.h1 { + font-size: 24px; } + +.h2 { + font-weight: 300; + font-size: 18px; } + +.h3 { + font-size: 11px; } + +.h4, +.category-label { + font-size: 12px; + padding: 6px; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } + +/************** +* Storage Bar * +**************/ .trough { + border: none; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + padding: 8px 6px; } .fill-block { + background-color: #ebcb8b; + border: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + transition: all 200ms ease-in-out; + padding: 8px 6px; } + .storage-bar .fill-block:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; + border-left-width: 1px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .storage-bar .fill-block:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .storage-bar .fill-block.empty-block { + background-color: #3b4252; } + .storage-bar { + background-color: #5e81ac; } + .storage-bar { + background-color: #d08770; } + .storage-bar { + background-color: #bf616a; } + .storage-bar { + background-color: #b48ead; } + .storage-bar .fill-block .legend { + padding: 12px; + border-radius: 4px; } + +/*************** + * Header bars * + ***************/ +.titlebar:not(headerbar), .titlebar, headerbar { + padding: 0 13px; + min-height: 34px; + background: #353c4a; + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 0; } + .titlebar:backdrop, + headerbar:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + .titlebar .title, + headerbar .title { + font-weight: bold; + padding-left: 12px; + padding-right: 12px; } + .titlebar .subtitle, + headerbar .subtitle { + font-size: smaller; + padding-left: 12px; + padding-right: 12px; } + .titlebar entry, + headerbar entry { + min-height: 24px; } + .titlebar button, + headerbar button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #232831; + background-color: #2e3440; + min-height: 20px; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.image-button, + headerbar button.image-button { + padding: 3px 4px; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action, + headerbar button.suggested-action { + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop, .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop { + border: none; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:hover, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:active, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:checked, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:hover, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:active, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:checked, .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop:hover, .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop:active, .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop:checked, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:hover, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:active, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:checked, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:hover, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:active, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:checked, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop:hover, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop:active, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop:checked { + border: none; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .titlebar button.appmenu, + headerbar button.appmenu { + background: transparent; } + .titlebar button.appmenu:backdrop, + headerbar button.appmenu:backdrop { + background: transparent; } + .titlebar button:hover, + headerbar button:hover { + color: #fff; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); } + .titlebar button:active, .titlebar button:checked, + headerbar button:active, + headerbar button:checked { + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button:backdrop, .titlebar button:disabled, .titlebar button:backdrop:disabled, + headerbar button:backdrop, + headerbar button:disabled, + headerbar button:backdrop:disabled { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.2); + background-color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button:backdrop:hover, .titlebar button:backdrop:active, .titlebar button:backdrop:checked, + headerbar button:backdrop:hover, + headerbar button:backdrop:active, + headerbar button:backdrop:checked { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action, + headerbar button.suggested-action { + font-weight: bold; + min-height: 14px; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; + border-radius: 4px; + font-weight: normal; + color: white; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:hover, + headerbar button.suggested-action:hover { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:active, + headerbar button.suggested-action:active { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled label, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; + border-radius: 3px; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action, + headerbar button.destructive-action { + font-weight: bold; + min-height: 14px; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; + border-radius: 4px; + font-weight: normal; + color: white; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:hover, + headerbar button.destructive-action:hover { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:active, + headerbar button.destructive-action:active { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:disabled, + headerbar button.destructive-action:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:disabled label, + headerbar button.destructive-action:disabled label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:backdrop, + headerbar button.destructive-action:backdrop { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; + border-radius: 3px; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled, + headerbar button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.titlebutton, + headerbar button.titlebutton { + color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + background-repeat: no-repeat; } + .titlebar button.titlebutton:hover, .titlebar button.titlebutton:active, .titlebar button.titlebutton:checked, .titlebar button.titlebutton:backdrop, .titlebar button.titlebutton:backdrop:hover, .titlebar button.titlebutton *, + headerbar button.titlebutton:hover, + headerbar button.titlebutton:active, + headerbar button.titlebutton:checked, + headerbar button.titlebutton:backdrop, + headerbar button.titlebutton:backdrop:hover, + headerbar button.titlebutton * { + color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; } + .titlebar .linked > button, .titlebar .path-bar-box button, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button, .titlebar .linked > button:hover, + .titlebar .linked > button:backdrop, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button, + headerbar .linked > button, + headerbar .titlebar .path-bar-box button, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button, + headerbar .path-bar-box button, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:hover, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:hover, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:backdrop, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:backdrop, + headerbar .linked > button:hover, + headerbar .linked > button:backdrop { + border-radius: 0; + border-right-style: none; + box-shadow: none; + margin: 5px 0px; + min-height: 20px; } + .titlebar .linked > button:first-child, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:first-child, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:first-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:first-child, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:first-child, + headerbar .linked > button:first-child, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:first-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } + .titlebar .linked > button:last-child, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:last-child, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:last-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:last-child, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:last-child, + headerbar .linked > button:last-child, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:last-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; + border-right-style: solid; } + .titlebar .linked > button:only-child, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:only-child, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:only-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:only-child, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:only-child, + headerbar .linked > button:only-child, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:only-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:only-child { + border-radius: 4px; + border-style: solid; } + .titlebar .linked > button:active, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:active, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:active, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:active, .titlebar .linked > button:checked, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:checked, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:checked, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:checked, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:active, + headerbar .linked > button:active, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:active, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:active, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:checked, + headerbar .linked > button:checked, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:checked, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:checked { + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar .linked > button:active:backdrop, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:active:backdrop, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:active:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:active:backdrop, .titlebar .linked > button:checked:backdrop, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:checked:backdrop, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:checked:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:checked:backdrop, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:active:backdrop, + headerbar .linked > button:active:backdrop, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:active:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:active:backdrop, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:checked:backdrop, + headerbar .linked > button:checked:backdrop, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:checked:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:checked:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .titlebar .linked > button:active:backdrop label, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:active:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:active:backdrop label, .titlebar .linked > button:checked:backdrop label, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:checked:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:checked:backdrop label, + headerbar .linked > button:active:backdrop label, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:active:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:active:backdrop label, + headerbar .linked > button:checked:backdrop label, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:checked:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:checked:backdrop label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .titlebar .path-bar-box .dim-label, .titlebar .path-bar-box label.separator, .titlebar .path-bar-box .subtitle, + headerbar .path-bar-box .dim-label, + headerbar .path-bar-box label.separator, + headerbar .path-bar-box .subtitle { + color: transparent; + margin-right: -6px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box button:last-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:last-child { + margin-left: -1px; + border-radius: 0px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box button:last-child:active, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:last-child:checked, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:last-child:active, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:last-child:checked { + border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box button:first-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:first-child { + border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box button:first-child:active, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:first-child:checked, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:first-child:active, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:first-child:checked { + border-radius: 4px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child { + border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:backdrop, .titlebar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:backdrop label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .titlebar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:only-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:only-child { + border-radius: 4px; } + .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop.flat:active, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop.flat:checked, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop:active, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop:checked, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop.flat:active, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop.flat:checked, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop:active, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop:checked { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop.flat:active label, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop.flat:checked label, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop:active label, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop:checked label, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop.flat:active label, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop.flat:checked label, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop:active label, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop:checked label { + color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + .tiled .titlebar, .maximized .titlebar, + .tiled headerbar.titlebar, .maximized headerbar.titlebar { + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .tiled .titlebar:backdrop, .tiled .titlebar, .maximized .titlebar:backdrop, .maximized .titlebar, + .tiled headerbar:backdrop, + .tiled headerbar, .maximized headerbar:backdrop, .maximized headerbar { + border-radius: 0; } + .default-decoration.titlebar, headerbar.default-decoration { + padding: 5px 4px; + min-height: 20px; } + .default-decoration.titlebar button.titlebutton, headerbar.default-decoration button.titlebutton { + min-height: 20px; + min-width: 20px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; } + +headerbar entry, +headerbar spinbutton, +headerbar separator { + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; } +headerbar switch { + margin-top: 10px; + margin-bottom: 10px; } +headerbar separator { + background: transparent; } + +.background:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) .titlebar { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), inset 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .background:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) .titlebar:backdrop, .background:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) .titlebar { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-top-right-radius: 4px; } + +window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) separator:first-child + headerbar:backdrop, window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) separator:first-child + headerbar, window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) headerbar:first-child:backdrop, window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) headerbar:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; } +window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) headerbar:last-child:backdrop, window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) headerbar:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 4px; } + +window.csd > .titlebar:not(headerbar) { + padding: 0; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border-style: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } +.titlebar:not(headerbar) > separator { + background: #353c4a; } + +/************** + * GtkInfoBar * + **************/, .warning, .question, .error, +infobar { + text-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #434c5e; + border-bottom: 1px solid #2e3440; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); } +, .warning, .question, .error { + text-shadow: none; + color: #2e3440; + border: none; } + .info .label, .warning .label, .question .label, .error .label { + color: #2e3440; } + .info .label:backdrop, .warning .label:backdrop, .question .label:backdrop, .error .label:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .info button, .warning button, .question button, .error button { + border-radius: 2px; + border: none; + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.98); + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .info button .label, .warning button .label, .question button .label, .error button .label { + color: #d8dee9; } + .info button:active, .warning button:active, .question button:active, .error button:active { + background: #3b4252; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + .info button:active:backdrop, .warning button:active:backdrop, .question button:active:backdrop, .error button:active:backdrop { + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.8); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; } + .info button:hover, .warning button:hover, .question button:hover, .error button:hover, .info button:focus, .warning button:focus, .question button:focus, .error button:focus { + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + .info button:disabled, .warning button:disabled, .question button:disabled, .error button:disabled { + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.6); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; } + .info button:disabled:backdrop, .warning button:disabled:backdrop, .question button:disabled:backdrop, .error button:disabled:backdrop { + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.5); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; } + .info button:backdrop, .warning button:backdrop, .question button:backdrop, .error button:backdrop { + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.8); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; } + { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .info:backdrop { + background-color: #afcfce; + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + +.warning { + background-color: #c3674a; } + .warning:backdrop { + background-color: #d08770; + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + +.question { + background-color: #88c0d0; } + .question:backdrop { + background-color: #add3de; + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + +.error { + background-color: #b84f59; } + .error:backdrop { + background-color: #c6737b; + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + +/************* + * Level Bar * + *************/ +levelbar block { + min-width: 32px; + min-height: 6px; } +levelbar.vertical block { + min-width: 6px; + min-height: 32px; } +levelbar:backdrop { + transition: 200ms ease-out; } +levelbar trough { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); + box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + levelbar trough:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); + box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } +levelbar.horizontal.discrete block { + margin: 0 1px; } +levelbar.vertical.discrete block { + margin: 1px 0; } +levelbar block { + border-radius: 2px; } + levelbar block:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + levelbar block.low { + background-color: #c3674a; } + levelbar block.low:backdrop { + border-color: #c3674a; } + levelbar block.high, levelbar block:not(.empty) { + background-color: #88c0d0; } + levelbar block.high:backdrop, levelbar block:not(.empty):backdrop { + border-color: #88c0d0; } + levelbar block.full { + background-color: #63adc2; } + levelbar block.full:backdrop { + border-color: #63adc2; } + levelbar block.empty { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); + box-shadow: none; } + +/********* + * Links * + *********/ +*:link, button:link, +button:visited { + color: #5e81ac; } + *:link:visited, + button:visited { + color: rgba(94, 129, 172, 0.5); } + *:selected *:link:visited, *:selected button:visited:link, + *:selected button:visited { + color: #556a71; } + *:link:hover, button:hover:link, + button:hover:visited { + color: #809bbd; } + *:selected *:link:hover, *:selected button:hover:link, + *:selected button:hover:visited { + color: #38424c; } + *:link:active, button:active:link, + button:active:visited { + color: #5e81ac; } + *:selected *:link:active, *:selected button:active:link, + *:selected button:active:visited { + color: #414f59; } + *:link:backdrop:backdrop:hover, button:backdrop:backdrop:hover:link, + button:backdrop:backdrop:hover:visited, *:link:backdrop:backdrop:hover:selected, button:backdrop:backdrop:hover:selected:link, + button:backdrop:backdrop:hover:selected:visited, *:link:backdrop, button:backdrop:link, + button:backdrop:visited { + color: #8fbcbb; } + *:link:selected, button:selected:link, + button:selected:visited, *:selected *:link, *:selected button:link, + *:selected button:visited { + color: #414f59; } + +button:link, +button:visited { + text-shadow: none; } + button:link:hover, button:link:active, button:link:checked, + button:visited:hover, + button:visited:active, + button:visited:checked { + text-shadow: none; } + button:link > label, + button:visited > label { + text-decoration-line: underline; } + +/********* + * Lists * + *********/ +list { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3b4252; + border-color: #232831; } + list:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; + border-color: #262c36; } + +row { + padding: 1px 11px; + transition: all 150ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); } + row label { + padding-left: 8px; } + row:hover { + transition: none; } + row:backdrop { + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + row.activatable.has-open-popup, row.activatable:hover { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.05); } + row.activatable:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + row.activatable:backdrop:hover { + background-color: transparent; } + row.activatable button.flat { + background-color: transparent; } + row.activatable:selected:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } + row.activatable:selected.has-open-popup, row.activatable:selected:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.5); } + row.activatable:selected:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + +/********* + * Menus * + *********/ +menubar, +.menubar { + background-color: #353c4a; + color: #d8dee9; + -GtkWidget-window-dragging: true; + padding: 0px; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + menubar > menuitem, + .menubar > menuitem { + min-height: 16px; + padding: 4px 8px; } + menubar > menuitem:hover, + .menubar > menuitem:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 -3px #8fbcbb; } + menubar > menuitem:disabled, + .menubar > menuitem:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; + box-shadow: none; } + +menu, .menu, .context-menu { + margin: 4px; + padding: 2px 0px; + background: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 5px; + font: initial; } + .csd menu, + .csd .menu, + .csd .context-menu { + border: none; } + menu:backdrop, .menu:backdrop, .context-menu:backdrop { + background-color: #3e4657; } + menu menuitem, .menu menuitem, .context-menu menuitem { + min-height: 17px; + min-width: 40px; + padding: 4px 6px; + text-shadow: none; } + menu menuitem:hover, .menu menuitem:hover, .context-menu menuitem:hover { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + menu menuitem:disabled, .menu menuitem:disabled, .context-menu menuitem:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } + menu menuitem:disabled:backdrop, .menu menuitem:disabled:backdrop, .context-menu menuitem:disabled:backdrop { + color: #63708b; } + menu menuitem:backdrop, menu menuitem:backdrop:hover, .menu menuitem:backdrop, .menu menuitem:backdrop:hover, .context-menu menuitem:backdrop, .context-menu menuitem:backdrop:hover { + color: #8e95a4; + background-color: transparent; } + menu menuitem arrow, .menu menuitem arrow, .context-menu menuitem arrow { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; } + menu menuitem arrow:dir(ltr), .menu menuitem arrow:dir(ltr), .context-menu menuitem arrow:dir(ltr) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); + margin-left: 10px; } + menu menuitem arrow:dir(rtl), .menu menuitem arrow:dir(rtl), .context-menu menuitem arrow:dir(rtl) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic-rtl"); + margin-right: 10px; } + menu menuitem label:dir(rtl), menu menuitem label:dir(ltr), .menu menuitem label:dir(rtl), .menu menuitem label:dir(ltr), .context-menu menuitem label:dir(rtl), .context-menu menuitem label:dir(ltr) { + color: inherit; } + menu > arrow, .menu > arrow, .context-menu > arrow { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + padding: 4px; + background-color: #3d4454; + border-radius: 0; } + menu >, .menu >, .context-menu > { + margin-top: -6px; + border-bottom: 1px solid #4b5261; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-up-symbolic"); } + menu > arrow.bottom, .menu > arrow.bottom, .context-menu > arrow.bottom { + margin-bottom: -6px; + border-top: 1px solid #4b5261; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + menu > arrow:hover, .menu > arrow:hover, .context-menu > arrow:hover { + background-color: #4b5261; } + menu > arrow:backdrop, .menu > arrow:backdrop, .context-menu > arrow:backdrop { + background-color: #3e4657; } + menu > arrow:disabled, .menu > arrow:disabled, .context-menu > arrow:disabled { + color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: transparent; } + +menuitem accelerator { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.55); } +menuitem check, +menuitem radio { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; } + menuitem check:dir(ltr), + menuitem radio:dir(ltr) { + margin-right: 7px; } + menuitem check:dir(rtl), + menuitem radio:dir(rtl) { + margin-left: 7px; } + +.csd.popup { + background-color: transparent; } + +/******** + * Misc * + ********/ +.content-view { + background-color: #343b49; } + .content-view:hover { + -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; } + .content-view:backdrop { + background-color: #343b49; } + +.osd .scale-popup button.flat { + border-style: none; + border-radius: 5px; } +.scale-popup button:hover { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + border-radius: 5px; } + +/************ +* Assistant * +*************/ +assistant { + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; } + assistant .sidebar { + background-color: #3b4252; + border-top: 1px solid #232831; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } + assistant .sidebar:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; + border-color: #262c36; } + assistant.csd .sidebar { + border-top-style: none; } + assistant .sidebar GtkLabel, + assistant .sidebar label { + padding: 6px 12px; } + assistant .sidebar GtkLabel.highlight, + assistant .sidebar label.highlight { + background-color: #61697a; } + +/************* + * Notebooks * + *************/ +notebook > header { + padding: 1px; + border-color: #232831; + border-width: 1px; + background-color: #303643; } + notebook > header:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; + background-color: #434c5e; } + notebook > header tabs { + margin: 0px; } + notebook > { + border-bottom-style: solid; } + notebook > > tabs { + margin-bottom: -2px; } + notebook > > tabs > tab:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > > tabs > tab:checked { + background-color: #3b4252; } + notebook > > tabs > tab:checked:hover { + background-color: #3b4252; } + notebook > header.bottom { + border-top-style: solid; } + notebook > header.bottom > tabs { + margin-top: -2px; } + notebook > header.bottom > tabs > tab:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header.bottom > tabs > tab:checked { + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: -1px 0 0 #232831, 0px 1px 0 #232831, 1px 0 0 #232831; } + notebook > header.left { + border-right-style: solid; } + notebook > header.left > tabs { + margin-right: -2px; } + notebook > header.left > tabs > tab:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header.left > tabs > tab:checked { + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 #232831, 0px -1px 0 #232831, 0px 1px 0 #232831; } + notebook > header.right { + border-left-style: solid; } + notebook > header.right > tabs { + margin-left: -2px; } + notebook > header.right > tabs > tab:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header.right > tabs > tab:checked { + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 #232831, 0px -1px 0 #232831, 1px 0 0 #232831; } + notebook > > tabs > arrow { + border-top-style: none; } + notebook > header.bottom > tabs > arrow { + border-bottom-style: none; } + notebook > > tabs > arrow, notebook > header.bottom > tabs > arrow { + margin-left: -5px; + margin-right: -5px; + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; } + notebook > > tabs > arrow.down, notebook > header.bottom > tabs > arrow.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-start-symbolic"); } + notebook > > tabs > arrow.up, notebook > header.bottom > tabs > arrow.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); } + notebook > header.left > tabs > arrow { + border-left-style: none; } + notebook > header.right > tabs > arrow { + border-right-style: none; } + notebook > header.left > tabs > arrow, notebook > header.right > tabs > arrow { + margin-top: -5px; + margin-bottom: -5px; + padding-top: 4px; + padding-bottom: 4px; } + notebook > header.left > tabs > arrow.down, notebook > header.right > tabs > arrow.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-up-symbolic"); } + notebook > header.left > tabs > arrow.up, notebook > header.right > tabs > arrow.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow { + min-height: 14px; + min-width: 14px; + border-radius: 0; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:hover:not(:active):not(:backdrop) { + background-clip: padding-box; + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + notebook > header tab { + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 24px; + padding: 1px 12px; + outline-offset: -5px; + color: #8e95a4; + font-weight: normal; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: transparent; } + notebook > header tab:hover { + color: #b3bac7; } + notebook > header tab:hover.reorderable-page { + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.2); } + notebook > header tab:backdrop { + color: #707888; } + notebook > header tab:backdrop.reorderable-page { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; } + notebook > header tab:checked { + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: -1px 0 0 #232831, 0px -1px 0 #232831, 1px 0 0 #232831; } + notebook > header tab:checked.reorderable-page { + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.5); } + notebook > header tab:checked.reorderable-page:hover { + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.7); } + notebook > header tab:backdrop:checked { + color: #8e95a4; } + notebook > header tab:backdrop:checked.reorderable-page { + border-color: #262c36; + background-color: #3d4455; } + notebook > header tab button.flat { + padding: 0; + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + min-width: 20px; + min-height: 20px; } + notebook > header tab button.flat:hover { + background: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + color: #bf616a; } + notebook > header tab button.flat, notebook > header tab button.flat:backdrop { + background: transparent; + border: none; + color: alpha(currentColor,0.3); } + notebook > header tab button.flat:last-child { + margin-left: 4px; + margin-right: -4px; } + notebook > header tab button.flat:first-child { + margin-left: -4px; + margin-right: 4px; } + notebook > tabs, notebook > header.bottom tabs { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 0px; } + notebook > tabs:not(:only-child), notebook > header.bottom tabs:not(:only-child) { + margin-left: 0.5px; + margin-right: 0.5px; } + notebook > tabs:not(:only-child):first-child, notebook > header.bottom tabs:not(:only-child):first-child { + margin-left: -1px; } + notebook > tabs:not(:only-child):last-child, notebook > header.bottom tabs:not(:only-child):last-child { + margin-right: -1px; } + notebook > tabs tab, notebook > header.bottom tabs tab { + margin-left: 0.5px; + margin-right: 0.5px; } + notebook > tabs tab.reorderable-page, notebook > header.bottom tabs tab.reorderable-page { + border-style: none solid; } + notebook > header.left tabs, notebook > header.right tabs { + padding-top: 4px; + padding-bottom: 4px; } + notebook > header.left tabs:not(:only-child), notebook > header.right tabs:not(:only-child) { + margin-top: 3px; + margin-bottom: 3px; } + notebook > header.left tabs:not(:only-child):first-child, notebook > header.right tabs:not(:only-child):first-child { + margin-top: -1px; } + notebook > header.left tabs:not(:only-child):last-child, notebook > header.right tabs:not(:only-child):last-child { + margin-bottom: -1px; } + notebook > header.left tabs tab, notebook > header.right tabs tab { + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; } + notebook > header.left tabs tab.reorderable-page, notebook > header.right tabs tab.reorderable-page { + border-style: solid none; } + notebook > tab { + padding-bottom: 1px; } + notebook > header.bottom tab { + padding-top: 1px; } +notebook > stack:not(:only-child) { + background-color: #3b4252; } + notebook > stack:not(:only-child):backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; } + +/********* + * Paned * + *********/ +paned > separator { + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 1px; + -gtk-icon-source: none; + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: image(#232831); + background-size: 1px 1px; } + paned > separator:selected { + background-image: image(#8fbcbb); } + paned > separator:backdrop { + background-image: image(#262c36); } + paned > separator.wide { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; + background-color: #434c5e; + background-image: image(#232831), image(#232831); + background-size: 1px 1px, 1px 1px; } + paned > separator.wide:backdrop { + background-color: #434c5e; + background-image: image(#262c36), image(#262c36); } +paned.horizontal > separator { + background-repeat: repeat-y; } + paned.horizontal > separator:dir(ltr) { + margin: 0 -8px 0 0; + padding: 0 8px 0 0; + background-position: left; } + paned.horizontal > separator:dir(rtl) { + margin: 0 0 0 -8px; + padding: 0 0 0 8px; + background-position: right; } + paned.horizontal > separator.wide { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y; + background-position: left, right; } +paned.vertical > separator { + margin: 0 0 -8px 0; + padding: 0 0 8px 0; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-position: top; } + paned.vertical > separator.wide { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-x; + background-position: bottom, top; } + +/************ + * Pathbars * + ************/ +.path-bar button.text-button, .path-bar button.image-button, .path-bar button { + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; } +.path-bar button.text-button.image-button label { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; } +.path-bar button.text-button.image-button label:last-child, .path-bar button label:last-child { + padding-right: 8px; } +.path-bar button.text-button.image-button label:first-child, .path-bar button label:first-child { + padding-left: 8px; } +.path-bar button image { + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; } +.path-bar button.slider-button { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; } + +/*************** + * Popovers * + ***************/ +popover.background { + padding: 2px; + border-radius: 5px; + background: #2e3440; + box-shadow: 0 4px 6px #232831; } + .csd popover.background, popover.background { + border: 1px solid #232831; } + popover.background:backdrop { + background-color: #434c5e; + box-shadow: none; } + popover.background > list, + popover.background > .view, + popover.background > iconview, + popover.background > toolbar { + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; } + .csd popover.background.touch-selection, .csd popover.background.magnifier, popover.background.touch-selection, popover.background.magnifier { + border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + popover.background separator { + margin: 3px; } + popover.background list separator { + margin: 0px; } + +/***************** + * Progress bars * + *****************/ +progressbar { + font-size: smaller; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.4); } + progressbar.horizontal trough, + progressbar.horizontal progress { + min-height: 6px; } + progressbar.vertical trough, + progressbar.vertical progress { + min-width: 6px; } + progressbar.horizontal progress { + margin: 0; } + progressbar.vertical progress { + margin: 0; } + progressbar:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + progressbar.osd { + min-width: 3px; + min-height: 3px; + background-color: transparent; } + progressbar.osd trough { + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } + progressbar.osd progress { + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; } + +/************ + * GtkScale * + ************/ +progressbar trough, scale trough, scale fill { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.14); + border: none; + border-radius: 3px; + margin: 0; } + progressbar trough:disabled, scale trough:disabled, scale fill:disabled { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); } + progressbar trough:backdrop, progressbar:backdrop trough, scale trough:backdrop, scale fill:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + progressbar trough:backdrop:disabled, progressbar:backdrop trough:disabled, scale trough:backdrop:disabled, scale fill:backdrop:disabled { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); } + +progressbar progress, scale highlight { + border: none; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border-radius: 3px; + margin: 0; } + progressbar progress:disabled, scale highlight:disabled { + border: none; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.14); } + progressbar progress:backdrop, progressbar:backdrop progress, scale highlight:backdrop, progressbar progress:active:backdrop, progressbar:backdrop progress:active, scale highlight:active:backdrop { + border-color: #9fc6c5; + background-color: #9fc6c5; } + progressbar progress:backdrop:disabled, progressbar:backdrop progress:disabled, scale highlight:backdrop:disabled, progressbar progress:active:backdrop:disabled, progressbar:backdrop progress:active:disabled, scale highlight:active:backdrop:disabled { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); } + +scale { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + padding: 8px; } + scale.horizontal trough, + scale.horizontal progress { + min-height: 6px; } + scale.vertical trough, + scale.vertical progress { + min-width: 6px; } + scale slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-radius: 12px; + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + transition-property: background, border, box-shadow; } + scale slider:active { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + scale slider:active:disabled { + background-color: #404859; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + scale.fine-tune.horizontal { + padding-top: 9px; + padding-bottom: 9px; + min-height: 16px; } + scale.fine-tune.vertical { + padding-left: 9px; + padding-right: 9px; + min-width: 16px; } + scale.fine-tune slider { + margin: -6px; } + scale.fine-tune fill, + scale.fine-tune highlight, + scale.fine-tune trough { + border-radius: 5px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 7px; } + scale trough { + outline-offset: 2px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 5px; + outline-color: transparent; } + scale fill:backdrop, scale fill { + background-color: #232831; } + scale fill:disabled:backdrop, scale fill:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; } + .osd scale fill { + background-color: #50565f; } + .osd scale fill:disabled:backdrop, .osd scale fill:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; } + scale slider { + border-color: #f1f1f1; + border: none; + border-radius: 12px; + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + scale slider:active { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + scale slider:disabled { + background-color: #b2b2b2; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + scale slider:backdrop, scale slider:backdrop:disabled { + transition: 200ms ease-out; + background-color: #b2b2b2; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + row:selected scale slider:disabled, row:selected scale slider { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + .osd scale slider { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + border-color: #1d2128; + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + .osd scale slider:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + .osd scale slider:active { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + .osd scale slider:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + .osd scale slider:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(178, 178, 178, 0.5), rgba(178, 178, 178, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + background-color: #b2b2b2; } + .osd scale slider:backdrop:disabled { + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + scale value { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.4); } + scale marks { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.4); } + scale { + margin-bottom: 6px; + margin-top: -12px; } + scale marks.bottom { + margin-top: 6px; + margin-bottom: -12px; } + scale { + margin-right: 6px; + margin-left: -12px; } + scale marks.bottom { + margin-left: 6px; + margin-right: -12px; } + scale.fine-tune { + margin-bottom: 6px; + margin-top: -9px; } + scale.fine-tune marks.bottom { + margin-top: 6px; + margin-bottom: -9px; } + scale.fine-tune { + margin-right: 6px; + margin-left: -9px; } + scale.fine-tune marks.bottom { + margin-left: 6px; + margin-right: -9px; } + scale.horizontal indicator { + min-height: 6px; + min-width: 1px; } + scale.horizontal.fine-tune indicator { + min-height: 3px; } + scale.vertical indicator { + min-height: 1px; + min-width: 6px; } + scale.vertical.fine-tune indicator { + min-width: 3px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:hover { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:active { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:backdrop { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:backdrop:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:hover { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:active { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:backdrop { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:backdrop:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:hover { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:active { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:backdrop { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:backdrop:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:hover { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:active { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:backdrop { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:backdrop:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.color { + min-height: 0; + min-width: 0; } + scale.color trough { + background-image: image(#232831); + background-repeat: no-repeat; } + scale.color.horizontal { + padding: 0 0 15px 0; } + scale.color.horizontal trough { + padding-bottom: 4px; + background-position: 0 -3px; + border-top-left-radius: 0; + border-top-right-radius: 0; } + scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr):hover, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr):backdrop, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr):disabled, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr):backdrop:disabled, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr), scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl):hover, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl):backdrop, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl):disabled, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl):backdrop:disabled, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl) { + margin-bottom: -15px; + margin-top: 6px; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) { + padding: 0 0 0 15px; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) trough { + padding-left: 4px; + background-position: 3px 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + border-top-right-radius: 0; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider:hover, scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider:backdrop, scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider:disabled, scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider:backdrop:disabled, scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider { + margin-left: -15px; + margin-right: 6px; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) { + padding: 0 15px 0 0; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) trough { + padding-right: 4px; + background-position: -3px 0; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + border-top-left-radius: 0; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider:hover, scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider:backdrop, scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider:disabled, scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider:backdrop:disabled, scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider { + margin-right: -15px; + margin-left: 6px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(ltr), scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(rtl) { + padding: 0 0 12px 0; } + scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(ltr) trough, scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(rtl) trough { + padding-bottom: 7px; + background-position: 0 -6px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(ltr) slider, scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(rtl) slider { + margin-bottom: -15px; + margin-top: 6px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(ltr) { + padding: 0 0 0 12px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(ltr) trough { + padding-left: 7px; + background-position: 6px 0; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(ltr) slider { + margin-left: -15px; + margin-right: 6px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(rtl) { + padding: 0 12px 0 0; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(rtl) trough { + padding-right: 7px; + background-position: -6px 0; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(rtl) slider { + margin-right: -15px; + margin-left: 6px; } + +/************** + * Scrollbars * + **************/ +scrollbar { + background-color: #3f4758; + transition: 300ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); } + * { + -GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper: false; + -GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper: false; } + { + border-bottom: 1px solid #232831; } + scrollbar.bottom { + border-top: 1px solid #232831; } + scrollbar.left { + border-right: 1px solid #232831; } + scrollbar.right { + border-left: 1px solid #232831; } + scrollbar:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4555; + border-color: #262c36; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + scrollbar slider { + min-width: 6px; + min-height: 6px; + margin: -1px; + border: 4px solid transparent; + border-radius: 8px; + background-clip: padding-box; + background-color: #9ca4b1; } + scrollbar slider:hover { + background-color: #bac1cd; } + scrollbar slider:hover:active { + background-color: #afcfce; } + scrollbar slider:backdrop { + background-color: #61697a; } + scrollbar slider:disabled { + background-color: transparent; } + scrollbar.fine-tune slider { + min-width: 4px; + min-height: 4px; } + scrollbar.fine-tune.horizontal slider { + border-width: 5px 4px; } + scrollbar.fine-tune.vertical slider { + border-width: 4px 5px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering) { + border-color: transparent; + opacity: 0.4; + background-color: transparent; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering) slider { + margin: 0; + min-width: 3px; + min-height: 3px; + background-color: #d8dee9; + border: 1px solid black; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering) button { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; + background-color: #d8dee9; + background-clip: padding-box; + border-radius: 100%; + border: 1px solid black; + -gtk-icon-source: none; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering).horizontal slider { + margin: 0 2px; + min-width: 40px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering).horizontal button { + margin: 1px 2px; + min-width: 5px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering).vertical slider { + margin: 2px 0; + min-height: 40px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering).vertical button { + margin: 2px 1px; + min-height: 5px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator.dragging, scrollbar.overlay-indicator.hovering { + opacity: 0.8; } + scrollbar.horizontal slider { + min-width: 40px; } + scrollbar.vertical slider { + min-height: 40px; } + scrollbar button { + padding: 0; + min-width: 12px; + min-height: 12px; + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; + transition-property: min-height, min-width, color; + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #9ca4b1; } + scrollbar button:hover { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #bac1cd; } + scrollbar button:active, scrollbar button:checked { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #afcfce; } + scrollbar button:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: rgba(156, 164, 177, 0.2); } + scrollbar button:backdrop { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #61697a; } + scrollbar button:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: rgba(97, 105, 122, 0.2); } + scrollbar.vertical button.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + scrollbar.vertical button.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-up-symbolic"); } + scrollbar.horizontal button.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-right-symbolic"); } + scrollbar.horizontal button.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-left-symbolic"); } + +treeview ~ scrollbar.vertical { + border-top: 1px solid #232831; + margin-top: -1px; } + +/*********** + * Sidebar * + ***********/ +.sidebar { + border-style: none; + border-width: 0; + background-color: #3f4758; } + .sidebar .frame { + border: none; } + stacksidebar.sidebar:dir(ltr) list, stacksidebar.sidebar.left list, stacksidebar.sidebar.left:dir(rtl) list, .sidebar:dir(ltr), .sidebar.left, .sidebar.left:dir(rtl) { + border-right: none; + border-left-style: none; } + stacksidebar.sidebar:dir(rtl) list + .sidebar:dir(rtl), stacksidebar.sidebar.right list + .sidebar:dir(rtl), .sidebar.right { + border-left: 1px solid #232831; + border-right-style: none; } + .sidebar:backdrop { + background-color: #40485a; + border-color: #262c36; } + .sidebar row { + padding: 8px 12px; + transition: all .12s ease-in; } + .sidebar row label { + color: #98abb2; } + .sidebar row:selected { + color: #2e3440; } + .sidebar row:selected:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); + background: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + .sidebar row:selected:backdrop label { + color: #2e3440; } + .sidebar row:selected label { + color: #2e3440; } + .sidebar.source-list { + background: #2e3440; + padding: 4px 0px; } + .sidebar.source-list.view, iconview.sidebar.source-list { + transition: all .12s ease-in; } + .sidebar.source-list.view:selected, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected { + padding-left: 4px; + background: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + .sidebar.source-list.view:selected:active, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } + .sidebar.source-list.view:selected.has-open-popup, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected.has-open-popup, .sidebar.source-list.view:selected:hover, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .sidebar.source-list.view:selected:backdrop, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + .sidebar.source-list.view:hover, iconview.sidebar.source-list:hover, .sidebar.source-list.view iconview.source-list:hover, iconview.sidebar.source-list iconview.source-list:hover { + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.4); } + paned .sidebar.left, paned .sidebar.right, paned .sidebar.left:dir(rtl), paned .sidebar:dir(rtl), paned .sidebar:dir(ltr), paned .sidebar { + border-style: none; + border-color: #232831; } + +stacksidebar row { + padding: 10px 4px; } + stacksidebar row > label { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 6px; } + stacksidebar row.needs-attention > label { + background-size: 6px 6px, 0 0; } + +/*******************************************************************/ +/* PLACESSIDEBAR */ +/*******************************************************************/ +placessidebar.sidebar { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #232831 40px, #2e3440 35px, #2e3440 36px, #2e3440 36px, #2e3440 99%, #2e3440 100%); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row.sidebar-row .sidebar-icon { + margin-left: -14px; + margin-right: 12px; + padding-left: 14px; + padding-right: 12px; + color: #98abb2; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:hover { + transition: all 300ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.76); + background-color: transparent; + /*rgba(65,67,75,0.4); */ + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 40px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 40px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 97%); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:active:hover { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.76); + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected { + color: #fff; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7) 40px, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 36px, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 97%); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected label { + color: #8fbcbb; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected:hover { + color: #ffffff; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected:hover .sidebar-icon { + color: #ffffff; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected:backdrop { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #8fbcbb 40px, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 36px, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 97%); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected:backdrop .sidebar-icon { + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected .sidebar-icon { + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); + color: inherit; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row.sidebar-new-bookmark-row, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row.sidebar-new-bookmark-row label, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row.sidebar-new-bookmark-row .sidebar-icon { + color: #ebcb8b; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled) { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px #a3be8c, inset 0 -1px #a3be8c; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled), placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled) label, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled) image { + color: #a3be8c; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled):selected { + background: #a3be8c; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled):selected, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled):selected label, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled):selected image { + color: #2e3440; } +placessidebar list { + background-color: transparent; } + placessidebar list:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } + +/***************** + * GtkSpinButton * + *****************/ +spinbutton:not(.vertical) { + padding: 0; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) entry { + min-width: 28px; + margin: 0; + background: none; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button { + min-height: 16px; + margin: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + padding-top: 0; + color: #c8ceda; + background-image: none; + border-style: none none none solid; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: inset 1px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:dir(rtl) { + border-style: none solid none none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.05); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:disabled { + color: rgba(142, 149, 164, 0.3); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:active { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:backdrop { + color: #868d9c; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: rgba(38, 44, 54, 0.3); + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:backdrop:disabled { + color: rgba(99, 112, 139, 0.3); + background-image: none; + border-style: none none none solid; + box-shadow: inset 1px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:backdrop:disabled:dir(rtl) { + border-style: none solid none none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 2px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 2px; } +.osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; + border-style: none none none solid; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.7); + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:dir(rtl) { + border-style: none solid none none; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:hover { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + box-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:backdrop { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #808690; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:last-child { + border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:dir(rtl):first-child { + border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; } +spinbutton.vertical:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } +spinbutton.vertical:backdrop:disabled { + color: #63708b; } +spinbutton.vertical:drop(active) { + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } +spinbutton.vertical entry { + min-height: 32px; + min-width: 32px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; } +spinbutton.vertical button { + min-height: 32px; + min-width: 32px; + padding: 0; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: #232831; + box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } +spinbutton.vertical button.up { + border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0; + border-style: solid solid none solid; } +spinbutton.vertical button.down { + border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; + border-style: none solid solid solid; } +.osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child:active { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93), rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } +treeview spinbutton:not(.vertical) { + min-height: 0; + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; } + treeview spinbutton:not(.vertical) entry { + min-height: 0; + padding: 1px 2px; } + +/*********** + * Spinner * + ***********/ +menu spinner { + color: #8fbcbb; } + +/********************* + * Spinner Animation * + *********************/ +@keyframes spin { + to { + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(1turn); } } +spinner { + background: none; + opacity: 0; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("process-working-symbolic"); } + spinner:checked { + opacity: 1; + animation: spin 1s linear infinite; } + spinner:checked:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; } + +/********** + * Switch * + **********/ +switch { + font-size: 1px; + font-weight: bold; + outline-offset: -4px; + transition: all 200ms ease-in; + border: none; + border-radius: 14px; + color: transparent; + padding: 2.3px 0px; + background-color: #5b667e; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + switch:disabled { + background-color: #404859; } + switch:backdrop { + background-color: #434c5e; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + switch:backdrop:disabled { + background-color: #404859; } + switch:active, switch:checked { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + switch:active:backdrop, switch:checked:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + switch:active:backdrop slider:backdrop, switch:checked:backdrop slider:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.9); + border: none; } + switch slider { + padding: 2px; + margin: 0 2.3px; + min-width: 12px; + min-height: 12px; + border-radius: 100%; + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + switch slider:backdrop { + padding: 2px; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #3b4252; } + switch trough:active, switch trough:checked { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + switch trough:active:backdrop, switch trough:checked:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + +/************ + * Toolbars * + ************/ +toolbar, .inline-toolbar, searchbar, +.location-bar { + -GtkWidget-window-dragging: true; + padding: 4px; + background-color: #434c5e; } + +toolbar { + padding: 4px 3px 3px 4px; } + .osd toolbar { + background-color: transparent; } + toolbar.osd { + padding: 13px; + border: none; + border-radius: 5px; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); } + toolbar.osd.left, toolbar.osd.right,, toolbar.osd.bottom { + border-radius: 0; } + toolbar.horizontal separator { + margin: 0 7px 1px 6px; } + toolbar.vertical separator { + margin: 6px 1px 7px 0; } + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) switch, + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) scale, + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) entry, + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) spinbutton, + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) button { + margin-right: 1px; + margin-bottom: 1px; } + +.inline-toolbar { + padding: 3px; + border-width: 0 1px 1px; + border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; } + +searchbar, +.location-bar { + border-width: 0 0 1px; + padding: 3px; } + +.inline-toolbar, searchbar, +.location-bar { + border-style: solid; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: #394151; } + .inline-toolbar:backdrop, searchbar:backdrop, + .location-bar:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; + background-color: #394150; + box-shadow: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + +searchbar { + background: #3b4252; } + +/************ + * Tooltips * + ************/ +tooltip { + padding: 4px; + /* not working */ + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; } + tooltip.background { + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + border: 1px solid #232831; } + tooltip decoration { + background-color: transparent; } + tooltip * { + padding: 4px; + background-color: transparent; + color: white; } + +/************** + * Tree Views * + **************/ +treeview.view { + border-left-color: #8a909e; + border-top-color: #434c5e; } + * { + -GtkTreeView-horizontal-separator: 4; + -GtkTreeView-grid-line-width: 1; + -GtkTreeView-grid-line-pattern: ''; + -GtkTreeView-tree-line-width: 1; + -GtkTreeView-tree-line-pattern: ''; + -GtkTreeView-expander-size: 16; } + treeview.view:selected:focus, treeview.view:selected { + border-radius: 0; } + treeview.view:selected:backdrop, treeview.view:selected { + border-left-color: #5f787e; + border-top-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); } + treeview.view:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } + treeview.view:disabled:selected { + color: #68868a; } + treeview.view:disabled:selected:backdrop { + color: rgba(131, 171, 172, 0.85); } + treeview.view:disabled:backdrop { + color: #63708b; } + treeview.view.separator { + min-height: 2px; + color: #434c5e; } + treeview.view.separator:backdrop { + color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.1); } + treeview.view:backdrop { + border-left-color: #697181; + border-top: #434c5e; } + treeview.view:drop(active) { + border-style: solid none; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + treeview.view:drop(active).after { + border-top-style: none; } + treeview.view:drop(active).before { + border-bottom-style: none; } + treeview.view.expander { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); + color: #a9afbc; } + treeview.view.expander:dir(rtl) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic-rtl"); } + treeview.view.expander:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + treeview.view.expander:selected { + color: #4b5d65; } + treeview.view.expander:selected:hover { + color: #2e3440; } + treeview.view.expander:selected:backdrop { + color: rgba(101, 129, 133, 0.65); } + treeview.view.expander:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + treeview.view.expander:backdrop { + color: #767d8c; } + treeview.view.progressbar { + border: 1px solid #6fa9a8; + border-radius: 4px; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #8fbcbb, #6fa9a8); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15), 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + treeview.view.progressbar:selected:focus, treeview.view.progressbar:selected { + border-radius: 4px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); + color: #8fbcbb; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3b4252, #262a34); } + treeview.view.progressbar:selected:focus:backdrop, treeview.view.progressbar:selected:backdrop { + border-color: #3d4455; + background-color: #3d4455; } + treeview.view.progressbar:backdrop { + border-color: #3d4455; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; } + treeview.view.trough { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + border-radius: 4px; } + treeview.view.trough:selected:focus, treeview.view.trough:selected { + background-color: #6fa9a8; + border-radius: 4px; } + treeview.view header button { + color: #8a909e; + background-color: #3b4252; + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + treeview.view header button:hover { + color: #b1b7c4; + box-shadow: none; + transition: none; } + treeview.view header button:active { + color: #d8dee9; + transition: none; } + treeview.view header button:last-child:backdrop, treeview.view header button:last-child { + border-right-style: none; } + treeview.view button.dnd:active, treeview.view button.dnd:selected, treeview.view button.dnd:hover, treeview.view button.dnd, + treeview.view header.button.dnd:active, + treeview.view header.button.dnd:selected, + treeview.view header.button.dnd:hover, + treeview.view header.button.dnd { + padding: 0 6px; + transition: none; + background-image: none; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #3b4252; + border-radius: 0; + border-style: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #3b4252; + text-shadow: none; } + treeview.view acceleditor > label { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +treeview.view header button, treeview.view header button:hover, treeview.view header button:active { + padding: 0 6px; + border-radius: 0; + background-image: none; + text-shadow: none; + border-width: 1px; + border-style: none solid solid none; + border-color: #434c5e; } + treeview.view header button:disabled { + border-color: #434c5e; + background-image: none; } + treeview.view header button:backdrop { + border-color: #434c5e; + border-style: none solid solid none; + color: #697181; + background-image: none; + background-color: #3d4455; } + treeview.view header button:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: #434c5e; + background-image: none; } + +/********************** + * Window Decorations * + *********************/ +decoration { + border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0; + border-width: 0px; + border-width: 0px; + box-shadow: 0 4px 10px 2px rgba(33, 26, 30, 0.4); + margin: 10px; } + decoration:backdrop { + box-shadow: 0 4px 10px 2px rgba(33, 26, 30, 0.2); + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + .maximized decoration, .fullscreen decoration, .tiled decoration { + border-radius: 0; } + .popup decoration { + box-shadow: none; } + .ssd decoration { + box-shadow: none; } + .csd.popup decoration { + border-radius: 7px; + box-shadow: 0 4px 8px #232831; + border: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.7); } + tooltip.csd decoration { + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow: none; } + messagedialog.csd decoration { + border-radius: 7px; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0 0 1px rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.8); } + .solid-csd decoration { + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0px; + background-color: #434c5e; + border: solid 1px #262c36; + box-shadow: none; } + +button.titlebutton { + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; + min-height: 20px; + padding: 0 1px; + box-shadow: none; } + button.titlebutton.close { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/close.png"), url("../assets/close@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.close:hover, button.titlebutton.close:active { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/close_prelight.png"), url("../assets/close_prelight@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.maximize { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/maximize.png"), url("../assets/maximize@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.maximize:hover, button.titlebutton.maximize:active { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/maximize_prelight.png"), url("../assets/maximize_prelight@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.minimize { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/min.png"), url("../assets/min@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.minimize:hover, button.titlebutton.minimize:active { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/min_prelight.png"), url("../assets/min_prelight@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/close_unfocused.png"), url("../assets/close_unfocused@2.png")); } + +headerbar.selection-mode button.titlebutton, +.titlebar.selection-mode button.titlebutton { + text-shadow: 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4807843137); + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4807843137); } + headerbar.selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop, + .titlebar.selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view:selected:focus, iconview:selected:focus, .view:selected, iconview:selected, +.view text:selected:focus, +iconview text:selected:focus, +textview text:selected:focus, +.view text:selected, +iconview text:selected, +textview text:selected, .view text selection:focus, iconview text selection:focus, .view text selection, iconview text selection, +textview text selection:focus, +textview text selection, flowbox flowboxchild:selected, modelbutton.flat:selected, popover.background checkbutton:selected, +popover.background radiobutton:selected, +.menuitem.button.flat:selected, calendar:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:focus, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection, +entry selection:focus, +entry selection, row:selected, treeview.view:selected:focus, treeview.view:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + row:selected label, label:selected, .selection-mode button.titlebutton, .view:selected:focus, iconview:selected:focus, .view:selected, iconview:selected, + .view text:selected:focus, + iconview text:selected:focus, + textview text:selected:focus, + .view text:selected, + iconview text:selected, + textview text:selected, .view text selection:focus, iconview text selection:focus, .view text selection, iconview text selection, + textview text selection:focus, + textview text selection, flowbox flowboxchild:selected, modelbutton.flat:selected, popover.background checkbutton:selected, + popover.background radiobutton:selected, + .menuitem.button.flat:selected, calendar:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:focus, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection, + entry selection:focus, + entry selection, row:selected, treeview.view:selected:focus, treeview.view:selected { + color: #2e3440; + font-weight: bold; } + row:selected label:disabled, label:disabled:selected, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:disabled, iconview:disabled:selected:focus, .view:disabled:selected, iconview:disabled:selected, + iconview text:disabled:selected:focus, + textview text:disabled:selected:focus, + .view text:disabled:selected, + iconview text:disabled:selected, + textview text:disabled:selected, iconview text selection:disabled:focus, .view text selection:disabled, iconview text selection:disabled, + textview text selection:disabled, flowbox flowboxchild:disabled:selected, label:disabled selection, modelbutton.flat:disabled:selected, popover.background checkbutton:disabled:selected, + popover.background radiobutton:disabled:selected, + .menuitem.button.flat:disabled:selected, calendar:disabled:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:disabled, + entry selection:disabled, row:disabled:selected { + color: #5f787e; } + row:selected label:backdrop, label:backdrop:selected, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop, iconview:backdrop:selected:focus, .view:backdrop:selected, iconview:backdrop:selected, + iconview text:backdrop:selected:focus, + textview text:backdrop:selected:focus, + .view text:backdrop:selected, + iconview text:backdrop:selected, + textview text:backdrop:selected, iconview text selection:backdrop:focus, .view text selection:backdrop, iconview text selection:backdrop, + textview text selection:backdrop, flowbox flowboxchild:backdrop:selected, label:backdrop selection, modelbutton.flat:backdrop:selected, popover.background checkbutton:backdrop:selected, + popover.background radiobutton:backdrop:selected, + .menuitem.button.flat:backdrop:selected, calendar:backdrop:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:backdrop, + entry selection:backdrop, row:backdrop:selected { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + row:selected label:backdrop:disabled, label:backdrop:disabled:selected, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled, .view:backdrop:disabled:selected, iconview:backdrop:disabled:selected, + .view text:backdrop:disabled:selected, + iconview text:backdrop:disabled:selected, + textview text:backdrop:disabled:selected, .view text selection:backdrop:disabled, iconview text selection:backdrop:disabled, + textview text selection:backdrop:disabled, flowbox flowboxchild:backdrop:disabled:selected, label:disabled selection:backdrop, label:backdrop selection:disabled, modelbutton.flat:backdrop:disabled:selected, popover.background checkbutton:backdrop:disabled:selected, + popover.background radiobutton:backdrop:disabled:selected, + .menuitem.button.flat:backdrop:disabled:selected, calendar:backdrop:disabled:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:backdrop:disabled, + entry selection:backdrop:disabled, row:backdrop:disabled:selected { + color: rgba(131, 171, 172, 0.85); } + +.monospace { + font-family: Monospace; } + +/********************** + * DE-Specific Styles * + **********************/ +/********* +* Budgie * +*********/ +.budgie-container { + background-color: transparent; } + .budgie-container:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } + .budgie-container popover list, + .budgie-container popover row { + border: none; + background: none; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; } + +.budgie-popover .container, +.budgie-popover border, +.budgie-popover list, +.budgie-popover row { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + opacity: 1; + min-width: 0; + min-height: 0; } + +.budgie-popover, +.budgie-popover.background { + border-radius: 2px; + padding: 0; + background: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); + background-clip: border-box; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); + border: 1px solid #232831; } + .budgie-popover list:hover, + .budgie-popover row:hover, + .budgie-popover.background list:hover, + .budgie-popover.background row:hover { + background: none; } + .budgie-popover > frame.container, + .budgie-popover.background > frame.container { + margin: 0 -1px -1px; + padding: 2px 0 0; } + .budgie-popover button, + .budgie-popover.background button { + color: #d8dee9; + border: none; + background: transparent; } + .budgie-popover button:hover, + .budgie-popover.background button:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; } + +.budgie-popover > .container { + padding: 2px; } + +.budgie-menu { + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-menu .container { + padding: 0; } + .budgie-menu button:hover { + -gtk-icon-effect: none; } + .budgie-menu { + border: none; + background: none; + padding: 5px 2px; + border-bottom: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 0; + font-size: 120%; + box-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-menu image:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 12px; } + .budgie-menu image:dir(rtl) { + padding-left: 12px; + padding-right: 8px; } + .budgie-menu .categories { + border-width: 0; + margin-left: 3px; + background: transparent; } + .budgie-menu .categories:dir(ltr) { + border-right: 1px solid #232831; } + .budgie-menu .categories:dir(rtl) { + border-left: 1px solid #232831; } + .budgie-menu .category-button { + padding: 7px; + border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px; } + .budgie-menu .category-button:hover { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.05); + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-menu .category-button:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .budgie-menu .category-button:checked { + color: #2e3440; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .budgie-menu .category-button:checked:hover { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.6); } + .budgie-menu .category-button:checked:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; } + .budgie-menu .category-button:checked:disabled label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + .budgie-menu scrollbar { + background-color: transparent; + border-color: #232831; } + .budgie-menu button:not(.category-button) { + padding-top: 5px; + padding-bottom: 5px; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + background: yellow; } + .budgie-menu button { + border: none; + background: transparent; } + .budgie-menu undershoot, .budgie-menu overshoot { + background: none; } + .budgie-menu list { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); } + +button.budgie-menu-launcher { + padding: 0 2px; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:active, button.budgie-menu-launcher:checked { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:backdrop:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:backdrop:active, button.budgie-menu-launcher:backdrop:checked { + color: #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #3d4454; } + +.user-menu .content-box separator { + margin-left: 6px; + margin-right: 6px; + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); } +.user-menu button { + margin: 5px; } +.user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item, +.user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item { + box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + transition-duration: 0.2s; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item:dir(ltr), + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 7px; + background-position: left center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: 38px auto; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item:dir(rtl), + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item:dir(rtl) { + padding-right: 7px; + background-position: right center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: 38px auto; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label, + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label { + color: #2e3440; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label:dir(ltr), + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 5px; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label:dir(rtl), + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label:dir(rtl) { + padding-right: 5px; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item image, + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item image { + color: #2e3440; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item image:first-child, + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item image:first-child { + min-width: 24px; + min-height: 20px; } + +button.raven-trigger { + padding-left: 2px; + padding-right: 2px; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: none; } + button.raven-trigger:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } + button.raven-trigger:active, button.raven-trigger:checked { + box-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + color: #8fbcbb; } + button.raven-trigger:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.raven-trigger:backdrop:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.raven-trigger:backdrop:active, button.raven-trigger:backdrop:checked { + box-shadow: none; + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: transparent; } + +.places-menu .container { + padding: 0; } +.places-menu .message-bar { + border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; } +.places-menu .name-button { + border: 0; + border-radius: 0; + padding: 4px 6px; } +.places-menu .unmount-button { + padding: 4px 4px; + border: 0; + border-radius: 0; } +.places-menu .places-section-header { + padding: 0px; + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.95); + box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px alpha(@theme_fg_color, 0.03); } +.places-menu .places-section-header > button { + padding: 8px; + border: none; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; } +.places-menu .places-list { + background: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.04); + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.95); } +.places-menu .unlock-area { + border-top: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.85); + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.85); } +.places-menu .unlock-area entry { + border-radius: 0; + border: 0; } +.places-menu .unlock-area button { + border-radius: 0; + border: 0; + border-left: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.85); } +.places-menu .alternative-label { + font-size: 15px; + padding: 3px; } +.places-menu .always-expand { + background: transparent; + border-bottom: none; } + +.night-light-indicator .container { + padding: 0; } +.night-light-indicator .view-header { + font-size: 14px; + padding: 10px; + border-bottom: 1px solid mix(@theme_base_color, #000000, 0.35);; + box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px alpha(@theme_fg_color, 0.04);; } +.night-light-indicator .display-settings-button { + border-top-left-radius: 0px; + border-top-right-radius: 0px; + border: none; + padding: 3px; + border-top: 1px solid mix(@theme_base_color, #000000, 0.35);; + box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px alpha(@theme_fg_color, 0.04);; } + +.budgie-panel { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + transition: all 150ms ease-in; } + .budgie-panel .alert { + color: #bf616a; } + .budgie-panel:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); } + .budgie-panel button { + border-top-width: 0; + border-bottom-width: 0; + border-radius: 0; } + .budgie-panel button.flat { + background: transparent; + border: none; } + .budgie-panel button.flat:hover, .budgie-panel button.flat:active, .budgie-panel button.flat:checked { + background: transparent; + color: #8fbcbb; } + .budgie-panel popover list, + .budgie-panel popover row { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; } + .budgie-panel label { + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: 700; } + .budgie-panel.transparent { + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.2); } + .top .budgie-panel.transparent { + border-bottom-color: transparent; } + .bottom .budgie-panel.transparent { + border-top-color: transparent; } + .left .budgie-panel.transparent { + border-right-color: transparent; } + .right .budgie-panel.transparent { + border-left-color: transparent; } + .budgie-panel.transparent:backdrop, .budgie-panel.transparent label, .budgie-panel.transparent button.raven-trigger:backdrop, .budgie-panel.transparent button.budgie-menu-launcher { + color: #f9fafb; } + .budgie-panel .end-region { + border-radius: 0px; } + .budgie-panel .end-region separator { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.15); } + .budgie-panel .end-region label { + font-weight: 700; + color: #d8dee9; } + +.budgie-panel #tasklist-button, +.budgie-panel #tasklist-button:backdrop { + outline-color: transparent; + transition: all 100ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + border-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0); + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + background-clip: padding-box; } + +.budgie-panel button.flat.launcher { + outline-color: transparent; + transition: all 100ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + border-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0); + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0; + background-clip: padding-box; + background-color: transparent; } + .budgie-panel button.flat.launcher { + box-shadow: none; } + +.budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, +.budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + box-shadow: none; } +.budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, +.budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, +.budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + box-shadow: none; } .budgie-panel #tasklist-button, .budgie-panel .top #tasklist-button, .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .unpinned .top button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, +.budgie-panel .pinned .top button.flat.launcher.running { + padding-bottom: 2px; + border-top: 2px solid transparent; } + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running) { + border-top: 2px solid transparent; } + + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running):hover { + border-top: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + + .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running { + border-top: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .top .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .top #tasklist-button:hover, .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned .top button.flat.launcher:hover, + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover, + .budgie-panel .pinned .top button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + border-top: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } + .top .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .top #tasklist-button:active, .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned .top button.flat.launcher:active, + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, + .budgie-panel .pinned .top button.flat.launcher.running:active, .top .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .top #tasklist-button:checked, .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned .top button.flat.launcher:checked, + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked, + .budgie-panel .pinned .top button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + border-top: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } +.bottom .budgie-panel #tasklist-button, .budgie-panel .bottom #tasklist-button, .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .unpinned .bottom button.flat.launcher, +.bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, +.budgie-panel .pinned .bottom button.flat.launcher.running { + padding-top: 2px; + border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; } + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running) { + border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; } + + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running):hover { + border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + + .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running { + border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .bottom .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .bottom #tasklist-button:hover, .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned .bottom button.flat.launcher:hover, + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover, + .budgie-panel .pinned .bottom button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } + .bottom .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .bottom #tasklist-button:active, .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned .bottom button.flat.launcher:active, + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, + .budgie-panel .pinned .bottom button.flat.launcher.running:active, .bottom .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .bottom #tasklist-button:checked, .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned .bottom button.flat.launcher:checked, + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked, + .budgie-panel .pinned .bottom button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + border-bottom: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } +.left .budgie-panel #tasklist-button, .budgie-panel .left #tasklist-button, .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .unpinned .left button.flat.launcher, +.left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, +.budgie-panel .pinned .left button.flat.launcher.running { + padding-right: 2px; + border-left: 2px solid transparent; } + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running) { + border-left: 2px solid transparent; } + + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running):hover { + border-left: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + + .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running { + border-left: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .left .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .left #tasklist-button:hover, .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned .left button.flat.launcher:hover, + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover, + .budgie-panel .pinned .left button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + border-left: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } + .left .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .left #tasklist-button:active, .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned .left button.flat.launcher:active, + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, + .budgie-panel .pinned .left button.flat.launcher.running:active, .left .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .left #tasklist-button:checked, .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned .left button.flat.launcher:checked, + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked, + .budgie-panel .pinned .left button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + border-left: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } +.right .budgie-panel #tasklist-button, .budgie-panel .right #tasklist-button, .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .unpinned .right button.flat.launcher, +.right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, +.budgie-panel .pinned .right button.flat.launcher.running { + padding-left: 2px; + border-right: 2px solid transparent; } + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running) { + border-right: 2px solid transparent; } + + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running):hover { + border-right: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + + .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running { + border-right: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .right .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .right #tasklist-button:hover, .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned .right button.flat.launcher:hover, + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover, + .budgie-panel .pinned .right button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + border-right: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } + .right .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .right #tasklist-button:active, .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned .right button.flat.launcher:active, + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, + .budgie-panel .pinned .right button.flat.launcher.running:active, .right .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .right #tasklist-button:checked, .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned .right button.flat.launcher:checked, + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked, + .budgie-panel .pinned .right button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + border-right: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } + .budgie-panel { + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(38, 43, 53, 0.92); } + .raven-frame { + padding: 0; + background: none; } + .top .raven-frame border { + border: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.92); } + .shadow-block { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), transparent); } + +.bottom .budgie-panel { + border-top: 1px solid rgba(38, 43, 53, 0.92); } + +.bottom .raven-frame { + padding: 0; + background: none; } + .bottom .raven-frame border { + border: none; + border-top: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.92); } + +.bottom .shadow-block { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), transparent); } + +.left .budgie-panel { + border-right: 1px solid rgba(38, 43, 53, 0.92); } + +.left .raven-frame { + padding: 0; + background: none; } + .left .raven-frame border { + border: none; + border-right: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.92); } + +.left .shadow-block { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), transparent); } + +.right .budgie-panel { + border-left: 1px solid rgba(38, 43, 53, 0.92); } + +.right .raven-frame { + padding: 0; + background: none; } + .right .raven-frame border { + border: none; + border-left: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.92); } + +.right .shadow-block { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), transparent); } + +.raven { + padding: 0; + color: #bf616a; + background: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); + transition: 170ms ease-out; } + .raven .raven-header { + min-height: 32px; + color: #d8dee9; + border: solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.95); + border-width: 1px 0; + background-color: rgba(64, 72, 89, 0.45); } + .raven .raven-header * { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; } + .raven { + border-top-style: none; + border-color: transparent; + margin-top: 3px; + min-height: 32px; } + .raven button.image-button:hover { + color: #7fb2b1; + box-shadow: none; } + .raven .raven-header > button.text-button { + border-radius: 2px; + color: #2e3440; + background-color: rgba(184, 79, 89, 0.9); + box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), inset 0px -1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .raven .raven-header > button.text-button:hover { + border-radius: 2px; + color: #2e3440; + background-color: rgba(191, 97, 106, 0.9); + box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), inset 0px -1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .raven .raven-header > button.text-button:active { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: rgba(198, 115, 123, 0.9); + box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), inset 0px -1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .raven .raven-header.bottom { + border-bottom-style: none; } + .raven .raven-header button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #232831; + background-color: #2e3440; + border-radius: 0; } + .raven .raven-header button:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.7); + border-radius: 0; } + .raven .raven-header button:active, .raven .raven-header button:checked { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: #2a2f3a; } + .raven .raven-header button:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } + .raven list { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } + .raven list:selected { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .raven list row, + .raven list row.activatable { + background-color: transparent; } + .raven list row:hover, + .raven list row.activatable:hover { + background-color: rgba(64, 72, 89, 0.25); } + .raven list row:selected, + .raven list row.activatable:selected { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .raven .raven-background { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: transparent; } + .raven .raven-background.middle { + border-bottom-style: none; } + .raven .powerstrip { + background-color: transparent; + border-top-color: transparent; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button { + border-radius: 50%; + padding: 5px; + min-width: 32px; + min-height: 32px; + margin-bottom: 3px; + background: #b48ead; + color: #2e3440; + box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + border: none; + font-size: 100%; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:hover { + background: rgba(180, 142, 173, 0.85); + color: #2e3440; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:active { + background: #b48ead; + color: #2e3440; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:first-child { + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:first-child:hover { + background: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.85); } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:first-child:active { + background: #8fbcbb; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:last-child { + background: linear-gradient(to right, #bf616a, #bf616a); } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:last-child:hover { + background: rgba(191, 97, 106, 0.85); } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:last-child:active { + background: #bf616a; } + .raven .option-subtitle { + font-size: 13px; } + +calendar.raven-calendar { + padding: 6px; + color: #d8dee9; + background: transparent; + border-color: transparent; } + calendar.raven-calendar:indeterminate { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.3); } + calendar.raven-calendar:selected { + background: transparent; + color: #82b4b3; + font-weight: bold; } + calendar.raven-calendar:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } + calendar.raven-calendar.header { + color: #d8dee9; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; } + calendar.raven-calendar button, calendar.raven-calendar button:focus { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.5); + background-color: transparent; } + calendar.raven-calendar button:hover, calendar.raven-calendar button:focus:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } + +.raven-mpris { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.9); + border: solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + border-width: 1px 0; + border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .raven-mpris button.image-button { + padding: 10px; + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:hover { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:active { + background-color: #7fb2b1; } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:first-child { + margin-right: 4px; } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:last-child { + margin-left: 4px; } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:last-child, .raven-mpris button.image-button:first-child { + padding: 4px; + margin-top: 6px; + margin-bottom: 6px; } + +.budgie-notification-window, .budgie-osd-window, .budgie-switcher-window { + background: none; + border-radius: 1px; } + .budgie-notification-window button, .budgie-osd-window button, .budgie-switcher-window button { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; + border: none; } + .budgie-notification-window button:hover, .budgie-osd-window button:hover, .budgie-switcher-window button:hover { + background-color: #7fb2b1; + border: none; } + .budgie-notification-window button:active, .budgie-osd-window button:active, .budgie-switcher-window button:active, .budgie-notification-window button:checked, .budgie-osd-window button:checked, .budgie-switcher-window button:checked { + background-color: #7fb2b1; } + +.budgie-notification.background, .background.budgie-osd, .background.budgie-switcher { + border-radius: 1px; } +.budgie-notification .notification-title, .budgie-osd .notification-title, .budgie-switcher .notification-title { + font-size: 110%; + color: #d8dee9; } +.budgie-notification .notification-body, .budgie-osd .notification-body, .budgie-switcher .notification-body { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); } +.budgie-notification button, .budgie-osd button, .budgie-switcher button { + background-color: transparent; + color: #2e3440; } + .budgie-notification button:hover, .budgie-osd button:hover, .budgie-switcher button:hover { + background-color: transparent; + color: #bf616a; + box-shadow: none; } + .budgie-notification button:active, .budgie-osd button:active, .budgie-switcher button:active, .budgie-notification button:checked, .budgie-osd button:checked, .budgie-switcher button:checked { + background-color: transparent; + color: #b84f59; } + +.drop-shadow, .budgie-session-dialog.background, .background.budgie-polkit-dialog, .background.budgie-run-dialog { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.95); + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + border-radius: 2px; } + +.budgie-switcher-window flowbox { + color: #d8dee9; } +.budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild { + padding: 3px; + margin: 3px; + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:hover { + background-color: transparent; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:active { + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.5); } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected:active { + color: #2e3440; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected:hover { + background-color: #81a9a8; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected:disabled { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected:disabled label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + +.budgie-session-dialog, .budgie-polkit-dialog, .budgie-run-dialog { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); } + .budgie-session-dialog label:backdrop, .budgie-polkit-dialog label:backdrop, .budgie-run-dialog label:backdrop { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); } + .budgie-session-dialog .dialog-title, .budgie-polkit-dialog .dialog-title, .budgie-run-dialog .dialog-title { + font-size: 120%; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button { + margin-bottom: 0; + min-height: 32px; + border-bottom: none; + border-color: #232831; + border-radius: 0; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button label, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button label, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button label { + font-weight: 700; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:first-child, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:first-child, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:first-child { + border-left: none; + border-bottom-left-radius: 2px; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:last-child, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:last-child, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:last-child { + border-right: none; + border-bottom-right-radius: 2px; + background: transparent; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); + color: #2e3440; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover:backdrop label, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover:backdrop label, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover:backdrop label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:hover, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:hover, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:hover { + background-color: rgba(159, 198, 197, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:active, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:active, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:active, .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:checked, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:checked, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:checked { + background-color: rgba(159, 198, 197, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action { + background-color: rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:hover, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:hover, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:hover { + background-color: rgba(184, 79, 89, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:active, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:active, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:active, .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:checked, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:checked, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:checked { + background-color: rgba(184, 79, 89, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog entry, .budgie-polkit-dialog entry, .budgie-run-dialog entry { + background-color: #505359; + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-session-dialog entry:focus, .budgie-polkit-dialog entry:focus, .budgie-run-dialog entry:focus { + background-color: #505359; } + .budgie-session-dialog entry:backdrop, .budgie-polkit-dialog entry:backdrop, .budgie-run-dialog entry:backdrop { + background-color: #505359; } + +.budgie-polkit-dialog .message { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); } +.budgie-polkit-dialog .failure { + color: #bf616a; } + +.budgie-run-dialog, .budgie-run-dialog { + font-size: 120%; + padding: 8px 5px; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .budgie-run-dialog image, .budgie-run-dialog image { + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-run-dialog image:dir(ltr), .budgie-run-dialog image:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 12px; } + .budgie-run-dialog image:dir(rtl), .budgie-run-dialog image:dir(rtl) { + padding-left: 12px; + padding-right: 8px; } +.budgie-run-dialog list row:selected .dim-label, .budgie-run-dialog list row:selected label.separator, .budgie-run-dialog list row:selected .titlebar .subtitle, .titlebar .budgie-run-dialog list row:selected .subtitle, +.budgie-run-dialog list row:selected headerbar .subtitle, +headerbar .budgie-run-dialog list row:selected .subtitle { + opacity: 1; } +.budgie-run-dialog scrolledwindow { + border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + +.budgie-menubar menu { + margin: 4px; + padding: 5px; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); } + .budgie-menubar menu menuitem:hover { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } +.budgie-menubar arrow { + border: none; + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; } + .budgie-menubar { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-up-symbolic"); + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(72, 79, 92, 0.928); } + .budgie-menubar arrow.bottom { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); + border-top: 1px solid rgba(72, 79, 92, 0.928); } +.budgie-menubar menuitem accelerator { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.35); } +.budgie-menubar menuitem check, .budgie-menubar menuitem radio { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; } + +window.background.budgie-settings-window.csd > box.horizontal > stack > scrolledwindow buttonbox.inline-toolbar { + border-style: none none solid; } + +.workspace-switcher .workspace-layout { + border: 0 solid rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); } + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout:dir(ltr), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout:dir(ltr) { + border-left-width: 1px; } + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout:dir(rtl), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout:dir(rtl) { + border-right-width: 1px; } + .left .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout, .right .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout { + border-top-width: 1px; } +.workspace-switcher .workspace-item, .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button { + border: 0 solid rgba(53, 60, 74, 0.95); } + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-item:dir(ltr), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-item:dir(ltr), + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:dir(ltr), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:dir(ltr) { + border-right-width: 1px; } + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-item:dir(rtl), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-item:dir(rtl), + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:dir(rtl), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:dir(rtl) { + border-left-width: 1px; } + .left .workspace-switcher .workspace-item, .right .workspace-switcher .workspace-item, .left .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button, .right .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button { + border-bottom-width: 1px; } +.workspace-switcher .workspace-item.current-workspace { + background-color: rgba(21, 24, 29, 0.95); } +.workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button { + border: none; + background: transparent; } + .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:hover { + box-shadow: none; } + .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:active { + background-image: none; } + .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:active image { + margin: 1px 0 -1px; } +.budgie-panel .workspace-switcher .workspace-icon-button { + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 24px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 2px; } + +/************ + * Nautilus * + ************/ +.nautilus-window .frame *:selected, .nautilus-window .frame *:selected:backdrop { + background: transparent; + color: #8fbcbb; } + .nautilus-window .frame *:selected label, .nautilus-window .frame *:selected:backdrop label { + color: #8fbcbb; } +.nautilus-window paned > separator { + background-image: none; } +.nautilus-window .sidebar { + background-color: transparent; } + .nautilus-window .sidebar:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row button { + border: none; + background-color: rgba(53, 59, 73, 0.95); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row button:active { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.75); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row:selected { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.75); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row:selected:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row:hover { + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.5); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row:hover:active { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } +.nautilus-window.background { + background-color: rgba(53, 59, 73, 0.95); } + .nautilus-window.background:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(53, 59, 73, 0.95); } +.nautilus-window notebook > stack:only-child { + background-color: #3b4252; } + .nautilus-window notebook > stack:only-child:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; } +.nautilus-window searchbar { + border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); } +.nautilus-window .searchbar-container { + margin-top: -1px; } + +.nautilus-circular-button { + border-radius: 20px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 20px; } + +.disk-space-display { + border: 2px solid; } + .disk-space-display .unknown { + background-color: #888a85; + border-color: #555653; } + .disk-space-display .used { + background-color: #9FB0B9; + border-color: #667f8c; } + .disk-space-display .free { + background-color: #D8D8D8; + border-color: #a5a5a5; } + +.nautilus-desktop { + color: #d8dee9; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item { + border-radius: 5px; + color: #ffffff; + text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item:active { + color: #d8dee9; + text-shadow: none; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + text-shadow: none; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item:selected { + color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item .dim-label:selected, .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item label.separator:selected, .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item .titlebar .subtitle:selected, .titlebar .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item .subtitle:selected, + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item headerbar .subtitle:selected, + headerbar .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item .subtitle:selected { + color: #2e3440; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list .dim-label:selected, .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list label.separator:selected, .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list .titlebar .subtitle:selected, .titlebar .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list .subtitle:selected, + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list headerbar .subtitle:selected, + headerbar .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list .subtitle:selected { + color: #2e3440; } + +/********* + * Gedit * + *********/ +.gedit-search-slider { + padding: 4px; + border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; + border: 0; + background-color: #434c5e; } + +/********* + * Gnucash * +*********/ +#gnc-id-main-window entry.gnc-class-register-foreground { + background: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +#gnc-id-main-window .arrow.button.toggle { + transition: none; + box-shadow: none; } + #gnc-id-main-window .arrow.button.toggle:hover { + border-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/******************* + * Calendar events * +********************/ +.color-light label, .color-light.timed label { + color: #2e3440; + opacity: 1; } + +/******** + * Gala * + *******/ +.gala-notification { + border-width: 0; + border-radius: 2px; + color: white; + border: 1px solid #3b4252; + background-color: #3b4252; } + .gala-notification .title, + .gala-notification .label { + color: #d8dee9; } + +.gala-button { + padding: 3px; + color: #3b4252; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #7e7e7e, #3e3e3e); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98), inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.93), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.99), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6), 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84), 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.77); + text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +/********** + * Notify * + *********/ +.notify { + /*-notify-shadow: 0px 2px 18px transparentize(black, 0.60);*/ + border-radius: 5px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.05); } + +/*************** + * SwitchBoard * + ***************/ +.category-label { + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/************* + * Slingshot * + ************/ { + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; } + .app:hover { + border-radius: 8px; + border: none; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + color: white; } + .app:focus { + /*background-color: transparentize(black, 0.20);*/ } + { + border-radius: 0; + border: none; + color: #d8dee9; + background: none; } + .search-item:hover, .search-item:focus { + border-radius: 0; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + color: #2e3440; } +, { + border: none; + font-size: 18px; + font-weight: 300; + background-image: none; + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 0; } + { + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/********* + * Panel * + ********/ +.panel { + background-color: transparent; + transition: all 100ms ease-in-out; } + .panel.maximized { + background-color: #2e3440; } + .panel.translucent { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .panel.color-light.translucent { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.85); } + +menubar.panel, +.panel menubar { + box-shadow: none; + border: none; } + +.composited-indicator > revealer, +.composited-indicator > revealer image, +.composited-indicator > revealer label, +.composited-indicator > revealer spinner { + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + transition: all 200ms ease-in-out; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } +.composited-indicator > revealer image:first-child + label { + margin-left: 5px; } + +.panel.color-light .composited-indicator > revealer, +.panel.color-light .composited-indicator > revealer image, +.panel.color-light .composited-indicator > revealer label, +.panel.color-light .composited-indicator > revealer spinner { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + +/************** + * Calculator * + **************/ +PantheonCalculatorMainWindow { + border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; } + PantheonCalculatorMainWindow .window-frame { + border-radius: 3px; } + +/********* + * Cards * + *********/ +.deck { + background-color: #323946; } + +.card { + background-color: #3b4252; + border: none; + box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + transition: all 150ms ease-in-out; } + +.card.collapsed { + background-color: #303643; + box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + +/********* + * Noise * + *********/ +NoiseLibraryWindow { + border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; } + NoiseLibraryWindow .action-bar { + border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; } + NoiseLibraryWindow .window-frame { + border-radius: 3px; } + +/******** + * Snap * + ********/ +SnapMainWindow .take-button, +SnapSnapWindow .take-button { + border-radius: 0; } + +/******************* + * Photos/Shotwell * + *******************/ +DirectWindow .the-button-in-the-combobox, +LibraryWindow .the-button-in-the-combobox { + background: none; } + +.checkerboard-layout { + background-color: #434c5e; + background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)), linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)); + background-size: 24px 24px; + background-position: 0 0, 12px 12px; } + +.checkboard-layout .item { + background-color: #d8dee9; } + +/********* +* Avatar * +*********/ +.avatar { + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); + border-radius: 50%; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05), inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); } + +/**level bars**/ +.sidebar .source-list.view.level-bar, .sidebar iconview.source-list.level-bar, .sidebar .source-list.view.level-bar:selected, .sidebar iconview.source-list.level-bar:selected, .sidebar .source-list.view.level-bar:selected:focus, .sidebar iconview.source-list.level-bar:selected:focus { + background: linear-gradient(to right, #4e586d, #4e586d); + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14); + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + border-radius: 2px; } +.sidebar .source-list.view.level-bar.fill-block, .sidebar iconview.source-list.level-bar.fill-block { + border: none; } +.sidebar .source-list.view.fill-block, .sidebar iconview.source-list.fill-block, .sidebar .source-list.view.fill-block:hover, .sidebar iconview.source-list.fill-block:hover, .sidebar .source-list.view.fill-block:selected, .sidebar iconview.source-list.fill-block:selected, .sidebar .source-list.view.fill-block:selected:focus, .sidebar iconview.source-list.fill-block:selected:focus { + background: linear-gradient(to right, #ebcb8b, #ebcb8b); } + +/************************** + * Colors in context menu * +**************************/ +checkbutton.color-button { + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 100px; + background-clip: border-box; + padding: 0; + margin: 2px 1px; } + checkbutton.color-button > check { + -gtk-icon-source: none; + background: none; + margin-right: 0; + padding: 2px; } + checkbutton.color-button.none > check { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 100px; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("close-symbolic"); } + +radiobutton.color-button > radio { + -gtk-icon-source: none; + margin-right: 0; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + border-radius: 100px; + background-clip: border-box; } +radiobutton.color-button:active > radio { + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); } + +.color-button check, +.color-button check:checked, +.color-button radio, +.color-button radio:checked { + background-image: none; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + border-radius: 50%; + color: #3b4252; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("check-active-symbolic"); } check, radio, s +.color-button.strawberry check, .color-button.strawberry radio { + background-color: @STRAWBERRY_300; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @STRAWBERRY_500; } check, radio { + background-color: @ORANGE_300; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @ORANGE_500; } +.color-button.yellow check, .color-button.yellow radio, .color-button.banana check, .color-button.banana radio { + background-color: @BANANA_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @BANANA_700; } check, radio, .color-button.lime check, .color-button.lime radio { + background-color: @LIME_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @LIME_700; } check, radio, .color-button.blueberry check, .color-button.blueberry radio { + background-color: @BLUEBERRY_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @BLUEBERRY_700; } +.color-button.purple check, .color-button.purple radio, .color-button.grape check, .color-button.grape radio { + background-color: @GRAPE_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @GRAPE_700; } +.color-button.brown check, .color-button.brown radio, .color-button.cocoa check, .color-button.cocoa radio { + background-color: @COCOA_300; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @COCOA_500; } check, radio { + background-color: @MINT_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @MINT_700; } check, radio, .color-button.bubblegum check, .color-button.bubblegum radio { + background-color: @BUBBLEGUM_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @BUBBLEGUM_700; } +.color-button.slate check, .color-button.slate radio { + background-color: @SLATE_300; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @SLATE_500; } radio { + background-image: url("assets/color-button-auto.png"); + background-position: -1px -1px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: calc(100% + 2px); } + +.xfce4-panel.panel { + background-color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +#tasklist-button { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); + border-radius: 0; + border: none; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0); } + #tasklist-button:hover { + color: #f9fafb; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); } + #tasklist-button:checked { + color: white; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + +.xfce4-panel.panel button.flat { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 0; + border: none; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0); } + .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:hover { + border: none; + background-color: #434c5e; } + .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:active, .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:checked { + color: #2e3440; + border: none; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:active label, .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:active image, .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:checked label, .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:checked image { + color: inherit; } + +#whiskermenu-window button { + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + font-weight: normal; + padding: 3px; + margin: 1px 2px; } + #whiskermenu-window button:hover, #whiskermenu-window button:checked { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/******** +* Unity * +*********/ +/* Unity window border color */ +/* Unity window text color */ +/* Backdrop Unity window text color */ +/* Unity panel color #454D50 */ +UnityDecoration { + /* Border properties (top, right, bottom, left) */ + -UnityDecoration-extents: 28px 1px 1px 1px; + /* the size of the decorations */ + -UnityDecoration-input-extents: 10px; + /* the extra size of the input areas */ + /* Shadows settings */ + -UnityDecoration-shadow-offset-x: 1px; + /* Size property, the shadow x offset */ + -UnityDecoration-shadow-offset-y: 1px; + /* Size property, the shadow y offset */ + -UnityDecoration-active-shadow-color: rgba 0, 0, 0, 0.647; + /* Color property, active window shadow color */ + -UnityDecoration-active-shadow-radius: 8px; + /* Size property, active window shadow radius */ + -UnityDecoration-inactive-shadow-color: rgba 0, 0, 0, 0.647; + /* Color property, inactive windows shadow color */ + -UnityDecoration-inactive-shadow-radius: 5px; + /* Size property, inactive windows shadow radius */ + /* Glow applied to the selected scaled window */ + -UnityDecoration-glow-size: 8px; + /* Size property, size of glow */ + -UnityDecoration-glow-color: #8fbcbb; + /* Color property of the glow */ + /* Title settings */ + -UnityDecoration-title-indent: 10px; + /* Size property, left indent of the title */ + -UnityDecoration-title-fade: 35px; + /* Size property, space of the title that can be faded */ + -UnityDecoration-title-alignment: 0.0; + /* Float from 0.0 to 1.0, to align the title */ + background-color: #eeeeee; + color: #31363D; } + UnityDecoration .top { + padding: 0 5px 0 5px; + border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 0px; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #eeeeee; + border-bottom-width: 0; + background-color: #eeeeee; + color: #31363D; + border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + UnityDecoration .top:backdrop { + border-bottom-width: 0; + color: #1a1d21; + border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + UnityDecoration .top .menuitem { + color: #31363D; } + UnityDecoration .top .menuitem:backdrop { + color: #1a1d21; } + +UnityDecoration.left, +UnityDecoration.right { + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-color: #ececec; + background-size: 1px 120px; + background-clip: border-box; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eeeeee, #ececec); } + +UnityDecoration.bottom { + background-size: 1px; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-color: #ececec; } + +UnityDecoration.left:backdrop, +UnityDecoration.right:backdrop, +UnityDecoration.bottom:backdrop { + background-size: 1px; + background-repeat: repeat-x; } + +/************** +* Unity Panel * +***************/ +UnityPanelWidget, +.unity-panel { + background-color: #d5d5d5; + color: #31363D; } + +UnityPanelWidget:backdrop, +.unity-panel:backdrop { + color: #1a1d21; } + +.unity-panel.menuitem, +.unity-panel .menuitem { + border-width: 0 1px; + color: #31363D; } + +.unity-panel.menubar, +.unity-panel .menubar { + color: #31363D; } +, +.unity-panel .menu .menubar { + background-color: #d5d5d5; + color: #31363D; } + +.unity-panel.menubar:backdrop, +.unity-panel .menubar *:backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; } + +.unity-panel.menubar.menuitem, +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem { + padding: 3px 5px; + border-width: 1px; + border-style: solid; + border: none; + background: none; + color: #31363D; + box-shadow: none; } + +.unity-panel.menubar.menuitem:hover, +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem:hover { + border-radius: 0; + background-color: #ebebeb; + color: #31363D; + box-shadow: none; } + +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem *:hover { + color: white; + box-shadow: none; } + +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem.separator, +.unity-panel.menubar.menuitem.separator { + border: none; + color: #232831; } + +/* Force Quit */ +SheetStyleDialog.unity-force-quit { + background-color: #3b4252; } + +@keyframes playbackmenuitem_spinner { + to { + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(1turn); } } IdoPlaybackMenuItem.menuitem:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("process-working-symbolic"); + animation: playbackmenuitem_spinner 1s infinite linear; + color: #8fbcbb; } + +MsdOsdWindow.background.osd { + border-radius: 2px; + border: 1px solid #232831; } + MsdOsdWindow.background.osd .progressbar { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: none; + border-color: #8fbcbb; + border-radius: 5px; } + MsdOsdWindow.background.osd .trough { + background-color: rgba(29, 33, 40, 0.93); + border: none; + border-radius: 5px; } + +/*********************** + * App-Specific Styles * + ***********************/ +/********* + * Geary * + *********/ +.geary-titlebar-left .separator, +.geary-titlebar-right .separator { + opacity: 0; } + +ConversationListView { + -GtkTreeView-grid-line-width: 0; } + ConversationListView .view:active, ConversationListView iconview:active, ConversationListView .view:selected, ConversationListView iconview:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + ConversationListView .view:active:backdrop, ConversationListView iconview:active:backdrop, ConversationListView .view:selected:backdrop, ConversationListView iconview:selected:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + ConversationListView .view .cell, ConversationListView iconview .cell { + border: solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + border-width: 0 0 1px 0; } + ConversationListView .view .cell:selected, ConversationListView iconview .cell:selected { + color: #2e3440; + border: 0px solid #6fa9a8; } + +/*********** + * LightDm * + ***********/ +#panel_window { + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: bold; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px #1f232b; } + #panel_window .menubar, + #panel_window .menubar > .menuitem + menubar, + #panel_window menubar > menuitem { + background-color: transparent; + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: bold; } + #panel_window .menubar .menuitem:disabled, + #panel_window menubar menuitem:disabled { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); } + #panel_window .menubar .menuitem:disabled GtkLabel, + #panel_window menubar menuitem:disabled GtkLabel { + color: inherit; } + #panel_window .menubar .menuitem:disabled label, + #panel_window menubar menuitem:disabled label { + color: inherit; } + #panel_window .menubar .menu > .menuitem, + #panel_window menubar menu > menuitem { + font-weight: normal; } + +#login_window, +#shutdown_dialog, +#restart_dialog { + font-weight: normal; + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + color: #d8dee9; } + +#content_frame { + padding-bottom: 14px; + background-color: #434c5e; + border-top-left-radius: 2px; + border-top-right-radius: 2px; + border: solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px; } + +#content_frame button { + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } + #content_frame button:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #3b4252; + text-shadow: none; } + #content_frame button:active, #content_frame button:checked { + color: #d8dee9; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + #content_frame button:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + text-shadow: none; } + +#buttonbox_frame { + padding-top: 20px; + padding-bottom: 0px; + border-style: none; + background-color: #353c4a; + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border: solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px; } + +#buttonbox_frame button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + #buttonbox_frame button:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + #buttonbox_frame button:active, #buttonbox_frame button:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + #buttonbox_frame button:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +#login_window #user_combobox { + color: #d8dee9; + font-size: 13px; } + #login_window #user_combobox .menu, + #login_window #user_combobox menu { + font-weight: normal; } + +#user_image { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: 2px; } + +#greeter_infobar { + border-bottom-width: 0; + font-weight: bold; } + +.nemo-window .places-treeview { + -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-bg-color: #4e586d; + -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-fg-color: #ebcb8b; + -GtkTreeView-vertical-separator: 10; } + .nemo-window .places-treeview .view.cell:hover, .nemo-window .places-treeview iconview.cell:hover, + .nemo-window .places-treeview iconview.cell:hover { + background: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.7); } + .nemo-window .places-treeview .view.cell:selected, .nemo-window .places-treeview iconview.cell:selected, + .nemo-window .places-treeview iconview.cell:selected { + background: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } +.nemo-window .sidebar { + background-color: #2e3440; } + .nemo-window .sidebar .view, .nemo-window .sidebar iconview, .nemo-window .sidebar .iconview, .nemo-window .sidebar row { + color: #98abb2; + background-color: transparent; } +.nemo-window .nemo-window-pane widget.entry { + background-clip: padding-box; + min-height: 28px; + padding: 5px; + color: #d8dee9; + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 3px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9), inset 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.96), inset -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.96), inset 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.98), 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); } + .nemo-window .nemo-window-pane widget.entry:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } +.nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar { + margin-bottom: -1px; + background: #353c4a; } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #232831; + background-color: #2e3440; + min-height: 24px; + padding: 3px; } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:hover { + color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:selected, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:active, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:checked { + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:selected:backdrop, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:active:backdrop, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:checked:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:backdrop, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:disabled, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:backdrop:disabled { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.2); + background-color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } +.nemo-window .nemo-inactive-pane .view, .nemo-window .nemo-inactive-pane iconview, +.nemo-window .nemo-inactive-pane iconview { + background-color: #353b49; } + +/* thunar */ +.thunar toolbar { + background-color: #353c4a; } + +/* buttons in toolbar */ +.thunar toolbar.horizontal button image { + -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.72); } + +scrolledwindow.sidebar treeview.view { + background: #2a2f3a; + padding: 1.5px; } + +/* path-bar of thunar */ +window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button, +.thunar toolbar .path-bar-button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #232831; + background-color: #2e3440; + border-radius: 0; + border-right: 0.5px solid #232831; + box-shadow: none; + min-height: 20px; + padding: 3px 4px; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:first-child, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:last-child, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; + border-right-style: solid; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:only-child, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:only-child { + border-radius: 4px; + border-style: solid; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:hover, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:checked, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:checked { + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } +window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .toggle.path-bar-button:hover, +.thunar toolbar .toggle.path-bar-button:hover { + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } + +/* thunar sidepane */ +window.thunar paned > scrolledwindow treeview.view:hover, window.thunar paned > scrolledwindow treeview.view:selected { + background: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + color: #2e3440; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; } + +.caja-notebook .entry { + background: #3b4252; + color: #d8dee9; } + .caja-notebook .entry:selected { + background: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + +/*# */ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/gtk.css b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/gtk.css new file mode 100755 index 0000000..af05d25 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/gtk.css @@ -0,0 +1,6280 @@ +/*$selected_bg_color: #00e8c6;06d6a0*/ +/* GTK NAMED COLORS + ---------------- + use responsibly! */ +/* widget text/foreground color */ +@define-color theme_fg_color #d8dee9; +/* text color for entries, views and content in general */ +@define-color theme_text_color #d8dee9; +/* widget base background color */ +@define-color theme_bg_color #434c5e; +/* text widgets and the like base background color */ +@define-color theme_base_color #3b4252; +/* base background color of selections */ +@define-color theme_selected_bg_color #8fbcbb; +/* text/foreground color of selections */ +@define-color theme_selected_fg_color #fff; +/* base background color of disabled widgets */ +@define-color insensitive_bg_color #404859; +/* text foreground color of disabled widgets */ +@define-color insensitive_fg_color #8e95a4; +/* disabled text widgets and the like base background color */ +@define-color insensitive_base_color #3b4252; +/* widget text/foreground color on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_fg_color #8e95a4; +/* text color for entries, views and content in general on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_text_color #d8dee9; +/* widget base background color on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_bg_color #434c5e; +/* text widgets and the like base background color on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_base_color #3d4455; +/* base background color of selections on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_selected_bg_color #8fbcbb; +/* text/foreground color of selections on backdrop windows */ +@define-color theme_unfocused_selected_fg_color #2e3440; +/* widgets main borders color */ +@define-color borders #232831; +/* widgets main borders color on backdrop windows */ +@define-color unfocused_borders #262c36; +/* these are pretty self explicative */ +@define-color warning_color #c3674a; +@define-color error_color #b84f59; +@define-color success_color #63adc2; +@define-color fg_color #d8dee9; +@define-color text_color #d8dee9; +@define-color bg_color #434c5e; +@define-color base_color #3b4252; +@define-color selected_bg_color #8fbcbb; +@define-color selected_fg_color #fff; +@define-color unfocused_fg_color #8e95a4; +@define-color unfocused_text_color #d8dee9; +@define-color unfocused_bg_color #434c5e; +@define-color unfocused_base_color #3d4455; +@define-color unfocused_selected_bg_color #8fbcbb; +@define-color unfocused_selected_fg_color #2e3440; +/* these colors are exported for the window manager and shouldn't be used in applications, +read if you used those and something break with a version upgrade you're on your own... */ +@define-color wm_title shade(#d8dee9, 1.8); +@define-color wm_unfocused_title #8e95a4; +@define-color wm_highlight rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); +@define-color wm_borders_edge rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); +@define-color wm_bg_a shade(#434c5e, 1.2); +@define-color wm_bg_b #434c5e; +@define-color wm_shadow alpha(black, 0.35); +@define-color wm_border alpha(black, 0.18); +@define-color wm_button_hover_color_a shade(#434c5e, 1.3); +@define-color wm_button_hover_color_b #434c5e; +@define-color wm_button_active_color_a shade(#434c5e, 0.85); +@define-color wm_button_active_color_b shade(#434c5e, 0.89); +@define-color wm_button_active_color_c shade(#434c5e, 0.9); +@define-color content_view_bg #3b4252; +@define-color text_view_bg #3b4252; +@define-color budgie_tasklist_indicator_color #8fbcbb; +@define-color budgie_tasklist_indicator_color_active #8fbcbb; +@define-color placeholder_text_color #b9bfcb; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_100 #ff8c82; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_300 #ed5353; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_500 #c6262e; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_700 #a10705; +@define-color STRAWBERRY_900 #7a0000; +@define-color ORANGE_100 #ffc27d; +@define-color ORANGE_300 #ffa154; +@define-color ORANGE_500 #f37329; +@define-color ORANGE_700 #cc3b02; +@define-color ORANGE_900 #a62100; +@define-color BANANA_100 #fff394; +@define-color BANANA_300 #ffe16b; +@define-color BANANA_500 #f9c440; +@define-color BANANA_700 #d48e15; +@define-color BANANA_900 #ad5f00; +@define-color LIME_100 #d1ff82; +@define-color LIME_300 #9bdb4d; +@define-color LIME_500 #68b723; +@define-color LIME_700 #3a9104; +@define-color LIME_900 #206b00; +@define-color MINT_100 #89ffdd; +@define-color MINT_300 #43d6b5; +@define-color MINT_500 #28bca3; +@define-color MINT_700 #0e9a83; +@define-color MINT_900 #007367; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_100 #8cd5ff; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_300 #64baff; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_500 #3689e6; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_700 #0d52bf; +@define-color BLUEBERRY_900 #002e99; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_100 #fe9ab8; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_300 #f4679d; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_500 #de3e80; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_700 #bc245d; +@define-color BUBBLEGUM_900 #910e38; +@define-color GRAPE_100 #e4c6fa; +@define-color GRAPE_300 #cd9ef7; +@define-color GRAPE_500 #a56de2; +@define-color GRAPE_700 #7239b3; +@define-color GRAPE_900 #452981; +@define-color COCOA_100 #a3907c; +@define-color COCOA_300 #8a715e; +@define-color COCOA_500 #715344; +@define-color COCOA_700 #57392d; +@define-color COCOA_900 #3d211b; +@define-color SILVER_100 #fafafa; +@define-color SILVER_300 #d4d4d4; +@define-color SILVER_500 #abacae; +@define-color SILVER_700 #7e8087; +@define-color SILVER_900 #555761; +@define-color SLATE_100 #95a3ab; +@define-color SLATE_300 #667885; +@define-color SLATE_500 #485a6c; +@define-color SLATE_700 #273445; +@define-color SLATE_900 #0e141f; +@define-color BLACK_100 #666; +@define-color BLACK_300 #4d4d4d; +@define-color BLACK_500 #333; +@define-color BLACK_700 #1a1a1a; +@define-color BLACK_900 #000; +/***************** +* Drawing mixins * +*****************/ +/********* +* Common * +*********/ +* { + padding: 0; + -GtkToolButton-icon-spacing: 4; + -GtkTextView-error-underline-color: #b84f59; + -GtkScrolledWindow-scrollbar-spacing: 0; + -GtkToolItemGroup-expander-size: 11; + -GtkWidget-text-handle-width: 20; + -GtkWidget-text-handle-height: 24; + -GtkDialog-button-spacing: 4; + -GtkDialog-action-area-border: 0; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + outline-style: dashed; + outline-offset: -3px; + outline-width: 1px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 2px; + -gtk-secondary-caret-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/*********** + * Widgets * + ***********/ +/*************** +* Action bars * +***************/ +.action-bar { + background-color: #2e3440; + border: solid #232831; + border-width: 1px 0 0 0; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: none; } + .action-bar:backdrop { + background-color: #2e3440; + box-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-effect: dim; } + .action-bar:first-child { + border-radius: 6px 6px 0px 0px; + border-width: 1px 1px 0px 1px; } + .action-bar:last-child { + border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px; + border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px; } + +/********************* + * App Notifications * + *********************/, { + padding: 10px; + border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), transparent 2px); + background-clip: padding-box; } + .app-notification:backdrop, + .app-notification.frame:backdrop { + background-image: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + .app-notification border, + .app-notification.frame border { + border: none; } + +/*************** + * Base States * + ***************/ +.background { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #434c5e; } + .background:backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; + background-color: #434c5e; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +/* + These wildcard seems unavoidable, need to investigate. + Wildcards are bad and troublesome, use them with care, + or better, just don't. + Everytime a wildcard is used a kitten dies, painfully. +*/ +*:disabled { + -gtk-icon-effect: dim; } + +.gtkstyle-fallback { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #434c5e; } + .gtkstyle-fallback:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #58647c; } + .gtkstyle-fallback:active { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #2e3440; } + .gtkstyle-fallback:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; + background-color: #404859; } + .gtkstyle-fallback:selected { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +.view, iconview, +.view text, +iconview text, +textview text { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3b4252; } + .view:backdrop, iconview:backdrop, + .view text:backdrop, + iconview text:backdrop, + textview text:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + background-color: #3d4455; } + .view:selected:focus, iconview:selected:focus, .view:selected, iconview:selected, + .view text:selected:focus, + iconview text:selected:focus, + textview text:selected:focus, + .view text:selected, + iconview text:selected, + textview text:selected { + border-radius: 3px; } + +textview border { + background-color: #3f4758; } + +.rubberband, +rubberband, +flowbox rubberband, +.content-view rubberband, +treeview.view rubberband { + border: 1px solid #6fa9a8; + background-color: rgba(111, 169, 168, 0.2); } + +flowbox flowboxchild { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; } + flowbox flowboxchild:selected { + outline-offset: -2px; } + +label { + caret-color: currentColor; } + label.separator { + color: #d8dee9; } + label.separator:backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; } + label selection { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + label:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } + label:disabled:backdrop { + color: #63708b; } + label:backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; } + +.dim-label, label.separator, .titlebar .subtitle, +headerbar .subtitle { + opacity: 0.55; + text-shadow: none; } + +assistant .sidebar { + background-color: #3b4252; + border-top: 1px solid #232831; } + assistant .sidebar:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; + border-color: #262c36; } +assistant.csd .sidebar { + border-top-style: none; } +assistant .sidebar label { + padding: 6px 12px; } +assistant .sidebar label.highlight { + background-color: #61697a; } +,, .osd .scale-popup, .csd popover.background.touch-selection, .csd popover.background.magnifier, popover.background.touch-selection, popover.background.magnifier, .csd popover.background.osd, popover.background.osd, .osd { + color: #d8dee9; + border: none; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .app-notification:backdrop, .osd .scale-popup:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier:backdrop, popover.background.osd:backdrop, .osd:backdrop { + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +*:selected { + background: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + +/*********** + * Buttons * + ***********/ +@keyframes needs_attention { + from { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 0.01, to(#bfd9d8), to(transparent)); } + to { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 0.5, to(#8fbcbb), to(transparent)); } } +notebook > header > tabs > arrow, +button { + min-height: 20px; + min-width: 16px; + padding: 2px 6px; + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 4px; + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow, + button.flat { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + transition: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:hover, + button.flat:hover { + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + transition-duration: 500ms; + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:hover:active, + button.flat:hover:active { + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:hover, + button:hover { + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:checked, + button:active, + button:checked { + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #7fb2b1; + text-shadow: none; + transition-duration: 50ms; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop, + button:backdrop.flat, + button:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #3d4455; + text-shadow: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; + -gtk-icon-effect: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:checked, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:checked, + button:backdrop.flat:active, + button:backdrop.flat:checked, + button:backdrop:active, + button:backdrop:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:active label, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:checked label, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:active label, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:checked label, + button:backdrop.flat:active label, + button:backdrop.flat:checked label, + button:backdrop:active label, + button:backdrop:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled, + button:backdrop.flat:disabled, + button:backdrop:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled:checked, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled:checked, + button:backdrop.flat:disabled:active, + button:backdrop.flat:disabled:checked, + button:backdrop:disabled:active, + button:backdrop:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:backdrop:disabled, + button.flat:backdrop, + button.flat:disabled, + button.flat:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled, + button:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled:active, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled:checked, + button:disabled:active, + button:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled:active label, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled:checked label, + button:disabled:active label, + button:disabled:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.image-button, + button.image-button { + min-width: 24px; + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.image-button.circular, notebook > header > tabs > arrow.image-button.sidebar-button, + button.image-button.circular, + button.image-button.sidebar-button { + padding: 6px 4px; + border-radius: 50px; + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.text-button, + button.text-button { + padding-left: 16px; + padding-right: 16px; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.text-button.image-button, + button.text-button.image-button { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; + border-radius: 2px; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow.text-button.image-button label, + button.text-button.image-button label { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; } + combobox:drop(active) button.combo, notebook > header > tabs > arrow:drop(active), + button:drop(active) { + color: #a3be8c; + border-color: #a3be8c; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #a3be8c; } +row:selected button.flat:not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover):not(disabled) { + color: #2e3440; + border-color: transparent; } + row:selected button.flat:not(:active):not(:checked):not(:hover):not(disabled):backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; } +button.osd { + min-width: 24px; + min-height: 20px; + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 5px; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.osd.image-button { + min-width: 32px; } + button.osd:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.osd:active, + button.osd:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + button.osd:disabled:backdrop, + button.osd:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + border: none; } + button.osd:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93), rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + border: none; } button, button, .csd popover.background.touch-selection button, .csd popover.background.magnifier button, popover.background.touch-selection button, popover.background.magnifier button, +.osd button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .app-notification button:hover, popover.background.touch-selection button:hover, popover.background.magnifier button:hover, + .osd button:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .app-notification button:active:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button:active:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button:active:backdrop, .app-notification button:active, popover.background.touch-selection button:active, popover.background.magnifier button:active, .app-notification button:checked:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button:checked:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button:checked:backdrop, .app-notification button:checked, popover.background.touch-selection button:checked, popover.background.magnifier button:checked, + .osd button:active:backdrop, + .osd button:active, + .osd button:checked:backdrop, + .osd button:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .app-notification button:disabled:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button:disabled:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button:disabled:backdrop, .app-notification button:disabled, popover.background.touch-selection button:disabled, popover.background.magnifier button:disabled, + .osd button:disabled:backdrop, + .osd button:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .app-notification button:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button:backdrop, + .osd button:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93), rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .app-notification button.flat, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat, popover.background.magnifier button.flat, + .osd button.flat { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .app-notification button.flat:hover, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:hover, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:hover, + .osd button.flat:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .app-notification button.flat:disabled, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:disabled, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:disabled, + .osd button.flat:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + background-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } + .app-notification button.flat:backdrop, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:backdrop, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:backdrop, + .osd button.flat:backdrop { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .app-notification button.flat:active, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:active, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:active, .app-notification button.flat:checked, popover.background.touch-selection button.flat:checked, popover.background.magnifier button.flat:checked, + .osd button.flat:active, + .osd button.flat:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } +button.suggested-action { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton, button.suggested-action.flat { + box-shadow: none; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + button.suggested-action:hover { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + button.suggested-action:active, button.suggested-action:checked { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop, button.suggested-action:backdrop, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop label, button.suggested-action:backdrop label, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:active, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:checked, button.suggested-action:backdrop:active, button.suggested-action:backdrop:checked, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:active, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:active label, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:checked label, button.suggested-action:backdrop:active label, button.suggested-action:backdrop:checked label, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:active label, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled, button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled label, button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled label, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled:active, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled:checked, button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled:active, button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled:checked, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled:active, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:disabled, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop, button.suggested-action.flat:disabled, button.suggested-action.flat:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.8); } + button.suggested-action:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + button.suggested-action:disabled:active, button.suggested-action:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + button.suggested-action:disabled:active label, button.suggested-action:disabled:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + .osd button.suggested-action { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.suggested-action:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.7), rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.7)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.suggested-action:active:backdrop, .osd button.suggested-action:active, .osd button.suggested-action:checked:backdrop, .osd button.suggested-action:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #88c0d0, #88c0d0); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop, .osd button.suggested-action:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .osd button.suggested-action:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.5), rgba(136, 192, 208, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } +button.destructive-action { + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #bf616a, #bf616a); } + button.destructive-action.flat { + box-shadow: none; + color: white; + border-radius: 4px; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + button.destructive-action:hover { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:active, button.destructive-action:checked { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:backdrop, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:backdrop label, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:active, button.destructive-action:backdrop:checked, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:active, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:active label, button.destructive-action:backdrop:checked label, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:active label, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled label, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled:active, button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled:checked, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled:active, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop, button.destructive-action.flat:disabled, button.destructive-action.flat:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.8); } + button.destructive-action:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:disabled:active, button.destructive-action:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + button.destructive-action:disabled:active label, button.destructive-action:disabled:checked label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + .osd button.destructive-action { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.destructive-action:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.7), rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.7)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.destructive-action:active:backdrop, .osd button.destructive-action:active, .osd button.destructive-action:checked:backdrop, .osd button.destructive-action:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #a9444e, #a9444e); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd button.destructive-action:disabled:backdrop, .osd button.destructive-action:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .osd button.destructive-action:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.5), rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } +.stack-switcher > button { + outline-offset: -3px; } + .stack-switcher > button > label { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 6px; } + .stack-switcher > button > image { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 6px; + padding-top: 3px; + padding-bottom: 3px; } + .stack-switcher > button.text-button { + padding-left: 10px; + padding-right: 10px; } + .stack-switcher > button.image-button { + padding-left: 2px; + padding-right: 2px; } + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention:active > label, + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention:active > image, .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention:checked > label, + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention:checked > image { + animation: none; + background-image: none; } +.inline-toolbar button, .inline-toolbar button:backdrop { + border-radius: 2px; + border-width: 1px; } +.primary-toolbar button, .primary-toolbar .raised button { + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .primary-toolbar button:hover, .primary-toolbar button:focus, .primary-toolbar .raised button:hover, .primary-toolbar .raised button:focus { + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + +.stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > label, +.stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > image, stacksidebar row.needs-attention > label { + animation: needs_attention 150ms ease-in; + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 0.5, to(#bfd9d8), to(transparent)), -gtk-gradient(radial, center center, 0, center center, 0.45, to(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7474509804)), to(transparent)); + background-size: 6px 6px, 6px 6px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: right 3px, right 2px; } + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > label:backdrop, + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > image:backdrop, stacksidebar row.needs-attention > label:backdrop { + background-size: 6px 6px, 0 0; } + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > label:dir(rtl), + .stack-switcher > button.needs-attention > image:dir(rtl), stacksidebar row.needs-attention > label:dir(rtl) { + background-position: left 3px, left 2px; } + +toolbar button:hover { + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } +toolbar button:active { + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } + +.inline-toolbar toolbutton > button { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:hover { + color: #2e3440; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:active, .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:checked { + color: #232831; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:disabled:active, .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:active, .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:checked { + color: #232831; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; } + .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:disabled:active, .inline-toolbar toolbutton > button:backdrop:disabled:checked { + color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); } + +toolbar.inline-toolbar toolbutton > button.flat:backdrop, +toolbar.inline-toolbar toolbutton:backdrop > button.flat:backdrop { + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } + +.inline-toolbar button, .inline-toolbar button:backdrop, .linked > button, .linked > button:hover, .linked > button:active, .linked > button:checked, .linked > button:backdrop, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry, .linked > combobox > box > button.combo:dir(ltr), .linked > combobox > box > button.combo:dir(rtl) { + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 0; + border-right-style: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .inline-toolbar button:disabled, .linked > button:disabled, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > + entry:disabled, .linked > combobox > box > button.combo:disabled:dir(ltr), .linked > combobox > box > button.combo:disabled:dir(rtl) { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + text-shadow: none; + color: #8e95a4; } + +.inline-toolbar button:first-child, .linked > button:first-child, combobox.linked button:nth-child(2):dir(rtl), .linked:not(.vertical) > combobox:first-child > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:first-child:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; } +.inline-toolbar button:last-child, .linked > button:last-child, combobox.linked button:nth-child(2):dir(ltr), .linked:not(.vertical) > combobox:last-child > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:last-child:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-right-style: solid; } +.inline-toolbar button:only-child, .linked > button:only-child, .linked:not(.vertical) > combobox:only-child > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:only-child:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:only-child { + border-radius: 3px; + border-style: solid; } + +.linked.vertical > button, .linked.vertical > button:hover, .linked.vertical > button:active, .linked.vertical > button:checked, .linked.vertical > button:backdrop, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry, .linked.vertical > combobox > box > button.combo { + border-style: solid solid none solid; + border-radius: 0; } + +.linked.vertical > button:first-child, .linked.vertical > combobox:first-child > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:first-child:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; } +.linked.vertical > button:last-child, .linked.vertical > combobox:last-child > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:last-child:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:last-child { + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border-style: solid; } +.linked.vertical > button:only-child, .linked.vertical > combobox:only-child > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:only-child:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:only-child { + border-radius: 3px; + border-style: solid; } + +modelbutton.flat, popover.background checkbutton, +popover.background radiobutton, +.menuitem.button.flat, modelbutton.flat:backdrop, popover.background checkbutton:backdrop, +popover.background radiobutton:backdrop, modelbutton.flat:backdrop:hover, popover.background checkbutton:backdrop:hover, +popover.background radiobutton:backdrop:hover, +.menuitem.button.flat:backdrop, +.menuitem.button.flat:backdrop:hover, calendar.button, calendar.button:hover, calendar.button:backdrop, calendar.button:disabled, button:link, +button:visited, button:link:hover, button:link:active, button:link:checked, +button:visited:hover, +button:visited:active, +button:visited:checked, .scale-popup button:hover, .scale-popup button:backdrop:hover, .scale-popup button:backdrop:disabled, .scale-popup button:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +/* menu buttons */ +modelbutton.flat, popover.background checkbutton, +popover.background radiobutton, +.menuitem.button.flat { + min-height: 26px; + padding-left: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; + border-radius: 3px; + outline-offset: -2px; } + modelbutton.flat:hover, popover.background checkbutton:hover, + popover.background radiobutton:hover, + .menuitem.button.flat:hover { + background-color: #3f4758; } + modelbutton.flat check:last-child, popover.background checkbutton check:last-child, + popover.background radiobutton check:last-child, + modelbutton.flat radio:last-child, + popover.background checkbutton radio:last-child, + popover.background radiobutton radio:last-child, + .menuitem.button.flat check:last-child, + .menuitem.button.flat radio:last-child { + margin-left: 8px; } + modelbutton.flat check:first-child, popover.background checkbutton check:first-child, + popover.background radiobutton check:first-child, + modelbutton.flat radio:first-child, + popover.background checkbutton radio:first-child, + popover.background radiobutton radio:first-child, + .menuitem.button.flat check:first-child, + .menuitem.button.flat radio:first-child { + margin-right: 8px; } + +modelbutton.flat arrow, popover.background checkbutton arrow, +popover.background radiobutton arrow { + background: none; } + modelbutton.flat arrow:hover, popover.background checkbutton arrow:hover, + popover.background radiobutton arrow:hover { + background: none; } + modelbutton.flat arrow.left, popover.background checkbutton arrow.left, + popover.background radiobutton arrow.left { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-start-symbolic"); } + modelbutton.flat arrow.right, popover.background checkbutton arrow.right, + popover.background radiobutton arrow.right { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); } + +button.color { + padding: 4px; } + button.color colorswatch:only-child, button.color colorswatch:only-child overlay { + border-radius: 0; } + +notebook button, list button, .view button, iconview button, popover button { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook button:backdrop, list button:backdrop, .view button:backdrop, iconview button:backdrop, popover button:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } +notebook .linked > button, list .linked > button, .view .linked > button, iconview .linked > button, popover .linked > button { + box-shadow: none; } + +/************ + * Calendar * + ***********/ +calendar { + color: #d8dee9; + border: 1px solid #232831; } + calendar:selected { + border-radius: 3px; } + calendar.header { + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-radius: 0; } + calendar.header:backdrop { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + calendar.button { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.45); } + calendar.button:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + calendar.button:backdrop { + color: rgba(142, 149, 164, 0.45); } + calendar.button:disabled { + color: rgba(142, 149, 164, 0.45); } + calendar:indeterminate, calendar:indeterminate:backdrop { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.55); } + calendar.highlight, calendar.highlight:backdrop { + font-size: smaller; + color: #d8dee9; } + calendar:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: #262c36; } + +/************************* + * Check and Radio Items * + *************************/ +check { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-hover-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-active-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-active-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-backdrop-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-backdrop-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-hover-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-hover-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-active-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-active-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-backdrop-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-backdrop-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-checked-insensitive-dark.png"), url("../assets/radio-checked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-hover.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-hover.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-active.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-active.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-backdrop.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-backdrop.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-mixed-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/radio-mixed-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/radio-mixed-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:checked:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/checkbox-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:checked:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-checked-dark.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-checked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:hover:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:active:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:disabled:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +check:indeterminate:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-checkbox-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +radio:indeterminate:disabled:backdrop:selected { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed.png"), url("../assets/selected-radio-mixed@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check, iconview.content-view check, +.view.content-view.check, +iconview.content-view.check { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio, iconview.content-view radio,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:hover, iconview.content-view check:hover, +.view.content-view.check:hover, +iconview.content-view.check:hover { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-hover.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:hover, iconview.content-view radio:hover,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-hover.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-hover@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:active, iconview.content-view check:active, +.view.content-view.check:active, +iconview.content-view.check:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-active.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:active, iconview.content-view radio:active,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-active.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-active@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:backdrop, iconview.content-view check:backdrop, +.view.content-view.check:backdrop, +iconview.content-view.check:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-backdrop.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:backdrop, iconview.content-view radio:backdrop,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-backdrop.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-backdrop@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:disabled, iconview.content-view check:disabled, +.view.content-view.check:disabled, +iconview.content-view.check:disabled { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:disabled, iconview.content-view radio:disabled,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view check:disabled:backdrop, iconview.content-view check:disabled:backdrop, +.view.content-view.check:disabled:backdrop, +iconview.content-view.check:disabled:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-checkbox-unchecked-backdrop-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/checkbox-unchecked-backdrop-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view.content-view radio:disabled:backdrop, iconview.content-view radio:disabled:backdrop,, { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/selection-mode-radio-unchecked-backdrop-insensitive.png"), url("../assets/radio-unchecked-backdrop-insensitive@2.png")); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +checkbutton.text-button, radiobutton.text-button { + padding: 2px 0; + outline-offset: 0; } + checkbutton.text-button label:not(:only-child):first-child, radiobutton.text-button label:not(:only-child):first-child { + margin-left: 4px; } + checkbutton.text-button label:not(:only-child):last-child, radiobutton.text-button label:not(:only-child):last-child { + margin-right: 4px; } + +check, +radio { + margin: 0 4px; + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + border: none; } + menu menuitem check, menu menuitem + radio { + margin: 0; } + menu menuitem check, menu menuitem check:hover, menu menuitem check:disabled, menu menuitem + radio, menu menuitem + radio:hover, menu menuitem + radio:disabled { + min-height: 14px; + min-width: 14px; + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: inherit; + border-color: currentColor; + animation: none; } + +/***************** + * Color Chooser * + *****************/ +colorswatch, colorswatch:drop(active) { + border-style: none; } { + border-top-left-radius: 5.5px; + border-top-right-radius: 5.5px; } + overlay { + border-top-left-radius: 5px; + border-top-right-radius: 5px; } +colorswatch.bottom { + border-bottom-left-radius: 5.5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5.5px; } + colorswatch.bottom overlay { + border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } +colorswatch.left, colorswatch:first-child:not(.top) { + border-top-left-radius: 5.5px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 5.5px; } + colorswatch.left overlay, colorswatch:first-child:not(.top) overlay { + border-top-left-radius: 5px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; } +colorswatch.right, colorswatch:last-child:not(.bottom) { + border-top-right-radius: 5.5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5.5px; } + colorswatch.right overlay, colorswatch:last-child:not(.bottom) overlay { + border-top-right-radius: 5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } +colorswatch.dark overlay { + color: #2e3440; } + colorswatch.dark overlay:hover { + border-color: #232831; } + colorswatch.dark overlay:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } +colorswatch.light overlay { + color: #d8dee9; } + colorswatch.light overlay:hover { + border-color: #232831; } + colorswatch.light overlay:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; } +colorswatch:drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; } + colorswatch:drop(active).light overlay { + border-color: #a3be8c; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #232831, inset 0 0 0 1px #a3be8c; } + colorswatch:drop(active).dark overlay { + border-color: #a3be8c; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px #232831, inset 0 0 0 1px #a3be8c; } +colorswatch overlay { + box-shadow: inset 0 3px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + border: 1px solid #232831; } + colorswatch overlay:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); } + colorswatch overlay:backdrop, colorswatch overlay:backdrop:hover { + border-color: #232831; + box-shadow: none; } +colorswatch#add-color-button { + border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; } + colorswatch#add-color-button:only-child { + border-radius: 5px; } + colorswatch#add-color-button overlay { + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } + colorswatch#add-color-button overlay:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #3b4252; + text-shadow: none; } + colorswatch#add-color-button overlay:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #3d4455; + text-shadow: none; } +colorswatch:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; } + colorswatch:disabled overlay { + border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + box-shadow: none; } +row:selected colorswatch { + box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #2e3440; } +colorswatch#editor-color-sample { + border-radius: 4px; } + colorswatch#editor-color-sample overlay { + border-radius: 4.5px; } + +colorchooser .popover.osd { + border-radius: 5px; } + +/************** + * ComboBoxes * + **************/ +combobox arrow { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; } +combobox:drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; } + +/*********** + * Dialogs * + ***********/ +messagedialog .titlebar:not(headerbar) { + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.95); } +messagedialog .titlebar { + min-height: 20px; + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.95); + border-style: none; + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-top-right-radius: 4px; } +messagedialog.csd.background { + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.95); + color: #d8dee9; + border-bottom-left-radius: 5px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 5px; } +messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button { + padding: 10px 14px; + border-radius: 0; + border-left-style: solid; + border-right-style: none; + border-bottom-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: none; } + messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); + color: white; } + messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button:first-child { + border-left-style: none; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } + messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button:last-child { + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; } + messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button.destructive-action, messagedialog.csd .dialog-action-area button.suggested-action { + color: white; } + +filechooser .dialog-action-box { + border-top: 1px solid #232831; } + filechooser .dialog-action-box:backdrop { + border-top-color: #262c36; } +filechooser #pathbarbox { + border-bottom: 1px solid #434c5e; } + +filechooserbutton:drop(active) { + box-shadow: none; + border-color: transparent; } + +/**************** + * Text Entries * + ****************/ +spinbutton:not(.vertical), entry { + min-height: 28px; + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 8px; + border: 1px solid; + border-radius: 3px; + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: #3b4252; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image.left, + entry image.left { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 6px; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image.right, + entry image.right { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 0; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) undershoot.left, + entry undershoot.left { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-left: 1px; + background-size: 1px 10px; + background-repeat: repeat-y; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: left center; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) undershoot.right, + entry undershoot.right { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-right: 1px; + background-size: 1px 10px; + background-repeat: repeat-y; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: right center; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton.flat:focus:not(.vertical), spinbutton.flat:not(.vertical), + entry.flat:focus, + entry.flat { + min-height: 0; + padding: 2px; + background-image: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 0; } + spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical), + entry:focus { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), + entry:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton:backdrop:not(.vertical), + entry:backdrop { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: #262c36; + background-color: #3d4455; + box-shadow: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + spinbutton:backdrop:disabled:not(.vertical), + entry:backdrop:disabled { + color: #63708b; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton.error:not(.vertical), + entry.error { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: #3b4252; + color: #b84f59; + border-color: #3c181c; } + spinbutton.error:focus:not(.vertical), + entry.error:focus { + border-color: #3c181c; } + spinbutton.error:selected:focus:not(.vertical), spinbutton.error:selected:not(.vertical), + entry.error:selected:focus, + entry.error:selected { + background-color: #b84f59; } + spinbutton.warning:not(.vertical), + entry.warning { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: #3b4252; + color: #c3674a; + border-color: #442116; } + spinbutton.warning:focus:not(.vertical), + entry.warning:focus { + border-color: #442116; } + spinbutton.warning:selected:focus:not(.vertical), spinbutton.warning:selected:not(.vertical), + entry.warning:selected:focus, + entry.warning:selected { + background-color: #c3674a; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image, + entry image { + color: #b9bfcb; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image:hover, + entry image:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image:active, + entry image:active { + color: #8fbcbb; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) image:backdrop, + entry image:backdrop { + color: #7e8594; } + spinbutton:drop(active):focus:not(.vertical), spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical), + entry:drop(active):focus, + entry:drop(active) { + border-color: #a3be8c; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #a3be8c; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical), + .osd entry { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .osd spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical), + .osd entry:focus { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .osd spinbutton:backdrop:not(.vertical), + .osd entry:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), + .osd entry:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } +spinbutton:not(.vertical) progress, +entry progress { + margin: 2px -6px; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border-radius: 0; + border-width: 0 0 2px; + border-color: #8fbcbb; + border-style: solid; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) progress:backdrop, + entry progress:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } +.linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical) + button, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus + spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus + button, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical) + +entry, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus + +entry { + border-left-color: #6fa9a8; } +.linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:focus:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:focus { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } +.linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical) + button, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:drop(active) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:drop(active) + button, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:drop(active) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked:not(.vertical) > spinbutton:drop(active):not(.vertical) + +entry, .linked:not(.vertical) > +entry:drop(active) + +entry { + border-left-color: #a3be8c; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) + entry:not(:disabled), .linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:not(:disabled) + entry:not(:disabled), .linked.vertical > +entry:not(:disabled) + spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) { + border-top-color: #343a48; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3b4252, #3b4252); } + .linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) + entry:not(:disabled):backdrop, .linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(:disabled):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(:disabled):backdrop:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > + entry:not(:disabled) + entry:not(:disabled):backdrop, .linked.vertical > + entry:not(:disabled) + spinbutton:not(:disabled):backdrop:not(.vertical) { + border-top-color: #363d4c; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3d4455, #3d4455); } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical) + spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical) + entry:disabled, .linked.vertical > +entry:disabled + spinbutton:disabled:not(.vertical), .linked.vertical > +entry:disabled + entry:disabled { + border-top-color: #343a48; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical) + spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical) + entry:focus:not(:only-child), .linked.vertical > +entry + spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > +entry + entry:focus:not(:only-child) { + border-top-color: #6fa9a8; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical) + spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:not(.vertical) + entry:drop(active):not(:only-child), .linked.vertical > +entry + spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > +entry + entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) { + border-top-color: #a3be8c; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + entry, +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + button, +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:focus:not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > +entry:focus:not(:only-child) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > +entry:focus:not(:only-child) + entry, +.linked.vertical > +entry:focus:not(:only-child) + button, +.linked.vertical > +entry:focus:not(:only-child) + combobox > box > button.combo { + border-top-color: #6fa9a8; } +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + entry, +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + button, +.linked.vertical > spinbutton:drop(active):not(:only-child):not(.vertical) + combobox > box > button.combo, .linked.vertical > +entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) + spinbutton:not(.vertical), +.linked.vertical > +entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) + entry, +.linked.vertical > +entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) + button, +.linked.vertical > +entry:drop(active):not(:only-child) + combobox > box > button.combo { + border-top-color: #a3be8c; } + +treeview entry:focus:dir(rtl), treeview entry:focus:dir(ltr) { + background-color: #3b4252; + transition-property: color, background; } +treeview entry.flat, treeview entry { + border-radius: 0; + background-image: none; + background-color: #3b4252; } + treeview entry.flat:focus, treeview entry:focus { + border-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/************* + * Expanders * + *************/ +expander arrow { + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); } + expander arrow:dir(rtl) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic-rtl"); } + expander arrow:hover { + color: white; } + expander arrow:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + +/**************** + * Floating Bar * + ****************/ +.floating-bar { + background-color: #434c5e; + border-width: 1px; + border-style: solid solid none; + border-color: #232831; + border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0; + box-shadow: none; } + .floating-bar.bottom.left { + border-left-style: none; + border-top-left-radius: 0; } + .floating-bar.bottom.right { + border-right-style: none; + border-top-right-radius: 0; } + .floating-bar > button { + padding: 4px; } + .floating-bar:backdrop { + background-color: #434c5e; + border-color: #262c36; } + +/********** + * Frames * + **********/ +frame > border, +.frame { + box-shadow: none; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; + border: 1px solid #232831; } + frame > border.flat, + .frame.flat { + border-style: none; } + frame > border:backdrop, + .frame:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; } + +actionbar > revealer > box { + padding: 6px; + border-top: 1px solid #232831; } + actionbar > revealer > box:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; } + +scrolledwindow viewport.frame { + border-style: none; } +scrolledwindow { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center top, 0, center top, 0.5, to(#0e1013), to(rgba(14, 16, 19, 0))), -gtk-gradient(radial, center top, 0, center top, 0.6, from(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.13)), to(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0))); + background-size: 100% 5%, 100% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center top; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + scrolledwindow { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center top, 0, center top, 0.5, to(#262c36), to(rgba(38, 44, 54, 0))); + background-size: 100% 5%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center top; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow overshoot.bottom { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center bottom, 0, center bottom, 0.5, to(#0e1013), to(rgba(14, 16, 19, 0))), -gtk-gradient(radial, center bottom, 0, center bottom, 0.6, from(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.13)), to(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0))); + background-size: 100% 5%, 100% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center bottom; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + scrolledwindow overshoot.bottom:backdrop { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, center bottom, 0, center bottom, 0.5, to(#262c36), to(rgba(38, 44, 54, 0))); + background-size: 100% 5%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center bottom; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow overshoot.left { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, left center, 0, left center, 0.5, to(#0e1013), to(rgba(14, 16, 19, 0))), -gtk-gradient(radial, left center, 0, left center, 0.6, from(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.13)), to(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0))); + background-size: 5% 100%, 100% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: left center; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + scrolledwindow overshoot.left:backdrop { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, left center, 0, left center, 0.5, to(#262c36), to(rgba(38, 44, 54, 0))); + background-size: 5% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: left center; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow overshoot.right { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, right center, 0, right center, 0.5, to(#0e1013), to(rgba(14, 16, 19, 0))), -gtk-gradient(radial, right center, 0, right center, 0.6, from(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.13)), to(rgba(216, 222, 233, 0))); + background-size: 5% 100%, 100% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: right center; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + scrolledwindow overshoot.right:backdrop { + background-image: -gtk-gradient(radial, right center, 0, right center, 0.5, to(#262c36), to(rgba(38, 44, 54, 0))); + background-size: 5% 100%; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: right center; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-top: 1px; + background-size: 10px 1px; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: center top; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow undershoot.bottom { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-bottom: 1px; + background-size: 10px 1px; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: center bottom; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow undershoot.left { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-left: 1px; + background-size: 1px 10px; + background-repeat: repeat-y; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: left center; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow undershoot.right { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 50%); + padding-right: 1px; + background-size: 1px 10px; + background-repeat: repeat-y; + background-origin: content-box; + background-position: right center; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +scrolledwindow junction { + border-color: transparent; + border-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #232831 1px, transparent 1px) 0 0 0 1/0 1px stretch; + background-color: #3f4758; } + scrolledwindow junction:dir(rtl) { + border-image-slice: 0 1 0 0; } + scrolledwindow junction:backdrop { + border-image-source: linear-gradient(to bottom, #262c36 1px, transparent 1px); + background-color: #3d4555; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + +separator { + background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + +/************ + * Popovers * + ************/ +GraniteWidgetsPopOver { + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-arrow-width: 21; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-arrow-height: 10; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-border-radius: 8px; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-border-width: 0; + -GraniteWidgetsPopOver-shadow-size: 12; + border: 1px solid #3b4252; + background: #3b4252; + color: #d8dee9; } + GraniteWidgetsPopOver .button { + background-image: none; + background: none; + border: none; } + GraniteWidgetsPopOver .button:active, GraniteWidgetsPopOver .button:active:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; } + GraniteWidgetsPopOver > .frame { + border: none; } + GraniteWidgetsPopOver .sidebar.view, GraniteWidgetsPopOver iconview.sidebar { + border: none; + background: none; } + +GraniteWidgetsStaticNotebook .frame { + border: none; } + +.popover_bg { + background-color: #3b4252; + background-image: none; + border: 1px solid #3b4252; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/*********** + * Welcome * + **********/ +GraniteWidgetsWelcome { + background-color: #3b4252; } + GraniteWidgetsWelcome GtkLabel { + color: #d8dee9; } + GraniteWidgetsWelcome .h1, GraniteWidgetsWelcome .h3 { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); } + +/************** +* Source List * +***************/ +.source-list { + -GtkTreeView-horizontal-separator: 1px; + -GtkTreeView-vertical-separator: 6px; + background-color: #434c5e; + border: solid #232831; + color: #d8dee9; + border-right-width: 1px; } + .source-list .category-expander { + color: transparent; } + .source-list .badge { + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + color: #434c5e; + border-radius: 10px; + padding: 0 6px; + margin: 0 3px; + border-width: 0; } + .source-list .badge:selected:backdrop, .source-list .badge:selected:hover:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + color: #38404f; } + .source-list row, + .source-list .list-row { + border: none; + padding: 0; } + .source-list row > GtkLabel, + .source-list row > label, + .source-list .list-row > GtkLabel, + .source-list .list-row > label { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 6px; } + +/************** +* Text Styles * +**************/ +.h1 { + font-size: 24px; } + +.h2 { + font-weight: 300; + font-size: 18px; } + +.h3 { + font-size: 11px; } + +.h4, +.category-label { + font-size: 12px; + padding: 6px; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); } + +/************** +* Storage Bar * +**************/ .trough { + border: none; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + background-image: none; + background-color: transparent; + padding: 8px 6px; } .fill-block { + background-color: #ebcb8b; + border: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + transition: all 200ms ease-in-out; + padding: 8px 6px; } + .storage-bar .fill-block:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; + border-left-width: 1px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .storage-bar .fill-block:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .storage-bar .fill-block.empty-block { + background-color: #3b4252; } + .storage-bar { + background-color: #5e81ac; } + .storage-bar { + background-color: #d08770; } + .storage-bar { + background-color: #bf616a; } + .storage-bar { + background-color: #b48ead; } + .storage-bar .fill-block .legend { + padding: 12px; + border-radius: 4px; } + +/*************** + * Header bars * + ***************/ +.titlebar:not(headerbar), .titlebar, headerbar { + padding: 0 13px; + min-height: 34px; + background: #353c4a; + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 0; } + .titlebar:backdrop, + headerbar:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + .titlebar .title, + headerbar .title { + font-weight: bold; + padding-left: 12px; + padding-right: 12px; } + .titlebar .subtitle, + headerbar .subtitle { + font-size: smaller; + padding-left: 12px; + padding-right: 12px; } + .titlebar entry, + headerbar entry { + min-height: 24px; } + .titlebar button, + headerbar button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #232831; + background-color: #2e3440; + min-height: 20px; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.image-button, + headerbar button.image-button { + padding: 3px 4px; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action, + headerbar button.suggested-action { + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop, .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop { + border: none; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:hover, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:active, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:checked, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:hover, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:active, .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:checked, .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop:hover, .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop:active, .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop:checked, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:hover, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:active, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:checked, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:hover, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:active, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled:backdrop:checked, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop:hover, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop:active, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop:checked { + border: none; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .titlebar button.appmenu, + headerbar button.appmenu { + background: transparent; } + .titlebar button.appmenu:backdrop, + headerbar button.appmenu:backdrop { + background: transparent; } + .titlebar button:hover, + headerbar button:hover { + color: #fff; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); } + .titlebar button:active, .titlebar button:checked, + headerbar button:active, + headerbar button:checked { + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button:backdrop, .titlebar button:disabled, .titlebar button:backdrop:disabled, + headerbar button:backdrop, + headerbar button:disabled, + headerbar button:backdrop:disabled { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.2); + background-color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button:backdrop:hover, .titlebar button:backdrop:active, .titlebar button:backdrop:checked, + headerbar button:backdrop:hover, + headerbar button:backdrop:active, + headerbar button:backdrop:checked { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action, + headerbar button.suggested-action { + font-weight: bold; + min-height: 14px; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; + border-radius: 4px; + font-weight: normal; + color: white; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:hover, + headerbar button.suggested-action:hover { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:active, + headerbar button.suggested-action:active { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:disabled label, + headerbar button.suggested-action:disabled label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; + border-radius: 3px; } + .titlebar button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled, + headerbar button.suggested-action:backdrop:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #88c0d0; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action, + headerbar button.destructive-action { + font-weight: bold; + min-height: 14px; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; + border-radius: 4px; + font-weight: normal; + color: white; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:hover, + headerbar button.destructive-action:hover { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:active, + headerbar button.destructive-action:active { + color: white; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:disabled, + headerbar button.destructive-action:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:disabled label, + headerbar button.destructive-action:disabled label { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:backdrop, + headerbar button.destructive-action:backdrop { + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; + border-radius: 3px; } + .titlebar button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled, + headerbar button.destructive-action:backdrop:disabled { + color: white; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #a9444e; + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar button.titlebutton, + headerbar button.titlebutton { + color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + background-color: transparent; + background-repeat: no-repeat; } + .titlebar button.titlebutton:hover, .titlebar button.titlebutton:active, .titlebar button.titlebutton:checked, .titlebar button.titlebutton:backdrop, .titlebar button.titlebutton:backdrop:hover, .titlebar button.titlebutton *, + headerbar button.titlebutton:hover, + headerbar button.titlebutton:active, + headerbar button.titlebutton:checked, + headerbar button.titlebutton:backdrop, + headerbar button.titlebutton:backdrop:hover, + headerbar button.titlebutton * { + color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; } + .titlebar .linked > button, .titlebar .path-bar-box button, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button, .titlebar .linked > button:hover, + .titlebar .linked > button:backdrop, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button, + headerbar .linked > button, + headerbar .titlebar .path-bar-box button, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button, + headerbar .path-bar-box button, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:hover, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:hover, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:backdrop, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:backdrop, + headerbar .linked > button:hover, + headerbar .linked > button:backdrop { + border-radius: 0; + border-right-style: none; + box-shadow: none; + margin: 5px 0px; + min-height: 20px; } + .titlebar .linked > button:first-child, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:first-child, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:first-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:first-child, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:first-child, + headerbar .linked > button:first-child, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:first-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } + .titlebar .linked > button:last-child, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:last-child, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:last-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:last-child, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:last-child, + headerbar .linked > button:last-child, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:last-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; + border-right-style: solid; } + .titlebar .linked > button:only-child, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:only-child, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:only-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:only-child, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:only-child, + headerbar .linked > button:only-child, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:only-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:only-child { + border-radius: 4px; + border-style: solid; } + .titlebar .linked > button:active, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:active, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:active, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:active, .titlebar .linked > button:checked, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:checked, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:checked, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:checked, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:active, + headerbar .linked > button:active, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:active, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:active, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:checked, + headerbar .linked > button:checked, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:checked, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:checked { + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar .linked > button:active:backdrop, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:active:backdrop, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:active:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:active:backdrop, .titlebar .linked > button:checked:backdrop, + .titlebar headerbar .linked > button:checked:backdrop, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:checked:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:checked:backdrop, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:active:backdrop, + headerbar .linked > button:active:backdrop, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:active:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:active:backdrop, + headerbar .titlebar .linked > button:checked:backdrop, + headerbar .linked > button:checked:backdrop, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:checked:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:checked:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .titlebar .linked > button:active:backdrop label, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:active:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:active:backdrop label, .titlebar .linked > button:checked:backdrop label, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:checked:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box .titlebar button:checked:backdrop label, + headerbar .linked > button:active:backdrop label, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:active:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:active:backdrop label, + headerbar .linked > button:checked:backdrop label, + .titlebar .path-bar-box headerbar button:checked:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:checked:backdrop label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .titlebar .path-bar-box .dim-label, .titlebar .path-bar-box label.separator, .titlebar .path-bar-box .subtitle, + headerbar .path-bar-box .dim-label, + headerbar .path-bar-box label.separator, + headerbar .path-bar-box .subtitle { + color: transparent; + margin-right: -6px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box button:last-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:last-child { + margin-left: -1px; + border-radius: 0px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box button:last-child:active, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:last-child:checked, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:last-child:active, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:last-child:checked { + border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box button:first-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:first-child { + border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 4px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box button:first-child:active, .titlebar .path-bar-box button:first-child:checked, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:first-child:active, + headerbar .path-bar-box button:first-child:checked { + border-radius: 4px; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child { + border-radius: 0px 4px 4px 0px; + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } + .titlebar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:backdrop, .titlebar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:backdrop label, + headerbar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:backdrop, + headerbar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:backdrop label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .titlebar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:only-child, + headerbar .path-bar-box widget > .text-button:last-child:only-child { + border-radius: 4px; } + .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop.flat:active, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop.flat:checked, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop:active, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop:checked, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop.flat:active, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop.flat:checked, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop:active, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop:checked { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop.flat:active label, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop.flat:checked label, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop:active label, .selection-mode.titlebar button:backdrop:checked label, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop.flat:active label, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop.flat:checked label, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop:active label, + headerbar.selection-mode button:backdrop:checked label { + color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + .tiled .titlebar, .maximized .titlebar, + .tiled headerbar.titlebar, .maximized headerbar.titlebar { + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .tiled .titlebar:backdrop, .tiled .titlebar, .maximized .titlebar:backdrop, .maximized .titlebar, + .tiled headerbar:backdrop, + .tiled headerbar, .maximized headerbar:backdrop, .maximized headerbar { + border-radius: 0; } + .default-decoration.titlebar, headerbar.default-decoration { + padding: 5px 4px; + min-height: 20px; } + .default-decoration.titlebar button.titlebutton, headerbar.default-decoration button.titlebutton { + min-height: 20px; + min-width: 20px; + margin: 0; + padding: 0; } + +headerbar entry, +headerbar spinbutton, +headerbar separator { + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; } +headerbar switch { + margin-top: 10px; + margin-bottom: 10px; } +headerbar separator { + background: transparent; } + +.background:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) .titlebar { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), inset 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .background:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) .titlebar:backdrop, .background:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) .titlebar { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-top-right-radius: 4px; } + +window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) separator:first-child + headerbar:backdrop, window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) separator:first-child + headerbar, window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) headerbar:first-child:backdrop, window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) headerbar:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; } +window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) headerbar:last-child:backdrop, window:not(.tiled):not(.maximized) headerbar:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 4px; } + +window.csd > .titlebar:not(headerbar) { + padding: 0; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + border-style: none; + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } +.titlebar:not(headerbar) > separator { + background: #353c4a; } + +/************** + * GtkInfoBar * + **************/, .warning, .question, .error, +infobar { + text-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #434c5e; + border-bottom: 1px solid #2e3440; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); } +, .warning, .question, .error { + text-shadow: none; + color: #2e3440; + border: none; } + .info .label, .warning .label, .question .label, .error .label { + color: #2e3440; } + .info .label:backdrop, .warning .label:backdrop, .question .label:backdrop, .error .label:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .info button, .warning button, .question button, .error button { + border-radius: 2px; + border: none; + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.98); + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .info button .label, .warning button .label, .question button .label, .error button .label { + color: #d8dee9; } + .info button:active, .warning button:active, .question button:active, .error button:active { + background: #3b4252; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + .info button:active:backdrop, .warning button:active:backdrop, .question button:active:backdrop, .error button:active:backdrop { + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.8); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; } + .info button:hover, .warning button:hover, .question button:hover, .error button:hover, .info button:focus, .warning button:focus, .question button:focus, .error button:focus { + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + .info button:disabled, .warning button:disabled, .question button:disabled, .error button:disabled { + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.6); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; } + .info button:disabled:backdrop, .warning button:disabled:backdrop, .question button:disabled:backdrop, .error button:disabled:backdrop { + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.5); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; } + .info button:backdrop, .warning button:backdrop, .question button:backdrop, .error button:backdrop { + background: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.8); + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); + box-shadow: none; } + { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .info:backdrop { + background-color: #afcfce; + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + +.warning { + background-color: #c3674a; } + .warning:backdrop { + background-color: #d08770; + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + +.question { + background-color: #88c0d0; } + .question:backdrop { + background-color: #add3de; + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + +.error { + background-color: #b84f59; } + .error:backdrop { + background-color: #c6737b; + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + +/************* + * Level Bar * + *************/ +levelbar block { + min-width: 32px; + min-height: 6px; } +levelbar.vertical block { + min-width: 6px; + min-height: 32px; } +levelbar:backdrop { + transition: 200ms ease-out; } +levelbar trough { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: 3px; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); + box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + levelbar trough:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); + box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } +levelbar.horizontal.discrete block { + margin: 0 1px; } +levelbar.vertical.discrete block { + margin: 1px 0; } +levelbar block { + border-radius: 2px; } + levelbar block:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + levelbar block.low { + background-color: #c3674a; } + levelbar block.low:backdrop { + border-color: #c3674a; } + levelbar block.high, levelbar block:not(.empty) { + background-color: #88c0d0; } + levelbar block.high:backdrop, levelbar block:not(.empty):backdrop { + border-color: #88c0d0; } + levelbar block.full { + background-color: #63adc2; } + levelbar block.full:backdrop { + border-color: #63adc2; } + levelbar block.empty { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); + box-shadow: none; } + +/********* + * Links * + *********/ +*:link, button:link, +button:visited { + color: #5e81ac; } + *:link:visited, + button:visited { + color: rgba(94, 129, 172, 0.5); } + *:selected *:link:visited, *:selected button:visited:link, + *:selected button:visited { + color: #556a71; } + *:link:hover, button:hover:link, + button:hover:visited { + color: #809bbd; } + *:selected *:link:hover, *:selected button:hover:link, + *:selected button:hover:visited { + color: #38424c; } + *:link:active, button:active:link, + button:active:visited { + color: #5e81ac; } + *:selected *:link:active, *:selected button:active:link, + *:selected button:active:visited { + color: #414f59; } + *:link:backdrop:backdrop:hover, button:backdrop:backdrop:hover:link, + button:backdrop:backdrop:hover:visited, *:link:backdrop:backdrop:hover:selected, button:backdrop:backdrop:hover:selected:link, + button:backdrop:backdrop:hover:selected:visited, *:link:backdrop, button:backdrop:link, + button:backdrop:visited { + color: #8fbcbb; } + *:link:selected, button:selected:link, + button:selected:visited, *:selected *:link, *:selected button:link, + *:selected button:visited { + color: #414f59; } + +button:link, +button:visited { + text-shadow: none; } + button:link:hover, button:link:active, button:link:checked, + button:visited:hover, + button:visited:active, + button:visited:checked { + text-shadow: none; } + button:link > label, + button:visited > label { + text-decoration-line: underline; } + +/********* + * Lists * + *********/ +list { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3b4252; + border-color: #232831; } + list:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; + border-color: #262c36; } + +row { + padding: 1px 11px; + transition: all 150ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); } + row label { + padding-left: 8px; } + row:hover { + transition: none; } + row:backdrop { + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + row.activatable.has-open-popup, row.activatable:hover { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.05); } + row.activatable:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + row.activatable:backdrop:hover { + background-color: transparent; } + row.activatable button.flat { + background-color: transparent; } + row.activatable:selected:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } + row.activatable:selected.has-open-popup, row.activatable:selected:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.5); } + row.activatable:selected:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + +/********* + * Menus * + *********/ +menubar, +.menubar { + background-color: #353c4a; + color: #d8dee9; + -GtkWidget-window-dragging: true; + padding: 0px; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + menubar > menuitem, + .menubar > menuitem { + min-height: 16px; + padding: 4px 8px; } + menubar > menuitem:hover, + .menubar > menuitem:hover { + box-shadow: inset 0 -3px #8fbcbb; } + menubar > menuitem:disabled, + .menubar > menuitem:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; + box-shadow: none; } + +menu, .menu, .context-menu { + margin: 4px; + padding: 2px 0px; + background: #2e3440; + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 5px; + font: initial; } + .csd menu, + .csd .menu, + .csd .context-menu { + border: none; } + menu:backdrop, .menu:backdrop, .context-menu:backdrop { + background-color: #3e4657; } + menu menuitem, .menu menuitem, .context-menu menuitem { + min-height: 17px; + min-width: 40px; + padding: 4px 6px; + text-shadow: none; } + menu menuitem:hover, .menu menuitem:hover, .context-menu menuitem:hover { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + menu menuitem:disabled, .menu menuitem:disabled, .context-menu menuitem:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } + menu menuitem:disabled:backdrop, .menu menuitem:disabled:backdrop, .context-menu menuitem:disabled:backdrop { + color: #63708b; } + menu menuitem:backdrop, menu menuitem:backdrop:hover, .menu menuitem:backdrop, .menu menuitem:backdrop:hover, .context-menu menuitem:backdrop, .context-menu menuitem:backdrop:hover { + color: #8e95a4; + background-color: transparent; } + menu menuitem arrow, .menu menuitem arrow, .context-menu menuitem arrow { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; } + menu menuitem arrow:dir(ltr), .menu menuitem arrow:dir(ltr), .context-menu menuitem arrow:dir(ltr) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); + margin-left: 10px; } + menu menuitem arrow:dir(rtl), .menu menuitem arrow:dir(rtl), .context-menu menuitem arrow:dir(rtl) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic-rtl"); + margin-right: 10px; } + menu menuitem label:dir(rtl), menu menuitem label:dir(ltr), .menu menuitem label:dir(rtl), .menu menuitem label:dir(ltr), .context-menu menuitem label:dir(rtl), .context-menu menuitem label:dir(ltr) { + color: inherit; } + menu > arrow, .menu > arrow, .context-menu > arrow { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + padding: 4px; + background-color: #3d4454; + border-radius: 0; } + menu >, .menu >, .context-menu > { + margin-top: -6px; + border-bottom: 1px solid #4b5261; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-up-symbolic"); } + menu > arrow.bottom, .menu > arrow.bottom, .context-menu > arrow.bottom { + margin-bottom: -6px; + border-top: 1px solid #4b5261; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + menu > arrow:hover, .menu > arrow:hover, .context-menu > arrow:hover { + background-color: #4b5261; } + menu > arrow:backdrop, .menu > arrow:backdrop, .context-menu > arrow:backdrop { + background-color: #3e4657; } + menu > arrow:disabled, .menu > arrow:disabled, .context-menu > arrow:disabled { + color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: transparent; } + +menuitem accelerator { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.55); } +menuitem check, +menuitem radio { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; } + menuitem check:dir(ltr), + menuitem radio:dir(ltr) { + margin-right: 7px; } + menuitem check:dir(rtl), + menuitem radio:dir(rtl) { + margin-left: 7px; } + +.csd.popup { + background-color: transparent; } + +/******** + * Misc * + ********/ +.content-view { + background-color: #343b49; } + .content-view:hover { + -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; } + .content-view:backdrop { + background-color: #343b49; } + +.osd .scale-popup button.flat { + border-style: none; + border-radius: 5px; } +.scale-popup button:hover { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + border-radius: 5px; } + +/************ +* Assistant * +*************/ +assistant { + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; } + assistant .sidebar { + background-color: #3b4252; + border-top: 1px solid #232831; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } + assistant .sidebar:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; + border-color: #262c36; } + assistant.csd .sidebar { + border-top-style: none; } + assistant .sidebar GtkLabel, + assistant .sidebar label { + padding: 6px 12px; } + assistant .sidebar GtkLabel.highlight, + assistant .sidebar label.highlight { + background-color: #61697a; } + +/************* + * Notebooks * + *************/ +notebook > header { + padding: 1px; + border-color: #232831; + border-width: 1px; + background-color: #303643; } + notebook > header:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; + background-color: #434c5e; } + notebook > header tabs { + margin: 0px; } + notebook > { + border-bottom-style: solid; } + notebook > > tabs { + margin-bottom: -2px; } + notebook > > tabs > tab:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > > tabs > tab:checked { + background-color: #3b4252; } + notebook > > tabs > tab:checked:hover { + background-color: #3b4252; } + notebook > header.bottom { + border-top-style: solid; } + notebook > header.bottom > tabs { + margin-top: -2px; } + notebook > header.bottom > tabs > tab:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header.bottom > tabs > tab:checked { + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: -1px 0 0 #232831, 0px 1px 0 #232831, 1px 0 0 #232831; } + notebook > header.left { + border-right-style: solid; } + notebook > header.left > tabs { + margin-right: -2px; } + notebook > header.left > tabs > tab:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header.left > tabs > tab:checked { + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 #232831, 0px -1px 0 #232831, 0px 1px 0 #232831; } + notebook > header.right { + border-left-style: solid; } + notebook > header.right > tabs { + margin-left: -2px; } + notebook > header.right > tabs > tab:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header.right > tabs > tab:checked { + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: 0px 1px 0 #232831, 0px -1px 0 #232831, 1px 0 0 #232831; } + notebook > > tabs > arrow { + border-top-style: none; } + notebook > header.bottom > tabs > arrow { + border-bottom-style: none; } + notebook > > tabs > arrow, notebook > header.bottom > tabs > arrow { + margin-left: -5px; + margin-right: -5px; + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; } + notebook > > tabs > arrow.down, notebook > header.bottom > tabs > arrow.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-start-symbolic"); } + notebook > > tabs > arrow.up, notebook > header.bottom > tabs > arrow.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); } + notebook > header.left > tabs > arrow { + border-left-style: none; } + notebook > header.right > tabs > arrow { + border-right-style: none; } + notebook > header.left > tabs > arrow, notebook > header.right > tabs > arrow { + margin-top: -5px; + margin-bottom: -5px; + padding-top: 4px; + padding-bottom: 4px; } + notebook > header.left > tabs > arrow.down, notebook > header.right > tabs > arrow.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-up-symbolic"); } + notebook > header.left > tabs > arrow.up, notebook > header.right > tabs > arrow.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow { + min-height: 14px; + min-width: 14px; + border-radius: 0; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:hover:not(:active):not(:backdrop) { + background-clip: padding-box; + background-image: none; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } + notebook > header > tabs > arrow:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + notebook > header tab { + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 24px; + padding: 1px 12px; + outline-offset: -5px; + color: #8e95a4; + font-weight: normal; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: transparent; } + notebook > header tab:hover { + color: #b3bac7; } + notebook > header tab:hover.reorderable-page { + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.2); } + notebook > header tab:backdrop { + color: #707888; } + notebook > header tab:backdrop.reorderable-page { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; } + notebook > header tab:checked { + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: -1px 0 0 #232831, 0px -1px 0 #232831, 1px 0 0 #232831; } + notebook > header tab:checked.reorderable-page { + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.5); } + notebook > header tab:checked.reorderable-page:hover { + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.7); } + notebook > header tab:backdrop:checked { + color: #8e95a4; } + notebook > header tab:backdrop:checked.reorderable-page { + border-color: #262c36; + background-color: #3d4455; } + notebook > header tab button.flat { + padding: 0; + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; + min-width: 20px; + min-height: 20px; } + notebook > header tab button.flat:hover { + background: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + color: #bf616a; } + notebook > header tab button.flat, notebook > header tab button.flat:backdrop { + background: transparent; + border: none; + color: alpha(currentColor,0.3); } + notebook > header tab button.flat:last-child { + margin-left: 4px; + margin-right: -4px; } + notebook > header tab button.flat:first-child { + margin-left: -4px; + margin-right: 4px; } + notebook > tabs, notebook > header.bottom tabs { + padding-left: 0px; + padding-right: 0px; } + notebook > tabs:not(:only-child), notebook > header.bottom tabs:not(:only-child) { + margin-left: 0.5px; + margin-right: 0.5px; } + notebook > tabs:not(:only-child):first-child, notebook > header.bottom tabs:not(:only-child):first-child { + margin-left: -1px; } + notebook > tabs:not(:only-child):last-child, notebook > header.bottom tabs:not(:only-child):last-child { + margin-right: -1px; } + notebook > tabs tab, notebook > header.bottom tabs tab { + margin-left: 0.5px; + margin-right: 0.5px; } + notebook > tabs tab.reorderable-page, notebook > header.bottom tabs tab.reorderable-page { + border-style: none solid; } + notebook > header.left tabs, notebook > header.right tabs { + padding-top: 4px; + padding-bottom: 4px; } + notebook > header.left tabs:not(:only-child), notebook > header.right tabs:not(:only-child) { + margin-top: 3px; + margin-bottom: 3px; } + notebook > header.left tabs:not(:only-child):first-child, notebook > header.right tabs:not(:only-child):first-child { + margin-top: -1px; } + notebook > header.left tabs:not(:only-child):last-child, notebook > header.right tabs:not(:only-child):last-child { + margin-bottom: -1px; } + notebook > header.left tabs tab, notebook > header.right tabs tab { + margin-top: 4px; + margin-bottom: 4px; } + notebook > header.left tabs tab.reorderable-page, notebook > header.right tabs tab.reorderable-page { + border-style: solid none; } + notebook > tab { + padding-bottom: 1px; } + notebook > header.bottom tab { + padding-top: 1px; } +notebook > stack:not(:only-child) { + background-color: #3b4252; } + notebook > stack:not(:only-child):backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; } + +/********* + * Paned * + *********/ +paned > separator { + min-width: 1px; + min-height: 1px; + -gtk-icon-source: none; + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: image(#232831); + background-size: 1px 1px; } + paned > separator:selected { + background-image: image(#8fbcbb); } + paned > separator:backdrop { + background-image: image(#262c36); } + paned > separator.wide { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; + background-color: #434c5e; + background-image: image(#232831), image(#232831); + background-size: 1px 1px, 1px 1px; } + paned > separator.wide:backdrop { + background-color: #434c5e; + background-image: image(#262c36), image(#262c36); } +paned.horizontal > separator { + background-repeat: repeat-y; } + paned.horizontal > separator:dir(ltr) { + margin: 0 -8px 0 0; + padding: 0 8px 0 0; + background-position: left; } + paned.horizontal > separator:dir(rtl) { + margin: 0 0 0 -8px; + padding: 0 0 0 8px; + background-position: right; } + paned.horizontal > separator.wide { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-repeat: repeat-y, repeat-y; + background-position: left, right; } +paned.vertical > separator { + margin: 0 0 -8px 0; + padding: 0 0 8px 0; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-position: top; } + paned.vertical > separator.wide { + margin: 0; + padding: 0; + background-repeat: repeat-x, repeat-x; + background-position: bottom, top; } + +/************ + * Pathbars * + ************/ +.path-bar button.text-button, .path-bar button.image-button, .path-bar button { + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; } +.path-bar button.text-button.image-button label { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; } +.path-bar button.text-button.image-button label:last-child, .path-bar button label:last-child { + padding-right: 8px; } +.path-bar button.text-button.image-button label:first-child, .path-bar button label:first-child { + padding-left: 8px; } +.path-bar button image { + padding-left: 4px; + padding-right: 4px; } +.path-bar button.slider-button { + padding-left: 0; + padding-right: 0; } + +/*************** + * Popovers * + ***************/ +popover.background { + padding: 2px; + border-radius: 5px; + background: #2e3440; + box-shadow: 0 4px 6px #232831; } + .csd popover.background, popover.background { + border: 1px solid #232831; } + popover.background:backdrop { + background-color: #434c5e; + box-shadow: none; } + popover.background > list, + popover.background > .view, + popover.background > iconview, + popover.background > toolbar { + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; } + .csd popover.background.touch-selection, .csd popover.background.magnifier, popover.background.touch-selection, popover.background.magnifier { + border: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + popover.background separator { + margin: 3px; } + popover.background list separator { + margin: 0px; } + +/***************** + * Progress bars * + *****************/ +progressbar { + font-size: smaller; + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.4); } + progressbar.horizontal trough, + progressbar.horizontal progress { + min-height: 6px; } + progressbar.vertical trough, + progressbar.vertical progress { + min-width: 6px; } + progressbar.horizontal progress { + margin: 0; } + progressbar.vertical progress { + margin: 0; } + progressbar:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + progressbar.osd { + min-width: 3px; + min-height: 3px; + background-color: transparent; } + progressbar.osd trough { + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } + progressbar.osd progress { + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; } + +/************ + * GtkScale * + ************/ +progressbar trough, scale trough, scale fill { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.14); + border: none; + border-radius: 3px; + margin: 0; } + progressbar trough:disabled, scale trough:disabled, scale fill:disabled { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); } + progressbar trough:backdrop, progressbar:backdrop trough, scale trough:backdrop, scale fill:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + progressbar trough:backdrop:disabled, progressbar:backdrop trough:disabled, scale trough:backdrop:disabled, scale fill:backdrop:disabled { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); } + +progressbar progress, scale highlight { + border: none; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border-radius: 3px; + margin: 0; } + progressbar progress:disabled, scale highlight:disabled { + border: none; + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.14); } + progressbar progress:backdrop, progressbar:backdrop progress, scale highlight:backdrop, progressbar progress:active:backdrop, progressbar:backdrop progress:active, scale highlight:active:backdrop { + border-color: #9fc6c5; + background-color: #9fc6c5; } + progressbar progress:backdrop:disabled, progressbar:backdrop progress:disabled, scale highlight:backdrop:disabled, progressbar progress:active:backdrop:disabled, progressbar:backdrop progress:active:disabled, scale highlight:active:backdrop:disabled { + background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.06); } + +scale { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + padding: 8px; } + scale.horizontal trough, + scale.horizontal progress { + min-height: 6px; } + scale.vertical trough, + scale.vertical progress { + min-width: 6px; } + scale slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-radius: 12px; + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + transition-property: background, border, box-shadow; } + scale slider:active { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + scale slider:active:disabled { + background-color: #404859; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); } + scale.fine-tune.horizontal { + padding-top: 9px; + padding-bottom: 9px; + min-height: 16px; } + scale.fine-tune.vertical { + padding-left: 9px; + padding-right: 9px; + min-width: 16px; } + scale.fine-tune slider { + margin: -6px; } + scale.fine-tune fill, + scale.fine-tune highlight, + scale.fine-tune trough { + border-radius: 5px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 7px; } + scale trough { + outline-offset: 2px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 5px; + outline-color: transparent; } + scale fill:backdrop, scale fill { + background-color: #232831; } + scale fill:disabled:backdrop, scale fill:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; } + .osd scale fill { + background-color: #50565f; } + .osd scale fill:disabled:backdrop, .osd scale fill:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; } + scale slider { + border-color: #f1f1f1; + border: none; + border-radius: 12px; + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + scale slider:active { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + scale slider:disabled { + background-color: #b2b2b2; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + scale slider:backdrop, scale slider:backdrop:disabled { + transition: 200ms ease-out; + background-color: #b2b2b2; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), 0px 0px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + row:selected scale slider:disabled, row:selected scale slider { + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + .osd scale slider { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + border-color: #1d2128; + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + .osd scale slider:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + .osd scale slider:active { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + .osd scale slider:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + .osd scale slider:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(178, 178, 178, 0.5), rgba(178, 178, 178, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + background-color: #b2b2b2; } + .osd scale slider:backdrop:disabled { + background-color: #f1f1f1; } + scale value { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.4); } + scale marks { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.4); } + scale { + margin-bottom: 6px; + margin-top: -12px; } + scale marks.bottom { + margin-top: 6px; + margin-bottom: -12px; } + scale { + margin-right: 6px; + margin-left: -12px; } + scale marks.bottom { + margin-left: 6px; + margin-right: -12px; } + scale.fine-tune { + margin-bottom: 6px; + margin-top: -9px; } + scale.fine-tune marks.bottom { + margin-top: 6px; + margin-bottom: -9px; } + scale.fine-tune { + margin-right: 6px; + margin-left: -9px; } + scale.fine-tune marks.bottom { + margin-left: 6px; + margin-right: -9px; } + scale.horizontal indicator { + min-height: 6px; + min-width: 1px; } + scale.horizontal.fine-tune indicator { + min-height: 3px; } + scale.vertical indicator { + min-height: 1px; + min-width: 6px; } + scale.vertical.fine-tune indicator { + min-width: 3px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:hover { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:active { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:backdrop { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:backdrop:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:hover { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:active { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:backdrop { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:backdrop:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.horizontal.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:hover { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:active { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:backdrop { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after) slider:backdrop:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-before:not(.marks-after).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:hover { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:active { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:backdrop { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before) slider:backdrop:disabled { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; + margin: -7px; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-color: #f1f1f1; + box-shadow: none; } + scale.vertical.marks-after:not(.marks-before).fine-tune slider { + margin: -7px; } + scale.color { + min-height: 0; + min-width: 0; } + scale.color trough { + background-image: image(#232831); + background-repeat: no-repeat; } + scale.color.horizontal { + padding: 0 0 15px 0; } + scale.color.horizontal trough { + padding-bottom: 4px; + background-position: 0 -3px; + border-top-left-radius: 0; + border-top-right-radius: 0; } + scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr):hover, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr):backdrop, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr):disabled, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr):backdrop:disabled, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(ltr), scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl):hover, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl):backdrop, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl):disabled, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl):backdrop:disabled, scale.color.horizontal slider:dir(rtl) { + margin-bottom: -15px; + margin-top: 6px; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) { + padding: 0 0 0 15px; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) trough { + padding-left: 4px; + background-position: 3px 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + border-top-right-radius: 0; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider:hover, scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider:backdrop, scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider:disabled, scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider:backdrop:disabled, scale.color.vertical:dir(ltr) slider { + margin-left: -15px; + margin-right: 6px; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) { + padding: 0 15px 0 0; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) trough { + padding-right: 4px; + background-position: -3px 0; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + border-top-left-radius: 0; } + scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider:hover, scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider:backdrop, scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider:disabled, scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider:backdrop:disabled, scale.color.vertical:dir(rtl) slider { + margin-right: -15px; + margin-left: 6px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(ltr), scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(rtl) { + padding: 0 0 12px 0; } + scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(ltr) trough, scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(rtl) trough { + padding-bottom: 7px; + background-position: 0 -6px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(ltr) slider, scale.color.fine-tune.horizontal:dir(rtl) slider { + margin-bottom: -15px; + margin-top: 6px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(ltr) { + padding: 0 0 0 12px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(ltr) trough { + padding-left: 7px; + background-position: 6px 0; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(ltr) slider { + margin-left: -15px; + margin-right: 6px; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(rtl) { + padding: 0 12px 0 0; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(rtl) trough { + padding-right: 7px; + background-position: -6px 0; } + scale.color.fine-tune.vertical:dir(rtl) slider { + margin-right: -15px; + margin-left: 6px; } + +/************** + * Scrollbars * + **************/ +scrollbar { + background-color: #3f4758; + transition: 300ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); } + * { + -GtkScrollbar-has-backward-stepper: false; + -GtkScrollbar-has-forward-stepper: false; } + { + border-bottom: 1px solid #232831; } + scrollbar.bottom { + border-top: 1px solid #232831; } + scrollbar.left { + border-right: 1px solid #232831; } + scrollbar.right { + border-left: 1px solid #232831; } + scrollbar:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4555; + border-color: #262c36; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + scrollbar slider { + min-width: 6px; + min-height: 6px; + margin: -1px; + border: 4px solid transparent; + border-radius: 8px; + background-clip: padding-box; + background-color: #9ca4b1; } + scrollbar slider:hover { + background-color: #bac1cd; } + scrollbar slider:hover:active { + background-color: #afcfce; } + scrollbar slider:backdrop { + background-color: #61697a; } + scrollbar slider:disabled { + background-color: transparent; } + scrollbar.fine-tune slider { + min-width: 4px; + min-height: 4px; } + scrollbar.fine-tune.horizontal slider { + border-width: 5px 4px; } + scrollbar.fine-tune.vertical slider { + border-width: 4px 5px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering) { + border-color: transparent; + opacity: 0.4; + background-color: transparent; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering) slider { + margin: 0; + min-width: 3px; + min-height: 3px; + background-color: #d8dee9; + border: 1px solid black; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering) button { + min-width: 5px; + min-height: 5px; + background-color: #d8dee9; + background-clip: padding-box; + border-radius: 100%; + border: 1px solid black; + -gtk-icon-source: none; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering).horizontal slider { + margin: 0 2px; + min-width: 40px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering).horizontal button { + margin: 1px 2px; + min-width: 5px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering).vertical slider { + margin: 2px 0; + min-height: 40px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator:not(.dragging):not(.hovering).vertical button { + margin: 2px 1px; + min-height: 5px; } + scrollbar.overlay-indicator.dragging, scrollbar.overlay-indicator.hovering { + opacity: 0.8; } + scrollbar.horizontal slider { + min-width: 40px; } + scrollbar.vertical slider { + min-height: 40px; } + scrollbar button { + padding: 0; + min-width: 12px; + min-height: 12px; + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; + transition-property: min-height, min-width, color; + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #9ca4b1; } + scrollbar button:hover { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #bac1cd; } + scrollbar button:active, scrollbar button:checked { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #afcfce; } + scrollbar button:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: rgba(156, 164, 177, 0.2); } + scrollbar button:backdrop { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #61697a; } + scrollbar button:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: rgba(97, 105, 122, 0.2); } + scrollbar.vertical button.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + scrollbar.vertical button.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-up-symbolic"); } + scrollbar.horizontal button.down { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-right-symbolic"); } + scrollbar.horizontal button.up { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-left-symbolic"); } + +treeview ~ scrollbar.vertical { + border-top: 1px solid #232831; + margin-top: -1px; } + +/*********** + * Sidebar * + ***********/ +.sidebar { + border-style: none; + border-width: 0; + background-color: #3f4758; } + .sidebar .frame { + border: none; } + stacksidebar.sidebar:dir(ltr) list, stacksidebar.sidebar.left list, stacksidebar.sidebar.left:dir(rtl) list, .sidebar:dir(ltr), .sidebar.left, .sidebar.left:dir(rtl) { + border-right: none; + border-left-style: none; } + stacksidebar.sidebar:dir(rtl) list + .sidebar:dir(rtl), stacksidebar.sidebar.right list + .sidebar:dir(rtl), .sidebar.right { + border-left: 1px solid #232831; + border-right-style: none; } + .sidebar:backdrop { + background-color: #40485a; + border-color: #262c36; } + .sidebar row { + padding: 8px 12px; + transition: all .12s ease-in; } + .sidebar row label { + color: #98abb2; } + .sidebar row:selected { + color: #2e3440; } + .sidebar row:selected:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); + background: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + .sidebar row:selected:backdrop label { + color: #2e3440; } + .sidebar row:selected label { + color: #2e3440; } + .sidebar.source-list { + background: #2e3440; + padding: 4px 0px; } + .sidebar.source-list.view, iconview.sidebar.source-list { + transition: all .12s ease-in; } + .sidebar.source-list.view:selected, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected { + padding-left: 4px; + background: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + .sidebar.source-list.view:selected:active, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } + .sidebar.source-list.view:selected.has-open-popup, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected.has-open-popup, .sidebar.source-list.view:selected:hover, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .sidebar.source-list.view:selected:backdrop, iconview.sidebar.source-list:selected:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + .sidebar.source-list.view:hover, iconview.sidebar.source-list:hover, .sidebar.source-list.view iconview.source-list:hover, iconview.sidebar.source-list iconview.source-list:hover { + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.4); } + paned .sidebar.left, paned .sidebar.right, paned .sidebar.left:dir(rtl), paned .sidebar:dir(rtl), paned .sidebar:dir(ltr), paned .sidebar { + border-style: none; + border-color: #232831; } + +stacksidebar row { + padding: 10px 4px; } + stacksidebar row > label { + padding-left: 6px; + padding-right: 6px; } + stacksidebar row.needs-attention > label { + background-size: 6px 6px, 0 0; } + +/*******************************************************************/ +/* PLACESSIDEBAR */ +/*******************************************************************/ +placessidebar.sidebar { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #232831 40px, #2e3440 35px, #2e3440 36px, #2e3440 36px, #2e3440 99%, #2e3440 100%); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row.sidebar-row .sidebar-icon { + margin-left: -14px; + margin-right: 12px; + padding-left: 14px; + padding-right: 12px; + color: #98abb2; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:hover { + transition: all 300ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.76); + background-color: transparent; + /*rgba(65,67,75,0.4); */ + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 40px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 40px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 97%); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:active:hover { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.76); + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected { + color: #fff; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7) 40px, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 36px, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 97%); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected label { + color: #8fbcbb; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected:hover { + color: #ffffff; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected:hover .sidebar-icon { + color: #ffffff; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected:backdrop { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54); + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #8fbcbb 40px, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 36px, rgba(65, 67, 75, 0) 97%); } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected:backdrop .sidebar-icon { + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:selected .sidebar-icon { + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); + color: inherit; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row.sidebar-new-bookmark-row, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row.sidebar-new-bookmark-row label, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row.sidebar-new-bookmark-row .sidebar-icon { + color: #ebcb8b; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled) { + box-shadow: inset 0 1px #a3be8c, inset 0 -1px #a3be8c; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled), placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled) label, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled) image { + color: #a3be8c; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled):selected { + background: #a3be8c; } + placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled):selected, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled):selected label, placessidebar.sidebar row.sidebar-row:drop(active):not(:disabled):selected image { + color: #2e3440; } +placessidebar list { + background-color: transparent; } + placessidebar list:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } + +/***************** + * GtkSpinButton * + *****************/ +spinbutton:not(.vertical) { + padding: 0; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) entry { + min-width: 28px; + margin: 0; + background: none; + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button { + min-height: 16px; + margin: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; + padding-top: 0; + color: #c8ceda; + background-image: none; + border-style: none none none solid; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: inset 1px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:dir(rtl) { + border-style: none solid none none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.05); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:disabled { + color: rgba(142, 149, 164, 0.3); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:active { + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 3px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:backdrop { + color: #868d9c; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: rgba(38, 44, 54, 0.3); + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:backdrop:disabled { + color: rgba(99, 112, 139, 0.3); + background-image: none; + border-style: none none none solid; + box-shadow: inset 1px 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07); } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:backdrop:disabled:dir(rtl) { + border-style: none solid none none; } + spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 2px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 2px; } +.osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; + border-style: none none none solid; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.7); + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:dir(rtl) { + border-style: none solid none none; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:hover { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + box-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:backdrop { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:disabled { + border-color: transparent; + background-color: transparent; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + color: #808690; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.5); + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:last-child { + border-radius: 0 3px 3px 0; } + .osd spinbutton:not(.vertical) button:dir(rtl):first-child { + border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px; } +spinbutton.vertical:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } +spinbutton.vertical:backdrop:disabled { + color: #63708b; } +spinbutton.vertical:drop(active) { + border-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; } +spinbutton.vertical entry { + min-height: 32px; + min-width: 32px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 0; } +spinbutton.vertical button { + min-height: 32px; + min-width: 32px; + padding: 0; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: #232831; + box-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } +spinbutton.vertical button.up { + border-radius: 3px 3px 0 0; + border-style: solid solid none solid; } +spinbutton.vertical button.down { + border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; + border-style: none solid solid solid; } +.osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child:active { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + .osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + .osd spinbutton.vertical button:first-child:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93), rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } +treeview spinbutton:not(.vertical) { + min-height: 0; + border-style: none; + border-radius: 0; } + treeview spinbutton:not(.vertical) entry { + min-height: 0; + padding: 1px 2px; } + +/*********** + * Spinner * + ***********/ +menu spinner { + color: #8fbcbb; } + +/********************* + * Spinner Animation * + *********************/ +@keyframes spin { + to { + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(1turn); } } +spinner { + background: none; + opacity: 0; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("process-working-symbolic"); } + spinner:checked { + opacity: 1; + animation: spin 1s linear infinite; } + spinner:checked:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; } + +/********** + * Switch * + **********/ +switch { + font-size: 1px; + font-weight: bold; + outline-offset: -4px; + transition: all 200ms ease-in; + border: none; + border-radius: 14px; + color: transparent; + padding: 2.3px 0px; + background-color: #5b667e; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + switch:disabled { + background-color: #404859; } + switch:backdrop { + background-color: #434c5e; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + switch:backdrop:disabled { + background-color: #404859; } + switch:active, switch:checked { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + switch:active:backdrop, switch:checked:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + switch:active:backdrop slider:backdrop, switch:checked:backdrop slider:backdrop { + box-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.9); + border: none; } + switch slider { + padding: 2px; + margin: 0 2.3px; + min-width: 12px; + min-height: 12px; + border-radius: 100%; + transition: all 200ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + switch slider:backdrop { + padding: 2px; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #3b4252; } + switch trough:active, switch trough:checked { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + switch trough:active:backdrop, switch trough:checked:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); } + +/************ + * Toolbars * + ************/ +toolbar, .inline-toolbar, searchbar, +.location-bar { + -GtkWidget-window-dragging: true; + padding: 4px; + background-color: #434c5e; } + +toolbar { + padding: 4px 3px 3px 4px; } + .osd toolbar { + background-color: transparent; } + toolbar.osd { + padding: 13px; + border: none; + border-radius: 5px; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); } + toolbar.osd.left, toolbar.osd.right,, toolbar.osd.bottom { + border-radius: 0; } + toolbar.horizontal separator { + margin: 0 7px 1px 6px; } + toolbar.vertical separator { + margin: 6px 1px 7px 0; } + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) switch, + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) scale, + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) entry, + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) spinbutton, + toolbar:not(.inline-toolbar):not(.osd) button { + margin-right: 1px; + margin-bottom: 1px; } + +.inline-toolbar { + padding: 3px; + border-width: 0 1px 1px; + border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px; } + +searchbar, +.location-bar { + border-width: 0 0 1px; + padding: 3px; } + +.inline-toolbar, searchbar, +.location-bar { + border-style: solid; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: #394151; } + .inline-toolbar:backdrop, searchbar:backdrop, + .location-bar:backdrop { + border-color: #262c36; + background-color: #394150; + box-shadow: none; + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + +searchbar { + background: #3b4252; } + +/************ + * Tooltips * + ************/ +tooltip { + padding: 4px; + /* not working */ + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; } + tooltip.background { + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + border: 1px solid #232831; } + tooltip decoration { + background-color: transparent; } + tooltip * { + padding: 4px; + background-color: transparent; + color: white; } + +/************** + * Tree Views * + **************/ +treeview.view { + border-left-color: #8a909e; + border-top-color: #434c5e; } + * { + -GtkTreeView-horizontal-separator: 4; + -GtkTreeView-grid-line-width: 1; + -GtkTreeView-grid-line-pattern: ''; + -GtkTreeView-tree-line-width: 1; + -GtkTreeView-tree-line-pattern: ''; + -GtkTreeView-expander-size: 16; } + treeview.view:selected:focus, treeview.view:selected { + border-radius: 0; } + treeview.view:selected:backdrop, treeview.view:selected { + border-left-color: #5f787e; + border-top-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); } + treeview.view:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } + treeview.view:disabled:selected { + color: #68868a; } + treeview.view:disabled:selected:backdrop { + color: rgba(131, 171, 172, 0.85); } + treeview.view:disabled:backdrop { + color: #63708b; } + treeview.view.separator { + min-height: 2px; + color: #434c5e; } + treeview.view.separator:backdrop { + color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.1); } + treeview.view:backdrop { + border-left-color: #697181; + border-top: #434c5e; } + treeview.view:drop(active) { + border-style: solid none; + border-width: 1px; + border-color: #6fa9a8; } + treeview.view:drop(active).after { + border-top-style: none; } + treeview.view:drop(active).before { + border-bottom-style: none; } + treeview.view.expander { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic"); + color: #a9afbc; } + treeview.view.expander:dir(rtl) { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-end-symbolic-rtl"); } + treeview.view.expander:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + treeview.view.expander:selected { + color: #4b5d65; } + treeview.view.expander:selected:hover { + color: #2e3440; } + treeview.view.expander:selected:backdrop { + color: rgba(101, 129, 133, 0.65); } + treeview.view.expander:checked { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); } + treeview.view.expander:backdrop { + color: #767d8c; } + treeview.view.progressbar { + border: 1px solid #6fa9a8; + border-radius: 4px; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #8fbcbb, #6fa9a8); + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15), 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + treeview.view.progressbar:selected:focus, treeview.view.progressbar:selected { + border-radius: 4px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); + color: #8fbcbb; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #3b4252, #262a34); } + treeview.view.progressbar:selected:focus:backdrop, treeview.view.progressbar:selected:backdrop { + border-color: #3d4455; + background-color: #3d4455; } + treeview.view.progressbar:backdrop { + border-color: #3d4455; + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; } + treeview.view.trough { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); + border-radius: 4px; } + treeview.view.trough:selected:focus, treeview.view.trough:selected { + background-color: #6fa9a8; + border-radius: 4px; } + treeview.view header button { + color: #8a909e; + background-color: #3b4252; + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + treeview.view header button:hover { + color: #b1b7c4; + box-shadow: none; + transition: none; } + treeview.view header button:active { + color: #d8dee9; + transition: none; } + treeview.view header button:last-child:backdrop, treeview.view header button:last-child { + border-right-style: none; } + treeview.view button.dnd:active, treeview.view button.dnd:selected, treeview.view button.dnd:hover, treeview.view button.dnd, + treeview.view header.button.dnd:active, + treeview.view header.button.dnd:selected, + treeview.view header.button.dnd:hover, + treeview.view header.button.dnd { + padding: 0 6px; + transition: none; + background-image: none; + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #3b4252; + border-radius: 0; + border-style: none; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px #3b4252; + text-shadow: none; } + treeview.view acceleditor > label { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +treeview.view header button, treeview.view header button:hover, treeview.view header button:active { + padding: 0 6px; + border-radius: 0; + background-image: none; + text-shadow: none; + border-width: 1px; + border-style: none solid solid none; + border-color: #434c5e; } + treeview.view header button:disabled { + border-color: #434c5e; + background-image: none; } + treeview.view header button:backdrop { + border-color: #434c5e; + border-style: none solid solid none; + color: #697181; + background-image: none; + background-color: #3d4455; } + treeview.view header button:backdrop:disabled { + border-color: #434c5e; + background-image: none; } + +/********************** + * Window Decorations * + *********************/ +decoration { + border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0; + border-width: 0px; + border-width: 0px; + box-shadow: 0 4px 10px 2px rgba(33, 26, 30, 0.4); + margin: 10px; } + decoration:backdrop { + box-shadow: 0 4px 10px 2px rgba(33, 26, 30, 0.2); + transition: 200ms ease-out; } + .maximized decoration, .fullscreen decoration, .tiled decoration { + border-radius: 0; } + .popup decoration { + box-shadow: none; } + .ssd decoration { + box-shadow: none; } + .csd.popup decoration { + border-radius: 7px; + box-shadow: 0 4px 8px #232831; + border: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.7); } + tooltip.csd decoration { + border-radius: 5px; + box-shadow: none; } + messagedialog.csd decoration { + border-radius: 7px; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 0 0 1px rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.8); } + .solid-csd decoration { + border-radius: 0; + margin: 0px; + background-color: #434c5e; + border: solid 1px #262c36; + box-shadow: none; } + +button.titlebutton { + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center; + min-height: 20px; + padding: 0 1px; + box-shadow: none; } + button.titlebutton.close { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/close.png"), url("../assets/close@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.close:hover, button.titlebutton.close:active { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/close_prelight.png"), url("../assets/close_prelight@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.maximize { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/maximize.png"), url("../assets/maximize@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.maximize:hover, button.titlebutton.maximize:active { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/maximize_prelight.png"), url("../assets/maximize_prelight@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.minimize { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/min.png"), url("../assets/min@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton.minimize:hover, button.titlebutton.minimize:active { + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/min_prelight.png"), url("../assets/min_prelight@2.png")); } + button.titlebutton:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + background-image: -gtk-scaled(url("../assets/close_unfocused.png"), url("../assets/close_unfocused@2.png")); } + +headerbar.selection-mode button.titlebutton, +.titlebar.selection-mode button.titlebutton { + text-shadow: 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4807843137); + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4807843137); } + headerbar.selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop, + .titlebar.selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop { + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +.view:selected:focus, iconview:selected:focus, .view:selected, iconview:selected, +.view text:selected:focus, +iconview text:selected:focus, +textview text:selected:focus, +.view text:selected, +iconview text:selected, +textview text:selected, .view text selection:focus, iconview text selection:focus, .view text selection, iconview text selection, +textview text selection:focus, +textview text selection, flowbox flowboxchild:selected, modelbutton.flat:selected, popover.background checkbutton:selected, +popover.background radiobutton:selected, +.menuitem.button.flat:selected, calendar:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:focus, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection, +entry selection:focus, +entry selection, row:selected, treeview.view:selected:focus, treeview.view:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + row:selected label, label:selected, .selection-mode button.titlebutton, .view:selected:focus, iconview:selected:focus, .view:selected, iconview:selected, + .view text:selected:focus, + iconview text:selected:focus, + textview text:selected:focus, + .view text:selected, + iconview text:selected, + textview text:selected, .view text selection:focus, iconview text selection:focus, .view text selection, iconview text selection, + textview text selection:focus, + textview text selection, flowbox flowboxchild:selected, modelbutton.flat:selected, popover.background checkbutton:selected, + popover.background radiobutton:selected, + .menuitem.button.flat:selected, calendar:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:focus, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection, + entry selection:focus, + entry selection, row:selected, treeview.view:selected:focus, treeview.view:selected { + color: #2e3440; + font-weight: bold; } + row:selected label:disabled, label:disabled:selected, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:disabled, iconview:disabled:selected:focus, .view:disabled:selected, iconview:disabled:selected, + iconview text:disabled:selected:focus, + textview text:disabled:selected:focus, + .view text:disabled:selected, + iconview text:disabled:selected, + textview text:disabled:selected, iconview text selection:disabled:focus, .view text selection:disabled, iconview text selection:disabled, + textview text selection:disabled, flowbox flowboxchild:disabled:selected, label:disabled selection, modelbutton.flat:disabled:selected, popover.background checkbutton:disabled:selected, + popover.background radiobutton:disabled:selected, + .menuitem.button.flat:disabled:selected, calendar:disabled:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:disabled, + entry selection:disabled, row:disabled:selected { + color: #5f787e; } + row:selected label:backdrop, label:backdrop:selected, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop, iconview:backdrop:selected:focus, .view:backdrop:selected, iconview:backdrop:selected, + iconview text:backdrop:selected:focus, + textview text:backdrop:selected:focus, + .view text:backdrop:selected, + iconview text:backdrop:selected, + textview text:backdrop:selected, iconview text selection:backdrop:focus, .view text selection:backdrop, iconview text selection:backdrop, + textview text selection:backdrop, flowbox flowboxchild:backdrop:selected, label:backdrop selection, modelbutton.flat:backdrop:selected, popover.background checkbutton:backdrop:selected, + popover.background radiobutton:backdrop:selected, + .menuitem.button.flat:backdrop:selected, calendar:backdrop:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:backdrop, + entry selection:backdrop, row:backdrop:selected { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + row:selected label:backdrop:disabled, label:backdrop:disabled:selected, .selection-mode button.titlebutton:backdrop:disabled, .view:backdrop:disabled:selected, iconview:backdrop:disabled:selected, + .view text:backdrop:disabled:selected, + iconview text:backdrop:disabled:selected, + textview text:backdrop:disabled:selected, .view text selection:backdrop:disabled, iconview text selection:backdrop:disabled, + textview text selection:backdrop:disabled, flowbox flowboxchild:backdrop:disabled:selected, label:disabled selection:backdrop, label:backdrop selection:disabled, modelbutton.flat:backdrop:disabled:selected, popover.background checkbutton:backdrop:disabled:selected, + popover.background radiobutton:backdrop:disabled:selected, + .menuitem.button.flat:backdrop:disabled:selected, calendar:backdrop:disabled:selected, spinbutton:not(.vertical) selection:backdrop:disabled, + entry selection:backdrop:disabled, row:backdrop:disabled:selected { + color: rgba(131, 171, 172, 0.85); } + +.monospace { + font-family: Monospace; } + +/********************** + * DE-Specific Styles * + **********************/ +/********* +* Budgie * +*********/ +.budgie-container { + background-color: transparent; } + .budgie-container:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } + .budgie-container popover list, + .budgie-container popover row { + border: none; + background: none; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; } + +.budgie-popover .container, +.budgie-popover border, +.budgie-popover list, +.budgie-popover row { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; + background: none; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + opacity: 1; + min-width: 0; + min-height: 0; } + +.budgie-popover, +.budgie-popover.background { + border-radius: 2px; + padding: 0; + background: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); + background-clip: border-box; + box-shadow: 0 2px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); + border: 1px solid #232831; } + .budgie-popover list:hover, + .budgie-popover row:hover, + .budgie-popover.background list:hover, + .budgie-popover.background row:hover { + background: none; } + .budgie-popover > frame.container, + .budgie-popover.background > frame.container { + margin: 0 -1px -1px; + padding: 2px 0 0; } + .budgie-popover button, + .budgie-popover.background button { + color: #d8dee9; + border: none; + background: transparent; } + .budgie-popover button:hover, + .budgie-popover.background button:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; } + +.budgie-popover > .container { + padding: 2px; } + +.budgie-menu { + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-menu .container { + padding: 0; } + .budgie-menu button:hover { + -gtk-icon-effect: none; } + .budgie-menu { + border: none; + background: none; + padding: 5px 2px; + border-bottom: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 0; + font-size: 120%; + box-shadow: none; + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-menu image:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 12px; } + .budgie-menu image:dir(rtl) { + padding-left: 12px; + padding-right: 8px; } + .budgie-menu .categories { + border-width: 0; + margin-left: 3px; + background: transparent; } + .budgie-menu .categories:dir(ltr) { + border-right: 1px solid #232831; } + .budgie-menu .categories:dir(rtl) { + border-left: 1px solid #232831; } + .budgie-menu .category-button { + padding: 7px; + border-radius: 2px 0 0 2px; } + .budgie-menu .category-button:hover { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.05); + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-menu .category-button:active { + box-shadow: inset 0 2px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .budgie-menu .category-button:checked { + color: #2e3440; + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .budgie-menu .category-button:checked:hover { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.6); } + .budgie-menu .category-button:checked:disabled { + opacity: 0.5; } + .budgie-menu .category-button:checked:disabled label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + .budgie-menu scrollbar { + background-color: transparent; + border-color: #232831; } + .budgie-menu button:not(.category-button) { + padding-top: 5px; + padding-bottom: 5px; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + background: yellow; } + .budgie-menu button { + border: none; + background: transparent; } + .budgie-menu undershoot, .budgie-menu overshoot { + background: none; } + .budgie-menu list { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); } + +button.budgie-menu-launcher { + padding: 0 2px; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:active, button.budgie-menu-launcher:checked { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:backdrop:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.budgie-menu-launcher:backdrop:active, button.budgie-menu-launcher:backdrop:checked { + color: #8fbcbb; + box-shadow: none; + background-color: #3d4454; } + +.user-menu .content-box separator { + margin-left: 6px; + margin-right: 6px; + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.1); } +.user-menu button { + margin: 5px; } +.user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item, +.user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item { + box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + transition-duration: 0.2s; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item:dir(ltr), + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 7px; + background-position: left center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: 38px auto; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item:dir(rtl), + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item:dir(rtl) { + padding-right: 7px; + background-position: right center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: 38px auto; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label, + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label { + color: #2e3440; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label:dir(ltr), + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 5px; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label:dir(rtl), + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item label:dir(rtl) { + padding-right: 5px; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item image, + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item image { + color: #2e3440; } + .user-menu > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item image:first-child, + .user-menu > frame.container > box.vertical row.activatable:first-child .indicator-item image:first-child { + min-width: 24px; + min-height: 20px; } + +button.raven-trigger { + padding-left: 2px; + padding-right: 2px; + color: #d8dee9; + box-shadow: none; } + button.raven-trigger:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } + button.raven-trigger:active, button.raven-trigger:checked { + box-shadow: none; + background-color: transparent; + color: #8fbcbb; } + button.raven-trigger:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.raven-trigger:backdrop:hover { + color: #d8dee9; } + button.raven-trigger:backdrop:active, button.raven-trigger:backdrop:checked { + box-shadow: none; + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: transparent; } + +.places-menu .container { + padding: 0; } +.places-menu .message-bar { + border-top-left-radius: 3px; + border-top-right-radius: 3px; } +.places-menu .name-button { + border: 0; + border-radius: 0; + padding: 4px 6px; } +.places-menu .unmount-button { + padding: 4px 4px; + border: 0; + border-radius: 0; } +.places-menu .places-section-header { + padding: 0px; + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.95); + box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px alpha(@theme_fg_color, 0.03); } +.places-menu .places-section-header > button { + padding: 8px; + border: none; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0px; } +.places-menu .places-list { + background: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.04); + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.95); } +.places-menu .unlock-area { + border-top: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.85); + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.85); } +.places-menu .unlock-area entry { + border-radius: 0; + border: 0; } +.places-menu .unlock-area button { + border-radius: 0; + border: 0; + border-left: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.85); } +.places-menu .alternative-label { + font-size: 15px; + padding: 3px; } +.places-menu .always-expand { + background: transparent; + border-bottom: none; } + +.night-light-indicator .container { + padding: 0; } +.night-light-indicator .view-header { + font-size: 14px; + padding: 10px; + border-bottom: 1px solid mix(@theme_base_color, #000000, 0.35);; + box-shadow: 0px 1px 1px alpha(@theme_fg_color, 0.04);; } +.night-light-indicator .display-settings-button { + border-top-left-radius: 0px; + border-top-right-radius: 0px; + border: none; + padding: 3px; + border-top: 1px solid mix(@theme_base_color, #000000, 0.35);; + box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 1px alpha(@theme_fg_color, 0.04);; } + +.budgie-panel { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); + background-image: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: none; + transition: all 150ms ease-in; } + .budgie-panel .alert { + color: #bf616a; } + .budgie-panel:backdrop { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); } + .budgie-panel button { + border-top-width: 0; + border-bottom-width: 0; + border-radius: 0; } + .budgie-panel button.flat { + background: transparent; + border: none; } + .budgie-panel button.flat:hover, .budgie-panel button.flat:active, .budgie-panel button.flat:checked { + background: transparent; + color: #8fbcbb; } + .budgie-panel popover list, + .budgie-panel popover row { + padding: 0; + margin: 0; } + .budgie-panel label { + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: 700; } + .budgie-panel.transparent { + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.2); } + .top .budgie-panel.transparent { + border-bottom-color: transparent; } + .bottom .budgie-panel.transparent { + border-top-color: transparent; } + .left .budgie-panel.transparent { + border-right-color: transparent; } + .right .budgie-panel.transparent { + border-left-color: transparent; } + .budgie-panel.transparent:backdrop, .budgie-panel.transparent label, .budgie-panel.transparent button.raven-trigger:backdrop, .budgie-panel.transparent button.budgie-menu-launcher { + color: #f9fafb; } + .budgie-panel .end-region { + border-radius: 0px; } + .budgie-panel .end-region separator { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.15); } + .budgie-panel .end-region label { + font-weight: 700; + color: #d8dee9; } + +.budgie-panel #tasklist-button, +.budgie-panel #tasklist-button:backdrop { + outline-color: transparent; + transition: all 100ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + border-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0); + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: none; + background-clip: padding-box; } + +.budgie-panel button.flat.launcher { + outline-color: transparent; + transition: all 100ms cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94); + border-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0); + border-radius: 0; + padding: 0; + background-clip: padding-box; + background-color: transparent; } + .budgie-panel button.flat.launcher { + box-shadow: none; } + +.budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, +.budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + box-shadow: none; } +.budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, +.budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, +.budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + box-shadow: none; } .budgie-panel #tasklist-button, .budgie-panel .top #tasklist-button, .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .unpinned .top button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, +.budgie-panel .pinned .top button.flat.launcher.running { + padding-bottom: 2px; + border-top: 2px solid transparent; } + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running) { + border-top: 2px solid transparent; } + + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running):hover { + border-top: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + + .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running { + border-top: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .top .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .top #tasklist-button:hover, .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned .top button.flat.launcher:hover, + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover, + .budgie-panel .pinned .top button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + border-top: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } + .top .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .top #tasklist-button:active, .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned .top button.flat.launcher:active, + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, + .budgie-panel .pinned .top button.flat.launcher.running:active, .top .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .top #tasklist-button:checked, .top .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned .top button.flat.launcher:checked, + .top .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked, + .budgie-panel .pinned .top button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + border-top: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } +.bottom .budgie-panel #tasklist-button, .budgie-panel .bottom #tasklist-button, .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .unpinned .bottom button.flat.launcher, +.bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, +.budgie-panel .pinned .bottom button.flat.launcher.running { + padding-top: 2px; + border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; } + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running) { + border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; } + + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running):hover { + border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + + .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running { + border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .bottom .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .bottom #tasklist-button:hover, .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned .bottom button.flat.launcher:hover, + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover, + .budgie-panel .pinned .bottom button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } + .bottom .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .bottom #tasklist-button:active, .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned .bottom button.flat.launcher:active, + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, + .budgie-panel .pinned .bottom button.flat.launcher.running:active, .bottom .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .bottom #tasklist-button:checked, .bottom .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned .bottom button.flat.launcher:checked, + .bottom .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked, + .budgie-panel .pinned .bottom button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + border-bottom: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } +.left .budgie-panel #tasklist-button, .budgie-panel .left #tasklist-button, .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .unpinned .left button.flat.launcher, +.left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, +.budgie-panel .pinned .left button.flat.launcher.running { + padding-right: 2px; + border-left: 2px solid transparent; } + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running) { + border-left: 2px solid transparent; } + + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running):hover { + border-left: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + + .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running { + border-left: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .left .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .left #tasklist-button:hover, .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned .left button.flat.launcher:hover, + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover, + .budgie-panel .pinned .left button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + border-left: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } + .left .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .left #tasklist-button:active, .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned .left button.flat.launcher:active, + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, + .budgie-panel .pinned .left button.flat.launcher.running:active, .left .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .left #tasklist-button:checked, .left .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned .left button.flat.launcher:checked, + .left .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked, + .budgie-panel .pinned .left button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + border-left: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } +.right .budgie-panel #tasklist-button, .budgie-panel .right #tasklist-button, .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, .budgie-panel .unpinned .right button.flat.launcher, +.right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running, +.budgie-panel .pinned .right button.flat.launcher.running { + padding-left: 2px; + border-right: 2px solid transparent; } + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running) { + border-right: 2px solid transparent; } + + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher:not(.running):hover { + border-right: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + + .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher, + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running { + border-right: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .right .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:hover, .budgie-panel .right #tasklist-button:hover, .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:hover, .budgie-panel .unpinned .right button.flat.launcher:hover, + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:hover, + .budgie-panel .pinned .right button.flat.launcher.running:hover { + border-right: 2px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25); } + .right .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:active, .budgie-panel .right #tasklist-button:active, .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:active, .budgie-panel .unpinned .right button.flat.launcher:active, + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:active, + .budgie-panel .pinned .right button.flat.launcher.running:active, .right .budgie-panel #tasklist-button:checked, .budgie-panel .right #tasklist-button:checked, .right .budgie-panel .unpinned button.flat.launcher:checked, .budgie-panel .unpinned .right button.flat.launcher:checked, + .right .budgie-panel .pinned button.flat.launcher.running:checked, + .budgie-panel .pinned .right button.flat.launcher.running:checked { + border-right: 2px solid #8fbcbb; } + .budgie-panel { + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(38, 43, 53, 0.92); } + .raven-frame { + padding: 0; + background: none; } + .top .raven-frame border { + border: none; + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.92); } + .shadow-block { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), transparent); } + +.bottom .budgie-panel { + border-top: 1px solid rgba(38, 43, 53, 0.92); } + +.bottom .raven-frame { + padding: 0; + background: none; } + .bottom .raven-frame border { + border: none; + border-top: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.92); } + +.bottom .shadow-block { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), transparent); } + +.left .budgie-panel { + border-right: 1px solid rgba(38, 43, 53, 0.92); } + +.left .raven-frame { + padding: 0; + background: none; } + .left .raven-frame border { + border: none; + border-right: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.92); } + +.left .shadow-block { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), transparent); } + +.right .budgie-panel { + border-left: 1px solid rgba(38, 43, 53, 0.92); } + +.right .raven-frame { + padding: 0; + background: none; } + .right .raven-frame border { + border: none; + border-left: 1px solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.92); } + +.right .shadow-block { + background-color: transparent; + background-image: linear-gradient(to left, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), transparent); } + +.raven { + padding: 0; + color: #bf616a; + background: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); + transition: 170ms ease-out; } + .raven .raven-header { + min-height: 32px; + color: #d8dee9; + border: solid rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.95); + border-width: 1px 0; + background-color: rgba(64, 72, 89, 0.45); } + .raven .raven-header * { + padding-top: 0; + padding-bottom: 0; } + .raven { + border-top-style: none; + border-color: transparent; + margin-top: 3px; + min-height: 32px; } + .raven button.image-button:hover { + color: #7fb2b1; + box-shadow: none; } + .raven .raven-header > button.text-button { + border-radius: 2px; + color: #2e3440; + background-color: rgba(184, 79, 89, 0.9); + box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), inset 0px -1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .raven .raven-header > button.text-button:hover { + border-radius: 2px; + color: #2e3440; + background-color: rgba(191, 97, 106, 0.9); + box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), inset 0px -1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .raven .raven-header > button.text-button:active { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: rgba(198, 115, 123, 0.9); + box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), inset 0px -1px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .raven .raven-header.bottom { + border-bottom-style: none; } + .raven .raven-header button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #232831; + background-color: #2e3440; + border-radius: 0; } + .raven .raven-header button:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.7); + border-radius: 0; } + .raven .raven-header button:active, .raven .raven-header button:checked { + color: #8fbcbb; + background-color: #2a2f3a; } + .raven .raven-header button:disabled { + color: #8e95a4; } + .raven list { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } + .raven list:selected { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .raven list row, + .raven list row.activatable { + background-color: transparent; } + .raven list row:hover, + .raven list row.activatable:hover { + background-color: rgba(64, 72, 89, 0.25); } + .raven list row:selected, + .raven list row.activatable:selected { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .raven .raven-background { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; + border-color: transparent; } + .raven .raven-background.middle { + border-bottom-style: none; } + .raven .powerstrip { + background-color: transparent; + border-top-color: transparent; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button { + border-radius: 50%; + padding: 5px; + min-width: 32px; + min-height: 32px; + margin-bottom: 3px; + background: #b48ead; + color: #2e3440; + box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + border: none; + font-size: 100%; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:hover { + background: rgba(180, 142, 173, 0.85); + color: #2e3440; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:active { + background: #b48ead; + color: #2e3440; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:first-child { + background: linear-gradient(to right, #88c0d0 0%, #88c0d0 100%); } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:first-child:hover { + background: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.85); } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:first-child:active { + background: #8fbcbb; } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:last-child { + background: linear-gradient(to right, #bf616a, #bf616a); } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:last-child:hover { + background: rgba(191, 97, 106, 0.85); } + .raven .powerstrip button.image-button:last-child:active { + background: #bf616a; } + .raven .option-subtitle { + font-size: 13px; } + +calendar.raven-calendar { + padding: 6px; + color: #d8dee9; + background: transparent; + border-color: transparent; } + calendar.raven-calendar:indeterminate { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.3); } + calendar.raven-calendar:selected { + background: transparent; + color: #82b4b3; + font-weight: bold; } + calendar.raven-calendar:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } + calendar.raven-calendar.header { + color: #d8dee9; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: transparent; } + calendar.raven-calendar button, calendar.raven-calendar button:focus { + color: alpha(currentColor,0.5); + background-color: transparent; } + calendar.raven-calendar button:hover, calendar.raven-calendar button:focus:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; } + +.raven-mpris { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.9); + border: solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + border-width: 1px 0; + border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); } + .raven-mpris button.image-button { + padding: 10px; + background-color: #3b4252; + box-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), inset 0px 1px 0px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:hover { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:active { + background-color: #7fb2b1; } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:first-child { + margin-right: 4px; } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:last-child { + margin-left: 4px; } + .raven-mpris button.image-button:last-child, .raven-mpris button.image-button:first-child { + padding: 4px; + margin-top: 6px; + margin-bottom: 6px; } + +.budgie-notification-window, .budgie-osd-window, .budgie-switcher-window { + background: none; + border-radius: 1px; } + .budgie-notification-window button, .budgie-osd-window button, .budgie-switcher-window button { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; + border: none; } + .budgie-notification-window button:hover, .budgie-osd-window button:hover, .budgie-switcher-window button:hover { + background-color: #7fb2b1; + border: none; } + .budgie-notification-window button:active, .budgie-osd-window button:active, .budgie-switcher-window button:active, .budgie-notification-window button:checked, .budgie-osd-window button:checked, .budgie-switcher-window button:checked { + background-color: #7fb2b1; } + +.budgie-notification.background, .background.budgie-osd, .background.budgie-switcher { + border-radius: 1px; } +.budgie-notification .notification-title, .budgie-osd .notification-title, .budgie-switcher .notification-title { + font-size: 110%; + color: #d8dee9; } +.budgie-notification .notification-body, .budgie-osd .notification-body, .budgie-switcher .notification-body { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); } +.budgie-notification button, .budgie-osd button, .budgie-switcher button { + background-color: transparent; + color: #2e3440; } + .budgie-notification button:hover, .budgie-osd button:hover, .budgie-switcher button:hover { + background-color: transparent; + color: #bf616a; + box-shadow: none; } + .budgie-notification button:active, .budgie-osd button:active, .budgie-switcher button:active, .budgie-notification button:checked, .budgie-osd button:checked, .budgie-switcher button:checked { + background-color: transparent; + color: #b84f59; } + +.drop-shadow, .budgie-session-dialog.background, .background.budgie-polkit-dialog, .background.budgie-run-dialog { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(67, 76, 94, 0.95); + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + border-radius: 2px; } + +.budgie-switcher-window flowbox { + color: #d8dee9; } +.budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild { + padding: 3px; + margin: 3px; + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:hover { + background-color: transparent; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:active { + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected { + color: #2e3440; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.5); } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected:active { + color: #2e3440; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected:hover { + background-color: #81a9a8; } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected:disabled { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); } + .budgie-switcher-window flowboxchild:selected:disabled label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.7); } + +.budgie-session-dialog, .budgie-polkit-dialog, .budgie-run-dialog { + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); } + .budgie-session-dialog label:backdrop, .budgie-polkit-dialog label:backdrop, .budgie-run-dialog label:backdrop { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); } + .budgie-session-dialog .dialog-title, .budgie-polkit-dialog .dialog-title, .budgie-run-dialog .dialog-title { + font-size: 120%; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button { + margin-bottom: 0; + min-height: 32px; + border-bottom: none; + border-color: #232831; + border-radius: 0; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: transparent; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button label, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button label, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button label { + font-weight: 700; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:first-child, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:first-child, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:first-child { + border-left: none; + border-bottom-left-radius: 2px; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:last-child, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:last-child, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:last-child { + border-right: none; + border-bottom-right-radius: 2px; + background: transparent; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); + color: #2e3440; } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover:backdrop label, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover:backdrop label, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button:hover:backdrop label { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:hover, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:hover, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:hover { + background-color: rgba(159, 198, 197, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:active, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:active, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:active, .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:checked, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:checked, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.suggested-action:checked { + background-color: rgba(159, 198, 197, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action { + background-color: rgba(169, 68, 78, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:hover, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:hover, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:hover { + background-color: rgba(184, 79, 89, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:active, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:active, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:active, .budgie-session-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:checked, .budgie-polkit-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:checked, .budgie-run-dialog .linked.horizontal > button.destructive-action:checked { + background-color: rgba(184, 79, 89, 0.9); } + .budgie-session-dialog entry, .budgie-polkit-dialog entry, .budgie-run-dialog entry { + background-color: #505359; + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-session-dialog entry:focus, .budgie-polkit-dialog entry:focus, .budgie-run-dialog entry:focus { + background-color: #505359; } + .budgie-session-dialog entry:backdrop, .budgie-polkit-dialog entry:backdrop, .budgie-run-dialog entry:backdrop { + background-color: #505359; } + +.budgie-polkit-dialog .message { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.7); } +.budgie-polkit-dialog .failure { + color: #bf616a; } + +.budgie-run-dialog, .budgie-run-dialog { + font-size: 120%; + padding: 8px 5px; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .budgie-run-dialog image, .budgie-run-dialog image { + color: #d8dee9; } + .budgie-run-dialog image:dir(ltr), .budgie-run-dialog image:dir(ltr) { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 12px; } + .budgie-run-dialog image:dir(rtl), .budgie-run-dialog image:dir(rtl) { + padding-left: 12px; + padding-right: 8px; } +.budgie-run-dialog list row:selected .dim-label, .budgie-run-dialog list row:selected label.separator, .budgie-run-dialog list row:selected .titlebar .subtitle, .titlebar .budgie-run-dialog list row:selected .subtitle, +.budgie-run-dialog list row:selected headerbar .subtitle, +headerbar .budgie-run-dialog list row:selected .subtitle { + opacity: 1; } +.budgie-run-dialog scrolledwindow { + border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); } + +.budgie-menubar menu { + margin: 4px; + padding: 5px; + border-radius: 0; + background-color: rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); } + .budgie-menubar menu menuitem:hover { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } +.budgie-menubar arrow { + border: none; + min-width: 16px; + min-height: 16px; } + .budgie-menubar { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-up-symbolic"); + border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(72, 79, 92, 0.928); } + .budgie-menubar arrow.bottom { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("pan-down-symbolic"); + border-top: 1px solid rgba(72, 79, 92, 0.928); } +.budgie-menubar menuitem accelerator { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.35); } +.budgie-menubar menuitem check, .budgie-menubar menuitem radio { + min-height: 16px; + min-width: 16px; } + +window.background.budgie-settings-window.csd > box.horizontal > stack > scrolledwindow buttonbox.inline-toolbar { + border-style: none none solid; } + +.workspace-switcher .workspace-layout { + border: 0 solid rgba(32, 36, 44, 0.95); } + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout:dir(ltr), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout:dir(ltr) { + border-left-width: 1px; } + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout:dir(rtl), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout:dir(rtl) { + border-right-width: 1px; } + .left .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout, .right .workspace-switcher .workspace-layout { + border-top-width: 1px; } +.workspace-switcher .workspace-item, .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button { + border: 0 solid rgba(53, 60, 74, 0.95); } + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-item:dir(ltr), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-item:dir(ltr), + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:dir(ltr), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:dir(ltr) { + border-right-width: 1px; } + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-item:dir(rtl), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-item:dir(rtl), + .top .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:dir(rtl), .bottom .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:dir(rtl) { + border-left-width: 1px; } + .left .workspace-switcher .workspace-item, .right .workspace-switcher .workspace-item, .left .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button, .right .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button { + border-bottom-width: 1px; } +.workspace-switcher .workspace-item.current-workspace { + background-color: rgba(21, 24, 29, 0.95); } +.workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button { + border: none; + background: transparent; } + .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:hover { + box-shadow: none; } + .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:active { + background-image: none; } + .workspace-switcher .workspace-add-button:active image { + margin: 1px 0 -1px; } +.budgie-panel .workspace-switcher .workspace-icon-button { + min-height: 24px; + min-width: 24px; + padding: 0; + border-radius: 2px; } + +/************ + * Nautilus * + ************/ +.nautilus-window .frame *:selected, .nautilus-window .frame *:selected:backdrop { + background: transparent; + color: #8fbcbb; } + .nautilus-window .frame *:selected label, .nautilus-window .frame *:selected:backdrop label { + color: #8fbcbb; } +.nautilus-window paned > separator { + background-image: none; } +.nautilus-window .sidebar { + background-color: transparent; } + .nautilus-window .sidebar:backdrop { + background-color: transparent; } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row button { + border: none; + background-color: rgba(53, 59, 73, 0.95); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row button:active { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.75); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row:selected { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.75); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row:selected:hover { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row:hover { + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.5); } + .nautilus-window .sidebar .list-row:hover:active { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.9); } +.nautilus-window.background { + background-color: rgba(53, 59, 73, 0.95); } + .nautilus-window.background:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(53, 59, 73, 0.95); } +.nautilus-window notebook > stack:only-child { + background-color: #3b4252; } + .nautilus-window notebook > stack:only-child:backdrop { + background-color: #3d4455; } +.nautilus-window searchbar { + border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); } +.nautilus-window .searchbar-container { + margin-top: -1px; } + +.nautilus-circular-button { + border-radius: 20px; + -gtk-outline-radius: 20px; } + +.disk-space-display { + border: 2px solid; } + .disk-space-display .unknown { + background-color: #888a85; + border-color: #555653; } + .disk-space-display .used { + background-color: #9FB0B9; + border-color: #667f8c; } + .disk-space-display .free { + background-color: #D8D8D8; + border-color: #a5a5a5; } + +.nautilus-desktop { + color: #d8dee9; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item { + border-radius: 5px; + color: #ffffff; + text-shadow: 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item:active { + color: #d8dee9; + text-shadow: none; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + text-shadow: none; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item:selected { + color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item .dim-label:selected, .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item label.separator:selected, .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item .titlebar .subtitle:selected, .titlebar .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item .subtitle:selected, + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item headerbar .subtitle:selected, + headerbar .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-canvas-item .subtitle:selected { + color: #2e3440; } + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list .dim-label:selected, .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list label.separator:selected, .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list .titlebar .subtitle:selected, .titlebar .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list .subtitle:selected, + .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list headerbar .subtitle:selected, + headerbar .nautilus-desktop .nautilus-list .subtitle:selected { + color: #2e3440; } + +/********* + * Gedit * + *********/ +.gedit-search-slider { + padding: 4px; + border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px; + border: 0; + background-color: #434c5e; } + +/********* + * Gnucash * +*********/ +#gnc-id-main-window entry.gnc-class-register-foreground { + background: transparent; + border: none; + box-shadow: none; } +#gnc-id-main-window .arrow.button.toggle { + transition: none; + box-shadow: none; } + #gnc-id-main-window .arrow.button.toggle:hover { + border-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/******************* + * Calendar events * +********************/ +.color-light label, .color-light.timed label { + color: #2e3440; + opacity: 1; } + +/******** + * Gala * + *******/ +.gala-notification { + border-width: 0; + border-radius: 2px; + color: white; + border: 1px solid #3b4252; + background-color: #3b4252; } + .gala-notification .title, + .gala-notification .label { + color: #d8dee9; } + +.gala-button { + padding: 3px; + color: #3b4252; + border: none; + border-radius: 50%; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #7e7e7e, #3e3e3e); + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.98), inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.93), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.99), 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6), 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84), 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.77); + text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } + +/********** + * Notify * + *********/ +.notify { + /*-notify-shadow: 0px 2px 18px transparentize(black, 0.60);*/ + border-radius: 5px; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); + background-color: rgba(59, 66, 82, 0.05); } + +/*************** + * SwitchBoard * + ***************/ +.category-label { + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/************* + * Slingshot * + ************/ { + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; + background-image: none; } + .app:hover { + border-radius: 8px; + border: none; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + color: white; } + .app:focus { + /*background-color: transparentize(black, 0.20);*/ } + { + border-radius: 0; + border: none; + color: #d8dee9; + background: none; } + .search-item:hover, .search-item:focus { + border-radius: 0; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.3); + color: #2e3440; } +, { + border: none; + font-size: 18px; + font-weight: 300; + background-image: none; + background: none; + box-shadow: none; + border-radius: 0; } + { + font-weight: bold; + color: #d8dee9; } + +/********* + * Panel * + ********/ +.panel { + background-color: transparent; + transition: all 100ms ease-in-out; } + .panel.maximized { + background-color: #2e3440; } + .panel.translucent { + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + .panel.color-light.translucent { + background-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.85); } + +menubar.panel, +.panel menubar { + box-shadow: none; + border: none; } + +.composited-indicator > revealer, +.composited-indicator > revealer image, +.composited-indicator > revealer label, +.composited-indicator > revealer spinner { + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); + transition: all 200ms ease-in-out; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); } +.composited-indicator > revealer image:first-child + label { + margin-left: 5px; } + +.panel.color-light .composited-indicator > revealer, +.panel.color-light .composited-indicator > revealer image, +.panel.color-light .composited-indicator > revealer label, +.panel.color-light .composited-indicator > revealer spinner { + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); + text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + +/************** + * Calculator * + **************/ +PantheonCalculatorMainWindow { + border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; } + PantheonCalculatorMainWindow .window-frame { + border-radius: 3px; } + +/********* + * Cards * + *********/ +.deck { + background-color: #323946; } + +.card { + background-color: #3b4252; + border: none; + box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 3px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + transition: all 150ms ease-in-out; } + +.card.collapsed { + background-color: #303643; + box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } + +/********* + * Noise * + *********/ +NoiseLibraryWindow { + border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; } + NoiseLibraryWindow .action-bar { + border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; } + NoiseLibraryWindow .window-frame { + border-radius: 3px; } + +/******** + * Snap * + ********/ +SnapMainWindow .take-button, +SnapSnapWindow .take-button { + border-radius: 0; } + +/******************* + * Photos/Shotwell * + *******************/ +DirectWindow .the-button-in-the-combobox, +LibraryWindow .the-button-in-the-combobox { + background: none; } + +.checkerboard-layout { + background-color: #434c5e; + background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)), linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 25%, transparent 25%, transparent 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) 75%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)); + background-size: 24px 24px; + background-position: 0 0, 12px 12px; } + +.checkboard-layout .item { + background-color: #d8dee9; } + +/********* +* Avatar * +*********/ +.avatar { + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); + border-radius: 50%; + box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05), inset 0 1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.45), inset 0 -1px 0 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15), 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23); } + +/**level bars**/ +.sidebar .source-list.view.level-bar, .sidebar iconview.source-list.level-bar, .sidebar .source-list.view.level-bar:selected, .sidebar iconview.source-list.level-bar:selected, .sidebar .source-list.view.level-bar:selected:focus, .sidebar iconview.source-list.level-bar:selected:focus { + background: linear-gradient(to right, #4e586d, #4e586d); + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14); + box-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + border-radius: 2px; } +.sidebar .source-list.view.level-bar.fill-block, .sidebar iconview.source-list.level-bar.fill-block { + border: none; } +.sidebar .source-list.view.fill-block, .sidebar iconview.source-list.fill-block, .sidebar .source-list.view.fill-block:hover, .sidebar iconview.source-list.fill-block:hover, .sidebar .source-list.view.fill-block:selected, .sidebar iconview.source-list.fill-block:selected, .sidebar .source-list.view.fill-block:selected:focus, .sidebar iconview.source-list.fill-block:selected:focus { + background: linear-gradient(to right, #ebcb8b, #ebcb8b); } + +/************************** + * Colors in context menu * +**************************/ +checkbutton.color-button { + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 100px; + background-clip: border-box; + padding: 0; + margin: 2px 1px; } + checkbutton.color-button > check { + -gtk-icon-source: none; + background: none; + margin-right: 0; + padding: 2px; } + checkbutton.color-button.none > check { + background-color: transparent; + border-radius: 100px; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("close-symbolic"); } + +radiobutton.color-button > radio { + -gtk-icon-source: none; + margin-right: 0; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15); + border-radius: 100px; + background-clip: border-box; } +radiobutton.color-button:active > radio { + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35); } + +.color-button check, +.color-button check:checked, +.color-button radio, +.color-button radio:checked { + background-image: none; + border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + border-radius: 50%; + color: #3b4252; + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("check-active-symbolic"); } check, radio, s +.color-button.strawberry check, .color-button.strawberry radio { + background-color: @STRAWBERRY_300; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @STRAWBERRY_500; } check, radio { + background-color: @ORANGE_300; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @ORANGE_500; } +.color-button.yellow check, .color-button.yellow radio, .color-button.banana check, .color-button.banana radio { + background-color: @BANANA_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @BANANA_700; } check, radio, .color-button.lime check, .color-button.lime radio { + background-color: @LIME_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @LIME_700; } check, radio, .color-button.blueberry check, .color-button.blueberry radio { + background-color: @BLUEBERRY_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @BLUEBERRY_700; } +.color-button.purple check, .color-button.purple radio, .color-button.grape check, .color-button.grape radio { + background-color: @GRAPE_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @GRAPE_700; } +.color-button.brown check, .color-button.brown radio, .color-button.cocoa check, .color-button.cocoa radio { + background-color: @COCOA_300; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @COCOA_500; } check, radio { + background-color: @MINT_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @MINT_700; } check, radio, .color-button.bubblegum check, .color-button.bubblegum radio { + background-color: @BUBBLEGUM_500; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @BUBBLEGUM_700; } +.color-button.slate check, .color-button.slate radio { + background-color: @SLATE_300; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px 1px @SLATE_500; } radio { + background-image: url("assets/color-button-auto.png"); + background-position: -1px -1px; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: calc(100% + 2px); } + +.xfce4-panel.panel { + background-color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +#tasklist-button { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.8); + border-radius: 0; + border: none; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0); } + #tasklist-button:hover { + color: #f9fafb; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); } + #tasklist-button:checked { + color: white; + background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + box-shadow: inset 0 -2px #8fbcbb; } + +.xfce4-panel.panel button.flat { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 0; + border: none; + background-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0); } + .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:hover { + border: none; + background-color: #434c5e; } + .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:active, .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:checked { + color: #2e3440; + border: none; + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:active label, .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:active image, .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:checked label, .xfce4-panel.panel button.flat:checked image { + color: inherit; } + +#whiskermenu-window button { + background-color: transparent; + border: none; + border-radius: 0; + font-weight: normal; + padding: 3px; + margin: 1px 2px; } + #whiskermenu-window button:hover, #whiskermenu-window button:checked { + background-color: #8fbcbb; } + +/******** +* Unity * +*********/ +/* Unity window border color */ +/* Unity window text color */ +/* Backdrop Unity window text color */ +/* Unity panel color #454D50 */ +UnityDecoration { + /* Border properties (top, right, bottom, left) */ + -UnityDecoration-extents: 28px 1px 1px 1px; + /* the size of the decorations */ + -UnityDecoration-input-extents: 10px; + /* the extra size of the input areas */ + /* Shadows settings */ + -UnityDecoration-shadow-offset-x: 1px; + /* Size property, the shadow x offset */ + -UnityDecoration-shadow-offset-y: 1px; + /* Size property, the shadow y offset */ + -UnityDecoration-active-shadow-color: rgba 0, 0, 0, 0.647; + /* Color property, active window shadow color */ + -UnityDecoration-active-shadow-radius: 8px; + /* Size property, active window shadow radius */ + -UnityDecoration-inactive-shadow-color: rgba 0, 0, 0, 0.647; + /* Color property, inactive windows shadow color */ + -UnityDecoration-inactive-shadow-radius: 5px; + /* Size property, inactive windows shadow radius */ + /* Glow applied to the selected scaled window */ + -UnityDecoration-glow-size: 8px; + /* Size property, size of glow */ + -UnityDecoration-glow-color: #8fbcbb; + /* Color property of the glow */ + /* Title settings */ + -UnityDecoration-title-indent: 10px; + /* Size property, left indent of the title */ + -UnityDecoration-title-fade: 35px; + /* Size property, space of the title that can be faded */ + -UnityDecoration-title-alignment: 0.0; + /* Float from 0.0 to 1.0, to align the title */ + background-color: #eeeeee; + color: #31363D; } + UnityDecoration .top { + padding: 0 5px 0 5px; + border-radius: 4px 4px 0px 0px; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #eeeeee; + border-bottom-width: 0; + background-color: #eeeeee; + color: #31363D; + border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + UnityDecoration .top:backdrop { + border-bottom-width: 0; + color: #1a1d21; + border-top: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1); } + UnityDecoration .top .menuitem { + color: #31363D; } + UnityDecoration .top .menuitem:backdrop { + color: #1a1d21; } + +UnityDecoration.left, +UnityDecoration.right { + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-color: #ececec; + background-size: 1px 120px; + background-clip: border-box; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eeeeee, #ececec); } + +UnityDecoration.bottom { + background-size: 1px; + background-repeat: repeat-x; + background-color: #ececec; } + +UnityDecoration.left:backdrop, +UnityDecoration.right:backdrop, +UnityDecoration.bottom:backdrop { + background-size: 1px; + background-repeat: repeat-x; } + +/************** +* Unity Panel * +***************/ +UnityPanelWidget, +.unity-panel { + background-color: #d5d5d5; + color: #31363D; } + +UnityPanelWidget:backdrop, +.unity-panel:backdrop { + color: #1a1d21; } + +.unity-panel.menuitem, +.unity-panel .menuitem { + border-width: 0 1px; + color: #31363D; } + +.unity-panel.menubar, +.unity-panel .menubar { + color: #31363D; } +, +.unity-panel .menu .menubar { + background-color: #d5d5d5; + color: #31363D; } + +.unity-panel.menubar:backdrop, +.unity-panel .menubar *:backdrop { + color: #8e95a4; } + +.unity-panel.menubar.menuitem, +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem { + padding: 3px 5px; + border-width: 1px; + border-style: solid; + border: none; + background: none; + color: #31363D; + box-shadow: none; } + +.unity-panel.menubar.menuitem:hover, +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem:hover { + border-radius: 0; + background-color: #ebebeb; + color: #31363D; + box-shadow: none; } + +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem *:hover { + color: white; + box-shadow: none; } + +.unity-panel.menubar .menuitem.separator, +.unity-panel.menubar.menuitem.separator { + border: none; + color: #232831; } + +/* Force Quit */ +SheetStyleDialog.unity-force-quit { + background-color: #3b4252; } + +@keyframes playbackmenuitem_spinner { + to { + -gtk-icon-transform: rotate(1turn); } } IdoPlaybackMenuItem.menuitem:active { + -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("process-working-symbolic"); + animation: playbackmenuitem_spinner 1s infinite linear; + color: #8fbcbb; } + +MsdOsdWindow.background.osd { + border-radius: 2px; + border: 1px solid #232831; } + MsdOsdWindow.background.osd .progressbar { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + border: none; + border-color: #8fbcbb; + border-radius: 5px; } + MsdOsdWindow.background.osd .trough { + background-color: rgba(29, 33, 40, 0.93); + border: none; + border-radius: 5px; } + +/*********************** + * App-Specific Styles * + ***********************/ +/********* + * Geary * + *********/ +.geary-titlebar-left .separator, +.geary-titlebar-right .separator { + opacity: 0; } + +ConversationListView { + -GtkTreeView-grid-line-width: 0; } + ConversationListView .view:active, ConversationListView iconview:active, ConversationListView .view:selected, ConversationListView iconview:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + ConversationListView .view:active:backdrop, ConversationListView iconview:active:backdrop, ConversationListView .view:selected:backdrop, ConversationListView iconview:selected:backdrop { + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); } + ConversationListView .view .cell, ConversationListView iconview .cell { + border: solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); + border-width: 0 0 1px 0; } + ConversationListView .view .cell:selected, ConversationListView iconview .cell:selected { + color: #2e3440; + border: 0px solid #6fa9a8; } + +/*********** + * LightDm * + ***********/ +#panel_window { + background-color: #2e3440; + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: bold; + box-shadow: inset 0 -1px #1f232b; } + #panel_window .menubar, + #panel_window .menubar > .menuitem + menubar, + #panel_window menubar > menuitem { + background-color: transparent; + color: #d8dee9; + font-weight: bold; } + #panel_window .menubar .menuitem:disabled, + #panel_window menubar menuitem:disabled { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.5); } + #panel_window .menubar .menuitem:disabled GtkLabel, + #panel_window menubar menuitem:disabled GtkLabel { + color: inherit; } + #panel_window .menubar .menuitem:disabled label, + #panel_window menubar menuitem:disabled label { + color: inherit; } + #panel_window .menubar .menu > .menuitem, + #panel_window menubar menu > menuitem { + font-weight: normal; } + +#login_window, +#shutdown_dialog, +#restart_dialog { + font-weight: normal; + border-style: none; + background-color: transparent; + color: #d8dee9; } + +#content_frame { + padding-bottom: 14px; + background-color: #434c5e; + border-top-left-radius: 2px; + border-top-right-radius: 2px; + border: solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-width: 1px 1px 0 1px; } + +#content_frame button { + font-weight: normal; + color: #d8dee9; + background-color: #3c4454; + text-shadow: none; } + #content_frame button:hover { + color: #d8dee9; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #3b4252; + text-shadow: none; } + #content_frame button:active, #content_frame button:checked { + color: #d8dee9; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + #content_frame button:disabled { + color: #b9bfcb; + border-color: rgba(35, 40, 49, 0.3); + background-color: #404859; + text-shadow: none; } + +#buttonbox_frame { + padding-top: 20px; + padding-bottom: 0px; + border-style: none; + background-color: #353c4a; + border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; + border: solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); + border-width: 0 1px 1px 1px; } + +#buttonbox_frame button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-color: #232831; + background-color: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.93); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + #buttonbox_frame button:hover { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93), rgba(65, 74, 91, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: 0 1px black; + -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + #buttonbox_frame button:active, #buttonbox_frame button:checked { + color: white; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93), rgba(52, 59, 73, 0.93)); + background-clip: padding-box; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; + outline-color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.3); } + #buttonbox_frame button:disabled { + color: #808690; + border-color: #232831; + background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5), rgba(58, 63, 73, 0.5)); + background-clip: padding-box; + box-shadow: none; + text-shadow: none; + -gtk-icon-shadow: none; } + +#login_window #user_combobox { + color: #d8dee9; + font-size: 13px; } + #login_window #user_combobox .menu, + #login_window #user_combobox menu { + font-weight: normal; } + +#user_image { + padding: 3px; + border-radius: 2px; } + +#greeter_infobar { + border-bottom-width: 0; + font-weight: bold; } + +.nemo-window .places-treeview { + -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-bg-color: #4e586d; + -NemoPlacesTreeView-disk-full-fg-color: #ebcb8b; + -GtkTreeView-vertical-separator: 10; } + .nemo-window .places-treeview .view.cell:hover, .nemo-window .places-treeview iconview.cell:hover, + .nemo-window .places-treeview iconview.cell:hover { + background: rgba(40, 45, 55, 0.7); } + .nemo-window .places-treeview .view.cell:selected, .nemo-window .places-treeview iconview.cell:selected, + .nemo-window .places-treeview iconview.cell:selected { + background: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } +.nemo-window .sidebar { + background-color: #2e3440; } + .nemo-window .sidebar .view, .nemo-window .sidebar iconview, .nemo-window .sidebar .iconview, .nemo-window .sidebar row { + color: #98abb2; + background-color: transparent; } +.nemo-window .nemo-window-pane widget.entry { + background-clip: padding-box; + min-height: 28px; + padding: 5px; + color: #d8dee9; + border: 1px solid #232831; + border-radius: 3px; + box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9), inset 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.96), inset -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.96), inset 0 -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.98), 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); } + .nemo-window .nemo-window-pane widget.entry:selected { + background-color: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } +.nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar { + margin-bottom: -1px; + background: #353c4a; } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #232831; + background-color: #2e3440; + min-height: 24px; + padding: 3px; } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:hover { + color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:selected, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:active, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:checked { + color: #2e3440; + outline-color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.3); + background-color: #8fbcbb; + text-shadow: none; } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:selected:backdrop, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:active:backdrop, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:checked:backdrop { + color: rgba(46, 52, 64, 0.5); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.6); + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } + .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:backdrop, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:disabled, .nemo-window toolbar.primary-toolbar button:backdrop:disabled { + color: rgba(216, 222, 233, 0.2); + background-color: #2e3440; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; } +.nemo-window .nemo-inactive-pane .view, .nemo-window .nemo-inactive-pane iconview, +.nemo-window .nemo-inactive-pane iconview { + background-color: #353b49; } + +/* thunar */ +.thunar toolbar { + background-color: #353c4a; } + +/* buttons in toolbar */ +.thunar toolbar.horizontal button image { + -gtk-icon-transform: scale(0.72); } + +scrolledwindow.sidebar treeview.view { + background: #2a2f3a; + padding: 1.5px; } + +/* path-bar of thunar */ +window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button, +.thunar toolbar .path-bar-button { + color: #d8dee9; + border-radius: 4px; + text-shadow: none; + box-shadow: none; + border: 1px solid #232831; + background-color: #2e3440; + border-radius: 0; + border-right: 0.5px solid #232831; + box-shadow: none; + min-height: 20px; + padding: 3px 4px; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:first-child, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:first-child { + border-top-left-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:last-child, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:last-child { + border-top-right-radius: 4px; + border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; + border-right-style: solid; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:only-child, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:only-child { + border-radius: 4px; + border-style: solid; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:hover, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:hover { + color: #8fbcbb; } + window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .path-bar-button:checked, + .thunar toolbar .path-bar-button:checked { + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } +window.thunar toolbar#location-toolbar > toolitem > widget > widget.linked.path-bar .toggle.path-bar-button:hover, +.thunar toolbar .toggle.path-bar-button:hover { + color: #fff; + outline-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3); + background-color: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + text-shadow: none; } + +/* thunar sidepane */ +window.thunar paned > scrolledwindow treeview.view:hover, window.thunar paned > scrolledwindow treeview.view:selected { + background: rgba(143, 188, 187, 0.7); + color: #2e3440; + border-radius: 0; + box-shadow: none; } + +.caja-notebook .entry { + background: #3b4252; + color: #d8dee9; } + .caja-notebook .entry:selected { + background: #8fbcbb; + color: #2e3440; } + +/*# */ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/thumbnail.png b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/thumbnail.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b9cef7c Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/gtk-3.0/thumbnail.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/index.theme b/.themes/Nordic/index.theme new file mode 100755 index 0000000..3877eb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/.themes/Nordic/index.theme @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Type=X-GNOME-Metatheme +Name=Nordic +Comment=Dark theme created using the awesome Nord color pallete +Encoding=UTF-8 + +[X-GNOME-Metatheme] +GtkTheme=Nordic +MetacityTheme=Nordic +IconTheme=Zafiro-icons 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a/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_focused_pressed.png b/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_focused_pressed.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c78be2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_focused_pressed.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_unfocused.png b/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_unfocused.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8feb53f Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_unfocused.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_unfocused_prelight.png b/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_unfocused_prelight.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c78be2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_unfocused_prelight.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_unfocused_pressed.png b/.themes/Nordic/metacity-1/maximize_unfocused_pressed.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c78be2 Binary files /dev/null and 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name="border_unfocused"> + <rectangle color="C_border_unfocused" x="0" y="0" width="width-1" height="height-1" filled="false" /> +</draw_ops> + +<draw_ops name="rounded_border_focused"> + <line color="C_border_focused" x1="2" y1="0" x2="width-3" y2="0" /> + <line color="C_border_focused" x1="0" y1="height-1" x2="width-1" y2="height-1" /> + <line color="C_border_focused" x1="0" y1="2" x2="0" y2="height-2" /> + <line color="C_border_focused" x1="width-1" y1="2" x2="width-1" y2="height-2" /> + <arc color="C_border_focused" x="0" y="0" width="3" height="3" start_angle="270" extent_angle="90" /> + <arc color="C_border_focused" x="width-3" y="0" width="2" height="3" start_angle="0" extent_angle="90" /> + <!-- double arcs for darker borders --> + <arc color="C_border_focused" x="0" y="0" width="3" height="3" start_angle="270" extent_angle="90" /> + <arc color="C_border_focused" x="width-3" y="0" width="2" height="3" start_angle="0" extent_angle="90" /> +</draw_ops> + +<draw_ops 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name="close_unfocused"> + <image filename="close_unfocused.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="close_unfocused_prelight"> + <image filename="close_unfocused_prelight.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="close_unfocused_pressed"> + <image filename="close_unfocused_pressed.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> + + +<!-- Maximize icon --> +<draw_ops name="maximize_focused"> + <image filename="maximize_focused_normal.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="maximize_focused_prelight"> + <image filename="maximize_focused_prelight.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="maximize_focused_pressed"> + <image filename="maximize_focused_pressed.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="maximize_unfocused"> + <image filename="maximize_unfocused.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="maximize_unfocused_prelight"> + <image filename="maximize_unfocused_prelight.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="maximize_unfocused_pressed"> + <image filename="maximize_unfocused_pressed.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> + +<!-- Unmaximize icon --> +<draw_ops name="unmaximize_focused"> + <image filename="unmaximize_focused_normal.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="unmaximize_focused_prelight"> + <image filename="unmaximize_focused_prelight.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="unmaximize_focused_pressed"> + <image filename="unmaximize_focused_pressed.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="unmaximize_unfocused"> + <image filename="unmaximize_unfocused.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="unmaximize_unfocused_prelight"> + <image filename="unmaximize_unfocused_prelight.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="unmaximize_unfocused_pressed"> + <image filename="unmaximize_unfocused_prelight.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> + + +<!-- Minimize icon --> +<draw_ops name="minimize_focused"> + <image filename="minimize_focused_normal.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="minimize_focused_prelight"> + <image filename="minimize_focused_prelight.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" height="object_height" /> +</draw_ops> +<draw_ops name="minimize_focused_pressed"> + <image filename="minimize_focused_pressed.png" x="0" y="2" width="object_width" 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0000000..5c38af2 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/xfwm4/top-right-active-shaded.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/xfwm4/top-right-active.png b/.themes/Nordic/xfwm4/top-right-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2626f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/xfwm4/top-right-active.png differ diff --git a/.themes/Nordic/xfwm4/top-right-inactive.png b/.themes/Nordic/xfwm4/top-right-inactive.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f2626f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/.themes/Nordic/xfwm4/top-right-inactive.png differ diff --git a/.tmux.conf b/.tmux.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..105cd1f --- /dev/null +++ b/.tmux.conf @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +set -g default-terminal 'screen-256color' +set -g history-limit 10000 +set -g mouse on diff --git a/.xinitrc b/.xinitrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ac7f120 --- /dev/null +++ b/.xinitrc @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +exec bspwm diff --git a/.xscreensaver b/.xscreensaver new file mode 100644 index 0000000..699e3f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.xscreensaver @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ +# XScreenSaver Preferences File +# Written by xscreensaver-demo 6.02 for relms on Sun Nov 14 19:42:09 2021. +# + +timeout: 0:10:00 +cycle: 0:10:00 +lock: True +lockTimeout: 0:30:00 +passwdTimeout: 0:00:30 +visualID: default +installColormap: True +verbose: False +splash: True +splashDuration: 0:00:05 +demoCommand: xscreensaver-settings +nice: 10 +fade: True +unfade: True +fadeSeconds: 0:00:03 +ignoreUninstalledPrograms:False +font: +dpmsEnabled: True +dpmsQuickOff: False +dpmsStandby: 2:00:00 +dpmsSuspend: 2:00:00 +dpmsOff: 4:00:00 +grabDesktopImages: False +grabVideoFrames: False +chooseRandomImages: False +imageDirectory: + +mode: random +selected: -1 + +textMode: date +textLiteral: XScreenSaver +textFile: +textProgram: fortune +textURL: +dialogTheme: default + +programs: \ + maze -root \n\ + GL: superquadrics -root \n\ + attraction -root \n\ + blitspin -root \n\ + greynetic -root \n\ + helix -root \n\ + hopalong -root \n\ + imsmap -root \n\ + noseguy -root \n\ + pyro -root \n\ + qix -root \n\ + rocks -root \n\ + rorschach -root \n\ + decayscreen -root \n\ + flame -root \n\ + halo -root \n\ + slidescreen -root \n\ + pedal -root \n\ + bouboule -root \n\ + braid -root \n\ + coral -root \n\ + deco -root \n\ + drift -root \n\ + fadeplot -root \n\ + galaxy -root \n\ + goop -root \n\ + grav -root \n\ + ifs -root \n\ + GL: jigsaw -root \n\ + julia -root \n\ + kaleidescope -root \n\ + GL: moebius -root \n\ + moire -root \n\ + GL: morph3d -root \n\ + mountain -root \n\ + munch -root \n\ + penrose -root \n\ + GL: pipes -root \n\ + rd-bomb -root \n\ + GL: rubik -root \n\ + sierpinski -root \n\ + slip -root \n\ + GL: sproingies -root \n\ + starfish -root \n\ + strange -root \n\ + swirl -root \n\ + triangle -root \n\ + xjack -root \n\ + xlyap -root \n\ + GL: atlantis -root \n\ + bsod -root \n\ + GL: bubble3d -root \n\ + GL: cage -root \n\ + crystal -root \n\ + cynosure -root \n\ + discrete -root \n\ + distort -root \n\ + epicycle -root \n\ + flow -root \n\ + GL: glplanet -root \n\ + interference -root \n\ + kumppa -root \n\ + GL: lament -root \n\ + moire2 -root \n\ + GL: sonar -root \n\ + GL: stairs -root \n\ + truchet -root \n\ + vidwhacker -root \n\ + blaster -root \n\ + bumps -root \n\ + ccurve -root \n\ + compass -root \n\ + deluxe -root \n\ + demon -root \n\ + GL: extrusion -root \n\ + loop -root \n\ + penetrate -root \n\ + petri -root \n\ + phosphor -root \n\ + GL: pulsar -root \n\ + ripples -root \n\ + shadebobs -root \n\ + GL: sierpinski3d -root \n\ + spotlight -root \n\ + squiral -root \n\ + wander -root \n\ + webcollage -root \n\ + xflame -root \n\ + xmatrix -root \n\ + GL: gflux -root \n\ + nerverot -root \n\ + xrayswarm -root \n\ + xspirograph -root \n\ + GL: circuit -root \n\ + GL: dangerball -root \n\ + GL: dnalogo -root \n\ + GL: engine -root \n\ + GL: flipscreen3d -root \n\ + GL: gltext -root \n\ + GL: menger -root \n\ + GL: molecule -root \n\ + rotzoomer -root \n\ + scooter -root \n\ + speedmine -root \n\ + GL: starwars -root \n\ + GL: stonerview -root \n\ + vermiculate -root \n\ + whirlwindwarp -root \n\ + zoom -root \n\ + anemone -root \n\ + apollonian -root \n\ + GL: boxed -root \n\ + GL: cubenetic -root \n\ + GL: endgame -root \n\ + euler2d -root \n\ + fluidballs -root \n\ + GL: flurry -root \n\ + GL: glblur -root \n\ + GL: glsnake -root \n\ + halftone -root \n\ + GL: juggler3d -root \n\ + GL: lavalite -root \n\ + polyominoes -root \n\ + GL: queens -root \n\ + GL: sballs -root \n\ + GL: spheremonics -root \n\ + thornbird -root \n\ + twang -root \n\ + GL: antspotlight -root \n\ + apple2 -root \n\ + GL: atunnel -root \n\ + barcode -root \n\ + GL: blinkbox -root \n\ + GL: blocktube -root \n\ + GL: bouncingcow -root \n\ + cloudlife -root \n\ + GL: cubestorm -root \n\ + eruption -root \n\ + GL: flipflop -root \n\ + GL: flyingtoasters -root \n\ + fontglide -root \n\ + GL: gleidescope -root \n\ + GL: glknots -root \n\ + GL: glmatrix -root \n\ + GL: glslideshow -root \n\ + GL: hypertorus -root \n\ + GL: jigglypuff -root \n\ + metaballs -root \n\ + GL: mirrorblob -root \n\ + piecewise -root \n\ + GL: polytopes -root \n\ + pong -root \n\ + popsquares -root \n\ + GL: surfaces -root \n\ + xanalogtv -root \n\ + abstractile -root \n\ + anemotaxis -root \n\ + GL: antinspect -root \n\ + fireworkx -root \n\ + fuzzyflakes -root \n\ + interaggregate -root \n\ + intermomentary -root \n\ + memscroller -root \n\ + GL: noof -root \n\ + pacman -root \n\ + GL: pinion -root \n\ + GL: polyhedra -root \n\ + GL: providence -root \n\ + substrate -root \n\ + wormhole -root \n\ + GL: antmaze -root \n\ + GL: boing -root \n\ + boxfit -root \n\ + GL: carousel -root \n\ + celtic -root \n\ + GL: crackberg -root \n\ + GL: cube21 -root \n\ + fiberlamp -root \n\ + GL: fliptext -root \n\ + GL: glhanoi -root \n\ + GL: tangram -root \n\ + GL: timetunnel -root \n\ + GL: glschool -root \n\ + GL: topblock -root \n\ + GL: cubicgrid -root \n\ + cwaves -root \n\ + GL: gears -root \n\ + GL: glcells -root \n\ + GL: lockward -root \n\ + m6502 -root \n\ + GL: moebiusgears -root \n\ + GL: voronoi -root \n\ + GL: hypnowheel -root \n\ + GL: klein -root \n\ + lcdscrub -root \n\ + GL: photopile -root \n\ + GL: skytentacles -root \n\ + GL: rubikblocks -root \n\ + GL: companioncube -root \n\ + GL: hilbert -root \n\ + GL: tronbit -root \n\ + GL: geodesic -root \n\ + hexadrop -root \n\ + GL: kaleidocycle -root \n\ + GL: quasicrystal -root \n\ + GL: unknownpleasures -root \n\ + binaryring -root \n\ + GL: cityflow -root \n\ + GL: geodesicgears -root \n\ + GL: projectiveplane -root \n\ + GL: romanboy -root \n\ + tessellimage -root \n\ + GL: winduprobot -root \n\ + GL: splitflap -root \n\ + GL: cubestack -root \n\ + GL: cubetwist -root \n\ + GL: discoball -root \n\ + GL: dymaxionmap -root \n\ + GL: energystream -root \n\ + GL: hexstrut -root \n\ + GL: hydrostat -root \n\ + GL: raverhoop -root \n\ + GL: splodesic -root \n\ + GL: unicrud -root \n\ + GL: esper -root \n\ + GL: vigilance -root \n\ + GL: crumbler -root \n\ + filmleader -root \n\ + glitchpeg -root \n\ + GL: handsy -root \n\ + GL: maze3d -root \n\ + GL: peepers -root \n\ + GL: razzledazzle -root \n\ + vfeedback -root \n\ + GL: deepstars -root \n\ + GL: gravitywell -root \n\ + GL: beats -root \n\ + GL: covid19 -root \n\ + GL: etruscanvenus -root \n\ + GL: gibson -root \n\ + GL: headroom -root \n\ + GL: sphereeversion -root \n\ + binaryhorizon -root \n\ + marbling -root \n\ + + +pointerHysteresis: 10 +authWarningSlack: 20 + diff --git a/.zshrc b/.zshrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9821af0 --- /dev/null +++ b/.zshrc @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +# Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. +if [[ -r "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" ]]; then + source "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" +fi + +# Set path +export PATH=$HOME/flutter/bin:$HOME/.cargo/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/.dotnet/tools:$HOME/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin:$HOME/.yarn/bin:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:$PATH + +# Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. +export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh" + +# omz configs +ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k" +# ZSH_THEME_RANDOM_CANDIDATES=( "robbyrussell" "agnoster" ) +# CASE_SENSITIVE="true" +HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE="true" +# DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true" +# DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT="true" +export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=7 +# DISABLE_MAGIC_FUNCTIONS="true" +# DISABLE_LS_COLORS="true" +# DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true" +ENABLE_CORRECTION="true" +COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS="true" + +# Plugins +plugins=(git yarn command-not-found history-substring-search zsh-autosuggestions nvm rustup rust cargo docker docker-compose dotnet zsh-syntax-highlighting) + +# Plugin Configs +export NVM_AUTOLOAD=1 +export COMMAND_NOT_FOUND_INSTALL_PROMPT=1 +export ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS=(main brackets pattern cursor root line) + +source $ZSH/ + +# You may need to manually set your language environment +export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 + +# Preferred editor +export EDITOR='nvim' + +# Compilation flags +export MAKEFLAGS="-j16" + +# Aliases +alias nano="nvim" +alias vi="nvim" +alias vim="nvim" +alias ls="exa -laFghHUum@ --sort name --group-directories-first --git --icons " +alias tree="exa -laFghHUumRT@ --sort name --group-directories-first --git --icons" +alias rr="curl -s -L | bash" +alias cat="bat" +alias parrot="curl" +alias neofetch="neofetch | lolcat" +alias grep="batgrep" +alias pacman="paru" +alias man="batman" +alias gitdiff="batdiff" + +# Manpage color +export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\e[1;32m' +export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\e[1;32m' +export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\e[0m' +export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\e[0m' +export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\e[01;33m' +export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\e[0m' +export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\e[1;4;31m' + +# Spicetify +export SPICETIFY_INSTALL="/usr/share/spicetify-cli" + +# To customize prompt, run `p10k configure` or edit ~/.p10k.zsh. +[[ ! -f ~/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.p10k.zsh + +# Prevent dotnet from tracking me +export DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=true + +# Load Compinit +autoload -Uz compinit +compinit + +# Command not found +function command_not_found_handler { + local pkgs cmd="$1" + + pkgs=(${(f)"$(pkgfile -b -v -- "$cmd" 2>/dev/null)"}) + if [[ -n "$pkgs" ]]; then + printf 'The application %s is not installed. It may be found in the following packages:\n' "$cmd" + printf ' %s\n' $pkgs[@] + setopt shwordsplit + pkg_array=($pkgs[@]) + pkgname="${${(@s:/:)pkg_array}[2]}" + printf 'Do you want to Install package %s? (y/N) ' $pkgname + if read -q "choice? "; then + echo + echo "Executing command: pacman -S $pkgname" + sudo pacman -S $pkgname + else + echo " " + fi + else + printf 'zsh: command not found: %s\n' "$cmd" + fi 1>&2 + + return 127 +} + +# Git logs +gitlog() { + setterm -linewrap off + + git --no-pager log --all --color=always --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate \ + --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' | \ + sed -E \ + -e 's/\|(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)+\\(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)+ /├\1─╮\2/' \ + -e 's/(\x1b\[[0-9;]+m)\|\x1b\[m\1\/\x1b\[m /\1├─╯\x1b\[m/' \ + -e 's/\|(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)+\\(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)+/├\1╮\2/' \ + -e 's/(\x1b\[[0-9;]+m)\|\x1b\[m\1\/\x1b\[m/\1├╯\x1b\[m/' \ + -e 's/╮(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)+\\/╮\1╰╮/' \ + -e 's/╯(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)+\//╯\1╭╯/' \ + -e 's/(\||\\)\x1b\[m (\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)/╰╮\2/' \ + -e 's/(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)\\/\1╮/g' \ + -e 's/(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)\//\1╯/g' \ + -e 's/^\*|(\x1b\[m )\*/\1⎬/g' \ + -e 's/(\x1b\[[0-9;]*m)\|/\1│/g' | command less -r +'/[^/]HEAD' + + setterm -linewrap on +} + +# Flutter +export CHROME_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable + +# Java +export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk + +# Setup Gnome Keyring +if [ -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION" ];then + eval $(gnome-keyring-daemon --start) + export SSH_AUTH_SOCK +fi + +# Set QT theme +export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct + +# Load nvm +source /usr/share/nvm/ + +# Neofetch cuz its cool +neofetch | lolcat diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..548db95 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +To use, copy everything to your home directory. + +Add `QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct` to `/etc/environment`to set qt theme + +To properly use the qt theme you need to install: `qt5ct`, `qt6ct`, `qt5-styleplugins`, `qt6gtk2` diff --git a/backgrounds/background.jpg b/backgrounds/background.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1875ea9 Binary files /dev/null and b/backgrounds/background.jpg differ diff --git a/bin/clean-backup-pacman b/bin/clean-backup-pacman new file mode 100755 index 0000000..9d0b1a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/clean-backup-pacman @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +#!/bin/sh +notify-send "WARNING: CLEANING & BACKING UP PACMAN PACKAGES! NO NOT USE PACMAN RELATED COMMANDS UNTIL FINISH MESSAGE IS SENT!" +sudo pacman -Qtdq --noconfirm | sudo pacman -Rns --noconfirm - +pacman -Scc --noconfirm +pacman -Qq > $HOME/git/dotfiles/packages.txt +cd $HOME/git/dotfiles && git add . && git commit -m "[AUTOMATED PUSH] Backed up Pacman" && git push +notify-send "Finished backing up Pacman." diff --git a/bin/update-flutter b/bin/update-flutter new file mode 100755 index 0000000..54cb613 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/update-flutter @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#!/bin/sh +flutter upgrade +flutter update-packages +flutter precache +flutter ide-config --overwrite +flutter doctor -v diff --git a/bin/update-mirrors b/bin/update-mirrors new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8146753 --- /dev/null +++ b/bin/update-mirrors @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/bin/sh +sudo reflector --protocol http --protocol https --threads 16 --age 12 --verbose --sort rate --country "United States" --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist diff --git a/packages.txt b/packages.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79aabd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages.txt @@ -0,0 +1,1520 @@ +a52dec +aalib +acl +acpid +adobe-source-code-pro-fonts +adwaita-icon-theme +alsa-card-profiles +alsa-lib +alsa-plugins +alsa-topology-conf +alsa-ucm-conf +android-tools +android-udev +antiword +aom +appimagelauncher +apr +apr-util +arch-install-scripts +archlinux-keyring +argon2 +argyllcms +asp +aspnet-runtime +aspnet-runtime-3.1 +aspnet-targeting-pack +aspnet-targeting-pack-3.1 +assimp +at-spi2-atk +at-spi2-core +atk +atkmm +attr +audiofile +audit +augeas +autoconf +automake +avahi +babeltrace2 +babl +base +bash +bash-completion +bat +bat-extras +bc +bind +binutils +bison +blackarch-keyring +blas +blueman +bluez +bluez-libs +boost-libs +box2d +bpytop +brasero +brave-nightly-bin +breezy +bridge-utils +brotli +bspwm +btrfs-progs +bubblewrap +bzip2 +c-ares +ca-certificates +ca-certificates-mozilla +ca-certificates-utils +cabextract +cairo +cairo-perl +cairomm +calc +cantarell-fonts +catdoc +cava +cblas +cdparanoia +cdrdao +cdrtools +celt +ceph-libs +chromaprint +cifs-utils +clang +clazy +clucene +cmatrix +colord +colord-sane +compiler-rt +containerd +coreutils +cpio +cracklib +cryptsetup +cups +cups-filters +curl +dav1d +davfs2 +db +dbus +dbus-glib +dbus-python +dconf +debootstrap +desktop-file-utils +device-mapper +devtools +dhcpcd +dialog +diffutils +discord +discord-canary +djvulibre +dkms +dmenu +dmraid +dnsmasq +dnssec-anchors +docker +docx2txt +dosfstools +dotconf +dotnet-host-preview-bin +dotnet-runtime +dotnet-runtime-3.1 +dotnet-sdk +dotnet-sdk-3.1 +dotnet-targeting-pack +dotnet-targeting-pack-3.1 +double-conversion +dtc +dunst +dvd+rw-tools +dvdauthor +e2fsprogs +edk2-armvirt +edk2-ovmf +efibootmgr +efivar +egl-wayland +eglexternalplatform +elfutils +emptty +enchant +espeak-ng +espeak-ng-espeak +evince +exa +exempi +exfat-utils +exiv2 +expat +f2fs-tools +faac +faad2 +fakeroot +fastjar +faudio +feh +festival +ffmpeg +fftw +file +filesystem +findutils +firefox-developer-edition +flac +flameshot +flex +flite +fltk +fluidsynth +fmt +font-manager +fontconfig +foomatic-db +foomatic-db-engine +foomatic-db-nonfree +foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds +foomatic-db-ppds +freeglut +freetds +freetype2 +fribidi +fuse-common +fuse2 +fuse3 +gamemode +gawk +gc +gcc +gcc-libs +gcr +gd +gdb +gdb-common +gdbm +gdk-pixbuf-xlib +gdk-pixbuf2 +gegl +geoclue +geocode-glib +gettext +ghostscript +giflib +gimp +git +glava +glew +glib-networking +glib-perl +glib2 +glibc +glibmm +glslang +glu +gmp +gnome-autoar +gnome-desktop +gnome-keyring +gnome-online-accounts +gnome-settings-daemon +gnome-tweaks +gnupg +gnuplot +gnutls +go +gobject-introspection +gobject-introspection-runtime +gpart +gparted +gpgme +gpm +gptfdisk +graphene +graphite +graphviz +grep +groff +grub +gsettings-desktop-schemas +gsettings-qt +gsfonts +gsm +gspell +gssdp +gst-libav +gst-plugins-bad +gst-plugins-bad-libs +gst-plugins-base +gst-plugins-base-libs +gst-plugins-good +gst-plugins-ugly +gstreamer +gtk-update-icon-cache +gtk-vnc +gtk2 +gtk2-perl +gtk2fontsel +gtk3 +gtk4 +gtkmm3 +gtksourceview4 +gts +guile +gupnp +gupnp-dlna +gupnp-igd +gvfs +gvfs-afc +gvfs-goa +gvfs-google +gvfs-gphoto2 +gvfs-mtp +gvfs-nfs +gvfs-smb +gzip +harfbuzz +harfbuzz-icu +helvum +hicolor-icon-theme +hidapi +hivex +htop +http-parser +hunspell +hwids +hwloc +hyphen +i3-wm +iana-etc +icu +ijs +imagemagick +imath +imlib2 +inetutils +iniparser +innoextract +intel-ucode +ipfs-desktop +ipp-usb +iproute2 +iptables-nft +iputils +iso-codes +jack2 +jansson +jasper +java-environment-common +java-runtime-common +jbig2dec +jdk-openjdk +jdk16-adoptopenjdk +jdk8-openjdk +jellyfin-media-player +jemalloc +jetbrains-toolbox +jfsutils +jq +jre-openjdk +jre-openjdk-headless +jre8-openjdk +jre8-openjdk-headless +js78 +json-c +json-glib +jsoncpp +kbd +keepassxc +keyutils +kitty +kitty-terminfo +kmod +krb5 +kubectl +kwayland +kwindowsystem +l-smash +lame +lapack +lcms2 +ldb +ldns +lensfun +less +lesspipe +lib32-acl +lib32-alsa-lib +lib32-alsa-plugins +lib32-at-spi2-atk +lib32-at-spi2-core +lib32-atk +lib32-attr +lib32-brotli +lib32-bzip2 +lib32-cairo +lib32-colord +lib32-curl +lib32-dbus +lib32-e2fsprogs +lib32-expat +lib32-faudio +lib32-flac +lib32-fontconfig +lib32-freetype2 +lib32-fribidi +lib32-gcc-libs +lib32-gdk-pixbuf2 +lib32-gettext +lib32-giflib +lib32-glib-networking +lib32-glib2 +lib32-glibc +lib32-glu +lib32-gmp +lib32-gnutls +lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs +lib32-gstreamer +lib32-gtk3 +lib32-harfbuzz +lib32-icu +lib32-jack2 +lib32-json-glib +lib32-keyutils +lib32-krb5 +lib32-lcms2 +lib32-libasyncns +lib32-libavtp +lib32-libcanberra +lib32-libcap +lib32-libcups +lib32-libdatrie +lib32-libdrm +lib32-libelf +lib32-libepoxy +lib32-libffi +lib32-libgcrypt +lib32-libglvnd +lib32-libgpg-error +lib32-libice +lib32-libidn2 +lib32-libjpeg-turbo +lib32-libldap +lib32-libltdl +lib32-libnl +lib32-libogg +lib32-libpcap +lib32-libpciaccess +lib32-libpng +lib32-libproxy +lib32-libpsl +lib32-libpulse +lib32-librsvg +lib32-libsamplerate +lib32-libsm +lib32-libsndfile +lib32-libsoup +lib32-libssh2 +lib32-libtasn1 +lib32-libthai +lib32-libtiff +lib32-libtirpc +lib32-libunistring +lib32-libunwind +lib32-libva-mesa-driver +lib32-libvorbis +lib32-libx11 +lib32-libxau +lib32-libxcb +lib32-libxcomposite +lib32-libxcrypt +lib32-libxcursor +lib32-libxdamage +lib32-libxdmcp +lib32-libxext +lib32-libxfixes +lib32-libxft +lib32-libxi +lib32-libxinerama +lib32-libxkbcommon +lib32-libxml2 +lib32-libxrandr +lib32-libxrender +lib32-libxshmfence +lib32-libxslt +lib32-libxss +lib32-libxtst +lib32-libxv +lib32-libxxf86vm +lib32-llvm-libs +lib32-lm_sensors +lib32-mangohud +lib32-mesa +lib32-mesa-vdpau +lib32-mpg123 +lib32-ncurses +lib32-nettle +lib32-nspr +lib32-nss +lib32-nvidia-utils +lib32-ocl-icd +lib32-openal +lib32-opencl-nvidia +lib32-openssl +lib32-opus +lib32-orc +lib32-p11-kit +lib32-pam +lib32-pango +lib32-pcre +lib32-pixman +lib32-readline +lib32-rest +lib32-sdl +lib32-sdl2 +lib32-speexdsp +lib32-sqlite +lib32-systemd 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+libpng +libportal +libproxy +libpsl +libpulse +libpwquality +libqalculate +libqxp +libraqm +libraw +libraw1394 +libreoffice-fresh +librevenge +librsvg +libsamplerate +libsasl +libseccomp +libsecret +libshout +libsidplay +libsidplayfp +libsigc++ +libslirp +libsm +libsndfile +libsodium +libsoup +libsoup3 +libsoxr +libspectre +libspeechd +libspiro +libsrtp +libssh +libssh2 +libstaroffice +libstemmer +libsynctex +libtar +libtasn1 +libteam +libtermkey +libthai +libtheora +libtiff +libtirpc +libtommath +libtool +libtorrent-rasterbar +libtpms +libunistring +libunwind +libupnp +liburcu +liburing +libusb +libusbmuxd +libutempter +libutf8proc +libuv +libva +libva-mesa-driver +libva-vdpau-driver +libvdpau +libvirt +libvirt-glib +libvirt-python +libvisio +libvisual +libvorbis +libvpx +libvterm +libwacom +libwebp +libwmf +libwpd +libwpe +libwpg +libwps +libx11 +libxau +libxaw +libxcb +libxcomposite +libxcrypt +libxcursor +libxcvt +libxdamage +libxdg-basedir +libxdmcp +libxext +libxfce4ui +libxfce4util +libxfixes +libxfont2 +libxft +libxi +libxinerama +libxkbcommon +libxkbcommon-x11 +libxkbfile +libxml2 +libxmu +libxnvctrl +libxpm +libxrandr +libxrender +libxshmfence +libxslt +libxss +libxt +libxtst +libxv +libxvmc +libxxf86vm +libyaml +libyuv +libzen +libzip +libzmf +licenses +lilv +linux +linux-api-headers +linux-firmware +linux-headers +linux-lts +linux-lts-headers +linux-zen +linux-zen-headers +lldb +llvm +llvm-libs +lm_sensors +lmdb +logrotate +lolcat +lpsolve +lrzip +lsb-release +lsof +lsscsi +lttng-ust +lua +lua52 +luajit +luit +lutris-git +lvm2 +lz4 +lzo +lzop +m4 +mailcap +make +man-db +mangohud +mangohud-common +mariadb-libs +md4c +mdadm +mediainfo +mercurial +mesa +mesa-demos +mesa-vdpau +meson +metis +mingw-w64-binutils +mingw-w64-brotli +mingw-w64-bzip2 +mingw-w64-crt +mingw-w64-dbus +mingw-w64-expat +mingw-w64-freetype2 +mingw-w64-gcc +mingw-w64-gettext +mingw-w64-glib2 +mingw-w64-graphite +mingw-w64-harfbuzz +mingw-w64-headers +mingw-w64-libffi 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+numactl +nvidia +nvidia-dkms +nvidia-settings +nvidia-utils +nvm +oath-toolkit +ocl-icd +odt2txt +oniguruma +openal +opencl-clhpp +opencl-headers +opencl-nvidia +opencore-amr +openexr +openjpeg2 +openmp +openmpi +openssh +openssl +openvpn +opus +orc +osinfo-db +p11-kit +p7zip +p8-platform +pacman +pacman-contrib +pacman-mirrorlist +pahole +pam +pambase +pango +pango-perl +pangomm +paprefs +parted +paru +pasystray +patch +pavucontrol +pcaudiolib +pciutils +pcre +pcre2 +perf +perl +perl-alien-build +perl-alien-libxml2 +perl-capture-tiny +perl-clone +perl-dbi +perl-encode-locale +perl-error +perl-ffi-checklib +perl-file-basedir +perl-file-chdir +perl-file-desktopentry +perl-file-listing +perl-file-mimeinfo +perl-file-which +perl-html-parser +perl-html-tagset +perl-http-cookies +perl-http-daemon +perl-http-date +perl-http-message +perl-http-negotiate +perl-io-html +perl-io-socket-ssl +perl-ipc-system-simple +perl-libintl-perl +perl-libwww +perl-lwp-mediatypes +perl-lwp-protocol-https +perl-mailtools +perl-net-dbus +perl-net-http +perl-net-ssleay +perl-parse-yapp +perl-path-tiny +perl-term-readkey +perl-text-iconv +perl-timedate +perl-tk +perl-try-tiny +perl-uri +perl-www-robotrules +perl-x11-protocol +perl-xml-libxml +perl-xml-namespacesupport +perl-xml-parser +perl-xml-sax +perl-xml-sax-base +perl-xml-twig +phodav +php +picom +pigz +pinentry +pipewire +pipewire-alsa +pipewire-jack +pipewire-media-session +pipewire-pulse +pipewire-v4l2 +pixman +pkcs11-helper +pkgconf +pkgfile +pmbootstrap +polkit +polkit-gnome +polybar +poppler +poppler-data +poppler-glib +popt +portaudio +postgresql +postgresql-libs +postgresql-old-upgrade +procps-ng +protobuf +protonvpn +protonvpn-cli +protonvpn-gui +psmisc +python +python-appdirs +python-bcrypt +python-beaker +python-beautifulsoup4 +python-cachecontrol +python-cairo +python-cffi +python-chardet +python-colorama +python-commonmark +python-configobj +python-contextlib2 +python-cryptography +python-distlib +python-distro +python-dnspython +python-docutils +python-entrypoints +python-evdev +python-future +python-gnupg +python-gobject +python-greenlet +python-html2text +python-html5lib +python-idna +python-importlib-metadata +python-jeepney +python-jinja +python-keyring +python-lxml +python-magic +python-mako +python-markdown +python-markupsafe +python-more-itertools +python-msgpack +python-mutagen +python-nautilus +python-numpy +python-ordered-set +python-packaging +python-patiencediff +python-pep517 +python-pillow +python-pip +python-ply +python-progress +python-proton-client +python-protonvpn-nm-lib +python-psutil +python-pycparser +python-pycryptodomex +python-pygments +python-pynvim +python-pyopenssl +python-pyparsing +python-pystemmer +python-pythondialog +python-pytube +python-pyxdg +python-rapidfuzz +python-requests +python-resolvelib +python-retrying +python-rich +python-secretstorage +python-setuptools +python-six +python-soupsieve +python-spotdl +python-spotipy +python-systemd +python-toml +python-tomli +python-tqdm +python-typing_extensions +python-unidecode +python-urllib3 +python-webencodings +python-websockets +python-wheel +python-yaml +python-ytmusicapi +python-zipp +python2 +qbittorrent +qbs +qemu +qemu-arch-extra +qpdf +qrencode +qt5-3d +qt5-base +qt5-charts +qt5-connectivity +qt5-datavis3d +qt5-declarative +qt5-doc +qt5-examples +qt5-feedback +qt5-gamepad +qt5-graphicaleffects +qt5-gsettings +qt5-imageformats +qt5-location +qt5-lottie +qt5-mqtt +qt5-multimedia +qt5-networkauth +qt5-purchasing +qt5-quick3d +qt5-quickcontrols +qt5-quickcontrols2 +qt5-quicktimeline +qt5-remoteobjects +qt5-script +qt5-scxml +qt5-sensors +qt5-serialbus +qt5-serialport +qt5-speech +qt5-svg +qt5-systems +qt5-tools +qt5-translations +qt5-ukui-platformtheme +qt5-virtualkeyboard +qt5-wayland +qt5-webchannel +qt5-webengine +qt5-webglplugin +qt5-webkit +qt5-websockets +qt5-webview +qt5-x11extras +qt5-xcb-private-headers +qt5-xmlpatterns +qt6-3d +qt6-5compat +qt6-base +qt6-charts 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+seahorse +sed +semver +serd +serf +shaderc +shadow +shared-mime-info +slang +sleuthkit +smbclient +snappy +sord +sound-theme-freedesktop +soundtouch +source-highlight +spandsp +speech-dispatcher +speedtest-cli +speex +speexdsp +spice +spice-gtk +spirv-tools +sqlite +squashfs-tools +squashfuse +sratom +srt +startup-notification +steam +strace +subversion +sudo +suitesparse +supermin +svt-av1 +svt-hevc +swtpm +sxhkd +syntax-highlighting +sysfsutils +syslinux +systemd +systemd-libs +systemd-sysvcompat +t1lib +taglib +talloc +tar +tbb +tcl +tdb +termius-beta +tevent +texinfo +thin-provisioning-tools +tigervnc +tinyxml2 +tk +tmux +totem-pl-parser +tracker3 +tracker3-miners +tree-sitter +tslib +ttf-fira-code +ttf-liberation +ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k +twolame +tzdata +uchardet +udisks2 +unibilium +unixodbc +unrar +unrtf +unzip +upower +urxvt-fullscreen +urxvt-perls +usbmuxd +usbredir +usbutils +util-linux +util-linux-libs +v4l-utils +valgrind +vcdimager +vde2 +ventoy-bin +vi +vid.stab +vim +vim-runtime +virglrenderer +virt-install +virt-manager +visual-studio-code-insiders-bin +vkd3d +vlc +vmaf +volume_key +vte-common +vte3 +vulkan-headers +vulkan-icd-loader +wavpack +wayland +wayland-protocols +webkit2gtk +webrtc-audio-processing +wget +which +wildmidi +wine +wine-gecko +wine-mono +winetricks +wl-clipboard +wmctrl +wmname +woff2 +wpa_supplicant +wpebackend-fdo +wxgtk-common +wxgtk3 +x264 +x265 +xbitmaps +xcb-proto +xcb-util +xcb-util-cursor +xcb-util-image +xcb-util-keysyms +xcb-util-renderutil +xcb-util-wm +xcb-util-xrm +xclip +xdg-dbus-proxy +xdg-desktop-portal +xdg-desktop-portal-gnome +xdg-desktop-portal-gtk +xdg-user-dirs +xdg-utils +xf86-input-evdev +xf86-input-libinput +xf86-input-synaptics +xf86-input-vmmouse +xf86-input-void +xf86-video-amdgpu +xf86-video-ati +xf86-video-dummy +xf86-video-fbdev +xf86-video-intel +xf86-video-nouveau +xf86-video-openchrome +xf86-video-qxl +xf86-video-vesa +xf86-video-vmware +xf86-video-voodoo +xfce4-terminal +xfconf +xfsprogs +xkeyboard-config +xmlsec +xorg-appres +xorg-bdftopcf +xorg-docs +xorg-font-util +xorg-fonts-100dpi +xorg-fonts-75dpi +xorg-fonts-alias-100dpi +xorg-fonts-alias-75dpi +xorg-fonts-encodings +xorg-iceauth +xorg-mkfontscale +xorg-server +xorg-server-common +xorg-server-devel +xorg-server-xephyr +xorg-server-xnest +xorg-server-xvfb +xorg-sessreg +xorg-setxkbmap +xorg-smproxy +xorg-util-macros +xorg-x11perf +xorg-xauth +xorg-xbacklight +xorg-xcmsdb +xorg-xcursorgen +xorg-xdpyinfo +xorg-xdriinfo +xorg-xev +xorg-xfontsel +xorg-xgamma +xorg-xhost +xorg-xinit +xorg-xinput +xorg-xkbcomp +xorg-xkbevd +xorg-xkbutils +xorg-xkill +xorg-xlsatoms +xorg-xlsclients +xorg-xmessage +xorg-xmodmap +xorg-xpr +xorg-xprop +xorg-xrandr +xorg-xrdb +xorg-xrefresh +xorg-xset +xorg-xsetroot +xorg-xvinfo +xorg-xwayland +xorg-xwd +xorg-xwininfo +xorg-xwud +xorgproto +xscreensaver +xsel +xterm +xvidcore +xxhash +xz +yajl +yaml-cpp +yara +yarn +yt-dlp +yubico-c +yubico-c-client +yubikey-personalization +zbar +zenity +zeromq +zimg +zita-alsa-pcmi +zita-resampler +zlib +zsh +zstd +zvbi +zxing-cpp +zziplib diff --git a/suckless/scroll/LICENSE b/suckless/scroll/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2db5bfe --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +ISC License (ISC) + +Copyright (c) 2020 Jan Klemkow <> +Copyright (c) 2020 Jochen Sprickerhof <> + +Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any +purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above +copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES +WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR +ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES +WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN +ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF +OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. diff --git a/suckless/scroll/Makefile b/suckless/scroll/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cacccd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +.POSIX: + +include + +all: scroll + +config.h: + cp config.def.h config.h + +scroll: scroll.c config.h + +install: scroll + mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 + cp -f scroll $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR) + cp -f scroll.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1 + +uninstall: + rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/scroll $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1/scroll.1 + +test: scroll ptty + # check usage + if ./ptty ./scroll -h; then exit 1; fi + # check exit passthrough of child + if ! ./ptty ./scroll true; then exit 1; fi + if ./ptty ./scroll false; then exit 1; fi + ./ + +clean: + rm -f scroll ptty + +distclean: clean + rm -f config.h scroll-$(VERSION).tar.gz + +dist: clean + mkdir -p scroll-$(VERSION) + cp -R README scroll.1 TODO Makefile config.def.h \ + ptty.c scroll.c up.log \ + scroll-$(VERSION) + tar -cf - scroll-$(VERSION) | gzip > scroll-$(VERSION).tar.gz + rm -rf scroll-$(VERSION) + +.c: + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $< -lutil + +.PHONY: all install test clean distclean dist diff --git a/suckless/scroll/README b/suckless/scroll/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1837c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/README @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +This program provides a scroll back buffer for a terminal like st(1). It +should run on any Unix-like system. + +At the moment it is in an experimental state. Its not recommended for +productive use. + +The initial version of this program is from Roberto E. Vargas Caballero: + + +What is the state of scroll? + +The project is faced with some hard facts, that our original plan is not doable +as we thought in the first place: + + 1. [crtl]+[e] is used in emacs mode (default) on the shell to jump to the end + of the line. But, its also used so signal a scroll down mouse event from + terminal emulators to the shell an other programs. + + - A workaround is to use vi mode in the shell. + - Or to give up mouse support (default behavior) + + 2. scroll could not handle backward cursor jumps and editing of old lines + properly. We just handle current line editing and switching between + alternative screens (curses mode). For a proper end user experience we + would need to write a completely new terminal emulator like screen or tmux. + +What is the performance impact of scroll? + + indirect OpenBSD +------------------------------- + 0x 7.53 s + 1x 10.10 s + 2x 12.00 s + 3x 13.73 s diff --git a/suckless/scroll/TODO b/suckless/scroll/TODO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84ffd33 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + * strlen function which is aware of unicode + * handle wrapping lines in scrolling line count correctly + * hotkey to dump buffer to file (like screen hardcopy) diff --git a/suckless/scroll/config.def.h b/suckless/scroll/config.def.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..536db70 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/config.def.h @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/* + * Define ESC sequences to use for scroll events. + * Use "cat -v" to figure out favorite key combination. + * + * lines is the number of lines scrolled up or down. + * If lines is negative, it's the fraction of the terminal size. + */ + +struct rule rules[] = { + /* sequence event lines */ + {"\033[5;2~", SCROLL_UP, -1}, /* [Shift] + [PageUP] */ + {"\033[6;2~", SCROLL_DOWN, -1}, /* [Shift] + [PageDown] */ + /* mouse binding shadows ^E and ^Y, so it's disabled by default */ + //{"\031", SCROLL_UP, 1}, /* mouse wheel up */ + //{"\005", SCROLL_DOWN, 1}, /* mouse wheel Down */ +}; diff --git a/suckless/scroll/config.h b/suckless/scroll/config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..536db70 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +/* + * Define ESC sequences to use for scroll events. + * Use "cat -v" to figure out favorite key combination. + * + * lines is the number of lines scrolled up or down. + * If lines is negative, it's the fraction of the terminal size. + */ + +struct rule rules[] = { + /* sequence event lines */ + {"\033[5;2~", SCROLL_UP, -1}, /* [Shift] + [PageUP] */ + {"\033[6;2~", SCROLL_DOWN, -1}, /* [Shift] + [PageDown] */ + /* mouse binding shadows ^E and ^Y, so it's disabled by default */ + //{"\031", SCROLL_UP, 1}, /* mouse wheel up */ + //{"\005", SCROLL_DOWN, 1}, /* mouse wheel Down */ +}; diff --git a/suckless/scroll/ b/suckless/scroll/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5676b85 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/ @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# scroll version +VERSION = 0.1 + +# paths +PREFIX = /usr/local +BINDIR = $(PREFIX)/bin +MANDIR = $(PREFIX)/share/man + +CPPFLAGS = -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE +# if your system is not POSIX, add -std=c99 to CFLAGS +CFLAGS = -Os +LDFLAGS = -s diff --git a/suckless/scroll/ b/suckless/scroll/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ab1fb21 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/ @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -eu + +export POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 +num=1000000 +seq=seq + +if [ -x /usr/bin/jot ]; then + seq=jot +fi + +rm -f perf_*.log + +for i in `$seq 10`; do + /usr/bin/time st -e $seq $num 2>>perf_0.log +done + +for i in `$seq 10`; do + /usr/bin/time st -e ./ptty $seq $num 2>>perf_1.log +done + +for i in `$seq 10`; do + /usr/bin/time st -e ./ptty ./ptty $seq $num 2>>perf_2.log +done + +for i in `$seq 10`; do + /usr/bin/time st -e ./ptty ./ptty ./ptty $seq $num 2>>perf_3.log +done diff --git a/suckless/scroll/ptty.c b/suckless/scroll/ptty.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbbb99f --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/ptty.c @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +#include <sys/wait.h> + +#include <errno.h> +#include <inttypes.h> +#include <limits.h> +#include <poll.h> +#include <stdarg.h> +#include <stdbool.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <termios.h> +#include <unistd.h> + +#if defined(__linux) + #include <pty.h> +#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) + #include <util.h> +#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) + #include <libutil.h> +#endif + +void +die(const char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list ap; + va_start(ap, fmt); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); + va_end(ap); + + if (fmt[0] && fmt[strlen(fmt)-1] == ':') { + fputc(' ', stderr); + perror(NULL); + } else { + fputc('\n', stderr); + } + + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + +void +usage(void) +{ + fputs("ptty [-C] [-c cols] [-r rows] cmd\n", stderr); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + +int +main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + struct winsize ws = {.ws_row = 25, .ws_col = 80, 0, 0}; + int ch; + bool closeflag = false; + + while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:r:Ch")) != -1) { + switch (ch) { + case 'c': /* cols */ + ws.ws_col = strtoimax(optarg, NULL, 10); + if (errno != 0) + die("strtoimax: %s", optarg); + break; + case 'r': /* lines */ + ws.ws_row = strtoimax(optarg, NULL, 10); + if (errno != 0) + die("strtoimax: %s", optarg); + break; + case 'C': + closeflag = true; + break; + case 'h': + default: + usage(); + } + } + argc -= optind; + argv += optind; + + if (argc < 1) + usage(); + + int mfd; + pid_t child = forkpty(&mfd, NULL, NULL, &ws); + switch (child) { + case -1: + die("forkpty"); + case 0: /* child */ + execvp(argv[0], argv); + die("exec"); + } + + /* parent */ + + if (closeflag && close(mfd) == -1) + die("close:"); + + int pfds = 2; + struct pollfd pfd[2] = { + { STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN, 0}, + { mfd, POLLIN, 0} + }; + + for (;;) { + char buf[BUFSIZ]; + ssize_t n; + int r; + + if ((r = poll(pfd, pfds, -1)) == -1) + die("poll:"); + + if (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN) { + if ((n = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof buf)) == -1) + die("read:"); + if (n == 0) { + pfd[0].fd = -1; + if (close(mfd) == -1) + die("close:"); + break; + } + if (write(mfd, buf, n) == -1) + die("write:"); + } + + if (pfd[1].revents & POLLIN) { + if ((n = read(mfd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) == -1) + die("read:"); + + if (n == 0) break; + + buf[n] = '\0'; + + /* handle cursor position request */ + if (strcmp("\033[6n", buf) == 0) { + dprintf(mfd, "\033[25;1R"); + continue; + } + + if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, n) == -1) + die("write:"); + } + + if (pfd[0].revents & POLLHUP) { + pfd[0].fd = -1; + if (close(mfd) == -1) + die("close:"); + break; + } + if (pfd[1].revents & POLLHUP) + break; + } + + int status; + if (waitpid(child, &status, 0) != child) + die("waitpid:"); + + return WEXITSTATUS(status); +} diff --git a/suckless/scroll/scroll.1 b/suckless/scroll/scroll.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b5524ab --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/scroll.1 @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +.\" +.\" Copyright (c) 2020 Jan Klemkow <> +.\" +.\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any +.\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above +.\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. +.\" +.\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES +.\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +.\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR +.\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES +.\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN +.\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF +.\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. +.\" +.Dd April 9, 2020 +.Dt SCROLL 1 +.Os +.Sh NAME +.Nm scroll +.Nd scrollback buffer +.Sh SYNOPSIS +.Nm +.Op Fl Mh +.Op Fl m Ar size +.Op program Op arg ... +.Sh DESCRIPTION +The +.Nm +utility saves output lines from the child +.Ar program +to use them for scrollback. +If +.Ar program +is not set, +.Nm +starts the users default shell. +.Pp +The options are as follows: +.Bl -tag -width Ds +.It Fl h +Shows usage of +.Nm . +.It Fl M +Set memory limit used for scrollbackbuffer to maximum. +.It Fl m Ar size +Set memory limit used for scrollbackbuffer to +.Ar size . +.El +.Sh EXIT STATUS +.Nm +exits with the status code of its the child +.Ar program . +.Sh EXAMPLES +.Nm st +.Fl e +.Nm scroll +.Nm /bin/sh +.Sh SEE ALSO +.Xr screen 1 , +.Xr st 1 , +.Xr tmux 1 +.Sh AUTHORS +.Nm +was written by +.An Jan Klemkow Aq Mt +and +.An Jochen Sprickerhof Aq Mt . diff --git a/suckless/scroll/scroll.c b/suckless/scroll/scroll.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f66d54 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/scroll.c @@ -0,0 +1,594 @@ +/* + * Based on an example code from Roberto E. Vargas Caballero. + * + * See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. + */ + +#include <sys/types.h> +#include <sys/ioctl.h> +#include <sys/wait.h> +#include <sys/queue.h> +#include <sys/resource.h> + +#include <assert.h> +#include <errno.h> +#include <fcntl.h> +#include <poll.h> +#include <pwd.h> +#include <signal.h> +#include <stdarg.h> +#include <stdbool.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <termios.h> +#include <unistd.h> + +#if defined(__linux) + #include <pty.h> +#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) + #include <util.h> +#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) + #include <libutil.h> +#endif + +#define LENGTH(X) (sizeof (X) / sizeof ((X)[0])) + +const char *argv0; + +TAILQ_HEAD(tailhead, line) head; + +struct line { + TAILQ_ENTRY(line) entries; + size_t size; + size_t len; + char *buf; +} *bottom; + +pid_t child; +int mfd; +struct termios dfl; +struct winsize ws; +static bool altscreen = false; /* is alternative screen active */ +static bool doredraw = false; /* redraw upon sigwinch */ + +struct rule { + const char *seq; + enum {SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN} event; + short lines; +}; + +#include "config.h" + +void +die(const char *fmt, ...) +{ + va_list ap; + va_start(ap, fmt); + vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap); + va_end(ap); + + if (fmt[0] && fmt[strlen(fmt)-1] == ':') { + fputc(' ', stderr); + perror(NULL); + } else { + fputc('\n', stderr); + } + + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + +void +sigwinch(int sig) +{ + assert(sig == SIGWINCH); + + if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1) + die("ioctl:"); + if (ioctl(mfd, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws) == -1) { + if (errno == EBADF) /* child already exited */ + return; + die("ioctl:"); + } + kill(-child, SIGWINCH); + doredraw = true; +} + +void +reset(void) +{ + if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &dfl) == -1) + die("tcsetattr:"); +} + +/* error avoiding remalloc */ +void * +earealloc(void *ptr, size_t size) +{ + void *mem; + + while ((mem = realloc(ptr, size)) == NULL) { + struct line *line = TAILQ_LAST(&head, tailhead); + + if (line == NULL) + die("realloc:"); + + TAILQ_REMOVE(&head, line, entries); + free(line->buf); + free(line); + } + + return mem; +} + +/* Count string length w/o ansi esc sequences. */ +size_t +strelen(const char *buf, size_t size) +{ + enum {CHAR, BREK, ESC} state = CHAR; + size_t len = 0; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { + char c = buf[i]; + + switch (state) { + case CHAR: + if (c == '\033') + state = BREK; + else + len++; + break; + case BREK: + if (c == '[') { + state = ESC; + } else { + state = CHAR; + len++; + } + break; + case ESC: + if (c >= 64 && c <= 126) + state = CHAR; + break; + } + } + + return len; +} + +/* detect alternative screen switching and clear screen */ +bool +skipesc(char c) +{ + static enum {CHAR, BREK, ESC} state = CHAR; + static char buf[BUFSIZ]; + static size_t i = 0; + + switch (state) { + case CHAR: + if (c == '\033') + state = BREK; + break; + case BREK: + if (c == '[') + state = ESC; + else + state = CHAR; + break; + case ESC: + buf[i++] = c; + if (i == sizeof buf) { + /* TODO: find a better way to handle this situation */ + state = CHAR; + i = 0; + } else if (c >= 64 && c <= 126) { + state = CHAR; + buf[i] = '\0'; + i = 0; + + /* esc seq. enable alternative screen */ + if (strcmp(buf, "?1049h") == 0 || + strcmp(buf, "?1047h") == 0 || + strcmp(buf, "?47h" ) == 0) + altscreen = true; + + /* esc seq. disable alternative screen */ + if (strcmp(buf, "?1049l") == 0 || + strcmp(buf, "?1047l") == 0 || + strcmp(buf, "?47l" ) == 0) + altscreen = false; + + /* don't save cursor move or clear screen */ + /* esc sequences to log */ + switch (c) { + case 'A': + case 'B': + case 'C': + case 'D': + case 'H': + case 'J': + case 'K': + case 'f': + return true; + } + } + break; + } + + return altscreen; +} + +void +getcursorposition(int *x, int *y) +{ + char input[BUFSIZ]; + ssize_t n; + + if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[6n", 4) == -1) + die("requesting cursor position"); + + do { + if ((n = read(STDIN_FILENO, input, sizeof(input)-1)) == -1) + die("reading cursor position"); + input[n] = '\0'; + } while (sscanf(input, "\033[%d;%dR", y, x) != 2); + + if (*x <= 0 || *y <= 0) + die("invalid cursor position: x=%d y=%d", *x, *y); +} + +void +addline(char *buf, size_t size) +{ + struct line *line = earealloc(NULL, sizeof *line); + + line->size = size; + line->len = strelen(buf, size); + line->buf = earealloc(NULL, size); + memcpy(line->buf, buf, size); + + TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&head, line, entries); +} + +void +redraw() +{ + int rows = 0, x, y; + + if (bottom == NULL) + return; + + getcursorposition(&x, &y); + + if (y < ws.ws_row-1) + y--; + + /* wind back bottom pointer by shown history */ + for (; bottom != NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(bottom, entries) != NULL && + rows < y - 1; rows++) + bottom = TAILQ_NEXT(bottom, entries); + + /* clear screen */ + dprintf(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[2J"); + /* set cursor position to upper left corner */ + write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[0;0H", 6); + + /* remove newline of first line as we are at 0,0 already */ + if (bottom->size > 0 && bottom->buf[0] == '\n') + write(STDOUT_FILENO, bottom->buf + 1, bottom->size - 1); + else + write(STDOUT_FILENO, bottom->buf, bottom->size); + + for (rows = ws.ws_row; rows > 0 && + TAILQ_PREV(bottom, tailhead, entries) != NULL; rows--) { + bottom = TAILQ_PREV(bottom, tailhead, entries); + write(STDOUT_FILENO, bottom->buf, bottom->size); + } + + if (bottom == TAILQ_FIRST(&head)) { + /* add new line in front of the shell prompt */ + write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1); + write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[?25h", 6); /* show cursor */ + } else + bottom = TAILQ_NEXT(bottom, entries); +} + +void +scrollup(int n) +{ + int rows = 2, x, y, extra = 0; + struct line *scrollend = bottom; + + if (bottom == NULL) + return; + + getcursorposition(&x, &y); + + if (n < 0) /* scroll by fraction of ws.ws_row, but at least one line */ + n = ws.ws_row > (-n) ? ws.ws_row / (-n) : 1; + + /* wind back scrollend pointer by the current screen */ + while (rows < y && TAILQ_NEXT(scrollend, entries) != NULL) { + scrollend = TAILQ_NEXT(scrollend, entries); + rows += (scrollend->len - 1) / ws.ws_col + 1; + } + + if (rows <= 0) + return; + + /* wind back scrollend pointer n lines */ + for (rows = 0; rows + extra < n && + TAILQ_NEXT(scrollend, entries) != NULL; rows++) { + scrollend = TAILQ_NEXT(scrollend, entries); + extra += (scrollend->len - 1) / ws.ws_col; + } + + /* move the text in terminal rows lines down */ + dprintf(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[%dT", n); + /* set cursor position to upper left corner */ + write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[0;0H", 6); + /* hide cursor */ + write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[?25l", 6); + + /* remove newline of first line as we are at 0,0 already */ + if (scrollend->size > 0 && scrollend->buf[0] == '\n') + write(STDOUT_FILENO, scrollend->buf + 1, scrollend->size - 1); + else + write(STDOUT_FILENO, scrollend->buf, scrollend->size); + if (y + n >= ws.ws_row) + bottom = TAILQ_NEXT(bottom, entries); + + /* print rows lines and move bottom forward to the new screen bottom */ + for (; rows > 1; rows--) { + scrollend = TAILQ_PREV(scrollend, tailhead, entries); + if (y + n >= ws.ws_row) + bottom = TAILQ_NEXT(bottom, entries); + write(STDOUT_FILENO, scrollend->buf, scrollend->size); + } + /* move cursor from line n to the old bottom position */ + if (y + n < ws.ws_row) { + dprintf(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[%d;%dH", y + n, x); + write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[?25h", 6); /* show cursor */ + } else + dprintf(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[%d;0H", ws.ws_row); +} + +void +scrolldown(char *buf, size_t size, int n) +{ + if (bottom == NULL || bottom == TAILQ_FIRST(&head)) + return; + + if (n < 0) /* scroll by fraction of ws.ws_row, but at least one line */ + n = ws.ws_row > (-n) ? ws.ws_row / (-n) : 1; + + bottom = TAILQ_PREV(bottom, tailhead, entries); + /* print n lines */ + while (n > 0 && bottom != NULL && bottom != TAILQ_FIRST(&head)) { + bottom = TAILQ_PREV(bottom, tailhead, entries); + write(STDOUT_FILENO, bottom->buf, bottom->size); + n -= (bottom->len - 1) / ws.ws_col + 1; + } + if (n > 0 && bottom == TAILQ_FIRST(&head)) { + write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\033[?25h", 6); /* show cursor */ + write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, size); + } else if (bottom != NULL) + bottom = TAILQ_NEXT(bottom, entries); +} + +void +jumpdown(char *buf, size_t size) +{ + int rows = ws.ws_row; + + /* wind back by one page starting from the latest line */ + bottom = TAILQ_FIRST(&head); + for (; TAILQ_NEXT(bottom, entries) != NULL && rows > 0; rows--) + bottom = TAILQ_NEXT(bottom, entries); + + scrolldown(buf, size, ws.ws_row); +} + +void +usage(void) { + die("usage: %s [-Mvh] [-m mem] [program]", argv0); +} + +int +main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + int ch; + struct rlimit rlimit; + + argv0 = argv[0]; + + if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA, &rlimit) == -1) + die("getrlimit"); + + const char *optstring = "Mm:vh"; + while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, optstring)) != -1) { + switch (ch) { + case 'M': + rlimit.rlim_cur = rlimit.rlim_max; + break; + case 'm': + rlimit.rlim_cur = strtoull(optarg, NULL, 0); + if (errno != 0) + die("strtoull: %s", optarg); + break; + case 'v': + die("%s " VERSION, argv0); + break; + case 'h': + default: + usage(); + } + } + argc -= optind; + argv += optind; + + TAILQ_INIT(&head); + + if (isatty(STDIN_FILENO) == 0 || isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) == 0) + die("parent it not a tty"); + + /* save terminal settings for resetting after exit */ + if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &dfl) == -1) + die("tcgetattr:"); + if (atexit(reset)) + die("atexit:"); + + /* get window size of the terminal */ + if (ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) == -1) + die("ioctl:"); + + child = forkpty(&mfd, NULL, &dfl, &ws); + if (child == -1) + die("forkpty:"); + if (child == 0) { /* child */ + if (argc >= 1) { + execvp(argv[0], argv); + } else { + struct passwd *passwd = getpwuid(getuid()); + if (passwd == NULL) + die("getpwid:"); + execlp(passwd->pw_shell, passwd->pw_shell, NULL); + } + + perror("execvp"); + _exit(127); + } + + /* set maximum memory size for scrollback buffer */ + if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA, &rlimit) == -1) + die("setrlimit:"); + +#ifdef __OpenBSD__ + if (pledge("stdio tty proc", NULL) == -1) + die("pledge:"); +#endif + + if (signal(SIGWINCH, sigwinch) == SIG_ERR) + die("signal:"); + + struct termios new = dfl; + cfmakeraw(&new); + new.c_cc[VMIN ] = 1; /* return read if at least one byte in buffer */ + new.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* no polling time for read from terminal */ + if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &new) == -1) + die("tcsetattr:"); + + size_t size = BUFSIZ, len = 0, pos = 0; + char *buf = calloc(size, sizeof *buf); + if (buf == NULL) + die("calloc:"); + + struct pollfd pfd[2] = { + {STDIN_FILENO, POLLIN, 0}, + {mfd, POLLIN, 0} + }; + + for (;;) { + char input[BUFSIZ]; + + if (poll(pfd, LENGTH(pfd), -1) == -1 && errno != EINTR) + die("poll:"); + + if (doredraw) { + redraw(); + doredraw = false; + } + + if (pfd[0].revents & POLLHUP || pfd[1].revents & POLLHUP) + break; + + if (pfd[0].revents & POLLIN) { + ssize_t n = read(STDIN_FILENO, input, sizeof(input)-1); + + if (n == -1 && errno != EINTR) + die("read:"); + if (n == 0) + break; + + input[n] = '\0'; + + if (altscreen) + goto noevent; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < LENGTH(rules); i++) { + if (strncmp(rules[i].seq, input, + strlen(rules[i].seq)) == 0) { + if (rules[i].event == SCROLL_UP) + scrollup(rules[i].lines); + if (rules[i].event == SCROLL_DOWN) + scrolldown(buf, len, + rules[i].lines); + goto out; + } + } + noevent: + if (write(mfd, input, n) == -1) + die("write:"); + + if (bottom != TAILQ_FIRST(&head)) + jumpdown(buf, len); + } + out: + if (pfd[1].revents & POLLIN) { + ssize_t n = read(mfd, input, sizeof(input)-1); + + if (n == -1 && errno != EINTR) + die("read:"); + if (n == 0) /* on exit of child we continue here */ + continue; /* let signal handler catch SIGCHLD */ + + input[n] = '\0'; + + /* don't print child output while scrolling */ + if (bottom == TAILQ_FIRST(&head)) + if (write(STDOUT_FILENO, input, n) == -1) + die("write:"); + + /* iterate over the input buffer */ + for (char *c = input; n-- > 0; c++) { + /* don't save alternative screen and */ + /* clear screen esc sequences to scrollback */ + if (skipesc(*c)) + continue; + + if (*c == '\n') { + addline(buf, len); + /* only advance bottom if scroll is */ + /* at the end of the scroll back */ + if (bottom == NULL || + TAILQ_PREV(bottom, tailhead, + entries) == TAILQ_FIRST(&head)) + bottom = TAILQ_FIRST(&head); + + memset(buf, 0, size); + len = pos = 0; + buf[pos++] = '\r'; + } else if (*c == '\r') { + pos = 0; + continue; + } + buf[pos++] = *c; + if (pos > len) + len = pos; + if (len == size) { + size *= 2; + buf = earealloc(buf, size); + } + } + } + } + + if (close(mfd) == -1) + die("close:"); + + int status; + if (waitpid(child, &status, 0) == -1) + die("waitpid:"); + + return WEXITSTATUS(status); +} diff --git a/suckless/scroll/ b/suckless/scroll/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..fa28a80 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/scroll/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +set -eu +export POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 + +i=1 +while test "$i" -lt 50; do + echo "$i" + i=$((i + 1)) +done > tmp.log + +(sleep 1; printf '\033[5;2~'; sleep 1; ) \ + | ./ptty ./scroll tail -fn 50 tmp.log > out.log + +cmp out.log up.log diff --git a/suckless/slock/LICENSE b/suckless/slock/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e4419b --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +MIT/X Consortium License + +© 2015-2016 Markus Teich <> +© 2014 Dimitris Papastamos <> +© 2006-2014 Anselm R Garbe <> +© 2014-2016 Laslo Hunhold <> + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a +copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), +to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation +the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, +and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the +Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL +THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER +DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/suckless/slock/Makefile b/suckless/slock/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97e4680 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +# slock - simple screen locker +# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. + +include + +SRC = slock.c ${COMPATSRC} +OBJ = ${SRC:.c=.o} + +all: options slock + +options: + @echo slock build options: + @echo "CFLAGS = ${CFLAGS}" + @echo "LDFLAGS = ${LDFLAGS}" + @echo "CC = ${CC}" + +.c.o: + @echo CC $< + @${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} $< + +${OBJ}: config.h arg.h util.h + +config.h: + @echo creating $@ from config.def.h + @cp config.def.h $@ + + +slock: ${OBJ} + @echo CC -o $@ + @${CC} -o $@ ${OBJ} ${LDFLAGS} + +clean: + @echo cleaning + @rm -f slock ${OBJ} slock-${VERSION}.tar.gz + +dist: clean + @echo creating dist tarball + @mkdir -p slock-${VERSION} + @cp -R LICENSE Makefile README slock.1 \ + ${SRC} explicit_bzero.c config.def.h arg.h util.h slock-${VERSION} + @tar -cf slock-${VERSION}.tar slock-${VERSION} + @gzip slock-${VERSION}.tar + @rm -rf slock-${VERSION} + +install: all + @echo installing executable file to ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + @mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + @cp -f slock ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + @chmod 755 ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/slock + @chmod u+s ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/slock + @echo installing manual page to ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1 + @mkdir -p ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1 + @sed "s/VERSION/${VERSION}/g" <slock.1 >${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/slock.1 + @chmod 644 ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/slock.1 + +uninstall: + @echo removing executable file from ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + @rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/slock + @echo removing manual page from ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1 + @rm -f ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/slock.1 + +.PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall diff --git a/suckless/slock/README b/suckless/slock/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dcacd01 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/README @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +slock - simple screen locker +============================ +simple screen locker utility for X. + + +Requirements +------------ +In order to build slock you need the Xlib header files. + + +Installation +------------ +Edit to match your local setup (slock is installed into +the /usr/local namespace by default). + +Afterwards enter the following command to build and install slock +(if necessary as root): + + make clean install + + +Running slock +------------- +Simply invoke the 'slock' command. To get out of it, enter your password. diff --git a/suckless/slock/arg.h b/suckless/slock/arg.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b23c53 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/arg.h @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/* + * Copy me if you can. + * by 20h + */ + +#ifndef ARG_H__ +#define ARG_H__ + +extern char *argv0; + +/* use main(int argc, char *argv[]) */ +#define ARGBEGIN for (argv0 = *argv, argv++, argc--;\ + argv[0] && argv[0][0] == '-'\ + && argv[0][1];\ + argc--, argv++) {\ + char argc_;\ + char **argv_;\ + int brk_;\ + if (argv[0][1] == '-' && argv[0][2] == '\0') {\ + argv++;\ + argc--;\ + break;\ + }\ + for (brk_ = 0, argv[0]++, argv_ = argv;\ + argv[0][0] && !brk_;\ + argv[0]++) {\ + if (argv_ != argv)\ + break;\ + argc_ = argv[0][0];\ + switch (argc_) + +/* Handles obsolete -NUM syntax */ +#define ARGNUM case '0':\ + case '1':\ + case '2':\ + case '3':\ + case '4':\ + case '5':\ + case '6':\ + case '7':\ + case '8':\ + case '9' + +#define ARGEND }\ + } + +#define ARGC() argc_ + +#define ARGNUMF() (brk_ = 1, estrtonum(argv[0], 0, INT_MAX)) + +#define EARGF(x) ((argv[0][1] == '\0' && argv[1] == NULL)?\ + ((x), abort(), (char *)0) :\ + (brk_ = 1, (argv[0][1] != '\0')?\ + (&argv[0][1]) :\ + (argc--, argv++, argv[0]))) + +#define ARGF() ((argv[0][1] == '\0' && argv[1] == NULL)?\ + (char *)0 :\ + (brk_ = 1, (argv[0][1] != '\0')?\ + (&argv[0][1]) :\ + (argc--, argv++, argv[0]))) + +#define LNGARG() &argv[0][0] + +#endif diff --git a/suckless/slock/config.def.h b/suckless/slock/config.def.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b9bb95 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/config.def.h @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/* user and group to drop privileges to */ +static const char *user = "nobody"; +static const char *group = "nogroup"; // use "nobody" for arch + +static const char *colorname[NUMCOLS] = { + [INIT] = "black", /* after initialization */ + [INPUT] = "#005577", /* during input */ + [FAILED] = "#CC3333", /* wrong password */ + [CAPS] = "red", /* CapsLock on */ + [BLOCKS] = "#ffffff", /* key feedback block */ +}; + + + +/* + * Xresources preferences to load at startup + */ +ResourcePref resources[] = { + { "color0", STRING, &colorname[INIT] }, + { "color4", STRING, &colorname[INPUT] }, + { "color1", STRING, &colorname[FAILED] }, + { "color3", STRING, &colorname[CAPS] }, +}; + +/* lock screen opacity */ +static const float alpha = 0.9; + +/* treat a cleared input like a wrong password (color) */ +static const int failonclear = 1; + + + + + + +/* time in seconds before the monitor shuts down */ +static const int monitortime = 5; + +static short int blocks_enabled = 1; // 0 = don't show blocks +static const int blocks_width = 0; // 0 = full width +static const int blocks_height = 16; + +// position +static const int blocks_x = 0; +static const int blocks_y = 0; + +// Number of blocks +static const int blocks_count = 10; + + diff --git a/suckless/slock/config.h b/suckless/slock/config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c76a3a --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/* user and group to drop privileges to */ +static const char *user = "nobody"; +static const char *group = "nobody"; // use "nobody" for arch + +static const char *colorname[NUMCOLS] = { + [INIT] = "black", /* after initialization */ + [INPUT] = "#005577", /* during input */ + [FAILED] = "#CC3333", /* wrong password */ + [CAPS] = "red", /* CapsLock on */ + [BLOCKS] = "#ffffff", /* key feedback block */ +}; + + + +/* + * Xresources preferences to load at startup + */ +ResourcePref resources[] = { + { "color0", STRING, &colorname[INIT] }, + { "color4", STRING, &colorname[INPUT] }, + { "color1", STRING, &colorname[FAILED] }, + { "color3", STRING, &colorname[CAPS] }, +}; + +/* lock screen opacity */ +static const float alpha = 0.9; + +/* treat a cleared input like a wrong password (color) */ +static const int failonclear = 1; + +/* time in seconds before the monitor shuts down */ +static const int monitortime = 5; + +static short int blocks_enabled = 1; // 0 = don't show blocks +static const int blocks_width = 0; // 0 = full width +static const int blocks_height = 16; + +// position +static const int blocks_x = 0; +static const int blocks_y = 0; + +// Number of blocks +static const int blocks_count = 10; diff --git a/suckless/slock/ b/suckless/slock/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4eff4ab --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/ @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +# slock version +VERSION = 1.4 + +# Customize below to fit your system + +# paths +PREFIX = /usr/local +MANPREFIX = ${PREFIX}/share/man + +X11INC = /usr/X11R6/include +X11LIB = /usr/X11R6/lib + +# Uncomment for message patch / MESSAGE_PATCH / COLORMESSAGE_PATCH / DWM_LOGO_PATCH +#XINERAMA=-lXinerama +#XINERAMAFLAGS = -DXINERAMA + +# Uncomment for pam auth patch / PAMAUTH_PATCH +#PAM=-lpam + +# Uncomment for blur pixelated screen patch / BLUR_PIXELATED_SCREEN_PATCH +#IMLIB=-lImlib2 + +# includes and libs +INCS = -I. -I/usr/include -I${X11INC} +LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lc -lcrypt -L${X11LIB} -lX11 -lXext -lXrandr ${XINERAMA} ${PAM} ${IMLIB} + +# flags +CPPFLAGS = -DVERSION=\"${VERSION}\" -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE -DHAVE_SHADOW_H ${XINERAMAFLAGS} +CFLAGS = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Os ${INCS} ${CPPFLAGS} +LDFLAGS = -s ${LIBS} +COMPATSRC = explicit_bzero.c + +# On OpenBSD and Darwin remove -lcrypt from LIBS +#LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lc -L${X11LIB} -lX11 -lXext -lXrandr +# On *BSD remove -DHAVE_SHADOW_H from CPPFLAGS +# On NetBSD add -D_NETBSD_SOURCE to CPPFLAGS +#CPPFLAGS = -DVERSION=\"${VERSION}\" -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_NETBSD_SOURCE +# On OpenBSD set COMPATSRC to empty +#COMPATSRC = + +# compiler and linker +CC = cc diff --git a/suckless/slock/explicit_bzero.c b/suckless/slock/explicit_bzero.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3e33ca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/explicit_bzero.c @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/* $OpenBSD: explicit_bzero.c,v 1.3 2014/06/21 02:34:26 matthew Exp $ */ +/* + * Public domain. + * Written by Matthew Dempsky. + */ + +#include <string.h> + +__attribute__((weak)) void +__explicit_bzero_hook(void *buf, size_t len) +{ +} + +void +explicit_bzero(void *buf, size_t len) +{ + memset(buf, 0, len); + __explicit_bzero_hook(buf, len); +} diff --git a/suckless/slock/patch/include.c b/suckless/slock/patch/include.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..342c3cf --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/patch/include.c @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* Patches */ + + + +#include "keypress_feedback.c" + + +#include "xresources.c" diff --git a/suckless/slock/patch/include.h b/suckless/slock/patch/include.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..527729b --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/patch/include.h @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +/* Patches */ + + + +#include "keypress_feedback.h" diff --git a/suckless/slock/patch/keypress_feedback.c b/suckless/slock/patch/keypress_feedback.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca99f17 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/patch/keypress_feedback.c @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +static void +draw_key_feedback(Display *dpy, struct lock **locks, int screen) +{ + XGCValues gr_values; + + Window win = locks[screen]->win; + Window root_win; + + gr_values.foreground = locks[screen]->colors[BLOCKS]; + GC gc = XCreateGC(dpy, win, GCForeground, &gr_values); + + int width = blocks_width, height = blocks_height; + if (blocks_height == 0 || blocks_width == 0) { + int _x, _y; + unsigned int screen_width, screen_height, _b, _d; + XGetGeometry(dpy, win, &root_win, &_x, &_y, &screen_width, &screen_height, &_b, &_d); + width = blocks_width ? blocks_width : screen_width; + height = blocks_height ? blocks_height : screen_height; + } + + unsigned int block_width = width / blocks_count; + unsigned int position = rand() % blocks_count; + + XClearWindow(dpy, win); + XFillRectangle(dpy, win, gc, blocks_x + position*block_width, blocks_y, width, height); + + XFreeGC(dpy, gc); +} diff --git a/suckless/slock/patch/keypress_feedback.h b/suckless/slock/patch/keypress_feedback.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f1fe0e --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/patch/keypress_feedback.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +static void draw_key_feedback(Display *dpy, struct lock **locks, int screen); diff --git a/suckless/slock/patch/xresources.c b/suckless/slock/patch/xresources.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c2b9b1c --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/patch/xresources.c @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +#include <X11/Xresource.h> +#include <math.h> + +int +resource_load(XrmDatabase db, char *name, enum resource_type rtype, void *dst) +{ + char **sdst = dst; + int *idst = dst; + float *fdst = dst; + + char fullname[256]; + char fullclass[256]; + char *type; + XrmValue ret; + + snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname), "%s.%s", "slock", name); + snprintf(fullclass, sizeof(fullclass), "%s.%s", "Slock", name); + fullname[sizeof(fullname) - 1] = fullclass[sizeof(fullclass) - 1] = '\0'; + + XrmGetResource(db, fullname, fullclass, &type, &ret); + if (ret.addr == NULL || strncmp("String", type, 64)) + return 1; + + switch (rtype) { + case STRING: + *sdst = ret.addr; + break; + case INTEGER: + *idst = strtoul(ret.addr, NULL, 10); + break; + case FLOAT: + *fdst = strtof(ret.addr, NULL); + break; + } + return 0; +} + +void +config_init(Display *dpy) +{ + char *resm; + XrmDatabase db; + ResourcePref *p; + + XrmInitialize(); + resm = XResourceManagerString(dpy); + if (!resm) + return; + + db = XrmGetStringDatabase(resm); + for (p = resources; p < resources + LENGTH(resources); p++) + resource_load(db, p->name, p->type, p->dst); +} diff --git a/suckless/slock/slock.1 b/suckless/slock/slock.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..82cdcd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/slock.1 @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +.Dd 2016-08-23 +.Dt SLOCK 1 +.Sh NAME +.Nm slock +.Nd simple X screen locker +.Sh SYNOPSIS +.Nm +.Op Fl v +.Op Ar cmd Op Ar arg ... +.Sh DESCRIPTION +.Nm +is a simple X screen locker. If provided, +.Ar cmd Op Ar arg ... +is executed after the screen has been locked. +.Sh OPTIONS +.Bl -tag -width Ds +.It Fl v +Print version information to stdout and exit. +.El +.Sh SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS +To make sure a locked screen can not be bypassed by switching VTs +or killing the X server with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, it is recommended +to disable both in +.Xr xorg.conf 5 +for maximum security: +.Bd -literal -offset left +Section "ServerFlags" + Option "DontVTSwitch" "True" + Option "DontZap" "True" +EndSection +.Ed +.Sh EXAMPLES +$ +.Nm +/usr/sbin/s2ram +.Sh CUSTOMIZATION +.Nm +can be customized by creating a custom config.h from config.def.h and +(re)compiling the source code. This keeps it fast, secure and simple. diff --git a/suckless/slock/slock.c b/suckless/slock/slock.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..141ff79 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/slock.c @@ -0,0 +1,475 @@ +/* See LICENSE file for license details. */ +#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 +#define LENGTH(X) (sizeof X / sizeof X[0]) +#if HAVE_SHADOW_H +#include <shadow.h> +#endif + +#include <ctype.h> +#include <errno.h> +#include <grp.h> +#include <pwd.h> +#include <stdarg.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <unistd.h> +#include <sys/types.h> +#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h> +#include <X11/keysym.h> +#include <X11/Xlib.h> +#include <X11/Xutil.h> + +#include <X11/Xatom.h> +#include <time.h> +#include <X11/XKBlib.h> +#include <X11/extensions/dpms.h> +#ifdef XINERAMA +#include <X11/extensions/Xinerama.h> +#endif + +#include "arg.h" +#include "util.h" + +char *argv0; + + +enum { + INIT, + INPUT, + FAILED, + CAPS, + BLOCKS, + NUMCOLS +}; + +/* Xresources preferences */ +enum resource_type { + STRING = 0, + INTEGER = 1, + FLOAT = 2 +}; + +typedef struct { + char *name; + enum resource_type type; + void *dst; +} ResourcePref; + +#include "config.h" + +struct lock { + int screen; + Window root, win; + Pixmap pmap; + unsigned long colors[NUMCOLS]; +}; + + +struct xrandr { + int active; + int evbase; + int errbase; +}; + +#include "patch/include.h" + +static void +die(const char *errstr, ...) +{ + va_list ap; + + va_start(ap, errstr); + vfprintf(stderr, errstr, ap); + va_end(ap); + exit(1); +} + +#include "patch/include.c" + +#ifdef __linux__ +#include <fcntl.h> +#include <linux/oom.h> + +static void +dontkillme(void) +{ + FILE *f; + const char oomfile[] = "/proc/self/oom_score_adj"; + + if (!(f = fopen(oomfile, "w"))) { + if (errno == ENOENT) + return; + die("slock: fopen %s: %s\n", oomfile, strerror(errno)); + } + fprintf(f, "%d", OOM_SCORE_ADJ_MIN); + if (fclose(f)) { + if (errno == EACCES) + die("slock: unable to disable OOM killer. " + "Make sure to suid or sgid slock.\n"); + else + die("slock: fclose %s: %s\n", oomfile, strerror(errno)); + } +} +#endif + +static const char * +gethash(void) +{ + const char *hash; + struct passwd *pw; + + /* Check if the current user has a password entry */ + errno = 0; + if (!(pw = getpwuid(getuid()))) { + if (errno) + die("slock: getpwuid: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + else + die("slock: cannot retrieve password entry\n"); + } + hash = pw->pw_passwd; + +#if HAVE_SHADOW_H + if (!strcmp(hash, "x")) { + struct spwd *sp; + if (!(sp = getspnam(pw->pw_name))) + die("slock: getspnam: cannot retrieve shadow entry. " + "Make sure to suid or sgid slock.\n"); + hash = sp->sp_pwdp; + } +#else + if (!strcmp(hash, "*")) { +#ifdef __OpenBSD__ + if (!(pw = getpwuid_shadow(getuid()))) + die("slock: getpwnam_shadow: cannot retrieve shadow entry. " + "Make sure to suid or sgid slock.\n"); + hash = pw->pw_passwd; +#else + die("slock: getpwuid: cannot retrieve shadow entry. " + "Make sure to suid or sgid slock.\n"); +#endif /* __OpenBSD__ */ + } +#endif /* HAVE_SHADOW_H */ + + return hash; +} + +static void +readpw(Display *dpy, struct xrandr *rr, struct lock **locks, int nscreens, + const char *hash) +{ + XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent *rre; + char buf[32], passwd[256], *inputhash; + int num, screen, running, failure, oldc; + unsigned int len, color; + int caps; + unsigned int indicators; + KeySym ksym; + XEvent ev; + + len = 0; + caps = 0; + running = 1; + failure = 0; + oldc = INIT; + + if (!XkbGetIndicatorState(dpy, XkbUseCoreKbd, &indicators)) + caps = indicators & 1; + + while (running && !XNextEvent(dpy, &ev)) + { + if (ev.type == KeyPress) { + explicit_bzero(&buf, sizeof(buf)); + num = XLookupString(&ev.xkey, buf, sizeof(buf), &ksym, 0); + if (IsKeypadKey(ksym)) { + if (ksym == XK_KP_Enter) + ksym = XK_Return; + else if (ksym >= XK_KP_0 && ksym <= XK_KP_9) + ksym = (ksym - XK_KP_0) + XK_0; + } + if (IsFunctionKey(ksym) || + IsKeypadKey(ksym) || + IsMiscFunctionKey(ksym) || + IsPFKey(ksym) || + IsPrivateKeypadKey(ksym)) + continue; + switch (ksym) { + case XK_Return: + passwd[len] = '\0'; + errno = 0; + + + if (!(inputhash = crypt(passwd, hash))) + fprintf(stderr, "slock: crypt: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + else + running = !!strcmp(inputhash, hash); + if (running) { + XBell(dpy, 100); + failure = 1; + } + explicit_bzero(&passwd, sizeof(passwd)); + len = 0; + break; + case XK_Escape: + explicit_bzero(&passwd, sizeof(passwd)); + len = 0; + break; + case XK_BackSpace: + if (len) + passwd[--len] = '\0'; + break; + case XK_Caps_Lock: + caps = !caps; + break; + default: + if (num && !iscntrl((int)buf[0]) && + (len + num < sizeof(passwd))) + { + memcpy(passwd + len, buf, num); + len += num; + } + if (blocks_enabled) + for (screen = 0; screen < nscreens; screen++) + draw_key_feedback(dpy, locks, screen); + break; + } + color = len ? (caps ? CAPS : INPUT) : (failure || failonclear ? FAILED : INIT); + if (running && oldc != color) { + for (screen = 0; screen < nscreens; screen++) { + XSetWindowBackground(dpy, + locks[screen]->win, + locks[screen]->colors[color]); + XClearWindow(dpy, locks[screen]->win); + } + oldc = color; + } + } else if (rr->active && ev.type == rr->evbase + RRScreenChangeNotify) { + rre = (XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent*)&ev; + for (screen = 0; screen < nscreens; screen++) { + if (locks[screen]->win == rre->window) { + if (rre->rotation == RR_Rotate_90 || + rre->rotation == RR_Rotate_270) + XResizeWindow(dpy, locks[screen]->win, + rre->height, rre->width); + else + XResizeWindow(dpy, locks[screen]->win, + rre->width, rre->height); + XClearWindow(dpy, locks[screen]->win); + break; + } + } + } else { + for (screen = 0; screen < nscreens; screen++) + XRaiseWindow(dpy, locks[screen]->win); + } + + } +} + +static struct lock * +lockscreen(Display *dpy, struct xrandr *rr, int screen) +{ + char curs[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; + int i, ptgrab, kbgrab; + struct lock *lock; + XColor color, dummy; + XSetWindowAttributes wa; + Cursor invisible; + + if (dpy == NULL || screen < 0 || !(lock = malloc(sizeof(struct lock)))) + return NULL; + + lock->screen = screen; + lock->root = RootWindow(dpy, lock->screen); + + + for (i = 0; i < NUMCOLS; i++) { + XAllocNamedColor(dpy, DefaultColormap(dpy, lock->screen), + colorname[i], &color, &dummy); + lock->colors[i] = color.pixel; + } + + + /* init */ + wa.override_redirect = 1; + wa.background_pixel = lock->colors[INIT]; + lock->win = XCreateWindow(dpy, lock->root, 0, 0, + DisplayWidth(dpy, lock->screen), + DisplayHeight(dpy, lock->screen), + 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, lock->screen), + CopyFromParent, + DefaultVisual(dpy, lock->screen), + CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixel, &wa); + lock->pmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, lock->win, curs, 8, 8); + invisible = XCreatePixmapCursor(dpy, lock->pmap, lock->pmap, + &color, &color, 0, 0); + XDefineCursor(dpy, lock->win, invisible); + + + /* Try to grab mouse pointer *and* keyboard for 600ms, else fail the lock */ + for (i = 0, ptgrab = kbgrab = -1; i < 6; i++) { + if (ptgrab != GrabSuccess) { + ptgrab = XGrabPointer(dpy, lock->root, False, + ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | + PointerMotionMask, GrabModeAsync, + GrabModeAsync, None, + invisible, + CurrentTime); + } + if (kbgrab != GrabSuccess) { + kbgrab = XGrabKeyboard(dpy, lock->root, True, + GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime); + } + + /* input is grabbed: we can lock the screen */ + if (ptgrab == GrabSuccess && kbgrab == GrabSuccess) { + XMapRaised(dpy, lock->win); + if (rr->active) + XRRSelectInput(dpy, lock->win, RRScreenChangeNotifyMask); + + XSelectInput(dpy, lock->root, SubstructureNotifyMask); + unsigned int opacity = (unsigned int)(alpha * 0xffffffff); + XChangeProperty(dpy, lock->win, XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY", False), XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)&opacity, 1L); + XSync(dpy, False); + return lock; + } + + /* retry on AlreadyGrabbed but fail on other errors */ + if ((ptgrab != AlreadyGrabbed && ptgrab != GrabSuccess) || + (kbgrab != AlreadyGrabbed && kbgrab != GrabSuccess)) + break; + + usleep(100000); + } + + /* we couldn't grab all input: fail out */ + if (ptgrab != GrabSuccess) + fprintf(stderr, "slock: unable to grab mouse pointer for screen %d\n", + screen); + if (kbgrab != GrabSuccess) + fprintf(stderr, "slock: unable to grab keyboard for screen %d\n", + screen); + return NULL; +} + +static void +usage(void) +{ + die("usage: slock [-v] [cmd [arg ...]]\n"); +} + +int +main(int argc, char **argv) { + struct xrandr rr; + struct lock **locks; + struct passwd *pwd; + struct group *grp; + uid_t duid; + gid_t dgid; + const char *hash; + Display *dpy; + int s, nlocks, nscreens; + CARD16 standby, suspend, off; + ARGBEGIN { + case 'v': + fprintf(stderr, "slock-"VERSION"\n"); + return 0; + default: + usage(); + } ARGEND + + /* validate drop-user and -group */ + errno = 0; + if (!(pwd = getpwnam(user))) + die("slock: getpwnam %s: %s\n", user, + errno ? strerror(errno) : "user entry not found"); + duid = pwd->pw_uid; + errno = 0; + if (!(grp = getgrnam(group))) + die("slock: getgrnam %s: %s\n", group, + errno ? strerror(errno) : "group entry not found"); + dgid = grp->gr_gid; + +#ifdef __linux__ + dontkillme(); +#endif + + hash = gethash(); + errno = 0; + if (!crypt("", hash)) + die("slock: crypt: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + + if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) + die("slock: cannot open display\n"); + + /* drop privileges */ + if (setgroups(0, NULL) < 0) + die("slock: setgroups: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + if (setgid(dgid) < 0) + die("slock: setgid: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + if (setuid(duid) < 0) + die("slock: setuid: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + + + config_init(dpy); + + time_t t; + srand((unsigned) time(&t)); + + /* check for Xrandr support */ + = XRRQueryExtension(dpy, &rr.evbase, &rr.errbase); + + /* get number of screens in display "dpy" and blank them */ + nscreens = ScreenCount(dpy); + if (!(locks = calloc(nscreens, sizeof(struct lock *)))) + die("slock: out of memory\n"); + for (nlocks = 0, s = 0; s < nscreens; s++) { + if ((locks[s] = lockscreen(dpy, &rr, s)) != NULL) { + nlocks++; + } else { + break; + } + } + XSync(dpy, 0); + + /* did we manage to lock everything? */ + if (nlocks != nscreens) + return 1; + + /* DPMS magic to disable the monitor */ + if (!DPMSCapable(dpy)) + die("slock: DPMSCapable failed\n"); + if (!DPMSEnable(dpy)) + die("slock: DPMSEnable failed\n"); + if (!DPMSGetTimeouts(dpy, &standby, &suspend, &off)) + die("slock: DPMSGetTimeouts failed\n"); + if (!standby || !suspend || !off) + die("slock: at least one DPMS variable is zero\n"); + if (!DPMSSetTimeouts(dpy, monitortime, monitortime, monitortime)) + die("slock: DPMSSetTimeouts failed\n"); + + XSync(dpy, 0); + + /* run post-lock command */ + if (argc > 0) { + switch (fork()) { + case -1: + die("slock: fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + case 0: + if (close(ConnectionNumber(dpy)) < 0) + die("slock: close: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + execvp(argv[0], argv); + fprintf(stderr, "slock: execvp %s: %s\n", argv[0], strerror(errno)); + _exit(1); + } + } + + /* everything is now blank. Wait for the correct password */ + readpw(dpy, &rr, locks, nscreens, hash); + /* reset DPMS values to inital ones */ + DPMSSetTimeouts(dpy, standby, suspend, off); + XSync(dpy, 0); + + + return 0; +} diff --git a/suckless/slock/util.h b/suckless/slock/util.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f748b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/slock/util.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#undef explicit_bzero +void explicit_bzero(void *, size_t); diff --git a/suckless/st/FAQ b/suckless/st/FAQ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f9609d --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/FAQ @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +## Why does st not handle utmp entries? + +Use the excellent tool of [utmp]( for this task. + + +## Some _random program_ complains that st is unknown/not recognised/unsupported/whatever! + +It means that st doesn’t have any terminfo entry on your system. Chances are +you did not `make install`. If you just want to test it without installing it, +you can manually run `tic -sx`. + + +## Nothing works, and nothing is said about an unknown terminal! + +* Some programs just assume they’re running in xterm i.e. they don’t rely on + terminfo. What you see is the current state of the “xterm compliance”. +* Some programs don’t complain about the lacking st description and default to + another terminal. In that case see the question about terminfo. + + +## How do I scroll back up? + +* Using a terminal multiplexer. + * `st -e tmux` using C-b [ + * `st -e screen` using C-a ESC +* Using the excellent tool of [scroll]( +* Using the scrollback [patch]( + + +## I would like to have utmp and/or scroll functionality by default + +You can add the absolute patch of both programs in your config.h +file. You only have to modify the value of utmp and scroll variables. + + +## Why doesn't the Del key work in some programs? + +Taken from the terminfo manpage: + + If the terminal has a keypad that transmits codes when the keys + are pressed, this information can be given. Note that it is not + possible to handle terminals where the keypad only works in + local (this applies, for example, to the unshifted HP 2621 keys). + If the keypad can be set to transmit or not transmit, give these + codes as smkx and rmkx. Otherwise the keypad is assumed to + always transmit. + +In the st case smkx=E[?1hE= and rmkx=E[?1lE>, so it is mandatory that +applications which want to test against keypad keys send these +sequences. + +But buggy applications (like bash and irssi, for example) don't do this. A fast +solution for them is to use the following command: + + $ printf '\033[?1h\033=' >/dev/tty + +or + $ tput smkx + +In the case of bash, readline is used. Readline has a different note in its +manpage about this issue: + + enable-keypad (Off) + When set to On, readline will try to enable the + application keypad when it is called. Some systems + need this to enable arrow keys. + +Adding this option to your .inputrc will fix the keypad problem for all +applications using readline. + +If you are using zsh, then read the zsh FAQ +<>: + + It should be noted that the O / [ confusion can occur with other keys + such as Home and End. Some systems let you query the key sequences + sent by these keys from the system's terminal database, terminfo. + Unfortunately, the key sequences given there typically apply to the + mode that is not the one zsh uses by default (it's the "application" + mode rather than the "raw" mode). Explaining the use of terminfo is + outside of the scope of this FAQ, but if you wish to use the key + sequences given there you can tell the line editor to turn on + "application" mode when it starts and turn it off when it stops: + + function zle-line-init () { echoti smkx } + function zle-line-finish () { echoti rmkx } + zle -N zle-line-init + zle -N zle-line-finish + +Putting these lines into your .zshrc will fix the problems. + + +## How can I use meta in 8bit mode? + +St supports meta in 8bit mode, but the default terminfo entry doesn't +use this capability. If you want it, you have to use the 'st-meta' value +in TERM. + + +## I cannot compile st in OpenBSD + +OpenBSD lacks librt, despite it being mandatory in POSIX +<>. +If you want to compile st for OpenBSD you have to remove -lrt from, and +st will compile without any loss of functionality, because all the functions are +included in libc on this platform. + + +## The Backspace Case + +St is emulating the Linux way of handling backspace being delete and delete being +backspace. + +This is an issue that was discussed in suckless mailing list +<>. Here is why some old grumpy +terminal users wants its backspace to be how he feels it: + + Well, I am going to comment why I want to change the behaviour + of this key. When ASCII was defined in 1968, communication + with computers was done using punched cards, or hardcopy + terminals (basically a typewriter machine connected with the + computer using a serial port). ASCII defines DELETE as 7F, + because, in punched-card terms, it means all the holes of the + card punched; it is thus a kind of 'physical delete'. In the + same way, the BACKSPACE key was a non-destructive backspace, + as on a typewriter. So, if you wanted to delete a character, + you had to BACKSPACE and then DELETE. Another use of BACKSPACE + was to type accented characters, for example 'a BACKSPACE `'. + The VT100 had no BACKSPACE key; it was generated using the + CONTROL key as another control character (CONTROL key sets to + 0 b7 b6 b5, so it converts H (code 0x48) into BACKSPACE (code + 0x08)), but it had a DELETE key in a similar position where + the BACKSPACE key is located today on common PC keyboards. + All the terminal emulators emulated the difference between + these keys correctly: the backspace key generated a BACKSPACE + (^H) and delete key generated a DELETE (^?). + + But a problem arose when Linus Torvalds wrote Linux. Unlike + earlier terminals, the Linux virtual terminal (the terminal + emulator integrated in the kernel) returned a DELETE when + backspace was pressed, due to the VT100 having a DELETE key in + the same position. This created a lot of problems (see [1] + and [2]). Since Linux has become the king, a lot of terminal + emulators today generate a DELETE when the backspace key is + pressed in order to avoid problems with Linux. The result is + that the only way of generating a BACKSPACE on these systems + is by using CONTROL + H. (I also think that emacs had an + important point here because the CONTROL + H prefix is used + in emacs in some commands (help commands).) + + From point of view of the kernel, you can change the key + for deleting a previous character with stty erase. When you + connect a real terminal into a machine you describe the type + of terminal, so getty configures the correct value of stty + erase for this terminal. In the case of terminal emulators, + however, you don't have any getty that can set the correct + value of stty erase, so you always get the default value. + For this reason, it is necessary to add 'stty erase ^H' to your + profile if you have changed the value of the backspace key. + Of course, another solution is for st itself to modify the + value of stty erase. I usually have the inverse problem: + when I connect to non-Unix machines, I have to press CONTROL + + h to get a BACKSPACE. The inverse problem occurs when a user + connects to my Unix machines from a different system with a + correct backspace key. + + [1] + [2] + + +## But I really want the old grumpy behaviour of my terminal + +Apply [1]. + +[1] + + +## Why do images not work in st using the w3m image hack? + +w3mimg uses a hack that draws an image on top of the terminal emulator Drawable +window. The hack relies on the terminal to use a single buffer to draw its +contents directly. + +st uses double-buffered drawing so the image is quickly replaced and may show a +short flicker effect. + +Below is a patch example to change st double-buffering to a single Drawable +buffer. + +diff --git a/x.c b/x.c +--- a/x.c ++++ b/x.c +@@ -732,10 +732,6 @@ xresize(int col, int row) + = col *; + = row *; + +- XFreePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.buf); +- xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy,, win.w, win.h, +- DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr)); +- XftDrawChange(xw.draw, xw.buf); + xclear(0, 0, win.w, win.h); + + /* resize to new width */ +@@ -1148,8 +1144,7 @@ xinit(int cols, int rows) + gcvalues.graphics_exposures = False; + dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, parent, GCGraphicsExposures, + &gcvalues); +- xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy,, win.w, win.h, +- DefaultDepth(xw.dpy, xw.scr)); ++ xw.buf =; + XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, dc.col[defaultbg].pixel); + XFillRectangle(xw.dpy, xw.buf, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, win.h); + +@@ -1632,8 +1627,6 @@ xdrawline(Line line, int x1, int y1, int x2) + void + xfinishdraw(void) + { +- XCopyArea(xw.dpy, xw.buf,, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, +- win.h, 0, 0); + XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, + dc.col[IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)? + defaultfg : defaultbg].pixel); + + +## BadLength X error in Xft when trying to render emoji + +Xft makes st crash when rendering color emojis with the following error: + +"X Error of failed request: BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)" + Major opcode of failed request: 139 (RENDER) + Minor opcode of failed request: 20 (RenderAddGlyphs) + Serial number of failed request: 1595 + Current serial number in output stream: 1818" + +This is a known bug in Xft (not st) which happens on some platforms and +combination of particular fonts and fontconfig settings. + +See also: + + + + +The solution is to remove color emoji fonts or disable this in the fontconfig +XML configuration. As an ugly workaround (which may work only on newer +fontconfig versions (FC_COLOR)), the following code can be used to mask color +fonts: + + FcPatternAddBool(fcpattern, FC_COLOR, FcFalse); + +Please don't bother reporting this bug to st, but notify the upstream Xft +developers about fixing this bug. diff --git a/suckless/st/LEGACY b/suckless/st/LEGACY new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf28b1e --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/LEGACY @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +A STATEMENT ON LEGACY SUPPORT + +In the terminal world there is much cruft that comes from old and unsup‐ +ported terminals that inherit incompatible modes and escape sequences +which noone is able to know, except when he/she comes from that time and +developed a graphical vt100 emulator at that time. + +One goal of st is to only support what is really needed. When you en‐ +counter a sequence which you really need, implement it. But while you +are at it, do not add the other cruft you might encounter while sneek‐ +ing at other terminal emulators. History has bloated them and there is +no real evidence that most of the sequences are used today. + + +Christoph Lohmann <> +2012-09-13T07:00:36.081271045+02:00 + diff --git a/suckless/st/LICENSE b/suckless/st/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d80eb47 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +MIT/X Consortium License + +© 2014-2020 Hiltjo Posthuma <hiltjo at codemadness dot org> +© 2018 Devin J. Pohly <djpohly at gmail dot com> +© 2014-2017 Quentin Rameau <quinq at fifth dot space> +© 2009-2012 Aurélien APTEL <aurelien dot aptel at gmail dot com> +© 2008-2017 Anselm R Garbe <garbeam at gmail dot com> +© 2012-2017 Roberto E. Vargas Caballero <k0ga at shike2 dot com> +© 2012-2016 Christoph Lohmann <20h at r-36 dot net> +© 2013 Eon S. Jeon <esjeon at hyunmu dot am> +© 2013 Alexander Sedov <alex0player at gmail dot com> +© 2013 Mark Edgar <medgar123 at gmail dot com> +© 2013-2014 Eric Pruitt <eric.pruitt at gmail dot com> +© 2013 Michael Forney <mforney at mforney dot org> +© 2013-2014 Markus Teich <markus dot teich at stusta dot mhn dot de> +© 2014-2015 Laslo Hunhold <dev at frign dot de> + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a +copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), +to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation +the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, +and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the +Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL +THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER +DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/suckless/st/Makefile b/suckless/st/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a99cf7b --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +# st - simple terminal +# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. +.POSIX: + +include + +SRC = st.c x.c $(LIGATURES_C) $(SIXEL_C) +OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o) + +all: options st + +options: + @echo st build options: + @echo "CFLAGS = $(STCFLAGS)" + @echo "LDFLAGS = $(STLDFLAGS)" + @echo "CC = $(CC)" + +config.h: + cp config.def.h config.h + +.c.o: + $(CC) $(STCFLAGS) -c $< + +st.o: config.h st.h win.h +x.o: arg.h config.h st.h win.h $(LIGATURES_H) + +$(OBJ): config.h + +st: $(OBJ) + $(CC) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(STLDFLAGS) + +clean: + rm -f st $(OBJ) st-$(VERSION).tar.gz + +dist: clean + mkdir -p st-$(VERSION) + cp -R FAQ LEGACY TODO LICENSE Makefile README\ + config.def.h st.1 arg.h st.h win.h $(LIGATURES_H) $(SRC)\ + st-$(VERSION) + tar -cf - st-$(VERSION) | gzip > st-$(VERSION).tar.gz + rm -rf st-$(VERSION) + +install: st + mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin + cp -f st $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin + chmod 755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st + mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1 + sed "s/VERSION/$(VERSION)/g" < st.1 > $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1 + chmod 644 $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1 + tic -sx + mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications # desktop-entry patch + cp -n st.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications # desktop-entry patch + @echo Please see the README file regarding the terminfo entry of st. + +uninstall: + rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/st + rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(MANPREFIX)/man1/st.1 + rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications/st.desktop # desktop-entry patch + +.PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall diff --git a/suckless/st/README b/suckless/st/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a846ed --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/README @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +st - simple terminal +-------------------- +st is a simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less. + + +Requirements +------------ +In order to build st you need the Xlib header files. + + +Installation +------------ +Edit to match your local setup (st is installed into +the /usr/local namespace by default). + +Afterwards enter the following command to build and install st (if +necessary as root): + + make clean install + + +Running st +---------- +If you did not install st with make clean install, you must compile +the st terminfo entry with the following command: + + tic -sx + +See the man page for additional details. + +Credits +------- +Based on Aurélien APTEL <aurelien dot aptel at gmail dot com> bt source code. + diff --git a/suckless/st/TODO b/suckless/st/TODO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f74cd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +vt emulation +------------ + +* double-height support + +code & interface +---------------- + +* add a simple way to do multiplexing + +drawing +------- +* add diacritics support to xdraws() + * switch to a suckless font drawing library +* make the font cache simpler +* add better support for brightening of the upper colors + +bugs +---- + +* fix shift up/down (shift selection in emacs) +* remove DEC test sequence when appropriate + +misc +---- + + $ grep -nE 'XXX|TODO' st.c + diff --git a/suckless/st/arg.h b/suckless/st/arg.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a22e019 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/arg.h @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +/* + * Copy me if you can. + * by 20h + */ + +#ifndef ARG_H__ +#define ARG_H__ + +extern char *argv0; + +/* use main(int argc, char *argv[]) */ +#define ARGBEGIN for (argv0 = *argv, argv++, argc--;\ + argv[0] && argv[0][0] == '-'\ + && argv[0][1];\ + argc--, argv++) {\ + char argc_;\ + char **argv_;\ + int brk_;\ + if (argv[0][1] == '-' && argv[0][2] == '\0') {\ + argv++;\ + argc--;\ + break;\ + }\ + int i_;\ + for (i_ = 1, brk_ = 0, argv_ = argv;\ + argv[0][i_] && !brk_;\ + i_++) {\ + if (argv_ != argv)\ + break;\ + argc_ = argv[0][i_];\ + switch (argc_) + +#define ARGEND }\ + } + +#define ARGC() argc_ + +#define EARGF(x) ((argv[0][i_+1] == '\0' && argv[1] == NULL)?\ + ((x), abort(), (char *)0) :\ + (brk_ = 1, (argv[0][i_+1] != '\0')?\ + (&argv[0][i_+1]) :\ + (argc--, argv++, argv[0]))) + +#define ARGF() ((argv[0][i_+1] == '\0' && argv[1] == NULL)?\ + (char *)0 :\ + (brk_ = 1, (argv[0][i_+1] != '\0')?\ + (&argv[0][i_+1]) :\ + (argc--, argv++, argv[0]))) + +#endif diff --git a/suckless/st/config.def.h b/suckless/st/config.def.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41c1397 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/config.def.h @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ + +/* + * appearance + * + * font: see + */ +static char *font = "Liberation Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true"; + +/* borderperc: percentage of cell width to use as a border + * 0 = no border, 100 = border width is same as cell width */ +int borderperc = 20; + +static char *url_opener = "xdg-open"; + +/* + * What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules: + * 1: program passed with -e + * 2: scroll and/or utmp + * 3: SHELL environment variable + * 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd + * 5: value of shell in config.h + */ +static char *shell = "/bin/sh"; +char *utmp = NULL; +/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */ +char *scroll = NULL; +char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400"; + +/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */ +char *vtiden = "\033[?12;4c"; + +/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */ +static float cwscale = 1.0; +static float chscale = 1.0; + +/* + * word delimiter string + * + * More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}" + */ +wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" "; + +/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */ +static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300; +static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600; + +/* alt screens */ +int allowaltscreen = 1; + +/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as: + setting the clipboard text */ +int allowwindowops = 0; + +/* + * draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing. + * within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's + * near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw. + * low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early. + */ +static double minlatency = 8; +static double maxlatency = 33; + +/* + * Synchronized-Update timeout in ms + * + */ +static uint su_timeout = 200; + +/* + * blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking + * attribute. + */ +static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800; + +/* + * thickness of underline and bar cursors + */ +static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2; + +/* + * 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for + * perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals). + * Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored. + * 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font). + */ +const int boxdraw = 0; +const int boxdraw_bold = 0; + +/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */ +const int boxdraw_braille = 0; + +/* + * bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling + * it + */ +static int bellvolume = 0; + +/* default TERM value */ +char *termname = "st-256color"; + +/* + * spaces per tab + * + * When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in + * the and appropriately install the in the environment where + * you use this st version. + * + * it#$tabspaces, + * + * Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty + * -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by + * running following command: + * + * stty tabs + */ +unsigned int tabspaces = 8; + +/* bg opacity */ +float alpha = 0.8; + +/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */ +static const char *colorname[] = { + /* 8 normal colors */ + "black", + "red3", + "green3", + "yellow3", + "blue2", + "magenta3", + "cyan3", + "gray90", + + /* 8 bright colors */ + "gray50", + "red", + "green", + "yellow", + "#5c5cff", + "magenta", + "cyan", + "white", + + [255] = 0, + + /* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */ + "#add8e6", /* 256 -> cursor */ + "#555555", /* 257 -> rev cursor*/ + "#000000", /* 258 -> bg */ + "#e5e5e5", /* 259 -> fg */ +}; + + +/* + * Default colors (colorname index) + * foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor + */ +unsigned int defaultbg = 258; +unsigned int defaultfg = 259; +unsigned int defaultcs = 256; +unsigned int defaultrcs = 257; + + +/* + * + * Default style of cursor + * 0: Blinking block + * 1: Blinking block (default) + * 2: Steady block ("â–ˆ") + * 3: Blinking underline + * 4: Steady underline ("_") + * 5: Blinking bar + * 6: Steady bar ("|") + * 7: Blinking st cursor + * 8: Steady st cursor + */ +static unsigned int cursorstyle = 1; +static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */ + +/* + * Default columns and rows numbers + */ + +static unsigned int cols = 80; +static unsigned int rows = 24; + +/* + * Default shape of the mouse cursor + */ +static char* mouseshape = "xterm"; + +/* + * Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which + * doesn't match the ones requested. + */ +static unsigned int defaultattr = 11; + +/* + * Xresources preferences to load at startup + */ +ResourcePref resources[] = { + { "font", STRING, &font }, + { "color0", STRING, &colorname[0] }, + { "color1", STRING, &colorname[1] }, + { "color2", STRING, &colorname[2] }, + { "color3", STRING, &colorname[3] }, + { "color4", STRING, &colorname[4] }, + { "color5", STRING, &colorname[5] }, + { "color6", STRING, &colorname[6] }, + { "color7", STRING, &colorname[7] }, + { "color8", STRING, &colorname[8] }, + { "color9", STRING, &colorname[9] }, + { "color10", STRING, &colorname[10] }, + { "color11", STRING, &colorname[11] }, + { "color12", STRING, &colorname[12] }, + { "color13", STRING, &colorname[13] }, + { "color14", STRING, &colorname[14] }, + { "color15", STRING, &colorname[15] }, + { "background", STRING, &colorname[258] }, + { "foreground", STRING, &colorname[259] }, + { "cursorColor", STRING, &colorname[256] }, + { "termname", STRING, &termname }, + { "shell", STRING, &shell }, + { "minlatency", INTEGER, &minlatency }, + { "maxlatency", INTEGER, &maxlatency }, + { "blinktimeout", INTEGER, &blinktimeout }, + { "bellvolume", INTEGER, &bellvolume }, + { "tabspaces", INTEGER, &tabspaces }, + { "borderperc", INTEGER, &borderperc }, + { "cwscale", FLOAT, &cwscale }, + { "chscale", FLOAT, &chscale }, + { "alpha", FLOAT, &alpha }, +}; + +/* + * Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set). + * Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other + * modifier, set to 0 to not use it. + */ +static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask; + +/* + * Internal mouse shortcuts. + * Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection. + */ +static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = { + /* mask button function argument release alt */ + { XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, clippaste, {.i = 0}, 1 }, + { ShiftMask, Button4, kscrollup, {.i = 1} }, + { ShiftMask, Button5, kscrolldown, {.i = 1} }, + { XK_NO_MOD, Button4, kscrollup, {.i = 1} }, + { XK_NO_MOD, Button5, kscrolldown, {.i = 1} }, +}; + +static MouseShortcut maltshortcuts[] = { + /* mask button function argument release */ + { XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, clippaste, {.i = 0}, 1 }, + { XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} }, + { XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} }, +}; + +/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */ +#define MODKEY Mod1Mask +#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask) + +static char *openurlcmd[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", + "xurls | dmenu -l 10 -w $WINDOWID | xargs -r open", + "externalpipe", NULL }; + +static Shortcut shortcuts[] = { + /* mask keysym function argument */ + { XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} }, + { ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} }, + { ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} }, + { XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} }, + { ShiftMask, XK_Page_Up, kscrollup, {.i = -1} }, + { ShiftMask, XK_Page_Down, kscrolldown, {.i = -1} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Y, clippaste, {.i = 0} }, + { ShiftMask, XK_Insert, clippaste, {.i = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_U, externalpipe, { .v = openurlcmd } }, + { TERMMOD, XK_X, invert, { 0 } }, +}; + +/* + * Special keys (change & recompile accordingly) + * + * Mask value: + * * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state + * * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers) + * appkey value: + * * 0: no value + * * > 0: keypad application mode enabled + * * = 2: term.numlock = 1 + * * < 0: keypad application mode disabled + * appcursor value: + * * 0: no value + * * > 0: cursor application mode enabled + * * < 0: cursor application mode disabled + * + * Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in + * this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last + * position for a key. + */ + + +/* + * State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default, + * numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored. + */ +static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD; + + +/* + * Selection types' masks. + * Use the same masks as usual. + * Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress. + * ButtonRelease and MotionNotify. + * If no match is found, regular selection is used. + */ +static uint selmasks[] = { + [SEL_RECTANGULAR] = Mod1Mask, +}; + +/* + * Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width + * of single wide characters. + */ +static char ascii_printable[] = + " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" + "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_" + "`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; + + +/** + * Undercurl style. Set UNDERCURL_STYLE to one of the available styles. + * + * Curly: Dunno how to draw it *shrug* + * _ _ _ _ + * ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) + * (_) (_) (_) (_) + * + * Spiky: + * /\ /\ /\ /\ + * \/ \/ \/ + * + * Capped: + * _ _ _ + * / \ / \ / \ + * \_/ \_/ + */ +// Available styles +#define UNDERCURL_CURLY 0 +#define UNDERCURL_SPIKY 1 +#define UNDERCURL_CAPPED 2 +// Active style +#define UNDERCURL_STYLE UNDERCURL_SPIKY diff --git a/suckless/st/config.h b/suckless/st/config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d31e8ef --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ + +/* + * appearance + * + * font: see + */ +static char *font = "FiraCode Nerd Font Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:autohint=true"; + +/* borderperc: percentage of cell width to use as a border + * 0 = no border, 100 = border width is same as cell width */ +int borderperc = 20; + +static char *url_opener = "xdg-open"; + +/* + * What program is execed by st depends of these precedence rules: + * 1: program passed with -e + * 2: scroll and/or utmp + * 3: SHELL environment variable + * 4: value of shell in /etc/passwd + * 5: value of shell in config.h + */ +static char *shell = "/bin/sh"; +char *utmp = NULL; +/* scroll program: to enable use a string like "scroll" */ +char *scroll = NULL; +char *stty_args = "stty raw pass8 nl -echo -iexten -cstopb 38400"; + +/* identification sequence returned in DA and DECID */ +char *vtiden = "\033[?12;4c"; + +/* Kerning / character bounding-box multipliers */ +static float cwscale = 1.0; +static float chscale = 1.0; + +/* + * word delimiter string + * + * More advanced example: L" `'\"()[]{}" + */ +wchar_t *worddelimiters = L" "; + +/* selection timeouts (in milliseconds) */ +static unsigned int doubleclicktimeout = 300; +static unsigned int tripleclicktimeout = 600; + +/* alt screens */ +int allowaltscreen = 1; + +/* allow certain non-interactive (insecure) window operations such as: + setting the clipboard text */ +int allowwindowops = 0; + +/* + * draw latency range in ms - from new content/keypress/etc until drawing. + * within this range, st draws when content stops arriving (idle). mostly it's + * near minlatency, but it waits longer for slow updates to avoid partial draw. + * low minlatency will tear/flicker more, as it can "detect" idle too early. + */ +static double minlatency = 8; +static double maxlatency = 33; + +/* + * Synchronized-Update timeout in ms + * + */ +static uint su_timeout = 200; + +/* + * blinking timeout (set to 0 to disable blinking) for the terminal blinking + * attribute. + */ +static unsigned int blinktimeout = 800; + +/* + * thickness of underline and bar cursors + */ +static unsigned int cursorthickness = 2; + +/* + * 1: render most of the lines/blocks characters without using the font for + * perfect alignment between cells (U2500 - U259F except dashes/diagonals). + * Bold affects lines thickness if boxdraw_bold is not 0. Italic is ignored. + * 0: disable (render all U25XX glyphs normally from the font). + */ +const int boxdraw = 0; +const int boxdraw_bold = 0; + +/* braille (U28XX): 1: render as adjacent "pixels", 0: use font */ +const int boxdraw_braille = 0; + +/* + * bell volume. It must be a value between -100 and 100. Use 0 for disabling + * it + */ +static int bellvolume = 0; + +/* default TERM value */ +char *termname = "st-256color"; + +/* + * spaces per tab + * + * When you are changing this value, don't forget to adapt the »it« value in + * the and appropriately install the in the environment where + * you use this st version. + * + * it#$tabspaces, + * + * Secondly make sure your kernel is not expanding tabs. When running `stty + * -a` »tab0« should appear. You can tell the terminal to not expand tabs by + * running following command: + * + * stty tabs + */ +unsigned int tabspaces = 2; + +/* bg opacity */ +float alpha = 0.7; + +/* Terminal colors (16 first used in escape sequence) */ +static const char *colorname[] = { + /* 8 normal colors */ + "black", + "red3", + "green3", + "yellow3", + "blue2", + "magenta3", + "cyan3", + "gray90", + + /* 8 bright colors */ + "gray50", + "red", + "green", + "yellow", + "#5c5cff", + "magenta", + "cyan", + "white", + + [255] = 0, + + /* more colors can be added after 255 to use with DefaultXX */ + "#add8e6", /* 256 -> cursor */ + "#555555", /* 257 -> rev cursor*/ + "#000000", /* 258 -> bg */ + "#e5e5e5", /* 259 -> fg */ +}; + + +/* + * Default colors (colorname index) + * foreground, background, cursor, reverse cursor + */ +unsigned int defaultbg = 258; +unsigned int defaultfg = 259; +unsigned int defaultcs = 256; +unsigned int defaultrcs = 257; + + +/* + * + * Default style of cursor + * 0: Blinking block + * 1: Blinking block (default) + * 2: Steady block ("â–ˆ") + * 3: Blinking underline + * 4: Steady underline ("_") + * 5: Blinking bar + * 6: Steady bar ("|") + * 7: Blinking st cursor + * 8: Steady st cursor + */ +static unsigned int cursorstyle = 3; +static Rune stcursor = 0x2603; /* snowman (U+2603) */ + +/* + * Default columns and rows numbers + */ + +static unsigned int cols = 90; +static unsigned int rows = 30; + +/* + * Default shape of the mouse cursor + */ +static char* mouseshape = "xterm"; + +/* + * Color used to display font attributes when fontconfig selected a font which + * doesn't match the ones requested. + */ +static unsigned int defaultattr = 11; + +/* + * Xresources preferences to load at startup + */ +ResourcePref resources[] = { + { "font", STRING, &font }, + { "color0", STRING, &colorname[0] }, + { "color1", STRING, &colorname[1] }, + { "color2", STRING, &colorname[2] }, + { "color3", STRING, &colorname[3] }, + { "color4", STRING, &colorname[4] }, + { "color5", STRING, &colorname[5] }, + { "color6", STRING, &colorname[6] }, + { "color7", STRING, &colorname[7] }, + { "color8", STRING, &colorname[8] }, + { "color9", STRING, &colorname[9] }, + { "color10", STRING, &colorname[10] }, + { "color11", STRING, &colorname[11] }, + { "color12", STRING, &colorname[12] }, + { "color13", STRING, &colorname[13] }, + { "color14", STRING, &colorname[14] }, + { "color15", STRING, &colorname[15] }, + { "background", STRING, &colorname[258] }, + { "foreground", STRING, &colorname[259] }, + { "cursorColor", STRING, &colorname[256] }, + { "termname", STRING, &termname }, + { "shell", STRING, &shell }, + { "minlatency", INTEGER, &minlatency }, + { "maxlatency", INTEGER, &maxlatency }, + { "blinktimeout", INTEGER, &blinktimeout }, + { "bellvolume", INTEGER, &bellvolume }, + { "tabspaces", INTEGER, &tabspaces }, + { "borderperc", INTEGER, &borderperc }, + { "cwscale", FLOAT, &cwscale }, + { "chscale", FLOAT, &chscale }, + { "alpha", FLOAT, &alpha }, +}; + +/* + * Force mouse select/shortcuts while mask is active (when MODE_MOUSE is set). + * Note that if you want to use ShiftMask with selmasks, set this to an other + * modifier, set to 0 to not use it. + */ +static uint forcemousemod = ShiftMask; + +/* + * Internal mouse shortcuts. + * Beware that overloading Button1 will disable the selection. + */ +static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = { + /* mask button function argument release alt */ + { XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, clippaste, {.i = 0}, 1 }, + { ShiftMask, Button4, kscrollup, {.i = 1} }, + { ShiftMask, Button5, kscrolldown, {.i = 1} }, + { XK_NO_MOD, Button4, kscrollup, {.i = 1} }, + { XK_NO_MOD, Button5, kscrolldown, {.i = 1} }, +}; + +static MouseShortcut maltshortcuts[] = { + /* mask button function argument release */ + { XK_ANY_MOD, Button2, clippaste, {.i = 0}, 1 }, + { XK_ANY_MOD, Button4, ttysend, {.s = "\031"} }, + { XK_ANY_MOD, Button5, ttysend, {.s = "\005"} }, +}; + +/* Internal keyboard shortcuts. */ +#define MODKEY Mod1Mask +#define TERMMOD (ControlMask|ShiftMask) + +static char *openurlcmd[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", + "xurls | dmenu -l 10 -w $WINDOWID | xargs -r open", + "externalpipe", NULL }; + +static Shortcut shortcuts[] = { + /* mask keysym function argument */ + { XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Break, sendbreak, {.i = 0} }, + { ControlMask, XK_Print, toggleprinter, {.i = 0} }, + { ShiftMask, XK_Print, printscreen, {.i = 0} }, + { XK_ANY_MOD, XK_Print, printsel, {.i = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Prior, zoom, {.f = +1} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Next, zoom, {.f = -1} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Home, zoomreset, {.f = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_C, clipcopy, {.i = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_V, clippaste, {.i = 0} }, + { ShiftMask, XK_Page_Up, kscrollup, {.i = -1} }, + { ShiftMask, XK_Page_Down, kscrolldown, {.i = -1} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Y, clippaste, {.i = 0} }, + { ShiftMask, XK_Insert, clippaste, {.i = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_Num_Lock, numlock, {.i = 0} }, + { TERMMOD, XK_U, externalpipe, { .v = openurlcmd } }, + { TERMMOD, XK_X, invert, { 0 } }, +}; + +/* + * Special keys (change & recompile accordingly) + * + * Mask value: + * * Use XK_ANY_MOD to match the key no matter modifiers state + * * Use XK_NO_MOD to match the key alone (no modifiers) + * appkey value: + * * 0: no value + * * > 0: keypad application mode enabled + * * = 2: term.numlock = 1 + * * < 0: keypad application mode disabled + * appcursor value: + * * 0: no value + * * > 0: cursor application mode enabled + * * < 0: cursor application mode disabled + * + * Be careful with the order of the definitions because st searches in + * this table sequentially, so any XK_ANY_MOD must be in the last + * position for a key. + */ + + +/* + * State bits to ignore when matching key or button events. By default, + * numlock (Mod2Mask) and keyboard layout (XK_SWITCH_MOD) are ignored. + */ +static uint ignoremod = Mod2Mask|XK_SWITCH_MOD; + + +/* + * Selection types' masks. + * Use the same masks as usual. + * Button1Mask is always unset, to make masks match between ButtonPress. + * ButtonRelease and MotionNotify. + * If no match is found, regular selection is used. + */ +static uint selmasks[] = { + [SEL_RECTANGULAR] = Mod1Mask, +}; + +/* + * Printable characters in ASCII, used to estimate the advance width + * of single wide characters. + */ +static char ascii_printable[] = + " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?" + "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_" + "`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"; + + +/** + * Undercurl style. Set UNDERCURL_STYLE to one of the available styles. + * + * Curly: Dunno how to draw it *shrug* + * _ _ _ _ + * ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) + * (_) (_) (_) (_) + * + * Spiky: + * /\ /\ /\ /\ + * \/ \/ \/ + * + * Capped: + * _ _ _ + * / \ / \ / \ + * \_/ \_/ + */ +// Available styles +#define UNDERCURL_CURLY 0 +#define UNDERCURL_SPIKY 1 +#define UNDERCURL_CAPPED 2 +// Active style +#define UNDERCURL_STYLE UNDERCURL_SPIKY diff --git a/suckless/st/ b/suckless/st/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6da5383 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/ @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +# st version +VERSION = 0.8.4 + +# Customize below to fit your system + +# paths +PREFIX = /usr/local +MANPREFIX = $(PREFIX)/share/man + +X11INC = /usr/X11R6/include +X11LIB = /usr/X11R6/lib + +PKG_CONFIG = pkg-config + +# Uncomment this for the alpha patch / ALPHA_PATCH +XRENDER = -lXrender + +# Uncomment this for the themed cursor patch / THEMED_CURSOR_PATCH +XCURSOR = -lXcursor + +# Uncomment the lines below for the ligatures patch / LIGATURES_PATCH +LIGATURES_C = hb.c +LIGATURES_H = hb.h +LIGATURES_INC = `$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags harfbuzz` +LIGATURES_LIBS = `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs harfbuzz` + +# Uncomment this for the SIXEL patch / SIXEL_PATCH +SIXEL_C = sixel.c sixel_hls.c + +# includes and libs, uncomment harfbuzz for the ligatures patch +INCS = -I$(X11INC) \ + `$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags fontconfig` \ + `$(PKG_CONFIG) --cflags freetype2` \ + $(LIGATURES_INC) +LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lrt -lX11 -lutil -lXft ${XRENDER} ${XCURSOR}\ + `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs fontconfig` \ + `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs freetype2` \ + $(LIGATURES_LIBS) + +# flags +STCPPFLAGS = -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 +STCFLAGS = $(INCS) $(STCPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) +STLDFLAGS = $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS) + +# OpenBSD: +#CPPFLAGS = -DVERSION=\"$(VERSION)\" -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -D_BSD_SOURCE +#LIBS = -L$(X11LIB) -lm -lX11 -lutil -lXft \ +# `pkg-config --libs fontconfig` \ +# `pkg-config --libs freetype2` + +# compiler and linker +# CC = c99 diff --git a/suckless/st/hb.c b/suckless/st/hb.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5af5940 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/hb.c @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <math.h> +#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> +#include <time.h> +#include <hb.h> +#include <hb-ft.h> +#include "st.h" + +void hbtransformsegment(XftFont *xfont, const Glyph *string, hb_codepoint_t *codepoints, int start, int length); +hb_font_t *hbfindfont(XftFont *match); + +typedef struct { + XftFont *match; + hb_font_t *font; +} HbFontMatch; + +static int hbfontslen = 0; +static HbFontMatch *hbfontcache = NULL; + +void +hbunloadfonts() +{ + for (int i = 0; i < hbfontslen; i++) { + hb_font_destroy(hbfontcache[i].font); + XftUnlockFace(hbfontcache[i].match); + } + + if (hbfontcache != NULL) { + free(hbfontcache); + hbfontcache = NULL; + } + hbfontslen = 0; +} + +hb_font_t * +hbfindfont(XftFont *match) +{ + for (int i = 0; i < hbfontslen; i++) { + if (hbfontcache[i].match == match) + return hbfontcache[i].font; + } + + /* Font not found in cache, caching it now. */ + hbfontcache = realloc(hbfontcache, sizeof(HbFontMatch) * (hbfontslen + 1)); + FT_Face face = XftLockFace(match); + hb_font_t *font = hb_ft_font_create(face, NULL); + if (font == NULL) + die("Failed to load Harfbuzz font."); + + hbfontcache[hbfontslen].match = match; + hbfontcache[hbfontslen].font = font; + hbfontslen += 1; + + return font; +} + +void +hbtransform(XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, const Glyph *glyphs, size_t len, int x, int y) +{ + int start = 0, length = 1, gstart = 0; + hb_codepoint_t *codepoints = calloc(len, sizeof(hb_codepoint_t)); + + for (int idx = 1, specidx = 1; idx < len; idx++) { + if (glyphs[idx].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) { + length += 1; + continue; + } + + if (specs[specidx].font != specs[start].font || ATTRCMP(glyphs[gstart], glyphs[idx]) || selected(x + idx, y) != selected(x + gstart, y)) { + hbtransformsegment(specs[start].font, glyphs, codepoints, gstart, length); + + /* Reset the sequence. */ + length = 1; + start = specidx; + gstart = idx; + } else { + length += 1; + } + + specidx++; + } + + /* EOL. */ + hbtransformsegment(specs[start].font, glyphs, codepoints, gstart, length); + + /* Apply the transformation to glyph specs. */ + for (int i = 0, specidx = 0; i < len; i++) { + if (glyphs[i].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) + continue; + + if (glyphs[i].mode & ATTR_BOXDRAW) { + specidx++; + continue; + } + + if (codepoints[i] != specs[specidx].glyph) + ((Glyph *)glyphs)[i].mode |= ATTR_LIGA; + + specs[specidx++].glyph = codepoints[i]; + } + + free(codepoints); +} + +void +hbtransformsegment(XftFont *xfont, const Glyph *string, hb_codepoint_t *codepoints, int start, int length) +{ + hb_font_t *font = hbfindfont(xfont); + if (font == NULL) + return; + + Rune rune; + ushort mode = USHRT_MAX; + hb_buffer_t *buffer = hb_buffer_create(); + hb_buffer_set_direction(buffer, HB_DIRECTION_LTR); + + /* Fill buffer with codepoints. */ + for (int i = start; i < (start+length); i++) { + rune = string[i].u; + mode = string[i].mode; + if (mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) + rune = 0x0020; + hb_buffer_add_codepoints(buffer, &rune, 1, 0, 1); + } + + /* Shape the segment. */ + hb_shape(font, buffer, NULL, 0); + + /* Get new glyph info. */ + hb_glyph_info_t *info = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buffer, NULL); + + /* Write new codepoints. */ + for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { + hb_codepoint_t gid = info[i].codepoint; + codepoints[start+i] = gid; + } + + /* Cleanup. */ + hb_buffer_destroy(buffer); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/hb.h b/suckless/st/hb.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07888df --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/hb.h @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> +#include <hb.h> +#include <hb-ft.h> + +void hbunloadfonts(); +void hbtransform(XftGlyphFontSpec *, const Glyph *, size_t, int, int); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/boxdraw.c b/suckless/st/patch/boxdraw.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef1e110 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/boxdraw.c @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2018 Avi Halachmi (:avih) + * MIT/X Consortium License + */ + +#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> + +/* Rounded non-negative integers division of n / d */ +#define DIV(n, d) (((n) + (d) / 2) / (d)) + +static Display *xdpy; +static Colormap xcmap; +static XftDraw *xd; +static Visual *xvis; + +static void drawbox(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, ushort); +static void drawboxlines(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, ushort); + +/* public API */ + +void +boxdraw_xinit(Display *dpy, Colormap cmap, XftDraw *draw, Visual *vis) +{ + xdpy = dpy; xcmap = cmap; xd = draw, xvis = vis; +} + +int +isboxdraw(Rune u) +{ + Rune block = u & ~0xff; + return (boxdraw && block == 0x2500 && boxdata[(uint8_t)u]) || + (boxdraw_braille && block == 0x2800); +} + +/* the "index" is actually the entire shape data encoded as ushort */ +ushort +boxdrawindex(const Glyph *g) +{ + if (boxdraw_braille && (g->u & ~0xff) == 0x2800) + return BRL | (uint8_t)g->u; + if (boxdraw_bold && (g->mode & ATTR_BOLD)) + return BDB | boxdata[(uint8_t)g->u]; + return boxdata[(uint8_t)g->u]; +} + +void +drawboxes(int x, int y, int cw, int ch, XftColor *fg, XftColor *bg, + const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, int len) +{ + for ( ; len-- > 0; x += cw, specs++) + drawbox(x, y, cw, ch, fg, bg, (ushort)specs->glyph); +} + +/* implementation */ + +void +drawbox(int x, int y, int w, int h, XftColor *fg, XftColor *bg, ushort bd) +{ + ushort cat = bd & ~(BDB | 0xff); /* mask out bold and data */ + if (bd & (BDL | BDA)) { + /* lines (light/double/heavy/arcs) */ + drawboxlines(x, y, w, h, fg, bd); + + } else if (cat == BBD) { + /* lower (8-X)/8 block */ + int d = DIV((uint8_t)bd * h, 8); + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + d, w, h - d); + + } else if (cat == BBU) { + /* upper X/8 block */ + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w, DIV((uint8_t)bd * h, 8)); + + } else if (cat == BBL) { + /* left X/8 block */ + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, DIV((uint8_t)bd * w, 8), h); + + } else if (cat == BBR) { + /* right (8-X)/8 block */ + int d = DIV((uint8_t)bd * w, 8); + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + d, y, w - d, h); + + } else if (cat == BBQ) { + /* Quadrants */ + int w2 = DIV(w, 2), h2 = DIV(h, 2); + if (bd & TL) + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w2, h2); + if (bd & TR) + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y, w - w2, h2); + if (bd & BL) + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w2, h - h2); + if (bd & BR) + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y + h2, w - w2, h - h2); + + } else if (bd & BBS) { + /* Shades - data is 1/2/3 for 25%/50%/75% alpha, respectively */ + int d = (uint8_t)bd; + XftColor xfc; + XRenderColor xrc = { .alpha = 0xffff }; + + = DIV(fg-> * d + bg-> * (4 - d), 4); + = DIV(fg-> * d + bg-> * (4 - d), 4); + = DIV(fg-> * d + bg-> * (4 - d), 4); + + XftColorAllocValue(xdpy, xvis, xcmap, &xrc, &xfc); + XftDrawRect(xd, &xfc, x, y, w, h); + XftColorFree(xdpy, xvis, xcmap, &xfc); + + } else if (cat == BRL) { + /* braille, each data bit corresponds to one dot at 2x4 grid */ + int w1 = DIV(w, 2); + int h1 = DIV(h, 4), h2 = DIV(h, 2), h3 = DIV(3 * h, 4); + + if (bd & 1) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y, w1, h1); + if (bd & 2) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h1, w1, h2 - h1); + if (bd & 4) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w1, h3 - h2); + if (bd & 8) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y, w - w1, h1); + if (bd & 16) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h1, w - w1, h2 - h1); + if (bd & 32) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h2, w - w1, h3 - h2); + if (bd & 64) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h3, w1, h - h3); + if (bd & 128) XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w1, y + h3, w - w1, h - h3); + + } +} + +void +drawboxlines(int x, int y, int w, int h, XftColor *fg, ushort bd) +{ + /* s: stem thickness. width/8 roughly matches underscore thickness. */ + /* We draw bold as 1.5 * normal-stem and at least 1px thicker. */ + /* doubles draw at least 3px, even when w or h < 3. bold needs 6px. */ + int mwh = MIN(w, h); + int base_s = MAX(1, DIV(mwh, 8)); + int bold = (bd & BDB) && mwh >= 6; /* possibly ignore boldness */ + int s = bold ? MAX(base_s + 1, DIV(3 * base_s, 2)) : base_s; + int w2 = DIV(w - s, 2), h2 = DIV(h - s, 2); + /* the s-by-s square (x + w2, y + h2, s, s) is the center texel. */ + /* The base length (per direction till edge) includes this square. */ + + int light = bd & (LL | LU | LR | LD); + int double_ = bd & (DL | DU | DR | DD); + + if (light) { + /* d: additional (negative) length to not-draw the center */ + /* texel - at arcs and avoid drawing inside (some) doubles */ + int arc = bd & BDA; + int multi_light = light & (light - 1); + int multi_double = double_ & (double_ - 1); + /* light crosses double only at DH+LV, DV+LH (ref. shapes) */ + int d = arc || (multi_double && !multi_light) ? -s : 0; + + if (bd & LL) + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2, w2 + s + d, s); + if (bd & LU) + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y, s, h2 + s + d); + if (bd & LR) + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - d, y + h2, w - w2 + d, s); + if (bd & LD) + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2, y + h2 - d, s, h - h2 + d); + } + + /* double lines - also align with light to form heavy when combined */ + if (double_) { + /* + * going clockwise, for each double-ray: p is additional length + * to the single-ray nearer to the previous direction, and n to + * the next. p and n adjust from the base length to lengths + * which consider other doubles - shorter to avoid intersections + * (p, n), or longer to draw the far-corner texel (n). + */ + int dl = bd & DL, du = bd & DU, dr = bd & DR, dd = bd & DD; + if (dl) { + int p = dd ? -s : 0, n = du ? -s : dd ? s : 0; + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2 + s, w2 + s + p, s); + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x, y + h2 - s, w2 + s + n, s); + } + if (du) { + int p = dl ? -s : 0, n = dr ? -s : dl ? s : 0; + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - s, y, s, h2 + s + p); + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 + s, y, s, h2 + s + n); + } + if (dr) { + int p = du ? -s : 0, n = dd ? -s : du ? s : 0; + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - p, y + h2 - s, w - w2 + p, s); + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - n, y + h2 + s, w - w2 + n, s); + } + if (dd) { + int p = dr ? -s : 0, n = dl ? -s : dr ? s : 0; + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 + s, y + h2 - p, s, h - h2 + p); + XftDrawRect(xd, fg, x + w2 - s, y + h2 - n, s, h - h2 + n); + } + } +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/boxdraw.h b/suckless/st/patch/boxdraw.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7890500 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/boxdraw.h @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2018 Avi Halachmi (:avih) + * MIT/X Consortium License + */ + +/* + * U+25XX codepoints data + * + * References: + * + * + * + * Test page: + * + */ + +/* Each shape is encoded as 16-bits. Higher bits are category, lower are data */ +/* Categories (mutually exclusive except BDB): */ +/* For convenience, BDL/BDA/BBS/BDB are 1 bit each, the rest are enums */ +#define BDL (1<<8) /* Box Draw Lines (light/double/heavy) */ +#define BDA (1<<9) /* Box Draw Arc (light) */ + +#define BBD (1<<10) /* Box Block Down (lower) X/8 */ +#define BBL (2<<10) /* Box Block Left X/8 */ +#define BBU (3<<10) /* Box Block Upper X/8 */ +#define BBR (4<<10) /* Box Block Right X/8 */ +#define BBQ (5<<10) /* Box Block Quadrants */ +#define BRL (6<<10) /* Box Braille (data is lower byte of U28XX) */ + +#define BBS (1<<14) /* Box Block Shades */ +#define BDB (1<<15) /* Box Draw is Bold */ + +/* (BDL/BDA) Light/Double/Heavy x Left/Up/Right/Down/Horizontal/Vertical */ +/* Heavy is light+double (literally drawing light+double align to form heavy) */ +#define LL (1<<0) +#define LU (1<<1) +#define LR (1<<2) +#define LD (1<<3) +#define LH (LL+LR) +#define LV (LU+LD) + +#define DL (1<<4) +#define DU (1<<5) +#define DR (1<<6) +#define DD (1<<7) +#define DH (DL+DR) +#define DV (DU+DD) + +#define HL (LL+DL) +#define HU (LU+DU) +#define HR (LR+DR) +#define HD (LD+DD) +#define HH (HL+HR) +#define HV (HU+HD) + +/* (BBQ) Quadrants Top/Bottom x Left/Right */ +#define TL (1<<0) +#define TR (1<<1) +#define BL (1<<2) +#define BR (1<<3) + +/* Data for U+2500 - U+259F except dashes/diagonals */ +static const unsigned short boxdata[256] = { + /* light lines */ + [0x00] = BDL + LH, /* light horizontal */ + [0x02] = BDL + LV, /* light vertical */ + [0x0c] = BDL + LD + LR, /* light down and right */ + [0x10] = BDL + LD + LL, /* light down and left */ + [0x14] = BDL + LU + LR, /* light up and right */ + [0x18] = BDL + LU + LL, /* light up and left */ + [0x1c] = BDL + LV + LR, /* light vertical and right */ + [0x24] = BDL + LV + LL, /* light vertical and left */ + [0x2c] = BDL + LH + LD, /* light horizontal and down */ + [0x34] = BDL + LH + LU, /* light horizontal and up */ + [0x3c] = BDL + LV + LH, /* light vertical and horizontal */ + [0x74] = BDL + LL, /* light left */ + [0x75] = BDL + LU, /* light up */ + [0x76] = BDL + LR, /* light right */ + [0x77] = BDL + LD, /* light down */ + + /* heavy [+light] lines */ + [0x01] = BDL + HH, + [0x03] = BDL + HV, + [0x0d] = BDL + HR + LD, + [0x0e] = BDL + HD + LR, + [0x0f] = BDL + HD + HR, + [0x11] = BDL + HL + LD, + [0x12] = BDL + HD + LL, + [0x13] = BDL + HD + HL, + [0x15] = BDL + HR + LU, + [0x16] = BDL + HU + LR, + [0x17] = BDL + HU + HR, + [0x19] = BDL + HL + LU, + [0x1a] = BDL + HU + LL, + [0x1b] = BDL + HU + HL, + [0x1d] = BDL + HR + LV, + [0x1e] = BDL + HU + LD + LR, + [0x1f] = BDL + HD + LR + LU, + [0x20] = BDL + HV + LR, + [0x21] = BDL + HU + HR + LD, + [0x22] = BDL + HD + HR + LU, + [0x23] = BDL + HV + HR, + [0x25] = BDL + HL + LV, + [0x26] = BDL + HU + LD + LL, + [0x27] = BDL + HD + LU + LL, + [0x28] = BDL + HV + LL, + [0x29] = BDL + HU + HL + LD, + [0x2a] = BDL + HD + HL + LU, + [0x2b] = BDL + HV + HL, + [0x2d] = BDL + HL + LD + LR, + [0x2e] = BDL + HR + LL + LD, + [0x2f] = BDL + HH + LD, + [0x30] = BDL + HD + LH, + [0x31] = BDL + HD + HL + LR, + [0x32] = BDL + HR + HD + LL, + [0x33] = BDL + HH + HD, + [0x35] = BDL + HL + LU + LR, + [0x36] = BDL + HR + LU + LL, + [0x37] = BDL + HH + LU, + [0x38] = BDL + HU + LH, + [0x39] = BDL + HU + HL + LR, + [0x3a] = BDL + HU + HR + LL, + [0x3b] = BDL + HH + HU, + [0x3d] = BDL + HL + LV + LR, + [0x3e] = BDL + HR + LV + LL, + [0x3f] = BDL + HH + LV, + [0x40] = BDL + HU + LH + LD, + [0x41] = BDL + HD + LH + LU, + [0x42] = BDL + HV + LH, + [0x43] = BDL + HU + HL + LD + LR, + [0x44] = BDL + HU + HR + LD + LL, + [0x45] = BDL + HD + HL + LU + LR, + [0x46] = BDL + HD + HR + LU + LL, + [0x47] = BDL + HH + HU + LD, + [0x48] = BDL + HH + HD + LU, + [0x49] = BDL + HV + HL + LR, + [0x4a] = BDL + HV + HR + LL, + [0x4b] = BDL + HV + HH, + [0x78] = BDL + HL, + [0x79] = BDL + HU, + [0x7a] = BDL + HR, + [0x7b] = BDL + HD, + [0x7c] = BDL + HR + LL, + [0x7d] = BDL + HD + LU, + [0x7e] = BDL + HL + LR, + [0x7f] = BDL + HU + LD, + + /* double [+light] lines */ + [0x50] = BDL + DH, + [0x51] = BDL + DV, + [0x52] = BDL + DR + LD, + [0x53] = BDL + DD + LR, + [0x54] = BDL + DR + DD, + [0x55] = BDL + DL + LD, + [0x56] = BDL + DD + LL, + [0x57] = BDL + DL + DD, + [0x58] = BDL + DR + LU, + [0x59] = BDL + DU + LR, + [0x5a] = BDL + DU + DR, + [0x5b] = BDL + DL + LU, + [0x5c] = BDL + DU + LL, + [0x5d] = BDL + DL + DU, + [0x5e] = BDL + DR + LV, + [0x5f] = BDL + DV + LR, + [0x60] = BDL + DV + DR, + [0x61] = BDL + DL + LV, + [0x62] = BDL + DV + LL, + [0x63] = BDL + DV + DL, + [0x64] = BDL + DH + LD, + [0x65] = BDL + DD + LH, + [0x66] = BDL + DD + DH, + [0x67] = BDL + DH + LU, + [0x68] = BDL + DU + LH, + [0x69] = BDL + DH + DU, + [0x6a] = BDL + DH + LV, + [0x6b] = BDL + DV + LH, + [0x6c] = BDL + DH + DV, + + /* (light) arcs */ + [0x6d] = BDA + LD + LR, + [0x6e] = BDA + LD + LL, + [0x6f] = BDA + LU + LL, + [0x70] = BDA + LU + LR, + + /* Lower (Down) X/8 block (data is 8 - X) */ + [0x81] = BBD + 7, [0x82] = BBD + 6, [0x83] = BBD + 5, [0x84] = BBD + 4, + [0x85] = BBD + 3, [0x86] = BBD + 2, [0x87] = BBD + 1, [0x88] = BBD + 0, + + /* Left X/8 block (data is X) */ + [0x89] = BBL + 7, [0x8a] = BBL + 6, [0x8b] = BBL + 5, [0x8c] = BBL + 4, + [0x8d] = BBL + 3, [0x8e] = BBL + 2, [0x8f] = BBL + 1, + + /* upper 1/2 (4/8), 1/8 block (X), right 1/2, 1/8 block (8-X) */ + [0x80] = BBU + 4, [0x94] = BBU + 1, + [0x90] = BBR + 4, [0x95] = BBR + 7, + + /* Quadrants */ + [0x96] = BBQ + BL, + [0x97] = BBQ + BR, + [0x98] = BBQ + TL, + [0x99] = BBQ + TL + BL + BR, + [0x9a] = BBQ + TL + BR, + [0x9b] = BBQ + TL + TR + BL, + [0x9c] = BBQ + TL + TR + BR, + [0x9d] = BBQ + TR, + [0x9e] = BBQ + BL + TR, + [0x9f] = BBQ + BL + TR + BR, + + /* Shades, data is an alpha value in 25% units (1/4, 1/2, 3/4) */ + [0x91] = BBS + 1, [0x92] = BBS + 2, [0x93] = BBS + 3, + + /* U+2504 - U+250B, U+254C - U+254F: unsupported (dashes) */ + /* U+2571 - U+2573: unsupported (diagonals) */ +}; diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/copyurl.c b/suckless/st/patch/copyurl.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a9b29e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/copyurl.c @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +void +tsetcolor( int row, int start, int end, uint32_t fg, uint32_t bg ) +{ + int i = start; + for( ; i < end; ++i ) + { + term.line[row][i].fg = fg; + term.line[row][i].bg = bg; + } +} + +char * +findlastany(char *str, const char** find, size_t len) +{ + char* found = NULL; + int i = 0; + for(found = str + strlen(str) - 1; found >= str; --found) { + for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { + if(strncmp(found, find[i], strlen(find[i])) == 0) { + return found; + } + } + } + + return NULL; +} + +/* +** Select and copy the previous url on screen (do nothing if there's no url). +** +** FIXME: doesn't handle urls that span multiple lines; will need to add support +** for multiline "getsel()" first +*/ +void +copyurl(const Arg *arg) { + /* () and [] can appear in urls, but excluding them here will reduce false + * positives when figuring out where a given url ends. + */ + static char URLCHARS[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "0123456789-._~:/?#@!$&'*+,;=%"; + + static const char* URLSTRINGS[] = {"http://", "https://"}; + + /* remove highlighting from previous selection if any */ + if(sel.ob.x >= 0 && sel.oe.x >= 0) + tsetcolor(sel.nb.y, sel.ob.x, sel.oe.x + 1, defaultfg, defaultbg); + + int i = 0, + row = 0, /* row of current URL */ + col = 0, /* column of current URL start */ + startrow = 0, /* row of last occurrence */ + colend = 0, /* column of last occurrence */ + passes = 0; /* how many rows have been scanned */ + + char *linestr = calloc(term.col+1, sizeof(Rune)); + char *c = NULL, + *match = NULL; + + row = (sel.ob.x >= 0 && sel.nb.y > 0) ? sel.nb.y :; + LIMIT(row,,; + startrow = row; + + colend = (sel.ob.x >= 0 && sel.nb.y > 0) ? sel.nb.x : term.col; + LIMIT(colend, 0, term.col); + + /* + ** Scan from (,term.col) to (0,0) and find + ** next occurrance of a URL + */ + while (passes ! + 2) { + /* Read in each column of every row until + ** we hit previous occurrence of URL + */ + for (col = 0, i = 0; col < colend; ++col,++i) { + linestr[i] = term.line[row][col].u; + } + linestr[term.col] = '\0'; + + if ((match = findlastany(linestr, URLSTRINGS, + sizeof(URLSTRINGS)/sizeof(URLSTRINGS[0])))) + break; + + if (--row < + row =; + + colend = term.col; + passes++; + }; + + if (match) { + /* must happen before trim */ + selclear(); + sel.ob.x = strlen(linestr) - strlen(match); + + /* trim the rest of the line from the url match */ + for (c = match; *c != '\0'; ++c) + if (!strchr(URLCHARS, *c)) { + *c = '\0'; + break; + } + + /* highlight selection by inverting terminal colors */ + tsetcolor(row, sel.ob.x, sel.ob.x + strlen( match ), defaultbg, defaultfg); + + /* select and copy */ + sel.mode = 1; + sel.type = SEL_REGULAR; + sel.oe.x = sel.ob.x + strlen(match)-1; + sel.ob.y = sel.oe.y = row; + selnormalize(); + tsetdirt(sel.nb.y,; + xsetsel(getsel()); + xclipcopy(); + } + + free(linestr); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/copyurl.h b/suckless/st/patch/copyurl.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b87f823 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/copyurl.h @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +void copyurl(const Arg *); +static void tsetcolor(int, int, int, uint32_t, uint32_t); +static char * findlastany(char *, const char**, size_t); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/externalpipe.c b/suckless/st/patch/externalpipe.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ae7c85 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/externalpipe.c @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +int extpipeactive = 0; + +void +extpipe(const Arg *arg, int in) +{ + int to[2]; + char buf[UTF_SIZ]; + void (*oldsigpipe)(int); + Glyph *bp, *end; + int lastpos, n, newline; + + if (pipe(to) == -1) + return; + + switch (fork()) { + case -1: + close(to[0]); + close(to[1]); + return; + case 0: + dup2(to[0], STDIN_FILENO); + close(to[0]); + close(to[1]); + if (in) + dup2(csdfd, STDOUT_FILENO); + close(csdfd); + execvp(((char **)arg->v)[0], (char **)arg->v); + fprintf(stderr, "st: execvp %s\n", ((char **)arg->v)[0]); + perror("failed"); + exit(0); + } + + close(to[0]); + /* ignore sigpipe for now, in case child exists early */ + oldsigpipe = signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); + newline = 0; + for (n = 0; n < term.row; n++) { + bp = term.line[n]; + lastpos = MIN(tlinelen(n) + 1, term.col) - 1; + if (lastpos < 0) + break; + end = &bp[lastpos + 1]; + for (; bp < end; ++bp) + if (xwrite(to[1], buf, utf8encode(bp->u, buf)) < 0) + break; + if ((newline = term.line[n][lastpos].mode & ATTR_WRAP)) + continue; + if (xwrite(to[1], "\n", 1) < 0) + break; + newline = 0; + } + if (newline) + (void)xwrite(to[1], "\n", 1); + close(to[1]); + /* restore */ + signal(SIGPIPE, oldsigpipe); + extpipeactive = 1; +} + +void +externalpipe(const Arg *arg) { + extpipe(arg, 0); +} + +void +externalpipein(const Arg *arg) { + extpipe(arg, 1); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/externalpipe.h b/suckless/st/patch/externalpipe.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..432e86f --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/externalpipe.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +void externalpipe(const Arg *); +void externalpipein(const Arg *); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/fixkeyboardinput.c b/suckless/st/patch/fixkeyboardinput.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1814c18 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/fixkeyboardinput.c @@ -0,0 +1,813 @@ +/* + * If you want keys other than the X11 function keys (0xFD00 - 0xFFFF) + * to be mapped below, add them to this array. + */ +static KeySym mappedkeys[] = { + XK_space, + XK_m, + XK_i, + XK_A, + XK_B, + XK_C, + XK_D, + XK_E, + XK_F, + XK_G, + XK_H, + XK_I, + XK_K, + XK_J, + XK_L, + XK_M, + XK_N, + XK_O, + XK_P, + XK_Q, + XK_R, + XK_S, + XK_T, + XK_U, + XK_V, + XK_W, + XK_X, + XK_Y, + XK_Z, + XK_Z, + XK_0, + XK_1, + XK_2, + XK_3, + XK_4, + XK_5, + XK_6, + XK_7, + XK_8, + XK_9, + XK_exclam, + XK_quotedbl, + XK_numbersign, + XK_dollar, + XK_percent, + XK_ampersand, + XK_apostrophe, + XK_parenleft, + XK_parenright, + XK_asterisk, + XK_plus, + XK_comma, + XK_minus, + XK_period, + XK_slash, + XK_colon, + XK_semicolon, + XK_less, + XK_equal, + XK_greater, + XK_question, + XK_at, + XK_bracketleft, + XK_backslash, + XK_bracketright, + XK_asciicircum, + XK_underscore, + XK_grave, + XK_braceleft, + XK_bar, + XK_braceright, + XK_asciitilde, +}; + +/* + * This is the huge key array which defines all compatibility to the Linux + * world. Please decide about changes wisely. + */ +static Key key[] = { + /* keysym mask string appkey appcursor */ + { XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1}, + { XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1}, + { XK_KP_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0}, + { XK_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2A", 0, 0}, + { XK_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3A", 0, 0}, + { XK_Up, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4A", 0, 0}, + { XK_Up, ControlMask, "\033[1;5A", 0, 0}, + { XK_Up, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6A", 0, 0}, + { XK_Up, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7A", 0, 0}, + { XK_Up,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8A", 0, 0}, + { XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1}, + { XK_Up, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1}, + { XK_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2B", 0, 0}, + { XK_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3B", 0, 0}, + { XK_Down, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4B", 0, 0}, + { XK_Down, ControlMask, "\033[1;5B", 0, 0}, + { XK_Down, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6B", 0, 0}, + { XK_Down, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7B", 0, 0}, + { XK_Down,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8B",0, 0}, + { XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1}, + { XK_Down, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1}, + { XK_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2D", 0, 0}, + { XK_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3D", 0, 0}, + { XK_Left, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4D", 0, 0}, + { XK_Left, ControlMask, "\033[1;5D", 0, 0}, + { XK_Left, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6D", 0, 0}, + { XK_Left, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7D", 0, 0}, + { XK_Left,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8D",0, 0}, + { XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1}, + { XK_Left, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1}, + { XK_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2C", 0, 0}, + { XK_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3C", 0, 0}, + { XK_Right, ShiftMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;4C", 0, 0}, + { XK_Right, ControlMask, "\033[1;5C", 0, 0}, + { XK_Right, ShiftMask|ControlMask,"\033[1;6C", 0, 0}, + { XK_Right, ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;7C", 0, 0}, + { XK_Right,ShiftMask|ControlMask|Mod1Mask,"\033[1;8C",0, 0}, + { XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1}, + { XK_Right, XK_ANY_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1}, + { XK_ISO_Left_Tab, ShiftMask, "\033[Z", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033\r", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, XK_NO_MOD, "\r", 0, 0}, + { XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[4l", -1, 0}, + { XK_Insert, ShiftMask, "\033[2;2~", +1, 0}, + { XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[L", -1, 0}, + { XK_Insert, ControlMask, "\033[2;5~", +1, 0}, + { XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[M", -1, 0}, + { XK_Delete, ControlMask, "\033[3;5~", +1, 0}, + { XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[2K", -1, 0}, + { XK_Delete, ShiftMask, "\033[3;2~", +1, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, XK_NO_MOD, "\177", 0, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033\177", 0, 0}, + { XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[2J", 0, -1}, + { XK_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2H", 0, +1}, + { XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[J", -1, 0}, + { XK_End, ControlMask, "\033[1;5F", +1, 0}, + { XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[K", -1, 0}, + { XK_End, ShiftMask, "\033[1;2F", +1, 0}, + { XK_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[5;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_Prior, ShiftMask, "\033[5;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_Next, ControlMask, "\033[6;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_Next, ShiftMask, "\033[6;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OP" , 0, 0}, + { XK_F1, /* F13 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0}, + { XK_F1, /* F25 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0}, + { XK_F1, /* F37 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6P", 0, 0}, + { XK_F1, /* F49 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3P", 0, 0}, + { XK_F1, /* F61 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4P", 0, 0}, + { XK_F2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OQ" , 0, 0}, + { XK_F2, /* F14 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0}, + { XK_F2, /* F26 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0}, + { XK_F2, /* F38 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6Q", 0, 0}, + { XK_F2, /* F50 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Q", 0, 0}, + { XK_F2, /* F62 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4Q", 0, 0}, + { XK_F3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OR" , 0, 0}, + { XK_F3, /* F15 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0}, + { XK_F3, /* F27 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0}, + { XK_F3, /* F39 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6R", 0, 0}, + { XK_F3, /* F51 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3R", 0, 0}, + { XK_F3, /* F63 */ Mod3Mask, "\033[1;4R", 0, 0}, + { XK_F4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OS" , 0, 0}, + { XK_F4, /* F16 */ ShiftMask, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0}, + { XK_F4, /* F28 */ ControlMask, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0}, + { XK_F4, /* F40 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[1;6S", 0, 0}, + { XK_F4, /* F52 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3S", 0, 0}, + { XK_F5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F5, /* F17 */ ShiftMask, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F5, /* F29 */ ControlMask, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F5, /* F41 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[15;6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F5, /* F53 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[15;3~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F6, /* F18 */ ShiftMask, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F6, /* F30 */ ControlMask, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F6, /* F42 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[17;6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F6, /* F54 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[17;3~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F7, /* F19 */ ShiftMask, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F7, /* F31 */ ControlMask, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F7, /* F43 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[18;6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F7, /* F55 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F8, /* F20 */ ShiftMask, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F8, /* F32 */ ControlMask, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F8, /* F44 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[19;6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F8, /* F56 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[19;3~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F9, /* F21 */ ShiftMask, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F9, /* F33 */ ControlMask, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F9, /* F45 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[20;6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F9, /* F57 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F10, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F10, /* F22 */ ShiftMask, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F10, /* F34 */ ControlMask, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F10, /* F46 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[21;6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F10, /* F58 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[21;3~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F11, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F11, /* F23 */ ShiftMask, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F11, /* F35 */ ControlMask, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F11, /* F47 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[23;6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F11, /* F59 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[23;3~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F12, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F12, /* F24 */ ShiftMask, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F12, /* F36 */ ControlMask, "\033[24;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F12, /* F48 */ Mod4Mask, "\033[24;6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F12, /* F60 */ Mod1Mask, "\033[24;3~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F13, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2P", 0, 0}, + { XK_F14, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2Q", 0, 0}, + { XK_F15, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2R", 0, 0}, + { XK_F16, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;2S", 0, 0}, + { XK_F17, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F18, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F19, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F20, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F21, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F22, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F23, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F24, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[24;2~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F25, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5P", 0, 0}, + { XK_F26, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5Q", 0, 0}, + { XK_F27, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5R", 0, 0}, + { XK_F28, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1;5S", 0, 0}, + { XK_F29, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[15;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F30, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[17;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F31, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[18;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F32, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[19;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F33, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[20;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F34, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[21;5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_F35, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[23;5~", 0, 0}, + + // libtermkey compatible keyboard input + { XK_KP_Home, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1}, + { XK_KP_Home, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1}, + { XK_KP_Home, ControlMask, "\033[149;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Home, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[149;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Home, Mod1Mask, "\033[149;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Home, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[149;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Home, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[149;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Home, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[149;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Home, ShiftMask, "\033[149;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Up, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ox", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Up, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[A", 0, -1}, + { XK_KP_Up, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OA", 0, +1}, + { XK_KP_Up, ControlMask, "\033[151;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Up, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[151;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Up, Mod1Mask, "\033[151;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Up, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[151;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Up, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[151;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Up, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[151;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Up, ShiftMask, "\033[151;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Down, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Or", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Down, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[B", 0, -1}, + { XK_KP_Down, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OB", 0, +1}, + { XK_KP_Down, ControlMask, "\033[153;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Down, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[153;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Down, Mod1Mask, "\033[153;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Down, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[153;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Down, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[153;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Down, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[153;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Down, ShiftMask, "\033[153;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Left, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ot", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Left, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[D", 0, -1}, + { XK_KP_Left, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OD", 0, +1}, + { XK_KP_Left, ControlMask, "\033[150;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Left, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[150;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Left, Mod1Mask, "\033[150;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Left, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[150;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Left, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[150;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Left, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[150;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Left, ShiftMask, "\033[150;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Right, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ov", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Right, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[C", 0, -1}, + { XK_KP_Right, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OC", 0, +1}, + { XK_KP_Right, ControlMask, "\033[152;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Right, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[152;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Right, Mod1Mask, "\033[152;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Right, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[152;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Right, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[152;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Right, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[152;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Right, ShiftMask, "\033[152;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Prior, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Prior, ControlMask, "\033[154;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Prior, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[154;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Prior, Mod1Mask, "\033[154;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Prior, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[154;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Prior, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[154;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Prior, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[154;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Begin, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[E", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Begin, ControlMask, "\033[157;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Begin, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[157;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Begin, Mod1Mask, "\033[157;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Begin, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[157;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Begin, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[157;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Begin, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[157;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Begin, ShiftMask, "\033[157;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[156;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, Mod1Mask, "\033[156;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[156;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[156;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_End, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[156;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Next, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Next, ControlMask, "\033[155;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Next, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[155;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Next, Mod1Mask, "\033[155;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Next, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[155;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Next, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[155;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Next, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[155;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[158;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, Mod1Mask, "\033[158;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[158;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[158;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Insert, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[158;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[159;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, Mod1Mask, "\033[159;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[159;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[159;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Delete, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[159;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Multiply, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Oj", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_Multiply, ControlMask, "\033[170;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Multiply, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[170;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Multiply, Mod1Mask, "\033[170;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Multiply, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[170;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Multiply, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[170;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Multiply, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[170;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Multiply, ShiftMask, "\033[170;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Add, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ok", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_Add, ControlMask, "\033[171;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Add, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[171;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Add, Mod1Mask, "\033[171;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Add, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[171;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Add, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[171;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Add, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[171;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Add, ShiftMask, "\033[171;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, XK_NO_MOD, "\033OM", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, XK_NO_MOD, "\r", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, XK_NO_MOD, "\r\n", -1, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, ControlMask, "\033[141;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[141;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, Mod1Mask, "\033[141;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[141;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[141;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[141;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Enter, ShiftMask, "\033[141;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Subtract, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Om", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_Subtract, ControlMask, "\033[173;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Subtract, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[173;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Subtract, Mod1Mask, "\033[173;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Subtract, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[173;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Subtract, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[173;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Subtract, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[173;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Subtract, ShiftMask, "\033[173;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Decimal, XK_NO_MOD, "\033On", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_Decimal, ControlMask, "\033[174;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Decimal, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[174;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Decimal, Mod1Mask, "\033[174;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Decimal, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[174;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Decimal, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[174;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Decimal, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[174;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Decimal, ShiftMask, "\033[174;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Divide, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Oo", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_Divide, ControlMask, "\033[175;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Divide, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[175;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Divide, Mod1Mask, "\033[175;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Divide, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[175;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Divide, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[175;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Divide, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[175;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_Divide, ShiftMask, "\033[175;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Op", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, ControlMask, "\033[176;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[176;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, Mod1Mask, "\033[176;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[176;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[176;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[176;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, ShiftMask, "\033[176;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_1, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Oq", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, ControlMask, "\033[177;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[177;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, Mod1Mask, "\033[177;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[177;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[177;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[177;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_0, ShiftMask, "\033[177;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_2, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Or", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_2, ControlMask, "\033[178;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_2, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[178;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_2, Mod1Mask, "\033[178;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_2, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[178;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_2, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[178;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_2, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[178;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_2, ShiftMask, "\033[178;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_3, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Os", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_3, ControlMask, "\033[179;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_3, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[179;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_3, Mod1Mask, "\033[179;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_3, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[179;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_3, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[179;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_3, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[179;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_3, ShiftMask, "\033[179;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_4, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ot", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_4, ControlMask, "\033[180;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_4, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[180;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_4, Mod1Mask, "\033[180;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_4, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[180;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_4, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[180;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_4, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[180;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_4, ShiftMask, "\033[180;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_5, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ou", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_5, ControlMask, "\033[181;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_5, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[181;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_5, Mod1Mask, "\033[181;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_5, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[181;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_5, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[181;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_5, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[181;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_5, ShiftMask, "\033[181;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_6, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ov", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_6, ControlMask, "\033[182;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_6, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[182;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_6, Mod1Mask, "\033[182;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_6, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[182;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_6, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[182;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_6, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[182;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_6, ShiftMask, "\033[182;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_7, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ow", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_7, ControlMask, "\033[183;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_7, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[183;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_7, Mod1Mask, "\033[183;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_7, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[183;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_7, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[183;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_7, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[183;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_7, ShiftMask, "\033[183;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_8, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Ox", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_8, ControlMask, "\033[184;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_8, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[184;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_8, Mod1Mask, "\033[184;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_8, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[184;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_8, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[184;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_8, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[184;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_8, ShiftMask, "\033[184;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_9, XK_NO_MOD, "\033Oy", +2, 0}, + { XK_KP_9, ControlMask, "\033[185;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_9, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[185;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_9, Mod1Mask, "\033[185;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_9, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[185;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_9, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[185;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_9, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[185;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_KP_9, ShiftMask, "\033[185;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, ControlMask, "\033[127;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[127;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask, "\033[127;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[127;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[127;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[127;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_BackSpace, ShiftMask, "\033[127;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Tab, ControlMask, "\033[9;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Tab, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[1;5Z", 0, 0}, + { XK_Tab, Mod1Mask, "\033[1;3Z", 0, 0}, + { XK_Tab, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[1;7Z", 0, 0}, + { XK_Tab, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[1;8Z", 0, 0}, + { XK_Tab, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[1;4Z", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, ControlMask, "\033[13;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[13;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, Mod1Mask, "\033[13;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[13;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[13;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[13;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Return, ShiftMask, "\033[13;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Pause, ControlMask, "\033[18;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Pause, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[18;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Pause, Mod1Mask, "\033[18;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Pause, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[18;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Pause, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[18;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Pause, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[18;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Pause, ShiftMask, "\033[18;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Scroll_Lock, ControlMask, "\033[20;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Scroll_Lock, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[20;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Scroll_Lock, Mod1Mask, "\033[20;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Scroll_Lock, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[20;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Scroll_Lock, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[20;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Scroll_Lock, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[20;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Scroll_Lock, ShiftMask, "\033[20;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Escape, ControlMask, "\033[27;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Escape, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[27;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Escape, Mod1Mask, "\033[27;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Escape, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[27;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Escape, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[27;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Escape, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[27;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Escape, ShiftMask, "\033[27;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Home, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[H", 0, -1}, + { XK_Home, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[1~", 0, +1}, + { XK_Home, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[80;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Home, Mod1Mask, "\033[80;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Home, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[80;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Home, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[80;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Home, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[80;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_End, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[4~", 0, 0}, + { XK_End, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[87;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_End, Mod1Mask, "\033[87;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_End, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[87;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_End, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[87;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_End, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[87;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Prior, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[5~", 0, 0}, + { XK_Prior, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[85;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Prior, Mod1Mask, "\033[85;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Prior, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[85;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Prior, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[85;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Prior, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[85;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Next, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[6~", 0, 0}, + { XK_Next, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[86;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Next, Mod1Mask, "\033[86;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Next, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[86;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Next, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[86;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Next, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[86;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Print, ControlMask, "\033[97;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Print, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[97;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Print, Mod1Mask, "\033[97;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Print, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[97;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Print, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[97;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Print, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[97;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Print, ShiftMask, "\033[97;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Insert, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[4h", -1, 0}, + { XK_Insert, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[2~", +1, 0}, + { XK_Insert, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[99;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Insert, Mod1Mask, "\033[99;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Insert, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[99;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Insert, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[99;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Insert, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[99;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Menu, ControlMask, "\033[103;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Menu, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[103;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Menu, Mod1Mask, "\033[103;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Menu, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[103;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Menu, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[103;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Menu, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[103;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Menu, ShiftMask, "\033[103;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Delete, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[P", -1, 0}, + { XK_Delete, XK_NO_MOD, "\033[3~", +1, 0}, + { XK_Delete, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[255;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Delete, Mod1Mask, "\033[255;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Delete, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[255;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Delete, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[255;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Delete, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[255;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_i, ControlMask, "\033[105;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_i, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[105;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_m, ControlMask, "\033[109;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_m, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[109;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_space, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[32;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_space, Mod1Mask, "\033[32;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_space, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[32;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_space, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[32;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_space, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[32;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_space, ShiftMask, "\033[32;2u", 0, 0}, + { XK_0, ControlMask, "\033[48;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_A, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[65;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_B, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[66;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_C, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[67;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_D, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[68;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_E, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[69;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_F, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[70;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_G, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[71;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_H, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[72;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_I, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[73;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_I, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[73;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_J, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[75;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_K, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[74;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_L, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[76;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_M, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[77;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_M, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[77;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_N, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[78;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_O, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[79;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_P, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[80;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Q, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[81;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_R, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[82;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_S, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[83;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_T, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[84;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_U, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[85;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_V, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[86;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_W, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[87;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_X, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[88;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Y, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[89;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Z, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[90;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_Z, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[90;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_0, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[48;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_1, ControlMask, "\033[49;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_1, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[49;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_2, ControlMask, "\033[50;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_2, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[50;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_3, ControlMask, "\033[51;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_3, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[51;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_4, ControlMask, "\033[52;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_4, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[52;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_5, ControlMask, "\033[53;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_5, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[53;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_6, ControlMask, "\033[54;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_6, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[54;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_7, ControlMask, "\033[55;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_7, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[55;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_8, ControlMask, "\033[56;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_8, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[56;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_9, ControlMask, "\033[57;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_9, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[57;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_ampersand, ControlMask, "\033[38;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_ampersand, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[38;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_ampersand, Mod1Mask, "\033[38;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_ampersand, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[38;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_ampersand, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[38;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_ampersand, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[38;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_apostrophe, ControlMask, "\033[39;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_apostrophe, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[39;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_apostrophe, Mod1Mask, "\033[39;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_apostrophe, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[39;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_apostrophe, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[39;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_apostrophe, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[39;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciicircum, ControlMask, "\033[94;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciicircum, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[94;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciicircum, Mod1Mask, "\033[94;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciicircum, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[94;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciicircum, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[94;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciicircum, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[94;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciitilde, ControlMask, "\033[126;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciitilde, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[126;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciitilde, Mod1Mask, "\033[126;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciitilde, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[126;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciitilde, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[126;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asciitilde, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[126;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asterisk, ControlMask, "\033[42;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asterisk, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[42;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asterisk, Mod1Mask, "\033[42;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asterisk, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[42;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asterisk, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[42;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_asterisk, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[42;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_at, ControlMask, "\033[64;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_at, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[64;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_at, Mod1Mask, "\033[64;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_at, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[64;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_at, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[64;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_at, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[64;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_backslash, ControlMask, "\033[92;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_backslash, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[92;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_backslash, Mod1Mask, "\033[92;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_backslash, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[92;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_backslash, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[92;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_backslash, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[92;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bar, ControlMask, "\033[124;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bar, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[124;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bar, Mod1Mask, "\033[124;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bar, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[124;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bar, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[124;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bar, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[124;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceleft, ControlMask, "\033[123;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceleft, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[123;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceleft, Mod1Mask, "\033[123;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceleft, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[123;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceleft, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[123;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceleft, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[123;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceright, ControlMask, "\033[125;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceright, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[125;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceright, Mod1Mask, "\033[125;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceright, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[125;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceright, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[125;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_braceright, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[125;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketleft, ControlMask, "\033[91;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketleft, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[91;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketleft, Mod1Mask, "\033[91;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketleft, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[91;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketleft, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[91;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketleft, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[91;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketright, ControlMask, "\033[93;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketright, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[93;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketright, Mod1Mask, "\033[93;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketright, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[93;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketright, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[93;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_bracketright, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[93;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_colon, ControlMask, "\033[58;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_colon, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[58;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_colon, Mod1Mask, "\033[58;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_colon, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[58;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_colon, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[58;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_colon, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[58;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_comma, ControlMask, "\033[44;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_comma, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[44;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_comma, Mod1Mask, "\033[44;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_comma, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[44;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_comma, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[44;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_comma, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[44;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_dollar, ControlMask, "\033[36;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_dollar, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[36;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_dollar, Mod1Mask, "\033[36;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_dollar, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[36;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_dollar, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[36;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_dollar, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[36;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_equal, ControlMask, "\033[61;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_equal, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[61;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_equal, Mod1Mask, "\033[61;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_equal, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[61;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_equal, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[61;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_equal, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[61;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_exclam, ControlMask, "\033[33;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_exclam, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[33;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_exclam, Mod1Mask, "\033[33;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_exclam, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[33;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_exclam, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[33;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_exclam, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[33;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_grave, ControlMask, "\033[96;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_grave, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[96;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_grave, Mod1Mask, "\033[96;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_grave, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[96;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_grave, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[96;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_grave, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[96;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_greater, ControlMask, "\033[62;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_greater, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[62;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_greater, Mod1Mask, "\033[62;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_greater, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[62;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_greater, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[62;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_greater, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[62;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_less, ControlMask, "\033[60;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_less, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[60;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_less, Mod1Mask, "\033[60;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_less, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[60;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_less, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[60;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_less, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[60;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_minus, ControlMask, "\033[45;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_minus, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[45;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_minus, Mod1Mask, "\033[45;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_minus, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[45;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_minus, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[45;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_minus, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[45;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_numbersign, ControlMask, "\033[35;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_numbersign, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[35;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_numbersign, Mod1Mask, "\033[35;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_numbersign, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[35;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_numbersign, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[35;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_numbersign, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[35;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenleft, ControlMask, "\033[40;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenleft, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[40;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenleft, Mod1Mask, "\033[40;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenleft, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[40;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenleft, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[40;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenleft, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[40;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenright, ControlMask, "\033[41;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenright, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[41;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenright, Mod1Mask, "\033[41;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenright, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[41;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenright, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[41;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_parenright, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[41;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_percent, ControlMask, "\033[37;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_percent, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[37;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_percent, Mod1Mask, "\033[37;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_percent, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[37;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_percent, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[37;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_percent, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[37;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_period, ControlMask, "\033[46;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_period, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[46;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_period, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[46;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_period, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[46;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_period, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[46;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_plus, ControlMask, "\033[43;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_plus, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[43;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_plus, Mod1Mask, "\033[43;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_plus, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[43;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_plus, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[43;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_plus, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[43;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_question, ControlMask, "\033[63;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_question, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[63;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_question, Mod1Mask, "\033[63;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_question, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[63;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_question, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[63;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_question, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[63;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_quotedbl, ControlMask, "\033[34;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_quotedbl, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[34;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_quotedbl, Mod1Mask, "\033[34;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_quotedbl, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[34;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_quotedbl, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[34;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_quotedbl, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[34;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_semicolon, ControlMask, "\033[59;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_semicolon, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[59;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_semicolon, Mod1Mask, "\033[59;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_semicolon, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[59;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_semicolon, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[59;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_semicolon, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[59;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_slash, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[47;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_slash, Mod1Mask, "\033[47;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_slash, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[47;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_slash, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[47;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_slash, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[47;4u", 0, 0}, + { XK_underscore, ControlMask, "\033[95;5u", 0, 0}, + { XK_underscore, ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[95;6u", 0, 0}, + { XK_underscore, Mod1Mask, "\033[95;3u", 0, 0}, + { XK_underscore, Mod1Mask|ControlMask, "\033[95;7u", 0, 0}, + { XK_underscore, Mod1Mask|ControlMask|ShiftMask, "\033[95;8u", 0, 0}, + { XK_underscore, Mod1Mask|ShiftMask, "\033[95;4u", 0, 0}, +}; diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/font2.c b/suckless/st/patch/font2.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c579c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/font2.c @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +int +xloadsparefont(FcPattern *pattern, int flags) +{ + FcPattern *match; + FcResult result; + + match = FcFontMatch(NULL, pattern, &result); + if (!match) { + return 1; + } + + if (!(frc[frclen].font = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy, match))) { + FcPatternDestroy(match); + return 1; + } + + frc[frclen].flags = flags; + /* Believe U+0000 glyph will present in each default font */ + frc[frclen].unicodep = 0; + frclen++; + + return 0; +} + +void +xloadsparefonts(void) +{ + FcPattern *pattern; + double sizeshift, fontval; + int fc; + char **fp; + + if (frclen != 0) + die("can't embed spare fonts. cache isn't empty"); + + /* Calculate count of spare fonts */ + fc = sizeof(font2) / sizeof(*font2); + if (fc == 0) + return; + + /* Allocate memory for cache entries. */ + if (frccap < 4 * fc) { + frccap += 4 * fc - frccap; + frc = xrealloc(frc, frccap * sizeof(Fontcache)); + } + + for (fp = font2; fp - font2 < fc; ++fp) { + + if (**fp == '-') + pattern = XftXlfdParse(*fp, False, False); + else + pattern = FcNameParse((FcChar8 *)*fp); + + if (!pattern) + die("can't open spare font %s\n", *fp); + + if (defaultfontsize > 0) { + sizeshift = usedfontsize - defaultfontsize; + if (sizeshift != 0 && + FcPatternGetDouble(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, 0, &fontval) == + FcResultMatch) { + fontval += sizeshift; + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE); + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SIZE); + FcPatternAddDouble(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, fontval); + } + } + + FcPatternAddBool(pattern, FC_SCALABLE, 1); + + FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, pattern, FcMatchPattern); + XftDefaultSubstitute(xw.dpy, xw.scr, pattern); + + if (xloadsparefont(pattern, FRC_NORMAL)) + die("can't open spare font %s\n", *fp); + + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SLANT); + FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ITALIC); + if (xloadsparefont(pattern, FRC_ITALIC)) + die("can't open spare font %s\n", *fp); + + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_WEIGHT); + FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD); + if (xloadsparefont(pattern, FRC_ITALICBOLD)) + die("can't open spare font %s\n", *fp); + + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SLANT); + FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ROMAN); + if (xloadsparefont(pattern, FRC_BOLD)) + die("can't open spare font %s\n", *fp); + + FcPatternDestroy(pattern); + } +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/font2.h b/suckless/st/patch/font2.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69df588 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/font2.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +static int xloadsparefont(FcPattern *, int); +static void xloadsparefonts(void); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/invert.c b/suckless/st/patch/invert.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..688b45c --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/invert.c @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +static int invertcolors = 0; + +void +invert(const Arg *dummy) +{ + invertcolors = !invertcolors; + redraw(); +} + +Color +invertedcolor(Color *clr) +{ + XRenderColor rc; + Color inverted; + = ~clr->; + = ~clr->; + = ~clr->; + rc.alpha = clr->color.alpha; + XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &rc, &inverted); + return inverted; +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/invert.h b/suckless/st/patch/invert.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60e311d --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/invert.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +static void invert(const Arg *); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_st.c b/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_st.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..98b64fe --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_st.c @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +void set_notifmode(int type, KeySym ksym) +{ + static char *lib[] = { " MOVE ", " SEL "}; + static Glyph *g, *deb, *fin; + static int col, bot; + + if (ksym == -1) { + free(g); + col = term.col, bot =; + g = xmalloc(col * sizeof(Glyph)); + memcpy(g, term.line[bot], col * sizeof(Glyph)); + + } else if (ksym == -2) + memcpy(term.line[bot], g, col * sizeof(Glyph)); + + if ( type < 2 ) { + char *z = lib[type]; + for (deb = &term.line[bot][col - 6], fin = &term.line[bot][col]; deb < fin; z++, deb++) + deb->mode = ATTR_REVERSE, + deb->u = *z, + deb->fg = defaultfg, deb->bg = defaultbg; + } else if (type < 5) + memcpy(term.line[bot], g, col * sizeof(Glyph)); + else { + for (deb = &term.line[bot][0], fin = &term.line[bot][col]; deb < fin; deb++) + deb->mode = ATTR_REVERSE, + deb->u = ' ', + deb->fg = defaultfg, deb->bg = defaultbg; + term.line[bot][0].u = ksym; + } + + term.dirty[bot] = 1; + drawregion(0, bot, col, bot + 1); +} + +void select_or_drawcursor(int selectsearch_mode, int type) +{ + int done = 0; + + if (selectsearch_mode & 1) { + selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, type, done); + xsetsel(getsel()); + } else { + xdrawcursor(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x], + term.ocx, term.ocy, term.line[term.ocy][term.ocx], + term.line[term.ocy], term.col); + } +} + +void search(int selectsearch_mode, Rune *target, int ptarget, int incr, int type, TCursor *cu) +{ + Rune *r; + int i, bound = (term.col * cu->y + cu->x) * (incr > 0) + incr; + + for (i = term.col * term.c.y + term.c.x + incr; i != bound; i += incr) { + for (r = target; r - target < ptarget; r++) { + if (*r == term.line[(i + r - target) / term.col][(i + r - target) % term.col].u) { + if (r - target == ptarget - 1) + break; + } else { + r = NULL; + break; + } + } + if (r != NULL) + break; + } + + if (i != bound) { + term.c.y = i / term.col, term.c.x = i % term.col; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + } +} + +int trt_kbdselect(KeySym ksym, char *buf, int len) +{ + static TCursor cu; + static Rune target[64]; + static int type = 1, ptarget, in_use; + static int sens, quant; + static char selectsearch_mode; + int i, bound, *xy; + + if (selectsearch_mode & 2) { + if (ksym == XK_Return) { + selectsearch_mode ^= 2; + set_notifmode(selectsearch_mode, -2); + if (ksym == XK_Escape) + ptarget = 0; + return 0; + } else if (ksym == XK_BackSpace) { + if (!ptarget) + return 0; + term.line[][ptarget--].u = ' '; + } else if (len < 1) { + return 0; + } else if (ptarget == term.col || ksym == XK_Escape) { + return 0; + } else { + utf8decode(buf, &target[ptarget++], len); + term.line[][ptarget].u = target[ptarget - 1]; + } + + if (ksym != XK_BackSpace) + search(selectsearch_mode, &target[0], ptarget, sens, type, &cu); + + term.dirty[] = 1; + drawregion(0,, term.col, + 1); + return 0; + } + + switch (ksym) { + case -1: + in_use = 1; + cu.x = term.c.x, cu.y = term.c.y; + set_notifmode(0, ksym); + return MODE_KBDSELECT; + case XK_s: + if (selectsearch_mode & 1) + selclear(); + else + selstart(term.c.x, term.c.y, 0); + set_notifmode(selectsearch_mode ^= 1, ksym); + break; + case XK_t: + selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, type ^= 3, i = 0); /* 2 fois */ + selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, type, i = 0); + break; + case XK_slash: + case XK_KP_Divide: + case XK_question: + ksym &= XK_question; /* Divide to slash */ + sens = (ksym == XK_slash) ? -1 : 1; + ptarget = 0; + set_notifmode(15, ksym); + selectsearch_mode ^= 2; + break; + case XK_Escape: + if (!in_use) + break; + selclear(); + case XK_Return: + set_notifmode(4, ksym); + term.c.x = cu.x, term.c.y = cu.y; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode = 0, type); + in_use = quant = 0; + return MODE_KBDSELECT; + case XK_n: + case XK_N: + if (ptarget) + search(selectsearch_mode, &target[0], ptarget, (ksym == XK_n) ? -1 : 1, type, &cu); + break; + case XK_BackSpace: + term.c.x = 0; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + break; + case XK_dollar: + term.c.x = term.col - 1; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + break; + case XK_Home: + term.c.x = 0, term.c.y = 0; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + break; + case XK_End: + term.c.x = cu.x, term.c.y = cu.y; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + break; + case XK_Page_Up: + case XK_Page_Down: + term.c.y = (ksym == XK_Prior ) ? 0 : cu.y; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + break; + case XK_exclam: + term.c.x = term.col >> 1; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + break; + case XK_asterisk: + case XK_KP_Multiply: + term.c.x = term.col >> 1; + case XK_underscore: + term.c.y = cu.y >> 1; + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + break; + default: + if (ksym >= XK_0 && ksym <= XK_9) { /* 0-9 keyboard */ + quant = (quant * 10) + (ksym ^ XK_0); + return 0; + } else if (ksym >= XK_KP_0 && ksym <= XK_KP_9) { /* 0-9 numpad */ + quant = (quant * 10) + (ksym ^ XK_KP_0); + return 0; + } else if (ksym == XK_k || ksym == XK_h) + i = ksym & 1; + else if (ksym == XK_l || ksym == XK_j) + i = ((ksym & 6) | 4) >> 1; + else if ((XK_Home & ksym) != XK_Home || (i = (ksym ^ XK_Home) - 1) > 3) + break; + + xy = (i & 1) ? &term.c.y : &term.c.x; + sens = (i & 2) ? 1 : -1; + bound = (i >> 1 ^ 1) ? 0 : (i ^ 3) ? term.col - 1 :; + + if (quant == 0) + quant++; + + if (*xy == bound && ((sens < 0 && bound == 0) || (sens > 0 && bound > 0))) + break; + + *xy += quant * sens; + if (*xy < 0 || ( bound > 0 && *xy > bound)) + *xy = bound; + + select_or_drawcursor(selectsearch_mode, type); + } + quant = 0; + return 0; +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_st.h b/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_st.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f8fa76 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_st.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +void toggle_winmode(int); +int trt_kbdselect(KeySym, char *, int); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_x.c b/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_x.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc8ae59 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_x.c @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +void toggle_winmode(int flag) { + win.mode ^= flag; +} + +void keyboard_select(const Arg *dummy) { + win.mode ^= trt_kbdselect(-1, NULL, 0); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_x.h b/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_x.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..afc5990 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/keyboardselect_x.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +void toggle_winmode(int); +void keyboard_select(const Arg *); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/netwmicon.h b/suckless/st/patch/netwmicon.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ab09d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/netwmicon.h @@ -0,0 +1,686 @@ +unsigned long icon[] = { + 64, 64, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 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0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, + 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, +}; diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/newterm.c b/suckless/st/patch/newterm.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0697b91 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/newterm.c @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +void +newterm(const Arg* a) +{ + int res; + switch (fork()) { + case -1: + die("fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + break; + case 0: + switch (fork()) { + case -1: + die("fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + break; + case 0: + res = chdir(getcwd_by_pid(pid)); + execlp("st", "./st", NULL); + break; + default: + exit(0); + } + default: + wait(NULL); + } +} + +static char *getcwd_by_pid(pid_t pid) { + char buf[32]; + snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "/proc/%d/cwd", pid); + return realpath(buf, NULL); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/newterm.h b/suckless/st/patch/newterm.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bbda153 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/newterm.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +void newterm(const Arg *); +static char *getcwd_by_pid(pid_t pid); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/opencopied.c b/suckless/st/patch/opencopied.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23d047d --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/opencopied.c @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +void +opencopied(const Arg *arg) +{ + int res; + size_t const max_cmd = 2048; + char * const clip = xsel.clipboard; + if (!clip) { + fprintf(stderr, "Warning: nothing copied to clipboard\n"); + return; + } + + /* account for space/quote (3) and \0 (1) and & (1) */ + /* e.g.: xdg-open ""& */ + size_t const cmd_size = max_cmd + strlen(clip) + 5; + char cmd[cmd_size]; + + snprintf(cmd, cmd_size, "%s \"%s\"&", (char *)arg->v, clip); + res = system(cmd); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/opencopied.h b/suckless/st/patch/opencopied.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..df646e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/opencopied.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +void opencopied(const Arg *); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/openurlonclick.c b/suckless/st/patch/openurlonclick.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7b4b82f --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/openurlonclick.c @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +void +openUrlOnClick(int col, int row, char* url_opener) +{ + int row_start = row; + int col_start = col; + int row_end = row; + int col_end = col; + + if (term.line[row][col].u == ' ') + return; + + /* while previous character is not space */ + while (term.line[row_start][col_start-1].u != ' ') { + if (col_start == 0) + { + // Before moving start pointer to the previous line we check if it ends with space + if (term.line[row_start - 1][term.col - 1].u == ' ') + break; + col_start=term.col - 1; + row_start--; + } else { + col_start--; + } + } + + /* while next character is not space nor end of line */ + while (term.line[row_end][col_end].u != ' ') { + col_end++; + if (col_end == term.col - 1) + { + if (term.line[row_end + 1][0].u == ' ') + break; + col_end=0; + row_end++; + } + } + + char url[200] = ""; + int url_index=0; + do { + url[url_index] = term.line[row_start][col_start].u; + url_index++; + col_start++; + if (col_start == term.col) + { + col_start = 0; + row_start++; + } + } while (url_index < (sizeof(url)-1) && + (row_start != row_end || col_start != col_end)); + + if (strncmp("http", url, 4) != 0) { + return; + } + + char command[strlen(url_opener)+strlen(url)+2]; + sprintf(command, "%s %s", url_opener, url); + system(command); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/openurlonclick.h b/suckless/st/patch/openurlonclick.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e57d84 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/openurlonclick.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +static void openUrlOnClick(int col, int row, char* url_opener); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/scrollback.c b/suckless/st/patch/scrollback.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c08fec --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/scrollback.c @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +void +kscrolldown(const Arg* a) +{ + int n = a->i; + + if (n < 0) + n = term.row + n; + + if (n > term.scr) + n = term.scr; + + if (term.scr > 0) { + term.scr -= n; + selscroll(0, -n); + tfulldirt(); + } + + scroll_images(-1*n); +} + +void +kscrollup(const Arg* a) +{ + int n = a->i; + if (n < 0) + n = term.row + n; + + if (term.scr <= HISTSIZE-n) { + term.scr += n; + selscroll(0, n); + tfulldirt(); + } + + scroll_images(n); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/scrollback.h b/suckless/st/patch/scrollback.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a602db2 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/scrollback.h @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#define TLINE(y) ((y) < term.scr ? term.hist[((y) + term.histi - \ + term.scr + HISTSIZE + 1) % HISTSIZE] : \ + term.line[(y) - term.scr]) + +void kscrolldown(const Arg *); +void kscrollup(const Arg *); + +typedef struct { + uint b; + uint mask; + void (*func)(const Arg *); + const Arg arg; +} MouseKey; + +extern MouseKey mkeys[]; diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/sixel_st.c b/suckless/st/patch/sixel_st.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..070c344 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/sixel_st.c @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +sixel_state_t sixel_st; + +void +dcshandle(void) +{ + switch (csiescseq.mode[0]) { + default: + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: unknown csi "); + csidump(); + /* die(""); */ + break; + case 'q': /* DECSIXEL */ + if (sixel_parser_init(&sixel_st, 0, 0 << 16 | 0 << 8 | 0, 1,, != 0) + perror("sixel_parser_init() failed"); + term.mode |= MODE_SIXEL; + break; + } +} + +void +scroll_images(int n) { + ImageList *im; + int tmp; + + /* maximum sixel distance in lines from current view before + * deallocation + * TODO: should be in config.h */ + int max_sixel_distance = 10000; + + for (im = term.images; im; im = im->next) { + im->y += n; + + /* check if the current sixel has exceeded the maximum + * draw distance, and should therefore be deleted */ + tmp = im->y; + if (tmp < 0) { tmp = tmp * -1; } + if (tmp > max_sixel_distance) { + fprintf(stderr, "im@0x%08x exceeded maximum distance\n"); + im->should_delete = 1; + } + } +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/sixel_st.h b/suckless/st/patch/sixel_st.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1642d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/sixel_st.h @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +static void dcshandle(void); +static void scroll_images(int n); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/sixel_x.c b/suckless/st/patch/sixel_x.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0cc7312 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/sixel_x.c @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +void +delete_image(ImageList *im) +{ + if (im->prev) + im->prev->next = im->next; + else + term.images = im->next; + if (im->next) + im->next->prev = im->prev; + if (im->pixmap) + XFreePixmap(xw.dpy, (Drawable)im->pixmap); + free(im->pixels); + free(im); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/st_include.c b/suckless/st/patch/st_include.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa1f4de --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/st_include.c @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +/* Patches */ +#include "externalpipe.c" +#include "scrollback.c" +#include "universcroll.c" +#include "sixel_st.c" +#include "sync.c" diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/st_include.h b/suckless/st/patch/st_include.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d98dfed --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/st_include.h @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* Patches */ +#include "externalpipe.h" +#include "scrollback.h" +#include "universcroll.h" +#include "sixel_st.h" +#include "sync.h" +// #if VIM_BROWSE_PATCH +// #include "normalMode.h" +// #endif diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/sync.c b/suckless/st/patch/sync.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9c75c7d --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/sync.c @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#include <time.h> +struct timespec sutv; + +static void +tsync_begin() +{ + clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sutv); + su = 1; +} + +static void +tsync_end() +{ + su = 0; +} + +int +tinsync(uint timeout) +{ + struct timespec now; + if (su && !clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now) + && TIMEDIFF(now, sutv) >= timeout) + su = 0; + return su; +} + +int +ttyread_pending() +{ + return twrite_aborted; +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/sync.h b/suckless/st/patch/sync.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a84934 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/sync.h @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +static int su = 0; +static int twrite_aborted = 0; + +static void tsync_begin(); +static void tsync_end(); +int tinsync(uint timeout); +int ttyread_pending(); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/universcroll.c b/suckless/st/patch/universcroll.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0dd756 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/universcroll.c @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +int +tisaltscr(void) +{ + return IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/universcroll.h b/suckless/st/patch/universcroll.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0e5e16 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/universcroll.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +int tisaltscr(void); diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/utils.h b/suckless/st/patch/utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6cfca3e --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/// Dynamic memory-chunk, with (1) datatype size, (2/3) initialized / allocated chunk, (4) content +typedef struct { uint8_t const elSize; uint32_t init, alloc; char* content; } DynamicArray; +#define UTF8_ARRAY {4, 0, 0, NULL} + +static inline int p_alloc(DynamicArray *s, uint32_t amount) { + uint32_t const diff=s->init+s->elSize*amount-s->alloc, nas=s->alloc+max(diff,15)*s->elSize; + if (s->alloc < s->init + s->elSize * amount) { + char* tmp = realloc(s->content, nas); + if (!tmp) return 0; + s->alloc = nas, s->content = tmp; + } + return 1; +} +static inline char *view(DynamicArray * s, uint32_t i) { return s->content + i*s->elSize; } +static inline char *end(DynamicArray *s, uint32_t i) { return s->content +s->init-(i+1)*s->elSize; } +static inline uint32_t getU32(DynamicArray* s, uint32_t i, int b) { return *((uint32_t*) (b ?view(s,i) :end(s,i))); } +static char *expand(DynamicArray *s) { if (!p_alloc(s, 1)) return NULL; s->init += s->elSize; return end(s, 0); } +static inline void pop(DynamicArray* s) { s->init -= s->elSize; } +static inline void empty(DynamicArray* s) { s->init = 0; } +static inline int size(DynamicArray const * s) { return s->init / s->elSize; } +static inline void assign(DynamicArray* s, DynamicArray const *o) { + if (p_alloc(s, size(o))) memcpy(s->content, o->content, (s->init=o->init)); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/x_include.c b/suckless/st/patch/x_include.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ade97c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/x_include.c @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +/* Patches */ +#include "boxdraw.c" +#include "fixkeyboardinput.c" +#include "invert.c" +#include "openurlonclick.c" +#include "sixel_x.c" +#include "xresources.c" diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/x_include.h b/suckless/st/patch/x_include.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd87a5a --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/x_include.h @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +/* Patches */ +#include "boxdraw.h" +#include "invert.h" +#include "netwmicon.h" +#include "openurlonclick.h" +#include "xresources.h" diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/xresources.c b/suckless/st/patch/xresources.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b078fe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/xresources.c @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +int +resource_load(XrmDatabase db, char *name, enum resource_type rtype, void *dst) +{ + char **sdst = dst; + int *idst = dst; + float *fdst = dst; + + char fullname[256]; + char fullclass[256]; + char *type; + XrmValue ret; + + snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname), "%s.%s", + opt_name ? opt_name : "st", name); + snprintf(fullclass, sizeof(fullclass), "%s.%s", + opt_class ? opt_class : "St", name); + fullname[sizeof(fullname) - 1] = fullclass[sizeof(fullclass) - 1] = '\0'; + + XrmGetResource(db, fullname, fullclass, &type, &ret); + if (ret.addr == NULL || strncmp("String", type, 64)) + return 1; + + switch (rtype) { + case STRING: + *sdst = ret.addr; + break; + case INTEGER: + *idst = strtoul(ret.addr, NULL, 10); + break; + case FLOAT: + *fdst = strtof(ret.addr, NULL); + break; + } + return 0; +} + +void +config_init(Display *dpy) +{ + char *resm; + XrmDatabase db; + ResourcePref *p; + + XrmInitialize(); + resm = XResourceManagerString(dpy); + if (!resm) + return; + + db = XrmGetStringDatabase(resm); + for (p = resources; p < resources + LEN(resources); p++) + resource_load(db, p->name, p->type, p->dst); +} + +void +reload_config(int sig) +{ + /* Recreate a Display object to have up to date Xresources entries */ + Display *dpy; + if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) + die("Can't open display\n"); + + config_init(dpy); + if (sig != -1) { + /* Called due to a SIGUSR1 */ + xloadcols(); + redraw(); + } + signal(SIGUSR1, reload_config); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/patch/xresources.h b/suckless/st/patch/xresources.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c184852 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/patch/xresources.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#include <X11/Xresource.h> + +/* Xresources preferences */ +enum resource_type { + STRING = 0, + INTEGER = 1, + FLOAT = 2 +}; + +typedef struct { + char *name; + enum resource_type type; + void *dst; +} ResourcePref; + +int resource_load(XrmDatabase, char *, enum resource_type, void *); +void config_init(Display *dpy); diff --git a/suckless/st/sixel.c b/suckless/st/sixel.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2c382f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/sixel.c @@ -0,0 +1,616 @@ +// sixel.c (part of mintty) +// originally written by kmiya@cluti ( +// Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 or later. + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <string.h> /* memcpy */ + +#include "sixel.h" +#include "sixel_hls.h" + +#define SIXEL_RGB(r, g, b) ((r) + ((g) << 8) + ((b) << 16)) +#define SIXEL_PALVAL(n,a,m) (((n) * (a) + ((m) / 2)) / (m)) +#define SIXEL_XRGB(r,g,b) SIXEL_RGB(SIXEL_PALVAL(r, 255, 100), SIXEL_PALVAL(g, 255, 100), SIXEL_PALVAL(b, 255, 100)) + +static sixel_color_t const sixel_default_color_table[] = { + SIXEL_XRGB( 0, 0, 0), /* 0 Black */ + SIXEL_XRGB(20, 20, 80), /* 1 Blue */ + SIXEL_XRGB(80, 13, 13), /* 2 Red */ + SIXEL_XRGB(20, 80, 20), /* 3 Green */ + SIXEL_XRGB(80, 20, 80), /* 4 Magenta */ + SIXEL_XRGB(20, 80, 80), /* 5 Cyan */ + SIXEL_XRGB(80, 80, 20), /* 6 Yellow */ + SIXEL_XRGB(53, 53, 53), /* 7 Gray 50% */ + SIXEL_XRGB(26, 26, 26), /* 8 Gray 25% */ + SIXEL_XRGB(33, 33, 60), /* 9 Blue* */ + SIXEL_XRGB(60, 26, 26), /* 10 Red* */ + SIXEL_XRGB(33, 60, 33), /* 11 Green* */ + SIXEL_XRGB(60, 33, 60), /* 12 Magenta* */ + SIXEL_XRGB(33, 60, 60), /* 13 Cyan* */ + SIXEL_XRGB(60, 60, 33), /* 14 Yellow* */ + SIXEL_XRGB(80, 80, 80), /* 15 Gray 75% */ +}; + +static int +set_default_color(sixel_image_t *image) +{ + int i; + int n; + int r; + int g; + int b; + + /* palette initialization */ + for (n = 1; n < 17; n++) { + image->palette[n] = sixel_default_color_table[n - 1]; + } + + /* colors 17-232 are a 6x6x6 color cube */ + for (r = 0; r < 6; r++) { + for (g = 0; g < 6; g++) { + for (b = 0; b < 6; b++) { + image->palette[n++] = SIXEL_RGB(r * 51, g * 51, b * 51); + } + } + } + + /* colors 233-256 are a grayscale ramp, intentionally leaving out */ + for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { + image->palette[n++] = SIXEL_RGB(i * 11, i * 11, i * 11); + } + + for (; n < DECSIXEL_PALETTE_MAX; n++) { + image->palette[n] = SIXEL_RGB(255, 255, 255); + } + + return (0); +} + +static int +sixel_image_init( + sixel_image_t *image, + int width, + int height, + int fgcolor, + int bgcolor, + int use_private_register) +{ + int status = (-1); + size_t size; + + size = (size_t)(width * height) * sizeof(sixel_color_no_t); + image->width = width; + image->height = height; + image->data = (sixel_color_no_t *)malloc(size); + image->ncolors = 2; + image->use_private_register = use_private_register; + + if (image->data == NULL) { + status = (-1); + goto end; + } + memset(image->data, 0, size); + + image->palette[0] = bgcolor; + + if (image->use_private_register) + image->palette[1] = fgcolor; + + image->palette_modified = 0; + + status = (0); + +end: + return status; +} + + +static int +image_buffer_resize( + sixel_image_t *image, + int width, + int height) +{ + int status = (-1); + size_t size; + sixel_color_no_t *alt_buffer; + int n; + int min_height; + + size = (size_t)(width * height) * sizeof(sixel_color_no_t); + alt_buffer = (sixel_color_no_t *)malloc(size); + if (alt_buffer == NULL) { + /* free source image */ + free(image->data); + image->data = NULL; + status = (-1); + goto end; + } + + min_height = height > image->height ? image->height: height; + if (width > image->width) { /* if width is extended */ + for (n = 0; n < min_height; ++n) { + /* copy from source image */ + memcpy(alt_buffer + width * n, + image->data + image->width * n, + (size_t)image->width * sizeof(sixel_color_no_t)); + /* fill extended area with background color */ + memset(alt_buffer + width * n + image->width, + 0, + (size_t)(width - image->width) * sizeof(sixel_color_no_t)); + } + } else { + for (n = 0; n < min_height; ++n) { + /* copy from source image */ + memcpy(alt_buffer + width * n, + image->data + image->width * n, + (size_t)width * sizeof(sixel_color_no_t)); + } + } + + if (height > image->height) { /* if height is extended */ + /* fill extended area with background color */ + memset(alt_buffer + width * image->height, + 0, + (size_t)(width * (height - image->height)) * sizeof(sixel_color_no_t)); + } + + /* free source image */ + free(image->data); + + image->data = alt_buffer; + image->width = width; + image->height = height; + + status = (0); + +end: + return status; +} + +static void +sixel_image_deinit(sixel_image_t *image) +{ + free(image->data); + image->data = NULL; +} + +int +sixel_parser_init(sixel_state_t *st, + sixel_color_t fgcolor, sixel_color_t bgcolor, + unsigned char use_private_register, + int cell_width, int cell_height) +{ + int status = (-1); + + st->state = PS_DECSIXEL; + st->pos_x = 0; + st->pos_y = 0; + st->max_x = 0; + st->max_y = 0; + st->attributed_pan = 2; + st->attributed_pad = 1; + st->attributed_ph = 0; + st->attributed_pv = 0; + st->repeat_count = 1; + st->color_index = 16; + st->grid_width = cell_width; + st->grid_height = cell_height; + st->nparams = 0; + st->param = 0; + + /* buffer initialization */ + status = sixel_image_init(&st->image, 1, 1, fgcolor, bgcolor, use_private_register); + + return status; +} + +int +sixel_parser_set_default_color(sixel_state_t *st) +{ + return set_default_color(&st->image); +} + +int +sixel_parser_finalize(sixel_state_t *st, unsigned char *pixels) +{ + int status = (-1); + int sx; + int sy; + sixel_image_t *image = &st->image; + int x, y; + sixel_color_no_t *src; + unsigned char *dst; + int color; + + if (++st->max_x < st->attributed_ph) + st->max_x = st->attributed_ph; + + if (++st->max_y < st->attributed_pv) + st->max_y = st->attributed_pv; + + sx = (st->max_x + st->grid_width - 1) / st->grid_width * st->grid_width; + sy = (st->max_y + st->grid_height - 1) / st->grid_height * st->grid_height; + + if (image->width > sx || image->height > sy) { + status = image_buffer_resize(image, sx, sy); + if (status < 0) + goto end; + } + + if (image->use_private_register && image->ncolors > 2 && !image->palette_modified) { + status = set_default_color(image); + if (status < 0) + goto end; + } + + src = st->; + dst = pixels; + for (y = 0; y < st->image.height; ++y) { + for (x = 0; x < st->image.width; ++x) { + color = st->image.palette[*src++]; + *dst++ = color >> 16 & 0xff; /* b */ + *dst++ = color >> 8 & 0xff; /* g */ + *dst++ = color >> 0 & 0xff; /* r */ + *dst++ = 255; /* a */ + } + /* fill right padding with bgcolor */ + for (; x < st->image.width; ++x) { + color = st->image.palette[0]; /* bgcolor */ + *dst++ = color >> 16 & 0xff; /* b */ + *dst++ = color >> 8 & 0xff; /* g */ + *dst++ = color >> 0 & 0xff; /* r */ + dst++; /* a */ + } + } + /* fill bottom padding with bgcolor */ + for (; y < st->image.height; ++y) { + for (x = 0; x < st->image.width; ++x) { + color = st->image.palette[0]; /* bgcolor */ + *dst++ = color >> 16 & 0xff; /* b */ + *dst++ = color >> 8 & 0xff; /* g */ + *dst++ = color >> 0 & 0xff; /* r */ + dst++; /* a */ + } + } + + status = (0); + +end: + return status; +} + +/* convert sixel data into indexed pixel bytes and palette data */ +int +sixel_parser_parse(sixel_state_t *st, unsigned char *p, size_t len) +{ + int status = (-1); + int n; + int i; + int x; + int y; + int bits; + int sixel_vertical_mask; + int sx; + int sy; + int c; + int pos; + unsigned char *p0 = p; + sixel_image_t *image = &st->image; + + if (! image->data) + goto end; + + while (p < p0 + len) { + switch (st->state) { + case PS_ESC: + goto end; + + case PS_DECSIXEL: + switch (*p) { + case '\x1b': + st->state = PS_ESC; + p++; + break; + case '"': + st->param = 0; + st->nparams = 0; + st->state = PS_DECGRA; + p++; + break; + case '!': + st->param = 0; + st->nparams = 0; + st->state = PS_DECGRI; + p++; + break; + case '#': + st->param = 0; + st->nparams = 0; + st->state = PS_DECGCI; + p++; + break; + case '$': + /* DECGCR Graphics Carriage Return */ + st->pos_x = 0; + p++; + break; + case '-': + /* DECGNL Graphics Next Line */ + st->pos_x = 0; + if (st->pos_y < DECSIXEL_HEIGHT_MAX - 5 - 6) + st->pos_y += 6; + else + st->pos_y = DECSIXEL_HEIGHT_MAX + 1; + p++; + break; + default: + if (*p >= '?' && *p <= '~') { /* sixel characters */ + if ((image->width < (st->pos_x + st->repeat_count) || image->height < (st->pos_y + 6)) + && image->width < DECSIXEL_WIDTH_MAX && image->height < DECSIXEL_HEIGHT_MAX) { + sx = image->width * 2; + sy = image->height * 2; + while (sx < (st->pos_x + st->repeat_count) || sy < (st->pos_y + 6)) { + sx *= 2; + sy *= 2; + } + + if (sx > DECSIXEL_WIDTH_MAX) + sx = DECSIXEL_WIDTH_MAX; + if (sy > DECSIXEL_HEIGHT_MAX) + sy = DECSIXEL_HEIGHT_MAX; + + status = image_buffer_resize(image, sx, sy); + if (status < 0) + goto end; + } + + if (st->color_index > image->ncolors) + image->ncolors = st->color_index; + + if (st->pos_x + st->repeat_count > image->width) + st->repeat_count = image->width - st->pos_x; + + if (st->repeat_count > 0 && st->pos_y - 5 < image->height) { + bits = *p - '?'; + if (bits != 0) { + sixel_vertical_mask = 0x01; + if (st->repeat_count <= 1) { + for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { + if ((bits & sixel_vertical_mask) != 0) { + pos = image->width * (st->pos_y + i) + st->pos_x; + image->data[pos] = st->color_index; + if (st->max_x < st->pos_x) + st->max_x = st->pos_x; + if (st->max_y < (st->pos_y + i)) + st->max_y = st->pos_y + i; + } + sixel_vertical_mask <<= 1; + } + } else { + /* st->repeat_count > 1 */ + for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { + if ((bits & sixel_vertical_mask) != 0) { + c = sixel_vertical_mask << 1; + for (n = 1; (i + n) < 6; n++) { + if ((bits & c) == 0) + break; + c <<= 1; + } + for (y = st->pos_y + i; y < st->pos_y + i + n; ++y) { + for (x = st->pos_x; x < st->pos_x + st->repeat_count; ++x) + image->data[image->width * y + x] = st->color_index; + } + if (st->max_x < (st->pos_x + st->repeat_count - 1)) + st->max_x = st->pos_x + st->repeat_count - 1; + if (st->max_y < (st->pos_y + i + n - 1)) + st->max_y = st->pos_y + i + n - 1; + i += (n - 1); + sixel_vertical_mask <<= (n - 1); + } + sixel_vertical_mask <<= 1; + } + } + } + } + if (st->repeat_count > 0) + st->pos_x += st->repeat_count; + st->repeat_count = 1; + } + p++; + break; + } + break; + + case PS_DECGRA: + /* DECGRA Set Raster Attributes " Pan; Pad; Ph; Pv */ + switch (*p) { + case '\x1b': + st->state = PS_ESC; + p++; + break; + case '0': + case '1': + case '2': + case '3': + case '4': + case '5': + case '6': + case '7': + case '8': + case '9': + st->param = st->param * 10 + *p - '0'; + if (st->param > DECSIXEL_PARAMVALUE_MAX) + st->param = DECSIXEL_PARAMVALUE_MAX; + p++; + break; + case ';': + if (st->nparams < DECSIXEL_PARAMS_MAX) + st->params[st->nparams++] = st->param; + st->param = 0; + p++; + break; + default: + if (st->nparams < DECSIXEL_PARAMS_MAX) + st->params[st->nparams++] = st->param; + if (st->nparams > 0) + st->attributed_pad = st->params[0]; + if (st->nparams > 1) + st->attributed_pan = st->params[1]; + if (st->nparams > 2 && st->params[2] > 0) + st->attributed_ph = st->params[2]; + if (st->nparams > 3 && st->params[3] > 0) + st->attributed_pv = st->params[3]; + + if (st->attributed_pan <= 0) + st->attributed_pan = 1; + if (st->attributed_pad <= 0) + st->attributed_pad = 1; + + if (image->width < st->attributed_ph || + image->height < st->attributed_pv) { + sx = st->attributed_ph; + if (image->width > st->attributed_ph) + sx = image->width; + + sy = st->attributed_pv; + if (image->height > st->attributed_pv) + sy = image->height; + + sx = (sx + st->grid_width - 1) / st->grid_width * st->grid_width; + sy = (sy + st->grid_height - 1) / st->grid_height * st->grid_height; + + if (sx > DECSIXEL_WIDTH_MAX) + sx = DECSIXEL_WIDTH_MAX; + if (sy > DECSIXEL_HEIGHT_MAX) + sy = DECSIXEL_HEIGHT_MAX; + + status = image_buffer_resize(image, sx, sy); + if (status < 0) + goto end; + } + st->state = PS_DECSIXEL; + st->param = 0; + st->nparams = 0; + } + break; + + case PS_DECGRI: + /* DECGRI Graphics Repeat Introducer ! Pn Ch */ + switch (*p) { + case '\x1b': + st->state = PS_ESC; + p++; + break; + case '0': + case '1': + case '2': + case '3': + case '4': + case '5': + case '6': + case '7': + case '8': + case '9': + st->param = st->param * 10 + *p - '0'; + if (st->param > DECSIXEL_PARAMVALUE_MAX) + st->param = DECSIXEL_PARAMVALUE_MAX; + p++; + break; + default: + st->repeat_count = st->param; + if (st->repeat_count == 0) + st->repeat_count = 1; + st->state = PS_DECSIXEL; + st->param = 0; + st->nparams = 0; + break; + } + break; + + case PS_DECGCI: + /* DECGCI Graphics Color Introducer # Pc; Pu; Px; Py; Pz */ + switch (*p) { + case '\x1b': + st->state = PS_ESC; + p++; + break; + case '0': + case '1': + case '2': + case '3': + case '4': + case '5': + case '6': + case '7': + case '8': + case '9': + st->param = st->param * 10 + *p - '0'; + if (st->param > DECSIXEL_PARAMVALUE_MAX) + st->param = DECSIXEL_PARAMVALUE_MAX; + p++; + break; + case ';': + if (st->nparams < DECSIXEL_PARAMS_MAX) + st->params[st->nparams++] = st->param; + st->param = 0; + p++; + break; + default: + st->state = PS_DECSIXEL; + if (st->nparams < DECSIXEL_PARAMS_MAX) + st->params[st->nparams++] = st->param; + st->param = 0; + + if (st->nparams > 0) { + st->color_index = 1 + st->params[0]; /* offset 1(background color) added */ + if (st->color_index < 0) + st->color_index = 0; + else if (st->color_index >= DECSIXEL_PALETTE_MAX) + st->color_index = DECSIXEL_PALETTE_MAX - 1; + } + + if (st->nparams > 4) { + st->image.palette_modified = 1; + if (st->params[1] == 1) { + /* HLS */ + if (st->params[2] > 360) + st->params[2] = 360; + if (st->params[3] > 100) + st->params[3] = 100; + if (st->params[4] > 100) + st->params[4] = 100; + image->palette[st->color_index] + = hls_to_rgb(st->params[2], st->params[3], st->params[4]); + } else if (st->params[1] == 2) { + /* RGB */ + if (st->params[2] > 100) + st->params[2] = 100; + if (st->params[3] > 100) + st->params[3] = 100; + if (st->params[4] > 100) + st->params[4] = 100; + image->palette[st->color_index] + = SIXEL_XRGB(st->params[2], st->params[3], st->params[4]); + } + } + break; + } + break; + default: + break; + } + } + + status = (0); + +end: + return status; +} + +void +sixel_parser_deinit(sixel_state_t *st) +{ + if (st) + sixel_image_deinit(&st->image); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/sixel.h b/suckless/st/sixel.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a05c44 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/sixel.h @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +#ifndef SIXEL_H +#define SIXEL_H + +#define DECSIXEL_PARAMS_MAX 16 +#define DECSIXEL_PALETTE_MAX 1024 +#define DECSIXEL_PARAMVALUE_MAX 65535 +#define DECSIXEL_WIDTH_MAX 4096 +#define DECSIXEL_HEIGHT_MAX 4096 + +typedef unsigned short sixel_color_no_t; +typedef unsigned int sixel_color_t; + +typedef struct sixel_image_buffer { + sixel_color_no_t *data; + int width; + int height; + sixel_color_t palette[DECSIXEL_PALETTE_MAX]; + sixel_color_no_t ncolors; + int palette_modified; + int use_private_register; +} sixel_image_t; + +typedef enum parse_state { + PS_ESC = 1, /* ESC */ + PS_DECSIXEL = 2, /* DECSIXEL body part ", $, -, ? ... ~ */ + PS_DECGRA = 3, /* DECGRA Set Raster Attributes " Pan; Pad; Ph; Pv */ + PS_DECGRI = 4, /* DECGRI Graphics Repeat Introducer ! Pn Ch */ + PS_DECGCI = 5, /* DECGCI Graphics Color Introducer # Pc; Pu; Px; Py; Pz */ +} parse_state_t; + +typedef struct parser_context { + parse_state_t state; + int pos_x; + int pos_y; + int max_x; + int max_y; + int attributed_pan; + int attributed_pad; + int attributed_ph; + int attributed_pv; + int repeat_count; + int color_index; + int bgindex; + int grid_width; + int grid_height; + int param; + int nparams; + int params[DECSIXEL_PARAMS_MAX]; + sixel_image_t image; +} sixel_state_t; + +int sixel_parser_init(sixel_state_t *st, sixel_color_t fgcolor, sixel_color_t bgcolor, unsigned char use_private_register, int cell_width, int cell_height); +int sixel_parser_parse(sixel_state_t *st, unsigned char *p, size_t len); +int sixel_parser_set_default_color(sixel_state_t *st); +int sixel_parser_finalize(sixel_state_t *st, unsigned char *pixels); +void sixel_parser_deinit(sixel_state_t *st); + +#endif diff --git a/suckless/st/sixel_hls.c b/suckless/st/sixel_hls.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f157b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/sixel_hls.c @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// sixel.c (part of mintty) +// this function is derived from a part of graphics.c +// in Xterm pl#310 originally written by Ross Combs. +// +// Copyright 2013,2014 by Ross Combs +// +// All Rights Reserved +// +// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a +// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +// the following conditions: +// +// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included +// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +// +// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS +// OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +// IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE LISTED COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY +// CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +// TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +// SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +// +// Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright +// holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the +// sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written +// authorization. + +#define SIXEL_RGB(r, g, b) (((r) << 16) + ((g) << 8) + (b)) + +int +hls_to_rgb(int hue, int lum, int sat) +{ + double hs = (hue + 240) % 360; + double hv = hs / 360.0; + double lv = lum / 100.0; + double sv = sat / 100.0; + double c, x, m, c2; + double r1, g1, b1; + int r, g, b; + int hpi; + + if (sat == 0) { + r = g = b = lum * 255 / 100; + return SIXEL_RGB(r, g, b); + } + + if ((c2 = ((2.0 * lv) - 1.0)) < 0.0) { + c2 = -c2; + } + c = (1.0 - c2) * sv; + hpi = (int) (hv * 6.0); + x = (hpi & 1) ? c : 0.0; + m = lv - 0.5 * c; + + switch (hpi) { + case 0: + r1 = c; + g1 = x; + b1 = 0.0; + break; + case 1: + r1 = x; + g1 = c; + b1 = 0.0; + break; + case 2: + r1 = 0.0; + g1 = c; + b1 = x; + break; + case 3: + r1 = 0.0; + g1 = x; + b1 = c; + break; + case 4: + r1 = x; + g1 = 0.0; + b1 = c; + break; + case 5: + r1 = c; + g1 = 0.0; + b1 = x; + break; + default: + return SIXEL_RGB(255, 255, 255); + } + + r = (int) ((r1 + m) * 100.0 + 0.5); + g = (int) ((g1 + m) * 100.0 + 0.5); + b = (int) ((b1 + m) * 100.0 + 0.5); + + if (r < 0) { + r = 0; + } else if (r > 100) { + r = 100; + } + if (g < 0) { + g = 0; + } else if (g > 100) { + g = 100; + } + if (b < 0) { + b = 0; + } else if (b > 100) { + b = 100; + } + return SIXEL_RGB(r * 255 / 100, g * 255 / 100, b * 255 / 100); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/sixel_hls.h b/suckless/st/sixel_hls.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6176589 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/sixel_hls.h @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +/* + * Primary color hues: + * blue: 0 degrees + * red: 120 degrees + * green: 240 degrees + */ +int hls_to_rgb(int hue, int lum, int sat); diff --git a/suckless/st/st.1 b/suckless/st/st.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39120b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/st.1 @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +.TH ST 1 st\-VERSION +.SH NAME +st \- simple terminal +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B st +.RB [ \-aiv ] +.RB [ \-c +.IR class ] +.RB [ \-f +.IR font ] +.RB [ \-g +.IR geometry ] +.RB [ \-n +.IR name ] +.RB [ \-o +.IR iofile ] +.RB [ \-T +.IR title ] +.RB [ \-t +.IR title ] +.RB [ \-l +.IR line ] +.RB [ \-w +.IR windowid ] +.RB [[ \-e ] +.IR command +.RI [ arguments ...]] +.PP +.B st +.RB [ \-aiv ] +.RB [ \-c +.IR class ] +.RB [ \-f +.IR font ] +.RB [ \-g +.IR geometry ] +.RB [ \-n +.IR name ] +.RB [ \-o +.IR iofile ] +.RB [ \-T +.IR title ] +.RB [ \-t +.IR title ] +.RB [ \-w +.IR windowid ] +.RB \-l +.IR line +.RI [ stty_args ...] +.SH DESCRIPTION +.B st +is a simple terminal emulator. +.SH OPTIONS +.TP +.B \-a +disable alternate screens in terminal +.TP +.BI \-c " class" +defines the window class (default $TERM). +.TP +.BI \-f " font" +defines the +.I font +to use when st is run. +.TP +.BI \-g " geometry" +defines the X11 geometry string. +The form is [=][<cols>{xX}<rows>][{+-}<xoffset>{+-}<yoffset>]. See +.BR XParseGeometry (3) +for further details. +.TP +.B \-i +will fixate the position given with the -g option. +.TP +.BI \-n " name" +defines the window instance name (default $TERM). +.TP +.BI \-o " iofile" +writes all the I/O to +.I iofile. +This feature is useful when recording st sessions. A value of "-" means +standard output. +.TP +.BI \-T " title" +defines the window title (default 'st'). +.TP +.BI \-t " title" +defines the window title (default 'st'). +.TP +.BI \-w " windowid" +embeds st within the window identified by +.I windowid +.TP +.BI \-l " line" +use a tty +.I line +instead of a pseudo terminal. +.I line +should be a (pseudo-)serial device (e.g. /dev/ttyS0 on Linux for serial port +0). +When this flag is given +remaining arguments are used as flags for +.BR stty(1). +By default st initializes the serial line to 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit +and a 38400 baud rate. The speed is set by appending it as last argument +(e.g. 'st -l /dev/ttyS0 115200'). Arguments before the last one are +.BR stty(1) +flags. If you want to set odd parity on 115200 baud use for example 'st -l +/dev/ttyS0 parenb parodd 115200'. Set the number of bits by using for +example 'st -l /dev/ttyS0 cs7 115200'. See +.BR stty(1) +for more arguments and cases. +.TP +.B \-v +prints version information to stderr, then exits. +.TP +.BI \-e " command " [ " arguments " "... ]" +st executes +.I command +instead of the shell. If this is used it +.B must be the last option +on the command line, as in xterm / rxvt. +This option is only intended for compatibility, +and all the remaining arguments are used as a command +even without it. +.SH SHORTCUTS +.TP +.B Break +Send a break in the serial line. +Break key is obtained in PC keyboards +pressing at the same time control and pause. +.TP +.B Ctrl-Print Screen +Toggle if st should print to the +.I iofile. +.TP +.B Shift-Print Screen +Print the full screen to the +.I iofile. +.TP +.B Print Screen +Print the selection to the +.I iofile. +.TP +.B Ctrl-Shift-Page Up +Increase font size. +.TP +.B Ctrl-Shift-Page Down +Decrease font size. +.TP +.B Ctrl-Shift-Home +Reset to default font size. +.TP +.B Ctrl-Shift-y +Paste from primary selection (middle mouse button). +.TP +.B Ctrl-Shift-c +Copy the selected text to the clipboard selection. +.TP +.B Ctrl-Shift-v +Paste from the clipboard selection. +.SH CUSTOMIZATION +.B st +can be customized by creating a custom config.h and (re)compiling the source +code. This keeps it fast, secure and simple. +.SH AUTHORS +See the LICENSE file for the authors. +.SH LICENSE +See the LICENSE file for the terms of redistribution. +.SH SEE ALSO +.BR tabbed (1), +.BR utmp (1), +.BR stty (1), +.BR scroll (1) +.SH BUGS +See the TODO file in the distribution. + diff --git a/suckless/st/st.c b/suckless/st/st.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1219977 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/st.c @@ -0,0 +1,2866 @@ +/* See LICENSE for license details. */ +#include <ctype.h> +#include <errno.h> +#include <fcntl.h> +#include <limits.h> +#include <pwd.h> +#include <stdarg.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <signal.h> +#include <sys/ioctl.h> +#include <sys/select.h> +#include <sys/types.h> +#include <sys/wait.h> +#include <termios.h> +#include <unistd.h> +#include <wchar.h> + +#include "st.h" +#include "win.h" + + + +#include "sixel.h" + +#if defined(__linux) + #include <pty.h> +#elif defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) + #include <util.h> +#elif defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) + #include <libutil.h> +#endif + +/* Arbitrary sizes */ +#define UTF_INVALID 0xFFFD +#define UTF_SIZ 4 +#define ESC_BUF_SIZ (128*UTF_SIZ) +#define ESC_ARG_SIZ 16 +#define CAR_PER_ARG 4 +#define STR_BUF_SIZ ESC_BUF_SIZ +#define STR_ARG_SIZ ESC_ARG_SIZ + +/* macros */ +#define IS_SET(flag) ((term.mode & (flag)) != 0) +#define ISCONTROLC0(c) (BETWEEN(c, 0, 0x1f) || (c) == 0x7f) +#define ISCONTROLC1(c) (BETWEEN(c, 0x80, 0x9f)) +#define ISCONTROL(c) (ISCONTROLC0(c) || ISCONTROLC1(c)) +#define ISDELIM(u) (u && wcschr(worddelimiters, u)) + +enum term_mode { + MODE_WRAP = 1 << 0, + MODE_INSERT = 1 << 1, + MODE_ALTSCREEN = 1 << 2, + MODE_CRLF = 1 << 3, + MODE_ECHO = 1 << 4, + MODE_PRINT = 1 << 5, + MODE_UTF8 = 1 << 6, + MODE_SIXEL = 1 << 7, +}; + +enum cursor_movement { + CURSOR_SAVE, + CURSOR_LOAD +}; + +enum cursor_state { + CURSOR_DEFAULT = 0, + CURSOR_WRAPNEXT = 1, + CURSOR_ORIGIN = 2 +}; + +enum charset { + CS_GRAPHIC0, + CS_GRAPHIC1, + CS_UK, + CS_USA, + CS_MULTI, + CS_GER, + CS_FIN +}; + +enum escape_state { + ESC_START = 1, + ESC_CSI = 2, + ESC_STR = 4, /* DCS, OSC, PM, APC */ + ESC_ALTCHARSET = 8, + ESC_STR_END = 16, /* a final string was encountered */ + ESC_TEST = 32, /* Enter in test mode */ + ESC_UTF8 = 64, + ESC_DCS =128, +}; + +typedef struct { + int mode; + int type; + int snap; + /* + * Selection variables: + * nb – normalized coordinates of the beginning of the selection + * ne – normalized coordinates of the end of the selection + * ob – original coordinates of the beginning of the selection + * oe – original coordinates of the end of the selection + */ + struct { + int x, y; + } nb, ne, ob, oe; + + int alt; +} Selection; + +/* CSI Escape sequence structs */ +/* ESC '[' [[ [<priv>] <arg> [;]] <mode> [<mode>]] */ +typedef struct { + char buf[ESC_BUF_SIZ]; /* raw string */ + size_t len; /* raw string length */ + char priv; + int arg[ESC_ARG_SIZ]; + int narg; /* nb of args */ + char mode[2]; + int carg[ESC_ARG_SIZ][CAR_PER_ARG]; /* colon args */ +} CSIEscape; + +/* STR Escape sequence structs */ +/* ESC type [[ [<priv>] <arg> [;]] <mode>] ESC '\' */ +typedef struct { + char type; /* ESC type ... */ + char *buf; /* allocated raw string */ + size_t siz; /* allocation size */ + size_t len; /* raw string length */ + char *args[STR_ARG_SIZ]; + int narg; /* nb of args */ +} STREscape; + +static void execsh(char *, char **); +static void stty(char **); +static void sigchld(int); +static void ttywriteraw(const char *, size_t); + +static void csidump(void); +static void csihandle(void); +static void readcolonargs(char **, int, int[][CAR_PER_ARG]); +static void csiparse(void); +static void csireset(void); +static int eschandle(uchar); +static void strdump(void); +static void strhandle(void); +static void strparse(void); +static void strreset(void); + +static void tprinter(char *, size_t); +static void tdumpsel(void); +static void tdumpline(int); +static void tdump(void); +static void tclearregion(int, int, int, int); +static void tcursor(int); +static void tdeletechar(int); +static void tdeleteline(int); +static void tinsertblank(int); +static void tinsertblankline(int); +static int tlinelen(int); +static void tmoveto(int, int); +static void tmoveato(int, int); +static void tnewline(int); +static void tputtab(int); +static void tputc(Rune); +static void treset(void); +static void tscrollup(int, int, int); +static void tscrolldown(int, int, int); +static void tsetattr(const int *, int); +static void tsetchar(Rune, const Glyph *, int, int); +static void tsetdirt(int, int); +static void tsetscroll(int, int); +static void tswapscreen(void); +static void tsetmode(int, int, const int *, int); +static int twrite(const char *, int, int); +static void tcontrolcode(uchar ); +static void tdectest(char ); +static void tdefutf8(char); +static int32_t tdefcolor(const int *, int *, int); +static void tdeftran(char); +static void tstrsequence(uchar); +static void selnormalize(void); +static void selscroll(int, int); +static void selsnap(int *, int *, int); + +static size_t utf8decode(const char *, Rune *, size_t); +static Rune utf8decodebyte(char, size_t *); +static char utf8encodebyte(Rune, size_t); +static size_t utf8validate(Rune *, size_t); + +static char *base64dec(const char *); +static char base64dec_getc(const char **); + +static ssize_t xwrite(int, const char *, size_t); + +/* Globals */ +static Selection sel; +static CSIEscape csiescseq; +static STREscape strescseq; +static int iofd = 1; +static int cmdfd; +static int csdfd; +static pid_t pid; +sixel_state_t sixel_st; + +static const uchar utfbyte[UTF_SIZ + 1] = {0x80, 0, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0}; +static const uchar utfmask[UTF_SIZ + 1] = {0xC0, 0x80, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8}; +static const Rune utfmin[UTF_SIZ + 1] = { 0, 0, 0x80, 0x800, 0x10000}; +static const Rune utfmax[UTF_SIZ + 1] = {0x10FFFF, 0x7F, 0x7FF, 0xFFFF, 0x10FFFF}; + + +#include "patch/st_include.h" + +ssize_t +xwrite(int fd, const char *s, size_t len) +{ + size_t aux = len; + ssize_t r; + + while (len > 0) { + r = write(fd, s, len); + if (r < 0) + return r; + len -= r; + s += r; + } + + return aux; +} + +void * +xmalloc(size_t len) +{ + void *p; + + if (!(p = malloc(len))) + die("malloc: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + + return p; +} + +void * +xrealloc(void *p, size_t len) +{ + if ((p = realloc(p, len)) == NULL) + die("realloc: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + + return p; +} + +char * +xstrdup(const char *s) +{ + char *p; + if ((p = strdup(s)) == NULL) + die("strdup: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + + return p; +} + +size_t +utf8decode(const char *c, Rune *u, size_t clen) +{ + size_t i, j, len, type; + Rune udecoded; + + *u = UTF_INVALID; + if (!clen) + return 0; + udecoded = utf8decodebyte(c[0], &len); + if (!BETWEEN(len, 1, UTF_SIZ)) + return 1; + for (i = 1, j = 1; i < clen && j < len; ++i, ++j) { + udecoded = (udecoded << 6) | utf8decodebyte(c[i], &type); + if (type != 0) + return j; + } + if (j < len) + return 0; + *u = udecoded; + utf8validate(u, len); + + return len; +} + +Rune +utf8decodebyte(char c, size_t *i) +{ + for (*i = 0; *i < LEN(utfmask); ++(*i)) + if (((uchar)c & utfmask[*i]) == utfbyte[*i]) + return (uchar)c & ~utfmask[*i]; + + return 0; +} + +size_t +utf8encode(Rune u, char *c) +{ + size_t len, i; + + len = utf8validate(&u, 0); + if (len > UTF_SIZ) + return 0; + + for (i = len - 1; i != 0; --i) { + c[i] = utf8encodebyte(u, 0); + u >>= 6; + } + c[0] = utf8encodebyte(u, len); + + return len; +} + +char +utf8encodebyte(Rune u, size_t i) +{ + return utfbyte[i] | (u & ~utfmask[i]); +} + +size_t +utf8validate(Rune *u, size_t i) +{ + if (!BETWEEN(*u, utfmin[i], utfmax[i]) || BETWEEN(*u, 0xD800, 0xDFFF)) + *u = UTF_INVALID; + for (i = 1; *u > utfmax[i]; ++i) + ; + + return i; +} + +static const char base64_digits[] = { + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62, 0, 0, 0, + 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, + 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, + 22, 23, 24, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, + 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 +}; + +char +base64dec_getc(const char **src) +{ + while (**src && !isprint(**src)) + (*src)++; + return **src ? *((*src)++) : '='; /* emulate padding if string ends */ +} + +char * +base64dec(const char *src) +{ + size_t in_len = strlen(src); + char *result, *dst; + + if (in_len % 4) + in_len += 4 - (in_len % 4); + result = dst = xmalloc(in_len / 4 * 3 + 1); + while (*src) { + int a = base64_digits[(unsigned char) base64dec_getc(&src)]; + int b = base64_digits[(unsigned char) base64dec_getc(&src)]; + int c = base64_digits[(unsigned char) base64dec_getc(&src)]; + int d = base64_digits[(unsigned char) base64dec_getc(&src)]; + + /* invalid input. 'a' can be -1, e.g. if src is "\n" (c-str) */ + if (a == -1 || b == -1) + break; + + *dst++ = (a << 2) | ((b & 0x30) >> 4); + if (c == -1) + break; + *dst++ = ((b & 0x0f) << 4) | ((c & 0x3c) >> 2); + if (d == -1) + break; + *dst++ = ((c & 0x03) << 6) | d; + } + *dst = '\0'; + return result; +} + +void +selinit(void) +{ + sel.mode = SEL_IDLE; + sel.snap = 0; + sel.ob.x = -1; +} + +int +tlinelen(int y) +{ + int i = term.col; + + if (TLINE(y)[i - 1].mode & ATTR_WRAP) + return i; + + while (i > 0 && TLINE(y)[i - 1].u == ' ') + --i; + + return i; +} + + +void +selstart(int col, int row, int snap) +{ + selclear(); + sel.mode = SEL_EMPTY; + sel.type = SEL_REGULAR; + sel.alt = IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN); + sel.snap = snap; + sel.oe.x = sel.ob.x = col; + sel.oe.y = sel.ob.y = row; + selnormalize(); + + if (sel.snap != 0) + sel.mode = SEL_READY; + tsetdirt(sel.nb.y,; +} + +void +selextend(int col, int row, int type, int done) +{ + int oldey, oldex, oldsby, oldsey, oldtype; + + if (sel.mode == SEL_IDLE) + return; + if (done && sel.mode == SEL_EMPTY) { + selclear(); + return; + } + + oldey = sel.oe.y; + oldex = sel.oe.x; + oldsby = sel.nb.y; + oldsey =; + oldtype = sel.type; + + sel.oe.x = col; + sel.oe.y = row; + selnormalize(); + sel.type = type; + + if (oldey != sel.oe.y || oldex != sel.oe.x || oldtype != sel.type || sel.mode == SEL_EMPTY) + tsetdirt(MIN(sel.nb.y, oldsby), MAX(, oldsey)); + + sel.mode = done ? SEL_IDLE : SEL_READY; +} + +void +selnormalize(void) +{ + int i; + + if (sel.type == SEL_REGULAR && sel.ob.y != sel.oe.y) { + sel.nb.x = sel.ob.y < sel.oe.y ? sel.ob.x : sel.oe.x; + = sel.ob.y < sel.oe.y ? sel.oe.x : sel.ob.x; + } else { + sel.nb.x = MIN(sel.ob.x, sel.oe.x); + = MAX(sel.ob.x, sel.oe.x); + } + sel.nb.y = MIN(sel.ob.y, sel.oe.y); + = MAX(sel.ob.y, sel.oe.y); + + selsnap(&sel.nb.x, &sel.nb.y, -1); + selsnap(&, &, +1); + + /* expand selection over line breaks */ + if (sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR) + return; + i = tlinelen(sel.nb.y); + if (i < sel.nb.x) + sel.nb.x = i; + if (tlinelen( <= + = term.col - 1; +} + +int +selected(int x, int y) +{ + if (sel.mode == SEL_EMPTY || sel.ob.x == -1 || + sel.alt != IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)) + return 0; + + if (sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR) + return BETWEEN(y, sel.nb.y, + && BETWEEN(x, sel.nb.x,; + + return BETWEEN(y, sel.nb.y, + && (y != sel.nb.y || x >= sel.nb.x) + && (y != || x <=; +} + +void +selsnap(int *x, int *y, int direction) +{ + int newx, newy, xt, yt; + int delim, prevdelim; + const Glyph *gp, *prevgp; + + switch (sel.snap) { + case SNAP_WORD: + /* + * Snap around if the word wraps around at the end or + * beginning of a line. + */ + prevgp = &TLINE(*y)[*x]; + prevdelim = ISDELIM(prevgp->u); + for (;;) { + newx = *x + direction; + newy = *y; + if (!BETWEEN(newx, 0, term.col - 1)) { + newy += direction; + newx = (newx + term.col) % term.col; + if (!BETWEEN(newy, 0, term.row - 1)) + break; + + if (direction > 0) + yt = *y, xt = *x; + else + yt = newy, xt = newx; + if (!(TLINE(yt)[xt].mode & ATTR_WRAP)) + break; + } + + if (newx >= tlinelen(newy)) + break; + + gp = &TLINE(newy)[newx]; + delim = ISDELIM(gp->u); + if (!(gp->mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) && (delim != prevdelim + || (delim && gp->u != prevgp->u))) + break; + + *x = newx; + *y = newy; + prevgp = gp; + prevdelim = delim; + } + break; + case SNAP_LINE: + /* + * Snap around if the the previous line or the current one + * has set ATTR_WRAP at its end. Then the whole next or + * previous line will be selected. + */ + *x = (direction < 0) ? 0 : term.col - 1; + if (direction < 0) { + for (; *y > 0; *y += direction) { + if (!(TLINE(*y-1)[term.col-1].mode & ATTR_WRAP)) + { + break; + } + } + } else if (direction > 0) { + for (; *y < term.row-1; *y += direction) { + if (!(TLINE(*y)[term.col-1].mode & ATTR_WRAP)) + { + break; + } + } + } + break; + } +} + +char * +getsel(void) +{ + char *str, *ptr; + int y, bufsize, lastx, linelen; + const Glyph *gp, *last; + + if (sel.ob.x == -1) + return NULL; + + bufsize = (term.col+1) * ( * UTF_SIZ; + ptr = str = xmalloc(bufsize); + + /* append every set & selected glyph to the selection */ + for (y = sel.nb.y; y <=; y++) + { + if ((linelen = tlinelen(y)) == 0) { + *ptr++ = '\n'; + continue; + } + + if (sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR) { + gp = &TLINE(y)[sel.nb.x]; + lastx =; + } else { + gp = &TLINE(y)[sel.nb.y == y ? sel.nb.x : 0]; + lastx = ( == y) ? : term.col-1; + } + last = &TLINE(y)[MIN(lastx, linelen-1)]; + while (last >= gp && last->u == ' ') + --last; + + for ( ; gp <= last; ++gp) { + if (gp->mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) + continue; + + ptr += utf8encode(gp->u, ptr); + } + + /* + * Copy and pasting of line endings is inconsistent + * in the inconsistent terminal and GUI world. + * The best solution seems like to produce '\n' when + * something is copied from st and convert '\n' to + * '\r', when something to be pasted is received by + * st. + * FIXME: Fix the computer world. + */ + if ( + (y < || lastx >= linelen) + && (!(last->mode & ATTR_WRAP) || sel.type == SEL_RECTANGULAR)) + *ptr++ = '\n'; + } + *ptr = 0; + return str; +} + +void +selclear(void) +{ + if (sel.ob.x == -1) + return; + sel.mode = SEL_IDLE; + sel.ob.x = -1; + tsetdirt(sel.nb.y,; +} + +void +die(const char *errstr, ...) +{ + va_list ap; + + va_start(ap, errstr); + vfprintf(stderr, errstr, ap); + va_end(ap); + exit(1); +} + +void +execsh(char *cmd, char **args) +{ + char *sh, *prog, *arg; + const struct passwd *pw; + + errno = 0; + if ((pw = getpwuid(getuid())) == NULL) { + if (errno) + die("getpwuid: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + else + die("who are you?\n"); + } + + if ((sh = getenv("SHELL")) == NULL) + sh = (pw->pw_shell[0]) ? pw->pw_shell : cmd; + + if (args) { + prog = args[0]; + arg = NULL; + } else if (scroll) { + prog = scroll; + arg = utmp ? utmp : sh; + } else if (utmp) { + prog = utmp; + arg = NULL; + } else { + prog = sh; + arg = NULL; + } + DEFAULT(args, ((char *[]) {prog, arg, NULL})); + + unsetenv("COLUMNS"); + unsetenv("LINES"); + unsetenv("TERMCAP"); + setenv("LOGNAME", pw->pw_name, 1); + setenv("USER", pw->pw_name, 1); + setenv("SHELL", sh, 1); + setenv("HOME", pw->pw_dir, 1); + setenv("TERM", termname, 1); + + signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); + signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL); + signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); + signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); + signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); + signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); + + execvp(prog, args); + _exit(1); +} + +void +sigchld(int a) +{ + int stat; + pid_t p; + + if ((p = waitpid((extpipeactive ? -1 : pid), &stat, WNOHANG)) < 0) + die("waiting for pid %hd failed: %s\n", pid, strerror(errno)); + + if (pid != p) { + if (!extpipeactive) + return; + + if (p == 0 && wait(&stat) < 0) + die("wait: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + + /* reinstall sigchld handler */ + signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld); + extpipeactive = 0; + return; + } + + close(csdfd); + + if (WIFEXITED(stat) && WEXITSTATUS(stat)) + die("child exited with status %d\n", WEXITSTATUS(stat)); + else if (WIFSIGNALED(stat)) + die("child terminated due to signal %d\n", WTERMSIG(stat)); + _exit(0); +} + +void +stty(char **args) +{ + char cmd[_POSIX_ARG_MAX], **p, *q, *s; + size_t n, siz; + + if ((n = strlen(stty_args)) > sizeof(cmd)-1) + die("incorrect stty parameters\n"); + memcpy(cmd, stty_args, n); + q = cmd + n; + siz = sizeof(cmd) - n; + for (p = args; p && (s = *p); ++p) { + if ((n = strlen(s)) > siz-1) + die("stty parameter length too long\n"); + *q++ = ' '; + memcpy(q, s, n); + q += n; + siz -= n + 1; + } + *q = '\0'; + if (system(cmd) != 0) + perror("Couldn't call stty"); +} + +int +ttynew(const char *line, char *cmd, const char *out, char **args) +{ + int m, s; + struct sigaction sa; + + if (out) { + term.mode |= MODE_PRINT; + iofd = (!strcmp(out, "-")) ? + 1 : open(out, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); + if (iofd < 0) { + fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s:%s\n", + out, strerror(errno)); + } + } + + if (line) { + if ((cmdfd = open(line, O_RDWR)) < 0) + die("open line '%s' failed: %s\n", + line, strerror(errno)); + dup2(cmdfd, 0); + stty(args); + return cmdfd; + } + + /* seems to work fine on linux, openbsd and freebsd */ + if (openpty(&m, &s, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) + die("openpty failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + + switch (pid = fork()) { + case -1: + die("fork failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + break; + case 0: + close(iofd); + close(m); + setsid(); /* create a new process group */ + dup2(s, 0); + dup2(s, 1); + dup2(s, 2); + if (ioctl(s, TIOCSCTTY, NULL) < 0) + die("ioctl TIOCSCTTY failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + close(s); + close(m); + if (s > 2) + close(s); +#ifdef __OpenBSD__ + if (pledge("stdio getpw proc exec", NULL) == -1) + die("pledge\n"); +#endif + execsh(cmd, args); + break; + default: +#ifdef __OpenBSD__ + if (pledge("stdio rpath tty proc", NULL) == -1) + die("pledge\n"); +#endif + close(s); + cmdfd = m; + csdfd = s; + memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); + sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); + sa.sa_handler = sigchld; + sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); + break; + } + return cmdfd; +} + +size_t +ttyread(void) +{ + static char buf[BUFSIZ]; + static int buflen = 0; + int ret, written; + + /* append read bytes to unprocessed bytes */ + ret = twrite_aborted ? 1 : read(cmdfd, buf+buflen, LEN(buf)-buflen); + + switch (ret) { + case 0: + exit(0); + case -1: + die("couldn't read from shell: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + default: + buflen += twrite_aborted ? 0 : ret; + written = twrite(buf, buflen, 0); + buflen -= written; + /* keep any incomplete UTF-8 byte sequence for the next call */ + if (buflen > 0) + memmove(buf, buf + written, buflen); + return ret; + } +} + +void +ttywrite(const char *s, size_t n, int may_echo) +{ + const char *next; + Arg arg = (Arg) { .i = term.scr }; + + kscrolldown(&arg); + + if (may_echo && IS_SET(MODE_ECHO)) + twrite(s, n, 1); + + if (!IS_SET(MODE_CRLF)) { + ttywriteraw(s, n); + return; + } + + /* This is similar to how the kernel handles ONLCR for ttys */ + while (n > 0) { + if (*s == '\r') { + next = s + 1; + ttywriteraw("\r\n", 2); + } else { + next = memchr(s, '\r', n); + DEFAULT(next, s + n); + ttywriteraw(s, next - s); + } + n -= next - s; + s = next; + } +} + +void +ttywriteraw(const char *s, size_t n) +{ + fd_set wfd, rfd; + ssize_t r; + size_t lim = 256; + + /* + * Remember that we are using a pty, which might be a modem line. + * Writing too much will clog the line. That's why we are doing this + * dance. + * FIXME: Migrate the world to Plan 9. + */ + while (n > 0) { + FD_ZERO(&wfd); + FD_ZERO(&rfd); + FD_SET(cmdfd, &wfd); + FD_SET(cmdfd, &rfd); + + /* Check if we can write. */ + if (pselect(cmdfd+1, &rfd, &wfd, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0) { + if (errno == EINTR) + continue; + die("select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + } + if (FD_ISSET(cmdfd, &wfd)) { + /* + * Only write the bytes written by ttywrite() or the + * default of 256. This seems to be a reasonable value + * for a serial line. Bigger values might clog the I/O. + */ + if ((r = write(cmdfd, s, (n < lim)? n : lim)) < 0) + goto write_error; + if (r < n) { + /* + * We weren't able to write out everything. + * This means the buffer is getting full + * again. Empty it. + */ + if (n < lim) + lim = ttyread(); + n -= r; + s += r; + } else { + /* All bytes have been written. */ + break; + } + } + if (FD_ISSET(cmdfd, &rfd)) + lim = ttyread(); + } + return; + +write_error: + die("write error on tty: %s\n", strerror(errno)); +} + +void +ttyresize(int tw, int th) +{ + struct winsize w; + + w.ws_row = term.row; + w.ws_col = term.col; + w.ws_xpixel = tw; + w.ws_ypixel = th; + if (ioctl(cmdfd, TIOCSWINSZ, &w) < 0) + fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set window size: %s\n", strerror(errno)); +} + +void +ttyhangup() +{ + /* Send SIGHUP to shell */ + kill(pid, SIGHUP); +} + +int +tattrset(int attr) +{ + int i, j; + + for (i = 0; i < term.row-1; i++) { + for (j = 0; j < term.col-1; j++) { + if (term.line[i][j].mode & attr) + return 1; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +void +tsetdirt(int top, int bot) +{ + int i; + + LIMIT(top, 0, term.row-1); + LIMIT(bot, 0, term.row-1); + + for (i = top; i <= bot; i++) + term.dirty[i] = 1; +} + +void +tsetdirtattr(int attr) +{ + int i, j; + + for (i = 0; i < term.row-1; i++) { + for (j = 0; j < term.col-1; j++) { + if (term.line[i][j].mode & attr) { + tsetdirt(i, i); + break; + } + } + } +} + +void +tfulldirt(void) +{ + tsync_end(); + tsetdirt(0, term.row-1); +} + +void +tcursor(int mode) +{ + static TCursor c[2]; + int alt = IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN); + + if (mode == CURSOR_SAVE) { + c[alt] = term.c; + } else if (mode == CURSOR_LOAD) { + term.c = c[alt]; + tmoveto(c[alt].x, c[alt].y); + } +} + +void +treset(void) +{ + uint i; + ImageList *im; + + term.c = (TCursor){{ + .mode = ATTR_NULL, + .fg = defaultfg, + .bg = defaultbg + }, .x = 0, .y = 0, .state = CURSOR_DEFAULT}; + + memset(term.tabs, 0, term.col * sizeof(*term.tabs)); + for (i = tabspaces; i < term.col; i += tabspaces) + term.tabs[i] = 1; + = 0; + = term.row - 1; + term.mode = MODE_WRAP|MODE_UTF8; + memset(term.trantbl, CS_USA, sizeof(term.trantbl)); + term.charset = 0; + + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + tmoveto(0, 0); + tcursor(CURSOR_SAVE); + tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1, term.row-1); + tswapscreen(); + } + for (im = term.images; im; im = im->next) + im->should_delete = 1; +} + +void +tnew(int col, int row) +{ + term = (Term){ .c = { .attr = { .fg = defaultfg, .bg = defaultbg } } }; + tresize(col, row); + treset(); +} + +void +tswapscreen(void) +{ + Line *tmp = term.line; + ImageList *im = term.images; + + term.line = term.alt; + term.alt = tmp; + term.images = term.images_alt; + term.images_alt = im; + term.mode ^= MODE_ALTSCREEN; + tfulldirt(); +} + +void +tscrolldown(int orig, int n, int copyhist) +{ + int i; + Line temp; + + LIMIT(n, 0,; + + if (copyhist) { + term.histi = (term.histi - 1 + HISTSIZE) % HISTSIZE; + temp = term.hist[term.histi]; + term.hist[term.histi] = term.line[]; + term.line[] = temp; + } + + tsetdirt(orig,; + tclearregion(0,, term.col-1,; + + for (i =; i >= orig+n; i--) { + temp = term.line[i]; + term.line[i] = term.line[i-n]; + term.line[i-n] = temp; + } + + scroll_images(n); + + if (term.scr == 0) + selscroll(orig, n); +} + +void +tscrollup(int orig, int n, int copyhist) +{ + int i; + Line temp; + + LIMIT(n, 0,; + + if (copyhist) { + term.histi = (term.histi + 1) % HISTSIZE; + temp = term.hist[term.histi]; + term.hist[term.histi] = term.line[orig]; + term.line[orig] = temp; + } + + if (term.scr > 0 && term.scr < HISTSIZE) + term.scr = MIN(term.scr + n, HISTSIZE-1); + + tclearregion(0, orig, term.col-1, orig+n-1); + tsetdirt(orig+n,; + + for (i = orig; i <=; i++) { + temp = term.line[i]; + term.line[i] = term.line[i+n]; + term.line[i+n] = temp; + } + + scroll_images(-1 * n); + + if (term.scr == 0) + selscroll(orig, -n); +} + +void +selscroll(int orig, int n) +{ + if (sel.ob.x == -1) + return; + + if (BETWEEN(sel.nb.y, orig, != BETWEEN(, orig, { + selclear(); + } else if (BETWEEN(sel.nb.y, orig, { + sel.ob.y += n; + sel.oe.y += n; + if (sel.ob.y < || sel.ob.y > || + sel.oe.y < || sel.oe.y > { + selclear(); + } else { + selnormalize(); + } + } +} + +void +tnewline(int first_col) +{ + int y = term.c.y; + + if (y == { + tscrollup(, 1, 1); + } else { + y++; + } + tmoveto(first_col ? 0 : term.c.x, y); +} + +void +readcolonargs(char **p, int cursor, int params[][CAR_PER_ARG]) +{ + int i = 0; + for (; i < CAR_PER_ARG; i++) + params[cursor][i] = -1; + + if (**p != ':') + return; + + char *np = NULL; + i = 0; + + while (**p == ':' && i < CAR_PER_ARG) { + while (**p == ':') + (*p)++; + params[cursor][i] = strtol(*p, &np, 10); + *p = np; + i++; + } +} + +void +csiparse(void) +{ + char *p = csiescseq.buf, *np; + long int v; + + csiescseq.narg = 0; + if (*p == '?') { + csiescseq.priv = 1; + p++; + } + + csiescseq.buf[csiescseq.len] = '\0'; + while (p < csiescseq.buf+csiescseq.len) { + np = NULL; + v = strtol(p, &np, 10); + if (np == p) + v = 0; + if (v == LONG_MAX || v == LONG_MIN) + v = -1; + csiescseq.arg[csiescseq.narg++] = v; + p = np; + readcolonargs(&p, csiescseq.narg-1, csiescseq.carg); + if (*p != ';' || csiescseq.narg == ESC_ARG_SIZ) + break; + p++; + } + csiescseq.mode[0] = *p++; + csiescseq.mode[1] = (p < csiescseq.buf+csiescseq.len) ? *p : '\0'; +} + +/* for absolute user moves, when decom is set */ +void +tmoveato(int x, int y) +{ + tmoveto(x, y + ((term.c.state & CURSOR_ORIGIN) ? 0)); +} + +void +tmoveto(int x, int y) +{ + int miny, maxy; + + if (term.c.state & CURSOR_ORIGIN) { + miny =; + maxy =; + } else { + miny = 0; + maxy = term.row - 1; + } + term.c.state &= ~CURSOR_WRAPNEXT; + term.c.x = LIMIT(x, 0, term.col-1); + term.c.y = LIMIT(y, miny, maxy); +} + +void +tsetchar(Rune u, const Glyph *attr, int x, int y) +{ + static const char *vt100_0[62] = { /* 0x41 - 0x7e */ + "↑", "↓", "→", "←", "█", "▚", "☃", /* A - G */ + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* H - O */ + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* P - W */ + 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, " ", /* X - _ */ + "◆", "▒", "␉", "␌", "␍", "␊", "°", "±", /* ` - g */ + "␤", "␋", "┘", "┐", "┌", "└", "┼", "⎺", /* h - o */ + "⎻", "─", "⎼", "⎽", "├", "┤", "┴", "┬", /* p - w */ + "│", "≤", "≥", "π", "≠", "£", "·", /* x - ~ */ + }; + + /* + * The table is proudly stolen from rxvt. + */ + if (term.trantbl[term.charset] == CS_GRAPHIC0 && + BETWEEN(u, 0x41, 0x7e) && vt100_0[u - 0x41]) + utf8decode(vt100_0[u - 0x41], &u, UTF_SIZ); + + if (term.line[y][x].mode & ATTR_WIDE) { + if (x+1 < term.col) { + term.line[y][x+1].u = ' '; + term.line[y][x+1].mode &= ~ATTR_WDUMMY; + } + } else if (term.line[y][x].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) { + term.line[y][x-1].u = ' '; + term.line[y][x-1].mode &= ~ATTR_WIDE; + } + + term.dirty[y] = 1; + term.line[y][x] = *attr; + term.line[y][x].u = u; + + if (isboxdraw(u)) + term.line[y][x].mode |= ATTR_BOXDRAW; +} + +void +tclearregion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) +{ + int x, y, temp; + Glyph *gp; + + if (x1 > x2) + temp = x1, x1 = x2, x2 = temp; + if (y1 > y2) + temp = y1, y1 = y2, y2 = temp; + + LIMIT(x1, 0, term.maxcol-1); + LIMIT(x2, 0, term.maxcol-1); + LIMIT(y1, 0, term.row-1); + LIMIT(y2, 0, term.row-1); + + for (y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { + term.dirty[y] = 1; + for (x = x1; x <= x2; x++) { + gp = &term.line[y][x]; + if (selected(x, y)) + selclear(); + gp->fg = term.c.attr.fg; + gp->bg =; + gp->mode = 0; + gp->u = ' '; + } + } +} + +void +tdeletechar(int n) +{ + int dst, src, size; + Glyph *line; + + LIMIT(n, 0, term.col - term.c.x); + + dst = term.c.x; + src = term.c.x + n; + size = term.col - src; + line = term.line[term.c.y]; + + memmove(&line[dst], &line[src], size * sizeof(Glyph)); + tclearregion(term.col-n, term.c.y, term.col-1, term.c.y); +} + +void +tinsertblank(int n) +{ + int dst, src, size; + Glyph *line; + + LIMIT(n, 0, term.col - term.c.x); + + dst = term.c.x + n; + src = term.c.x; + size = term.col - dst; + line = term.line[term.c.y]; + + memmove(&line[dst], &line[src], size * sizeof(Glyph)); + tclearregion(src, term.c.y, dst - 1, term.c.y); +} + +void +tinsertblankline(int n) +{ + if (BETWEEN(term.c.y,, + tscrolldown(term.c.y, n, 0); +} + +void +tdeleteline(int n) +{ + if (BETWEEN(term.c.y,, + tscrollup(term.c.y, n, 0); +} + +int32_t +tdefcolor(const int *attr, int *npar, int l) +{ + int32_t idx = -1; + uint r, g, b; + + switch (attr[*npar + 1]) { + case 2: /* direct color in RGB space */ + if (*npar + 4 >= l) { + fprintf(stderr, + "erresc(38): Incorrect number of parameters (%d)\n", + *npar); + break; + } + r = attr[*npar + 2]; + g = attr[*npar + 3]; + b = attr[*npar + 4]; + *npar += 4; + if (!BETWEEN(r, 0, 255) || !BETWEEN(g, 0, 255) || !BETWEEN(b, 0, 255)) + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: bad rgb color (%u,%u,%u)\n", + r, g, b); + else + idx = TRUECOLOR(r, g, b); + break; + case 5: /* indexed color */ + if (*npar + 2 >= l) { + fprintf(stderr, + "erresc(38): Incorrect number of parameters (%d)\n", + *npar); + break; + } + *npar += 2; + if (!BETWEEN(attr[*npar], 0, 255)) + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: bad fgcolor %d\n", attr[*npar]); + else + idx = attr[*npar]; + break; + case 0: /* implemented defined (only foreground) */ + case 1: /* transparent */ + case 3: /* direct color in CMY space */ + case 4: /* direct color in CMYK space */ + default: + fprintf(stderr, + "erresc(38): gfx attr %d unknown\n", attr[*npar]); + break; + } + + return idx; +} + +void +tsetattr(const int *attr, int l) +{ + int i; + int32_t idx; + + for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { + switch (attr[i]) { + case 0: + term.c.attr.mode &= ~( + ATTR_BOLD | + ATTR_FAINT | + ATTR_ITALIC | + ATTR_UNDERLINE | + ATTR_BLINK | + ATTR_REVERSE | + ATTR_INVISIBLE | + ATTR_STRUCK ); + term.c.attr.fg = defaultfg; + = defaultbg; + term.c.attr.ustyle = -1; + term.c.attr.ucolor[0] = -1; + term.c.attr.ucolor[1] = -1; + term.c.attr.ucolor[2] = -1; + break; + case 1: + term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_BOLD; + break; + case 2: + term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_FAINT; + break; + case 3: + term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_ITALIC; + break; + case 4: + term.c.attr.ustyle = csiescseq.carg[i][0]; + + if (term.c.attr.ustyle != 0) + term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_UNDERLINE; + else + term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_UNDERLINE; + + term.c.attr.mode ^= ATTR_DIRTYUNDERLINE; + break; + case 5: /* slow blink */ + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case 6: /* rapid blink */ + term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_BLINK; + break; + case 7: + term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_REVERSE; + break; + case 8: + term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_INVISIBLE; + break; + case 9: + term.c.attr.mode |= ATTR_STRUCK; + break; + case 22: + term.c.attr.mode &= ~(ATTR_BOLD | ATTR_FAINT); + break; + case 23: + term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_ITALIC; + break; + case 24: + term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_UNDERLINE; + break; + case 25: + term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_BLINK; + break; + case 27: + term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_REVERSE; + break; + case 28: + term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_INVISIBLE; + break; + case 29: + term.c.attr.mode &= ~ATTR_STRUCK; + break; + case 38: + if ((idx = tdefcolor(attr, &i, l)) >= 0) + term.c.attr.fg = idx; + break; + case 39: + term.c.attr.fg = defaultfg; + break; + case 48: + if ((idx = tdefcolor(attr, &i, l)) >= 0) + = idx; + break; + case 49: + = defaultbg; + break; + case 58: + term.c.attr.ucolor[0] = csiescseq.carg[i][1]; + term.c.attr.ucolor[1] = csiescseq.carg[i][2]; + term.c.attr.ucolor[2] = csiescseq.carg[i][3]; + term.c.attr.mode ^= ATTR_DIRTYUNDERLINE; + break; + case 59: + term.c.attr.ucolor[0] = -1; + term.c.attr.ucolor[1] = -1; + term.c.attr.ucolor[2] = -1; + term.c.attr.mode ^= ATTR_DIRTYUNDERLINE; + break; + default: + if (BETWEEN(attr[i], 30, 37)) { + term.c.attr.fg = attr[i] - 30; + } else if (BETWEEN(attr[i], 40, 47)) { + = attr[i] - 40; + } else if (BETWEEN(attr[i], 90, 97)) { + term.c.attr.fg = attr[i] - 90 + 8; + } else if (BETWEEN(attr[i], 100, 107)) { + = attr[i] - 100 + 8; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, + "erresc(default): gfx attr %d unknown\n", + attr[i]); + csidump(); + } + break; + } + } +} + +void +tsetscroll(int t, int b) +{ + int temp; + + LIMIT(t, 0, term.row-1); + LIMIT(b, 0, term.row-1); + if (t > b) { + temp = t; + t = b; + b = temp; + } + = t; + = b; +} + +void +tsetmode(int priv, int set, const int *args, int narg) +{ + int alt; + const int *lim; + + for (lim = args + narg; args < lim; ++args) { + if (priv) { + switch (*args) { + case 1: /* DECCKM -- Cursor key */ + xsetmode(set, MODE_APPCURSOR); + break; + case 5: /* DECSCNM -- Reverse video */ + xsetmode(set, MODE_REVERSE); + break; + case 6: /* DECOM -- Origin */ + MODBIT(term.c.state, set, CURSOR_ORIGIN); + tmoveato(0, 0); + break; + case 7: /* DECAWM -- Auto wrap */ + MODBIT(term.mode, set, MODE_WRAP); + break; + case 0: /* Error (IGNORED) */ + case 2: /* DECANM -- ANSI/VT52 (IGNORED) */ + case 3: /* DECCOLM -- Column (IGNORED) */ + case 4: /* DECSCLM -- Scroll (IGNORED) */ + case 8: /* DECARM -- Auto repeat (IGNORED) */ + case 18: /* DECPFF -- Printer feed (IGNORED) */ + case 19: /* DECPEX -- Printer extent (IGNORED) */ + case 42: /* DECNRCM -- National characters (IGNORED) */ + case 12: /* att610 -- Start blinking cursor (IGNORED) */ + break; + case 25: /* DECTCEM -- Text Cursor Enable Mode */ + xsetmode(!set, MODE_HIDE); + break; + case 9: /* X10 mouse compatibility mode */ + xsetpointermotion(0); + xsetmode(0, MODE_MOUSE); + xsetmode(set, MODE_MOUSEX10); + break; + case 1000: /* 1000: report button press */ + xsetpointermotion(0); + xsetmode(0, MODE_MOUSE); + xsetmode(set, MODE_MOUSEBTN); + break; + case 1002: /* 1002: report motion on button press */ + xsetpointermotion(0); + xsetmode(0, MODE_MOUSE); + xsetmode(set, MODE_MOUSEMOTION); + break; + case 1003: /* 1003: enable all mouse motions */ + xsetpointermotion(set); + xsetmode(0, MODE_MOUSE); + xsetmode(set, MODE_MOUSEMANY); + break; + case 1004: /* 1004: send focus events to tty */ + xsetmode(set, MODE_FOCUS); + break; + case 1006: /* 1006: extended reporting mode */ + xsetmode(set, MODE_MOUSESGR); + break; + case 1034: + xsetmode(set, MODE_8BIT); + break; + case 1049: /* swap screen & set/restore cursor as xterm */ + if (!allowaltscreen) + break; + tcursor((set) ? CURSOR_SAVE : CURSOR_LOAD); + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case 47: /* swap screen */ + case 1047: + if (!allowaltscreen) + break; + alt = IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN); + if (alt) { + tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1, + term.row-1); + } + if (set ^ alt) /* set is always 1 or 0 */ + tswapscreen(); + if (*args != 1049) + break; + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case 1048: + tcursor((set) ? CURSOR_SAVE : CURSOR_LOAD); + break; + case 2004: /* 2004: bracketed paste mode */ + xsetmode(set, MODE_BRCKTPASTE); + break; + /* Not implemented mouse modes. See comments there. */ + case 1001: /* mouse highlight mode; can hang the + terminal by design when implemented. */ + case 1005: /* UTF-8 mouse mode; will confuse + applications not supporting UTF-8 + and luit. */ + case 1015: /* urxvt mangled mouse mode; incompatible + and can be mistaken for other control + codes. */ + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, + "erresc: unknown private set/reset mode %d\n", + *args); + break; + } + } else { + switch (*args) { + case 0: /* Error (IGNORED) */ + break; + case 2: + xsetmode(set, MODE_KBDLOCK); + break; + case 4: /* IRM -- Insertion-replacement */ + MODBIT(term.mode, set, MODE_INSERT); + break; + case 12: /* SRM -- Send/Receive */ + MODBIT(term.mode, !set, MODE_ECHO); + break; + case 20: /* LNM -- Linefeed/new line */ + MODBIT(term.mode, set, MODE_CRLF); + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, + "erresc: unknown set/reset mode %d\n", + *args); + break; + } + } + } +} + +void +csihandle(void) +{ + char buf[40]; + int len; + ImageList *im; + + switch (csiescseq.mode[0]) { + default: + unknown: + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: unknown csi "); + csidump(); + /* die(""); */ + break; + case '@': /* ICH -- Insert <n> blank char */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tinsertblank(csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'A': /* CUU -- Cursor <n> Up */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y-csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'B': /* CUD -- Cursor <n> Down */ + case 'e': /* VPR --Cursor <n> Down */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y+csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'i': /* MC -- Media Copy */ + switch (csiescseq.arg[0]) { + case 0: + tdump(); + break; + case 1: + tdumpline(term.c.y); + break; + case 2: + tdumpsel(); + break; + case 4: + term.mode &= ~MODE_PRINT; + break; + case 5: + term.mode |= MODE_PRINT; + break; + } + break; + case 'c': /* DA -- Device Attributes */ + if (csiescseq.arg[0] == 0) + ttywrite(vtiden, strlen(vtiden), 0); + break; + case 'b': /* REP -- if last char is printable print it <n> more times */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + if (term.lastc) + while (csiescseq.arg[0]-- > 0) + tputc(term.lastc); + break; + case 'C': /* CUF -- Cursor <n> Forward */ + case 'a': /* HPR -- Cursor <n> Forward */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tmoveto(term.c.x+csiescseq.arg[0], term.c.y); + break; + case 'D': /* CUB -- Cursor <n> Backward */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tmoveto(term.c.x-csiescseq.arg[0], term.c.y); + break; + case 'E': /* CNL -- Cursor <n> Down and first col */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tmoveto(0, term.c.y+csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'F': /* CPL -- Cursor <n> Up and first col */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tmoveto(0, term.c.y-csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'g': /* TBC -- Tabulation clear */ + switch (csiescseq.arg[0]) { + case 0: /* clear current tab stop */ + term.tabs[term.c.x] = 0; + break; + case 3: /* clear all the tabs */ + memset(term.tabs, 0, term.col * sizeof(*term.tabs)); + break; + default: + goto unknown; + } + break; + case 'G': /* CHA -- Move to <col> */ + case '`': /* HPA */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tmoveto(csiescseq.arg[0]-1, term.c.y); + break; + case 'H': /* CUP -- Move to <row> <col> */ + case 'f': /* HVP */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[1], 1); + tmoveato(csiescseq.arg[1]-1, csiescseq.arg[0]-1); + break; + case 'I': /* CHT -- Cursor Forward Tabulation <n> tab stops */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tputtab(csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'J': /* ED -- Clear screen */ + switch (csiescseq.arg[0]) { + case 0: /* below */ + tclearregion(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.col-1, term.c.y); + if (term.c.y < term.row-1) { + tclearregion(0, term.c.y+1, term.col-1, + term.row-1); + } + break; + case 1: /* above */ + if (term.c.y > 1) + tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1, term.c.y-1); + tclearregion(0, term.c.y, term.c.x, term.c.y); + break; + case 2: /* screen */ + tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1, term.row-1); + break; + case 3: /* all including scrollback */ + tclearregion(0, 0, term.col-1, term.row-1); + + term.scr = 0; + term.histi = 0; + for (int i = 0; i < HISTSIZE; i++) + term.hist[i][0].u = '\0'; + + for (im = term.images; im; im = im->next) + im->should_delete = 1; + break; + default: + goto unknown; + } + break; + case 'K': /* EL -- Clear line */ + switch (csiescseq.arg[0]) { + case 0: /* right */ + tclearregion(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.col-1, + term.c.y); + break; + case 1: /* left */ + tclearregion(0, term.c.y, term.c.x, term.c.y); + break; + case 2: /* all */ + tclearregion(0, term.c.y, term.col-1, term.c.y); + break; + } + break; + case 'S': /* SU -- Scroll <n> line up */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tscrollup(, csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + break; + case 'T': /* SD -- Scroll <n> line down */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tscrolldown(, csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + break; + case 'L': /* IL -- Insert <n> blank lines */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tinsertblankline(csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'l': /* RM -- Reset Mode */ + tsetmode(csiescseq.priv, 0, csiescseq.arg, csiescseq.narg); + break; + case 'M': /* DL -- Delete <n> lines */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tdeleteline(csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'X': /* ECH -- Erase <n> char */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tclearregion(term.c.x, term.c.y, + term.c.x + csiescseq.arg[0] - 1, term.c.y); + break; + case 'P': /* DCH -- Delete <n> char */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tdeletechar(csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'Z': /* CBT -- Cursor Backward Tabulation <n> tab stops */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tputtab(-csiescseq.arg[0]); + break; + case 'd': /* VPA -- Move to <row> */ + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + tmoveato(term.c.x, csiescseq.arg[0]-1); + break; + case 'h': /* SM -- Set terminal mode */ + tsetmode(csiescseq.priv, 1, csiescseq.arg, csiescseq.narg); + break; + case 'm': /* SGR -- Terminal attribute (color) */ + tsetattr(csiescseq.arg, csiescseq.narg); + break; + case 'n': /* DSR – Device Status Report (cursor position) */ + if (csiescseq.arg[0] == 6) { + len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[%i;%iR", + term.c.y+1, term.c.x+1); + ttywrite(buf, len, 0); + } + break; + case 'r': /* DECSTBM -- Set Scrolling Region */ + if (csiescseq.priv) { + goto unknown; + } else { + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[0], 1); + DEFAULT(csiescseq.arg[1], term.row); + tsetscroll(csiescseq.arg[0]-1, csiescseq.arg[1]-1); + tmoveato(0, 0); + } + break; + case 's': /* DECSC -- Save cursor position (ANSI.SYS) */ + tcursor(CURSOR_SAVE); + break; + case 't': /* title stack operations */ + switch (csiescseq.arg[0]) { + case 22: /* pust current title on stack */ + switch (csiescseq.arg[1]) { + case 0: + case 1: + case 2: + xpushtitle(); + break; + default: + goto unknown; + } + break; + case 23: /* pop last title from stack */ + switch (csiescseq.arg[1]) { + case 0: + case 1: + case 2: + xsettitle(NULL, 1); + break; + default: + goto unknown; + } + break; + default: + goto unknown; + } + break; + case 'u': /* DECRC -- Restore cursor position (ANSI.SYS) */ + tcursor(CURSOR_LOAD); + break; + case ' ': + switch (csiescseq.mode[1]) { + case 'q': /* DECSCUSR -- Set Cursor Style */ + if (xsetcursor(csiescseq.arg[0])) + goto unknown; + break; + default: + goto unknown; + } + break; + } +} + +void +csidump(void) +{ + size_t i; + uint c; + + fprintf(stderr, "ESC["); + for (i = 0; i < csiescseq.len; i++) { + c = csiescseq.buf[i] & 0xff; + if (isprint(c)) { + putc(c, stderr); + } else if (c == '\n') { + fprintf(stderr, "(\\n)"); + } else if (c == '\r') { + fprintf(stderr, "(\\r)"); + } else if (c == 0x1b) { + fprintf(stderr, "(\\e)"); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "(%02x)", c); + } + } + putc('\n', stderr); +} + +void +csireset(void) +{ + memset(&csiescseq, 0, sizeof(csiescseq)); +} + +void +strhandle(void) +{ + char *p = NULL, *dec; + int j, narg, par; + ImageList *new_image; + int i; + + term.esc &= ~(ESC_STR_END|ESC_STR); + strparse(); + par = (narg = strescseq.narg) ? atoi(strescseq.args[0]) : 0; + + switch (strescseq.type) { + case ']': /* OSC -- Operating System Command */ + switch (par) { + case 0: + if (narg > 1) { + xsettitle(strescseq.args[1], 0); + xseticontitle(strescseq.args[1]); + } + return; + case 1: + if (narg > 1) + xseticontitle(strescseq.args[1]); + return; + case 2: + if (narg > 1) + xsettitle(strescseq.args[1], 0); + return; + case 52: + if (narg > 2 && allowwindowops) { + dec = base64dec(strescseq.args[2]); + if (dec) { + xsetsel(dec); + xclipcopy(); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: invalid base64\n"); + } + } + return; + case 10: /* foreground set */ + if (narg < 2) + break; + + p = strescseq.args[1]; + if (xsetcolorname(defaultfg, p)) + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: invalid foreground color %d\n", p); + else + redraw(); + break; + return; + case 11: /* background set */ + if (narg < 2) + break; + + p = strescseq.args[1]; + if (xsetcolorname(defaultbg, p)) + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: invalid background color %d\n", p); + else + redraw(); + break; + return; + case 12: /* cursor color */ + if (narg < 2) + break; + + p = strescseq.args[1]; + if (xsetcolorname(defaultcs, p)) + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: invalid cursor color %d\n", p); + else + redraw(); + break; + case 4: /* color set */ + if ((par == 4 && narg < 3) || narg < 2) + break; + p = strescseq.args[((par == 4) ? 2 : 1)]; + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case 104: /* color reset, here p = NULL */ + if (par == 10) + j = defaultfg; + else if (par == 11) + j = defaultbg; + else if (par == 12) + j = defaultcs; + else + j = (narg > 1) ? atoi(strescseq.args[1]) : -1; + + if (xsetcolorname(j, p)) { + if (par == 104 && narg <= 1) + return; /* color reset without parameter */ + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: invalid color j=%d, p=%s\n", + j, p ? p : "(null)"); + } else { + if (j == defaultbg) + xclearwin(); + redraw(); + } + return; + } + break; + case 'k': /* old title set compatibility */ + xsettitle(strescseq.args[0], 0); + return; + case 'P': /* DCS -- Device Control String */ + if (IS_SET(MODE_SIXEL)) { + term.mode &= ~MODE_SIXEL; + new_image = malloc(sizeof(ImageList)); + memset(new_image, 0, sizeof(ImageList)); + new_image->x = term.c.x; + new_image->y = term.c.y; + new_image->width = sixel_st.image.width; + new_image->height = sixel_st.image.height; + new_image->pixels = malloc(new_image->width * new_image->height * 4); + if (sixel_parser_finalize(&sixel_st, new_image->pixels) != 0) { + perror("sixel_parser_finalize() failed"); + sixel_parser_deinit(&sixel_st); + return; + } + sixel_parser_deinit(&sixel_st); + if (term.images) { + ImageList *im; + for (im = term.images; im->next;) + im = im->next; + im->next = new_image; + new_image->prev = im; + } else { + term.images = new_image; + } + for (i = 0; i < (sixel_st.image.height +; ++i) { + int x; + tclearregion(term.c.x, term.c.y, term.c.x+(, term.c.y); + for (x = term.c.x; x < MIN(term.col, term.c.x+(; x++) + term.line[term.c.y][x].mode |= ATTR_SIXEL; + tnewline(1); + } + } + /* */ + if (strstr(strescseq.buf, "=1s") == strescseq.buf) + tsync_begin(); /* BSU */ + else if (strstr(strescseq.buf, "=2s") == strescseq.buf) + tsync_end(); /* ESU */ + return; + case '_': /* APC -- Application Program Command */ + case '^': /* PM -- Privacy Message */ + return; + } + + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: unknown str "); + strdump(); +} + +void +strparse(void) +{ + int c; + char *p = strescseq.buf; + + strescseq.narg = 0; + strescseq.buf[strescseq.len] = '\0'; + + if (*p == '\0') + return; + + while (strescseq.narg < STR_ARG_SIZ) { + strescseq.args[strescseq.narg++] = p; + while ((c = *p) != ';' && c != '\0') + ++p; + if (c == '\0') + return; + *p++ = '\0'; + } +} + +void +strdump(void) +{ + size_t i; + uint c; + + fprintf(stderr, "ESC%c", strescseq.type); + for (i = 0; i < strescseq.len; i++) { + c = strescseq.buf[i] & 0xff; + if (c == '\0') { + putc('\n', stderr); + return; + } else if (isprint(c)) { + putc(c, stderr); + } else if (c == '\n') { + fprintf(stderr, "(\\n)"); + } else if (c == '\r') { + fprintf(stderr, "(\\r)"); + } else if (c == 0x1b) { + fprintf(stderr, "(\\e)"); + } else { + fprintf(stderr, "(%02x)", c); + } + } + fprintf(stderr, "ESC\\\n"); +} + +void +strreset(void) +{ + strescseq = (STREscape){ + .buf = xrealloc(strescseq.buf, STR_BUF_SIZ), + .siz = STR_BUF_SIZ, + }; +} + +void +sendbreak(const Arg *arg) +{ + if (tcsendbreak(cmdfd, 0)) + perror("Error sending break"); +} + +void +tprinter(char *s, size_t len) +{ + if (iofd != -1 && xwrite(iofd, s, len) < 0) { + perror("Error writing to output file"); + close(iofd); + iofd = -1; + } +} + +void +toggleprinter(const Arg *arg) +{ + term.mode ^= MODE_PRINT; +} + +void +printscreen(const Arg *arg) +{ + tdump(); +} + +void +printsel(const Arg *arg) +{ + tdumpsel(); +} + +void +tdumpsel(void) +{ + char *ptr; + + if ((ptr = getsel())) { + tprinter(ptr, strlen(ptr)); + free(ptr); + } +} + +void +tdumpline(int n) +{ + char buf[UTF_SIZ]; + const Glyph *bp, *end; + + bp = &term.line[n][0]; + end = &bp[MIN(tlinelen(n), term.col) - 1]; + if (bp != end || bp->u != ' ') { + for ( ; bp <= end; ++bp) + tprinter(buf, utf8encode(bp->u, buf)); + } + tprinter("\n", 1); +} + +void +tdump(void) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < term.row; ++i) + tdumpline(i); +} + +void +tputtab(int n) +{ + uint x = term.c.x; + + if (n > 0) { + while (x < term.col && n--) + for (++x; x < term.col && !term.tabs[x]; ++x) + /* nothing */ ; + } else if (n < 0) { + while (x > 0 && n++) + for (--x; x > 0 && !term.tabs[x]; --x) + /* nothing */ ; + } + term.c.x = LIMIT(x, 0, term.col-1); +} + +void +tdefutf8(char ascii) +{ + if (ascii == 'G') + term.mode |= MODE_UTF8; + else if (ascii == '@') + term.mode &= ~MODE_UTF8; +} + +void +tdeftran(char ascii) +{ + static char cs[] = "0B"; + static int vcs[] = {CS_GRAPHIC0, CS_USA}; + char *p; + + if ((p = strchr(cs, ascii)) == NULL) { + fprintf(stderr, "esc unhandled charset: ESC ( %c\n", ascii); + } else { + term.trantbl[term.icharset] = vcs[p - cs]; + } +} + +void +tdectest(char c) +{ + int x, y; + + if (c == '8') { /* DEC screen alignment test. */ + for (x = 0; x < term.col; ++x) { + for (y = 0; y < term.row; ++y) + tsetchar('E', &term.c.attr, x, y); + } + } +} + +void +tstrsequence(uchar c) +{ + strreset(); + + switch (c) { + case 0x90: /* DCS -- Device Control String */ + c = 'P'; + term.esc |= ESC_DCS; + break; + case 0x9f: /* APC -- Application Program Command */ + c = '_'; + break; + case 0x9e: /* PM -- Privacy Message */ + c = '^'; + break; + case 0x9d: /* OSC -- Operating System Command */ + c = ']'; + break; + } + strescseq.type = c; + term.esc |= ESC_STR; +} + +void +tcontrolcode(uchar ascii) +{ + switch (ascii) { + case '\t': /* HT */ + tputtab(1); + return; + case '\b': /* BS */ + tmoveto(term.c.x-1, term.c.y); + return; + case '\r': /* CR */ + tmoveto(0, term.c.y); + return; + case '\f': /* LF */ + case '\v': /* VT */ + case '\n': /* LF */ + /* go to first col if the mode is set */ + tnewline(IS_SET(MODE_CRLF)); + return; + case '\a': /* BEL */ + if (term.esc & ESC_STR_END) { + /* backwards compatibility to xterm */ + strhandle(); + } else { + xbell(); + } + break; + case '\033': /* ESC */ + csireset(); + term.esc &= ~(ESC_CSI|ESC_ALTCHARSET|ESC_TEST); + term.esc |= ESC_START; + return; + case '\016': /* SO (LS1 -- Locking shift 1) */ + case '\017': /* SI (LS0 -- Locking shift 0) */ + term.charset = 1 - (ascii - '\016'); + return; + case '\032': /* SUB */ + tsetchar('?', &term.c.attr, term.c.x, term.c.y); + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case '\030': /* CAN */ + csireset(); + break; + case '\005': /* ENQ (IGNORED) */ + case '\000': /* NUL (IGNORED) */ + case '\021': /* XON (IGNORED) */ + case '\023': /* XOFF (IGNORED) */ + case 0177: /* DEL (IGNORED) */ + return; + case 0x80: /* TODO: PAD */ + case 0x81: /* TODO: HOP */ + case 0x82: /* TODO: BPH */ + case 0x83: /* TODO: NBH */ + case 0x84: /* TODO: IND */ + break; + case 0x85: /* NEL -- Next line */ + tnewline(1); /* always go to first col */ + break; + case 0x86: /* TODO: SSA */ + case 0x87: /* TODO: ESA */ + break; + case 0x88: /* HTS -- Horizontal tab stop */ + term.tabs[term.c.x] = 1; + break; + case 0x89: /* TODO: HTJ */ + case 0x8a: /* TODO: VTS */ + case 0x8b: /* TODO: PLD */ + case 0x8c: /* TODO: PLU */ + case 0x8d: /* TODO: RI */ + case 0x8e: /* TODO: SS2 */ + case 0x8f: /* TODO: SS3 */ + case 0x91: /* TODO: PU1 */ + case 0x92: /* TODO: PU2 */ + case 0x93: /* TODO: STS */ + case 0x94: /* TODO: CCH */ + case 0x95: /* TODO: MW */ + case 0x96: /* TODO: SPA */ + case 0x97: /* TODO: EPA */ + case 0x98: /* TODO: SOS */ + case 0x99: /* TODO: SGCI */ + break; + case 0x9a: /* DECID -- Identify Terminal */ + ttywrite(vtiden, strlen(vtiden), 0); + break; + case 0x9b: /* TODO: CSI */ + case 0x9c: /* TODO: ST */ + break; + case 0x90: /* DCS -- Device Control String */ + case 0x9d: /* OSC -- Operating System Command */ + case 0x9e: /* PM -- Privacy Message */ + case 0x9f: /* APC -- Application Program Command */ + tstrsequence(ascii); + return; + } + /* only CAN, SUB, \a and C1 chars interrupt a sequence */ + term.esc &= ~(ESC_STR_END|ESC_STR); +} + +/* + * returns 1 when the sequence is finished and it hasn't to read + * more characters for this sequence, otherwise 0 + */ +int +eschandle(uchar ascii) +{ + switch (ascii) { + case '[': + term.esc |= ESC_CSI; + return 0; + case '#': + term.esc |= ESC_TEST; + return 0; + case '%': + term.esc |= ESC_UTF8; + return 0; + case 'P': /* DCS -- Device Control String */ + term.esc |= ESC_DCS; + case '_': /* APC -- Application Program Command */ + case '^': /* PM -- Privacy Message */ + case ']': /* OSC -- Operating System Command */ + case 'k': /* old title set compatibility */ + tstrsequence(ascii); + return 0; + case 'n': /* LS2 -- Locking shift 2 */ + case 'o': /* LS3 -- Locking shift 3 */ + term.charset = 2 + (ascii - 'n'); + break; + case '(': /* GZD4 -- set primary charset G0 */ + case ')': /* G1D4 -- set secondary charset G1 */ + case '*': /* G2D4 -- set tertiary charset G2 */ + case '+': /* G3D4 -- set quaternary charset G3 */ + term.icharset = ascii - '('; + term.esc |= ESC_ALTCHARSET; + return 0; + case 'D': /* IND -- Linefeed */ + if (term.c.y == { + tscrollup(, 1, 1); + } else { + tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y+1); + } + break; + case 'E': /* NEL -- Next line */ + tnewline(1); /* always go to first col */ + break; + case 'H': /* HTS -- Horizontal tab stop */ + term.tabs[term.c.x] = 1; + break; + case 'M': /* RI -- Reverse index */ + if (term.c.y == { + tscrolldown(, 1, 1); + } else { + tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y-1); + } + break; + case 'Z': /* DECID -- Identify Terminal */ + ttywrite(vtiden, strlen(vtiden), 0); + break; + case 'c': /* RIS -- Reset to initial state */ + treset(); + xfreetitlestack(); + resettitle(); + xloadcols(); + break; + case '=': /* DECPAM -- Application keypad */ + xsetmode(1, MODE_APPKEYPAD); + break; + case '>': /* DECPNM -- Normal keypad */ + xsetmode(0, MODE_APPKEYPAD); + break; + case '7': /* DECSC -- Save Cursor */ + tcursor(CURSOR_SAVE); + break; + case '8': /* DECRC -- Restore Cursor */ + tcursor(CURSOR_LOAD); + break; + case '\\': /* ST -- String Terminator */ + if (term.esc & ESC_STR_END) + strhandle(); + break; + default: + fprintf(stderr, "erresc: unknown sequence ESC 0x%02X '%c'\n", + (uchar) ascii, isprint(ascii)? ascii:'.'); + break; + } + return 1; +} + +void +tputc(Rune u) +{ + char c[UTF_SIZ]; + int control; + int width, len; + Glyph *gp; + + control = ISCONTROL(u); + if (u < 127 || !IS_SET(MODE_UTF8 | MODE_SIXEL)) + { + c[0] = u; + width = len = 1; + } else { + len = utf8encode(u, c); + if (!control && (width = wcwidth(u)) == -1) + width = 1; + } + + if (IS_SET(MODE_PRINT)) + tprinter(c, len); + + /* + * STR sequence must be checked before anything else + * because it uses all following characters until it + * receives a ESC, a SUB, a ST or any other C1 control + * character. + */ + if (term.esc & ESC_STR) { + if (u == '\a' || u == 030 || u == 032 || u == 033 || + ISCONTROLC1(u)) { + term.esc &= ~(ESC_START|ESC_STR|ESC_DCS); + term.esc |= ESC_STR_END; + goto check_control_code; + } + + if (IS_SET(MODE_SIXEL)) { + if (sixel_parser_parse(&sixel_st, (unsigned char *)&u, 1) != 0) + perror("sixel_parser_parse() failed"); + return; + } + if (term.esc & ESC_DCS) + goto check_control_code; + + if (strescseq.len+len >= strescseq.siz) { + /* + * Here is a bug in terminals. If the user never sends + * some code to stop the str or esc command, then st + * will stop responding. But this is better than + * silently failing with unknown characters. At least + * then users will report back. + * + * In the case users ever get fixed, here is the code: + */ + /* + * term.esc = 0; + * strhandle(); + */ + if (strescseq.siz > (SIZE_MAX - UTF_SIZ) / 2) + return; + strescseq.siz *= 2; + strescseq.buf = xrealloc(strescseq.buf, strescseq.siz); + } + + memmove(&strescseq.buf[strescseq.len], c, len); + strescseq.len += len; + return; + } + +check_control_code: + /* + * Actions of control codes must be performed as soon they arrive + * because they can be embedded inside a control sequence, and + * they must not cause conflicts with sequences. + */ + if (control) { + tcontrolcode(u); + /* + * control codes are not shown ever + */ + if (!term.esc) + term.lastc = 0; + return; + } else if (term.esc & ESC_START) { + if (term.esc & ESC_CSI) { + csiescseq.buf[csiescseq.len++] = u; + if (BETWEEN(u, 0x40, 0x7E) + || csiescseq.len >= \ + sizeof(csiescseq.buf)-1) { + term.esc = 0; + csiparse(); + csihandle(); + } + return; + } else if (term.esc & ESC_DCS) { + csiescseq.buf[csiescseq.len++] = u; + if (BETWEEN(u, 0x40, 0x7E) + || csiescseq.len >= \ + sizeof(csiescseq.buf)-1) { + csiparse(); + dcshandle(); + } + return; + } else if (term.esc & ESC_UTF8) { + tdefutf8(u); + } else if (term.esc & ESC_ALTCHARSET) { + tdeftran(u); + } else if (term.esc & ESC_TEST) { + tdectest(u); + } else { + if (!eschandle(u)) + return; + /* sequence already finished */ + } + term.esc = 0; + /* + * All characters which form part of a sequence are not + * printed + */ + return; + } + if (selected(term.c.x, term.c.y)) + selclear(); + + gp = &term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x]; + if (IS_SET(MODE_WRAP) && (term.c.state & CURSOR_WRAPNEXT)) { + gp->mode |= ATTR_WRAP; + tnewline(1); + gp = &term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x]; + } + + if (IS_SET(MODE_INSERT) && term.c.x+width < term.col) + memmove(gp+width, gp, (term.col - term.c.x - width) * sizeof(Glyph)); + + if (term.c.x+width > term.col) { + tnewline(1); + gp = &term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x]; + } + + tsetchar(u, &term.c.attr, term.c.x, term.c.y); + term.lastc = u; + + if (width == 2) { + gp->mode |= ATTR_WIDE; + if (term.c.x+1 < term.col) { + gp[1].u = '\0'; + gp[1].mode = ATTR_WDUMMY; + } + } + if (term.c.x+width < term.col) { + tmoveto(term.c.x+width, term.c.y); + } else { + term.c.state |= CURSOR_WRAPNEXT; + } +} + +int +twrite(const char *buf, int buflen, int show_ctrl) +{ + int charsize; + Rune u; + int n; + + int su0 = su; + twrite_aborted = 0; + + for (n = 0; n < buflen; n += charsize) { + if (IS_SET(MODE_UTF8) && !IS_SET(MODE_SIXEL)) + { + /* process a complete utf8 char */ + charsize = utf8decode(buf + n, &u, buflen - n); + if (charsize == 0) + break; + } else { + u = buf[n] & 0xFF; + charsize = 1; + } + if (su0 && !su) { + twrite_aborted = 1; + break; // ESU - allow rendering before a new BSU + } + if (show_ctrl && ISCONTROL(u)) { + if (u & 0x80) { + u &= 0x7f; + tputc('^'); + tputc('['); + } else if (u != '\n' && u != '\r' && u != '\t') { + u ^= 0x40; + tputc('^'); + } + } + tputc(u); + } + return n; +} + +void +tresize(int col, int row) +{ + int i; + int j; + int tmp = col; + int minrow, mincol; + + if (!term.maxcol) + term.maxcol = term.col; + col = MAX(col, term.maxcol); + minrow = MIN(row, term.row); + mincol = MIN(col, term.maxcol); + int *bp; + TCursor c; + + + if (col < 1 || row < 1) { + fprintf(stderr, + "tresize: error resizing to %dx%d\n", col, row); + return; + } + + + /* + * slide screen to keep cursor where we expect it - + * tscrollup would work here, but we can optimize to + * memmove because we're freeing the earlier lines + */ + for (i = 0; i <= term.c.y - row; i++) { + free(term.line[i]); + free(term.alt[i]); + } + /* ensure that both src and dst are not NULL */ + if (i > 0) { + memmove(term.line, term.line + i, row * sizeof(Line)); + memmove(term.alt, term.alt + i, row * sizeof(Line)); + } + for (i += row; i < term.row; i++) { + free(term.line[i]); + free(term.alt[i]); + } + + /* resize to new height */ + term.line = xrealloc(term.line, row * sizeof(Line)); + term.alt = xrealloc(term.alt, row * sizeof(Line)); + term.dirty = xrealloc(term.dirty, row * sizeof(*term.dirty)); + term.tabs = xrealloc(term.tabs, col * sizeof(*term.tabs)); + + for (i = 0; i < HISTSIZE; i++) { + term.hist[i] = xrealloc(term.hist[i], col * sizeof(Glyph)); + for (j = mincol; j < col; j++) { + term.hist[i][j] = term.c.attr; + term.hist[i][j].u = ' '; + } + } + + /* resize each row to new width, zero-pad if needed */ + for (i = 0; i < minrow; i++) { + term.line[i] = xrealloc(term.line[i], col * sizeof(Glyph)); + term.alt[i] = xrealloc(term.alt[i], col * sizeof(Glyph)); + } + + /* allocate any new rows */ + for (/* i = minrow */; i < row; i++) { + term.line[i] = xmalloc(col * sizeof(Glyph)); + term.alt[i] = xmalloc(col * sizeof(Glyph)); + } + if (col > term.maxcol) + { + bp = term.tabs + term.maxcol; + memset(bp, 0, sizeof(*term.tabs) * (col - term.maxcol)); + + while (--bp > term.tabs && !*bp) + /* nothing */ ; + for (bp += tabspaces; bp < term.tabs + col; bp += tabspaces) + *bp = 1; + } + /* update terminal size */ + term.col = tmp; + term.maxcol = col; + term.row = row; + /* reset scrolling region */ + tsetscroll(0, row-1); + /* make use of the LIMIT in tmoveto */ + tmoveto(term.c.x, term.c.y); + /* Clearing both screens (it makes dirty all lines) */ + c = term.c; + for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { + if (mincol < col && 0 < minrow) { + tclearregion(mincol, 0, col - 1, minrow - 1); + } + if (0 < col && minrow < row) { + tclearregion(0, minrow, col - 1, row - 1); + } + tswapscreen(); + tcursor(CURSOR_LOAD); + } + term.c = c; +} + +void +resettitle(void) +{ + xsettitle(NULL, 0); +} + +void +drawregion(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) +{ + int y; + + for (y = y1; y < y2; y++) { + if (!term.dirty[y]) + continue; + + term.dirty[y] = 0; + xdrawline(TLINE(y), x1, y, x2); + } +} + +#include "patch/st_include.c" + +void +draw(void) +{ + int cx = term.c.x, ocx = term.ocx, ocy = term.ocy; + + if (!xstartdraw()) + return; + + /* adjust cursor position */ + LIMIT(term.ocx, 0, term.col-1); + LIMIT(term.ocy, 0, term.row-1); + if (term.line[term.ocy][term.ocx].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) + term.ocx--; + if (term.line[term.c.y][cx].mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) + cx--; + + + drawregion(0, 0, term.col, term.row); + + if (term.scr == 0) + xdrawcursor(cx, term.c.y, term.line[term.c.y][cx], + term.ocx, term.ocy, term.line[term.ocy][term.ocx], + term.line[term.ocy], term.col); + term.ocx = cx; + term.ocy = term.c.y; + xfinishdraw(); + if (ocx != term.ocx || ocy != term.ocy) + xximspot(term.ocx, term.ocy); +} + +void +redraw(void) +{ + tfulldirt(); + draw(); +} diff --git a/suckless/st/st.desktop b/suckless/st/st.desktop new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14a389a --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/st.desktop @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Name=st +Comment=st is a simple terminal implementation for X +Exec=st +Icon=utilities-terminal +Terminal=false +Type=Application +Categories=System;TerminalEmulator; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/suckless/st/st.h b/suckless/st/st.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc3f12d --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/st.h @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +/* See LICENSE for license details. */ + +#include <stdint.h> +#include <sys/types.h> +#include <X11/Xatom.h> +#include <X11/Xlib.h> +#include <X11/cursorfont.h> +#include <X11/keysym.h> +#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> +#include <X11/XKBlib.h> + +/* macros */ +#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) +#define MAX(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a)) +#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a)[0]) +#define BETWEEN(x, a, b) ((a) <= (x) && (x) <= (b)) +#define DIVCEIL(n, d) (((n) + ((d) - 1)) / (d)) +#define DEFAULT(a, b) (a) = (a) ? (a) : (b) +#define LIMIT(x, a, b) (x) = (x) < (a) ? (a) : (x) > (b) ? (b) : (x) +#define ATTRCMP(a, b) (((a).mode & (~ATTR_WRAP) & (~ATTR_LIGA)) != ((b).mode & (~ATTR_WRAP) & (~ATTR_LIGA)) || \ + (a).fg != (b).fg || \ + (a).bg != (b).bg) +#define TIMEDIFF(t1, t2) ((t1.tv_sec-t2.tv_sec)*1000 + \ + (t1.tv_nsec-t2.tv_nsec)/1E6) +#define MODBIT(x, set, bit) ((set) ? ((x) |= (bit)) : ((x) &= ~(bit))) + +#define TRUECOLOR(r,g,b) (1 << 24 | (r) << 16 | (g) << 8 | (b)) +#define IS_TRUECOL(x) (1 << 24 & (x)) +#define HISTSIZE 2000 + +enum glyph_attribute { + ATTR_NULL = 0, + ATTR_BOLD = 1 << 0, + ATTR_FAINT = 1 << 1, + ATTR_ITALIC = 1 << 2, + ATTR_UNDERLINE = 1 << 3, + ATTR_BLINK = 1 << 4, + ATTR_REVERSE = 1 << 5, + ATTR_INVISIBLE = 1 << 6, + ATTR_STRUCK = 1 << 7, + ATTR_WRAP = 1 << 8, + ATTR_WIDE = 1 << 9, + ATTR_WDUMMY = 1 << 10, + ATTR_BOXDRAW = 1 << 11, + ATTR_LIGA = 1 << 12, + ATTR_SIXEL = 1 << 13, + ATTR_BOLD_FAINT = ATTR_BOLD | ATTR_FAINT, + ATTR_DIRTYUNDERLINE = 1 << 15, +}; + +typedef struct _ImageList { + struct _ImageList *next, *prev; + unsigned char *pixels; + void *pixmap; + int width; + int height; + int x; + int y; + int should_delete; +} ImageList; + +enum drawing_mode { + DRAW_NONE = 0, + DRAW_BG = 1 << 0, + DRAW_FG = 1 << 1, +}; + +enum selection_mode { + SEL_IDLE = 0, + SEL_EMPTY = 1, + SEL_READY = 2 +}; + +enum selection_type { + SEL_REGULAR = 1, + SEL_RECTANGULAR = 2 +}; + +enum selection_snap { + SNAP_WORD = 1, + SNAP_LINE = 2 +}; + +typedef unsigned char uchar; +typedef unsigned int uint; +typedef unsigned long ulong; +typedef unsigned short ushort; + +typedef uint_least32_t Rune; + +typedef XftDraw *Draw; +typedef XftColor Color; +typedef XftGlyphFontSpec GlyphFontSpec; + +#define Glyph Glyph_ +typedef struct { + Rune u; /* character code */ + ushort mode; /* attribute flags */ + uint32_t fg; /* foreground */ + uint32_t bg; /* background */ + int ustyle; /* underline style */ + int ucolor[3]; /* underline color */ +} Glyph; + +typedef Glyph *Line; + +typedef struct { + Glyph attr; /* current char attributes */ + int x; + int y; + char state; +} TCursor; + +/* Internal representation of the screen */ +typedef struct { + int row; /* nb row */ + int col; /* nb col */ + int maxcol; + Line *line; /* screen */ + Line *alt; /* alternate screen */ + Line hist[HISTSIZE]; /* history buffer */ + int histi; /* history index */ + int scr; /* scroll back */ + int *dirty; /* dirtyness of lines */ + TCursor c; /* cursor */ + int ocx; /* old cursor col */ + int ocy; /* old cursor row */ + int top; /* top scroll limit */ + int bot; /* bottom scroll limit */ + int mode; /* terminal mode flags */ + int esc; /* escape state flags */ + char trantbl[4]; /* charset table translation */ + int charset; /* current charset */ + int icharset; /* selected charset for sequence */ + int *tabs; + ImageList *images; /* sixel images */ + ImageList *images_alt; /* sixel images for alternate screen */ + Rune lastc; /* last printed char outside of sequence, 0 if control */ +} Term; + +typedef union { + int i; + uint ui; + float f; + const void *v; + const char *s; +} Arg; + +/* Purely graphic info */ +typedef struct { + int tw, th; /* tty width and height */ + int w, h; /* window width and height */ + int hborderpx, vborderpx; + int ch; /* char height */ + int cw; /* char width */ + int cyo; /* char y offset */ + int mode; /* window state/mode flags */ + int cursor; /* cursor style */ +} TermWindow; + +typedef struct { + Display *dpy; + Colormap cmap; + Window win; + Drawable buf; + GlyphFontSpec *specbuf; /* font spec buffer used for rendering */ + Atom xembed, wmdeletewin, netwmname, netwmiconname, netwmpid; + Atom netwmicon; + struct { + XIM xim; + XIC xic; + XPoint spot; + XVaNestedList spotlist; + } ime; + Draw draw; + Visual *vis; + XSetWindowAttributes attrs; + /* Here, we use the term *pointer* to differentiate the cursor + * one sees when hovering the mouse over the terminal from, e.g., + * a green rectangle where text would be entered. */ + Cursor vpointer, bpointer; /* visible and hidden pointers */ + int pointerisvisible; + int scr; + int isfixed; /* is fixed geometry? */ + int depth; /* bit depth */ + int l, t; /* left and top offset */ + int gm; /* geometry mask */ +} XWindow; + +typedef struct { + Atom xtarget; + char *primary, *clipboard; + struct timespec tclick1; + struct timespec tclick2; +} XSelection; + +/* types used in config.h */ +typedef struct { + uint mod; + KeySym keysym; + void (*func)(const Arg *); + const Arg arg; +} Shortcut; + +typedef struct { + uint mod; + uint button; + void (*func)(const Arg *); + const Arg arg; + uint release; + int altscrn; /* 0: don't care, -1: not alt screen, 1: alt screen */ +} MouseShortcut; + +typedef struct { + KeySym k; + uint mask; + char *s; + /* three-valued logic variables: 0 indifferent, 1 on, -1 off */ + signed char appkey; /* application keypad */ + signed char appcursor; /* application cursor */ +} Key; + +/* Font structure */ +#define Font Font_ +typedef struct { + int height; + int width; + int ascent; + int descent; + int badslant; + int badweight; + short lbearing; + short rbearing; + XftFont *match; + FcFontSet *set; + FcPattern *pattern; +} Font; + +/* Drawing Context */ +typedef struct { + Color *col; + size_t collen; + Font font, bfont, ifont, ibfont; + GC gc; +} DC; + +void die(const char *, ...); +void redraw(void); +void draw(void); +void drawregion(int, int, int, int); +void tfulldirt(void); + +void printscreen(const Arg *); +void printsel(const Arg *); +void sendbreak(const Arg *); +void toggleprinter(const Arg *); + +int tattrset(int); +void tnew(int, int); +void tresize(int, int); +void tsetdirtattr(int); +void ttyhangup(void); +int ttynew(const char *, char *, const char *, char **); +size_t ttyread(void); +void ttyresize(int, int); +void ttywrite(const char *, size_t, int); + +void resettitle(void); + +void selclear(void); +void selinit(void); +void selstart(int, int, int); +void selextend(int, int, int, int); +int selected(int, int); +char *getsel(void); + +size_t utf8encode(Rune, char *); + +void *xmalloc(size_t); +void *xrealloc(void *, size_t); +char *xstrdup(const char *); +int isboxdraw(Rune); +ushort boxdrawindex(const Glyph *); +#ifdef XFT_VERSION +/* only exposed to x.c, otherwise we'll need Xft.h for the types */ +void boxdraw_xinit(Display *, Colormap, XftDraw *, Visual *); +void drawboxes(int, int, int, int, XftColor *, XftColor *, const XftGlyphFontSpec *, int); +#endif // XFT_VERSION + +/* config.h globals */ +extern char *utmp; +extern char *scroll; +extern char *stty_args; +extern char *vtiden; +extern wchar_t *worddelimiters; +extern int allowaltscreen; +extern int allowwindowops; +extern char *termname; +extern unsigned int tabspaces; +extern unsigned int defaultfg; +extern unsigned int defaultbg; +extern unsigned int defaultcs; +extern int extpipeactive; + +extern const int boxdraw, boxdraw_bold, boxdraw_braille; +extern float alpha; + +extern DC dc; +extern XWindow xw; +extern XSelection xsel; +extern TermWindow win; +extern Term term; diff --git a/suckless/st/ b/suckless/st/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..592af9e --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/ @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +st-mono| simpleterm monocolor, +# undercurl patch / UNDERCURL_PATCH + Su, + acsc=+C\,D-A.B0E``aaffgghFiGjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~, + am, + bce, + bel=^G, + blink=\E[5m, + bold=\E[1m, + cbt=\E[Z, + cvvis=\E[?25h, + civis=\E[?25l, + clear=\E[H\E[3J, + cnorm=\E[?12l\E[?25h, + colors#2, + cols#80, + cr=^M, + csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr, + cub=\E[%p1%dD, + cub1=^H, + cud1=^J, + cud=\E[%p1%dB, + cuf1=\E[C, + cuf=\E[%p1%dC, + cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH, + cuu1=\E[A, + cuu=\E[%p1%dA, + dch=\E[%p1%dP, + dch1=\E[P, + dim=\E[2m, + dl=\E[%p1%dM, + dl1=\E[M, + ech=\E[%p1%dX, + ed=\E[J, + el=\E[K, + el1=\E[1K, + enacs=\E)0, + flash=\E[?5h$<80/>\E[?5l, + fsl=^G, + home=\E[H, + hpa=\E[%i%p1%dG, + hs, + ht=^I, + hts=\EH, + ich=\E[%p1%d@, + il1=\E[L, + il=\E[%p1%dL, + ind=^J, + indn=\E[%p1%dS, + invis=\E[8m, + is2=\E[4l\E>\E[?1034l, + it#8, + kel=\E[1;2F, + ked=\E[1;5F, + ka1=\E[1~, + ka3=\E[5~, + kc1=\E[4~, + kc3=\E[6~, + kbs=\177, + kcbt=\E[Z, + kb2=\EOu, + kcub1=\EOD, + kcud1=\EOB, + kcuf1=\EOC, + kcuu1=\EOA, + kDC=\E[3;2~, + kent=\EOM, + kEND=\E[1;2F, + kIC=\E[2;2~, + kNXT=\E[6;2~, + kPRV=\E[5;2~, + kHOM=\E[1;2H, + kLFT=\E[1;2D, + kRIT=\E[1;2C, + kind=\E[1;2B, + kri=\E[1;2A, + kclr=\E[3;5~, + kdl1=\E[3;2~, + kdch1=\E[3~, + kich1=\E[2~, + kend=\E[4~, + kf1=\EOP, + kf2=\EOQ, + kf3=\EOR, + kf4=\EOS, + kf5=\E[15~, + kf6=\E[17~, + kf7=\E[18~, + kf8=\E[19~, + kf9=\E[20~, + kf10=\E[21~, + kf11=\E[23~, + kf12=\E[24~, + kf13=\E[1;2P, + kf14=\E[1;2Q, + kf15=\E[1;2R, + kf16=\E[1;2S, + kf17=\E[15;2~, + kf18=\E[17;2~, + kf19=\E[18;2~, + kf20=\E[19;2~, + kf21=\E[20;2~, + kf22=\E[21;2~, + kf23=\E[23;2~, + kf24=\E[24;2~, + kf25=\E[1;5P, + kf26=\E[1;5Q, + kf27=\E[1;5R, + kf28=\E[1;5S, + kf29=\E[15;5~, + kf30=\E[17;5~, + kf31=\E[18;5~, + kf32=\E[19;5~, + kf33=\E[20;5~, + kf34=\E[21;5~, + kf35=\E[23;5~, + kf36=\E[24;5~, + kf37=\E[1;6P, + kf38=\E[1;6Q, + kf39=\E[1;6R, + kf40=\E[1;6S, + kf41=\E[15;6~, + kf42=\E[17;6~, + kf43=\E[18;6~, + kf44=\E[19;6~, + kf45=\E[20;6~, + kf46=\E[21;6~, + kf47=\E[23;6~, + kf48=\E[24;6~, + kf49=\E[1;3P, + kf50=\E[1;3Q, + kf51=\E[1;3R, + kf52=\E[1;3S, + kf53=\E[15;3~, + kf54=\E[17;3~, + kf55=\E[18;3~, + kf56=\E[19;3~, + kf57=\E[20;3~, + kf58=\E[21;3~, + kf59=\E[23;3~, + kf60=\E[24;3~, + kf61=\E[1;4P, + kf62=\E[1;4Q, + kf63=\E[1;4R, + khome=\E[1~, + kil1=\E[2;5~, + krmir=\E[2;2~, + knp=\E[6~, + kmous=\E[M, + kpp=\E[5~, + lines#24, + mir, + msgr, + npc, + op=\E[39;49m, + pairs#64, + mc0=\E[i, + mc4=\E[4i, + mc5=\E[5i, + rc=\E8, + rev=\E[7m, + ri=\EM, + rin=\E[%p1%dT, + ritm=\E[23m, + rmacs=\E(B, +# CSI 22, 23 patch / CSI_22_23_PATCH +# rmcup=\E[?1049l, + rmcup=\E[?1049l\E[23;0;0t, + rmir=\E[4l, + rmkx=\E[?1l\E>, + rmso=\E[27m, + rmul=\E[24m, + rs1=\Ec, + rs2=\E[4l\E>\E[?1034l, + sc=\E7, + sitm=\E[3m, + sgr0=\E[0m, + smacs=\E(0, +# CSI 22, 23 patch / CSI_22_23_PATCH +# smcup=\E[?1049h, + smcup=\E[?1049h\E[22;0;0t, + smir=\E[4h, + smkx=\E[?1h\E=, + smso=\E[7m, + smul=\E[4m, + tbc=\E[3g, + tsl=\E]0;, + xenl, + vpa=\E[%i%p1%dd, +# XTerm extensions + rmxx=\E[29m, + smxx=\E[9m, +# disabled rep for now: causes some issues with older ncurses versions. +# rep=%p1%c\E[%p2%{1}%-%db, +# tmux extensions, see TERMINFO EXTENSIONS in tmux(1) + Tc, + Ms=\E]52;%p1%s;%p2%s\007, + Se=\E[2 q, + Ss=\E[%p1%d q, +# sync patch / SYNC_PATCH + Sync=\EP=%p1%ds\E\\, + +st| simpleterm, + use=st-mono, + colors#8, + setab=\E[4%p1%dm, + setaf=\E[3%p1%dm, + setb=\E[4%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m, + setf=\E[3%?%p1%{1}%=%t4%e%p1%{3}%=%t6%e%p1%{4}%=%t1%e%p1%{6}%=%t3%e%p1%d%;m, + sgr=%?%p9%t\E(0%e\E(B%;\E[0%?%p6%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;%?%p7%t;8%;m, + +st-256color| simpleterm with 256 colors, + use=st, + ccc, + colors#256, + oc=\E]104\007, + pairs#32767, +# Nicked from xterm-256color + initc=\E]4;%p1%d;rgb\:%p2%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X/%p3%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X/%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X\E\\, + setab=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t4%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t10%p1%{8}%-%d%e48;5;%p1%d%;m, + setaf=\E[%?%p1%{8}%<%t3%p1%d%e%p1%{16}%<%t9%p1%{8}%-%d%e38;5;%p1%d%;m, + +st-meta| simpleterm with meta key, + use=st, + km, + rmm=\E[?1034l, + smm=\E[?1034h, + rs2=\E[4l\E>\E[?1034h, + is2=\E[4l\E>\E[?1034h, + +st-meta-256color| simpleterm with meta key and 256 colors, + use=st-256color, + km, + rmm=\E[?1034l, + smm=\E[?1034h, + rs2=\E[4l\E>\E[?1034h, + is2=\E[4l\E>\E[?1034h, + +st-bs| simpleterm with backspace as backspace, + use=st, + kbs=\010, + kdch1=\177, + +st-bs-256color| simpleterm with backspace as backspace and 256colors, + use=st-256color, + kbs=\010, + kdch1=\177, diff --git a/suckless/st/win.h b/suckless/st/win.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1eff487 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/win.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/* See LICENSE for license details. */ + +enum win_mode { + MODE_VISIBLE = 1 << 0, + MODE_FOCUSED = 1 << 1, + MODE_APPKEYPAD = 1 << 2, + MODE_MOUSEBTN = 1 << 3, + MODE_MOUSEMOTION = 1 << 4, + MODE_REVERSE = 1 << 5, + MODE_KBDLOCK = 1 << 6, + MODE_HIDE = 1 << 7, + MODE_APPCURSOR = 1 << 8, + MODE_MOUSESGR = 1 << 9, + MODE_8BIT = 1 << 10, + MODE_BLINK = 1 << 11, + MODE_FBLINK = 1 << 12, + MODE_FOCUS = 1 << 13, + MODE_MOUSEX10 = 1 << 14, + MODE_MOUSEMANY = 1 << 15, + MODE_BRCKTPASTE = 1 << 16, + MODE_NUMLOCK = 1 << 17, + MODE_MOUSE = MODE_MOUSEBTN|MODE_MOUSEMOTION|MODE_MOUSEX10\ + |MODE_MOUSEMANY, +}; + +void xbell(void); +void xclipcopy(void); +void xdrawcursor(int, int, Glyph, int, int, Glyph, Line, int); +void xdrawline(Line, int, int, int); +void xfinishdraw(void); +void xloadcols(void); +int xsetcolorname(int, const char *); +void xseticontitle(char *); +void xfreetitlestack(void); +void xsettitle(char *, int); +void xpushtitle(void); +int xsetcursor(int); +void xsetmode(int, unsigned int); +void xsetpointermotion(int); +void xsetsel(char *); +int xstartdraw(void); +void xximspot(int, int); +void xclearwin(void); diff --git a/suckless/st/x.c b/suckless/st/x.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97138f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/st/x.c @@ -0,0 +1,2667 @@ +/* See LICENSE for license details. */ +#include <errno.h> +#include <math.h> +#include <limits.h> +#include <locale.h> +#include <signal.h> +#include <sys/select.h> +#include <time.h> +#include <unistd.h> +#include <libgen.h> +#include <X11/Xatom.h> +#include <X11/Xlib.h> +#include <X11/cursorfont.h> +#include <X11/keysym.h> +#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> +#include <X11/XKBlib.h> + +char *argv0; +#include "arg.h" +#include "st.h" +#include "win.h" +#include "hb.h" + +#include <X11/Xcursor/Xcursor.h> + +/* Undercurl slope types */ +enum undercurl_slope_type { + UNDERCURL_SLOPE_ASCENDING = 0, + UNDERCURL_SLOPE_TOP_CAP = 1, + UNDERCURL_SLOPE_DESCENDING = 2, + UNDERCURL_SLOPE_BOTTOM_CAP = 3 +}; + +/* X modifiers */ +#define XK_ANY_MOD UINT_MAX +#define XK_NO_MOD 0 +#define XK_SWITCH_MOD (1<<13|1<<14) + +/* function definitions used in config.h */ +static void clipcopy(const Arg *); +static void clippaste(const Arg *); +static void numlock(const Arg *); +static void selpaste(const Arg *); +static void ttysend(const Arg *); +static void zoom(const Arg *); +static void zoomabs(const Arg *); +static void zoomreset(const Arg *); + +#include "patch/st_include.h" +#include "patch/x_include.h" + +/* config.h for applying patches and the configuration. */ +#include "config.h" + +/* size of title stack */ +#define TITLESTACKSIZE 8 + +/* XEMBED messages */ +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_IN 4 +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_OUT 5 + +/* macros */ +#define IS_SET(flag) ((win.mode & (flag)) != 0) +#define TRUERED(x) (((x) & 0xff0000) >> 8) +#define TRUEGREEN(x) (((x) & 0xff00)) +#define TRUEBLUE(x) (((x) & 0xff) << 8) + +static inline ushort sixd_to_16bit(int); +static int xmakeglyphfontspecs(XftGlyphFontSpec *, const Glyph *, int, int, int); +static void xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *, Glyph, int, int, int, int); +static void xdrawglyph(Glyph, int, int); +static void xclear(int, int, int, int); +static int xgeommasktogravity(int); +static int ximopen(Display *); +static void ximinstantiate(Display *, XPointer, XPointer); +static void ximdestroy(XIM, XPointer, XPointer); +static int xicdestroy(XIC, XPointer, XPointer); +static void xinit(int, int); +static void cresize(int, int); +static void xresize(int, int); +static void xhints(void); +static int xloadcolor(int, const char *, Color *); +static int xloadfont(Font *, FcPattern *); +static void xloadfonts(const char *, double); +static void xunloadfont(Font *); +static void xunloadfonts(void); +static void xsetenv(void); +static void xseturgency(int); +static int evcol(XEvent *); +static int evrow(XEvent *); + +static void expose(XEvent *); +static void visibility(XEvent *); +static void unmap(XEvent *); +static void kpress(XEvent *); +static void cmessage(XEvent *); +static void resize(XEvent *); +static void focus(XEvent *); +static uint buttonmask(uint); +static void brelease(XEvent *); +static void bpress(XEvent *); +static void bmotion(XEvent *); +static void propnotify(XEvent *); +static void selnotify(XEvent *); +static void selclear_(XEvent *); +static void selrequest(XEvent *); +static void setsel(char *, Time); +static int mouseaction(XEvent *, uint); +static void mousesel(XEvent *, int); +static void mousereport(XEvent *); +static char *kmap(KeySym, uint); +static int match(uint, uint); + +static void run(void); +static void usage(void); + +static void (*handler[LASTEvent])(XEvent *) = { + [KeyPress] = kpress, + [ClientMessage] = cmessage, + [ConfigureNotify] = resize, + [VisibilityNotify] = visibility, + [UnmapNotify] = unmap, + [Expose] = expose, + [FocusIn] = focus, + [FocusOut] = focus, + [MotionNotify] = bmotion, + [ButtonPress] = bpress, + [ButtonRelease] = brelease, +/* + * Uncomment if you want the selection to disappear when you select something + * different in another window. + */ +/* [SelectionClear] = selclear_, */ + [SelectionNotify] = selnotify, +/* + * PropertyNotify is only turned on when there is some INCR transfer happening + * for the selection retrieval. + */ + [PropertyNotify] = propnotify, + [SelectionRequest] = selrequest, +}; + +/* Globals */ +Term term; +DC dc; +XWindow xw; +XSelection xsel; +TermWindow win; + +static int tstki; /* title stack index */ +static char *titlestack[TITLESTACKSIZE]; /* title stack */ + +/* Font Ring Cache */ +enum { + FRC_NORMAL, + FRC_ITALIC, + FRC_BOLD, + FRC_ITALICBOLD +}; + +typedef struct { + XftFont *font; + int flags; + Rune unicodep; +} Fontcache; + +/* Fontcache is an array now. A new font will be appended to the array. */ +static Fontcache *frc = NULL; +static int frclen = 0; +static int frccap = 0; +static char *usedfont = NULL; +static double usedfontsize = 0; +static double defaultfontsize = 0; + +static char *opt_alpha = NULL; +static char *opt_class = NULL; +static char **opt_cmd = NULL; +static char *opt_embed = NULL; +static char *opt_font = NULL; +static char *opt_io = NULL; +static char *opt_line = NULL; +static char *opt_name = NULL; +static char *opt_title = NULL; + + +static int oldbutton = 3; /* button event on startup: 3 = release */ +static int cursorblinks = 0; +int borderpx; +static Cursor cursor; +static XColor xmousefg, xmousebg; + +#include "patch/x_include.c" + +void +clipcopy(const Arg *dummy) +{ + Atom clipboard; + + free(xsel.clipboard); + xsel.clipboard = NULL; + + if (xsel.primary != NULL) { + xsel.clipboard = xstrdup(xsel.primary); + clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0); + XSetSelectionOwner(xw.dpy, clipboard,, CurrentTime); + } +} + +void +clippaste(const Arg *dummy) +{ + Atom clipboard; + + clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0); + XConvertSelection(xw.dpy, clipboard, xsel.xtarget, clipboard, +, CurrentTime); +} + +void +numlock(const Arg *dummy) +{ + win.mode ^= MODE_NUMLOCK; +} + +void +selpaste(const Arg *dummy) +{ + XConvertSelection(xw.dpy, XA_PRIMARY, xsel.xtarget, XA_PRIMARY, +, CurrentTime); +} + +void +ttysend(const Arg *arg) +{ + ttywrite(arg->s, strlen(arg->s), 1); +} + +void +zoom(const Arg *arg) +{ + Arg larg; + + larg.f = usedfontsize + arg->f; + zoomabs(&larg); +} + +void +zoomabs(const Arg *arg) +{ + xunloadfonts(); + xloadfonts(usedfont, arg->f); + cresize(0, 0); + redraw(); + xhints(); +} + +void +zoomreset(const Arg *arg) +{ + Arg larg; + + if (defaultfontsize > 0) { + larg.f = defaultfontsize; + zoomabs(&larg); + } +} + +int +evcol(XEvent *e) +{ + int x = e->xbutton.x - win.hborderpx; + LIMIT(x, 0, - 1); + return x /; +} + +int +evrow(XEvent *e) +{ + int y = e->xbutton.y - win.vborderpx; + LIMIT(y, 0, - 1); + return y /; +} + +uint +buttonmask(uint button) +{ + return button == Button1 ? Button1Mask + : button == Button2 ? Button2Mask + : button == Button3 ? Button3Mask + : button == Button4 ? Button4Mask + : button == Button5 ? Button5Mask + : 0; +} + +int +mouseaction(XEvent *e, uint release) +{ + MouseShortcut *ms; + + /* ignore Button<N>mask for Button<N> - it's set on release */ + uint state = e->xbutton.state & ~buttonmask(e->xbutton.button); + + if (tisaltscr()) + for (ms = maltshortcuts; ms < maltshortcuts + LEN(maltshortcuts); ms++) { + if (ms->release == release && + ms->button == e->xbutton.button && + (match(ms->mod, state) || /* exact or forced */ + match(ms->mod, state & ~forcemousemod))) { + ms->func(&(ms->arg)); + return 1; + } + } + else + for (ms = mshortcuts; ms < mshortcuts + LEN(mshortcuts); ms++) { + if (ms->release == release && + ms->button == e->xbutton.button && + (!ms->altscrn || (ms->altscrn == (tisaltscr() ? 1 : -1))) && + (match(ms->mod, state) || /* exact or forced */ + match(ms->mod, state & ~forcemousemod))) { + ms->func(&(ms->arg)); + return 1; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +void +mousesel(XEvent *e, int done) +{ + int type, seltype = SEL_REGULAR; + uint state = e->xbutton.state & ~(Button1Mask | forcemousemod); + + for (type = 1; type < LEN(selmasks); ++type) { + if (match(selmasks[type], state)) { + seltype = type; + break; + } + } + selextend(evcol(e), evrow(e), seltype, done); + if (done) + setsel(getsel(), e->xbutton.time); +} + +void +mousereport(XEvent *e) +{ + int len, x = evcol(e), y = evrow(e), + button = e->xbutton.button, state = e->xbutton.state; + char buf[40]; + static int ox, oy; + + /* from urxvt */ + if (e->xbutton.type == MotionNotify) { + if (x == ox && y == oy) + return; + if (!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMOTION) && !IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMANY)) + return; + /* MOUSE_MOTION: no reporting if no button is pressed */ + if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMOTION) && oldbutton == 3) + return; + + button = oldbutton + 32; + ox = x; + oy = y; + } else { + if (!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSESGR) && e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease) { + button = 3; + } else { + button -= Button1; + if (button >= 7) + button += 128 - 7; + else if (button >= 3) + button += 64 - 3; + } + if (e->xbutton.type == ButtonPress) { + oldbutton = button; + ox = x; + oy = y; + } else if (e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease) { + oldbutton = 3; + /* MODE_MOUSEX10: no button release reporting */ + if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEX10)) + return; + if (button == 64 || button == 65) + return; + } + } + + if (!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEX10)) { + button += ((state & ShiftMask ) ? 4 : 0) + + ((state & Mod4Mask ) ? 8 : 0) + + ((state & ControlMask) ? 16 : 0); + } + + if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSESGR)) { + len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[<%d;%d;%d%c", + button, x+1, y+1, + e->xbutton.type == ButtonRelease ? 'm' : 'M'); + } else if (x < 223 && y < 223) { + len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\033[M%c%c%c", + 32+button, 32+x+1, 32+y+1); + } else { + return; + } + + ttywrite(buf, len, 0); +} + +void +bpress(XEvent *e) +{ + struct timespec now; + int snap; + + if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSE) && !(e->xbutton.state & forcemousemod)) { + mousereport(e); + return; + } + + if (mouseaction(e, 0)) + return; + + if (e->xbutton.button == Button1) { + /* + * If the user clicks below predefined timeouts specific + * snapping behaviour is exposed. + */ + clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); + if (TIMEDIFF(now, xsel.tclick2) <= tripleclicktimeout) { + snap = SNAP_LINE; + } else if (TIMEDIFF(now, xsel.tclick1) <= doubleclicktimeout) { + snap = SNAP_WORD; + } else { + snap = 0; + } + xsel.tclick2 = xsel.tclick1; + xsel.tclick1 = now; + + selstart(evcol(e), evrow(e), snap); + } +} + +void +propnotify(XEvent *e) +{ + XPropertyEvent *xpev; + Atom clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0); + + xpev = &e->xproperty; + if (xpev->state == PropertyNewValue && + (xpev->atom == XA_PRIMARY || + xpev->atom == clipboard)) { + selnotify(e); + } +} + +void +selnotify(XEvent *e) +{ + ulong nitems, ofs, rem; + int format; + uchar *data, *last, *repl; + Atom type, incratom, property = None; + + incratom = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "INCR", 0); + + ofs = 0; + if (e->type == SelectionNotify) + property = e->; + else if (e->type == PropertyNotify) + property = e->xproperty.atom; + + if (property == None) + return; + + do { + if (XGetWindowProperty(xw.dpy,, property, ofs, + BUFSIZ/4, False, AnyPropertyType, + &type, &format, &nitems, &rem, + &data)) { + fprintf(stderr, "Clipboard allocation failed\n"); + return; + } + + if (e->type == PropertyNotify && nitems == 0 && rem == 0) { + /* + * If there is some PropertyNotify with no data, then + * this is the signal of the selection owner that all + * data has been transferred. We won't need to receive + * PropertyNotify events anymore. + */ + MODBIT(xw.attrs.event_mask, 0, PropertyChangeMask); + XChangeWindowAttributes(xw.dpy,, CWEventMask, + &xw.attrs); + } + + if (type == incratom) { + /* + * Activate the PropertyNotify events so we receive + * when the selection owner does send us the next + * chunk of data. + */ + MODBIT(xw.attrs.event_mask, 1, PropertyChangeMask); + XChangeWindowAttributes(xw.dpy,, CWEventMask, + &xw.attrs); + + /* + * Deleting the property is the transfer start signal. + */ + XDeleteProperty(xw.dpy,, (int)property); + continue; + } + + /* + * As seen in getsel: + * Line endings are inconsistent in the terminal and GUI world + * copy and pasting. When receiving some selection data, + * replace all '\n' with '\r'. + * FIXME: Fix the computer world. + */ + repl = data; + last = data + nitems * format / 8; + while ((repl = memchr(repl, '\n', last - repl))) { + *repl++ = '\r'; + } + + if (IS_SET(MODE_BRCKTPASTE) && ofs == 0) + ttywrite("\033[200~", 6, 0); + ttywrite((char *)data, nitems * format / 8, 1); + if (IS_SET(MODE_BRCKTPASTE) && rem == 0) + ttywrite("\033[201~", 6, 0); + XFree(data); + /* number of 32-bit chunks returned */ + ofs += nitems * format / 32; + } while (rem > 0); + + /* + * Deleting the property again tells the selection owner to send the + * next data chunk in the property. + */ + XDeleteProperty(xw.dpy,, (int)property); +} + +void +xclipcopy(void) +{ + clipcopy(NULL); +} + +void +selclear_(XEvent *e) +{ + selclear(); +} + +void +selrequest(XEvent *e) +{ + XSelectionRequestEvent *xsre; + XSelectionEvent xev; + Atom xa_targets, string, clipboard; + char *seltext; + + xsre = (XSelectionRequestEvent *) e; + xev.type = SelectionNotify; + xev.requestor = xsre->requestor; + xev.selection = xsre->selection; + = xsre->target; + xev.time = xsre->time; + if (xsre->property == None) + xsre->property = xsre->target; + + /* reject */ + = None; + + xa_targets = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "TARGETS", 0); + if (xsre->target == xa_targets) { + /* respond with the supported type */ + string = xsel.xtarget; + XChangeProperty(xsre->display, xsre->requestor, xsre->property, + XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, + (uchar *) &string, 1); + = xsre->property; + } else if (xsre->target == xsel.xtarget || xsre->target == XA_STRING) { + /* + * xith XA_STRING non ascii characters may be incorrect in the + * requestor. It is not our problem, use utf8. + */ + clipboard = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "CLIPBOARD", 0); + if (xsre->selection == XA_PRIMARY) { + seltext = xsel.primary; + } else if (xsre->selection == clipboard) { + seltext = xsel.clipboard; + } else { + fprintf(stderr, + "Unhandled clipboard selection 0x%lx\n", + xsre->selection); + return; + } + if (seltext != NULL) { + XChangeProperty(xsre->display, xsre->requestor, + xsre->property, xsre->target, + 8, PropModeReplace, + (uchar *)seltext, strlen(seltext)); + = xsre->property; + } + } + + /* all done, send a notification to the listener */ + if (!XSendEvent(xsre->display, xsre->requestor, 1, 0, (XEvent *) &xev)) + fprintf(stderr, "Error sending SelectionNotify event\n"); +} + +void +setsel(char *str, Time t) +{ + if (!str) + return; + + free(xsel.primary); + xsel.primary = str; + + XSetSelectionOwner(xw.dpy, XA_PRIMARY,, t); + if (XGetSelectionOwner(xw.dpy, XA_PRIMARY) != + selclear(); + + clipcopy(NULL); +} + +void +xsetsel(char *str) +{ + setsel(str, CurrentTime); +} + +void +brelease(XEvent *e) +{ + if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSE) && !(e->xbutton.state & forcemousemod)) { + mousereport(e); + return; + } + + if (mouseaction(e, 1)) + return; + if (e->xbutton.button == Button1) { + mousesel(e, 1); + openUrlOnClick(evcol(e), evrow(e), url_opener); + } +} + +void +bmotion(XEvent *e) +{ + if (!xw.pointerisvisible) { + if (win.mode & MODE_MOUSE) + XUndefineCursor(xw.dpy,; + else + XDefineCursor(xw.dpy,, xw.vpointer); + xw.pointerisvisible = 1; + if (!IS_SET(MODE_MOUSEMANY)) + xsetpointermotion(0); + } + + if (IS_SET(MODE_MOUSE) && !(e->xbutton.state & forcemousemod)) { + mousereport(e); + return; + } + + mousesel(e, 0); +} + +void +cresize(int width, int height) +{ + int col, row; + + if (width != 0) + win.w = width; + if (height != 0) + win.h = height; + + col = (win.w - 2 * borderpx) /; + row = (win.h - 2 * borderpx) /; + col = MAX(1, col); + row = MAX(1, row); + + win.hborderpx = (win.w - col * / 2; + win.vborderpx = (win.h - row * / 2; + + tresize(col, row); + xresize(col, row); + ttyresize(,; +} + +void +xresize(int col, int row) +{ + = col *; + = row *; + + XFreePixmap(xw.dpy, xw.buf); + xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy,, win.w, win.h, + xw.depth + ); + XftDrawChange(xw.draw, xw.buf); + xclear(0, 0, win.w, win.h); + + /* resize to new width */ + xw.specbuf = xrealloc(xw.specbuf, col * sizeof(GlyphFontSpec)); +} + +ushort +sixd_to_16bit(int x) +{ + return x == 0 ? 0 : 0x3737 + 0x2828 * x; +} + +int +xloadcolor(int i, const char *name, Color *ncolor) +{ + XRenderColor color = { .alpha = 0xffff }; + + if (!name) { + if (BETWEEN(i, 16, 255)) { /* 256 color */ + if (i < 6*6*6+16) { /* same colors as xterm */ + = sixd_to_16bit( ((i-16)/36)%6 ); + = sixd_to_16bit( ((i-16)/6) %6 ); + = sixd_to_16bit( ((i-16)/1) %6 ); + } else { /* greyscale */ + = 0x0808 + 0x0a0a * (i - (6*6*6+16)); + = =; + } + return XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, + xw.cmap, &color, ncolor); + } else + name = colorname[i]; + } + + return XftColorAllocName(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, name, ncolor); +} + + + +void +xloadcols(void) +{ + int i; + static int loaded; + Color *cp; + + if (loaded) { + for (cp = dc.col; cp < &dc.col[dc.collen]; ++cp) + XftColorFree(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, cp); + } else { + dc.collen = MAX(LEN(colorname), 256); + dc.col = xmalloc(dc.collen * sizeof(Color)); + } + + for (i = 0; i < dc.collen; i++) + if (!xloadcolor(i, NULL, &dc.col[i])) { + if (colorname[i]) + die("could not allocate color '%s'\n", colorname[i]); + else + die("could not allocate color %d\n", i); + } + /* set alpha value of bg color */ + if (opt_alpha) + alpha = strtof(opt_alpha, NULL); + dc.col[defaultbg].color.alpha = (unsigned short)(0xffff * alpha); + dc.col[defaultbg].pixel &= 0x00FFFFFF; + dc.col[defaultbg].pixel |= (unsigned char)(0xff * alpha) << 24; + loaded = 1; +} + +int +xsetcolorname(int x, const char *name) +{ + Color ncolor; + + if (!BETWEEN(x, 0, dc.collen)) + return 1; + + if (!xloadcolor(x, name, &ncolor)) + return 1; + + XftColorFree(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &dc.col[x]); + dc.col[x] = ncolor; + + /* set alpha value of bg color */ + if (x == defaultbg) { + if (opt_alpha) + alpha = strtof(opt_alpha, NULL); + dc.col[defaultbg].color.alpha = (unsigned short)(0xffff * alpha); + dc.col[defaultbg].pixel &= 0x00FFFFFF; + dc.col[defaultbg].pixel |= (unsigned char)(0xff * alpha) << 24; + } + return 0; +} + +/* + * Absolute coordinates. + */ +void +xclear(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) +{ + Color c; + c = dc.col[IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)? defaultfg : defaultbg]; + if (invertcolors) { + c = invertedcolor(&c); + } + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &c, x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1); +} + +void +xclearwin(void) +{ + xclear(0, 0, win.w, win.h); +} + +void +xhints(void) +{ + XClassHint class = {opt_name ? opt_name : "st", + opt_class ? opt_class : "St"}; + XWMHints wm = {.flags = InputHint, .input = 1}; + XSizeHints *sizeh; + + sizeh = XAllocSizeHints(); + + sizeh->flags = PSize | PResizeInc | PBaseSize | PMinSize; + sizeh->height = win.h; + sizeh->width = win.w; + sizeh->height_inc = 1; + sizeh->width_inc = 1; + sizeh->base_height = 2 * borderpx; + sizeh->base_width = 2 * borderpx; + sizeh->min_height = + 2 * borderpx; + sizeh->min_width = + 2 * borderpx; + if (xw.isfixed) { + sizeh->flags |= PMaxSize; + sizeh->min_width = sizeh->max_width = win.w; + sizeh->min_height = sizeh->max_height = win.h; + } + if ( & (XValue|YValue)) { + sizeh->flags |= USPosition | PWinGravity; + sizeh->x = xw.l; + sizeh->y = xw.t; + sizeh->win_gravity = xgeommasktogravity(; + } + + XSetWMProperties(xw.dpy,, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, sizeh, &wm, + &class); + XFree(sizeh); +} + +int +xgeommasktogravity(int mask) +{ + switch (mask & (XNegative|YNegative)) { + case 0: + return NorthWestGravity; + case XNegative: + return NorthEastGravity; + case YNegative: + return SouthWestGravity; + } + + return SouthEastGravity; +} + +int +ximopen(Display *dpy) +{ + XIMCallback imdestroy = { .client_data = NULL, .callback = ximdestroy }; + XICCallback icdestroy = { .client_data = NULL, .callback = xicdestroy }; + + xw.ime.xim = XOpenIM(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL); + if (xw.ime.xim == NULL) + return 0; + + if (XSetIMValues(xw.ime.xim, XNDestroyCallback, &imdestroy, NULL)) + fprintf(stderr, "XSetIMValues: " + "Could not set XNDestroyCallback.\n"); + + xw.ime.spotlist = XVaCreateNestedList(0, XNSpotLocation, &, + NULL); + + if (xw.ime.xic == NULL) { + xw.ime.xic = XCreateIC(xw.ime.xim, XNInputStyle, + XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing, + XNClientWindow,, + XNDestroyCallback, &icdestroy, + NULL); + } + if (xw.ime.xic == NULL) + fprintf(stderr, "XCreateIC: Could not create input context.\n"); + + return 1; +} + +void +ximinstantiate(Display *dpy, XPointer client, XPointer call) +{ + if (ximopen(dpy)) + XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL, + ximinstantiate, NULL); +} + +void +ximdestroy(XIM xim, XPointer client, XPointer call) +{ + xw.ime.xim = NULL; + XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL, + ximinstantiate, NULL); + XFree(xw.ime.spotlist); +} + +int +xicdestroy(XIC xim, XPointer client, XPointer call) +{ + xw.ime.xic = NULL; + return 1; +} + +int +xloadfont(Font *f, FcPattern *pattern) +{ + FcPattern *configured; + FcPattern *match; + FcResult result; + XGlyphInfo extents; + int wantattr, haveattr; + + /* + * Manually configure instead of calling XftMatchFont + * so that we can use the configured pattern for + * "missing glyph" lookups. + */ + configured = FcPatternDuplicate(pattern); + if (!configured) + return 1; + + FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, configured, FcMatchPattern); + XftDefaultSubstitute(xw.dpy, xw.scr, configured); + + match = FcFontMatch(NULL, configured, &result); + if (!match) { + FcPatternDestroy(configured); + return 1; + } + + if (!(f->match = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy, match))) { + FcPatternDestroy(configured); + FcPatternDestroy(match); + return 1; + } + + if ((XftPatternGetInteger(pattern, "slant", 0, &wantattr) == + XftResultMatch)) { + /* + * Check if xft was unable to find a font with the appropriate + * slant but gave us one anyway. Try to mitigate. + */ + if ((XftPatternGetInteger(f->match->pattern, "slant", 0, + &haveattr) != XftResultMatch) || haveattr < wantattr) { + f->badslant = 1; + fputs("font slant does not match\n", stderr); + } + } + + if ((XftPatternGetInteger(pattern, "weight", 0, &wantattr) == + XftResultMatch)) { + if ((XftPatternGetInteger(f->match->pattern, "weight", 0, + &haveattr) != XftResultMatch) || haveattr != wantattr) { + f->badweight = 1; + fputs("font weight does not match\n", stderr); + } + } + + XftTextExtentsUtf8(xw.dpy, f->match, + (const FcChar8 *) ascii_printable, + strlen(ascii_printable), &extents); + + f->set = NULL; + f->pattern = configured; + + f->ascent = f->match->ascent; + f->descent = f->match->descent; + f->lbearing = 0; + f->rbearing = f->match->max_advance_width; + + f->height = f->ascent + f->descent; + f->width = DIVCEIL(extents.xOff, strlen(ascii_printable)); + + return 0; +} + +void +xloadfonts(const char *fontstr, double fontsize) +{ + FcPattern *pattern; + double fontval; + + if (fontstr[0] == '-') + pattern = XftXlfdParse(fontstr, False, False); + else + pattern = FcNameParse((const FcChar8 *)fontstr); + + if (!pattern) + die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); + + if (fontsize > 1) { + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE); + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SIZE); + FcPatternAddDouble(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, (double)fontsize); + usedfontsize = fontsize; + } else { + if (FcPatternGetDouble(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, 0, &fontval) == + FcResultMatch) { + usedfontsize = fontval; + } else if (FcPatternGetDouble(pattern, FC_SIZE, 0, &fontval) == + FcResultMatch) { + usedfontsize = -1; + } else { + /* + * Default font size is 12, if none given. This is to + * have a known usedfontsize value. + */ + FcPatternAddDouble(pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, 12); + usedfontsize = 12; + } + defaultfontsize = usedfontsize; + } + + if (xloadfont(&dc.font, pattern)) + die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); + + if (usedfontsize < 0) { + FcPatternGetDouble(dc.font.match->pattern, + FC_PIXEL_SIZE, 0, &fontval); + usedfontsize = fontval; + if (fontsize == 0) + defaultfontsize = fontval; + } + + /* Setting character width and height. */ + = ceilf(dc.font.width * cwscale); + = ceilf(dc.font.height * chscale); + win.cyo = ceilf(dc.font.height * (chscale - 1) / 2); + + borderpx = (int) ceilf(((float)borderperc / 100) *; + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SLANT); + FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ITALIC); + if (xloadfont(&dc.ifont, pattern)) + die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); + + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_WEIGHT); + FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD); + if (xloadfont(&dc.ibfont, pattern)) + die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); + + FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_SLANT); + FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ROMAN); + if (xloadfont(&dc.bfont, pattern)) + die("can't open font %s\n", fontstr); + + FcPatternDestroy(pattern); +} + +void +xunloadfont(Font *f) +{ + XftFontClose(xw.dpy, f->match); + FcPatternDestroy(f->pattern); + if (f->set) + FcFontSetDestroy(f->set); +} + +void +xunloadfonts(void) +{ + /* Clear Harfbuzz font cache. */ + hbunloadfonts(); + + /* Free the loaded fonts in the font cache. */ + while (frclen > 0) + XftFontClose(xw.dpy, frc[--frclen].font); + + xunloadfont(&dc.font); + xunloadfont(&dc.bfont); + xunloadfont(&dc.ifont); + xunloadfont(&dc.ibfont); +} + +void +xinit(int cols, int rows) +{ + XGCValues gcvalues; + Pixmap blankpm; + Window parent; + pid_t thispid = getpid(); + XWindowAttributes attr; + XVisualInfo vis; + + if (!(xw.dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) + die("can't open display\n"); + xw.scr = XDefaultScreen(xw.dpy); + + if (!(opt_embed && (parent = strtol(opt_embed, NULL, 0)))) { + parent = XRootWindow(xw.dpy, xw.scr); + xw.depth = 32; + } else { + XGetWindowAttributes(xw.dpy, parent, &attr); + xw.depth = attr.depth; + } + + XMatchVisualInfo(xw.dpy, xw.scr, xw.depth, TrueColor, &vis); + xw.vis = vis.visual; + + /* font */ + if (!FcInit()) + die("could not init fontconfig.\n"); + + usedfont = (opt_font == NULL)? font : opt_font; + xloadfonts(usedfont, 0); + + + /* colors */ + xw.cmap = XCreateColormap(xw.dpy, parent, xw.vis, None); + xloadcols(); + + /* adjust fixed window geometry */ + win.w = 2 * win.hborderpx + cols *; + win.h = 2 * win.vborderpx + rows *; + if ( & XNegative) + xw.l += DisplayWidth(xw.dpy, xw.scr) - win.w - 2; + if ( & YNegative) + xw.t += DisplayHeight(xw.dpy, xw.scr) - win.h - 2; + + /* Events */ + xw.attrs.background_pixel = dc.col[defaultbg].pixel; + xw.attrs.border_pixel = dc.col[defaultbg].pixel; + xw.attrs.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; + xw.attrs.event_mask = FocusChangeMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask + | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask + | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask + ; + xw.attrs.colormap = xw.cmap; + + = XCreateWindow(xw.dpy, parent, xw.l, xw.t, + win.w, win.h, 0, xw.depth, InputOutput, + xw.vis, CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWBitGravity + | CWEventMask | CWColormap, &xw.attrs); + + memset(&gcvalues, 0, sizeof(gcvalues)); + gcvalues.graphics_exposures = False; + + xw.buf = XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy,, win.w, win.h, xw.depth); + dc.gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, xw.buf, GCGraphicsExposures, &gcvalues); + XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, dc.col[defaultbg].pixel); + XFillRectangle(xw.dpy, xw.buf, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, win.h); + + /* font spec buffer */ + xw.specbuf = xmalloc(cols * sizeof(GlyphFontSpec)); + + /* Xft rendering context */ + xw.draw = XftDrawCreate(xw.dpy, xw.buf, xw.vis, xw.cmap); + + /* input methods */ + if (!ximopen(xw.dpy)) { + XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback(xw.dpy, NULL, NULL, NULL, + ximinstantiate, NULL); + } + + /* white cursor, black outline */ + xw.pointerisvisible = 1; + xw.vpointer = XcursorLibraryLoadCursor(xw.dpy, mouseshape); + XDefineCursor(xw.dpy,, xw.vpointer); + + + blankpm = XCreateBitmapFromData(xw.dpy,, &(char){0}, 1, 1); + xw.bpointer = XCreatePixmapCursor(xw.dpy, blankpm, blankpm, + &xmousefg, &xmousebg, 0, 0); + + xw.xembed = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_XEMBED", False); + xw.wmdeletewin = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); + xw.netwmname = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False); + xw.netwmiconname = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_ICON_NAME", False); + XSetWMProtocols(xw.dpy,, &xw.wmdeletewin, 1); + + xw.netwmicon = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_ICON", False); + XChangeProperty(xw.dpy,, xw.netwmicon, XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeReplace, (uchar *)&icon, LEN(icon)); + + xw.netwmpid = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "_NET_WM_PID", False); + XChangeProperty(xw.dpy,, xw.netwmpid, XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeReplace, (uchar *)&thispid, 1); + + win.mode = MODE_NUMLOCK; + resettitle(); + xhints(); + XMapWindow(xw.dpy,; + XSync(xw.dpy, False); + + clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &xsel.tclick1); + clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &xsel.tclick2); + xsel.primary = NULL; + xsel.clipboard = NULL; + xsel.xtarget = XInternAtom(xw.dpy, "UTF8_STRING", 0); + if (xsel.xtarget == None) + xsel.xtarget = XA_STRING; + + boxdraw_xinit(xw.dpy, xw.cmap, xw.draw, xw.vis); +} + +int +xmakeglyphfontspecs(XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, const Glyph *glyphs, int len, int x, int y) +{ + float winx = win.hborderpx + x *, winy = win.vborderpx + y *, xp, yp; + ushort mode, prevmode = USHRT_MAX; + Font *font = &dc.font; + int frcflags = FRC_NORMAL; + float runewidth =; + Rune rune; + FT_UInt glyphidx; + FcResult fcres; + FcPattern *fcpattern, *fontpattern; + FcFontSet *fcsets[] = { NULL }; + FcCharSet *fccharset; + int i, f, numspecs = 0; + + for (i = 0, xp = winx, yp = winy + font->ascent + win.cyo; i < len; ++i) + { + /* Fetch rune and mode for current glyph. */ + rune = glyphs[i].u; + mode = glyphs[i].mode; + + /* Skip dummy wide-character spacing. */ + if (mode & ATTR_WDUMMY) + continue; + + /* Determine font for glyph if different from previous glyph. */ + if (prevmode != mode) { + prevmode = mode; + font = &dc.font; + frcflags = FRC_NORMAL; + runewidth = * ((mode & ATTR_WIDE) ? 2.0f : 1.0f); + if ((mode & ATTR_ITALIC) && (mode & ATTR_BOLD)) { + font = &dc.ibfont; + frcflags = FRC_ITALICBOLD; + } else if (mode & ATTR_ITALIC) { + font = &dc.ifont; + frcflags = FRC_ITALIC; + } else if (mode & ATTR_BOLD) { + font = &dc.bfont; + frcflags = FRC_BOLD; + } + yp = winy + font->ascent + win.cyo; + } + + if (mode & ATTR_BOXDRAW) { + /* minor shoehorning: boxdraw uses only this ushort */ + glyphidx = boxdrawindex(&glyphs[i]); + } else { + /* Lookup character index with default font. */ + glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, font->match, rune); + } + if (glyphidx) { + specs[numspecs].font = font->match; + specs[numspecs].glyph = glyphidx; + specs[numspecs].x = (short)xp; + specs[numspecs].y = (short)yp; + xp += runewidth; + numspecs++; + continue; + } + + /* Fallback on font cache, search the font cache for match. */ + for (f = 0; f < frclen; f++) { + glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, frc[f].font, rune); + /* Everything correct. */ + if (glyphidx && frc[f].flags == frcflags) + break; + /* We got a default font for a not found glyph. */ + if (!glyphidx && frc[f].flags == frcflags + && frc[f].unicodep == rune) { + break; + } + } + + /* Nothing was found. Use fontconfig to find matching font. */ + if (f >= frclen) { + if (!font->set) + font->set = FcFontSort(0, font->pattern, + 1, 0, &fcres); + fcsets[0] = font->set; + + /* + * Nothing was found in the cache. Now use + * some dozen of Fontconfig calls to get the + * font for one single character. + * + * Xft and fontconfig are design failures. + */ + fcpattern = FcPatternDuplicate(font->pattern); + fccharset = FcCharSetCreate(); + + FcCharSetAddChar(fccharset, rune); + FcPatternAddCharSet(fcpattern, FC_CHARSET, + fccharset); + FcPatternAddBool(fcpattern, FC_SCALABLE, 1); + + FcConfigSubstitute(0, fcpattern, + FcMatchPattern); + FcDefaultSubstitute(fcpattern); + + fontpattern = FcFontSetMatch(0, fcsets, 1, + fcpattern, &fcres); + + /* Allocate memory for the new cache entry. */ + if (frclen >= frccap) { + frccap += 16; + frc = xrealloc(frc, frccap * sizeof(Fontcache)); + } + + frc[frclen].font = XftFontOpenPattern(xw.dpy, + fontpattern); + if (!frc[frclen].font) + die("XftFontOpenPattern failed seeking fallback font: %s\n", + strerror(errno)); + frc[frclen].flags = frcflags; + frc[frclen].unicodep = rune; + + glyphidx = XftCharIndex(xw.dpy, frc[frclen].font, rune); + + f = frclen; + frclen++; + + FcPatternDestroy(fcpattern); + FcCharSetDestroy(fccharset); + } + + specs[numspecs].font = frc[f].font; + specs[numspecs].glyph = glyphidx; + specs[numspecs].x = (short)xp; + specs[numspecs].y = (short)yp; + xp += runewidth; + numspecs++; + } + + /* Harfbuzz transformation for ligatures. */ + hbtransform(specs, glyphs, len, x, y); + + return numspecs; +} + +static int isSlopeRising (int x, int iPoint, int waveWidth) +{ + // . . . . + // / \ / \ / \ / \ + // / \ / \ / \ / \ + // . . . . . + + // Find absolute `x` of point + x += iPoint * (waveWidth/2); + + // Find index of absolute wave + int absSlope = x / ((float)waveWidth/2); + + return (absSlope % 2); +} + +static int getSlope (int x, int iPoint, int waveWidth) +{ + // Sizes: Caps are half width of slopes + // 1_2 1_2 1_2 1_2 + // / \ / \ / \ / \ + // / \ / \ / \ / \ + // 0 3_0 3_0 3_0 3_ + // <2-> <1> <---6----> + + // Find type of first point + int firstType; + x -= (x / waveWidth) * waveWidth; + if (x < (waveWidth * (2.f/6.f))) + firstType = UNDERCURL_SLOPE_ASCENDING; + else if (x < (waveWidth * (3.f/6.f))) + firstType = UNDERCURL_SLOPE_TOP_CAP; + else if (x < (waveWidth * (5.f/6.f))) + firstType = UNDERCURL_SLOPE_DESCENDING; + else + firstType = UNDERCURL_SLOPE_BOTTOM_CAP; + + // Find type of given point + int pointType = (iPoint % 4); + pointType += firstType; + pointType %= 4; + + return pointType; +} + +void +xdrawglyphfontspecs(const XftGlyphFontSpec *specs, Glyph base, int len, int x, int y, int dmode) +{ + int charlen = len * ((base.mode & ATTR_WIDE) ? 2 : 1); + int winx = win.hborderpx + x *, winy = win.vborderpx + y *; + int width = charlen *; + Color *fg, *bg, *temp, revfg, revbg, truefg, truebg; + XRenderColor colfg, colbg; + + /* Fallback on color display for attributes not supported by the font */ + if (base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC && base.mode & ATTR_BOLD) { + if (dc.ibfont.badslant || dc.ibfont.badweight) + base.fg = defaultattr; + } else if ((base.mode & ATTR_ITALIC && dc.ifont.badslant) || + (base.mode & ATTR_BOLD && dc.bfont.badweight)) { + base.fg = defaultattr; + } + + if (IS_TRUECOL(base.fg)) { + colfg.alpha = 0xffff; + = TRUERED(base.fg); + = TRUEGREEN(base.fg); + = TRUEBLUE(base.fg); + XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, &truefg); + fg = &truefg; + } else { + fg = &dc.col[base.fg]; + } + + if (IS_TRUECOL( { + colbg.alpha = 0xffff; + = TRUEGREEN(; + = TRUERED(; + = TRUEBLUE(; + XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colbg, &truebg); + bg = &truebg; + } else { + bg = &dc.col[]; + } + + + if (IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)) { + if (fg == &dc.col[defaultfg]) { + fg = &dc.col[defaultbg]; + } else { + = ~fg->; + = ~fg->; + = ~fg->; + colfg.alpha = fg->color.alpha; + XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, + &revfg); + fg = &revfg; + } + + if (bg == &dc.col[defaultbg]) { + bg = &dc.col[defaultfg]; + } else { + = ~bg->; + = ~bg->; + = ~bg->; + colbg.alpha = bg->color.alpha; + XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colbg, + &revbg); + bg = &revbg; + } + } + + if ((base.mode & ATTR_BOLD_FAINT) == ATTR_FAINT) { + = fg-> / 2; + = fg-> / 2; + = fg-> / 2; + colfg.alpha = fg->color.alpha; + XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colfg, &revfg); + fg = &revfg; + } + + if (base.mode & ATTR_REVERSE) { + if (bg == fg) { + bg = &dc.col[defaultfg]; + fg = &dc.col[defaultbg]; + } else { + temp = fg; + fg = bg; + bg = temp; + } + } + + if (base.mode & ATTR_BLINK && win.mode & MODE_BLINK) + fg = bg; + + if (base.mode & ATTR_INVISIBLE) + fg = bg; + + if (invertcolors) { + revfg = invertedcolor(fg); + revbg = invertedcolor(bg); + fg = &revfg; + bg = &revbg; + } + + + if (dmode & DRAW_BG) { + /* Intelligent cleaning up of the borders. */ + if (x == 0) { + xclear(0, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, win.vborderpx, + winy + + + ((winy + >= win.vborderpx + win.h : 0)); + } + if (winx + width >= win.hborderpx + { + xclear(winx + width, (y == 0)? 0 : winy, win.w, + ((winy + >= win.vborderpx + win.h : (winy +; + } + if (y == 0) + xclear(winx, 0, winx + width, win.hborderpx); + if (winy + >= win.vborderpx + + xclear(winx, winy +, winx + width, win.h); + + /* Clean up the region we want to draw to. */ + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, bg, winx, winy, width,; + } + + + if (dmode & DRAW_FG) { + if (base.mode & ATTR_BOXDRAW) { + drawboxes(winx, winy, width / len,, fg, bg, specs, len); + } else { + /* Render the glyphs. */ + XftDrawGlyphFontSpec(xw.draw, fg, specs, len); + } + + /* Render underline and strikethrough. */ + if (base.mode & ATTR_UNDERLINE) { + // Underline Color + const int widthThreshold = 28; // +1 width every widthThreshold px of font + int wlw = ( / widthThreshold) + 1; // Wave Line Width + int linecolor; + if ((base.ucolor[0] >= 0) && + !(base.mode & ATTR_BLINK && win.mode & MODE_BLINK) && + !(base.mode & ATTR_INVISIBLE) + ) { + // Special color for underline + // Index + if (base.ucolor[1] < 0) { + linecolor = dc.col[base.ucolor[0]].pixel; + } + // RGB + else { + XColor lcolor; + = base.ucolor[0] * 257; + = base.ucolor[1] * 257; + = base.ucolor[2] * 257; + lcolor.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue; + XAllocColor(xw.dpy, xw.cmap, &lcolor); + linecolor = lcolor.pixel; + } + } else { + // Foreground color for underline + linecolor = fg->pixel; + } + + XGCValues ugcv = { + .foreground = linecolor, + .line_width = wlw, + .line_style = LineSolid, + .cap_style = CapNotLast + }; + + GC ugc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy, XftDrawDrawable(xw.draw), + GCForeground | GCLineWidth | GCLineStyle | GCCapStyle, + &ugcv); + + // Underline Style + if (base.ustyle != 3) { + //XftDrawRect(xw.draw, fg, winx, winy + dc.font.ascent + 1, width, 1); + XFillRectangle(xw.dpy, XftDrawDrawable(xw.draw), ugc, winx, + winy + dc.font.ascent + 1, width, wlw); + } else if (base.ustyle == 3) { + int ww =;//width; + int wh = dc.font.descent - wlw/2 - 1;//r.height/7; + int wx = winx; + int wy = winy + - dc.font.descent; + wy -= win.cyo; + +#if UNDERCURL_STYLE == UNDERCURL_CURLY + // Draw waves + int narcs = charlen * 2 + 1; + XArc *arcs = xmalloc(sizeof(XArc) * narcs); + + int i = 0; + for (i = 0; i < charlen-1; i++) { + arcs[i*2] = (XArc) { + .x = wx + * i + ww / 4, + .y = wy, + .width = / 2, + .height = wh, + .angle1 = 0, + .angle2 = 180 * 64 + }; + arcs[i*2+1] = (XArc) { + .x = wx + * i + ww * 0.75, + .y = wy, + .width =, + .height = wh, + .angle1 = 180 * 64, + .angle2 = 180 * 64 + }; + } + // Last wave + arcs[i*2] = (XArc) {wx + ww * i + ww / 4, wy, ww / 2, wh, + 0, 180 * 64 }; + // Last wave tail + arcs[i*2+1] = (XArc) {wx + ww * i + ww * 0.75, wy, ceil(ww / 2.), + wh, 180 * 64, 90 * 64}; + // First wave tail + i++; + arcs[i*2] = (XArc) {wx - ww/4 - 1, wy, ceil(ww / 2.), wh, 270 * 64, + 90 * 64 }; + + XDrawArcs(xw.dpy, XftDrawDrawable(xw.draw), ugc, arcs, narcs); + + free(arcs); +#elif UNDERCURL_STYLE == UNDERCURL_SPIKY + // Make the underline corridor larger + /* + wy -= wh; + */ + wh *= 2; + + // Set the angle of the slope to 45° + ww = wh; + + // Position of wave is independent of word, it's absolute + wx = (wx / (ww/2)) * (ww/2); + + int marginStart = winx - wx; + + // Calculate number of points with floating precision + float n = width; // Width of word in pixels + n = (n / ww) * 2; // Number of slopes (/ or \) + n += 2; // Add two last points + int npoints = n; // Convert to int + + // Total length of underline + float waveLength = 0; + + if (npoints >= 3) { + // We add an aditional slot in case we use a bonus point + XPoint *points = xmalloc(sizeof(XPoint) * (npoints + 1)); + + // First point (Starts with the word bounds) + points[0] = (XPoint) { + .x = wx + marginStart, + .y = (isSlopeRising(wx, 0, ww)) + ? (wy - marginStart + ww/2.f) + : (wy + marginStart) + }; + + // Second point (Goes back to the absolute point coordinates) + points[1] = (XPoint) { + .x = (ww/2.f) - marginStart, + .y = (isSlopeRising(wx, 1, ww)) + ? (ww/2.f - marginStart) + : (-ww/2.f + marginStart) + }; + waveLength += (ww/2.f) - marginStart; + + // The rest of the points + for (int i = 2; i < npoints-1; i++) { + points[i] = (XPoint) { + .x = ww/2, + .y = (isSlopeRising(wx, i, ww)) + ? wh/2 + : -wh/2 + }; + waveLength += ww/2; + } + + // Last point + points[npoints-1] = (XPoint) { + .x = ww/2, + .y = (isSlopeRising(wx, npoints-1, ww)) + ? wh/2 + : -wh/2 + }; + waveLength += ww/2; + + // End + if (waveLength < width) { // Add a bonus point? + int marginEnd = width - waveLength; + points[npoints] = (XPoint) { + .x = marginEnd, + .y = (isSlopeRising(wx, npoints, ww)) + ? (marginEnd) + : (-marginEnd) + }; + + npoints++; + } else if (waveLength > width) { // Is last point too far? + int marginEnd = waveLength - width; + points[npoints-1].x -= marginEnd; + if (isSlopeRising(wx, npoints-1, ww)) + points[npoints-1].y -= (marginEnd); + else + points[npoints-1].y += (marginEnd); + } + + // Draw the lines + XDrawLines(xw.dpy, XftDrawDrawable(xw.draw), ugc, points, npoints, + CoordModePrevious); + + // Draw a second underline with an offset of 1 pixel + if ( (( / (widthThreshold/2)) % 2)) { + points[0].x++; + + XDrawLines(xw.dpy, XftDrawDrawable(xw.draw), ugc, points, + npoints, CoordModePrevious); + } + + // Free resources + free(points); + } +#else // UNDERCURL_CAPPED + // Cap is half of wave width + float capRatio = 0.5f; + + // Make the underline corridor larger + wh *= 2; + + // Set the angle of the slope to 45° + ww = wh; + ww *= 1 + capRatio; // Add a bit of width for the cap + + // Position of wave is independent of word, it's absolute + wx = (wx / ww) * ww; + + float marginStart; + switch(getSlope(winx, 0, ww)) { + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_ASCENDING: + marginStart = winx - wx; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_TOP_CAP: + marginStart = winx - (wx + (ww * (2.f/6.f))); + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_DESCENDING: + marginStart = winx - (wx + (ww * (3.f/6.f))); + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_BOTTOM_CAP: + marginStart = winx - (wx + (ww * (5.f/6.f))); + break; + } + + // Calculate number of points with floating precision + float n = width; // Width of word in pixels + // ._. + n = (n / ww) * 4; // Number of points (./ \.) + n += 2; // Add two last points + int npoints = n; // Convert to int + + // Position of the pen to draw the lines + float penX = 0; + float penY = 0; + + if (npoints >= 3) { + XPoint *points = xmalloc(sizeof(XPoint) * (npoints + 1)); + + // First point (Starts with the word bounds) + penX = winx; + switch (getSlope(winx, 0, ww)) { + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_ASCENDING: + penY = wy + wh/2.f - marginStart; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_TOP_CAP: + penY = wy; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_DESCENDING: + penY = wy + marginStart; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_BOTTOM_CAP: + penY = wy + wh/2.f; + break; + } + points[0].x = penX; + points[0].y = penY; + + // Second point (Goes back to the absolute point coordinates) + switch (getSlope(winx, 1, ww)) { + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_ASCENDING: + penX += ww * (1.f/6.f) - marginStart; + penY += 0; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_TOP_CAP: + penX += ww * (2.f/6.f) - marginStart; + penY += -wh/2.f + marginStart; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_DESCENDING: + penX += ww * (1.f/6.f) - marginStart; + penY += 0; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_BOTTOM_CAP: + penX += ww * (2.f/6.f) - marginStart; + penY += -marginStart + wh/2.f; + break; + } + points[1].x = penX; + points[1].y = penY; + + // The rest of the points + for (int i = 2; i < npoints; i++) { + switch (getSlope(winx, i, ww)) { + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_ASCENDING: + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_DESCENDING: + penX += ww * (1.f/6.f); + penY += 0; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_TOP_CAP: + penX += ww * (2.f/6.f); + penY += -wh / 2.f; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_BOTTOM_CAP: + penX += ww * (2.f/6.f); + penY += wh / 2.f; + break; + } + points[i].x = penX; + points[i].y = penY; + } + + // End + float waveLength = penX - winx; + if (waveLength < width) { // Add a bonus point? + int marginEnd = width - waveLength; + penX += marginEnd; + switch(getSlope(winx, npoints, ww)) { + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_ASCENDING: + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_DESCENDING: + //penY += 0; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_TOP_CAP: + penY += -marginEnd; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_BOTTOM_CAP: + penY += marginEnd; + break; + } + + points[npoints].x = penX; + points[npoints].y = penY; + + npoints++; + } else if (waveLength > width) { // Is last point too far? + int marginEnd = waveLength - width; + points[npoints-1].x -= marginEnd; + switch(getSlope(winx, npoints-1, ww)) { + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_TOP_CAP: + points[npoints-1].y += marginEnd; + break; + case UNDERCURL_SLOPE_BOTTOM_CAP: + points[npoints-1].y -= marginEnd; + break; + default: + break; + } + } + + // Draw the lines + XDrawLines(xw.dpy, XftDrawDrawable(xw.draw), ugc, points, npoints, + CoordModeOrigin); + + // Draw a second underline with an offset of 1 pixel + if ( (( / (widthThreshold/2)) % 2)) { + for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) + points[i].x++; + + XDrawLines(xw.dpy, XftDrawDrawable(xw.draw), ugc, points, + npoints, CoordModeOrigin); + } + + // Free resources + free(points); + } +#endif + } + + XFreeGC(xw.dpy, ugc); + } + + if (base.mode & ATTR_STRUCK) { + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, fg, winx, winy + win.cyo + 2 * dc.font.ascent / 3, + width, 1); + } + } + +} + +void +xdrawglyph(Glyph g, int x, int y) +{ + int numspecs; + XftGlyphFontSpec spec; + + numspecs = xmakeglyphfontspecs(&spec, &g, 1, x, y); + xdrawglyphfontspecs(&spec, g, numspecs, x, y, DRAW_BG | DRAW_FG); +} + +void +xdrawcursor(int cx, int cy, Glyph g, int ox, int oy, Glyph og, Line line, int len) +{ + Color drawcol; + XRenderColor colbg; + + /* remove the old cursor */ + if (selected(ox, oy)) + og.mode ^= ATTR_REVERSE; + /* Redraw the line where cursor was previously. + * It will restore the ligatures broken by the cursor. */ + xdrawline(line, 0, oy, len); + + if (IS_SET(MODE_HIDE) || !IS_SET(MODE_FOCUSED)) + return; + + /* + * Select the right color for the right mode. + */ + g.mode &= ATTR_BOLD|ATTR_ITALIC|ATTR_UNDERLINE|ATTR_STRUCK|ATTR_WIDE|ATTR_BOXDRAW; + + if (IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)) { + g.mode |= ATTR_REVERSE; + = defaultfg; + if (selected(cx, cy)) { + drawcol = dc.col[defaultcs]; + g.fg = defaultrcs; + } else { + drawcol = dc.col[defaultrcs]; + g.fg = defaultcs; + } + } else { + if (selected(cx, cy)) { + g.fg = defaultfg; + = defaultrcs; + } + else if (!(og.mode & ATTR_REVERSE)) { + unsigned int tmpcol =; + = g.fg; + g.fg = tmpcol; + } + + if (IS_TRUECOL( { + colbg.alpha = 0xffff; + = TRUERED(; + = TRUEGREEN(; + = TRUEBLUE(; + XftColorAllocValue(xw.dpy, xw.vis, xw.cmap, &colbg, &drawcol); + } else + drawcol = dc.col[]; + } + + /* draw the new one */ + if (IS_SET(MODE_FOCUSED)) { + switch (win.cursor) { + case 0: /* Blinking block */ + case 1: /* Blinking block (default) */ + if (IS_SET(MODE_BLINK)) + break; + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case 2: /* Steady block */ + xdrawglyph(g, cx, cy); + break; + case 3: /* Blinking underline */ + if (IS_SET(MODE_BLINK)) + break; + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case 4: /* Steady underline */ + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, + win.hborderpx + cx *, + win.vborderpx + (cy + 1) * - \ + cursorthickness, +, cursorthickness); + break; + case 5: /* Blinking bar */ + if (IS_SET(MODE_BLINK)) + break; + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case 6: /* Steady bar */ + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, + win.hborderpx + cx *, + win.vborderpx + cy *, + cursorthickness,; + break; + case 7: /* Blinking st cursor */ + if (IS_SET(MODE_BLINK)) + break; + /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case 8: /* Steady st cursor */ + g.u = stcursor; + xdrawglyph(g, cx, cy); + break; + } + } else { + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, + win.hborderpx + cx *, + win.vborderpx + cy *, + - 1, 1); + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, + win.hborderpx + cx *, + win.vborderpx + cy *, + 1, - 1); + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, + win.hborderpx + (cx + 1) * - 1, + win.vborderpx + cy *, + 1, - 1); + XftDrawRect(xw.draw, &drawcol, + win.hborderpx + cx *, + win.vborderpx + (cy + 1) * - 1, +, 1); + } +} + +void +xsetenv(void) +{ + char buf[sizeof(long) * 8 + 1]; + + snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu",; + setenv("WINDOWID", buf, 1); +} + +void +xseticontitle(char *p) +{ + XTextProperty prop; + DEFAULT(p, opt_title); + + if (Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(xw.dpy, &p, 1, XUTF8StringStyle, + &prop) != Success) + return; + XSetWMIconName(xw.dpy,, &prop); + XSetTextProperty(xw.dpy,, &prop, xw.netwmiconname); + XFree(prop.value); +} + +void +xsettitle(char *p, int pop) +{ + XTextProperty prop; + + free(titlestack[tstki]); + if (pop) { + titlestack[tstki] = NULL; + tstki = (tstki - 1 + TITLESTACKSIZE) % TITLESTACKSIZE; + p = titlestack[tstki] ? titlestack[tstki] : opt_title; + } else if (p) { + titlestack[tstki] = xstrdup(p); + } else { + titlestack[tstki] = NULL; + p = opt_title; + } + + if (Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(xw.dpy, &p, 1, XUTF8StringStyle, + &prop) != Success) + return; + XSetWMName(xw.dpy,, &prop); + XSetTextProperty(xw.dpy,, &prop, xw.netwmname); + XFree(prop.value); +} + +void +xpushtitle(void) +{ + int tstkin = (tstki + 1) % TITLESTACKSIZE; + + free(titlestack[tstkin]); + titlestack[tstkin] = titlestack[tstki] ? xstrdup(titlestack[tstki]) : NULL; + tstki = tstkin; +} + +void +xfreetitlestack(void) +{ + for (int i = 0; i < LEN(titlestack); i++) { + free(titlestack[i]); + titlestack[i] = NULL; + } +} + +int +xstartdraw(void) +{ + if (IS_SET(MODE_VISIBLE)) + XCopyArea(xw.dpy,, xw.buf, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, win.h, 0, 0); + return IS_SET(MODE_VISIBLE); +} + +void +xdrawline(Line line, int x1, int y1, int x2) +{ + int i, x, ox, numspecs; + int numspecs_cached; + Glyph base, new; + XftGlyphFontSpec *specs; + + numspecs_cached = xmakeglyphfontspecs(xw.specbuf, &line[x1], x2 - x1, x1, y1); + + /* Draw line in 2 passes: background and foreground. This way wide glyphs + won't get truncated (#223) */ + for (int dmode = DRAW_BG; dmode <= DRAW_FG; dmode <<= 1) { + specs = xw.specbuf; + numspecs = numspecs_cached; + i = ox = 0; + for (x = x1; x < x2 && i < numspecs; x++) { + new = line[x]; + if (new.mode == ATTR_WDUMMY) + continue; + if (selected(x, y1)) + new.mode ^= ATTR_REVERSE; + if (i > 0 && ATTRCMP(base, new)) { + xdrawglyphfontspecs(specs, base, i, ox, y1, dmode); + specs += i; + numspecs -= i; + i = 0; + } + if (i == 0) { + ox = x; + base = new; + } + i++; + } + if (i > 0) + xdrawglyphfontspecs(specs, base, i, ox, y1, dmode); + } +} + +void +xfinishdraw(void) +{ + ImageList *im; + int x, y; + int n = 0; + int nlimit = 256; + XRectangle *rects = NULL; + XGCValues gcvalues; + GC gc; + + XCopyArea(xw.dpy, xw.buf,, dc.gc, 0, 0, win.w, + win.h, 0, 0); + XSetForeground(xw.dpy, dc.gc, + dc.col[IS_SET(MODE_REVERSE)? + defaultfg : defaultbg].pixel); + + for (im = term.images; im; im = im->next) { + if (term.images == NULL) { + /* last image was deleted, bail out */ + break; + } + + if (im->should_delete) { + delete_image(im); + + /* prevent the next iteration from accessing an invalid image pointer */ + im = term.images; + if (im == NULL) { + break; + } else { + continue; + } + } + + if (!im->pixmap) { + im->pixmap = (void *)XCreatePixmap(xw.dpy,, im->width, im->height, + xw.depth + ); + XImage ximage = { + .format = ZPixmap, + .data = (char *)im->pixels, + .width = im->width, + .height = im->height, + .xoffset = 0, + .byte_order = LSBFirst, + .bitmap_bit_order = MSBFirst, + .bits_per_pixel = 32, + .bytes_per_line = im->width * 4, + .bitmap_unit = 32, + .bitmap_pad = 32, + .depth = xw.depth + }; + XPutImage(xw.dpy, (Drawable)im->pixmap, dc.gc, &ximage, 0, 0, 0, 0, im->width, im->height); + free(im->pixels); + im->pixels = NULL; + } + + n = 0; + memset(&gcvalues, 0, sizeof(gcvalues)); + gc = XCreateGC(xw.dpy,, 0, &gcvalues); + + XCopyArea(xw.dpy, (Drawable)im->pixmap, xw.buf, gc, 0, 0, im->width, im->height, borderpx + im->x *, borderpx + im->y *; + XFreeGC(xw.dpy, gc); + + } + + free(rects); + drawregion(0, 0, term.col, term.row); +} + +void +xximspot(int x, int y) +{ + if (xw.ime.xic == NULL) + return; + + = borderpx + x *; + = borderpx + (y + 1) *; + + XSetICValues(xw.ime.xic, XNPreeditAttributes, xw.ime.spotlist, NULL); +} + +void +expose(XEvent *ev) +{ + redraw(); +} + +void +visibility(XEvent *ev) +{ + XVisibilityEvent *e = &ev->xvisibility; + + MODBIT(win.mode, e->state != VisibilityFullyObscured, MODE_VISIBLE); +} + +void +unmap(XEvent *ev) +{ + win.mode &= ~MODE_VISIBLE; +} + +void +xsetpointermotion(int set) +{ + if (!set && !xw.pointerisvisible) + return; + MODBIT(xw.attrs.event_mask, set, PointerMotionMask); + XChangeWindowAttributes(xw.dpy,, CWEventMask, &xw.attrs); +} + +void +xsetmode(int set, unsigned int flags) +{ + int mode = win.mode; + MODBIT(win.mode, set, flags); + if ((flags & MODE_MOUSE) + && xw.pointerisvisible + ) { + if (win.mode & MODE_MOUSE) + XUndefineCursor(xw.dpy,; + else + XDefineCursor(xw.dpy,, cursor); + } + if ((win.mode & MODE_REVERSE) != (mode & MODE_REVERSE)) + redraw(); +} + +int +xsetcursor(int cursor) +{ + if (!BETWEEN(cursor, 0, 8)) /* 7-8: st extensions */ + return 1; + win.cursor = (cursor ? cursor : cursorstyle); + cursorblinks = win.cursor == 0 || win.cursor == 1 || + win.cursor == 3 || win.cursor == 5 || + win.cursor == 7; + return 0; +} + +void +xseturgency(int add) +{ + XWMHints *h = XGetWMHints(xw.dpy,; + + MODBIT(h->flags, add, XUrgencyHint); + XSetWMHints(xw.dpy,, h); + XFree(h); +} + +void +xbell(void) +{ + if (!(IS_SET(MODE_FOCUSED))) + xseturgency(1); + if (bellvolume) + XkbBell(xw.dpy,, bellvolume, (Atom)NULL); +} + +void +focus(XEvent *ev) +{ + XFocusChangeEvent *e = &ev->xfocus; + + + if (e->mode == NotifyGrab) + return; + + if (ev->type == FocusIn) { + if (xw.ime.xic) + XSetICFocus(xw.ime.xic); + win.mode |= MODE_FOCUSED; + xseturgency(0); + if (IS_SET(MODE_FOCUS)) + ttywrite("\033[I", 3, 0); + } else { + if (xw.ime.xic) + XUnsetICFocus(xw.ime.xic); + win.mode &= ~MODE_FOCUSED; + if (IS_SET(MODE_FOCUS)) + ttywrite("\033[O", 3, 0); + } +} + +int +match(uint mask, uint state) +{ + return mask == XK_ANY_MOD || mask == (state & ~ignoremod); +} + +char* +kmap(KeySym k, uint state) +{ + Key *kp; + int i; + + /* Check for mapped keys out of X11 function keys. */ + for (i = 0; i < LEN(mappedkeys); i++) { + if (mappedkeys[i] == k) + break; + } + if (i == LEN(mappedkeys)) { + if ((k & 0xFFFF) < 0xFD00) + return NULL; + } + + for (kp = key; kp < key + LEN(key); kp++) { + if (kp->k != k) + continue; + + if (!match(kp->mask, state)) + continue; + + if (IS_SET(MODE_APPKEYPAD) ? kp->appkey < 0 : kp->appkey > 0) + continue; + if (IS_SET(MODE_NUMLOCK) && kp->appkey == 2) + continue; + + if (IS_SET(MODE_APPCURSOR) ? kp->appcursor < 0 : kp->appcursor > 0) + continue; + + return kp->s; + } + + return NULL; +} + +void +kpress(XEvent *ev) +{ + XKeyEvent *e = &ev->xkey; + KeySym ksym; + char buf[64], *customkey; + int len; + Rune c; + Status status; + Shortcut *bp; + + if (xw.pointerisvisible) { + XDefineCursor(xw.dpy,, xw.bpointer); + xsetpointermotion(1); + xw.pointerisvisible = 0; + } + + if (IS_SET(MODE_KBDLOCK)) + return; + + if (xw.ime.xic) + len = XmbLookupString(xw.ime.xic, e, buf, sizeof buf, &ksym, &status); + else + len = XLookupString(e, buf, sizeof buf, &ksym, NULL); + + /* 1. shortcuts */ + for (bp = shortcuts; bp < shortcuts + LEN(shortcuts); bp++) { + if (ksym == bp->keysym && match(bp->mod, e->state)) { + bp->func(&(bp->arg)); + return; + } + } + + /* 2. custom keys from config.h */ + if ((customkey = kmap(ksym, e->state))) { + ttywrite(customkey, strlen(customkey), 1); + return; + } + + /* 3. composed string from input method */ + if (len == 0) + return; + if (len == 1 && e->state & Mod1Mask) { + if (IS_SET(MODE_8BIT)) { + if (*buf < 0177) { + c = *buf | 0x80; + len = utf8encode(c, buf); + } + } else { + buf[1] = buf[0]; + buf[0] = '\033'; + len = 2; + } + } + ttywrite(buf, len, 1); +} + + +void +cmessage(XEvent *e) +{ + /* + * See xembed specs + * + */ + if (e->xclient.message_type == xw.xembed && e->xclient.format == 32) { + if (e->[1] == XEMBED_FOCUS_IN) { + win.mode |= MODE_FOCUSED; + xseturgency(0); + } else if (e->[1] == XEMBED_FOCUS_OUT) { + win.mode &= ~MODE_FOCUSED; + } + } else if (e->[0] == xw.wmdeletewin) { + ttyhangup(); + exit(0); + } +} + +void +resize(XEvent *e) +{ + + if (e->xconfigure.width == win.w && e->xconfigure.height == win.h) + return; + + + cresize(e->xconfigure.width, e->xconfigure.height); +} + +void +run(void) +{ + XEvent ev; + int w = win.w, h = win.h; + fd_set rfd; + int xfd = XConnectionNumber(xw.dpy), ttyfd, xev, drawing; + struct timespec seltv, *tv, now, lastblink, trigger; + double timeout; + + /* Waiting for window mapping */ + do { + XNextEvent(xw.dpy, &ev); + /* + * This XFilterEvent call is required because of XOpenIM. It + * does filter out the key event and some client message for + * the input method too. + */ + if (XFilterEvent(&ev, None)) + continue; + if (ev.type == ConfigureNotify) { + w = ev.xconfigure.width; + h = ev.xconfigure.height; + } + } while (ev.type != MapNotify); + + ttyfd = ttynew(opt_line, shell, opt_io, opt_cmd); + cresize(w, h); + + for (timeout = -1, drawing = 0, lastblink = (struct timespec){0};;) { + FD_ZERO(&rfd); + FD_SET(ttyfd, &rfd); + FD_SET(xfd, &rfd); + + if (XPending(xw.dpy) || ttyread_pending()) + timeout = 0; /* existing events might not set xfd */ + + seltv.tv_sec = timeout / 1E3; + seltv.tv_nsec = 1E6 * (timeout - 1E3 * seltv.tv_sec); + tv = timeout >= 0 ? &seltv : NULL; + + if (pselect(MAX(xfd, ttyfd)+1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, tv, NULL) < 0) { + if (errno == EINTR) + continue; + die("select failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); + } + clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); + + int ttyin = FD_ISSET(ttyfd, &rfd) || ttyread_pending(); + if (ttyin) + ttyread(); + + xev = 0; + while (XPending(xw.dpy)) { + xev = 1; + XNextEvent(xw.dpy, &ev); + if (XFilterEvent(&ev, None)) + continue; + if (handler[ev.type]) + (handler[ev.type])(&ev); + } + + /* + * To reduce flicker and tearing, when new content or event + * triggers drawing, we first wait a bit to ensure we got + * everything, and if nothing new arrives - we draw. + * We start with trying to wait minlatency ms. If more content + * arrives sooner, we retry with shorter and shorter periods, + * and eventually draw even without idle after maxlatency ms. + * Typically this results in low latency while interacting, + * maximum latency intervals during `cat huge.txt`, and perfect + * sync with periodic updates from animations/key-repeats/etc. + */ + if (ttyin || xev) + { + if (!drawing) { + trigger = now; + if (IS_SET(MODE_BLINK)) { + win.mode ^= MODE_BLINK; + } + lastblink = now; + drawing = 1; + } + timeout = (maxlatency - TIMEDIFF(now, trigger)) \ + / maxlatency * minlatency; + if (timeout > 0) + continue; /* we have time, try to find idle */ + } + + if (tinsync(su_timeout)) { + /* + * on synchronized-update draw-suspension: don't reset + * drawing so that we draw ASAP once we can (just after + * ESU). it won't be too soon because we already can + * draw now but we skip. we set timeout > 0 to draw on + * SU-timeout even without new content. + */ + timeout = minlatency; + continue; + } + + /* idle detected or maxlatency exhausted -> draw */ + timeout = -1; + if (blinktimeout && (cursorblinks || tattrset(ATTR_BLINK))) + { + timeout = blinktimeout - TIMEDIFF(now, lastblink); + if (timeout <= 0) { + if (-timeout > blinktimeout) /* start visible */ + win.mode |= MODE_BLINK; + win.mode ^= MODE_BLINK; + tsetdirtattr(ATTR_BLINK); + lastblink = now; + timeout = blinktimeout; + } + } + + /* Refresh before drawing */ + cresize(0, 0); + redraw(); + xhints(); + + draw(); + XFlush(xw.dpy); + drawing = 0; + } +} + +void +usage(void) +{ + die("usage: %s [-aiv] [-c class]" + " [-f font] [-g geometry]" + " [-n name] [-o file]\n" + " [-T title] [-t title] [-w windowid]" + " [[-e] command [args ...]]\n" + " %s [-aiv] [-c class]" + " [-f font] [-g geometry]" + " [-n name] [-o file]\n" + " [-T title] [-t title] [-w windowid] -l line" + " [stty_args ...]\n", argv0, argv0); +} + +int +main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + xw.l = xw.t = 0; + xw.isfixed = False; + xsetcursor(cursorstyle); + + ARGBEGIN { + case 'a': + allowaltscreen = 0; + break; + case 'A': + opt_alpha = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'c': + opt_class = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'e': + if (argc > 0) + --argc, ++argv; + goto run; + case 'f': + opt_font = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'g': + = XParseGeometry(EARGF(usage()), + &xw.l, &xw.t, &cols, &rows); + break; + case 'i': + xw.isfixed = 1; + break; + case 'o': + opt_io = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'l': + opt_line = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'n': + opt_name = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 't': + case 'T': + opt_title = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'w': + opt_embed = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'v': + die("%s " VERSION "\n", argv0); + break; + default: + usage(); + } ARGEND; + +run: + if (argc > 0) /* eat all remaining arguments */ + opt_cmd = argv; + + if (!opt_title) + opt_title = (opt_line || !opt_cmd) ? "st" : opt_cmd[0]; + + setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); + XSetLocaleModifiers(""); + reload_config(-1); + cols = MAX(cols, 1); + rows = MAX(rows, 1); + tnew(cols, rows); + xinit(cols, rows); + xsetenv(); + selinit(); + run(); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/LICENSE b/suckless/tabbed/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8e9678 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +MIT/X Consortium License + +© 2009-2011 Enno Boland <g s01 de> +© 2011,2015 Connor Lane Smith <> +© 2012-2015 Christoph Lohmann <> + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a +copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), +to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation +the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, +and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the +Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL +THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER +DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/Makefile b/suckless/tabbed/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c74f528 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +# tabbed - tabbing interface +# See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. + +include + +SRC = tabbed.c xembed.c +OBJ = ${SRC:.c=.o} +BIN = ${OBJ:.o=} + +all: options ${BIN} + +options: + @echo tabbed build options: + @echo "CFLAGS = ${CFLAGS}" + @echo "LDFLAGS = ${LDFLAGS}" + @echo "CC = ${CC}" + +.c.o: + @echo CC $< + @${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} $< + +${OBJ}: config.h + +config.h: + @echo creating $@ from config.def.h + @cp config.def.h $@ + + +.o: + @echo CC -o $@ + @${CC} -o $@ $< ${LDFLAGS} + +clean: + @echo cleaning + @rm -f ${BIN} ${OBJ} tabbed-${VERSION}.tar.gz + +dist: clean + @echo creating dist tarball + @mkdir -p tabbed-${VERSION} + @cp -R LICENSE Makefile README config.def.h \ + tabbed.1 arg.h ${SRC} tabbed-${VERSION} + @tar -cf tabbed-${VERSION}.tar tabbed-${VERSION} + @gzip tabbed-${VERSION}.tar + @rm -rf tabbed-${VERSION} + +install: all + @echo installing executable files to ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + @mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin" + @cp -f ${BIN} "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin" + @chmod 755 "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/tabbed" + @echo installing manual pages to ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1 + @mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1" + @sed "s/VERSION/${VERSION}/g" < tabbed.1 > "${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/tabbed.1" + @chmod 644 "${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/tabbed.1" + @sed "s/VERSION/${VERSION}/g" < xembed.1 > "${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/xembed.1" + @chmod 644 "${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/xembed.1" + +uninstall: + @echo removing executable files from ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin + @rm -f "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/tabbed" + @rm -f "${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/xembed" + @echo removing manual pages from ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1 + @rm -f "${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/tabbed.1" + @rm -f "${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man1/xembed.1" + +.PHONY: all options clean dist install uninstall diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/README b/suckless/tabbed/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ed6bbe --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/README @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +tabbed - generic tabbed interface +================================= +tabbed is a simple tabbed X window container. + +Requirements +------------ +In order to build tabbed you need the Xlib header files. + +Installation +------------ +Edit to match your local setup (tabbed is installed into +the /usr/local namespace by default). + +Afterwards enter the following command to build and install tabbed +(if necessary as root): + + make clean install + +Running tabbed +-------------- +See the man page for details. + diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/TODO b/suckless/tabbed/TODO new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8e1986d --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/TODO @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# TODO +* add some way to detach windows +* add some way to attach windows + diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/arg.h b/suckless/tabbed/arg.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba3fb3f --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/arg.h @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +/* + * Copy me if you can. + * by 20h + */ + +#ifndef ARG_H__ +#define ARG_H__ + +extern char *argv0; + +/* use main(int argc, char *argv[]) */ +#define ARGBEGIN for (argv0 = *argv, argv++, argc--;\ + argv[0] && argv[0][0] == '-'\ + && argv[0][1];\ + argc--, argv++) {\ + char argc_;\ + char **argv_;\ + int brk_;\ + if (argv[0][1] == '-' && argv[0][2] == '\0') {\ + argv++;\ + argc--;\ + break;\ + }\ + for (brk_ = 0, argv[0]++, argv_ = argv;\ + argv[0][0] && !brk_;\ + argv[0]++) {\ + if (argv_ != argv)\ + break;\ + argc_ = argv[0][0];\ + switch (argc_) +#define ARGEND }\ + } + +#define ARGC() argc_ + +#define EARGF(x) ((argv[0][1] == '\0' && argv[1] == NULL)?\ + ((x), abort(), (char *)0) :\ + (brk_ = 1, (argv[0][1] != '\0')?\ + (&argv[0][1]) :\ + (argc--, argv++, argv[0]))) + +#define ARGF() ((argv[0][1] == '\0' && argv[1] == NULL)?\ + (char *)0 :\ + (brk_ = 1, (argv[0][1] != '\0')?\ + (&argv[0][1]) :\ + (argc--, argv++, argv[0]))) + +#endif diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/config.def.h b/suckless/tabbed/config.def.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a5f9ee --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/config.def.h @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ + +/* appearance */ +static char font[] = "monospace:size=9"; +static char* normbgcolor = "#222222"; +static char* normfgcolor = "#cccccc"; +static char* selbgcolor = "#555555"; +static char* selfgcolor = "#ffffff"; +static char* urgbgcolor = "#111111"; +static char* urgfgcolor = "#cc0000"; +static const char before[] = "<"; +static const char after[] = ">"; +static const char titletrim[] = "..."; +static const int tabwidth = 200; +static const Bool foreground = True; +static Bool urgentswitch = False; + +static const int barheight = 0; /* 0 means derive by font (default), otherwise absolute height */ + +/* + * Where to place a new tab when it is opened. When npisrelative is True, + * then the current position is changed + newposition. If npisrelative + * is False, then newposition is an absolute position. + */ +static int newposition = 0; +static Bool npisrelative = False; + +#define SETPROP(p) { \ + .v = (char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", \ + "prop=\"`xwininfo -children -id $1 | grep '^ 0x' |" \ + "sed -e's@^ *\\(0x[0-9a-f]*\\) \"\\([^\"]*\\)\".*@\\1 \\2@' |" \ + "xargs -0 printf %b | dmenu -l 10 -w $1`\" &&" \ + "xprop -id $1 -f $0 8s -set $0 \"$prop\"", \ + p, winid, NULL \ + } \ +} + +/* + * Xresources preferences to load at startup + */ +ResourcePref resources[] = { + { "font", STRING, &font }, + { "color0", STRING, &normbgcolor }, + { "color4", STRING, &normfgcolor }, + { "color4", STRING, &selbgcolor }, + { "color7", STRING, &selfgcolor }, + { "color2", STRING, &urgbgcolor }, + { "color3", STRING, &urgfgcolor }, +}; + +#define MODKEY ControlMask +static Key keys[] = { + /* modifier key function argument */ + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 36, focusonce, { 0 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 36, spawn, { 0 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 46, rotate, { .i = +1 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 43, rotate, { .i = -1 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 44, movetab, { .i = -1 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 45, movetab, { .i = +1 } }, + { MODKEY, 23, rotate, { .i = 0 } }, + { MODKEY, 49, spawn, SETPROP("_TABBED_SELECT_TAB") }, + { MODKEY, 10, move, { .i = 0 } }, + { MODKEY, 11, move, { .i = 1 } }, + { MODKEY, 12, move, { .i = 2 } }, + { MODKEY, 13, move, { .i = 3 } }, + { MODKEY, 14, move, { .i = 4 } }, + { MODKEY, 15, move, { .i = 5 } }, + { MODKEY, 16, move, { .i = 6 } }, + { MODKEY, 17, move, { .i = 7 } }, + { MODKEY, 18, move, { .i = 8 } }, + { MODKEY, 19, move, { .i = 9 } }, + { MODKEY, 24, killclient, { 0 } }, + { MODKEY, 30, focusurgent, { .v = NULL } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 30, toggle, { .v = (void*) &urgentswitch } }, + { 0, 95, fullscreen, { 0 } }, +}; + diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/config.h b/suckless/tabbed/config.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a5f9ee --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/config.h @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */ + +/* appearance */ +static char font[] = "monospace:size=9"; +static char* normbgcolor = "#222222"; +static char* normfgcolor = "#cccccc"; +static char* selbgcolor = "#555555"; +static char* selfgcolor = "#ffffff"; +static char* urgbgcolor = "#111111"; +static char* urgfgcolor = "#cc0000"; +static const char before[] = "<"; +static const char after[] = ">"; +static const char titletrim[] = "..."; +static const int tabwidth = 200; +static const Bool foreground = True; +static Bool urgentswitch = False; + +static const int barheight = 0; /* 0 means derive by font (default), otherwise absolute height */ + +/* + * Where to place a new tab when it is opened. When npisrelative is True, + * then the current position is changed + newposition. If npisrelative + * is False, then newposition is an absolute position. + */ +static int newposition = 0; +static Bool npisrelative = False; + +#define SETPROP(p) { \ + .v = (char *[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", \ + "prop=\"`xwininfo -children -id $1 | grep '^ 0x' |" \ + "sed -e's@^ *\\(0x[0-9a-f]*\\) \"\\([^\"]*\\)\".*@\\1 \\2@' |" \ + "xargs -0 printf %b | dmenu -l 10 -w $1`\" &&" \ + "xprop -id $1 -f $0 8s -set $0 \"$prop\"", \ + p, winid, NULL \ + } \ +} + +/* + * Xresources preferences to load at startup + */ +ResourcePref resources[] = { + { "font", STRING, &font }, + { "color0", STRING, &normbgcolor }, + { "color4", STRING, &normfgcolor }, + { "color4", STRING, &selbgcolor }, + { "color7", STRING, &selfgcolor }, + { "color2", STRING, &urgbgcolor }, + { "color3", STRING, &urgfgcolor }, +}; + +#define MODKEY ControlMask +static Key keys[] = { + /* modifier key function argument */ + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 36, focusonce, { 0 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 36, spawn, { 0 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 46, rotate, { .i = +1 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 43, rotate, { .i = -1 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 44, movetab, { .i = -1 } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 45, movetab, { .i = +1 } }, + { MODKEY, 23, rotate, { .i = 0 } }, + { MODKEY, 49, spawn, SETPROP("_TABBED_SELECT_TAB") }, + { MODKEY, 10, move, { .i = 0 } }, + { MODKEY, 11, move, { .i = 1 } }, + { MODKEY, 12, move, { .i = 2 } }, + { MODKEY, 13, move, { .i = 3 } }, + { MODKEY, 14, move, { .i = 4 } }, + { MODKEY, 15, move, { .i = 5 } }, + { MODKEY, 16, move, { .i = 6 } }, + { MODKEY, 17, move, { .i = 7 } }, + { MODKEY, 18, move, { .i = 8 } }, + { MODKEY, 19, move, { .i = 9 } }, + { MODKEY, 24, killclient, { 0 } }, + { MODKEY, 30, focusurgent, { .v = NULL } }, + { MODKEY|ShiftMask, 30, toggle, { .v = (void*) &urgentswitch } }, + { 0, 95, fullscreen, { 0 } }, +}; + diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/ b/suckless/tabbed/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..149b160 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/ @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# tabbed version +VERSION = 0.6 + +# Customize below to fit your system + +# paths +PREFIX = /usr/local +MANPREFIX = ${PREFIX}/share/man + +X11INC = /usr/X11R6/include +X11LIB = /usr/X11R6/lib + +# freetype +FREETYPELIBS = -lfontconfig -lXft +FREETYPEINC = /usr/include/freetype2 +# OpenBSD (uncomment) +#FREETYPEINC = ${X11INC}/freetype2 + +# Uncomment this for the alpha patch / ALPHA_PATCH +XRENDER = -lXrender + +# includes and libs +INCS = -I. -I/usr/include -I$(X11INC) -I${FREETYPEINC} +LIBS = -L/usr/lib -lc -L${X11LIB} -lX11 ${FREETYPELIBS} ${XRENDER} + +# flags +CPPFLAGS = -DVERSION=\"${VERSION}\" -D_DEFAULT_SOURCE +CFLAGS = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -Os ${INCS} ${CPPFLAGS} +LDFLAGS = -s ${LIBS} + +# Solaris +#CFLAGS = -fast ${INCS} -DVERSION=\"${VERSION}\" +#LDFLAGS = ${LIBS} + +# compiler and linker +CC = cc diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/patch/hidebar.c b/suckless/tabbed/patch/hidebar.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1cc405 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/patch/hidebar.c @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +void +showbar(const Arg *arg) +{ + barvisibility = arg->i; + drawbar(); +} diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/patch/hidebar.h b/suckless/tabbed/patch/hidebar.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a88b62e --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/patch/hidebar.h @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +static void showbar(const Arg *arg); diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/patch/icon.c b/suckless/tabbed/patch/icon.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4ee636 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/patch/icon.c @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +static unsigned long icon[ICON_WIDTH * ICON_HEIGHT + 2]; + +void +xseticon(void) +{ + Atom ret_type; + XWMHints *wmh, *cwmh; + int ret_format; + unsigned long ret_nitems, ret_nleft; + long offset = 0L; + unsigned char *data; + + wmh = XGetWMHints(dpy, win); + wmh->flags &= ~(IconPixmapHint | IconMaskHint); + wmh->icon_pixmap = wmh->icon_mask = None; + + + if (XGetWindowProperty(dpy, clients[sel]->win, wmatom[WMIcon], offset, LONG_MAX, False, + XA_CARDINAL, &ret_type, &ret_format, &ret_nitems, + &ret_nleft, &data) == Success && + ret_type == XA_CARDINAL && ret_format == 32) + { + XChangeProperty(dpy, win, wmatom[WMIcon], XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeReplace, data, ret_nitems); + } else if ((cwmh = XGetWMHints(dpy, clients[sel]->win)) && cwmh->flags & IconPixmapHint) { + XDeleteProperty(dpy, win, wmatom[WMIcon]); + wmh->flags |= IconPixmapHint; + wmh->icon_pixmap = cwmh->icon_pixmap; + if (cwmh->flags & IconMaskHint) { + wmh->flags |= IconMaskHint; + wmh->icon_mask = cwmh->icon_mask; + } + XFree(cwmh); + } else { + XChangeProperty(dpy, win, wmatom[WMIcon], XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) icon, ICON_WIDTH * ICON_HEIGHT + 2); + } + XSetWMHints(dpy, win, wmh); + XFree(wmh); + XFree(data); +} diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/patch/icon.h b/suckless/tabbed/patch/icon.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1057cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/patch/icon.h @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/* GIMP RGBA C-Source image dump (icon.c) */ + +#define ICON_WIDTH (16) +#define ICON_HEIGHT (16) +#define ICON_BYTES_PER_PIXEL (4) /* 2:RGB16, 3:RGB, 4:RGBA */ +#define ICON_COMMENT \ + "GIMP -> Export -> C-Source -> Prefixed name = ICON, Use macros, Save alpha" +#define ICON_PIXEL_DATA ((unsigned char*) ICON_pixel_data) +static const unsigned char ICON_pixel_data[16 * 16 * 4 + 1] = + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000" + "\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000" + "\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377" + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000" + "\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377" + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000" + "\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377" + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000" + "\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000" + "\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377" + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000" + "\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377" + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000" + "\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377" + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000" + "\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377" + "\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000" + "\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000" + "\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\000\000\000\000" + "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\377\000\000\000\377"; + +static void xseticon(void); diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/patch/include.c b/suckless/tabbed/patch/include.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf9df0e --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/patch/include.c @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +/* Patches */ +#include "icon.c" +#include "xresources.c" diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/patch/include.h b/suckless/tabbed/patch/include.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fcdf20 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/patch/include.h @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +/* Patches */ +#include "icon.h" +#include "xresources.h" diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/patch/xresources.c b/suckless/tabbed/patch/xresources.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..199e355 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/patch/xresources.c @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +void +config_init(void) +{ + char *resm; + XrmDatabase db; + ResourcePref *p; + + XrmInitialize(); + resm = XResourceManagerString(dpy); + if (!resm) + return; + + db = XrmGetStringDatabase(resm); + for (p = resources; p < resources + LENGTH(resources); p++) + resource_load(db, p->name, p->type, p->dst); +} + +int +resource_load(XrmDatabase db, char *name, enum resource_type rtype, void *dst) +{ + char **sdst = dst; + int *idst = dst; + float *fdst = dst; + + char fullname[256]; + char fullclass[256]; + char *type; + XrmValue ret; + + snprintf(fullname, sizeof(fullname), "%s.%s", "tabbed", name); + snprintf(fullclass, sizeof(fullclass), "%s.%s", "tabbed", name); + fullname[sizeof(fullname) - 1] = fullclass[sizeof(fullclass) - 1] = '\0'; + + XrmGetResource(db, fullname, fullclass, &type, &ret); + if (ret.addr == NULL || strncmp("String", type, 64)) + return 1; + + switch (rtype) { + case STRING: + *sdst = ret.addr; + break; + case INTEGER: + *idst = strtoul(ret.addr, NULL, 10); + break; + case FLOAT: + *fdst = strtof(ret.addr, NULL); + break; + } + return 0; +} diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/patch/xresources.h b/suckless/tabbed/patch/xresources.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8039bb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/patch/xresources.h @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#include <X11/Xresource.h> + +/* Xresources preferences */ +enum resource_type { + STRING = 0, + INTEGER = 1, + FLOAT = 2 +}; + +typedef struct { + char *name; + enum resource_type type; + void *dst; +} ResourcePref; + +static void config_init(void); +static int resource_load(XrmDatabase db, char *name, enum resource_type rtype, void *dst); diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/tabbed.1 b/suckless/tabbed/tabbed.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07bdbd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/tabbed.1 @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +.TH TABBED 1 tabbed\-VERSION +.SH NAME +tabbed \- generic tabbed interface +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B tabbed +.RB [ \-c ] +.RB [ \-d ] +.RB [ \-k ] +.RB [ \-s ] +.RB [ \-v ] +.RB [ \-g +.IR geometry ] +.RB [ \-n +.IR name ] +.RB [ \-p +.RB [ s {+/-} ] \fIpos\fR ] +.RB [ \-o +.IR normbgcol ] +.RB [ \-O +.IR normfgcol ] +.RB [ \-t +.IR selbgcol ] +.RB [ \-T +.IR selfgcol ] +.RB [ \-u +.IR urgbgcol ] +.RB [ \-U +.IR urgfgcol ] +.RB [ \-r +.IR narg ] +.RI [ "command ..." ] +.SH DESCRIPTION +.B tabbed +is a simple tabbed container for applications which support XEmbed. Tabbed +will then run the provided command with the xid of tabbed as appended +argument. (See EXAMPLES.) The automatic spawning of the command can be +disabled by providing the -s parameter. If no command is provided +tabbed will just print its xid and run no command. +.SH OPTIONS +.TP +.B \-c +close tabbed when the last tab is closed. Mutually exclusive with -f. +.TP +.B \-d +detaches tabbed from the terminal and prints its XID to stdout. +.TP +.B \-f +fill up tabbed again by spawning the provided command, when the last tab is +closed. Mutually exclusive with -c. +.TP +.BI \-g " geometry" +defines the X11 geometry string, which will fixate the height and width of +tabbed. +The syntax is +.RI [=][ width {xX} height ][{+-} xoffset {+-} yoffset ]. +See +.BR XParseGeometry (3) +for further details. +.TP +.B \-k +close foreground tabbed client (instead of tabbed and all clients) when +WM_DELETE_WINDOW is sent. +.TP +.BI \-n " name" +will set the WM_CLASS attribute to +.I name. +.TP +.BR \-p " [" s {+-}] \fIpos\fR +will set the absolute or relative position of where to start a new tab. When +.I pos +is is given without 's' in front it is an absolute position. Then negative +numbers will be the position from the last tab, where -1 is the last tab. +If 's' is given, then +.I pos +is a relative position to the current selected tab. If this reaches the limits +of the tabs; those limits then apply. +.TP +.BI \-r " narg" +will replace the +.I narg +th argument in +.I command +with the window id, rather than appending it to the end. +.TP +.B \-s +will disable automatic spawning of the command. +.TP +.BI \-o " normbgcol" +defines the normal background color. +.RI # RGB , +.RI # RRGGBB , +and X color names are supported. +.TP +.BI \-O " normfgcol" +defines the normal foreground color. +.TP +.BI \-t " selbgcol" +defines the selected background color. +.TP +.BI \-T " selfgbcol" +defines the selected foreground color. +.TP +.BI \-u " urgbgcol" +defines the urgent background color. +.TP +.BI \-U " urgfgbcol" +defines the urgent foreground color. +.TP +.B \-v +prints version information to stderr, then exits. +.SH USAGE +.TP +.B Ctrl\-Shift\-Return +open new tab +.TP +.B Ctrl\-Shift\-h +previous tab +.TP +.B Ctrl\-Shift\-l +next tab +.TP +.B Ctrl\-Shift\-j +move selected tab one to the left +.TP +.B Ctrl\-Shift\-k +move selected tab one to the right +.TP +.B Ctrl\-Shift\-u +toggle autofocus of urgent tabs +.TP +.B Ctrl\-Tab +toggle between the selected and last selected tab +.TP +.B Ctrl\-` +open dmenu to either create a new tab appending the entered string or select +an already existing tab. +.TP +.B Ctrl\-q +close tab +.TP +.B Ctrl\-u +focus next urgent tab +.TP +.B Ctrl\-[0..9] +jumps to nth tab +.TP +.B F11 +Toggle fullscreen mode. +.SH EXAMPLES +$ tabbed surf -e +.TP +$ tabbed urxvt -embed +.TP +$ tabbed xterm -into +.TP +$ $(tabbed -d >/tmp/tabbed.xid); urxvt -embed $(</tmp/tabbed.xid); +.TP +$ tabbed -r 2 st -w '' -e tmux +.SH CUSTOMIZATION +.B tabbed +can be customized by creating a custom config.h and (re)compiling the source +code. This keeps it fast, secure and simple. +.SH AUTHORS +See the LICENSE file for the authors. +.SH LICENSE +See the LICENSE file for the terms of redistribution. +.SH SEE ALSO +.BR st (1), +.BR xembed (1) +.SH BUGS +Please report them. diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/tabbed.c b/suckless/tabbed/tabbed.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0cf49f --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/tabbed.c @@ -0,0 +1,1464 @@ +/* + * See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. + */ + +#include <sys/wait.h> +#include <locale.h> +#include <signal.h> +#include <stdarg.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <string.h> +#include <unistd.h> +#include <X11/Xatom.h> +#include <X11/Xlib.h> +#include <X11/Xproto.h> +#include <X11/Xutil.h> +#include <X11/XKBlib.h> +#include <X11/Xft/Xft.h> + +#include "arg.h" + +/* XEMBED messages */ +#define XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY 0 +#define XEMBED_WINDOW_ACTIVATE 1 +#define XEMBED_WINDOW_DEACTIVATE 2 +#define XEMBED_REQUEST_FOCUS 3 +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_IN 4 +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_OUT 5 +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_NEXT 6 +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_PREV 7 +/* 8-9 were used for XEMBED_GRAB_KEY/XEMBED_UNGRAB_KEY */ +#define XEMBED_MODALITY_ON 10 +#define XEMBED_MODALITY_OFF 11 +#define XEMBED_REGISTER_ACCELERATOR 12 +#define XEMBED_UNREGISTER_ACCELERATOR 13 +#define XEMBED_ACTIVATE_ACCELERATOR 14 + +/* Details for XEMBED_FOCUS_IN: */ +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_CURRENT 0 +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_FIRST 1 +#define XEMBED_FOCUS_LAST 2 + +/* Macros */ +#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) +#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) +#define LENGTH(x) (sizeof((x)) / sizeof(*(x))) +#define CLEANMASK(mask) (mask & ~(numlockmask | LockMask)) +#define TEXTW(x) (textnw(x, strlen(x)) + dc.font.height) + +enum { ColFG, ColBG, ColLast }; /* color */ +enum { + WMProtocols, + WMDelete, + WMName, + WMState, + WMFullscreen, + XEmbed, + WMSelectTab, + WMIcon, + WMLast +}; /* default atoms */ + +typedef union { + int i; + const void *v; +} Arg; + +typedef struct { + unsigned int mod; + KeyCode keycode; + void (*func)(const Arg *); + const Arg arg; +} Key; + +typedef struct { + int x, y, w, h; + XftColor norm[ColLast]; + XftColor sel[ColLast]; + XftColor urg[ColLast]; + Drawable drawable; + GC gc; + struct { + int ascent; + int descent; + int height; + XftFont *xfont; + } font; +} DC; /* draw context */ + +typedef struct { + char name[256]; + Window win; + int tabx; + Bool urgent; + Bool closed; +} Client; + +/* function declarations */ +static void buttonpress(const XEvent *e); +static void cleanup(void); +static void clientmessage(const XEvent *e); +static void configurenotify(const XEvent *e); +static void configurerequest(const XEvent *e); +static void createnotify(const XEvent *e); +static void destroynotify(const XEvent *e); +static void die(const char *errstr, ...); +static void drawbar(void); +static void drawtext(const char *text, XftColor col[ColLast]); +static void *ecalloc(size_t n, size_t size); +static void *erealloc(void *o, size_t size); +static void expose(const XEvent *e); +static void focus(int c); +static void focusin(const XEvent *e); +static void focusonce(const Arg *arg); +static void focusurgent(const Arg *arg); +static void fullscreen(const Arg *arg); +static char *getatom(int a); +static int getclient(Window w); +static XftColor getcolor(const char *colstr); +static int getfirsttab(void); +static Bool gettextprop(Window w, Atom atom, char *text, unsigned int size); +static void initfont(const char *fontstr); +static Bool isprotodel(int c); +static void keypress(const XEvent *e); +static void killclient(const Arg *arg); +static void manage(Window win); +static void maprequest(const XEvent *e); +static void move(const Arg *arg); +static void movetab(const Arg *arg); +static void propertynotify(const XEvent *e); +static void resize(int c, int w, int h); +static void rotate(const Arg *arg); +static void run(void); +static void sendxembed(int c, long msg, long detail, long d1, long d2); +static void setcmd(int argc, char *argv[], int); +static void setup(void); +static void sigchld(int unused); +static void spawn(const Arg *arg); +static int textnw(const char *text, unsigned int len); +static void toggle(const Arg *arg); +static void unmanage(int c); +static void unmapnotify(const XEvent *e); +static void updatenumlockmask(void); +static void updatetitle(int c); +static int xerror(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ee); +static void xsettitle(Window w, const char *str); + +#include "patch/include.h" + +/* variables */ +static int screen; +static void (*handler[LASTEvent]) (const XEvent *) = { + [ButtonPress] = buttonpress, + [ClientMessage] = clientmessage, + [ConfigureNotify] = configurenotify, + [ConfigureRequest] = configurerequest, + [CreateNotify] = createnotify, + [UnmapNotify] = unmapnotify, + [DestroyNotify] = destroynotify, + [Expose] = expose, + [FocusIn] = focusin, + [KeyPress] = keypress, + [MapRequest] = maprequest, + [PropertyNotify] = propertynotify, +}; +static int bh, obh, wx, wy, ww, wh; +static int vbh; +static unsigned int numlockmask; +static Bool running = True, nextfocus, doinitspawn = True, + fillagain = False, closelastclient = False, + killclientsfirst = False; +static Display *dpy; +static DC dc; +static Atom wmatom[WMLast]; +static Window root, win; +static Client **clients; +static int nclients, sel = -1, lastsel = -1; +static int (*xerrorxlib)(Display *, XErrorEvent *); +static int cmd_append_pos; +static char winid[64]; +static char **cmd; +static char *wmname = "tabbed"; +static const char *geometry; + +static Colormap cmap; +static Visual *visual = NULL; + +char *argv0; + +/* configuration, allows nested code to access above variables */ +#include "config.h" + +#include "patch/include.c" + +void +buttonpress(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XButtonPressedEvent *ev = &e->xbutton; + int i, fc; + Arg arg; + + if (ev->y < 0 || ev->y > bh) + return; + + if (((fc = getfirsttab()) > 0 && ev->x < TEXTW(before)) || ev->x < 0) + return; + + for (i = fc; i < nclients; i++) { + if (clients[i]->tabx > ev->x) { + switch (ev->button) { + case Button1: + focus(i); + break; + case Button2: + focus(i); + killclient(NULL); + break; + case Button4: /* FALLTHROUGH */ + case Button5: + arg.i = ev->button == Button4 ? -1 : 1; + rotate(&arg); + break; + } + break; + } + } +} + +void +cleanup(void) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++) { + focus(i); + killclient(NULL); + XReparentWindow(dpy, clients[i]->win, root, 0, 0); + unmanage(i); + } + free(clients); + clients = NULL; + + XFreePixmap(dpy, dc.drawable); + XFreeGC(dpy, dc.gc); + XDestroyWindow(dpy, win); + XSync(dpy, False); + free(cmd); +} + +void +clientmessage(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XClientMessageEvent *ev = &e->xclient; + + if (ev->message_type == wmatom[WMProtocols] && + ev->data.l[0] == wmatom[WMDelete]) { + if (nclients > 1 && killclientsfirst) { + killclient(0); + return; + } + running = False; + } +} + +void +configurenotify(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XConfigureEvent *ev = &e->xconfigure; + + if (ev->window == win && (ev->width != ww || ev->height != wh)) { + ww = ev->width; + wh = ev->height; + XFreePixmap(dpy, dc.drawable); + dc.drawable = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, ww, wh, + 32); + + if (!obh && (wh <= bh)) { + obh = bh; + bh = 0; + } else if (!bh && (wh > obh)) { + bh = obh; + obh = 0; + } + + if (sel > -1) + resize(sel, ww, wh - bh); + XSync(dpy, False); + } +} + +void +configurerequest(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XConfigureRequestEvent *ev = &e->xconfigurerequest; + XWindowChanges wc; + int c; + + if ((c = getclient(ev->window)) > -1) { + wc.x = 0; + wc.y = bh; + wc.width = ww; + wc.height = wh - bh; + wc.border_width = 0; + wc.sibling = ev->above; + wc.stack_mode = ev->detail; + XConfigureWindow(dpy, clients[c]->win, ev->value_mask, &wc); + } +} + +void +createnotify(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XCreateWindowEvent *ev = &e->xcreatewindow; + + if (ev->window != win && getclient(ev->window) < 0) + manage(ev->window); +} + +void +destroynotify(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XDestroyWindowEvent *ev = &e->xdestroywindow; + int c; + + if ((c = getclient(ev->window)) > -1) + unmanage(c); +} + +void +die(const char *errstr, ...) +{ + va_list ap; + + va_start(ap, errstr); + vfprintf(stderr, errstr, ap); + va_end(ap); + exit(EXIT_FAILURE); +} + +void +drawbar(void) +{ + XftColor *col; + int c, cc, fc, width; + int nbh; + char *name = NULL; + char tabtitle[312]; + int by = 0; + + nbh = nclients > 1 ? vbh : 0; + if (nbh != bh) { + bh = nbh; + for (c = 0; c < nclients; c++) + XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, clients[c]->win, 0, bh, ww, wh - bh); + } + + if (nclients == 0) { + dc.x = 0; + dc.w = ww; + XFetchName(dpy, win, &name); + drawtext(name ? name : "", dc.norm); + XCopyArea(dpy, dc.drawable, win, dc.gc, 0, 0, ww, vbh, 0, by); + XSync(dpy, False); + + return; + } + + if (bh == 0) + return; + + width = ww; + cc = ww / tabwidth; + if (nclients > cc) + cc = (ww - TEXTW(before) - TEXTW(after)) / tabwidth; + + if ((fc = getfirsttab()) + cc < nclients) { + dc.w = TEXTW(after); + dc.x = width - dc.w; + drawtext(after, dc.sel); + width -= dc.w; + } + dc.x = 0; + + if (fc > 0) { + dc.w = TEXTW(before); + drawtext(before, dc.sel); + dc.x += dc.w; + width -= dc.w; + } + + cc = MIN(cc, nclients); + for (c = fc; c < fc + cc; c++) { + dc.w = width / cc; + if (c == sel) { + col = dc.sel; + dc.w += width % cc; + } else { + col = clients[c]->urgent ? dc.urg : dc.norm; + } + snprintf(tabtitle, sizeof(tabtitle), "%d: %s", + c + 1, clients[c]->name); + drawtext(tabtitle, col); + dc.x += dc.w; + clients[c]->tabx = dc.x; + } + XCopyArea(dpy, dc.drawable, win, dc.gc, 0, 0, ww, bh, 0, by); + XSync(dpy, False); +} + +void +drawtext(const char *text, XftColor col[ColLast]) +{ + int i, j, x, y, h, len, olen; + char buf[256]; + XftDraw *d; + XRectangle r = { dc.x, dc.y, dc.w, dc.h }; + + XSetForeground(dpy, dc.gc, col[ColBG].pixel); + XFillRectangles(dpy, dc.drawable, dc.gc, &r, 1); + if (!text) + return; + + olen = strlen(text); + h = dc.font.ascent + dc.font.descent; + y = dc.y + (dc.h / 2) - (h / 2) + dc.font.ascent; + x = dc.x + (h / 2); + + /* shorten text if necessary */ + for (len = MIN(olen, sizeof(buf)); + len && textnw(text, len) > dc.w - h; len--); + + if (!len) + return; + + memcpy(buf, text, len); + if (len < olen) { + for (i = len, j = strlen(titletrim); j && i; buf[--i] = titletrim[--j]); + } + else + x += (dc.w - TEXTW(buf)) / 2; // center text + + d = XftDrawCreate(dpy, dc.drawable, visual, cmap); + XftDrawStringUtf8(d, &col[ColFG], dc.font.xfont, x, y, (XftChar8 *) buf, len); + XftDrawDestroy(d); +} + +void * +ecalloc(size_t n, size_t size) +{ + void *p; + + if (!(p = calloc(n, size))) + die("%s: cannot calloc\n", argv0); + return p; +} + +void * +erealloc(void *o, size_t size) +{ + void *p; + + if (!(p = realloc(o, size))) + die("%s: cannot realloc\n", argv0); + return p; +} + +void +expose(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XExposeEvent *ev = &e->xexpose; + + if (ev->count == 0 && win == ev->window) + drawbar(); +} + +void +focus(int c) +{ + char buf[BUFSIZ] = "tabbed-"VERSION" ::"; + size_t i, n; + XWMHints* wmh; + + /* If c, sel and clients are -1, raise tabbed-win itself */ + if (nclients == 0) { + cmd[cmd_append_pos] = NULL; + for(i = 0, n = strlen(buf); cmd[i] && n < sizeof(buf); i++) + n += snprintf(&buf[n], sizeof(buf) - n, " %s", cmd[i]); + + xsettitle(win, buf); + XChangeProperty(dpy, win, wmatom[WMIcon], XA_CARDINAL, 32, + PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *) icon, ICON_WIDTH * ICON_HEIGHT + 2); + XRaiseWindow(dpy, win); + + return; + } + + if (c < 0 || c >= nclients) + return; + + resize(c, ww, wh - bh); + XRaiseWindow(dpy, clients[c]->win); + XSetInputFocus(dpy, clients[c]->win, RevertToParent, CurrentTime); + sendxembed(c, XEMBED_FOCUS_IN, XEMBED_FOCUS_CURRENT, 0, 0); + sendxembed(c, XEMBED_WINDOW_ACTIVATE, 0, 0, 0); + xsettitle(win, clients[c]->name); + + if (sel != c) { + lastsel = sel; + sel = c; + } + xseticon(); + + if (clients[c]->urgent && (wmh = XGetWMHints(dpy, clients[c]->win))) { + wmh->flags &= ~XUrgencyHint; + XSetWMHints(dpy, clients[c]->win, wmh); + clients[c]->urgent = False; + XFree(wmh); + } + + drawbar(); + XSync(dpy, False); +} + +void +focusin(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XFocusChangeEvent *ev = &e->xfocus; + int dummy; + Window focused; + + if (ev->mode != NotifyUngrab) { + XGetInputFocus(dpy, &focused, &dummy); + if (focused == win) + focus(sel); + } +} + +void +focusonce(const Arg *arg) +{ + nextfocus = True; +} + +void +focusurgent(const Arg *arg) +{ + int c; + + if (sel < 0) + return; + + for (c = (sel + 1) % nclients; c != sel; c = (c + 1) % nclients) { + if (clients[c]->urgent) { + focus(c); + return; + } + } +} + +void +fullscreen(const Arg *arg) +{ + XEvent e; + + e.type = ClientMessage; + e.xclient.window = win; + e.xclient.message_type = wmatom[WMState]; + e.xclient.format = 32; +[0] = 2; +[1] = wmatom[WMFullscreen]; +[2] = 0; + XSendEvent(dpy, root, False, SubstructureNotifyMask, &e); +} + +char * +getatom(int a) +{ + static char buf[BUFSIZ]; + Atom adummy; + int idummy; + unsigned long ldummy; + unsigned char *p = NULL; + + XGetWindowProperty(dpy, win, wmatom[a], 0L, BUFSIZ, False, XA_STRING, + &adummy, &idummy, &ldummy, &ldummy, &p); + if (p) + strncpy(buf, (char *)p, LENGTH(buf)-1); + else + buf[0] = '\0'; + XFree(p); + + return buf; +} + +int +getclient(Window w) +{ + int i; + + for (i = 0; i < nclients; i++) { + if (clients[i]->win == w) + return i; + } + + return -1; +} + +XftColor +getcolor(const char *colstr) +{ + XftColor color; + + if (!XftColorAllocName(dpy, visual, cmap, colstr, &color)) + die("%s: cannot allocate color '%s'\n", argv0, colstr); + + return color; +} + +int +getfirsttab(void) +{ + int cc, ret; + + if (sel < 0) + return 0; + + cc = ww / tabwidth; + if (nclients > cc) + cc = (ww - TEXTW(before) - TEXTW(after)) / tabwidth; + + ret = sel - cc / 2 + (cc + 1) % 2; + return ret < 0 ? 0 : + ret + cc > nclients ? MAX(0, nclients - cc) : + ret; +} + +Bool +gettextprop(Window w, Atom atom, char *text, unsigned int size) +{ + char **list = NULL; + int n; + XTextProperty name; + + if (!text || size == 0) + return False; + + text[0] = '\0'; + XGetTextProperty(dpy, w, &name, atom); + if (!name.nitems) + return False; + + if (name.encoding == XA_STRING) { + strncpy(text, (char *)name.value, size - 1); + } else if (XmbTextPropertyToTextList(dpy, &name, &list, &n) >= Success + && n > 0 && *list) { + strncpy(text, *list, size - 1); + XFreeStringList(list); + } + text[size - 1] = '\0'; + XFree(name.value); + + return True; +} + +void +initfont(const char *fontstr) +{ + if (!(dc.font.xfont = XftFontOpenName(dpy, screen, fontstr)) + && !(dc.font.xfont = XftFontOpenName(dpy, screen, "fixed"))) + die("error, cannot load font: '%s'\n", fontstr); + + dc.font.ascent = dc.font.xfont->ascent; + dc.font.descent = dc.font.xfont->descent; + dc.font.height = dc.font.ascent + dc.font.descent; +} + +Bool +isprotodel(int c) +{ + int i, n; + Atom *protocols; + Bool ret = False; + + if (XGetWMProtocols(dpy, clients[c]->win, &protocols, &n)) { + for (i = 0; !ret && i < n; i++) { + if (protocols[i] == wmatom[WMDelete]) + ret = True; + } + XFree(protocols); + } + + return ret; +} + +void +keypress(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XKeyEvent *ev = &e->xkey; + unsigned int i; + for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(keys); i++) { + if ( + ev->keycode == keys[i].keycode && + CLEANMASK(keys[i].mod) == CLEANMASK(ev->state) && + keys[i].func) + keys[i].func(&(keys[i].arg)); + } +} + +void +killclient(const Arg *arg) +{ + XEvent ev; + + if (sel < 0) + return; + + if (isprotodel(sel) && !clients[sel]->closed) { + ev.type = ClientMessage; + ev.xclient.window = clients[sel]->win; + ev.xclient.message_type = wmatom[WMProtocols]; + ev.xclient.format = 32; +[0] = wmatom[WMDelete]; +[1] = CurrentTime; + XSendEvent(dpy, clients[sel]->win, False, NoEventMask, &ev); + clients[sel]->closed = True; + } else { + XKillClient(dpy, clients[sel]->win); + } +} + +void +manage(Window w) +{ + updatenumlockmask(); + { + int i, j, nextpos; + unsigned int modifiers[] = { 0, LockMask, numlockmask, + numlockmask | LockMask }; + Client *c; + XEvent e; + + XWithdrawWindow(dpy, w, 0); + XReparentWindow(dpy, w, win, 0, bh); + XSelectInput(dpy, w, PropertyChangeMask | + StructureNotifyMask | EnterWindowMask); + XSync(dpy, False); + + for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(keys); i++) { + for (j = 0; j < LENGTH(modifiers); ++j) { + XGrabKey(dpy, keys[i].keycode, + keys[i].mod | modifiers[j], w, + True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync); + } + } + + + c = ecalloc(1, sizeof *c); + c->win = w; + + nclients++; + clients = erealloc(clients, sizeof(Client *) * nclients); + + if(npisrelative) { + nextpos = sel + newposition; + } else { + if (newposition < 0) + nextpos = nclients - newposition; + else + nextpos = newposition; + } + if (nextpos >= nclients) + nextpos = nclients - 1; + if (nextpos < 0) + nextpos = 0; + + if (nclients > 1 && nextpos < nclients - 1) + memmove(&clients[nextpos + 1], &clients[nextpos], + sizeof(Client *) * (nclients - nextpos - 1)); + + clients[nextpos] = c; + updatetitle(nextpos); + + XLowerWindow(dpy, w); + XMapWindow(dpy, w); + + e.xclient.window = w; + e.xclient.type = ClientMessage; + e.xclient.message_type = wmatom[XEmbed]; + e.xclient.format = 32; +[0] = CurrentTime; +[1] = XEMBED_EMBEDDED_NOTIFY; +[2] = 0; +[3] = win; +[4] = 0; + XSendEvent(dpy, root, False, NoEventMask, &e); + + XSync(dpy, False); + + /* Adjust sel before focus does set it to lastsel. */ + if (sel >= nextpos) + sel++; + focus(nextfocus ? nextpos : + sel < 0 ? 0 : + sel); + nextfocus = foreground; + } +} + +void +maprequest(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XMapRequestEvent *ev = &e->xmaprequest; + + if (getclient(ev->window) < 0) + manage(ev->window); +} + +void +move(const Arg *arg) +{ + if (arg->i >= 0 && arg->i < nclients) + focus(arg->i); +} + +void +movetab(const Arg *arg) +{ + int c; + Client *new; + + if (sel < 0) + return; + + c = (sel + arg->i) % nclients; + if (c < 0) + c += nclients; + + if (c == sel) + return; + + new = clients[sel]; + if (sel < c) + memmove(&clients[sel], &clients[sel+1], + sizeof(Client *) * (c - sel)); + else + memmove(&clients[c+1], &clients[c], + sizeof(Client *) * (sel - c)); + clients[c] = new; + sel = c; + + drawbar(); +} + +void +propertynotify(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XPropertyEvent *ev = &e->xproperty; + XWMHints *wmh; + int c; + char* selection = NULL; + Arg arg; + + if (ev->state == PropertyNewValue && ev->atom == wmatom[WMSelectTab]) { + selection = getatom(WMSelectTab); + if (!strncmp(selection, "0x", 2)) { + arg.i = getclient(strtoul(selection, NULL, 0)); + move(&arg); + } else { + cmd[cmd_append_pos] = selection; + arg.v = cmd; + spawn(&arg); + } + } else if (ev->state == PropertyNewValue && ev->atom == XA_WM_HINTS && + (c = getclient(ev->window)) > -1 && + (wmh = XGetWMHints(dpy, clients[c]->win))) { + if (wmh->flags & XUrgencyHint) { + XFree(wmh); + wmh = XGetWMHints(dpy, win); + if (c != sel) { + if (urgentswitch && wmh && + !(wmh->flags & XUrgencyHint)) { + /* only switch, if tabbed was focused + * since last urgency hint if WMHints + * could not be received, + * default to no switch */ + focus(c); + } else { + /* if no switch should be performed, + * mark tab as urgent */ + clients[c]->urgent = True; + drawbar(); + } + } + if (wmh && !(wmh->flags & XUrgencyHint)) { + /* update tabbed urgency hint + * if not set already */ + wmh->flags |= XUrgencyHint; + XSetWMHints(dpy, win, wmh); + } + } + XFree(wmh); + if (c == sel) + xseticon(); + } else if (ev->state != PropertyDelete && ev->atom == XA_WM_NAME && + (c = getclient(ev->window)) > -1) { + updatetitle(c); + } else if (ev->atom == wmatom[WMIcon] && (c = getclient(ev->window)) > -1 && c == sel) { + xseticon(); + } +} + +void +resize(int c, int w, int h) +{ + XConfigureEvent ce; + XWindowChanges wc; + + ce.x = 0; + ce.y = wc.y = bh; + ce.width = wc.width = w; + ce.height = wc.height = h; + ce.type = ConfigureNotify; + ce.display = dpy; + ce.event = clients[c]->win; + ce.window = clients[c]->win; + ce.above = None; + ce.override_redirect = False; + ce.border_width = 0; + + XConfigureWindow(dpy, clients[c]->win, CWY | CWWidth | CWHeight, &wc); + XSendEvent(dpy, clients[c]->win, False, StructureNotifyMask, + (XEvent *)&ce); +} + +void +rotate(const Arg *arg) +{ + int nsel = -1; + + if (sel < 0) + return; + + if (arg->i == 0) { + if (lastsel > -1) + focus(lastsel); + } else if (sel > -1) { + /* Rotating in an arg->i step around the clients. */ + nsel = sel + arg->i; + while (nsel >= nclients) + nsel -= nclients; + while (nsel < 0) + nsel += nclients; + focus(nsel); + } +} + +void +run(void) +{ + XEvent ev; + + /* main event loop */ + XSync(dpy, False); + drawbar(); + if (doinitspawn == True) + spawn(NULL); + + while (running) { + XNextEvent(dpy, &ev); + if (handler[ev.type]) + (handler[ev.type])(&ev); /* call handler */ + } +} + +void +sendxembed(int c, long msg, long detail, long d1, long d2) +{ + XEvent e = { 0 }; + + e.xclient.window = clients[c]->win; + e.xclient.type = ClientMessage; + e.xclient.message_type = wmatom[XEmbed]; + e.xclient.format = 32; +[0] = CurrentTime; +[1] = msg; +[2] = detail; +[3] = d1; +[4] = d2; + XSendEvent(dpy, clients[c]->win, False, NoEventMask, &e); +} + +void +setcmd(int argc, char *argv[], int replace) +{ + int i; + + cmd = ecalloc(argc + 3, sizeof(*cmd)); + if (argc == 0) + return; + for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) + cmd[i] = argv[i]; + cmd[replace > 0 ? replace : argc] = winid; + cmd_append_pos = argc + !replace; + cmd[cmd_append_pos] = cmd[cmd_append_pos + 1] = NULL; +} + +void +setup(void) +{ + int bitm, tx, ty, tw, th, dh, dw, isfixed; + XWMHints *wmh; + XClassHint class_hint; + XSizeHints *size_hint; + + /* clean up any zombies immediately */ + sigchld(0); + + /* init screen */ + screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); + root = RootWindow(dpy, screen); + initfont(font); + dc.h = (barheight ? barheight : dc.font.height + 2); + vbh = dc.h; + + /* init atoms */ + wmatom[WMDelete] = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); + wmatom[WMFullscreen] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN", + False); + wmatom[WMName] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_NAME", False); + wmatom[WMProtocols] = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False); + wmatom[WMSelectTab] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_TABBED_SELECT_TAB", False); + wmatom[WMState] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_STATE", False); + wmatom[XEmbed] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_XEMBED", False); + wmatom[WMIcon] = XInternAtom(dpy, "_NET_WM_ICON", False); + + /* init appearance */ + wx = 0; + wy = 0; + ww = 800; + wh = 600; + isfixed = 0; + + if (geometry) { + tx = ty = tw = th = 0; + bitm = XParseGeometry(geometry, &tx, &ty, (unsigned *)&tw, + (unsigned *)&th); + if (bitm & XValue) + wx = tx; + if (bitm & YValue) + wy = ty; + if (bitm & WidthValue) + ww = tw; + if (bitm & HeightValue) + wh = th; + if (bitm & XNegative && wx == 0) + wx = -1; + if (bitm & YNegative && wy == 0) + wy = -1; + if (bitm & (HeightValue | WidthValue)) + isfixed = 1; + + dw = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen); + dh = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen); + if (wx < 0) + wx = dw + wx - ww - 1; + if (wy < 0) + wy = dh + wy - wh - 1; + } + + XVisualInfo *vis; + XRenderPictFormat *fmt; + int nvi; + int i; + + XVisualInfo tpl = { + .screen = screen, + .depth = 32, + .class = TrueColor + }; + + vis = XGetVisualInfo(dpy, VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask | VisualClassMask, &tpl, &nvi); + for(i = 0; i < nvi; i ++) { + fmt = XRenderFindVisualFormat(dpy, vis[i].visual); + if (fmt->type == PictTypeDirect && fmt->direct.alphaMask) { + visual = vis[i].visual; + break; + } + } + + XFree(vis); + + if (! visual) { + fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find ARGB visual.\n"); + exit(1); + } + + cmap = XCreateColormap( dpy, root, visual, None); + + dc.norm[ColBG] = getcolor(normbgcolor); + dc.norm[ColFG] = getcolor(normfgcolor); + dc.sel[ColBG] = getcolor(selbgcolor); + dc.sel[ColFG] = getcolor(selfgcolor); + dc.urg[ColBG] = getcolor(urgbgcolor); + dc.urg[ColFG] = getcolor(urgfgcolor); + XSetWindowAttributes attrs; + attrs.background_pixel = dc.norm[ColBG].pixel; + attrs.border_pixel = dc.norm[ColFG].pixel; + attrs.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; + attrs.event_mask = FocusChangeMask | KeyPressMask + | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask + | ButtonMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask; + attrs.background_pixmap = None; + attrs.colormap = cmap; + + win = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, wx, wy, ww, wh, 0, 32, InputOutput, + visual, CWBackPixmap | CWBorderPixel | CWBitGravity + | CWEventMask | CWColormap, &attrs); + + dc.drawable = XCreatePixmap(dpy, win, ww, wh, 32); + dc.gc = XCreateGC(dpy, dc.drawable, 0, 0); + XMapRaised(dpy, win); + XSelectInput(dpy, win, SubstructureNotifyMask | FocusChangeMask | + ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | + PropertyChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | + SubstructureRedirectMask); + xerrorxlib = XSetErrorHandler(xerror); + + class_hint.res_name = wmname; + class_hint.res_class = "tabbed"; + XSetClassHint(dpy, win, &class_hint); + + size_hint = XAllocSizeHints(); + if (!isfixed) { + size_hint->flags = PSize | PMinSize; + size_hint->height = wh; + size_hint->width = ww; + size_hint->min_height = bh + 1; + } else { + size_hint->flags = PMaxSize | PMinSize; + size_hint->min_width = size_hint->max_width = ww; + size_hint->min_height = size_hint->max_height = wh; + } + wmh = XAllocWMHints(); + XSetWMProperties(dpy, win, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, size_hint, wmh, NULL); + XFree(size_hint); + XFree(wmh); + + XSetWMProtocols(dpy, win, &wmatom[WMDelete], 1); + + snprintf(winid, sizeof(winid), "%lu", win); + setenv("XEMBED", winid, 1); + + /* change icon from RGBA to ARGB */ + icon[0] = ICON_WIDTH; + icon[1] = ICON_HEIGHT; + for (int i = 0; i < ICON_WIDTH * ICON_HEIGHT; ++i) { + icon[i + 2] = + ICON_PIXEL_DATA[i * 4 + 3] << 24 | + ICON_PIXEL_DATA[i * 4 + 0] << 0 | + ICON_PIXEL_DATA[i * 4 + 1] << 8 | + ICON_PIXEL_DATA[i * 4 + 2] << 16 ; + } + + nextfocus = foreground; + focus(-1); +} + +void +sigchld(int unused) +{ + if (signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld) == SIG_ERR) + die("%s: cannot install SIGCHLD handler", argv0); + + while (0 < waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG)); +} + +void +spawn(const Arg *arg) +{ + if (fork() == 0) { + if(dpy) + close(ConnectionNumber(dpy)); + + setsid(); + if (arg && arg->v) { + execvp(((char **)arg->v)[0], (char **)arg->v); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: execvp %s", argv0, + ((char **)arg->v)[0]); + } else { + cmd[cmd_append_pos] = NULL; + execvp(cmd[0], cmd); + fprintf(stderr, "%s: execvp %s", argv0, cmd[0]); + } + perror(" failed"); + exit(0); + } +} + +int +textnw(const char *text, unsigned int len) +{ + XGlyphInfo ext; + XftTextExtentsUtf8(dpy, dc.font.xfont, (XftChar8 *) text, len, &ext); + return ext.xOff; +} + +void +toggle(const Arg *arg) +{ + *(Bool*) arg->v = !*(Bool*) arg->v; +} + +void +unmanage(int c) +{ + if (c < 0 || c >= nclients) { + drawbar(); + XSync(dpy, False); + return; + } + + if (!nclients) + return; + + if (c == 0) { + /* First client. */ + nclients--; + free(clients[0]); + memmove(&clients[0], &clients[1], sizeof(Client *) * nclients); + } else if (c == nclients - 1) { + /* Last client. */ + nclients--; + free(clients[c]); + clients = erealloc(clients, sizeof(Client *) * nclients); + } else { + /* Somewhere inbetween. */ + free(clients[c]); + memmove(&clients[c], &clients[c+1], + sizeof(Client *) * (nclients - (c + 1))); + nclients--; + } + + if (nclients <= 0) { + lastsel = sel = -1; + + if (closelastclient) + running = False; + else if (fillagain && running) + spawn(NULL); + } else { + if (lastsel >= nclients) + lastsel = nclients - 1; + else if (lastsel > c) + lastsel--; + + if (c == sel && lastsel >= 0) { + focus(lastsel); + } else { + if (sel > c) + sel--; + if (sel >= nclients) + sel = nclients - 1; + + focus(sel); + } + } + + drawbar(); + XSync(dpy, False); +} + +void +unmapnotify(const XEvent *e) +{ + const XUnmapEvent *ev = &e->xunmap; + int c; + + if ((c = getclient(ev->window)) > -1) + unmanage(c); +} + +void +updatenumlockmask(void) +{ + unsigned int i, j; + XModifierKeymap *modmap; + + numlockmask = 0; + modmap = XGetModifierMapping(dpy); + for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { + for (j = 0; j < modmap->max_keypermod; j++) { + if (modmap->modifiermap[i * modmap->max_keypermod + j] + == XKeysymToKeycode(dpy, XK_Num_Lock)) + numlockmask = (1 << i); + } + } + XFreeModifiermap(modmap); +} + +void +updatetitle(int c) +{ + if (!gettextprop(clients[c]->win, wmatom[WMName], clients[c]->name, + sizeof(clients[c]->name))) + gettextprop(clients[c]->win, XA_WM_NAME, clients[c]->name, + sizeof(clients[c]->name)); + if (sel == c) + xsettitle(win, clients[c]->name); + drawbar(); +} + +/* There's no way to check accesses to destroyed windows, thus those cases are + * ignored (especially on UnmapNotify's). Other types of errors call Xlibs + * default error handler, which may call exit. */ +int +xerror(Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ee) +{ + if (ee->error_code == BadWindow + || (ee->request_code == X_SetInputFocus && + ee->error_code == BadMatch) + || (ee->request_code == X_PolyText8 && + ee->error_code == BadDrawable) + || (ee->request_code == X_PolyFillRectangle && + ee->error_code == BadDrawable) + || (ee->request_code == X_PolySegment && + ee->error_code == BadDrawable) + || (ee->request_code == X_ConfigureWindow && + ee->error_code == BadMatch) + || (ee->request_code == X_GrabButton && + ee->error_code == BadAccess) + || (ee->request_code == X_GrabKey && + ee->error_code == BadAccess) + || (ee->request_code == X_CopyArea && + ee->error_code == BadDrawable)) + return 0; + + fprintf(stderr, "%s: fatal error: request code=%d, error code=%d\n", + argv0, ee->request_code, ee->error_code); + return xerrorxlib(dpy, ee); /* may call exit */ +} + +void +xsettitle(Window w, const char *str) +{ + XTextProperty xtp; + + if (XmbTextListToTextProperty(dpy, (char **)&str, 1, + XCompoundTextStyle, &xtp) == Success) { + XSetTextProperty(dpy, w, &xtp, wmatom[WMName]); + XSetTextProperty(dpy, w, &xtp, XA_WM_NAME); + XFree(xtp.value); + } +} + +void +usage(void) +{ + die("usage: %s [-dfksv] [-g geometry] [-n name] [-p [s+/-]pos]\n" + " [-r narg] [-o color] [-O color] [-t color] [-T color]\n" + " [-u color] [-U color] command...\n", argv0); +} + +int +main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + Bool detach = False; + int replace = 0; + char *pstr; + + ARGBEGIN { + case 'c': + closelastclient = True; + fillagain = False; + break; + case 'd': + detach = True; + break; + case 'f': + fillagain = True; + break; + case 'g': + geometry = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'k': + killclientsfirst = True; + break; + case 'n': + wmname = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'O': + normfgcolor = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'o': + normbgcolor = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'p': + pstr = EARGF(usage()); + if (pstr[0] == 's') { + npisrelative = True; + newposition = atoi(&pstr[1]); + } else { + newposition = atoi(pstr); + } + break; + case 'r': + replace = atoi(EARGF(usage())); + break; + case 's': + doinitspawn = False; + break; + case 'T': + selfgcolor = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 't': + selbgcolor = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'U': + urgfgcolor = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'u': + urgbgcolor = EARGF(usage()); + break; + case 'v': + die("tabbed-"VERSION", © 2009-2016 tabbed engineers, " + "see LICENSE for details.\n"); + break; + default: + usage(); + break; + } ARGEND; + + if (argc < 1) { + doinitspawn = False; + fillagain = False; + } + + setcmd(argc, argv, replace); + + if (!setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") || !XSupportsLocale()) + fprintf(stderr, "%s: no locale support\n", argv0); + if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) + die("%s: cannot open display\n", argv0); + + config_init(); + setup(); + printf("0x%lx\n", win); + fflush(NULL); + + if (detach) { + if (fork() == 0) { + fclose(stdout); + } else { + if (dpy) + close(ConnectionNumber(dpy)); + return EXIT_SUCCESS; + } + } + + run(); + cleanup(); + XCloseDisplay(dpy); + + return EXIT_SUCCESS; +} diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/xembed.1 b/suckless/tabbed/xembed.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b0c28c --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/xembed.1 @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +.TH XEMBED 1 tabbed\-VERSION +.SH NAME +xembed \- XEmbed foreground process +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B xembed +.I flag command +.RI [ "argument ..." ] +.SH DESCRIPTION +If the environment variable XEMBED is set, and +.B xembed +is in the foreground of its controlling tty, it will execute +.IP +command flag $XEMBED [argument ...] +.LP +Otherwise it will execute +.IP +command [argument ...] +.LP +.SH EXAMPLE +In a terminal emulator within a +.B tabbed +session, the shell alias +.IP +$ alias surf='xembed -e surf' +.LP +will cause `surf' to open in a new tab, unless it is run in the background, +i.e. `surf &', in which case it will instead open in a new window. +.SH AUTHORS +See the LICENSE file for the authors. +.SH LICENSE +See the LICENSE file for the terms of redistribution. +.SH SEE ALSO +.BR tabbed (1) +.SH BUGS +Please report them. diff --git a/suckless/tabbed/xembed.c b/suckless/tabbed/xembed.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cbb0e97 --- /dev/null +++ b/suckless/tabbed/xembed.c @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +/* + * See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. + */ + +#include <fcntl.h> +#include <stdio.h> +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <unistd.h> + +int +main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + char *xembed; + int tty; + pid_t pgrp, tcpgrp; + + if (argc < 3) { + fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s flag cmd ...\n", argv[0]); + return 2; + } + + if (!(xembed = getenv("XEMBED"))) + goto noembed; + + if ((tty = open("/dev/tty", O_RDONLY)) < 0) + goto noembed; + + pgrp = getpgrp(); + tcpgrp = tcgetpgrp(tty); + + close(tty); + + if (pgrp == tcpgrp) { /* in foreground of tty */ + argv[0] = argv[2]; + argv[2] = xembed; + } else { +noembed: + argv += 2; + } + + execvp(argv[0], argv); + + perror(argv[0]); /* failed to execute */ + return 1; +}